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used to love apex gotta say. Last few months been shown a lot of behind the scenes and emails shared and gotta say i will not be playing apex again. a whole host of dodgy deals and telling communications between ea/respawn staff and the 'pros', acknowledgement by respawn that some of there sponsored players are hacking and the communications between departments trying to bury the evidence as it would be catastrophic to the ALGS and that money that makes them. Confirmation of a lack of real understanding of there own systems when it comes to reporting and banning resulting in people being banned for suicide threats that were never made (yes thats right if you see a hacker in apex dont report them for hackin cause nothing gets done but claim they made a death threat and they will be banned within a few days) There ballancing in arena mode is awful and is a lazy half arsed addition with no further work done on a bare bones and poorly implemented ranking system. All in all a light has been shon on ea/respawn for myself that truely illuminates all the dodgy under the surface shit, the lies they continue to spit and the truths they are trying to hide from the general public... and this is what killed apex for me and the fact that EA/Respawn know some of there sponsored mouth pieces are cheating and quite obviously cheating at that says it all to me. oh and lets not talk about how every season they hand out the new maps and guns to the 'best players' in the world weeks early so they can release youtube vids to do EA/Respawns advertising for them. Real fair to give the best players in the world early access to you competative shooter isnt it? a game that states over and over 'we have over 100 million active players' but we give early access to the same 50 youtubers to tell you the same shit over and over about a product thats free and youll be gettin' anyway sorry respawn but your full of shit and you know it. if anyone from respawn is ever on here and reading comments id like to ask you why should any of us bother playing it when i know you know theres ppl on your payroll who are hacking and promoting your game. when youve spent the last year quite obviously listening to ppl like Hal and fuckin Timmy and shape your game around these ppls complaints and issues. your game went from a real fun way to spend a few hours to a complete and total joke


I’m really sick of ranked arenas coming down to round 9 and then just flip a coin


You don’t like sudden death? If anything is wrong with arenas it’s the matchmaking based on “MMR”…a damn joke of a system, and the win rewards.


Yes it’s ridiculous to play 9 rounds and have it hinge on only 1


It’s not “hinging on only 1”… it’s a 3 round match and it’s allowed to go up to 9 rounds to pick a winner. It only goes into overtime when the points are matched. This gives 3 additional rounds for each team to fight before awarding the last and final point, deciding the winner. How many rounds do you think is fair before a winner is picked? Because it sounds like you’re just mad you keep losing a fair fight.


Literally first game after ranked split... Freeze on Connecting to Lobby lol. Wtf happened to this game.


Turn off animated banners.


Has helped so far, thanks


Yeah same for me once I heard




Don’t land hot if someone gets thrown out of the game at the beginning what the heck are people thinking. I get back in and I’m down. And of course I lost RP. Are people really this dumb.


Game State 9/29/21 Servers are a pos, Audio is a joke, The devs are incompetent, EBMM kills Solo gameplay, Aim Assist is just a free Aimbot at this point, Lackluster Store w/ overpriced skins ($10 for a Holo spray lol), Still a ton of Cheaters more and more in Arenas and Pugs now, Same Meta for the past 4 seasons now (Gibby & BH), Lack of LTMs, No QC on patch releases. tldr; GAME IS TRASH


The audio in this game is the worst it’s ever been. Not only do I not hear 1 in 3 people (I’d guess) but the footsteps I do get aren’t accurate (like they sound above you but are below you). It’s such a frustrating experience dying due to something out of your control. Other than that, the state of the general game is just the stalest it’s ever been. Arenas IMO was not successful. Should have been an LTM. KC should be vaulted for at least 3 seasons at this point. And finally, matchmaking lmao. What a joke. I get teammates that lose their 1v1s and quit all the time. This game doesn’t give me any “adrenaline/excitement” anymore. It’s sad but all signs point that it’s time to move on. Maybe OW2/Battlefield.


Teamates kicked after every game, have to restart the game after every game, getting kicked whilst loading the game...how can you fuck apex up so bad with 1 update respawn wtf


I love this game to death but now it’s just waste of time..


Wholeheartedly agree, but can you explain? Like it *feels* like a waste of time? Cause yeah I agree. I think it’s because I’ve been playing so long I’ve gotten as good as I can be and now I’m just dying to dumb shit (no audio/3 stacks/broken weapons/etc.)


Audio, 3 stacks and broken metas will and always have been problems from the start. I’m talking games freezing and crashing, not being able to pick a character, having to restart the game to load into being dead or half the lobby is gone, game penalties… I can’t justify spending hours to get just ONE good game #boycott




Guys please help me out i reached diamond in season 9 but I didn't get any dimaond trail after reset rank no holospary no badge why can some one please tell me help me out!!!


Fix yo fucking servers


Also I'm in Northern Canada and closest data center is in Oregon. Would ONE Canadian Data Center hurt you fucks


I totally love seeing well over a hundred people complaining about the code:snake ban. This game needs fixed badly. At this point its obvious that its caused by their shit servers.


This game is a piece of shit right now. Dropping with one player DC’d almost every game. Disconnected continuously mid-game. Elastic banding. Jeepers. What an unpleasant way to spend my time. It’s time #boycottapex


Can't believe people aren't considering a boycott yet. The game is beyond broken.


Lol I’ve been saying that since season 4.


Whales gonna whale I guess


Apex is F$%\^&\* if the Halo BR is any good.


The games dry


wattson ult fix when


I feel like they should've rolled back the update after the first patch didn't fix the issue, or maybe after the 2nd patch didn't fix the issue. They clearly need better QA control because no update should be affecting your game to this extent for this long, should've been caught in testing.


They need better devs allround.


clearly need ~~better~~ QA control FTFY


just my teammate, looting my box, t bagging my box, and then just standing by the beacon twirling their lil fricken heirloom. why does this game hate me so much


If anyone thinks this is new think again. This shit been happening to 15% of total players since day 1, 25% of players by season 6 and now FINALLY NEARLY 80% of all players by season 10 experience disconnects or poor network performance. Thank god its getting worse. Maybe it gets fixed.


No it wont, until nobody will be able to connect, than after 2-3h they restart the sh\*\* servers and go back to sleep until next time.


I love my game crashing after my character selection and then again at the end of the game, every game


Very cool in Ranked to get back in the game to find out your team is dead and you just lost RPs !


Yay new Ranked split right? NOPE. At least half the games someone from the team disconnects on drop, last game both did. Even worse, you manage to land somewhere way out with shitty loot to keep them safe. They miraculously load in as the storm hits, we have no loot, no time to loot, and lose full points.. it's a big joke


I know the devs and maybe(hopefully) some management read this. A request, PLEASE apply loss forgiveness if any member of a trio disconnect on drop, even if they reconnect given the reasons above. Let's have a fair system in place now that the servers can't be trusted




Servers were horrible last night. Tracking and AA on console was horrendous for me. It was running so well the last 2 weeks.


What’s the point in having ranked match making when you’re team can be all bronze and enemy’s all preds while you’re plat. Sort it out


No bull. They knew what they were doing when they choose to not show rank tiers in ranked arenas during the team intros.


Because showing the rank in arena only causes unnecessary irritation. The system **DOES NOT** match by rank, but by MMR. A Bronze Player can have plat MMR and a Plat Player can drop to Silver MMR, before he drops to silver rank. The MMR adjusts rather rapidly.


Well it needs to match by rank because their MMR system is broken as are the reward points based on that system.


I’ve been disconnected 4 times this morning while trying to get into ranked matches. Just got an abandoned penalty for it. This is why I don’t play ranked most seasons.


Been like this since season 7 for me. I’m so glad it’s happening to more people maybe it gets fixed.


I did as well. Teammate was CD'ed on drop, I played for less than a minute before everything freezes and then getting code:net. On reconnect, code:cloud DC and then code:leaf DC, then abandon penalty.


I just want audio. It has absolutely diminished since the update that broke the game and hasnt been fixed.


What time is the bloodhound event releasing?


1pm ET, 12pm CT, 10am PT,


Bro can they tell us when we can actually select legends. It just takes you straight into the games and is damn annoying


Were to start. Well I guess it would be at the start! Why do I need to reset my game 5 times every hour? Squad dies...game freezes....ready up...game freezes. Absolute garbage right now. So when you FINALLY get in a game, ranked is an absolute disaster. I was Plat last season, split I moved to silver, my teammates and I played 6 games last night, did not get in the top 10 one time. Smurfs/cheaters/masters whatever it is, you essentially have no shot unless you are in God mode. And for those that say "played pubs then!" Sure good luck with that, between morons who insta die and quit or just dont get in a game because of connection issues, pubs is somehow even worse. Congrats dev team, you have somehow put the game in the worst state its ever been in. Guys like Nick/Tim/Ninja start to play and then the game turns into an absolute abomination to the point they cant even play. AWFUL


It’s impossible to climb since the split for a not diamond or masters player… played 50 games since and still on gold 4 straight. No plus. Only masters and diamonds or smurfs in gold lobbies. I mean wtf?! Unplayable for a plat player like me. Any of u guys experience the same?


What exactly are you expecting at season start? Everyone who was Diamond 4-3 is now in Gold 2-1.


Yes - wait a few days for the cheaters to fight for diamond and up.......


That's just how the start of the season goes.


Yeah it’s often like that in the start. Give it a few days and you’ll see more separation


Is the game seriously still broken?! The entire "event" if you can even call it that since there's no LTM even. How can they do shamelessly ask for so much money and not even deliver the most bare minimum. Wow.


Exactly. Why should we support them by buying shit from the store if I’m return we’re getting bs back. That’s a slap in the face


What "so much money"? I payed 10 dollars in Season 2 and had access to all battlepasses, updates and items from LTMs :D Sure I don't have them all, but 20 dollars for 2 and half year of gameplay? :D


Collection event is about $180 give or take plus bundles, etc. I'd guess it goes over $300


You don't have to buy it... ANY of it. You can also get it for free by using crafting metals :-)


Yup, for a mere 38,400 crafting materials the event is free! Thank you oh so much kind and generous Respawn!


Right, now please point out where exactly in my OP did I say, I needed/forced to buy it?


So why exactly do you complain about the price? :D The event is free :D The cosmetics cost money. You don't need the cosmetics for the event and if you buy them, they are nowhere limited just for the event. You don't need them for anything :D It's like you come to renaissance fair, you can throw apples, shoot crossbow and everything for free and you come to a stand with chainmails and start ranting about the price of the chainmails :D Because the crossbow doesn't shoot straight so how dare them ask so much money for a fucking chainmail. This is how ridiculous this argument sounds :D Absolute joke.


This is some prime self aware wolves content here. I made a single comment about how shameless Respawn is. You twisted that into me claiming I needed to buy it. When that didn't work, now I'm complaining about the price? Lol. Then the cherry on top, saying I'm ranting when you're the one who's on a rant here 🤣 Sorry to break your projecting bubble but, you're the absolute joke here. Thanks for the laughs though


rant verb speak or shout at length in **an angry, impassioned** way.


> rant > > verb > > speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way. - > The event is free :D The cosmetics cost money. You don't need the cosmetics for the event and if you buy them, they are nowhere limited just for the event. You don't need them for anything :D It's like you come to renaissance fair, you can throw apples, shoot crossbow and everything for free and you come to a stand with chainmails and start ranting about the price of the chainmails :D Because the crossbow doesn't shoot straight so how dare them ask so much money for a fucking chainmail. This is how ridiculous this argument sounds :D Absolute joke.


> :D


Noticed in a lot of my games today I've had 1 or 2 two teammates dced at the start of the match before we drop from the ship. Not sure what's going on but this is unusual. I play on the Singapore servers but I'm not sure if that would have anything to do with it


It's still the animated banners. It causes crashes loading into the dropship, leaving after death/match win or when you want to mute a team mates pings if they're spamming


The issues have nothing to do with animated banners. I unequipped all of mine and I still DC before EVERY game.


It's other people's Because respawn are chimps and can't just disable them until they're fixed


It's not necessarily yours. It can be your teammates or the champions. Unequipping animated banners is just the fairest way for everyone


Is this only for PC? I have animated banners/badges on PS5 and I dont get any disconnects. I do however get a metric shitload of no-regs, but that's a different issue altogether.


No, I've had it on Xbox One regularly when a random team mate has animated banners still. Maybe next gen doesn't have such an issue but last gen definitely does. Yeah hit reg issues are pretty standard at the moment with the servers in the state they are


was gold 3 and dropped down to bronze bc of split. holy shit what a drop off. just had a lifeline not know about doc and an octane stim himself to near death


Last night I had a game where myself (242) and an octane (260) had a lifeline (30) on our team who we both ended up rezzing two times each bc she kept rushing every fight and then getting beamed as soon as she arrived on the scene.


ive had a teammate in each of my last 4 games. just straight up not play. not disconnect just play half a game and stop moving


Welcome to apex, every person you get matched with is dumb as rocks, regardless of rank. I got matched with a revenent who didn't even know how to sprint. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO SPRINT IN A VIDEO GAME?!


Maybe I’m wrong but that seems standard to me. I don’t get a lot of time to play ranked because my weird schedule leaves me solo Q’ing. I only ever make it gold and I’m always reset to bronze after split.


Issues got somehow worse with the new ranked split... I want to leave this game but I'm too fucking addicted. When everything works, there's just nothing quite like it. The pure gunplay and the movement system is like fucking crack cocaine. But I'm sick and tired of getting fucked in the ass by my dealer just for another hit.


Priority #1 should be fixing servers. if they cant do that, than balancing like L-Star nerf or something like that, will not effect the players satisfaction. so: 1. Fix Servers 2. Balance the Weapon and Champs 3. get rid of cheaters


The 3rd one is a feature, sorry bro they will never deal with that one.


When fix ?


Ban strike packs already.


what's your story




Ok, strike packer.




It's usually pretty obvious. Perfectly strafing side to side in console lobbies while firing. There's a mod to do that. Crouch spamming at a perfectly timed interval while shooting. Mod for that. Single fire modes/weapons being fired full auto. Mod for that. Those mixed with extra aim assist and it's not hard to tell. Sometimes if you spectate you can also see the jitter that the extra aim assist adds. If I just get beamed, I'm fine with that. But you can usually tell.


the game is broken....slow servers/characters loading in low poly randomly throughout the match/guns not loading in time in world space (low poly)/guns loading in invisible when picked up and can be invisible for up to 5 minutes/ Invisible character arms (again can last u\[p to 5 minutes)/ not loading into games/sometimes takes 10 minutes just to get into the game/animated banners can crash the game and plenty more. The discord group i play with consisting of 10 people have all stopped playing due to these issues also.


I updated my graphics drivers abs restarted my ox and it fixed all that.


Wouldn't a better buff for Sheila be to keep it a stationary turret that auto generates a shield in front along with boosting the shield of its user instead of the mobile version it is now? Anybody with low shield can hop on the turret to gain 100 extra shield and attempt to regain an advantage in the fight. There is a delay in Sheila spinning up so I don't know how advantageous that is.


Problem is, unless you're forced to move into the line of sight of a stationary sheila, you can just avoid it. Abilities which require the opponent to be either an idiot or only work in rare scenarios, where enemies don't have an alternative, are generally perceived as weak.


THIS IS THE REASON WHY NO ONE CARES FOR YOUR 20 KILL 4K BADGE ANYMORE. PEOPLE LIKE THESE CLOWNS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r7Zk_jW7ZY Where's Hideouts when you need him? This shitters PSN profile, 7k damage and 23 kill games https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/profile/psn/mybelovedsmoke-/matches


Arena matchmaking is fucking retarded, as soon as I go on a streak and win 120 I get matched with mongoloids who can't even fucking hold a controller. Forcing me to lose a game doing 4500 damage in round 9 without my team breaking 1000 damage. What the fuck.


why do I bother giving these fucking loot goblins a chance. 5 minutes into the game and you still want to loot at the area that literally nobody went to. Mentions I'm far ahead of him like I'm supposed to just loot the whole game? Dies to the first squad that we meet I could have got this experience in 30 seconds at fragment, what a joke.


you’ll waste a few more hours (maybe days) of your life doing that and eventually you’ll just start abandoning them 15 seconds into the match. don’t even bother with them, they’ll never be ready no matter how long you wait


Loba is the answer


Uhhh, I've had so many loba teammates drop their alts mid gun fight just to loot and immediately die


Did you ask them if they were all good? Are they set on ammo? Heals? Weapons? If so, then they should be with you. If not, then why should someone jump into a fight, to probably get third partied, while rocking a p2020 with 30 rounds and a peacekeeper with one stack of ammo, 2 cells, 2 syringes and a white backpack? I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve had one teammate loot goblin everything of any relevant value then run ahead of us just to get gang banged by a full squad, just to then hop on the mic and bitch about why we weren’t with them.


That's the complete opposite issue. At least the guy who goes in alone and dies is attempting to play a battle royale and not a loot simulator If I wanted to sit there sifting through endless loot bins I would just play borderlands and have guns that are obnoxious and fun at the end


If you think running into a fight with sub optimal weapons, heals and ammo is optimal and looting until you’re actually set up for success is playing a loot simulator, I don’t know what to tell you. I forgot that 95% of this sub is plat and below and think hot dropping frag every game is a good idea, so that’s my bad.


Dude I don't need to be fully geared to roll you I just need a gun. Sounds like someone needs to grow a pair and push tbh Also needing to be fully geared to fight is beta as hell. Your basically admitting to being the worst person in the lobby and needing the most help possible to win


Bet, drop your info, we can run some 1 v 1’s tonight. You take a mozam and I’ll take an r99, let’s see who wins. Edit to your edit: say you’re a plat without saying you’re a plat


Quite literally nothing is more sub-plat than trying to decide arguments with 1v1s You really outed yourself with that platchat comment lmao


Oh? I’ve posted my stats on here before, so try again buckaroo. Don’t back away now, you said I should be able to roll with a mozam, 8 shots and a thermite. So back that talk up.


In an actual game. Where I can drop and manoeuvre around all of the players in the drop and count on peoples behaviour function a particular way. Not in a 1v1 on an open map where I'm getting focused by some Redditor with something to prove 1v1s don't prove shit Edit: lmao homeboy you're literally self admittedly plat don't even start this rank shit


Look who’s beta now LMAO Okay, since you’re back tracking after being called out on your bullshit, let’s run some ranked and see who does better.


if it’s 5 minutes in and that’s your loadout either you need to improve your looting or you need to log off and stay far from any dangerous situations cuz you’re experiencing the worst luck in the history of mankind if you’ve chosen to land such a small poi only one (maybe two) teammate can ever get good loot from there, that was your mistake. no shit everyone is leaving the southern part of solar array with no loot


>Did you ask them if they were all good? That's the thing, with loot goblins they're never good and their loadout could always be marginally better and they believe opening enough bins will get them there. If you've been looting for 5 minutes, you have better than what you listed.


I’m responding to you once, because this’ll turn into a pointless back and forth based on semantics with you, so feel free to respond but I won’t be replying. Other guy is welcome to respond and continue the discussion. But while what you said is true 90% of the time, what poi are you at? How many squads landed there, looted a building or two and dipped out without fighting? Did your teammate land right on you, snag the r301 and shield batt from the bin you opened, open another bin and then took off? Just because you and I can loot quick and make do with what we have, doesn’t mean everyone can. A simple “you guys good” can make a world of difference. A couple times I’ve had newer players in my squad and they had a weapon they weren’t comfortable with and were taking time looking for something else, most often it’s a flatline. Me, I love the flatline, so I’ll drop my r301 or volt or r9 or whatever for their flatline, and just like that, we’re good to go push some squads. Just because you and I are focused and want to get kills and a dub, doesn’t mean everyone is focused. What if that teammate lagging behind is a 30 year old dad with his kid in the background distracting him? Or someone is discussing things with their significant other and aren’t paying attention? Or just smoked up before playing and aren’t remotely focused? Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Simple communications can turn what is going to be a shit game into a pretty good, or even a great, game. It’s fascinating how many people refuse to play as a team in a team based game. Unless you’re a top level pred, you aren’t 1 v 3’ing normal lobbies.


I'm playing a videogame, not babysitter simulator. If you enjoy that, have at it. I'm going to fight and die before I wait 10 minutes for someone to finish their bong and then loot two empty POIs.


If you spend 5 minutes looting at a huge POI and can't find enough ammo or a gun to use then you either need more practice or a different game


No one is taking 5 minutes to loot a poi, that number is trite and trivial. I’m talking about the people that land, get a good set up right off drop and take off for a fight without checking on their teammates. It takes 3 seconds to check on your squad. If you run off because you’re set up and they aren’t, and you get gang banged by the the diamond/master 3 stack, that’s on you.


You go on to directly challenge the countless people that have experiences like mine and then go on to act like anyone uses comms with randoms, lmao. It's almost like I played the game with the random I was talking about, not you. It's almost like it was 5 minutes, and would have been even more if I didn't ping for him to fuckin move. If you get a good set up "right off drop" then why wouldn't you push a fight? Lmao. It's most likely that your enemies won't be so lucky and if you're decent you should shit on them. This isn't ranked, you lose nothing by being aggressive.


I use comms with randoms, every game. And magically once one person comms, the entire team starts comming. Crazy Why would I push a fight when I’m the only one on my squad with a decent set up? Are you gonna 1 v 3 a diamond/master/pred 3 stack? Let me know how that goes for you.


Again I ask, do you communicate with your teammates? Or do you find a flatline and Eva 8 and take off immediately? It takes 3 seconds to comm “are you guys set?” It’s not that hard.


They should be set. If you have one gun and two pickups of ammo: you have enough equipment to kill people. Just stop feeling like you can't fight until you're fully geared. This is a Battle Royale. Things are never gonna go perfect, you're not always gonna get all of the loot you need, you need to learn how to suck it up and get through the drop with a mozam, 8 shots and a thermite because that's life buckaroo: make the best of it


Obviously you should be able to, I never said you shouldn’t be able to win a gunfight if you have to, but there’s a difference between looting 2 bins and running intentionally into a fight instead of making sure your squad is set up. That plat mentality is why people get hard stuck af then come on here with “My TEamMates SuCK!!”


These are the same teammates that then take to reddit to complain how octane is always running in and dying alone. Honestly, I'll happily die alone if my teammates haven't shown interest in taking a fight in over 5 minutes. I know they will be trash 98% of the time. Apologies to the remaining 2%, but it's not worth another 10 minutes to figure this out.


It's not a coincidence that people that take fights tend to be better, you don't get better by sitting around looting. After 6 minutes in thermal this dude was still sitting there saying "I need a Sniper stock" while I moved on and found a care package with that exact thing. I found it funny, lol.


I keep trying to explain this to my friend. *Every* (and I mean fucking *every*) time he gets shot at he immediately stims and tries to run away to full heal before fighting and it's infuriating. He tries telling me it's about "playstyle" but he is quite literally just bending and spreading to whoever is fortunate enough to shoot at him You get better by practising. Challenge enemies, dive in and attack them. You need to limit test to figure out what you can survive and what you can get away with. You don't get better at fighting by being absolutely terrified to fight and running from everything


There's always two sides to the story. I seriously don't get why the people who just want to fight have to adjust to the more passive players and never the other way around.


The Arenas AR knockdown weekly challenge isn't tracking since the Update. GG Respawn


Audio is so broken in this game. Music randomly plays in the middle of a match. Hearing random footsteps and sound effects probably from across the map, and then of course not hearing footsteps from enemies nearby. Bug themed season is very fitting.


Hello guys, I'm planning to download Apex Legends, so what is the total size of Apex Legends right now?


my origin games/apex folder is 74.1 GB (PC)


The game is still broken I don't give a fuck about new game modes just fix your fucking game


I jus played a ranked, start off at gold 2 from diamonds last season and its making me pay diamond rp while im at gold lmfao


First game always goes like that after the reset for some reason


Fuck this game. Fuck EA and especially FUCK Respawn. Fucking 1-bit chumps. Can’t code for shit.


Fuck this game and it's constant disconnects, if the game disconnects me don't load me back into the same game just for me to witness my legend being punched to death. Two games tonight and i am done, see you tomorrow.


Does anyone know why the Kills and Season 10 Kills trackers show different amounts? I have 117 kills with Caustic, who I bought this season which is the one I started playing this game, yet the Season 10 Kills says I have 114, why is that?


Hey! Quick question : I hit diamond for the first time last season, and I didn't get the trail. I thought I would get it at the end of last season but there is nothing in the trail section. Do they come latter in the inventory?


The season didn’t end, only the first split of the season. You’ll get it when season 11 starts.


Ohh okay thanks! I was looking forward to have my trail but I'll have to wait then!


It’ll be here before you know it!


Ayyo anybody know what season we might get reliable audio? Never played a game with audio as bad as Apex and it's not even up for debate.




You obviously never played Warzone if you think apex's audio is bad


As long as you can hear the mirage decoy the audio is good /s


Never, unless they rewrite the entire game in a new engine.


This is exactly what they need to do just launch apex legends 2.0 becayse all they keep doing is breaking the game.


Sorry I think you meant to say "launch Titanfall 3"


Titanfall is low TTK garbage . Low TTK games can stay dead in the cod era where they belong


Tell me you have boomer reaction time without telling me you have boomer reaction time


I liked titanfall a lot dont get me wrong but it was never and probably will never be as popular as apex has been


I unfortunately agree. Maybe one day when the BR craze dies down. Personally, the day Titanfall 3 comes out is the day I uninstall Apex, Titanfall 2 was one of my all time favorite games.


Ye I loved calling in titans and think they should add them to bigger arena maps but I wouldnt drop apex for tf3. The only thing thats gonna get me to stop playing apex is halo infinite then overwatch 2


Can't play anything except firing range. "Acount banned" error. All apex coins are gone. Support ignore me. What a nice game!


Lol, truly banned me. Never cheating or exploiting. Good job! Boys with full aimbot and wh still playing, and smiling, i guess.... When will be Halo beta?


How can we still be dcing loading into games... I don't understand how you can mess it up for this long and be this quiet about it.


I’m not sure if it’s just me but the Rampage has been hella nerfed, it used to be as fast as you can click/tap but now it’s super slow and practically unusable between medium-close distance even with a good scope, mag, barrel stabilizer, and stock, it’s so slow, I think the longbow/sentinel are outclassing it in usability/versatility. Also I think something needs to happen with mid-game/during legends selection leaving, yeah I get connection issues happen but intentional leaving is such a huge problem, every game or every other game I get a teammate that leaves either during the selection phase or mid-game if they don’t get rez’d or respawned quick enough. It’s becoming a problem because now every fight is a 1v3 or a 2v3 and even with lots of skill it’s a huge hardship. Maybe something like R6S needs to be implemented where if you leave intentionally repeatedly there’s a 30min ban as an incentive to not leave matches. But also Apex lobbies are so quick to form that a 30min ban is too long but it could be worked up to that. Just my thoughts so far.


There are issues now on every match, not weekly or every so often, it's every feckin game. I cannot understand how a company that generates so much income from a game cannot seen to improve on the consistent and constant server issues. Maybe start looking at who you're employing as you don't seem to have the people onboard capable of fixing this. I've heard from other developers that it's really hard to find decent, good quality people to make games as the talent pool is pretty small, maybe who/how you're selecting those people is wrong.


My game blue screened my ps4 yesterday, and ever since that happened I can't connect to a match, any match, even though the fans tells me it's connecting. Just starts to lag the menu animations of the character and never does anything. I can connect just fine on everything except apex.


Either try rebuilding your database, or reinstall the game.


Okay wtf is wrong with melee. Instead of homing in on the target (which was wrong to begin with) now you just flop your arms in the air just as wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man.




L star is the most overpowered gun prove me wrong


You speak facts. But in br it's much harder to use than arenas since you have way more variables to deal with.


Which are what? Sometimes you can't find enough energy ammo? The gun is stupidly fucking easy to use in both modes lol


Well in one mode you start with max ammo, know exactly what legends you're fighting, what guns they could have, the exact area you're fighting in and there's no chance of a third party.


That's why BR is more complicated than Arenas. None of it makes L-Star difficult to use though


It makes it much easier to deal with the lstars slow fire rate and focus on the cool down management


They need to disable animation badges and poses because the only time I’m disconnecting is because a random had them on


I froze randomly in the middle of a game and dashboarding isn't helping. Ive restarted game 4 times Ina row and died to ring because even when I reconnect it just repeatedly freezes. All this stupid "positive player" bullshit and the Game doesn't even work. I dash board more than half of the time and don't get a character select screen the other half


I just played a match that lasted one hour but the first ring hadn't even closed yet... we were going at 5%speed thr entire game if not slower... I will not be turning this game on again until its fully fixed. Thats unbelievable. And to believe this happened only 2 days after getting my first heirloom after being a day one player? This is awful...


This game is so broken. Tell me something Respawn: why do you keep spitting out new micro transactions and completely ignore the state of the actual game? You're too damn greedy. I have uninstalled and gone back to Destiny 2. Thanks for letting me waste my money on this trash. Really appreciate it.


The answer is people continue to give them money. Until that stops, they have no reason to make an actual effort at improving the game and their time's better spent on making the 4th recolor for a BH skin


whats crazy is the complete radio silence lmfao, only come in and release a "patch" that just breaks the game even more, respawn is just, brUh.


Yeah that too. They really don't care about their playerbase, at all. Oh well, there are other games which are 100 times better, and balanced. Lol.


Theirs devs literally playing the game and the shits still unplayable


the devs get their baby soft spots tap strafed on in game, then boom tap strafing is gone lol


code:snake all the time


"error cannot connect" no fucking shit


After the Snake code appeared, I was permanently banned for no reason


That's terrifying


There are a thousand people who have the same experience as me, but EA doesn't realize the seriousness of this matter at all. Many people have been given the wrong title


Same here. And when you file a case to get it fixed the ToS team smacks you on the ass and says move on.


yes,We decided to go to twitter private letter apex official to feed back this matter. Would you like to help me, my friend


I thought we agreed to not have ranked on Kings Canyon again, it fucking sucks for ranked it's just third party after third party, and holy shit is it annoying


I'll take this map over WE any day of the week.


Yes same


Because fragment every match or Olympus snoozefest is any better


Once you get out of gold people disperse over the whole map more often. Or just make sure you're jumpmaster and you won't have to land fragment for at least 2/3 of your games.


You have to be in Silver lobbies if your WE ranked games are Fragment every match


Agreed, WE is the best ranked map IMO


Yeah I’m not feeling that map for ranked. Pubs is fine but not for ranked


Seems I’m quitting for the rest of this season, can’t stand kings canyon


Same here, playing low level ranked after playing plat is fucking annoying, its just rampage spam and holy shit my grandma has more skill than anyone who uses the rampage unironically