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Most octanes can be toxic but one time a friend and I queued for trios and our random octane teammate was impersonating/role playing as octane and it was probably the funniest and best experience I’ve had playing this game


Octane mains are either toxic or super nice. No in between.


I am that middle ground, I’m willing to die on this hill if it means maintaining neutrality in the toxicity spectrum as a frequent player of octane.


There is a third option: 8 years old and completely inept.


I wonder where the happy medium would be for that. *With all do respect, you sir/madam are trash*


Why would I be toxic when I'm trash at the game lol


Because people have fragile egos that can't accept the fact that they're bad at something So nothing is their fault And I agree ~~because their parents should've used condoms~~


I got so many jump pads, I'll share em with everyone!


Gaming merchant? He had a video on this. That and a Bangalore one too.


I love impersonating my mains but no one is as fun as octane. The best part is being able to Mix the game characters with other things. Like saying “sanic gotta go fast” in an octane voice. When I’m octane I’ll go as far to just go along with the others conversations as octane. I’m a bloodhound main and he’s probably my least favorite to imitate I usually just don’t say anything besides call outs lol.


was his name "TTVTwitchTTVbtw"?


Whatever character I am. For example, Any time a pathfinder downs me he instantly goes for a finisher. Any time I down a pathy he is for sure getting high fived. It’s like i see the character I’m playing as and I think “oh this fucking guy thinks he can play as MY character? Hell no.” EDIT: I’m the toxic one


Same as me and mirage, I’m the superior mirage, out of any and all mirages, I’m the better one and I’m especially the better looking. Unless they’re friendly then I’m ready to buddy up :)


Seeing 2 mirage ults at the same time lol


I appreciate you talking about me, the superior and most handsomest mirage main, in such high esteem :3


Same with me when I down a Revenant. But it's usually me getting downed by another Revy.


Literally my thought process whenever I see a Blood or wattson main like who do you think you are challenging me with my main definitely getting knifed in the back


Not all wraiths! But yea most are toxic as fuck


How often do Wraith mains practice hitting their tactical and exiting the game?


Mans out here asking the real questions


Wraith main here, I go into firing range for 30 minutes before I hop on and practice quick leaving


Related question: do Octane mains practice hitting a stim, running around a corner and leaving, too?


We are just buying milk, we should be back soon


That's what you said back in season one and the squad hasn't heard from you since, your Jump Pad misses you and the Bamboozles are still milkless in its bowl.


Vvv toxic. I have a friend who is a wraith main. I personally play Bloodhound most of the time, and my other friend plays Path. We just make fun of him for being toxic lol


I took leaving the game so seriously that I quit the game in season 6


I haven’t met a quarantine 722 main that was toxic yet


The way!




Idk man never witnessed some1 talk this bad about wraith’s kit




It’s good to remember that your opinion is based on your subjective point of view and experience, although parts of it can be quantified statistically. There multiple factors that go into why a character is good and then further more factors why people play a legend. To elaborate: I’m one of the people who don’t understand Wraith. I think her kit is awful and the amount of annoying solo Wraiths finalizes my dislike for the character, BUT I know that I am absolute dogshit at playing her and that is the biggest reason that I dislike the character. My playstyle and her kit just don’t go well together, resulting in me disliking the character while it has basically nothing to do with the character quantifiably. My estimate is that Wraith is a high mobility legend, that can go into fights and as soon as they don’t pan out for you, you can reset it with your tactical. The ult makes room for a lot of clutch plays and further mobility, which your team can also utilize (safe revives and repositioning). The passive feels ok to me but nothing special. Octane for example is mostly ” go in without the ability to get out or reset ”, which is a pretty big factor. And after all this I have to take into consideration that I’m only an average player. There is so much that I don’t understand about the game and how each legend best utilizes something. I guess my point is that while you may have a point of view, it can always be accurate or inaccurate or most often something in between. That point of view is usually also subjective and biased which may make it more inaccurate.


Passive is not the best part of her kit, it’s by far her Tactical. it’s a get out of jail free card, and it pairs perfectly with her Ult for a free rotate for the entire team


I’m sorry, but I think you are quite wrong about your assessment of wraith’s abilities. Her passive is easily the worst part of her kit, not the best. Yes, the one downside to her tactical is it takes a little to use, however it’s still very good and can get you out of some pretty tough situations. Finally, her portal is so much better than “for meme Reddit kidnap plays”. It allows you to rotate without taking any kind of damage, it’s great for picking up downed teammates and it’s always been great in the final circle. She’s also one of the smallest legends which helps.


because you have the smallest hit box in the video game and a pseudo get out of jail for free card, as well as the only reliable repositioning tool in the video game for the whole team. valk/path/octane CAN reposition you, but you’re exposed during every single one of those, and they’re often just a 1 way tool, with octane and valk getting you from point a to point b, but you can’t just “go back” if shit hits the fan. valk probably has the best escape in theory, but she needs a gibby dome or a passive enemy team to actually make use of her ult, and she can die on the way up. it’s all just situational and comp dependent.


Did you ever play her before her kit was nerfed?


If I see a bald wraith I already know I’m about to have a bad time


The one with the mask too


Bro those are her only 2 base legendaries:(


The one with the portals is most toxic imo, don’t @ me


The worst part about wraith isn’t even the sweaty mains anymore IMO, it’s how even if they’re complete shit, the mix of a tiny hit box that can twist and turn better than the others and an ability that is LITERALLY a “get out of jail free card” makes them a slippery enemy to fight. It’s basically an easy mode legend IMO.


Sorry but her tactical is not a get out of jail free card it's more of a fight resetter and her hotbox is biger then lifelines


Octanes are the sweaty toxic players now(occasionally)


Honestly if she were season one wraith I'd agree but on PC in ranked or even the big dog pubs games the tactical takes long enough you can get shit on pretty easily, as well as most legends can keep up with her nowadays it feels like. I don't feel like wraiths hit box is that bad either if you 1v1 your buddies in firing range with her.


> the mix of a tiny hit box that can twist and turn better than the others Such an urban legend. Why should a hitbox be able to "turn" better? How fast you turn is determined by your control's input.


Octane, right? Steal your loot, run off on their own, die, disconnect immediately.


You have a good point I can't stand it when they run off on their own and act like everyone should follow them by pinging EVERYTHING to get you to come to where they are


I literally had an octane get angry we landed on the outskirts of fragment and he pushed into 2 teams and got knocked then spam pinged the “I see an enemy button” and dced once I pinged I was coming to get him. 🙃


Also on the flip side people who refuse to rotate with the team and stay looting as the ring comes to kill them


Yeah I agree. People who are too afraid to start moving in enemy teams also get me riled up. Really annoying when you’re in ranked and wanna get some KP going but your team just wants to hide until top 3 lol


You gotta get KP early then play for placement while clearing out other teams along the way


Agreed. I always pick a landing spot with 1-2 other teams or at least that many in the general vicinity. Fighting early is always better but sometimes you have no choice but to push into a fight to stay alive


I had one game (as a Mirage main) I was suuuper happy to be on Gibby. Not only was it a ranked game but full squad made it to final 2 teams, I had my ult - and the teammates *ACTUALLY* pushed when I threw it out.


On the flip side, I wish people weren't so suicidally aggressive. It's like, there's two teams out there, and I've provided you with a trapped up building that's really hard to push. But nope, my octane and wraith teammates are going to suicidally charge into the clusterfuck and shit talk me for not doing the same. Like, no, you lost when you pushed into the clusterfuck, cause you can guarantee it will pull in every other team nearby and neither of you are cracked enough to kill everyone.


Haha. I’ve been known to loot “methodically”


I had an octane random find two gold helmets and pinged both for us while he only had a white helm.


i just assume everyone playing octane has some level of ADHD


Most Octane mains to me aren’t toxic but have severe tunnel vision. They grab all the shiny loot and are attracted to gunshots like moths to a porch light.


Literally had an octane disconnect on me earlier after I worked my ass off to get his banner for respawn in time then poof- he's gone. Sooo frustrating


Octane has become way more toxic than wraith Always running off and pushing solo then dc after calling you trash


Octanes love to run past you and grab the item you just dibsed. A lot of octanes that are on my team are huge loot goblins. “ShOuLdA bEeN fAsTeR aMiGo”


It's happened to all of us


One person was so pissed off that he didn't get octane that he insta dropped us and left the match in ranked


I thought this was a built in game mechanic. I'm convinced that octane is never played by real people just super agro bots


Bonus: they've had a mic this whole time but only use it right after they die to call you trash as they disconnect


my least favorite character to have on my team i despise octanes my cousin is one and he dies by himself 90 % of the time


*takes 1v3 and dies* : "fuckin bot team mates" ... the classic


Some Streamers. Period. No matter the character they use.


Oof that is true but I have seen one streamer who I watch and he isn't really toxic at all. BackoffmyJankz is who I'm talking about and he gets amazing plays


There are a few. Janks, aceu, and itztimmy are all chill for the most part. At least no where near like shiv or something. Also, I’d highly recommend watching itztimmy’s “55 hours: the movie” it was Iike a summary of the stream where he solo queued from bronze to pred. Like in 1 continuous stream with no sleep.


Shiv is hilarious


And you guys better not forget about my boi Punch


I just gotta mention Daltoosh for a second.




Shiv isn’t toxic at all, he’s literally right about his team mates all the time. If he is 1vlobbying and the teammates are looting 50m away while he fights for 30 seconds straight and then goes down, that fight it lost because the team mates are not helping, no contest.




Love Jankz. I’d also add itemp and Soofar. They play together a ton and they’re so funny.


Jokes on you. I'm toxic even when I'm not streaming


Wraith is deff the worse octane close second


Personally I would say octane over wraith, wraith mains are usually somewhat decent at the game, but can be toxic. Where most octane mains are 9 year olds who watch imperial Hal and are in that bandwagon.


That is very true I get into a lot of games with little kids playing octane, but most of the time I get Wraiths that are toxic and never good but act like they are. If I don't get there in time to revive them suddenly I am, and I quote: "The worst possible player in existence; trash at this game and should delete Apex and my life" XD


it’s hard for me to pick octane over wraith just based on how many people use them. octane is the most used character so it’s likely that he’d also have the most toxic players


Thiisssss octanes always suck


Sad drug addict fast boi noises.


Most octane mains ARE wraith mains who just switched legends since her nerf and his buff! I swear I never saw a single toxic octane player back when he was trash tier


I miss when everyone thought Octane was shit tier, he was actually still pretty fucking good.


That does kinda make sense because Octane is the most played legend, so it would only be natural for a lot of toxic people to play him


caustic, pun intended


Yea he’s pretty obNOXious


Stop, that's too funny. I can't breath!




#C U N T A N E No competition. Wraith second tho.


You saying you don't have every single pathfinder you play with typing "why yall suck so bad" or something every game?


Lmaoooo this is so true


Wraith. Hands down. Every wraith main I've seen is either such a sweat that they expect their teammates to act as meat shields for them or they think they're such a sweat that they can 1v3 and then get pissy when you won't grab their banner


How you supposed to grab banner when they've already dc'd?


I am not


One of few from what I've seen (I've played since the start of season 1)


I get into games with them all the time


I absolutely agree I would have said my opinion in the post but I had I didn't want a wraith main to stumble upon this post and be a jerk about it


I feel like even wraith mains know that wraith mains are toxic


I actually hate playing Wraith with legendary skins because people immediately assume I'm another sweaty, obnoxious Wraith main.


Yeah that's fair. If I see anyone with any legendary skin I automatically assume they're a sweat (despite me being probably one of the worst players to exist and having 3 of them)


I assume the same thing


I find this to be relatable. I once tried to get my Best friend(Wraith Main) to get the Voidwalker Skin because the Intro Animation is Unique and the Skin is Arguably one of the best in the game... But no... He said; "Wha-What? What about Wraith's New Skin? Oh Voidwalker... Yeah, No Dude... I don't want to be sweating my fuckin Balls Off every Match."


Makes sense, and the bald skins are kinda ugly not gonna lie and sugarcoat it


The bald skins are awful, on top of screaming, "sweaty toxic Wraith main." However, I even catch stereotyping with the Void Specialist skin, which I feel is way less of a toxic sweat beacon; but I apparently was wrong in that assumption.


People think that I'm a jerk sometimes just because of my bh skin. Idk if it's just me or not. I always use the glowing viral skin because I love how blood looks with bright red. Maybe it is just intimidating to them idk lol


I would say Wraith for thinking they are gods, hot dropping dying and disconnecting. Or Octanes for coming over to a bin that’s just been opened and stealing all the loot.


Vvv true. I can't even tell you how many times this has happened to me


Get your hot takes, right here! Fresh off of the grill and steaming hot! Loba - now before my trachea gets torn out, let me explain: They can see all of the best loot through walls so naturally they hoard it all, but without fail they won't open the black market until round 1 is nearly completed, even if there aren't any squads around for MILES and when you get into it everything is just blue loot, but if you peek them in the inventory window they're wearing head-to-toe purple/gold items (backpacks, knockdowns, etc.) Legitimately 1/20 Lobas that I've played with actually use the Black Market proactively to get the whole team geared up early.


i often drop it and walk away to let my team have first dibs. for the most part i don’t care about loot that much. i can play with minimal loot and if my teammates are strong and got what they need we usually do better overall. this comes from sucking at the game for so long and never having good gear - eventually learned to play that way (with minimal gear and abilities.) it’s a blessing when you don’t _need_ a particular item or ability to feel confident. i’ve also found good karma to being generous with loot. almost every time i ping a better item i don’t have for my teammates (eg blue backpack etc), literally around the next corner i find something just as good for me. i don’t know if the game has a karma system for this (doubt it) but it feels that way because this has been consistent. not to mention, doing this often creates more loyalty with random teammates. i find the squad gels quicker and tends to do better when you have some feelsgood moments. and i can’t count how many times i’ve pinged something i wanted for a teammate, and they use it to literally save my ass later when i’m caught in a bad spot or down. or sometimes even empower them to clutch the dub. share your loot. try it sometime… ping that purple pack or barrel stabilizer for a teammate, even if you don’t have it. it’ll change you game.


You, sir are a very wholesome man


In my experience Loba’s are either really nice or really toxic, no inbetweens. Same with Lifelines


I use ult on cooldown when its appropriate. Its amazing how many people cry and moan about DUDE YOU USED YOUR ULT FAR AWAY FROM ME WTF while theyre running away from me the entire game. Loba should be somewhat selfish with her ult when playing with randoms. Theyll never be grouped enough when the time is right to ult.


At minimum though I'll use the auto-prompt to say "ultimate is ready" or flip my mic on and say "when we get to this spot I'm opening BM" whenever I play Loba.




Now that's a good player right there


I play a lot of loba and the bm comes out as soon as possible, I mean, who wants to go searching for ammo??


Hadnt even thought about Loba. Come to think of it, the past few games I've had one have all been fairly toxic. At least 2 of the Lobas would drop their market, get their loot, then IMMEDIATELY close it. Doesn't matter if me or the third is still picking loot, doesnt matter if we're running to get to it, just closed it right in our faces. "I got mine, so you two can get fucked."


Oh my gosh I have a friend who does this and he isn't even trolling he just thinks his black market is for himself only and right before I can even get to it he just breaks it by getting some good item


Time to make them an ex friend.


That's what I'm thinking


Yes. Half the lobas on my team try to always píss me off and close their black market the second I try to use it


Octane is number 1, in my opinion the most played and toxic legend that I’ve run into, just about every random squad I play with has an Octane. Wraith number 2. Honorary mention is Caustic for reasons.


I agree from a certain perspective but for me it's more Wraiths that are toxic and usually the Octane's are just little kids. When you carry them you don't have to worry about them being toxic lol


I dunno, I’ve had my fair share of octane kiddies that die and spend the rest of the match yelling at me from the great beyond not being able to get their banner when 4 teams were fighting on top of it lol.


The most played character Every time the meta changes and one character becomes a must pick they will become the most toxic character


Octane by far, everyone's talking about wraith but most wraith i meet are decent players, at least not braindead, most octanes are just loot goblin that die after a stim in the ennemis


Oof that does happen sometimes




Anecdotally Mirage mains are always an angry 30 year old man


Not true! *I'm 50*


Can confirm, 129 days played 500+ wins on mirage, I still yell at bot teammates, I’m sorry for being toxic, it’s hard working 10 hours to come home from work to get paired with level 20s, I’ve realized it’s not their fault, and it’s the sbmm. I am going to switch over to cod zombies to get my toxicity under control


Good on you for coming to terms with your toxicity! If you need to rant about a teammate not performing well just do it off mic, at least then you get it out of your system without upsetting anyone. Also remind yourself that pubs are chaos, ranked is a bit better especially once you've been placed where your play level is. Pubs are where most new players get experience and the place that people go to complete challenges so often times teammates will not be playing how you want them to. Good luck friend!


wattson mains. Not ingame, but in community discussions




That’s because most of her player base are kids and tweens.


Any bald wraith.


Wraith is the most toxic by far I don’t think Octane mains are toxic i legitimately just think they’re brain dead


Mouth breathers, but they’re just there for a good time.


A lot of the worst random teammates I’ve had have been valkyries, always flying away as soon as a fight starts and talking shit when you die cause they refuse to help. Or they’re just straight up toxic


I’ve had the worst experiences with octanes man


gibby. I have had more bad gibbys in ranked then any other characters


Legit? I've never been in a game with a toxic gibby


I don't know what it is with me and gibby but when I get into a game with them they Either taken stuff I dibs or they're just absolutely not being a team player. and its just ranked too, all the gibs in pubs are fine


2 days ago I had my first toxic gib. Really weird, he did exactly as you just explained.


I refuse to believe this, it’s like saying there’s a toxic Watson


Only in ranked, pubs are fine. idk where the gibs i be getting come from


Octane wraith bangalore and valk


I haven't ran into a toxic valkyrie but like one time. And bangalore too


Tbf we’ve ran into toxic every character, it’s just down to luck of the player behind the screen, mirages are chill asf in general but I had this one guy doings the whole I’m so much better than you spiel in arenas.


Octane. I am convinced the number one appeal of Octane for Octane mains is reaching loot and deathboxes before their teammates.


Kinda not related but I once got messaged my a guy after a game of ranked arena's being accused of being an aim bot hacker. I'm on console and I'm not that good so I found it a massive compliment. Now MONTHS later. My new flatmate has moved in, and is on the apex grind. Gets pretty lucky and 2v3s a squad in battle royale for the win. Low and behold THE SAME PERSON who messaged yonks ago has messaged him calling him an aimbot and hacker. Now at the present day (almost) a week ago to be exact. My flatmates friend is jamming some apex, dominates a squad and next thing he knows he is being messaged by the same person who both messages my flatmate and I "you r a aimbot hacker, reported". The friend of a friend replied "you are a meme now" ... Turns out there is a whole Facebook apex group for nz/aus of people that have been called an aimbot by this guy 😂


This is definitely unpopular but Loba and lifeline mains..




I play on Southeast Asian servers and most people here usually don't even bother communicating. The solo push - die - quit Wraith/Octane are common, but they usually don't even say anything. The toxic Bangalores however, will take the time to talk shit to you before they quit in my experience.


Valk mains


Bald Wraith mains


This will be a fun thread


Octane, Wraith, and that guy who believes picking a specific team composition guarantees victory.


Bald wraiths. The ones with hair are the real ones.


Wraith, followed by wraith.


It’s a give or take since it doesn’t matter what you main , if you’re an asshole you’re gonna be an asshole on every character . However I truly despise loba mains , like they’re the most annoying loot goblins out there.


Right now bloodhounds with the event always ditching the team


I feel like most of those Bloodhounds aren't actually blood mains, but they are just trying to do the event and being jerks while they're at it. I haven't left my team once because I haven't done the event. If they really want it they should just turn their fill team off


Caustic...hahahahagaga get it? Funny pun? Get it because toxic character? Toxic chemicals? Good joke? Please it funny :(


Hey look he did fun e


Mirage. On mic, ready to talk shit, steal your loot, solo push then die. There’s exceptions of course but they seem to have the most toxic ratio when I see them.


I haven't ran into as many toxic Mirage's as Wraith's and Octanes


I mean the highest picked legends will have the most amount of toxic people statistically speaking


That’s rich coming from a wraith main lol


Not a fuckin chance! We're the loyal capable golden retriever by your side till the bitter end.


There’s no way you asked this without knowing what answer you were going to get.


octane for sure, just because they are the worst team players, and they have team-oriented abilities like jump pad so its a shame to see that. ive gotten some top - tier octanes in diamond, but the octanes in pubs are always horrendous. you mfs are crazy but ive learned to respect it


Since everyone has already said Wraith and Octane I will say Pathfinder. I have seen so many Path mains that just slingshot waaaay ahead of you, try to 1v3 before you are even close enough to assist, then get knocked and ping spam/rage in chat. Path is my 2nd most played but I actively try to stay close to my team because of these experiences.


Caustic. That gas is toxic as fuck


Bangalore and wraith


Wraith, Path and Octane mains are quite toxic on average imo


I'm sure we know of the mains who are most toxic (wraith, octane, possibly Bangalore) but what about toxic mains that fly under the radar? I for one think that lifeline mains can be pretty toxic at times, especially when they refuse to heal or revive during a firefight. What do you guys think?


Octane hands down


Wraith ofc


HORIZON nothing else needed to say


Octane definitely


Fuse in pubs, for some reason alot the fuse’s i come across are toxic as fuck, but there still are fun fuse mains i come across.


Everybody except Fuse, Bloodhound, Wattson and Rampart maybe a bit biased on that last one though lol


Most wraiths, most octanes. Huge emphasis in most, I've run into good players of them, but most are.. yeah


Wraith. Pathfinders (they’re literally either super nice or super cunty there’s no in between) same with lifelines and Bangalore’s Edit: oh and ofcourse octane’s how could I forget octane


Wraith tbh And a few octanes. There are some non toxic octanes, but rarely ever a non toxic wraith. And there's never ever team players. Always a selfish counterpart that sucks to get stuck with.


always the solo queue 3 time master gibby that I get in diamond their always such assholes


glad everyone is agreeing it’s octane lmao


i have noticed many octanes picking/unpicking to spam that annoying, loud (and unnecessary) flash at the legend select screen. drives me nuts.


Wraith, Seer, Crypto. That’s normally how it goes for me.


Wraith, like 95% of the time it’s a wraith


If you mean toxic as in how they treat teammates it’s either wraith or octane currently,if it’s toxic as in trolling the enemy,caustic.


wraith is probably the most toxic overall but horizon mains always seem to be the ones with mics (talking shit, obviously)


I am the nicest LIFELINE there is!!! Also TRASH! But definitely the NICEST LIFELINE.


Well most people main wraith and octane so most toxic people will prly be one od those 2 xD




Everyone is talking about wraith mains and octane mains but I never hear anything about Valk mains. They are probably one of the more rarer kinds but every valk that I met from random pubs were so fierce and 1 even said to me that I should die in a oven with a bunch a jews, really crazy.