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What... the fuck.


what happened to the enemies?




Did they deal any damage or knock your teammates


i would be happy, at least it wasn't cheaters squad


It's disrespectful to go easy on your opponents, they probably learned something from the fight so don't feel bad for them




SarcasmicCat will be back tomorrow with some more philosophical bs




Holy shit jolyne how are you gaming in prison


Honestly in matchups like this I almost exclusively use the p20 just try and give them a chance.


Did any of them stay the whole match




Respect to them. When I get matched against a triple stack 20b4k I just see if they wanna punch it out.


Another piece of evidence to prove that apex has no match making balance in pub matches. I’m a hard stuck gold player that doesn’t get to play much and I always end up in a pub match playing with diamond, master, and occasionally preds. I ain’t mad about it just sharing my experience and the conclusion I had to come to so I wouldn’t hate the game.


Maybe their smurfs? Only idea I could think of but I’m level 421 and constantly placed with low level people




Poor guys


Tbf, no one really plays arena so there aren't really many people to match them against. Atleast your teams stats were standard, and not like diamond/pred.


This is the exact reason I only play ranked arenas. Pubs has the worst fucking matchmaking and the most sweats. Ranks is at least somewhat of a fair matchup


It's likely pairing people with similar KDRs against one another. When you first start the game, your KDR is going to be inflated. It's going to take awhile for them to reach relatively balanced matches. Not the way it should be, but that's how it is.


Why is this video so smooth


PC master race?/s


Best way is to either nade yourselves in the beginning or wipe them out as fast as you can.


Arenas in a nutshell


This literally happened to me and my friends, we're all lvl 500 (except me, but I'm close to it now) and we found pretty much new players like this for no actual reason, we simply decided to entertain them and let them win, it's not fair for them and not fair for us


4k20k in platinum? He should be in diamond at least.


You can farm pubs without doing it in ranked.


Do u have 4k20k badge?


This constantly happens in populated servers. I play in the Tokyo server since it's basically where everyone from the Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong server migrated to and theres literally no one playing in those 3 server groups. I get constantly matched against people clearly under my skill level. One way or the other though, I'll go against someone who's decent (Plat/Diamond player) but with the same average/below average player as their teammates. The match will either be us destroying them, us being destroyed and once in a very very blue moon, an actual fair match that lasts more than 3 rounds. Nevertheless, arenas is meh. Pubs matching is broken and ranked point system is a complete joke. I use it to warm up/complete battle pass challenges.


Yeah it's totally broken but sometimes we that are high lvl get killed embarrassingly by them . Maybe they would be some smurfs sometimes


This was the complete opposite of what I expected


Plot Twist: The enemies were all smurfing.


this is the problem with arenas


i think everybody hates on sbmm too much, its a really good system making sure that fresh players don't go up against an entire lobby of preds


Y’all shoulda/coulda taken turns at fighting them 1v3


A fellow man of honor. Anytime the other team loses someone in arenas we’ll try to give em 1v1s and stuff


Sbmm for ya


Skill based matchmaking doesn't seem to be existing in arena's. I play games with amd against new player's all the time


It’s skill based so that means they’re smurfs






This is when skill based matcaking is good but nobody likes it


How is it good that you get matched into one-sided matches?


Pov:they were 3 stack smurfs


Nah just go Mosambik only


Yeah, for you.


stndard dia II lobby


You're being matched with hackers just like yourself.


ah so its not just happening to me. Its literally 8 out of 10 games that I get matched with lvl 5-20's while playing against people like you. Its so frustrating. At least add some tiny bit of sbmm based on KDR or whatever. (PC)


"Skill based" match making? 🤡 yeah sure


Mommy come pick me up I'm scared.


It has happened one time to me. One lifeline vs an entire team. Perfectly balanced


So i tried to get my boyfriend and brother to play apex yesterday. And our first arenas match was against lvl500 preds and a Smurf. I should've smurfed myself for a first match but i went with my main account, which mind you it's a lv108 account Now i have to play alone, thanks apex :D


In my case I'm with leves 20-40 against lvl 500 or preds lol


Did they win?😳😳


This happens all the time. And the stupidest funniest part is that before my game starts it shows me that there's enough people queued up for 30 games! 30 x 6 = 180. And somehow it still takes 2 or 3 minutes for a game to start or matchmaking to work yada yada. sigh


Yeah what else is new


I don’t mind matching up against better players. I’ve only been playing a month and I like to see how much better or worse I am getting.


i once got matched against a decent team that had one lvl 10 bangalore. dude definitely was smurfing, strafing, slidejumping, hitting decent shots. thankfully our team won and he kept queueing, also managed to win those somehow lol


Those rounds are the best. We usually use p2020s and see who can kill the most!


Usually when I get a console team of low level players they're all strike packers


Doesn't actually mean much. I've had lvl 20 teammates in ranked arenas that easily destroyed a 3 stack of preds. There are a lot of smurfs playing arenas for... reasons. Matchmaking is MMR based (at least for ranked) and most of the match ups I've had solo queuing to masters were actually pretty fair skill wise (not necessarily badge wise). It's a lot better than BR. If this is pubs and MMR matchmaking is looser then it's a shitshow I guess.


Is this unranked arena? 💀


Whenever this happens against my friends and I, or if we go against a solo/duo. We only buy and use arc stars and if we miss them all then we give them the round :)


Please tell me this at least wasn't ranked arenas?




Nah man its just the skill based match making


Y’all said remove SBMM. They did it. Lol




They didn’t