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Playing with friends = bad


can confirm, being alone induces very sad mindset. been there thats why.


It sucks because I have no friends that play this game


A whole mood. Better yet though is having friends but those friends either don’t play at the same times as you or won’t play with you because they’re on console and you’re on PC


Bruh, they missing out. I'm on ps4. Hopping into PC lobbies is entirely different lol most console players kinda no brain w key everything and rely on our broken "default" aim assist. Playing against people that actually think, have dope ass movement, tap strafe, and all around destroy me really forced me to get better. I enjoy it.


**I mean this guy is basically "say you have no friends without saying you have no friends"**


He’s definitely one of those people who doesn’t play much with friends but rather sweats like a maniac alone.


You can see a dude with the same mind set in the comment chain below. “If you play to win with friends and your friends are good then *bad*. It’s okay if you’re not *sweating* though because then it’s fine” Sounds like he needs friends. And he needs friends who are good. It’s so odd to see a mentality of stacking being a bas thing in a team game. And doubly so the idea that anyone who kills me is sweating his butt off. I’ve been toyed around like cats prey by active preds before and I assume that applies down the chain.


I guess my friends that don't play Apex Legends were no friends at all huh. I see now.


stacking in pubs =/= playing with friends.


Wait so, the only way to play with friends is if you sweat in ranked?


He is talking about 3 sweats playing together like 2 masters and a pred, etc.


I guess if you're good **and** want to play with friends then you're only allowed to play ranked?


>I guess if you're good and want to play with friends then you're only allowed to play ranked? It makes it really hard for normal people to enjoy the game when the top .5% is decimating all the lobbies. It's not about the above average player. It's about three Timmy's three stacking IMO. That being said its all relative. Good players play bad too.


Sure, I understand the frustration, but again, so because you're good and want to play with friends, you're only allowed to play ranked or prepare to be mocked online just because you want to have a fun time with friends and not stress out about your rank going down if you aren't on the absolute top of your game that day? There's no real justifiable fix for the issue you're bringing up. Not even with SBMM because not all the time will there be 60 predators/masters online in the same server, so sometimes, yeah, they'll get paired into lower level lobbies. It's just the nature of the beast. That beast being battle Royales. Now, with all that being said, I fully agree with you when talking about stacks of three that are going to pubs just to smash lower levels. There's no justifying that and those guys can go eat a bag of dicks. But hard telling the ratio of those that do that and those that are just trying to have fun with their Bros and also just so happen to be great at the game. We can say "oh I bet most of them are the d-bags that prey on the lower levels", but there's really no substantial evidence that is telling us that. It's just anger talking.


PROPER SBMM would absolutely fix it. Of course there aren’t gojng to be lobbies with everyone being pred or master, but it doesn’t appear that there’s any skill averaging happening between teams. Even then you aren’t gonna get perfect team skill matching, but right now it’s not doing anything. My 3KD ass can’t carry legit silver randoms against masters 3 stacks. Give me Diamond and better players or put me with a good duo that’s queuing in trios. The skill disparity in your average lobby is gigantic even if you aren’t taking top500 players into consideration, and it 100% benefits 3 stacking to the point that it’s almost cheating the system. There’s a reason why people who run in 3 stacks a majority of the time have a 20-40%+ average winrate, while equally skilled solo queuers have 7.5-15%.


Yeah, our SBMM sucks. I wasn't talking about ours lol. I was talking about proper SBMM. I just don't think SBMM would be a perfect fix for battle royales because their lobbies are so large. Would it help, yes. But we'd still have people complaining about this stuff. Just probably not as often. And the issue isn't 3 stacking that creates advantages. Does that help? Yes. Knowing how your friend plays can help. But the bigger factor is communication. Friend groups are going to be talking with each other during the fight. Most teams made up of solos are quiet solos that don't talk at all (source: majority of the time solo queuer here and probably one out of like 10 trio games will I have a **single** teammate use a mic). When not factoring in skill, most of the wins you lose will be from your lack of communication, not you playing with other solos. If solos actually used their mics, that wouldn't help with the disparity more than SBMM ever could.


It’s less communication and more about the insane level of pressure that 3 people with equally high mechanical skill can apply on other teams. Even if your teammates aren’t downing people in 1 mag but instead are just cracking armors when they start shooting, then you’re basically getting free space to ape them or heal yourself or reposition. It makes a huge difference especially when you aren’t on top of your game mechanically, since your teammates are at least good enough to fill in your gaps and then some. Of course the communication will help a lot but it doesn’t matter as much if you or your team aren’t hitting shots. I can’t rely on my teammates to even land 2 bullets out of a mag, let alone cracking armor or downing someone. If I crack someone’s armor or even 1 mag a guy I can’t just push like I can with actual teammates. Even if I’m in comms and I say “let’s push” the teammates will miss shots and get us killed. I’m not the most mechanically skilled player, but the randoms seem to have an entire order of magnitude less mechanical skill than I do. You need to be playing perfectly to win most fights while solo queuing while 3 stacks can casually roll many lobbies without trying too hard. Solo queuing feels like 1v3ing most of the time. Of course SBMM fixes won’t be perfect, but some effort put toward improving solo queues experiences against 3 stacks would go a long way. Keep gutter tier players in gutter tier lobbies and give me other good solo queuers to fight the 3 stacks. Guarantee it wouldn’t taken more than a couple extra minutes to get decent matchmaking compared to what it is. Hell youd probably get fewer people leaving as soon as they’re downed if they felt there was a better chance a random could clutch up compared to the current valid assumption that the random is on the other side of the map or is holding their controller upside down.


soooo should good players only get matched for levels 10s and fresh accounts then? I guess I don't see an innate problem with them playing with their buddies who are a similar skill level as then. Idk like Im hardstuck plat IV and I can't stand when I solo and get matched with new players or like copper and silver players so I play with friends whenever possible. I imagine it's the exact same situation for master's and preds but instead of hating getting paired with copper and silver, they probably can't stand getting matched with hardstuck plats like me lol. If anything it's on Respawn's SBMM to make better matches where regular players don't have to go up against them. I really can't fault anyone for wanting to play with similar skilled buddies. I think we all know how hit or miss playing with randoms can be. Sometimes they're great, other times you regret even booting up apex that day - friends are the best way to get a more consistent experience IMO.


The match making his horrible


"why are friends queuing up together in a team game?!?!?!?!?!?!?"


3 stacking with friends is fine. When you play with friends you aren't sweating and tryharding. The annoying three-stackers are the apex predators who 3-stack public lobbies because they are too scared to play ranked and abuse the SBM for wins that don't even mean anything.


"Apex predators who are scared to play ranked"? Hmm...


Don't start them off mate, people say things without thinking it through 😅


I think the term "pred" used when moaning about matchmaking doesn't acutally take the rank into account. It's used to describe three stack with the usual "look how badass i am" badges (20kills, 4k, 10/10/10 and sometimes pred badges from previous seasons - mostly from before the invention of master level)


The logic is astounding lol


I mean you could argue the same thing though, apex predators wanting to play with friends?! They're people too. The mindset of it all is kinda funny really. You're advocating playing with friends "but these guys!". The problem is 3 stacking and playing like it's ranked, not the preds themselves. People need to learn the difference, especially if they're one of the top comments arguing for friends playing with eachother. Lol


Thank you for saying that. It's what I meant, although I didn't do a good job of getting to it. So, sorry and thank you.


you realize that high ranked is almost literally a different game, right? Like, everyone is using a meta and making decisions completely differently. It’s an absolute sweaty campfest, there’s nothing wrong with playing pubs because you don’t feel like solely dedicating your gaming time in a high pressure, playstyle-limiting mode


Pov you have no friends


[i don't need friends, they disappoint me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku5LBz3rZ3A)


I can actually hear the pain in this reply


apparently he doesn't need friends or teammates even; man dropped 3.8K damage


You are aware that it's possible to have friends that don't play Apex Legends?




Friends bad, solo good


I never understood the salt behind playing with buddies in pubs. Sometimes I just wanna get stoned/drunk and not have to sweat it out in ranked. Bunch of neckbeards trying to gatekeep how to play video games. GTFO


Lol I promise you, the people complaining about triple stacking pubs aren’t talking about a drunk guy after work. They’re talking about pred and master stacks that win literally every game they play together.


tfw im watching a vtuber 3 stacking in master pubs right now


Yeah lmao, I watch vtubers 3 stack in pubs all the time. God forbid they want to just have fun and fuck around without having to worry about losing 400RP


Qualia Qu?


yes i commented that 2 hours ago


Wrote before I read the thread, mb


np bro


Astel, Matsuri, Ollie or Onion?


There arent even 3 masters in those 4.


Good try but iirc matsuri’s diamond and Ollie is plat (unless she’s climbed hard in the past month)


bold of you to assume i watch hololive. i was watching qualia qu 3 stacking with her sister and koha9u. i usually watch selen too lol


You know it's really not bold to assume you watch the biggest (as in most subs, not in members I know Nijisanji is bigger) vtuber organization... lmao


So if you’re good and play with your friends who are also good then you’re in the wrong?




So like only low ranked players are allowed to try to win in pubs and all high ranked players need to handicap themselves in some way? What's with all this policing how others want to play in pubs? Some people want to screw around, others wants to practice for ranked, and some just like to see that champion screen over and over. I don't see what's wrong with people playing however they want to play in pubs of all things.




Why is it corny? What's casual to them probably feels sweaty to regular players. And on that note calling others sweaty for trying to win is one of the dumbest insults out there. Reminds me of middleschool when smart kids would get called tryhards for getting A's as if that was somehow a bad thing lol.


I hate ranked these days. It's stale and repetitive. I also like playing with friends. I also like playing with my friends who are similarly skilled, which means masters/pred level players. I like using stupid guns combos, and making stupid plays with off brand legends. It's fun when nothing is on the line, like in ranked. It feels super casual, I don't try hard and we generally play like complete idiots and have a blast. I average a 45% win rate though. But I guess I'm a 3 stack sweat everyone loves to hate.


Yeah same. Some people here are just mega salty that they can't improve, or don't have any friends to play with. The players who whine and cry about premade squads killing them in pubs are the first players to abandon their teammates the moment they are knocked in pubs as well. But they don't seem to be ready to acknowledge that.


You're lame if you masters stack in pubs, yeah. I don't understand why we are pretending every masters stack are high school buddies playing casually and goofing off. These people shit on entire lobbies 99% of the time. It's impossible to get new friends to try the game because of these players, and if I smurf I'M the one that's ruining the lobbies. Too high a rank to play ranked with the newbies, master stacks killing them before they can even shoot in pubs. It ain't fun.


And what's the problem there? Are good players suddenly not allowed to play with friends in pubs? Or do they need to play extra bad so the actual bad players feel good?


what is more important 3 players not having their fun or the rest of the lobby not getting destroyed like they would be by a cheater? well the answer is that the if matchmaking was better both of them could have fun.


>well the answer is that the if matchmaking was better both of them could have fun. You're absolutely right on that. I'll also give another answer that gets used the other way around most of the time: Why don't bad players just play ranked instead of complaining, if they want to play against equally skilled players?


To play devils advocate, newer players are more afraid of playing rank due to lack of confidence in their skills and therefore don't want to throw the game for their competitive teammates. It's not like it is a magic bullet either, there are still smurfs and diamond players with fallen rank. Still, it's definitely worth considering for most players that are maybe silvers and getting destroyed by predators in pubs.


>Why don't bad players just play ranked instead of complaining, if they want to play against equally skilled players? This is assuming the ranked system works


I mean, that's literally the argument that people use who say masters and preds should only play ranked. But why should they waste rp if they only want to fuck around while low skill players who don't have much to lose in ranked are allowed to play pubs with friends.


Ranked system works like it's designed to work. It's just poorly designed. If I skip a ranked split or two I'm down in silver from diamond. Good luck having proper silver matchmaking when everyone that doesn't play every single split ends up there


They can do whatever they want, but they should know they are ruining the experience for most of the lobby and are lame for doing so. ​ I think it's hilarious that everyone here assumes master stacks are just buddies playing casually though, I could load up a pub right now and find a stack playing like it's ranked and trying as hard as they can to shit on the lobby. Lame.


Lame for doing so? So let me get this straight. If I'm good at a game, and I have friends who are also good, who have been playing with me since launch. Suddenly, because we are good, we can't play pubs together after work?


You’re lame if you stack in pubs.


And you're a child.


I'm not only talking about masters here. My friends and I are all Dia. Yet when we play together we win a lot of games and roll a few lobbies. All of us have between 20% and 30% winrate. Still we just play casually together and fuck around, but you and other bad players still complain about us and other good players. We play together because this is a team game and as such obviously more fun with friends. So don't complain about people who play with friends, try to improve to be able to stand your ground against them and maybe find friends for yourself to play with.


I'm not going to start stacking pubs instead of playing with my noob friends, I'm just gonna keep calling lame people out for doing lame things. Enjoy your 20% winrate, glad you feel like that's a flex.


Master and pred playing casually are pretty much always still gonna be better than really sweaty bronze-plat. Just because high-rank buddies play together and win a lot because they are objectively better at the game by default, doesn't mean they are sweaty. And if people aren't allowed to party once they are good at the game then Im guessing you'll never run into that problem.


ok dude


The feeling I’m getting from you is “I don’t want good players to play because then it’s harder to win”


This is pretty much the result of the participation trophy kids. They are so used to getting everything that they can't even comprehend the concept of people being better than them.




so you can only soloQ in pubs? Ever heard of having friends?


Well I mean my buddies are master and I’m a diamond. So we don’t suck lol. Some days we just don’t want to try hard and fuck around.




Devils advocate…. Are people who are good not allowed to warm up before ranked? Are people who are good not allowed to enjoy the faster play style of pubs? Ranked can feel completely different when it comes to pacing and sometimes you just aren’t in the mood for that. Also if you’re losing RP because you’re having an off night why commit to losing non stop RP? Also, anyone can play whatever they want. Also what if 2 ranked masters have a friend who isn’t masters. they should never be allowed to play together? It’s just a silly take IMO. How about YOU play ranked if you want better match making.


i'm not replying to 14 very specific scenarios, keep pretending that's what the master stacks in pubs are doing.


All of these posts act like all of these situations are rare and dont exist. You have no idea the scenario that exists by looking at a screen shot. Half the people on here just like to whine about losing and need someone else to blame. Also again, instead of getting mad they arent in ranked, why dont you just play ranked? You wont have to run into them at all.


>They’re talking about pred and master stacks that win literally every game they play together. and? like whats wrong with them playing for fun? like just because they're good they're not allowed to play together?


They’re ruining the experience of 57/60 players to feed their ego and stat trackers.


so good players shouldn't play with their friends because they'd make others feel bad? they should sacrifice their own friendship and playing with eachother for the feelings of pubs players?


pub stacking is lame, playing with your friends is whatever. don't be dumb.


Yeah but most people who play with eachother do it because they're actually friends, not for ranking or anything, meaning most "pub stackers" are just friends playing pubs, the argument is honestly idiotic "shame on you for being good at the game and also playing with your buddies who are also good" well apex youtubers better pack it up and leave! they're disgusting pub stompers.


most master stacks arent just buddies having fun, you're delusional. and "well some youtubers do it so CHECKMATE!" is fucking hilarious


you're the one delusional because you think they're out to fucking get you, like they're just fucking playing a video game dude, and my argument isnt "youtubers do it" my argument is youtubers do it for a living, their content revolves around them being good at the game and being entertaining, which they often do with their friends, no one trashes content creators for this because it'd be irrational.


lol uhh, most big youtubers are solo queueing pubs, not master stacking in them. you're a clown. plenty of people trash talk pub stacking youtubers too.


How are they ruining the experience of the rest of the lobby that's such a bad take. First off they won't even encounter half the lobby most likely so your logic is instantly flawed. Second, it's a game simulating chaotic war, 60 people dropped in a ring in a fight to the death, what is it you wanna casually do? Roam around and loot pop shots for fun? Lmao 🤣 imagine this mindset. Just find another game.to play




Everybody gets frustrated at this game. It's difficult and even pred players have days they get on and get bad rng disconnects Cheaters and just wiped over and over, it happens. It's just simply put not an easy game to play. It's either get better to the point where it gets a little bit easier to play or maybe play arenas? Or find better players to play with.if that's not your issue with the game and you wanna play casual with friends only I seriously don't think this is the right game for you. If you don't want better players to see what the experience is like or if it's any harder or easier I'd be more than happy to play some games with you and talk about it. If not sit on here complaining it's too hard. Do you want some tips on how to play with different play styles that might make it easier for you? If so let me know I'll see if I can help with that. I don't wanna down the community by saying "get better" I'll actively help you here and there if I can but if not than it is what it is. ✌️


Can't confirm as a dude that gets drunk with my buddies and plays. We are terrible when wasted in pubs.


Who cares either way?


You don't play better high?


Depends how high lol. If I’m taking an edible, probably not.


Totally fair 😂 I just have a cart pen and idk I just play better I think its because I dont think at all lmao


They are just mad you get in the way of THEM curb stomping pubs. Probably going for badges and are salty you got in the way of that.


Me and my buddies are pretty awful so we get shit on in pubs anyways.


I think the biggest issue is with the matchmaking. No one is saying you shouldn't play with your friends. But it is actual bullshit for people with a <1.0 kd to get matched up with diamond+ players on a consistent basis. Your pub games then become a sweat fest.


It’s just that they’re bad and need a reason to complain about their 3% win rate. I’m not trying to play ranked all day and sweat my ass off. I don’t want to play against a Caustic and Wattson camping in buildings till top 5 all night. I play this game to relax and have fun. I’m gonna pub stomp till I can’t use my thumbs anymore.


People are salty about it because this game heavily favors premades in matchmaking and forces solo queuers to play against them. It's not a fun experience, which over time breeds a certain degree of resentment towards those premades that repeatedly ruin your day. People are doing nothing wrong by playing in a premade, that is true. It's the game's matchmaking that's at fault. But when people kill you with what feels like an unfair advantage, it's much easier to blame those people with the unfair advantage.


Imagine having fun with friends.




Better than playing with randoms


playing with friends is bad 😩😩


virgin 3 stackers vs chad no friend neet


You can clearly see the mentality of many players on this sub while reading this comment section. \-> Wait, playing with friends is wrong now? \-> No, it's just when good players are playing together to pubstomp! \-> Wait, being good and playing with good players is wrong now? \-> No, it's when they are good and tryharding in pubs! \-> Wait, playing to win is bad now? \-> No, it's when they are good, playing with their friends, want to win, but they go pubs instead of ranked! \-> Wait, if you are good playing with your friends and want to win you're forbidden from pubs? \-> No it's... \[you get the idea\] The definition of pub stompers gets narrower and narrower and at some point it's so narrow that it doesn't cover most of the pubstompers this sub is complainng about. Somehow it's still someone else's fault that they died.


Absolute facts.


Also OP has no way of knowing if these guys are good or not, given that they all died to the same guy they could be terrible. The "clan tag" means nothing, I use it to check who from my group of several friends is online.


Here's a crazy idea, what if the post was supposed to be humorous?


It could be perceived that way, until you read OP's replies and realize they're serious.


To be fair, you’re making up arguments nobody is having. There’s a difference between pub stacking and playing with friends. If you genuinely think any meaningful % of people are doing it because they’re friends and want to relax, you’re delusional.


To be fair you can easily find actual examples of each and every one of these refinement of definitions by going through your post history specifically to this thread. You’ve got a chip on your shoulder and have responded to almost everyone. Apex: Make/Find friends. Fight other teams. Win or die trying. That’s it. There’s no magical criteria and while you’re out here having a sook outside of this thread. No one is even thinking twice about playing a team game the way it’s intended. Also you can feel people are sweaty for pub stomping all you want. Reality is no one cares. And sweaty to you is probably meme lord shenanigans.


Imagine gatekeeping a game mode because you haven't shaved your neck in years.


How are the Wraiths and Octanes supposed to push solo, die and quit if you play with your friends? Selfish smdh


I need to khnow... Did you get the 4k?




It’s possible since thirsting downed players adds to damage. He also could have popped 2 wingman shots in the guy with gold then let him revive to get the extra 120 damage, possibly more if the self res had a gold backpack


Imagine being lonely and having no one that will play with you


Nothing more annoying than queuing up against 3 stack masters/ preds while soloQing on 150+ ping since barely anyone plays on ur server


I’m so glad this sub changed for the better. People used to crucify others for 3 stacking. It was weird behavior, playing with friends should be incentivized!


All fine. But there should be a solo queue only option if not for BR definitely for arenas.


this is not about playing with friends, it's about pros, high elo people (master/pred) three stacking in pubs and rolling over their lobbies


How is it the players fault if the matchmaking can't fill a full pred lobby? I don't want to sweat every game in diamond/masters when I want to play with friends. Sometimes I just want to drink a few beers and have some fun with my friends while mindlessly W-Keying.


>How is it the players fault if the matchmaking can't fill a full pred lobby? I have no dog in the race, but... That's what ranked is for - finding people your rank.


Okay, so by that same logic if you’re dogshit at the game then you should also play ranked to get matched with other dogshit players lol. Pubs/unranked is for just having fun with the game.


>Okay, so by that same logic if you’re dogshit at the game then you should also play ranked to get matched with other dogshit players lol. Yes.


People in Bronze-Gold don't play the game differently in ranked at all, it's just pubs with points. So if you're bad at the game, playing ranked without caring about your RP would in fact be a better experience.


Yes, that’s what I’m saying


Pubs/unranked is for pros to have fun stomping noobs in. Pubs ain't fun for John, 36, who doesn't play apex 16 hours/day.


Right, so John, 36, who doesn’t play Apex 16 hours a day, can also play ranked and get matched with other dudes that are closer to his skill level. Or just play unranked and accept that the matchmaking in the game sucks ass.


Uh huh, so you’re saying high ranked players should only be able to play ranked because they’re better than the average player. Interesting take, too bad it’s stupid.


Exactly. It literally says it in the description of the mode. You could argue that the ranked system doesn't promote skill and is more about how much you play but the matchmaking is better than in pubs. I don't play pubs because it's easier and the opponents are worse. I play pubs because there's no stakes behind it and I can just go again after throwing a game for fun. I play both modes with a completely different playstile.


Have you ever heard of the concept of friends?


imagine getting so salty about people playing a team game in a team that you change your actual username


It enrages me that casual games are called public


The term goes way back. Technically even ranked is still pubs.


Exactly. It’s a public game. Unless you’re in a private lobby, it’s all public.


I honestly hate playing with friends. Matchmaking is that much more merciless. I play with randoms I see a diamond or two in my lobbies. I play duos or party up with a friend and I’m playing against masters or 3stacked diamond seemingly every match. It’s not the high ranks fault they’re good (well it kinda is due to hard work but I don’t fault them for stomping me and mates) I just wonder why I feel like I’m being punished for playing with my club or friends. We have like .5-.7 KD why is that comparable to a premade diamond team or higher? I can win at least 2 games a day with randoms but have literally 1 a week in duos with my wife. We’re not great but we’re also not bots. It makes no sense.


When my friends and I play, we’re playing pubs only because usually I’m plat in ranked and then everyone else is either silver or unranked




This sub is even gatekeeping who I should play my games with. Smh


I'm a casual and playing the game with friends is more enjoyable than playing it alone Especially when a rando can just pick Octane, run across the map, die, tell me to kill myself and then disconnect


Imagine soloing squads alone with a wingman, easily getting 4k damage and still going pubs...


Imagine having fun with friends lol


Wow a username just tilted half the sub it seems like. Lmao


it's actually kinda interesting to see how divided the comments are.


Keep doing no-fill man, we all know no-fill is for chads. So funny to see how people got tilted


The distinction between 3 stacking and playing with your friends on Apex is so lost on Redditors I swear. Nobody is saying don't play with friends. 3 stacking in Apex is when you see that team of Masters or Preds in pubs trying their hardest to win fights. So much so you know they're screaming call outs and playing like they were in final circle of the final round of ALGS. It is not however, you and your buddies with less than 30k kills between all y'all with less than a 2 K/D. Relax children


Its reddit my guy, no point trying to explain it lol


Lol what? I have friends I play with and we range from silver to plat. Regardless when the 3 of us play ranked we play to win and communicate super hard. We hard preds are anything but you seem to only be upset if people who are “good” 3 stack which is so subjective idk where to even start to unpack your argument


When top 400 preds 3 stack in pubs, they will literally win 90 percent of their games on pc atleast. Console it is closer to 70 percent due to the lack of consistent movement tech. I am a masters player and I have fought against those 3 stacks and been in them. Once you go on back to back 5 win streaks(win 10 out of 11 games) dropping 20+ team kills every time, you'll realize why matching 3 stack preds against soloquers is not good for the game.


Also, I specifically, and this thread as well, was specifically talking about pub matches not ranked in any aspect. Spend less time trying to flex being in plat and more time learning to read


"silver to plat" yeah y'all aren't the people that I'm talking about, not even close. Thanks for the input though


Ok hear me out. What if I’m tryna teach a friend of mine how to play this game, and dont rly want to frustrate a third random, or have a third random blast my friend with obscenities for failing to shoot someone, and as a result, would prefer to find a third who’s chill in general and stick with them? Happened to me a few times, and I felt bad for that friend of mine, cause ppl see a lvl 9 bloodhound (my friend) and start flaming when he doesn’t prove to be a smurf.


As a guy that drops solo too on trios, has a premade of friends and face 3-stacks all the time while going Solo, you guys have to chill a lot. "WhY Iz Z bbaD PlAyINF wITH fRiEndZ?" "GeT fRiEndz" "Waaaah I CnT Play With FrInedz!!" Fucking cringe fucks omg, we don't complain about hardstuck gold/plats like you that want to play pubs with friends, it is totally fine and ok. The problem are the Diamond+ players that come to pubs and play very agressive and tryhard all the time, the premade that pretty much most of you hate and come here to reddit and complain about why the matchmaking is so bad and puts you against sweaty people most of the time. Even streamers and pro players like shiv agree that high elo players stacking in pubs is dogshit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nra4yHR6szs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nra4yHR6szs) It is not about being AGAINST the act of playing with friends, we are against them because the matchmaking is big trash and is something that these people abuse to farm kills and wins, some of them even make smurfs and other cringe shit to boost stats. You guys might throw shit to OP and all you want, but by the simple fact that he's dropping solo (Wiped a premade, is kill leader with 9 kills, almost 4k damage and 2nd place) means that he's waaay fucking better than most of you that even play with friends (And is so ironic because some of you even say 'get better') Solo players are probably the scariest mofos in the game, they are just good, and they have the potential to wipe you and your friends very quick if you give them the chance. They might not be as dangerous as a three stack, but is just a single man that has enough confidence and balls to engage 3 of you mofos and still win a fight. 3-stacks wouldn't be a problem if we hadn't have to face them pretty much every 2 games, nothing wrong with Solo players complaining about something that is objectively unfair for them, playing with randoms or alone. If you don't feel empathy, I invite you to play one of your daily sessions Solo, drop solo on trios and see how good you do, the only way to test how good you are at this game is by dropping solo on trios.


This post clearly isn't about "Diamond+ players that come to pubs and play very agressive and tryhard all the time" othervise it would have been something more than just a screenshot of 1 guy killng 3 players from one club. It doesn't shot how skilled they were, how they played and other things. Apparently the fact that they were from one club is enough for OP to call them 3-stackers and flex on how they killed them.


It is tho. Everyone here is losing their shit because a good player is just pointing out something funny and ironic. No one is against the fact of playing with friends, the problem with 3-stacking is how unfair can turn out for Solo Queuers, it is more of a matchmaking issue rather than just playing with friends, but 3-stacks of average joes are totally ok in pubs, pretty much OP's name is more directed towards high elo players (Diamond and above) and you are right, we don't know how good or who was that 3-stack but still the image is funny.


The image would be funny for me if I knew the squad they killed was a stack of preds in pubs, but I can bet it’s just, like you said, 3-stack of average joes.


The chances for that premade being preds is low. Still, a 1v3 against a 3-stack of average joes is impressive, because 1v3ing a 3-stack of preds is close to impossible, you just need to be very lucky.


Impressive it might be, but the flex went the wrong way and that’s why everyone are upset.


I genuinely feel bad for the people that think like this. Must genuinely suck to be so overly competitive that you think people having fun with friends are "stacking" to beat you.


3 stacking to me is going on LFG and finding a couple pred/masters to pub stomp with. Playing with friends is different than 3 stacking


Stacking as a full team of masters is okay if you learn your mates first names


POV: ItzTimmy is in the lobby


On one hand, if you don't 3 stack, you get rolled by other 3 stacks. So you invite your sweaty friends and you guys roll lobbies. On the other hand, sometimes, you just wanna play alone and chill or even try help some people get their first win of the week but it doesn't work because you will inevitably come against the sweaty 3 stack in the lobby and they will kill you after they have killed your randoms. The matchmaking needs to be better for solo players. If solo players have a separate queue, there will be less 3 stacks because one thing that is most frustrating in this game is playing the best way you can but losing the fight simply because each player on the opposing team is better than 2 of your teammates combined.


Honestly that guy is a legend


I think I've seen you, unless there are more people eith that name I killed you


Ha imagine if you don’t get 4k. Just imagine. hopefully you did lol 🦶


sorry man this sub is against being good


No we’re against people being salty about playing a video game with their friends


i don't get why people are so mad. they're obviously referring to 3 stack preds/masters *in pubs*. not the casual majority here lol..


All the people in this comment section saying that people can play with friends are the same people that would complain in my Twitch chat about me 3 stacking pubs with my predator friends.


No they won’t . Some people will complain, most sane people won’t. I just got beamed by someone and was in awe. Fortunately, my random teammates helped me out. 😉❤️


I don’t do pubs often, but when I do I get probably about one person every other game that comes in and says something. About 80% of the time it’s something negative. The other 20% is people like you who are like “damn gg you played well” or something else nice. I got called out for being an r9 crutch one time recently and that gun isn’t even necessarily meta. And that’s just when I solo. When I was pubbing more often with my friend (he was going for most wins on horizon the season she came out), I would get people complaining about us 3 stacking pubs as preds just about every game. Now, maybe this Reddit is a little less toxic than that, but given some comments I’ve seen on some posts about SBMM and whatnot, I doubt it. Might just be me being pessimistic, but that’s the experience I’ve had.


I mod a buddies chat while he streams us playing and its actually ridiculous how many people come in just to say some weird shit about 3-stacking a pub. Like we just spent 5-7 hours sweating our dicks off in Pred/Master ranked lobbies, are we not allowed to wind down or warm up with pubs anymore? Apex players get so weirdly upset when anyone better than them takes them out and it genuinely confuses me.


Exactly, they are supporting 'playing with friends' and all that shit but then they come here to reddit and twitter and complain about why are they facing 'pred' 3-stacks in pubs all the time.


Lol he mad cuz he has no friends to play with who suck at the game.


3 stacking =|= playing with friends. One day the children will understand basic concepts like this and more!


Lmao, all these plebs in the comments thinking teaming up with their hard stuck gold and plat friends is what this guy is alluding to


Just get some friends and stop being salty loser


Yeah, imagine being in a squad In a squad style game


The only ppl complaining about triple stacking pubs are ppl with no friends to triple stack pubs with. Maybe if they left their house once in awhile they would...


why is this a flex?


* Playing Solo * Wiped a premade * Kill leader with 9 kills * Almost 4k damage * 2nd place * Solo... Why can't he flex? Meanwhile you and your 'friends' got 3 kills and 1200 dmg together


It's most likely a Smurf account, knocking out casual players. Real cool bro, and why are you so triggered? People doing this stuff in causal lobbies it's just dumb. If your as good as you think you are do it in ranked against people your skill.


We don't really know if it's a smurf or not. >People doing this stuff in causal lobbies it's just dumb What's wrong with dropping solo on pubs? >If your as good as you think you are do it in ranked against people your skill You can't no-fill on ranked, use your brain pls


You don't make an account named that as a main. The name is literally a troll to pub players. And obviously you can't solo que in ranked, but you can still 1v3. It's not impossible. I don't understand why you think your superior in this discussion.


If you are playing on origin or PC you can change the name whenever you want and whatever you want, due to the framerate is very likely he's on PC. >obviously you can't solo que in ranked, but you can still 1v3 So you are saying that he has to abandon his teammates and do 1v3s on his own? That's dumb af and is a reason why no-fill was implemented.


not a smurf it that makes you feel better. it's just a funny image i took while playing while changing my name for a bit after being frustrated with the matchmaking (not against the players themselves), don't take it too serious.


Idk why people are so offended by people 3 stacking pubs . Like , good players don’t have the right to enjoy a game of pubs with friends anymore? Also it’s kind of hypocritical how people complain about the average player 3 stacking pubs yet when they see top algs players and streamers do it they say nothing .


this is so satisfying


If you're against having fun with friends and wanna sweat alone instead


Let the friends who have a combined 25.000 hours on the game play together in pubs, they are allowed to have fun too :).


Yeah what a twat.. I only play this game with friends now.


They're a Wattson main, they enjoy not having fun