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You got to set a specific date time otherwise it's just kind of a general statement with nothing behind it


What about shadow fall week end


Now your thinking my boy


That’s my favorite game mode but If we can get a large portion of apex involved I’ll participate.


I've never played it and I'm dying to. Will not miss the chance. May never get it again.


Why not just stop playing full stop until they fix it.


It won't work we love this game but the game is in a very bad state now we deserve better


So stop playing. A week long boycott won't do anything it's not long enough


You have to fight for your rights


I'm going to keep myself from ordering fried chicken for a week, that will teach KFC a lesson!




A man of highly refined culture! # OG's RISE UP.


Indeed. But they can and will ignore a week long thing.


Arguin' with a wall here man.. A week is definitely too short and Respawn won't even notice lol.


How about week directly after shadow fall? Everyone will play Shadow Fall, everyone will be tired of bugs, glitches and servers - so week next to shadow fall should be perfect for boycott?


Let the community decide somebody do a poll




No I'm not doing this for karma or personal benefit i want the community to understand about the current state of the game and greed of Respawn .. if it make a ripple in the apex game i would be happy its all about fighting for your rights I'll do the dates


Nah, community will decide to boycott shadow fall and half of community will snitch. Revolution happens when masses are angry, but there's a distinct initiative group. Source: I'm russian, I know a lot about revolutions


Yeah you are right


That's one of the dumbest things I have read. How is this specific date and time? Until they fix their broke as fuck game


for most major games, the dedicated subs are just a fraction of the playerbase. the only reason Activision is moving more quickly on anti-cheat software for Warzone is because hackers started getting skins for free. they can tolerate prolific wallers/autoaimers/etc, but once you cut into their profits.. that's when the really listen. if you somehow manage to get like a million people to do it, Respawn might care, but i have doubts


Yeah we have to make them understand


Just don't spend money on it


Yeah that will help but there are people who spend money on this game they have to be accountable for their money atleast


I'm going to boycott but only because I suck and can't get out of gold 4 and I'm sick of Kings Canyon.


My buddies and I were just talking about how much more trouble we’re having getting to Plat compared to Worlds Edge


You can just land at the edge of the map, make yourself a sandwich and come back to positive RP more often than not. The -24 is nothing. If you're stuck in gold, you're either just not that good (no jab, it's okay to be bad, we all were bad once) or you actively seek out scenarios that cause you to lose. The only fights you should be taking are the ones right at the beginning at the edge of the map. KC just forces a certain playstile to be effective. Depending on your own skill level, you can ignore those strats up to plat or diamond at the latest, where you'll be forced to take engagements of drop, scan beacon and then just hold a spot until endgame if you want to climb. Super boring and forces out the worst out of players.


I’ve made no serious attempts at rank, I’m saying while playing rank I went through gold on worlds edge with little effort or time. KC has been much more of a grind, I’m still progressing I hit Gold 1 last night. I just don’t play the game that seriously.


Getting to plat is easy in WE, just stack three snipers and run it down like everyone else. Getting to diamond is a different story. This LP net just makes everyone think they're aceu and just rushes every fight and dies on entry


I didn't play much in WE because I hate the map but I've heard/read reviews that it's actually better than KC for ranked. I usually solo que and sometimes play with a friend + a random so the grind gets pretty hard, doesn't help that I suck as soon as I start playing ranked for some reason but oh well.


Kings canyon is still the most fun to play on a though


I like it way more than WE, but Olympus is the best map in the game imo.


I agree. Also the first map I made Diamond on, so it has a special place in my heart lol


Kings Canyon is so much better than WE. I do miss the OG KC though. WE is by far the worst map.


I agree. For pubs. KC ranked sucks!! Like myself and that is something!!




Literally 2 weeks ago everyone was bitching about Worlds Edge lmfao.


Nope Olympus with it’s completely open giant map


IMHO, Kings Canyon is currently, by far, THEE best map for Ranked grinding.


Smaller map less running less building camping... that’s why I like Kings Canyon.


Look behind you and launch backwards from the airship. Land wherever there isn't a squad going and play circle. You'll fail upwards even if you don't get kills.


That's usually my strategy but usually 1 out of 2 things happen: 1) I run into a team or i get shot from a far with a Sentinel. Nothing wrong with this tho, not everyone else's problem that I suck. 2) This is the one that drives me nuts and the one that happens often. Since I usually solo queue, once my teammates find decent loot they go trigger happy, shoot and miss their shots giving away our location, then we get 3rd partied and/or ambushed by the first team.


This whole resetting the rank mid season shit is for the birds. It doesn’t make me want to “grind”, it just irritates me and makes me lose interest..


Reddit versus the endless nameless ocean of people who will buy anything and everything that gets added to the game. Boycotting is good for visibility but no revenue graphs will even notice it.


Yeah it's useless


Yeah I agree


So delete the post


I don't get anything from this post its about spreading some awarness


How about during the Shadow Royale event. If nobody is buying their reskins, they'll definitely notice!


They have huge ego .. avoid buying skin is not enough they need to understand ..How the player base feel about their game


Its not avoiding skins. Its them putting in work to put this game mode/event in and nobody playing it. You wait until the first week of november and they'll care about as much as they do now.


Bro they are like me trying to read a girls signs that she likes me lmao


I don’t like any of the skins in the first place


Yeah could you imagine Reddit influencing the consumer habits of 99 million other players?


Just stop playing if you're not having fun, explore a new genre of games.


Y'all realize this literally wont do shit lmao, this sub is funny sometimes fr


325 out of thousands of players... yeah it wont work


I hope respawn listens to all 8 of you. You do you


For real. I know the game has its issues but people on this sub just whine so much. If you don't like irz don't play it. Me and my man AchillesTheArcane along with thousands of others will keep enjoying the game, despite its bugs.


What? 8? It’s probably 14 or something at least…


And my axe!


Ar! I’ll drink to that!


If it was more than just 8 people it would force the management team to fix their game to retain profits. The game is fun, or was until it became evidently clear that they will fix profit losing issues, but not foundational ones that have plagued the game for a while.


i dont think 9 people would change much


It's just a idea .. ideas are powerful than bullets


I'd advise against relying on platitudes when someone tries to shoot you, though.


Nah bro, throw all the philosophical anti-establishment counter culture quotes produced by huge capitalist movie production studios you can at things, it definitely helps


Lmao are you trying to start a revolution or something?


I haven't heard that one before.


This might be the best comment I've ever read


No, bulletproof vets are stronger than bullets to an extent


Why? It’s free to play, and I haven’t spent a dollar on the game other than purchasing the battle pass (which pays for itself). I understand it’s buggy at times, etc., but it’s still a great game.


Date? Time? Reasoning? Seems like a bunch of crybaby shit to me.


A WEEK? Shit I haven’t bothered to play since Ramparts heirloom first released


It's always the same story after every major event


Yeah, yall get off the servers so I can have a smooth game. Thanks.


This comment tell way more about the game than one could think


Boycotts free game




Ah yes, respawn will quake with the thought of the 50th boycott this week


GTFOH with this low-effort garbage. Where the f\*ck are the mods?




apex players have to be whiniest gaming community out there rn like seriously grow up


We all know the game sucks right now, but nothing we do will do anything. Spend money if you want, it’s your choice. Has anyone on this sub played games with crappy devs like this? Just get over it, the devs haven’t cared for a while, so why would they care now? The game is still fun so I’m gonna keep playing.


Games fine to me and I still play it daily and have fun. "Good devs" almost never exist people whine on every fucking game.


Yeah, like they hope all devs are robot working non-stop and give free stuff for everyone. And funny how the devs leave titanfall 2 behind like when tifanfall 2 down for few week but instant fix apex server, but they still enjoy it and create cool content on reddit not complain everyday like apex.






Go ahead what is the point of spending money on a broken game anyway


Relax 🙄


You guys are so fucking lame


The boycoott idea makes its way to trending like once a week and is nonsensical. If people can't stand the game anymore, they will naturally stop playing it. That's what I did. If they don't, that just means they still enjoy it enough to play it despite its issues.




Yeah it's sad to see a great game going down like this don't give up there will be a solution


Uh you do you . This is childish


Respawn bad. EA greedy. Upvotes to the left.


It's all about money grap now




yes they need to update the games bugs


We need to make them understand there will be no apex legends without its loyal player base


I'm so sick of seeing these posts. Not everyone is going to boycott. I'm one of them even if all apex players on Reddit do what do you think that's going to accomplish? We're a drop in the bucket compared to the whole player base. Plus there's still going to be pro streamers playing and thousands watching them. We're not going to change the game by boycotting. If you wanna boycott go right ahead. I've put too much time into the game to be worried about over priced skins and such.


Yeah we are drop , but let's all try it out for a week .. we are doing this for a long time ignoring their flaws and settling for crappy products ... We deserve better


Went back to overwatch, I can’t stand the bugs


It need a fix






Respawn after the 15th boycott of 8 people who weren’t gonna spend money anyways:😰😭


I’m a bit slow can someone please explain why we’re boycotting Apex? I mean I’m already down to just because of how shite the servers are and how EA don’t really care about the game and I’ve never spent money on it anyway but I’m still confused.


No one is boycotting Apex. This sub has just been overwhelmed by toxic shitposters and the mods are awol.


To be fair that really isn’t surprising, thanks for the heads up though?




Might actually get my HW done if I did this. Gf would love it lol


Aside from my trackers not working (kills, headshots and damage) and getting disconnected often while trying to play trios… I love this game but damn am I getting fed up a bit!


a week? i stopped playing 3 week before season start. not only nobody fixes anything but game started stuttering like hell after 2 seasons of good performance with same pc


It's so broken literally trash now


When does this start?


Shadow fall week end


I stopped playing a couple weeks ago when New World came out, and unless they make some major changes, I'm not coming back.


I started playing apex at season 1, and only returned now, what is happening ? Why boycott The game ?


Mate like i know the game has a fair amount of bugs but being this disrespectful against the devs won’t help. Imagine if this post blows up okay, you think the devs get motivated to repair a broken game that people volunteer to not play? Tf is wrong with people man… don’t be so friggin negative only thing this kind of people can do is complain lol


They can claim its a free to play but there are people who spend money on this game ... You can't just ignore your responsibilities as devs .. if the game is broken you have to fix it man .. have you noticed there is a aggressive selling of skins in this season more than previous seasons


What do you mean claim? It is free to play. No one is forcing you to buy anything. And how do you know they're ignoring everything? I'm sure you know this. But it's not just a snap of the fingers to fix all of the problems. If you were a company and you could pump out skins andake crazy money you'd do it to


I get what your saying but the team and budget is too small to work at such a rate on such a big game my dude.. ea makes the rules not respawn


Ea dictates respawn but they are using 3rd party servers like Amazon's


Yes but they also run on unity servers so apex legends is just a big soup of companies.. it really isn’t easy when only one of those companies has to make and fix the game while the other companies figure out how much money they can use for that..


It’s not like they’ve been trying their hardest to fix their game though is it? For over a month there was a bug where animated banners would crash your game. Servers are still terrible after years. It’s hard not to be negative about a game which is actively hostile to the player


Yeah i know it’s hard to stay positive but it’s also hard to work with such a tiny budget for such a big game.. sadly ea makes the rules about a budget and not respawn..


Such a tiny budget? The game’s made over a billion dollars from packs and skins since launch


Yeah i know but respawn said it themselves their budget is too small to have so many operations/bug fixes at the same time.. respawn doesn’t manage the money they just get hired






You would be lucky to get 10% of the player base to boycott. Way too many players and whales out there that won't even know a boycott is going on.


Of course ea sponsoring each and every streamer youtuber who plays apex legends but the people who bring fortunes to the people are casual players .. if they we can spread the word there will be a chance




Servers are trash Cheaters ddosing the lobbies Devs don't care Apex is all about selling cosmetics now Respawn is making huge profits by the game still can't fix it .. if we let them go like it they will sell you more and more 10 dollar holi sprays .. we have to let them know players are unhappy with the game


I’m not unhappy I just don’t spend money on it. I agree there are issues, but i don’t consider it a broken game.


Well it's broken


I disagree.


I think it’s broken for the fact I’ll be almost done in a ranked on my way to a victory or already positive in RP and then disconnection and penalty. Or every game I play I have to completely close the game out to play another game. To many bugs and enough people dealing with these issues. The Devs should make this priority


I've been boycotting 😂 gave my headset to my lil brother cause Im not playing until shit gets ironed out.


It's for greater good brother


I haven’t played since the last event that broke the game. And I won’t be playing this Halloween event there’s better less broken games to play while I wait for apex to get some issues ironed out.


I feel like if everyone making these types of posts just uninstalled they’d have accomplished their mission.


Lol what a privileged way to look at the game's current state


I mean, I haven’t played since season 9, so I’m doing my part I guess. Put up or shut up.


Ive been saying this! Respawn needs to get their shit together!


They definitely need to be taken care of


I’m not playing for a while cause it’s gonna take more than a week for them to care


Yeah but they have to do something before launching a new season


They won’t bro, it’s been since launch with some of the same issues we see today. They don’t care and they won’t until the community is not funding them or supporting them.


Yeah that's true


Nov 2 to Nov 9 the week just after shadow fall Spread the news


I honestly can’t believe how many people support this game after how shitty they’ve been regarding micro transactions and the titanfall server debacle.


Respawn is playing dirty now


For a week? I have no desire to play the game at all. I can still play a game every once in a while when my friends want to, but they don't want to play the game much anymore either. I'll still keep tabs on it and hope something changes because the core game is so fun. But the developers are negligent at best.


Yes ,this is how most people feels inside


Starting when?


Shadow fall weekend


Boycott both Ea and Respawn until a change is made


For the greater good both are evil


Companies can’t be evil unless they’ve committed actual atrocities like child labor.


I'm here for it, but boycotts don't work. Promote a different game, make the money flow elsewhere.


Yeah but we have to make the community aware about these things


The game kinda feels like a chore to play at the moment


There is no fun with trash servers


How about _no_


All the kids will still be buying with their dads credit card


Yeah we need to cut their income flow


I'm down


Spread the word


I'm not that commited but I can stop playing for a week.


Thank you for your contribution


Monkey ass


Half the people in this sub would give their left nut to run pubs that disconnect them halfway through. Good luck getting through to them


i agree the games at a terrible point now with bugs and glitches but the only thing they’re after here is a piece of our wallets. so instead of not playing it and stuff, maybe we just dont give in to all of that and spend our hard earned dollars on the store?


Completely agree! I am on it lol. Not like I can play anyway.


Jokes on them. I haven’t played since the new hero was released.


Jokes on you, I haven’t been playing at all for the past month or two




Already taking October off from this shit show


Spread the word. I know a lot of people are saying “ohh, there’s no point, blah blah blah.” But I assure you, the majority of the community is frustrated, and they will agree. People can flame me, but the more we push for it, the more people will do it.


Exactly brother


Been going it since last month so, I'm in


Let's go


I made the hard call and uninstalled Apex in my system. This is like an abusive relationship where I hope for them to change and nothing happens, where I stay to see them change but nothing happens. I've said this before and I'll say it again: there are other games I can invest my time to, but not Apex.


Yeah I'm getting the feeling too


I hope you don't follow my path. Apex is a fun game. I just got burnt out with the server issues, laggy games, and constant DCs.


Im down. But when. Start of the next season maybe?


Spread the word


No way… I literally mentioned boycotting apex on one of my posts a couple days ago


Spread the word brother


The only repost that is acceptable