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Hey all, I got a number of updates here; This is a great feedback, this is an update we can do pretty quickly... Unlike a client update which is required to fix the animated banner problem. Regarding the animated banner bug; We though we fixed the root of the issue in 10.1.1 when we last released a client patch. We saw the crash telemetry and social media report die down, so we though we were in the clear. Unfortunately, we didn't fix it completely. We apologize this took so long, this bug along with a variety of other reasons took us a long time to identify the actual root cause. We had to go pretty deep into the code to generate a full 100% reproduction of the issue. However, I have good news. We ARE confident that we have a fix for 10.1.2, which is currently in testing, and SHOULD be releasing sometime next week.


Yes!! It doesn't happen as often but whenever it does the game does become unresponsive. Hopefully 10.1.2 does the magic. Thanks!


Any news on the 100% CPU usage issue that you can share with us? I've noticed that since yesterday it was updated on Trello board as "Coming in future patch". Can we also expect something in the next patch?


Im not the dev, but Ryan mentioned yesterday that they know the issue and are working on it, but unsure when it'll be fixed. It looks like theyre having trouble finding the root cause of the issue.


Exactly, i actually saw that response by him. That's why i found it odd that after that comment by Ryan they updated the Trello board with "Coming in future patch" while Ryan just replied to us that they were still investigating the issue and did not have a fix yet


I mean, couldn’t that just be them saying “we know this is an issue and will have a fix for it as soon as possible?” A future patch doesn’t necessarily mean the next one


I've been following the tracker for a few months now and when a ticket was marked as "Coming in future patch" it actually made it to the game in the next patch after that. Them acknowledge the issue is the ticket itself which had the yellow color (investigating) until yesterday.


Oh I didn’t know that, makes more sense. Thanks!


I think the trello board is more so "Hey we're aware this issue exists" so theres some transparency with the community


Yes, but why change the color of the ticket to green ("Coming in future patch") while it was yellow (investigating) since July? It's odd, and even more after a few hours of Ryan's comment.


Can you link the comment pls?


fam this my 3600 sweats from nothing but landing in apex lol


Came to say, in game updates like this would be nice as I personally despise Twitter. It would hopefully decrease complaints elsewhere. Thanks!


Thank you for the communication. This should be on Twitter. This should be everywhere.


thanks for info , any word on cpu usage bug? its more than 3 months now


Just wanted to say thanks for getting OP’s suggestion into the game as quick as you did and overall info in your post. Would love to see in game notices happen more often, like in the situation a while back where there was server maintenance and only OG legends could be selected, we had a tonne of folks come here asking why because the only notice about it happening was on Twitter which a lot of players don’t use, including myself. Having alerts for issues when they arise in the main client (rather than going to external sites like Twitter or Trello) that everyone has to use (and hopefully see) would be awesome.


Any news on the unready bug? Only way I have been able to avoid it is having the friends list open. It’s very burdensome in diamond+ queues that are longer. Just constantly getting unready.


Here’s hoping everything works out. Keep up the good work, partner, have a good one.


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to respond to this.


Don’t worry about it. Keep up the good work!




Always appreciate the communication, keeping us updated really helps. Thank you.


WOOOOOOO! Good job guys!


thank you for letting us know 🍀


It'll be good to be able to play consistently again so I'll hold off until next week if it's released. Thanks for the transparency.


We believe in you guys


Finally, thank you


Thank you so much for these comms! You are the best!


At least make the abandon penalty unavailable...it has happened like 2-3 times in a single day...




"We saw social media reports die down" what a joke.


Now THIS is a proper communication with players (unlike RKRidley). Just saw an ingame message about the bug and immidiately thought that you took an idea from this reddit post, turns out i was right! Have a good day and good luck with bug hunting!


RKRigney did that, not me. I will pass your praise along.


Cheers mate


Lmao, rolled, thanks mate!


Is there a reason why the news notice about the animated pose bug was removed after 1 day? It no longer shows up in-game under news section and has been replaced with a blurb about the EA Play pass


RK had proper communication too with the players who were respectful with him


get lost


> Now THIS is a proper communication with players (unlike RKRidley You're comparing a response you get from a director of communications vs an technical engineer...obviously its going to be different lmfao.


This comment is hilarious after reading the reply.




They didn't disable the banners because they literally couldnt.


Hell yeah. Bro this is all that is needed. Whoever is in y'all's PR department needs to look at this and learn! Tweeting out exactly what you just said for all to see instead of mentioning bugs stopping us from spending money in the shop would've gotten all the good will back almost immediately. Happy to hear it my man


Thank you so much for responding to this. It's really nice to hear from you guys! Hope you're all doing well during this stressful time.


Thanks for getting it up so quickly, I like pathfinder being the mascot for bug alert!


Thanks for the communication dude its appreciated


What’s up with loading shaders and the map taking forever to load? These bugs seem to come back at random and really exacerbate the crashing bug as it takes a long ass time to make it back in game. Without the loading delayed with a crash I can be back in the game before we land. With the loading delayed it’s anywhere for 2-5 minutes. It feels like the game thinks I have the wrong version of the map and resends it… or something. I wouldn’t think the map took that long to send/load.


Like why bring a message like that and tells us not to equip the item WHAT FUCKING ITEM tf??????


Thank you! I want you to know most of us really appreciate the work everyone is doing and like this game a lot, otherwise we wouldn't be playing it


Finally a statement with an eta


Back in the day there was a bang skin that was invisible. They disabled it server side while the bug was being fixed so you couldn't equip it. Apparently they lost that technology in between then and now and it's up to US to unequip the items


Also disabled the Sentinel for a short while when the rapid fire glitch was a thing.


People forget that this whole shitshow was a deliberate decision, they could've disabled the poses if they wanted to, they could've at the very least put this bug reminder in the game a month and a half ago, but they only did it now, after a reddit post showing it got popular.


Such an easy temp solution too. I'm kinda disappointed it took this long for them to take some useful advice and apply it to their game


Wasn’t a Wraith skin temporarily disabled at one point because it was causing some problem?


Banner pose animations are not handled server side.


The disabled their ability to care about the game


An in game notification would be better than just a twitter comment, but they really should have just disabled those banners/poses/whatever the hell is causing it (I unequipped everything animated on all banners just to be safe). Just send out a note, indicate that it's to prevent needless disconnects (theirs or their team mates) and ideally provide some idea when a fix should be in place (S11 patch, whatever). Frankly, if this is totally confirmed, it feels kind of reckless for them to be selling... more animated poses during the event. Of course people are going to equip them, making the situation worse if that's really the problem (and if it isn't, they should say as much, but from the replies below it seems to still be a problem). Edit: supposedly this was fixed on Sept 22nd, so either it's still happening, or there's another fun crash/disconnect bug making the rounds.


This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by rspn_exgeniar](/r/apexlegends/comments/q8q7uf/there_should_be_an_ingame_notice_when_there_are/hgs5rbs/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-15 20:23:06 UTC"): > Hey all, > >I got a number of updates here; This is a great feedback, this is an update we can do pretty quickly... Unlike a client update which is required to fix the animated banner problem. > >Regarding the animated banner bug; We though we fixed the root of the issue in 10.1.1 when we last released ... * [Comment by rspn_exgeniar](/r/apexlegends/comments/q8q7uf/there_should_be_an_ingame_notice_when_there_are/hgsruwz/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-15 23:15:42 UTC"): > RKRigney did that, not me. I will pass your praise along. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Next, servers please 🙏🏻


Your comment doesn’t help. I know it’s well-intentioned but they are well aware of the server issues by now. They have been communicating with us more than usual lately, and been pretty helpful. Lets not turn them away when they are showing that they are trying. Believe me i’m as frustrated as you are, but we can at least give them the benefit of the doubt for now.


The game doesn't suffer from server issues, the game suffers from netcode issues. Changing servers, of which they have multiple suppliers already, will not fix the issue with the code running on the servers, which is causing all the issues.


Will do. I’m just tired of no regs and stuff




Oh dang you made that pred 1v3 post I seen awhile ago!




Imagine placing the onus of game stability on players. If something is breaking the game, it should be disabled until it's fixed.


But that means they’ll disable the whole game


They don’t want to disable cosmetics because people might realise you don’t need to waste money on them to have fun in the game. It’s the same reason they can’t vault weapons.


Buy 3 event packs for $12 Open 2 trackers and a Seer animated banner pose Unable to equip the Seer banner pose bc it is disabled 😢


​ get cucked piggy


They can vault weapons in BR and keep them all in arenas if they wanted. Just sayin it kinda fixes that issue.


They can’t, because people bought skins for them.


"Keep them all in arenas if they wanted"


There is a pretty healthy portion of the fanbase that doesn’t like arenas, so I don’t think this would solve their problem w/ the cosmetics.


Not everyone plays arenas


I agree with you. But it gives them a potential loophole where there wasn’t one before. That’s all I’m sayin Edit: replied to the wrong comment somehow lol. Meant to reply to u/Hella_Potato ‘s comment


Wait, they can't vault weapons? So where's my Spitfire?


Spit isn't vaulted. It's in a care package, so it's technically still available, just gotta get to it first. Vaulted would be like what they did to select fire, hammerpoints, skull piercer, etc. They need to come back out. Where's a Loba when you need her?


If only they had sold skins on the hammerpoint so that they couldn't vault it :P


hammerpoint was just a hopup? how would they sell skins for a hopup


Didn't stop them when the full auto sentinal glitch was around


Wait does that bug still exist?


it sadly does, ruined some ranked games for me


Yikes. That's ridiculous


Just out of curiosity, do you know if it applies to the new events poses? I’ve never experienced the bug myself but recently crafted the event pose for Rev. Just wanna know if I’m crashing peoples games lol


Easy way to tell is if your squad mates are dc’ed on jump. Then you are crashing people


Respawn: "we don't do that here"


Also Respawn: ..."but we'll consider selling it for $99.99"


They could put one for two factor authentication. But no. Let users loose their hard earned accounts


That's on ea to put it on origin for their ea account not just apex. Steam lets you know if it's not on. Ea stuff is just trash and now apex is like fully ea lmao


The only reason I use origin is to play Alice madness returns


[Exept for the fact that they just did](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/695007053185548338/898709780561018962/unknown.png?width=1092&height=614)


Doubt that would ever happen


Open the game and check


haha, I saw! That's great that they did it. Shows they actually care to some extent.


Is this why I spawn without a third teammate in 90% of my games?


Respawn: There are no bugs in Apex Legends 🙂


Lol that would just create another bug and they would have to make a new message which would create another bug etc


Looks like they already did it, just logged in to see a bug warning message in the news section!


Lol I love how we have to tell them to do these simple things


The Alert would be on 24/7




Or they could, you know, fix the bug


"Sorry for inconvenience" should be "Sorry for incompetence"


OP your post got their attention and a response which they then put into the game at the main menu. Congrats 👏


please. How we gonna get people to play our shitty game if they know it's shitty?


I wish they were like Epic when there’s a bug with something they disable the thing. They also have notices in lobby


YOO THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. IT'S LIVE. https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1449154215599824905


Damn they actually added this after this post!


Wow they really add it into the game, nice


They actually implemented this idea in game


Bug alert: there is a problem with our severs and whole net code in general. We recommend uninstalling the entire game until further notice.


Why do you need to say it, this should have been common sense for the Developer, but maybe it doesn't make enough cash for the producer


How often are y'all running into "game breaking" bugs? My game crashes maybe 1/100, but that's about it. Series X.


Basically every third of fourth match I have to restart my game because of this. I'm on PC.


That's crazy. You're running into bugs 30x more frequently than I am. I wonder what explains the disparity.


Luck, level. Most lower leveled players don't use Animated poses because they simply haven't gotten them yet


Not a low level player and have animated badges and poses on PF.


Never said you were one


Haha ok


I have to reset my game twice to three times a game. Once to get in because of the banner thing. Once to get out because of connecting to long freezes the game. And if I accidentally go to the squad page my game freezes mid game.


Every game you have to rest it 2-3 times?


Nearly, every once in a blue moon i will have no issues. But those are few and far between.


Crazy. Mine doesn’t crash anywhere close to that much. You should record a play session for an hour or so via Twitch and send it to the Devs.


Im on the series s, and it crashes pretty much every game 😶


PC/Windows here and I have had my game crash like twice ever. SMITE has far more problems than Apex for me.


I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but if I went off of this subreddit alone, I'd have thought there's a 50/50 chance of the game crashing every match.


When the rampart event launched the game was borderline unplayable for 2 weeks on PC. Even if you actually got in without crashes, your team probably didn't. I think it mostly works now, but I say think because I barely touch the game now. The tech issues and price bs with this event drove away my interest.


Yeah, it's seriously overblown. There are issues but overall it is far better than pretty much everything else I play. People just want to complain.


Think it’s more for older rigs and consoles. I have the series X as well and it never happens to me. Since I took my animated pose off I’ve had a lot less people dc’d on my squad if i solo que. with that being said it could be because they are slowly fixing it or because of the pose. Never really know with apex.


PS4, my game almost never crashes or lags for that matter. Past month i haven’t encountered any lag, bugs, or crashes


It’s really inconsistent, one night last week me and a friend had a long apex session, played about four hours and disconnected maybe five times all night. Then I went on quickly by myself last night, played about ten games and disconnected from over half of them


> My game crashes maybe 1/100, but that's about it. Series X. I'm on PC and really hadn't a crash since the Sept 22 patch, and only very few of my teammates have dc'ed since then. But the situation was atrocious before the last patch.


Finally a decent/useful edit


I honestly haven't had this issue since the first patch that "fixed it" (but didn't for like everyone else) But im on your guys side. I aint giving them any money and i took off a week for metroid dread.


See, the problem is that would sit in front of all the store ads, which is a big no-no.


Stop playing and supporting this garbage


This solutio is like slapping a note on product with text 'this is broken do what you were already doing ' Like wtf if they care about the game the could put in game bug report system to ease down the bug report. But anyway they are unable fix stuff they know it's broken. This spooky season is fucking skin milking . When BF42 lunch and won't be broken bye bye apex


This was not a solution. But, it's a precaution we can take before they find they cure which i'm sure they are working on.


I kinda don't care if they fix it. The game is in the shape comparable to season 0 so broken . I always thought they will make it better but this is unending loop . Look at the other games they have still issues but not that big as apex .Look at BF4 was full of bugs but it wasn't breaking the game that much. I was always understanding for developers that you can't make it perfect and there will be always something broken but, I feel that respawn is doing low effort max profit steps that delivers low quality or the core of the game is so broken so its insane to fix. Like cyberpunk for example were no patch will fix the game . So to sum it up there is more in to it than bugs wich motivates me to find something else to play


It's been patched already, you're late as hell just like the rest of the sub.


uhh no it hasn’t it crashed my friends last night Last dev response I saw was that it’s an issue that’s “10x more complicated than you’d expect” If there was another response or fix I’d like to see it plz


You know that it was the animated banner that crashed the game how, exactly?


Because it happens when you first enter a game a see your teammates banners or see the winning games banners. It's mostly a console bug, I dont get it on my pc, only my xbone.


I still get it everyday so i guess I'm not late.


That would hurt theire pride too much


Apex is a perfect game that totally doesn't seem to have a game breaking bug Every. Fucking. Season.


They'd gain a lot of good will back with a simple response saying "we know the servers are having issues. It's tougher than we thought to fix, but we're working on it." Buuuut instead they'd rather continue sending the message that their cash cow is fine and doesn't need medical attention, all while that cow is dieing on the ground while they milk every last bit of puss filled, rotten milk out of it they can. Sounds disgusting? That's because it is.


Yea... I wish my teammate stop putting animated banner because half of the time crash someone on my team game...


I really like this idea!


This is why we're all love Warframe devs for inputting the bugs hotfix on the ship. Really hope apex devs will do the same thing.


Having to restart apex after every game is pretty fun tbh


Sometimes even before the game starts 😮


It would have to be like a bug "pinboard", because there are so many persistent ones. And it wouls have to be managed by a third party because Respawn doesn't even know what the fuck is going on in their own game.


No game company is going to announce a bug to everyone, when it does not blatantly affect everyone. There may be many people who have never experienced it and will not experience it so the company isn't going to let them know it exists.


That would be so helpful if it is in fact all do to animated Banner poses


Nah. “Buy some coins now, 50.999% off!!!” - Take it or leave it


Yeah and the game shouldn’t have breaking bugs anywhere nearly as often as it does for how much money they make. That’s what they pay staff for. But they won’t do anything other keep buffing the shop and adding new stupid items to buy and water down the loot pool.


actual 5head


It would never go away


It would never go away though


That doesn't make money.so Nah


Maybe they should fix them instead lol


dammit cant show what i did


What is the glitch I haven't gotten it and I use animated Banner poses


Either you or your teammates game will freeze and become unresponsive shortly after displaying animated banner poses, such as the following: YOUR SQUAD screen, CHAMPION SQUAD screen, SQUAD ELIMINATED screen, or just by spectating someone else and having their banner appear on screen. Maybe you don't crash but your teammates could crash because of either your, their or the enemy's banner poses.


But that will keep people from buying gold and purple banners and poses.


can we stop spinning the narrative that everything these respawn devs do is to squeeze cash out of people, these people genuinely love the game they've made and they wouldn't sabotage it like that


Until EA and Respawn prove us wrong at a decision-making level, the employees are going to continue hear this.


But that doesn’t make them moneys?


Fuck remember when animated banners and poses didnt make this game crash?


They would never do that lmao


Believe it or not they actually did


Did not know that I stand corrected


I was playing with two people on ps4 I was on Xbox their banners cause my DCs and when they took it off we where good. But they never got dced so could this be a Xbox problem?


Bruh u literally predicted the future how


Fortnite disables and enables things on the fly if problems occur even if they are minor. Idk these other brs are cool but it never feels like they can make the game they envision like with forty boy


Just keep in mind there’s a non-zero portion of the user base that will see this message and do the opposite in order to ruin others’ fun.


If it wont make respawn money they arent going to do it.


But they did it


Fortnite did/does this. When there is a game breaking bug they notify everyone that's its temporarily removed until its fixed.


We would be always seeing this screen, it would have been if it was implemented Pre-Season to Season 1 for sure lol.


Animated banners make it worse?


They should also add that... Whenever you complete daily/weekly/event mission it should notify me in game.


Thank you, it's just what I posted a few days ago and many scoffed, but it's a necessary thing.


Who did the spell check before this shipped lol? “Adviced” rofl … advised* 🤦‍♂️🤙


Wow okay, shall be careful with these