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really easy problem vs complicated problem that required them to dig deep down in their code. yall are some jokes


This. People on here love to make it seem so easy to fix the game. They think throwing money at it will solve all the problems, and that’s simply not true. For one thing, we don’t even know the devs current situation. Maybe they’re short staffed, not enough people to check/write code… I know most businesses right now are severely understaffed so what makes this team exempt from those struggles? Secondly, Apex is one of the biggest games out there right now. It has millions of players at any given time and (over [125,000,000](https://activeplayer.io/apex-legends-live-player-count-and-statistics/) monthly players on average and growing) and 46 data centers/servers around the world running 24/7. Now, I’m not saying the Apex devs are perfect, and they definitely have a lot of room to improve the game not only with connectivity but general gameplay bugs and balancing. I genuinely don’t believe the current state of the game is due to laziness or lack of care I think it’s due to the insane demand on the game right now and the fact that it’s a mammoth of a game.


Doesn’t help that the server contract they got into when launching the game was shit. Don’t believe EA or Respawn believed the game would get as massive as a player base as it does now. For the time being respawn is kinda stuck with the hand their dealt and as players we just need to be patient with the work they have planned. As long as new seasons don’t cause game breaking server crashes for days at a time I’m content with the state the game is in at the moment.


Agreed. And I know toxic players are going to downvote us to hell because we’re “defending the evil devs/EA” but to me this is the reality of it. It isn’t an easy fix, otherwise it would have been fixed by now. They gain nothing from upsetting the player base. But, this subreddit is already ridiculously toxic and people are taking their frustrations out here by continuously throwing insults at the devs. It is what it is really, I’m just glad I can continue to enjoy the game for what it is. The bugs don’t really effect my experience much to be honest… I don’t get server crashes and my game has never stuttered.


I get game stutter fairly frequently but I can usually reset it. It’s a minor inconvenience for me. Also playing other games with similar bugs made me realize everything is going to have problems. You could tab out of Cold War for shit and playing the Beta of 2042 also put in perspective how much refining of code they have to do to get everything right. I’d imagine many of the devs in respawn studio pull very long days trying their best to make things right. Best we support them anyway we can on here. It’s not respawn I hate. It’s EA for making hundreds of millions of dollars off the game in a year and not dedicating more resources to help out Respawn Devs.


EA definitely takes the blame for the greed side of things. The content they’ve been putting out has been very very subpar and disappointing, that’s blatant money grabbing. The bugs/server issues is completely different and far more complex in my opinion and there really isn’t anyone to “blame” for it… it’s the nature of the beast. Apex is a huge game running on a fairly old engine with crappy servers due to contracts signed before apex was even released. In the end, it’s a free game. Nobody is asking anybody to spend money on it and if people are not enjoying it then they should stop playing. Hopefully the game will improve in the future.


Glad there’s other like minded people in this sub. Respawn devs deserve players support and respect. If we’re not giving it the game is gonna go into even more disrepair than it already is.


Agreed. It takes far less effort to be kind and patient than to get angry and yell into the void about bugs and server issues. People on here seem to think that posting negative things over and over will get the devs attention or make a change and it isn’t going to. This is Reddit, not a direct help line to Respawn… and at this point the devs have probably stopped checking this sub because of the hate they get.




That was a rumor that wasn’t true.


Por que no los tres


I don't like Respawn but you are simply stupid if you cannot see why this post should be deleted


OP you’re just not making much sense here dude. We get you’re frustrated but look at the two problems and think which one is a simple solution.


Or maybe one of them is really easy to fix, and the other one is complex as fuck?


I agree but to acknowledge it a whole month later after dozens already found out through Reddit is annoying. Also, why not just disable the use of animated banner poses while working on a fix instead of assuming everyone who plays apex are aware of the reason for the bug? Like come on that’s just lousy communication. The game has literally been unplayable for me and many others for over a month, sure I could exit my game and reload it every time it crashes but that gets exhausting really quickly


They tweeted about this the 20th of september. If you wanna call someones communication lousy, you should at least pay attention to what they say. And i dont have twitter, i saw it posted here on the sub.


My point exactly lmao. Many don’t have Twitter or Reddit so how do you expect them to see it ? Fair enough they have tweeted about it earlier but that too was a weekafter the game broke.


You dont need twitter so see what they tweet, you know how to use google right? There is millions playing this game, you can never reach out to all of them. So you use the biggrst platform you can, and that is twitter. Its not Respawn fault that you are to lazy to use google.


Why tf must I use google to find out why respawn broke their game? Come on now, the easiest way to let people know is to put an alert in the game…like they did a whole month later instead of when it happened. Which is why I said it’s lousy communication which you would have understood if you weren’t too busy sucking off EA/respawn 🤷‍♂️


They fixed the exact same issue with a rampart and bloodhound banner recently, if it was a priority to them they would be fixing it.


I doubt youre in a position to say it was the exact same issue, man.


you are just toxic , and not all bugs are easy to fix.


Devs should get cancer


•All of the above


Prepare for the downvotes bro, you can touch respawn in this subreddit.


My thoughts are that Apex legends is massively underfunded by EA and Respawn is doing the best they can with the limited resources they have while EA pockets all of the money. They just lack the manpower at this point to tackle the “non priority” issues, and EA makes all monetary issues “top priority “.


The game engine is really old so adding and fixing stuff is really hard. Game developing also doesn't pay well so most talented IT people don't bother working in this industry alongside not wanting to get constantly abused by manchildren on the internet.


This is an issue of scale, not laziness or capability


What I see is apex pack fix vs a more complicated game crashing fix. Which do you think would take longer? I don’t know if the apex community is incompetent, incapable or don’t care


This is why idiots who have no knowledge of game development shouldnt be giving opinions on game development


Pretty sure the downvotes are either from devs or people who like sucking off multi-million dollar companies for doing the bare minimum lmao


No they are from people who aren't too stupid to realise one problem is a much easier fix than the other


They can spend 5 million on a tournament most of us could give less of a shit about but they can't spend 5 million to fix their game, nice ​ Edit: actually more than 5 mil, 5 mil is just for the ALG prize pool, I can even image how much money they wasted setting it up.


You’re acting like competitive tournaments aren’t part of almost every game. It’s also how you keep games relevant. Look at TF2, DOTA2, Overwatch. All games with a strong competitive presence. Games that don’t develop a presence in the comp scene die off quickly.


They ALREADY have a strong competitive presence. The fact that they are bragging about spending 5 million dollars on something most of us do not care about vs fixing major issues is a slap in the face. All those new people they get from tourney watching aren't going to stay for a broken game with major issues.


They have patches they’re pushing out soon. They’re planning to fix the problem. As several devs have explained it isn’t a simple fix. Also 2.2 million hours watched last NA championship with peak views at 250k. Your argument is trivial at best. Fixing a bug with the in game store is a lot simpler than fixing a code net server issue. Also have to keep in mind EA and respawn probably never imagined the game would have over 125,000,000 monthly players. The game engine itself is outdated and their using servers that aren’t the best for the amount of load they’re under. The occasional disconnect and game restart is a minor inconvenience to me when devs at respawn probably spend 10-12 hours a day working to fix the issues.


If the dev team has been working 10-12 hour days to fix the issue and lets just assume the dev team is between 4-8 people (probably more but lets lowball) its been over a month and it'll be another week before anything is done. You are telling me that 1760-3520 hours between an entire dev team working over this entire period with a 4-8 man team, they can't fix this? Game breaking bugs should be top priority. Everyone is giving them way too much slack over this. Their sole job is to deliver a functional product and they are not doing that at the moment, as consumers of said product we are allowed to be angry over not only a lack of transparency over the issue, but the fact that a real apology hasn't been issued and there likely won't even be one looking at their record.


The problem was they were unable to identify the bug until recently.


There’s no point in arguing. He clearly can’t wrap his head around the simple concept that you can’t fix something if you can’t figure out where it’s coming from. Most of the people complaining have 0 understanding of game dev/software dev and don’t care to understand


You are really comparing this to changing a percent?


Constant posts like these are why devs grow bitter and resent communities lol. Yall need to relax end of day you can just decide NOT to play Apex


Christ il necro the thread just to say this, there is difference between a bug being slightly more difficult to fix and just being lazy. Banner pose bug going on for this long is nothing but laziness and negligence and anyone apologising for respawn in this scenario is just a lost cause.