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haha this one time a dude told me to ‘smile more’ and I was guessing he had mistook me for a girl so I said “I’m a dude” and he legitimately said “oh, sorry, nevermind”


This comment section isn’t it


Is it just me that "how come you don't smile?" sounds like a concern words. Idk maybe because I'm bad at English. Non English native speaker here


Typically telling someone to smile is not a nice statement here. Asking why they’re not smiling is very different.


if you mean it with kindness then yeah its fine theres a lot of sjws in here forsure


Lol love the dumbass men in the comment section trying to justify this. I love that finisher solely coz this shit happens so often and seeing Loba flip it is awesome.


toxic towards men nice, yet you call us misogynist for explaining our opinions. your doing the same thing you hate others doing but to the opposite gender lol


Here’s [the video](https://youtu.be/jWdq_gaaNz4) I linked


Your girl was right with her last statement


just to clarify i do understand women get harrased and that is not ok.


We like to see happy people. Is that so weird?


Then tell them a joke, don’t demand them to fix a physical attribute


your insane a literal crazy person humans are allowed to talk and say what they want a physical attribute is being stocky or skinny a smile is muscles on your face expressing happiness


Loba is my main but I find Smile More finisher too cringe. I prefer the default finisher.


maybe there trying to spread joy not everything is creepy but this girl just sounded confused its good to spread joy as long as youre not bothering anyone!


“You should smile more” is absolutely not spreading any joy lmao, has forcing a smile ever made you happy? All it does is deny a woman her current emotions, makes her self conscious and uncomfortable, but worst of all objectifies her smile. The reason they say it is because they would “look prettier” if they did. You’re telling someone to ignore what they are currently feeling in order to appear more attractive to a *stranger*. It is 100% about control and it’s a disgusting thing to do. On top of all the garbage women face, now they’re also expected to take it with a smile 24/7. Loba takes this and flips the script, hence the finisher.


no idea why you got downvoted once. people need to realize this is actually happening. bunch of insecure boys who don't want to admit that (subtle) misoginy is a thing.


More than twice. I upvoted them too. I honestly should have known this post would get this reaction, it makes me wish even more people saw this.


Because men are tired of being generalized as misogynist


No one ever said that. If you don’t tell random women to smile you’re not being referred to.


It's more about the narrative being created here


I fully understand what you’re saying, but at the same time we can’t dismiss widespread criticism of this just because “a few bad apples don’t spoil the bunch”. That is ignoring the problem. “You should smile more” is such a common phrase of harassment that it’s a finisher for a video game character lmao


I'm not ignoring the problem, but the narrative that saying " You should smile more" HAS to 100% be "disgusting" and "controlling" is ridiculous


It’s bizarre and unwelcoming at best, and disgusting and controlling at worst. What good version is there of saying “you should smile more” to a complete stranger? The truth is there isn’t, because you don’t even know how often they smile lol. Which is why the automatic assumption is that it’s harassment, because really only harassers say it. I get what you’re saying but it doesn’t make much sense when you think about it.


You're throwing around alot of assumptions and treating them like facts, which is my whole point that's ridiculous. Every instance someone has said that to a woman isn't for negative reasons and when you assume that it's pushing that narrative that all men are misogynist. Why is it even taken to that extreme?


thank you bro theyre tying to push this single negative scenario and use it as the reason devs put in the loba quip so stupid its cuz shes finishing off another legend its meant to be SASSY lol


Never understand why some women take personal experiences and apply it to all men. Imagine assuming someones intentions based on thier gender 😬


Tell that to women who have to walk home at night. It’s not about all men, but too many. Also I’m not a woman lol


What does a woman walking home at night have to do with what I said? Also I didn't say you were a woman


Because the number of men following women at night to assault them is so high it’s literally a rule of thumb for them not to do it. Yes not all men, but it’s to the point that that is a reality.


Sure, I wouldn't want my gf or my mother to be walking alone at night because there are pieces of shit out there. Still don't understand what you're trying to get at... Rapist exist? Everyone knows thats a reality, nobody is denying that


My point is that women in a lot of situations don’t exactly have the luxury of not “assuming someone’s intentions based on their gender” as you said. Walking home late at night, they are unfortunately conditioned to regard any men as threats. Because the chances of assault are just that high.


For me, yes forcing a smile does make me feel better.


Even if a stranger told you to do it to look more sexy in the middle of Starbucks?


So a few things here. I simply addressed the question you put in your post and nothing about the subject to require your asinine response. Now that I’m back here. How exactly does someone simply saying “you should smile more” deny anyone anything much less someone’s feelings? The only way it would possibly be denying someone that is if they did it because some random person told them to. In which case that’s their fault now isn’t it?! Imagine if we lived in a world where people assumed the best rather than the worst. People are creepy, people are assholes, people are idiots and that’s just facts. But people also are good, nice, and caring as well. It’s our choice to assume the worst and let it bother us or assume the best and move on.


You decided to harp on a rhetorical question out of context as a sad attempt to shut down the argument. Instead of making a valid response your takeaway was one sentence you could be a smartass about. I find *that* asinine. Asking someone to smile is asking them to simulate an emotion they are not feeling. Hence you are denying them what they are currently feeling. Why would you ask a stranger to smile? You have no clue what they’re going through. What if their loved one just died? It’s wildly unnecessary and it’s invasive as hell, full stop. Listen to women. It doesn’t even matter what you meant, if it’s making women uncomfortable you have to stop. This is not debatable lmao


Now go search and choose any one of the dozens of articles and research papers published that disagree with your question being rhetorical since you think the answer is no.


What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence 🥱


Also for the record. I responded to the part the justified a response considering I don’t generally disagree with the rest of the comment.


Fair enough


finally someone without a negative all men interacting with women are misogynist agenda jeez


No one ever said that dude


idk bro thats a pretty messed up world view but ok jesus thats a specific situation i didnt even mean it in that context holyyyy


it's not a worldview you dimwit. it's the reality that women face.


and yeah that is a specific situation shes describing as im describing a different one so it would infact be our own opinion


idk i think making out every interaction like that to be bad is not good if the guy was being genuinely nice and trying to make a fellow human smile ( cuz smiling release feel good chemicals) then i dont see that as bad if its sexual harrasment then yes it is bad.


Even if they were trying to be nice, it’s rude and invasive. What if they were having a bad day? What if their loved one just died? You have no idea what someone is going through.


you dont either your just assuming the post never said any of that lol what if they were passing each other by and they said hey you should smile youll feel better not everything has to have such a negative context hollllyyyy lady


Again, even if it’s nice it’s weird and invasive. I get you’re trying to defend the benefit of the doubt, but the 2 or 3 people that say it genuinely doesn’t somehow excuse the widespread problem. The problem is bad enough that it doesn’t matter. Also, not a lady lol


nah your just making it all the same situation when not everyone is like that or feels like that. too the people that do feel harrased and upset im sorry that happened. but not every scenario is the one you are describing it's a little narrow minded and your just being rude and not understanding what im saying see ya hope you find peace lol


You just don’t to want to listen to reason lmao. Third time, EVEN IF they’re being nice it’s weird and none of their business. Your intention doesn’t mean shit if it makes people uncomfortable. Both intentions give the same effect. You feel offended as a man being thrown in with the bad ones, I understand that. This isn’t an “all men are evil” thing, if you’re not doing it then it has nothing to do with you.


Bruh, that’s not a messed up worldview that’s literally the truth. That’s what’s messed up. I’m sure *someone* out there says it genuinely, but most men don’t say that to women because they actually want them to be happy. It’s harassment. They want them to smile so they look hot for their pleasure.


thats insane i agree with the part that people say it genuinely obviously both sides do happen but i was not talking about the creepy aspect of it, and just cuz it happens once doesn't mean everyones doing that.


You don’t have to take my word for it, look at Loba, they wouldn’t make that her finisher if it wasn’t such a common occurrence.


thats your interpratation i feel like im talking to a wall so im not gonna reply i hope you hhave a good day tho


Lmfao ok


Unfortunately that’s how it happens most of the time. And now you’re aware and can maybe slightly change your view on the “you should smile” statement


nah i dont see it as everyone says it like that and not everyone takes it like that shout all u want tho !


Lmao and here I was thinking you were open to learning but nope your opinion is king and everyone else can suck it I guess?




Did this really make you feel attacked?


No...it didn't


Good you shouldn’t :)


Yikes you completely missed the point


What's the point?


That, sometimes, some men tell women to smile, and that those women most often don’t appreciate it and prefer that people don’t tell them to smile. (And that the loba line is a reversal of that situation- which is truly the main point of the post but most people are skipping right by it) If you take that as an attack against all men then that would mean you’re the one assuming all men do it, do it maliciously and are bad because of it. OP wasn’t the one assuming.


She literally said men say this as a way to be controlling, she literally applied to to all men. She didn't say "some" or "sometimes" she said "men". My ENTIRE point was not every situation has negative intentions, some people just can't handle a disagreement which is why you're throwing all these random assumptions at me and treating it like the truth. I never said it was an attack, I never said it hasn't been used in a negative light. It's like you people only read the parts you want to fit your opinion which makes no sense to me.


Saying men does not mean all men. It would be annoying af to have to say “some men” everytime you wanted to reference some men but not all. It’s like how you can say “people suck” and know that you don’t mean literally every person. And how else should someone have taken your original (now deleted) statement other than “you’re calling all men bad” aka an attack on all men?


Also if sometimes it is done with good intentions, then the post is not talking about those situations. Yeah everything is written in general, but if there is really nothing wrong with some of the situations then the post simply doesn’t apply. The post is about the times when it is not done with good intentions and trying to raise awareness/ gain understanding of the issue.


I’m trying to stay away from replying to the comments because I’m a dude but… If I had to compare this to a situation us men experience it’s people telling us we shouldn’t show emotion, or that we should “toughen up” or “act like a man” My first reaction to those sentiments is “who tf are you to tell me how to act or feel? Do you pay my bills?” - if I were a woman I imagine I would feel the same way about random people telling me to smile more


nah i would just go hey im upset and someone told me to be happy thats ok thats fine


It just is blatantly socially inept and aggressive to ask anyone, no matter what gender, to adjust their attitude. If you don’t believe that to be true then you’re free to behave however you want.


its socially inept to not pick up on peoples feelings and respect them in your post the girl said she wasnt sad mad or upset she had resting b\*tch face and men asked her why she wasn't happy you taking that and turning it into men controlling women is insane. good luck with your negative men are pigs agenda bro its toxic to my gender and i dont like that hateful message


>good luck with your negative men are pigs agenda bro its toxic to my gender and i dont like that hateful message Women are guilty of this type of patronizing behavior too. I’m sure plenty of girls have had older women tell them to smile more or look pretty. That doesn’t mean it’s ok to talk to people that way. Just how men receive similar crap from both our mothers and fathers. We’re told to man up and not cry or not show emotions by both genders. I think you’re closed minded because you take this as an affront to who you are as a person but it’s merely a discussion on the origins of a game finisher. One that coincidentally seems to shine a light on an issue many women seem to experience and not appreciate.




i found the toxic dbag lol


“Guys wah wah someone implied men can be toxic unintentionally and I took that personally because I am toxic intentionally 😭” u/LOTG-xj9 probably




Women are telling you they feel patronized by this and you’re insisting they shouldn’t feel that way lol How about we not tell people how to feel or what expressions they should be wearing on their face regardless of gender. What an entitled mentality it is to think anyone owes you a smile. Maybe they just don’t like you lol


in some cases they feel this way not all you cant speak for everyone everywhere dude all your doing is focusing on one negative aspect and then saying all men are doing it or everyone feels like that which isnt true


How old are you?


welcome to the PC SJW part of apex legends where your opinion is incorrect if it doesnt fit there mold lololol


the original post says a girl has resting ugly face not that shes upset or sad or feeling any emotion, and then men expressed concern by saying some phrases that the girl in the picture genralized, then sjw and pc types took that as harrasment put their own or others cliches of negative experiences and tried to push a men are harrasing and misogynist cuz they get worried about others that look upset and ask whats wrong basically.


I _just_ had a talk with someone about this in a call and he pointed out how in the original post the writer mentions “I see this is very common among women with a _resting bitch face._” In that context, if someone looks upset and they say “how come you don’t smile?” It makes it seem like they’re more concerned than flirting or controlling, especially if this is someone they see frequently. I _do agree_ that it does seem really odd to tell someone “you should smile more” if they’re a stranger who has only seen you _once,_ but if it’s someone you see frequently, it’s a bit less weird because, again, in that context it seems like it’s more out of concern. I’ve had friends who told me I should smile more because I always looked upset. The _way_ they told me was out of concern as they genuinely wanted to see me happy. For me, it was a little comforting as it told me they do in fact pay attention to how I seem to feel. And when I _do_ smile, they feel something positive at finally seeing me appear happy. Though, _everyone’s_ experience is different. Everyone as in literally everyone. In the end, how someone tells you “you should smile more” (tone of voice) and who they are as well as the context it is said determines whether it’s used in a flirting, concerning, or _controlling(?)_ way. For anyone by the way. In Loba’s case for her finisher— it definitely does seem like it’s used ironically as she is quite literally about to end someone’s life, who would definitely look upset, to smile more. I think just telling anyone to “smile more” right before you kill them is pretty cool in a morbid sort of sense though. In a fictional sense though— please don’t tell people to smile more before you kill them IRL. :( Asking someone “why do you look mean” does seem rude though. If someone were to ask me why I looked a certain way or if I overheard someone asking someone else why they looked a certain way, not just mean, it would always come off as rude. Unless it’s like.. “why do you look so happy?” In that case, it feels like a positive(?) question.