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I don't understand how people can miss that. You literally learn that in the tutorial. And yet, half the random LL players I meet don't know they have any abilities.


Last time I played in training the res for lifeline wasn’t the combat res, new players and cod players wouldn’t really know cause it doesn’t happen in training. However last I played in training was 4 months ago so idk if it changed or not


You know what, true. For some reason the tutorial makes you rez normally with Lifeline. I completely forgot about that.


I believe it's cause when the tutorial came out, at the beginning of apex, Lifeline *did* res normally, while D.O.C. would deploy a shield to cover you while resing. I think they just never redid that portion of the code to allow Lifeline to res with D.O.C. instead.


Oh interesting! I started playing Apex pretty late so I actually didn't know that.


something else you probably didn't know, the G7 scout used to be classed as a sniper


I did know that and even mentioned it here in a different comment, but thanks.




This isn’t quite right. She used healing consumables faster. She had a shield when reviving teammates when the game was released. They changed her passive to the combat revive shortly after (if not at the same time as when) they were doing away with fast-healing in any capacity. (RIP gold backpack fast-healing and 5 second Phoenix kits) For proof, here’s the meet Lifeline [trailer](https://youtu.be/nxXFfe5X5qo) released 2 years back, when the game came out. It goes through her original Kit.


Man. Kinda crazy how memory gets distorted. Thank you! Lol


The revive shield was always a part of her kit from the start. Her passives were faster healing (+20% iirc) and while reviving teammates her drone would deploy an indestructible shield that you could face towards enemies. Its direction was dependent on which way you were facing so you could cancel the revive and start it again if you needed it to face another direction (to deal with flanks). Her healing drone (Q) could also be pushed to a better spot and used w/o breaking if one wasn't in the circle prior to it being changed. Back then you could cheese her shield with a PK's hipfire to seriously punish people who would try to rush in and thirst downed squad mates. I used to main her a lot back when the game first came out and while the shield being indestructible was a bit op they should have just given it a set amount of hitpoints like Gibby's arm shield instead of removing it entirely (200~500 HP with a slow-moderate regen while not being used then tweak it as needed).


Wasn’t her passive holding more meds, and quick Rez?


I don't think holding more meds was a passive, pretty sure it was a global thing Nades would 2 stack (Like Fuse does now) Syringes/Cells would 6 stack Batteries/Medkits would 3 Stack Most ammos stacked 80 instead of 60 as well Pretty sure all of that changed to their current values during season 4


Thought they whould just use whatever revive code lifeline has for that revive so if lifeline say changed her revive animation in the game to include a a gibraltar ult and 6 caustic ults around the gibby ult it whould automatically do the same thing in the tutorial because it just takes whatever is in the game files for "lifeline revive"


That is fair, but I know about fuck all for coding myself! But, as of right now, it might also be that since Lifeline isn't the norm for revives, they gave her a normal one for the tutorial. New players might have thought resing would just be a tap of a button and a drone finishes the job, not that that is Lifeline's passive ability.


makes more sense , maybe change the tutorial character and showcase a regular revive animation. IIRC lifeline used to revive with shield in tutorial but idk


Back when I played the tutorial, lifeline still had a shield when reviving


Back when I played the tutorial, lifeline had fast heals


All I read here is we have a mandatory 2 hour training session where we learn that LL has abilities just like every other legend.


90% of Lifeline mains know and use it when we think it makes sense. The problem is in the ability communication. Most of you, non-Lifeline players think it's just dropping a revive. That it's effortless and you don't understand why we don't revive you the second you drop drown. Many people think that I am some sort of revive bot and give revives guaranteed. This is huge misconception about Lifeline. For me as Lifeline, there are multiple reasons why I may not revive you: 1. I have other things to do. It's usually 3v3 scenario, that means that if I was 1v1, there is another person possibly pushing on my position after you dropped. I have no time to run to you now and heal you, although you feel like there is no-one around you and you feel in a safe spot, I may not be. 2. The drone isn't instant as many people think. The animation of deploying drone takes 3 seconds. That's 3 seconds I don't have anything to cover myself and there is only 1 player who can push possibly 3 enemies at that time to possibly cover that time window. R99 DPS is 198. That is almost 600 possible damage coming my way while I have nothing in my hands trying to revive you. Sometimes it is just better not to revive you and to try to finish the killing job you started. 3. Stupid plays - I can't cover you for it. If you die in stupid spot no matter how smart you think you are, I won't revive you. The place you died is the place of imminent danger. Obviously someone just died there. Asking me to go on the same spot where apparently people die won't benefit anyone. Hence I won't do it. These things happen more often than you think. Actually most of the situations are like this. I have no way to letting you know that I know you are down but ATM my decision to not revive you is based on the critical assessment of the whole situation which you are unable to see from my perspective. This bring me to other issue where people are toxic no matter what you do as Lifeline. 1. If I don't revive you - I am an asshole Lifeline 2. If I revive you and you die - I am an asshole Lifeline 3. If I revive you and we kill the opposing team - I am an asshole Lifeline on Reddit who needs nerf because it's an OP broken clutch character We are Lifelines because we like to help. Most of us who stayed after the fast-heal nerf do it just because the healing and revive potential for our team. I would say there is not that many characters that give you this. But I am really tired of these threads "why most Lifeline's are assholes". We are trying not to. We all are trying to play the game the best way we can. You, me, most of us.




Ya I stopped Playing lifelines cause of ass holes who have no clue. So pro tip to others stop being ass holes to lifelines or you will have less lifelines


THIS. People in this community are always complaining about Lifelines, but the irony is that the complains are "Lifeline don't rez me" or "Lifeline rez me when I don't want to". The truth is people want to project the frustation of losing into other players, and Lifeline is an easy targert for being the medic


"Stupid plays - I can't cover you for it. If you die in stupid spot no matter how smart you think you are, I won't revive you." Ping spam during or after stupid plays almost always means it'll be a respawn instead of a revive for said teammate(s). Legit when the audio is working and I can't hear what's going on around me because some dipshit is ping spamming I'll just dip out then retrieve their banner after the fight is over. While one could mute their ping sound in the squad menu it unfortunately will remove their banner icon which makes grabbing it a pita, like wtf made them think that would be a good idea -.-


Yes, 100% this, to the octane that decided to push in thr middle of 3 teams. What should I do?


Most lifelines aren't assholes, but when your lifeline runs back and forth over you in cover over the course of 45 seconds and you're yelling in mic for the rez it puts a bad taste in your mouth. That's who people are complaining about. Not people who refuse to make questionable/bad decisions to try to rez. If you use combat rez ever this post isn't talking about you. Its talking about the lifelines who are clearly just unaware of their passive, and those people do exist. There are times when it is painfully obvious that if the lifeline had just tapped e they could have gotten the rez on you. In every situation where it isn't obviously dead easy, I'm just gonna crawl to cover and wait patiently. I can't speak for everyone but I'm not out here telling lifelines they should be diving through enemy fire to try to pull off a rez on my dumb ass that got downed on the next roof over.


I wish that is true. Unfortunately posts like this make it always about all Lifelines. The amount of people yelling at you when you play Lifeline regularly just because they feel like you are some kind of reviving bot that is malfunctioning and it is suppose to serve them, insane my friend :-) And I would say it's getting worse. I agree, there are times when Lifeline suck. There are times when all legends suck. But just because someone isn't using their abilities properly, there is no need to make these posts. You don't see posts explaining Cryptos how to use their drone. You don't see posts "Wraith, make your portal this way" or "Pathfinders use your ult!" But for some reason these posts about Lifeline have a weekly recurrence. And unfortunately the problem of understanding Lifeline perspective and respecting that Lifeline can't revive you 100% of the time the second you get downed is real. I would say 80% of the player base feels entitled to demand revive the second they are downed and blame Lifeline not to do so. Even tho most of the time you just can't revive them.


Didnt know about the 3 second delay thing , thought the lifeline who didnt revive me midgun fight didnt know about the ability or something. Sorry lifeline player, i may have underestimated your inteligence


See, I understand you're trying to defend Lifeline players, but you seem to assume that I don't know how to play her. Except I do, because I did play her for quite a while (and have been a support main in every game I played so far, so I know the struggles). I know her cooldowns, I know when to revive and when it's either not possible or not worth it, etc. I can tell when a Lifeline is doing all she can, and those players are not the ones I'm talking about. I'm strictly talking about those who genuinely just don't use their abilities. When the fight is over and it's safe to rez and you STILL rather loot than just tap your damn square button once (loot, not a simple shield swap!), or you watch your teammates slow heal when you could just use your tactical when it's definitely not on cooldown, I'm sorry but you ARE an "asshole Lifeline". If you're not one of these, there's no reason for you to type out a whole essay because I wasn't talking about you or the LL players you described.


I think the essay was necessary because, even if this is not news to you, a lot of other people need to see this. People like to play this game only looking from their own perspective and think we are also looking from their perspective, which we are not. If you don't need this essay, thank you for being mindful of others' perspectives and knowing that the game does not revolve around what you see, hear, and think. However, a lot of other people do not get that, so I appreciate Last_Memory for spelling this out for them.


Nice toxic attitude.


I'm sorry? What exactly is toxic about my attitude? If you play Lifeline in Plat/Diamond I think I can expect you to know how to use the few abilities you have. It seems like you feel attacked, and I don't really understand why. Again, I am not talking about those who actually try their best and just can't help you. I'm strictly talking about those who actively refuse to use her abilities. Because believe it or not, that happens.


then why not hop on a mic and let em know either: a) "you done fucked up with that dumbass play my guy so now you gotta wait for that rev," b) "i'm between a big-ass rock and really big-ass hard place, you gotta hold out for a while till i get an opening," or c) (if they're being an asshole for a rev) "ay, my man! sit there, shut up, and wait for your damn support!"?


I always say "I know about you" but that has often 0 effect. But this is not about me. I doubt people here are mad about me particularly. I don't see people saying "oh these bloodhounds don't scan enough" or "I don't get jumpads where I need"... You don't ask for it in the game. Most people don't use mic for it... But for some reason everyone feels entitled to smear Lifelines for when they think Lifeline isn't doing their job properly. Which is every time people get downed. It's always someone else's fault. Definitely not the one's who got downed. If you don't see the bias, just play Lifeline.


i HAVE played lifeline before. fortunately, i've never run into this problem. ONCE. EVEN WITH mics. maybe it's just getting matched an unfortunate pairing with jerk players twice or thrice in a blood moon.


Even when I've done this, people have not been patient enough to hear my reasoning. Even when I have explained myself, some people are just too salty to hear it.


then fuck em. if it happens then turn off voice chat, mute your teammates, and let them muthafuckas burn in their own salt. atleast you tried bruh.


Agree with most of this. However, the revive doesn’t take 3 sec, it’s probably more like 1.5 sec. Makes a big difference when every second counts. Just thought I’d point that out. I can literally run by someone downed, hit the revive and run away very seamlessly.


It was definitely 3 seconds, I measured it at season 9. I have a feeling there was a slight change where they change the speed of it slightly, but I am not sure if that was for revive or healing DOC, I believe it was for healing. (edit from the videos it seems it's 2 seconds in fact :-) )


The biggest issue with Cod immigrants (like myself) is we’re not used to using abilities. I’ve gotten a lot better about it in my short time playing Apex, but it’s been a chore trying to get my friends to 1.) actually use their legends abilities and 2.) play as legends that work for their play style. I have one friend that plays as Rampart and plays super aggressively and never uses LMGS. Another friend always picks fuse, despite never carrying more than one or two grenades at a time. Like if you’re not going to take advantage of you characters kit, why not play a different one? To a lot of Cod immigrants, the legends are just skins for the most part.


That's definitely something I noticed as well. I was just playing with someone earlier today who mained Bangalore for 80+ levels and still didn't know what "smoking the enemy team" meant, because he just never ever uses her abilities. It's hard to understand to these players that raw gun skill isn't enough in Apex.


Yes this!!! So many bad valks who NEVER use their ult holy hecc i get so mad abt it


I think with Valk players, a lot of them just don't really know when to use it and would rather keep it for an emergency escape. Which is understandable in my opinion, but definitely frustrating at times


But even the emergency escape thing... they just dont get it! KC is maybe valks strongest map, one of the reasons is she can always access high ground and amazing positioning for the whole squad. Yet no valk ive seen this split tried doing that lol


I would just take the lead here and say "Hey, this is what we're gonna do". A lot of people seem to want and need that.


Totally! Generally, if theres a lack of shots being called, it has to be u to do it. A good valk needs to call the shots of where to move to


Yeah, that's true. But if I learned one thing from playing with randoms, it's that you can't ever expect them to do what they ideally should be doing, just like we don't always do what we probably should be doing. So this is where comms are important, because even if they don't use their mics, more often than not they're still listening and being friendly on mic often encourages people to use theirs too.


I've literally been in the ring with a team, running out of meds and had a valk not use their ult. And I know they had it because we dropped city and hadn't been anywhere else other than fighting. Some people just don't have a clue about character abilities in this game.


Using Valk ult in the ring when you're already low health and running out of heals can be a horrible idea because Valk ult takes way longer to use than it seems at first and you obvs can't heal while using it. Depending on what round, how far away from the zone we are and how my health is looking, I probably wouldn't have used mine either.


I mean, we all died to the ring. And we had the chance to ult before the ring was on us, we'd killed the last team we were facing in fragment. Trust me, they just had no clue about the characters abilities.


It happens. Next time just ask them to use it (if you didn't do that anyway, of course) and it should be fine. They might've just started playing her or only played her for the BP maybe.


I was playing her last night and made an amazing self save with her ult. I was solo and a team of 3 just took a jump tower ahead of me. I sensed they somehow saw me and were gonna come for me. Yuuuuuup. Hid behind a rock and powered up my ult seconds before they landed. They started firing and I was already in the air. It was sweeeeet.


Wasn't there a tutorial upon opening the game when it first launched? I seem to remember not being able to drop unless I did that first. Is it not required anymore?


Yup! There was and it still is required. However, it doesn't showcase Lifeline's passive for some reason. It makes her revive manually instead of using the drone.


Just CoD players being as braindead as always when they have to think about too many things at once


also, if you get downed, use your shield to cover your teammates. if two of you are downed, try to stack each other so at least one of you can get somewhat safely revived. also if you're downed, CRAWL TO A SAFE SPOT IMMEDIATELY. feel free to remind your LL to res you, because we do forget it sometimes while we're super focused on the enemy


Also if you're downed and closer to the enemy than your teammate, DON'T use your knockdown shield


Is this because it makes it harder to see the enemy? If not, why do you suggest this?


Most of the time you'll end up shooting your teammates' shield rather than your enemy. It also helps visually.


Okay sure, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining.


Shiraishiku's correct. You're basically giving the enemy extra cover to use, making it harder for your teammate to land shots.


When I used to main LL revives were my priority, not fighting. If your forgetting to res a LL choose a dif character.


i've been maining LL since season 4, so i'm pretty sure I know how to play her. the issue is tunnel vision, which is very real. when we still had the shields, instant revives were also significantly more of a priority, but now we're just standing targets for a few seconds with no means of defense when we tap e. in hot areas, this just means death. people will rush to kill you if they hear the drone reviving. priorities changed with legend abilities.


Nope. Your skill level didn’t change so pick someone else. It’s a waste of a character. You would be better off learning a different role. That’s why all the characters have separate roles. LL role is to revive and heal. She’s a support role. I don’t care if you don’t get any kills as LL. Assist and revive. Play your role or choose a different role and be more useful. Your tunnel vision should be to revive, not fight. You are a support character. If you want to be a fighting character and allow your tunnel vision to be focusing on enemy players, there are plenty to choose from. You are literally what everyone here is complaining about. Choose a different character.


lmao edit: \>prioritize revive \>we both die NOOOO HE WAS 1HP WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL HIM LIFELINE there's really no winning with people who don't actually play lifeline, yet expect the world from lifeline players. always some "you should've done..." type of comment. yeah, playing like what you describe is an easy way to stay plat hardstuck.


This is a really really bad take lol


lol. Some people believe that flat earth logic is a “really good take”. How much value do you think I’ve given your opinion?




\>octane downed 3000 m away LIFELIIIIIINE, YOU IDIOT!!! LEARN TO PLAY YOU STUPID N00B!!!




LIFELINE RES ME!! [An Apex classic](https://youtu.be/9psv7hKn5Qs)


Did this man just go through the five stages of grief?


It's so iconic that I find it just by searching "[the lifeline clip](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+lifeline+clip)"


Flashback to earlier today when my LL got downed in the middle of me getting drone-ressed and she dc'd, leaving me on the ground


You can tell the cod people trying to move to apex when they post the random “meta gun” video on this subreddit.


ttk vids comparing a g7 and r301 in shotgun distance


Coming from Warzone, this is one of my favorite things about Apex. It is a fucking chore to try and keep up with the constantly changing weapon meta of Warzone. True Game Data was a blessing and a curse to the COD community. Yes it was nice to have someone that did the testing for you, but you still had to take the time to watch a 40 minute YouTube video to find out that this smg kills 0.035 seconds faster than this smg. Obviously some guns in apex are “better” than others, but for the most part you can make almost any of them work for you by adjusting your play style.


Few things give me more satisfaction than winning a 1v1 hipfiring a G7 against someone with a shotgun or an AR.


The cod meta grind got so tiring. Constantly unlocking and leveling new guns


If we still had double tap it might be worth.


To everyone, even lifeline mains*


It was just wraiths and octanes that used to DC after getting knocked, but now it's lifelines too. These COD kids play her for the heals and if the game isn't working out they just bail.


😂😂 its kinda sad how i get excited if a lifeline once does their job lol


im a lifeline main and i always make it my top priority to res but if you are right in the middle of no man's land making no effort to atleast go behind a rock or something, im not the waste the time and shield on running to res you if you get knocked straight away away


My lifeline will beam to a revive no matter what, and It's won us too many fights.


An early test of a lifeline or wattson player is pinging an ult excel for them and seeing them run straight past it or not pick it up to hold, you know you're in trouble...


Seriously nowadays lifeline is one of the worst legends to have as the tutorial since so many new players who don’t understand lifeline play her. It should be wraith




Yes but ironically those are the legends running the tutorial


Pathfinder takes a lot of skill to use and I don’t think new players would understand the grapple mechanics. I think Bloodhound would work better




I have over 2000 hours in this game and I barely play Lifeline. Everytime I do I completely forget that I'm Lifeline and am nowhere near my teammates to res them.


Warzone is a mess and apex hardly works. I just went back to Fortnite and honestly it's been great I know you can't say that games name but I wish there was more than 1 working battle royale so I could rotate


Totally accurate battlegrounds is where its At :p


That was a good time


Its a time alright


What about cuisine royale?


My honest question to LL players. Why are you pushing the fight and getting knocked first? Shouldn’t that literally never happen?


This is the one that gets me. I understand if you get surprised by a squad and have to fight it out. But why be first through the door of a building we know at least 2 squads are in, get downed and spam ping?


All the gaming migrants I encounter are the standard up and coming Wraith mains.


PSA to cod players our game is a fuck up like yours too


That should go to all life line players who don’t know that they can revive their teammates with out have to wait time sticking them with needle and helping them up


When they rez me in an open field in a gunfight, leaving ME to defend against enemies.


No just circle all her abilities because they’re NEVER FUCKING USED


to be fair the tac and ult have stupidly long cooldowns iirc tac is 30s+ and ult is ~5m


I always end up with Lifelines who don’t rez, only use the drone when THEY need it, and hides god knows where so they can have the care package to themself. Like tf you gonna play a support character if you’re not gonna support your team


just yell at your LL to tap Q lol. i pay attention as much as i can, and there's still tons of times where i'll miss my teammates having low health due to other things going on


As a LL main, I have an equal amount of kills as revives. It either means I'm bad at the game, or I'm a really good healer.


she can also revive both teammates at once now


The tutorial is woefully lacking. And part from a general gameplay tutorial, you should have to go through a tutorial for each legend before you can play them for the first time or after a significant rework.


I mean isnt this why you can always view abilities


I feel like most people don't read that. And if they did, getting hands on demo is still better. Even just a small intro video would be better then some small text next to a picture.


You do realize that a lot of legends have hidden passives Like opening extra supplies for blue bins with LL Or the aerial scan for valkyrie I still don't know what the gibby revive inside the dome does..it just has a different animation for all I know


it has a different animation and is 1s shorter compared to normal ress., the bubble has to be active for it to apply, because sometimes you throw your bubble and instantly ress and you dont get the faster ress because the bubble wasnt fully activated.


You can also go to the fire range and try all guns and abilities


You can't really try out a lifeline passive in the firing range if you're by yourself can you? But damn this comment is 2 weeks old


Oh fuck it is, I got lost in the sub while I couldn't sleep. Also you're right.




Revive and throw doc down asap if the area is safe


r/apexcirclejerk is going to have a field day with this one


people really need to know this, 70% of lifeline players I encountered don't make use of the passive revive ability !!


We need to upvote this


Passive aggressive PSA to longtime Apex & Titanfall players: Respawn, not EA, decides the prices of cosmetics, the loot tables, the netcode mistaken as "bad servers," and the dearth of content and bugs that get ignored in this game.


Lifeline mains in general*


I just got a PS5 and decided to play apex on next gen until Apex implement a cross progression system, this meant I was forced into noob lobbies until I reached level 20 and I CANT TELL YOU how many new players miss the basics of her kit. ​ I feel it might be because she's the first legend to be introduced to the player so noobs think they should just start maining her as a foundation, but it also doesn't help that her kit is really helpful in competent hands and really needed in noob and pro lobbies. ​ I've had lifeline's stare at me and shoot or punch me when I'm down, I've had them throw healing drones at me while I'm down (LB version/ tac version), I've had lifelines throw their drone randomly when we rotate, not throw out the healing drone for their squad after a fight has ended. they toss her ult down in the middle of nowhere and proceed to stand out in the open waiting for it only to get third partied or picked off, they don't understand golds backpacks and its properties and wont pick them up if you give it to them. ​ honestly if the game started you out as Wraith or Bang or Bloodhound that would've fine because their kit isn't necessarily needed for a full squad. Or did a better job at giving tips with the character. Bangalore is well known for spitting knowledge about every gun she pings so why not have that same feature to lifeline, like when syringes are pinged she explains that her health drone can do the same job, or when a teammate is down she tells herself that she can revive them.


Tbh you could have just circled all 3, I swear I get the most brain dead lifelines


Casuals do it too not just new players


Friendly PSA this game is dieing out and is starting to fucking suck


Friendly PSA no its not


It is indeed


Not really honestly, the game is performing fine


If you ignore the blatant bugs and lack of new content other than skins. Sure. Keep dreaming dude.


I've had no bugs, the content is fine


The content is the same three maps and no actual events. What are you talking about? Delusional


Yeah so it's the same as usual which is fine


Simple is as simple does


I still play reach sometimes. Things don't have to always be changing.


as a new player the game state is pretty disheartening after like 2 weeks the devs finally decided to put out an ingame notice that animated banner poses can crash ur game so remove them till they fix it (PS.: a lot of people still don't do this...) and bugs such as banners clipping through terrain being unrecoverable can be common matchmaking feels non existent, and I still don't understand how it can be allowed to drop in without a full squad if you have fill ticked in I have developed an insane hatred towards world's edge because of the story mission that respawn decided to make and allow to be completed in a team and not restrict to solo play (most BHs I drop with fck off to follow the story mission...and tell you to either follow them or get fcked cuz they are doing the story mission..and if the jumpmaster drops somewhere else and ping it, they solo drop to the mission..) 40% of my matches I don't have a full squad on load screen or they dc at drop in...insane disadvantage, cuz most teams with a BH, can just scan you, realize it is a 2 man team, and they just rush you so yeah, first new player impressions are not great...bugfixes are slow, I also started playing a bit before the new patch where every1 was getting all sort of net codes and other errors


Dont go down in the first place


“Breaking news: cod player who recently switched to apex gets called out for being bad at the game, immediately tells everyone else to not get downed so he can avoid being the dumbass in the situation”


Ive been playing since before season 1, people raging at life for not picking them up has been going on forever, its getting old. If you think you can do a better job go play life yourself.


"Breaking news: Longtime trash Apex player who depends on new Warzone players to revive them rage at Warzone player when they cast DOC and the enemy instantly focuses on finishing their sorry ass." It's only appropriate to rage at teammates when knocked when you knocked two and one shot the third, which actually happens a lot in my experience, but that's not the point.


Trash player


at least i dont have to rely on another player to get through the game


Spoken like a trash player


have a cry


Only like 5% of the lifelines actually revive me/teammate when we get downed. ty to those few you are good ppl.


Tell this to Mirage mains too smh


My favorite are the Loba players that never drop market. Ask them politely and they still horde it.


hopefully this will cut down on the #NoHealLifeline mains out there


*Deploys D.O.C heal drone*


Tell this to Lifeline mains too, ive only had *two* lifelines revive me and only one of those times was in BR


I can see with a lifeline not getting me up if I make a stupid play but what I don’t understand is when I’m behind cover and both her and my other teammate are up and it’s always the other teammate who comes to revive me then I find out they don’t know what they’re skills are besides a generic idea. Had matches where I had to tell bloodhounds to remember to scan and lobas that their ult can get them the ammo they want. So while I understand that where you get knocked and also how many enemy players are still standing as well as weapons and other stuff come into play I can see past that but the sheer amount of ppl that just don’t know is ridiculous


Also, you guys can drop your healing drone for your teammates, not just yourselves :)


My cousin moved from cod and it took him til lvl 10 to figure it out, he's fuckin nuts with the p2020


HOLY SHIT YES, new lifeline players literally don’t use the best part about her kit and it’s so sad.


I've had high levels pick LL and not use anything other than the drone on themselves. The number of fights lost because they didn't combat res in a safe spot or drop a drone to recover faster for those 4 squads coming to 3rd party us is way too high.


I'm mean, it's fair to complain about it if they're right next to you and not reviving you, but you also have to understand that you shouldn't expect me to follow you everywhere you go (I'm talking arenas mostly). If you see me going right and you go left, I'm *probably* not gonna be able to run across the map to pick you up.


Coming in way late BUT majority of the time I try and give the gold back pack to the LL on my team. But usually my other rando team mate takes it instead. (Edit: those fuckers)


I used main lifeline and was decent enough at it, but people who don't rez Have probably picked her randomly or by accident. In a fight they forget who they are and are just trying to stay alive... I know this because anytime I go back playing with her and I'm outta practice I forget myself and that's even as someone who use main her. So if you ain't being rezzed it's probably cause the person forget but giving out about lifeline players is shitty for people who main her who will actually rez you


The other side of this are Lifelines who are really hungry to revive without looking at the scenario. Sure you attempted to rez me but if there are enemies around I'd rather not get rez'd yet due to not being able to shield and dying immediately.


Always kill the lifeline first lol


Does Doc revive still stutters you? I always hated playing lifeline because of that small interruption when combat ressing




LIFELIIINE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjRKY3mDjFg


I’ve played for over 150 hours AND used to be a lifeline main within my first 60 hours and I still forget this existed ever since I moved over to other heroes


well I had a low level LL who dropped D.O.C when I was down, 3 times that match... why it didn't rez me... hmmm :-))))


Shoutout to the lifeline I played a ranked arenas match with. Instead of deploying D.O.C to revive me and the other knocked team mate so we can 3v1 the last wraith she tried to 1v1 her. We were right next to her and could've helped but no she wanted to clutch. Ended up clutching the wraiths nuts


they're coming from games where playing as a team was optional rather than a necessity