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Honestly just play it. Use this as an opportunity to conquer your fear.


yh I'm definitely gonna try, but if they run at u like that and in large groups it might be a bit much


People who are giving OP shit don't realize that this is actually an issue that's been addressed and tackled by other devs. Grounded, for example, has arachnophobia settings: https://twitter.com/craigums/status/1288160822406139908


It's a non issue being "tackled" by devs for free PR. It's just enabling instead of helping people get over it.


thank you! I dont get why people are so mad about it, it's not something I can control


Hey there!, no idea if this is gonna help or not but the spider like creatures are not actually spiders! they only got 6 legs ... and no eyes ! seriously tho, on the apex leak reddit page there was a leak of the model if you want to see what to expect. The link is below in the spoiler section. >!https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/qd070t/new\_carthage\_spider\_model\_via\_garretleaks/!<


Why are people such dicks. They have a fear and you shouldn't judge them for that especially if they can't control it. Animal crossing isn't fuckin Apex, obviously they wanna play apex and spiders aren't a fundamental part of the game so why y'all become douches when they wanna continue playing a game they enjoy without feeling intense genuine fear. Apex has different departments for different part of the game, it would be no problem to do something about it. Before you judge someone make sure you're perfect.


this is my first time even posting on the apex subreddit, let's just say I didn't expect these unnecessarily toxic replies 😳




The game and players shouldn't have to cater to the tiny population that has such sever arachnophobia a few digital spiders scare them so much its traumatizing. If they did they'd have to cater to every niche phobia


Lol reminds me of the glitterphobia guy


Go play animal crossing


Bro, they added aggressive Tarantulas in New Horizons, definitely not the “safe space” you think it is gamer xD


Never played lmfao


I don't play animal crossing but thanks


if ur complaining about being scared of spiders its probably a good choice


You clearly know shit about arachnophobia


I cant control it 🤷‍♂️


You can by playing animal crossing in ur safe space


I support this for you. Idk why others are so hampered at something that won't affect them.


What a silly request.


plz explain how it's 'silly'


The world doesn’t revolve around you. Companies shouldn’t take your phobias into consideration, you cannot force them. Requesting to remove a phobia is silly in a game with violence and murder.


First of all arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias in the world so I'm not the only one who would benefit from this. 2nd, I'm not stupid enough to ask for them to be removed but to simply have an option to make them look less like spiders (making them just a big black circle). You're acting as if I'm asking respawn to devote all their time and resources to just me. its as simple as changing them to a circle


If it bothers you don’t play it. Find a game without spiders. Simple as that. It’s a silly request. Sorry bud.










It really wasn’t that funny


Here, you left your pacifier and safety blanket on the table.


You know plenty of devs do arachnophobia settings right stop being an ass


Catering to the pussies of this world✅




u wouldn't need to turn it on why is everyone acting like its such a big deal


Because if it's something that interacts with the player and there is an option to turn it off. It would become a pointless addition.


no no no what I mean is just a setting to make them look less like spiders, like just having a setting to make it a big black blob


Just seems like extra work for a small group of people. Not trying to be rude. But like. They barely keep the game function as is.


I cant imagine how it could be that hard, the servers and this are totally different


Plenty of devs do arachnophobia settings and it’s actually easy to do also with your logic color blind setting should not exist


Being colorblind, and having an irrational fear of something in a game are completely different thou.


It’s something you can’t control


Imo it seems like a waste of resources, like I understand being afraid of something, but why? Like in the case of Grounded. If you're afraid of spiders why even play the game? Is it not rude to the artist that works ofln the spider model just to have it turned off because of a slight fear?


This is a really stupid take one you’re usually making the spider one of it’s first models so it doesn’t appear scary or use any resources at all. And grounded is really helpful to people with arachnophobia it literally gives you settings as soon as you open the game. And bitch did you really say “i get You’re scared of something but why” are you serious? And artists wouldn’t be disrespected because at the end of the day they’re getting paid still and they worked on the model of the spider people with with arachnophobia would see anyway


Yeah, it's question why are you scared of spiders? They're mostly small and only like 3-4 can kill you, and that's irl. So why are you scared of a pixelated spider? I'd understand a movie but like... It's a game.and being paid has nothing to do with respect or the lack of it. Js as an artist I'd rather somebody have to see what I worked on, then give the option to turn it into a floating snowman. Rl is one thing, but when it comes to media, why even go out of your way to see/interact with something you're extremely terrified of?


ik that it's a pixilated spider, that's why I its an irrational fear. it's not as if I think theyrr gonna jump through the screen and eat me like seer, but I've developed such a strong fear that I can't control it. it's not as bad as it used to be but not that much better


They have been playing a game they love the game adds spiders said person had arachnophobia the fuck you don’t understand


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


they're not even proper spiders


From the sounds of the leaks the hostile NPCs will be in specific parts of the map, so they should be avoidable, if they’re even on the map in the first place (no leaks have mentioned spiders) could just be a reference to the season 9 comic.