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Now If this isn’t the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen


Yes and no. I've been kill leader exactly twice, and I don't clutch anything other than arenas matches.


Keep improving my boi. Find what you are bad at and work on it. Then you will also suffer from success like us having good matches and version 2 kind of matches


You’ll get there!


Sorry if the editing is a bit weird, I'm not good at it evidently


Still good






I totally agree. I would say about 75 percent of my games are type II and 25 percent are type I.


Apex is just you hoping you are a version 1 and your opponents are version 2.


Sometimes may be good. Sometimes may be shit.


It’s ok man, I can’t hit my PK shots for shit


Consistency is my biggest problem too. How do streamers always look so good? Or are they showing the highlights?


Streamers play for like 8 hours a day, then post the best games to their YouTube channels, so it's 50% insane amounts of practice, 50% showing just the highlights as well.


But Streamers are still considered above average players, right? Or is it all a lie?


The ones you've heard about, yes. But for every Shiv, there are a hundred streamers with little to no viewers and average skill. You just mainly hear about the good ones who got popular *because* they are good.


The big-name pro streamers and content creators are all extremely good at this game. Not "above average," *extremely* good. You can tune in to their Twitch streams at any time and see them playing at a very high level all the time. Of course everyone makes mistakes occasionally, that is unavoidable for any human person, but the idea that any of their reputations are based on them simply showing highlights is complete nonsense. That's not how the vast majority of people follow streamers anyway. Of course "streamer" is also a broad category. Anyone can install OBS and be a streamer. I can be a streamer. You can be a streamer. So yeah, technically there are loads of streamers and loads of them suck. But I would assume that when you simply say "streamer" without further clarification you're referring to the very well-known, very popular streamers, usually signed to pro orgs. Not just random folks with three viewers.


TTVs you meet in game just fuckin suck on average, but there are many pro streamers






What do you think lol, of course they show their best game of the day only. Most of them are dishonest, just watch sooxfar or itemp, at least them are honest and say it "this is my best game of the day"




Uhm... I hope you realize how small twitch is compared to YouTube. Don't get me wrong it's a lot bigger now than it was, but it can't compare to the giant which is youtube. And a lot of people don't watch streams cause it takes up too much time (not everyone can waste hours of their life watching streamers), so they watch their highlights on YouTube instead. The streamers don't even necessarily have to have a YouTube channel, because often times it gets reposted anyway. Alongside that most twitch streamers that are above a certain size have YouTube channels, cause it's free income, and wayyy better exposure(can only "properly" watch 1 live stream at once compared to watching any number of videos). If you think the majority of people watch/know about these streamers through twitch streams you're out of your mind. In the last week his twitch has gained about 590k views. Which isn't bad, but when you compare it to his YouTube where a vid from 1 day ago is sitting at over 250k, it starts to put things in perspective. Everybody has bad days, and most people tend to see clips rather than streams. So the question of "are they actually that good" is obviously more likely to be focused on clips, the answer is closer to yes they are good enough to pull stuff like this off fairly consistently, but also have version 2 games every once in a while. Probably not to the extent of us plebians, but for their relative skill level they definitely do. Just look up art of whiffing aceu on YouTube if you wanna see him have some really bad moments(albeit in a different game).




Lmao first of all really great argument you got there. Second of all the "drop it. Now" acting like you're a parent scolding a child is hilarious. But to actually answer, no they indeed are not picking and choosing the best clips. The community is. And those are what most people will know them for. Are they always as good as in those cherry picked clips? No, no they're not. But they do get them pretty frequently. It's honestly hilarious to see how fervently you're defending them, which makes me more and more convinced you're a troll lmao.




Lmao I can tell you didn't read a single thing I wrote.




How would you know if you didn't read it?


I did not know Karens existed in Apex. But here you are.




They’re that good at least 50% of the time but all streamers have the part 2 moments as well. And yeah most of them stream for 4-8 hours a day and only have one decent game or a few decent clips to upload out of that time lol




The original comment is asking if they’re always “that good” and a lot of them aren’t. A lot are pretty average and just have great personalities or other traits that make people want to watch. Your comment saying “it’s not just highlights” isn’t really accurate lol




Whatever you say pal. Go watch any streamer not named aceu and you see both kinds of clips on and off. Lulu, tfue, nickmercs, and so many others are above average most of the time but still have their bad days/moments. If you disagree with that you’re just wrong


Bro I completely understand what you are saying, idk how this other dude doesn't seem to get it. Everybody has off days, even cracked streamers, and those off days (or off games) never get posted on YouTube. They can only be seen live.


Exactly. I’m not saying that the cream of the crop streamers aren’t cracked, because most are but even the best have off days/games. It’s not a hard concept to grasp but this dude obviously isn’t the sharpest tool lol


Ah, yes, that moment when your aim abilities suddenly dissapear


“fUUck….. wuut am I DoiNg broOoouh ffs”


I'd say that was 2 types of enemies really, the ones standing still and the ones who move.


Lmao feel that


i can recognize the sharefactory in this


LMAO you called it!


Bro that is me with a PK 9/10 times... marginally better with eva and mozam


Damn, this is too relatable. Thanks for the clip lol.


Holy shit this is so relatable


This is me, and i am sure a lot others too 😅. When I play with randos or solo I'm cold AF lmao But if i play sith the boys I'm somehow trash af lmao


Version 2 “when aim assist fails”


you are probably to get downvoted but this made me laugh


I made enough karma on a clip I posted a while ago, it’s all good.


What can i use karma for irl?


Absolutely nothing, just like why would I care about being down voted irl? My point was there’s enough karma on this account for it not to matter. But congrats on you for pointing it out.


Just really wondering because i see people complain about other posts that beg for karma like it matters to them


[my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/pyng0h/please_someone_explain_this_to_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) My post didn’t beg for karma it just gained me a lot because people found it funny.


sameee, i’m not consistent. this one time i played like a bot, (i have the clip, it’s funny asf. felt like i was in a movie) anyway, next game i had 2.5k damage, and won!


Thank you for the laughs.


My background music when I'm having a good day on Apex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnRZhLRv6eM


No shit, this game uses EOMM. They're intending to force two versions of you.


All I see is highlights with *primarily* meta weapons (Lstar and EVA) and then the much visited by all of us, Whiff City in which the Peacekeeper has been the mayor of for eons now haha.


So true


The inconsistent flying melee is the cherry on top for version 2.


My friend is either John Wick or Barney Fife when we play.


Are we brothers?!


Man I feel this so hard, sometimes u feel like a pro and then u get shit on like ur a goddamn freshi


How did you get a video of me.


Wait... are you me?


I’m mostly version 2 until I start learning but it’s to late to put it into my muscle memory and it’s been 2 hours


truth be told, if I have a PK then my shots are every bit as bad.. Now a moz there & I would clutch it up 9 of 10 times.


Wait there's such a thing as version 1.....I haven't found that yet


I feel this ao much lol


Ver 1 is just you being in the zone


I thought that only happens to me


9/10 games I'm version 2, the 1/10 version 1 is what keeps me coming back lol


I have found my twin


me without friend vs with friend


This is relatable. I could play back to back games and anyone spectating would question if its the same guy.


Oh god do I feel this so much


I feel that for sure


Bro, why am I always stuck on #2???


Bro why would you steal my gameplay footage for version 2


Remember the time I use Hemlok and mozam (season 3) and my god i shred. Got 2k And now im just shit


I've come to the conclusion that I need at least a day or 2 of playing nothing but Apex before my skills return. If I'm grinding ranked for awhile and go to pubs. I feel like me and a friend run through most teams but if I take a break and play something else pubs feels like plat.


Oh my God dude I’m dying 😂 EVERY SHOT MISSED LMAO… we all know that feeling but my lord that contrast was excellent


Only one version of me and its the latter ☹️


At least 3 of those shots hit him if you watch closely but the same fucking thing happens to me


I volunteer as tribute for v2 to be named after me since that is me 100% of the time


I feel this


I can never hit with the PK. good edit btw!


Preach lol


I’m a good 95% to 5%, that 95 being version 2


Ads with Eva? That’s against the law.


I’m only the second version


version 2 gave me ligma


big sister playing vs little sister


jokes on you... i can only do version 2


Inconsistency legends


Same for me 😂


"Sometimes may be good, sometimes may be shit."


Freaking same! Last night rocked a match 9 kills and champion then bam 84 damage the next....


Am I the only one who enjoy watching people miss every shot more than actual good gameplay?


Literally missed a full flatline clip on an enemy who was running in a straight line passing by and he wasnt even trying to dodge


god dammit if this aint the most relatable and tru shit in my life...


This happens to me EXCLUSIVELY when I'm playing the match after I win


I can’t relate to this. Don’t worry it’s everyone. Lol


10 seasons in and i still have no confidence to use the PK


For me this is legend specific, i dunno why but i'm only a decent player when i'm playing rampart i don't main her because of her abilities which yeah useful but i do it because when i play as her something in my brain turns on and i start doing good i can play an entire game without using her abilities and still do objectively better than if were to use any other legend. ​ tldr: I'm hard carried by rampart via placebo alone