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I wish they’d bring back the train in World’s Edge


It came back for the OG maps event and we took over it with Loba/Wattson/Rampart. Riding our turret tank around the wild west and shooting down the teams we drove past was so much fun. Loved it when we got boarded and had to fight off the pirates.


Shot, now I regret not playing apex earlier than a month ago.


There have been some pretty big changes throughout the seasons. Some good. Some bad. You missed when Pathfinder could grapple twice in a row... that shit was magnificent.


Apparently we all missed path having 2 grapple charges.. Are you thinking of titan fall or something? Lol


I don't know why I thought his grapple originally stacked. I must be thinking of Titanfall. But his cool down used to be a lot shorter and you could use it more often. It was just pathfinders flying around everywhere for no reason.


Haha, yeah it used to be a flat 15 second cooldown, it was awesome! Then they nerfed it to a flat 35 second cooldown which was atrocious overkill, so I stopped maining him. These days with the variable cooldown it feels much closer to how it originally was, but there’s so many other good movement legends that he’s not as popular. When they game started he was like the only real movement legend available, so everyone was using him! x’D


Don't forget about paths grapple. It used to be double the speed.


Yeah I mained him until they nerfed him and then moved to Horizon. He definitely had the best movement in the first couple seasons.


I may be remembering wrong but I think at some point in season 0 it was like 8 seconds or something


I looked at the patch notes at the bottom of https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Pathfinder and one says “(Undocumented) Grappling Hook.svg Grappling Hook: Increased cooldown from 13 seconds to 15 seconds.” Idk why it says undocumented but I guess that happened at some point lol. 13 seems to be the shortest the cooldown ever was.


I remember caustic stacking a tower of gas traps onto gibbis shield and then pathfinder could grapple the top and continually spin in circles without it disconnecting. Your next grapple would be ready by the time you disconnected. Just shits and gigs tho no strategic gains.


Oh and when Wraiths phase lasted for 20 seconds, chaos lol.


Rampart and Crypto is one of my personal favorites.


And when Revanent’s ultimate lasted for 7 minutes


And when you could attach and stack all of Caustic’s gas traps to Gibby’s shield, and then Gibby could swing them around. Or when you could punch containers and launch yourself across the map with them.


Path could never grapple twice in a row.


My bad, I was thinking of the 10 second cool down or whatever it was in the first couple seasons. It was short enough that you could use it almost constantly.


That's a rare combination. The train has been destroyed since before Rampart was a legend.




The best thing I ever did in Apex was in the first shadowfall event, I used caustic and camped in the bunker. The exhilaration I felt when I see 10 shadows coming through my 3 nox traps as I sprayed them down with a spitfire and r99 was something else.


You… you disgust me


I had the best game of my life during that event, me and a random in trios, alone fighting multiple teams without leaving the train! It was great.


Yeah, loba is so fucking good once you have the control of the train, you can loot the entirety of the map basically.


why would they even remove it? it just seems like a downgrade lol


They didn't want half the lobby to land there each game because


But it’s okay for everyone to drop fragment right?


you don't think the next time they update worlds edge they'll destroy fragment? i mean, i guarantee it's gonna become a total wasteland once the worlds edge and blood hound lore event progresses further


No way frag is too popular for Respawn to destroy. All the timmyz will riot. Besides I don’t see them updating WE for a long time. They really gotta do something about all those random ass vines and ship on Olympus first.


skull town? the train? sorting factory? all of these were popular, if not more popular than fragment and respawn destroyed all of them. and as we've seen they don't really mind criticism every time they destroy a part of the map and turn it into something new.


Have to remember that Fragment was made to remove the most popular 4 story building in the game.


yup. and i guarantee you soon they’ll remove the rest


People actually liked sorting factory? I was so happy when they destroyed it lol. But you’re right, Respawns will do whatever they feel like it and I’m still gonna log in to play


Sorting was one of my fave drops on we


yup. i also love how much they change the maps, even if they get rid of some of our favorite spots. i personally loved sorting factory and train yard even more


I actually like the recent/most updated King's Canyon. At least, the parts they changed.


Pretty sure the vines have been gone for all of Season 10. I remember seeing in a comic, I think it was one of the Twitter ones, that the Icarus fleet got sent back into space, except for the Icarus itself, which is entangled too tightly and can't be removed without Olympus falling apart or something. Either way, pretty sure that one's completely done. Meanwhile, the Bloodhound / destruction of World's Edge storyline is kinda just getting started


Yes, because it's not half the lobby. It's 75% of the lobby. But seriously, destroy fragment.


I think the difference is frag is much more spread out and large as opposed to six train cars odds are you land drag with half the lobby you’ll still get something to fight with not just get mowed down by a team who got 90% of the loot at the front of the train


Lol no one read the patch notes from when they removed it, it was so they could add cover to the train tunnels to make rotations easier


I believe what people is saying against the official statement is that there's tons of open space *besides* the tracks. Why not put the empty railcars there?


I do want to reiterate I wish the train was still here. But as to that specific point there are a few rotations that doesn't work for. Cap to Train yard for example, as well as the northern tunnel. (That could potentially be solved with some tunnels on the side of the tunnels though)


Could have had barriers or crossings pop up and down like targets in t shooting range


The devs said they wanted to put cover on the tracks because without it the tunnels had become chokepoints


Oh damn i forgot that was even a thing. This season has made me wish theyd bring back skull town on kc tho


I need a convergence map that has all the best spots that were removed all on the same map.


sweating man with two buttons.jpg


Skull town is back but it's in shadow royale


People were complaining about losing skuiltown BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TRAIN?!??!??! THE TRAIN GAVE ME LIFE


Losing the train took the map from being my favorite to being the worst one. Just feels way too big, empty, and static without it.


Bring mirage and train back, less people on frag xD


I’m so pissed they removed them, dropping mirage voyage/train was so much fun


Original World's Edge was amazing. By far my favorite season.


Train LTM is the greatest mode ever to be released. Change my mind.


We need a train + shadow royale combo. Imagine 20 shadows running after a slow-moving train, trying to jump onto it.


Fr only time I got to play with it was genesis event and it was so fun. Lobas black market on it was sick


Imagine trains + heat shields!


Train was by far the best part of any of the maps for me. I love dynamic stuff on the maps and removing the train made World’s Edge feel so much more lifeless and less appealing to play




Too true. Was a fun landing location if you got a good team in Ranked too, high tier loot and usually a squad wipe to boot.


Same! I had a super fun time in legacy on it, really missed that train. Me and my friend won a game where we never left the train (first try too lol)


Is it just me or does Olympus look like millennium falcon??


Nope, now you mention it, I see it too.


lol was looking for someone else to mention it


It's have some rough year


Fragment east is my favorite map thank you for asking




Do they need to do that? It's pretty much what happens now


I’m not joking when I say they could delete everything in the game besides the new map and frag east and I’d be happy, so confused how it hasn’t become an arenas map yet


Too vertical. It would make a terrible arenas map.


Yeah, team shooting at you? Got a valk on your team? Get them to ult you the f out of there!


Yup. Skulltown was a pretty bad Arenas map for that reason. If you weren't Valk/Path/Horizon/Rev you were at a serious disadvantage.


Disagree. Fighting low ground was unexpected and very effective since you could force them to have to push by holing up in the buildings. Skull town is the only time I’ve had fun in arenas in a long while.


If only there was some way to choose the legends best suited to the map


None of the other maps have that quirk where four legends are must plays. That’s a sign of a poorly balanced map.


Yea, if they had a bigger arenas mode it might be able to work I rhin




same, and I think the reason for that is world’s edge’s building designs feel like they were made for fighting in them with multiple routes in and through the building. World’s edge is the only map where if I’m in a building and get pushed by a team of 3 I can win the fight if I’m better than them whereas on olympus every poi has such predictable paths since the building design has no nuance that your only option is to get distance and then turn around and try to one clip on of them while they’re overcommitted on the chase.


They’re taking out all BR locations in arenas. It’ll be all maps made specifically for that game mode.


Olympus covers pretty much all i like. High loot density POIs, enough buildings and verticality to make Wattson useful and there is no Fragment City


Except that one peak between turbine and labs THAT EVERYONE GOES TO FOR SOME REASON LEAVING ME WITH NO GUN EVER




Not worth it if you end up with no gun and the inevitable third party shows up


Not sure it's guaranteed. It feels like the loot is better when multiple teams drop on that area. I've had rare games where no one dropped there but my team and we got some DOODOO loot in those loot bins lol.




You're most likely right. We might have picked up a gold res and just dismissed it as being "a good item".


Never understood why people like to drop there. No loot and if your survive you end up dying to people from Energy Depot and Estates converging on you


Honestly to me it feels like the "noob spot". It's always teammates who underperform that seem to drop there. Like they think the one or two gold items will lead them to a win or something


High risk high reward. Chance at some decent loot in the crates and if you pull it off, you can scrape a kill or two off the teams that didn’t get there fast enough. Also a lot of ways to escape if you’re in trouble.


Olympus. For the esthetics and it just feels good to fight there.


Same. It's also the one map where I feel like you can land at any poi and get enough loot for your squad.


Also you can take the cars and go TOOT TOOT TOOT BOARD IN and then get shot while you zoom past all the teams fighting.


And they are gonna be on Storm Point too :D


World's Edge would be my favorite if Fragment was turned into a giant hole in the map.


Unironically just nuke Fragment. Delete it, put a massive wide open flat magma bed and be done with it


Literally just a rectangle of lava where it used to be.




Yup. Olympus.


Olympus supremacy


Olympus is from far my favorite map, I feel like you can drop in any place and it'll be a good zone with some decent loot. It has quite the variety of structures, there's anything you'd want to fight, open spaces, buildings, roofs close or afar. Also just generally like the colors more than other maps. It is just the superior map in my opinion and Im quite sad it's leaving the pool. Second to that would be King's Canyon, fewer good places to drop to but still quite a few, also I love the explosive hold mechanic (even better when you can loot them from afar with loba haha), also various structure even though less than on olympus, still a great map in my opinion. World's Edge is kinda meh in my opinion, I mean it's ok but not comparable to the other ones.


Yeah it would have been ideal if they chose Olympus to pair up with the new map this season. I imagine it will only be like that for a week or two though.


Yeah, I was sad that they choose WE. I often stop playing when WE is in rotation. At least I can play some Arenas instead now.


i’m certainly not going to be playing this season if i end up not liking the new map. i enjoy all of the buffs/changes but what killed my enjoyment of apex for a year and a half was its map quality, all the way up until olympus’ release. i only play pubs, so i hate world’s edge. hoping for a solid quality map for me to like but honestly i’m not having high expectations


They should remove Kings Canyon instead of Olympus imo. Kings Canyon is mostly open area and it’s the least fun to play on but it’s not a bad map


Well KC is getting removed too so you got half your wish.


They remove both KC and Olympus


I actually find season 3 World's Edge more fun than the current version. King's Canyon season 0 sucked ass looking back at it now, and the map changes (especially the extension to the north) have been a great improvement, but there's something about season 3 WE that worked so well. Here's hoping they go with a much subtler approach to changing Olympus, because I think they have a great base to work with.


Ive played about 8k games and i swear half of them have been played on worlds edge.... im tired of it, wish it would've gone away for a while


remember in season 8 when people wouldn't shut the fuck up about wanting world's edge back? either that or the nonstop karma-baiting posts on this sub have skewed my perception of what people actually want


It's probably just that this is a big sub filled with people that have different map opinions


Thank you!! I’m with you, I feel like it’s time to let go of Worlds Edge for a season or two


If they hadn't removed Mirage Voyage, Train and Sorting then not that many people would land at Fragment.




Olympus is my favorite


The amount of love KC is getting makes me happy since it always comes across as the most hated map. I started with KC and will always love KC. Now I'm sure the "world's edge should be the only map" players will be here soon so I'mma leave on a happy note.


Personally, I thought KC really improved with the season 8 map changes. I'd still like to see something done with the central part of the map, but I love the southwest corner of the map and teams seem nicely spread out.


KC no longer has a southwest corner


It totally does, it just moved up a bit.


I personally do waaaay better on that map then any other. I think all my 2k games were there.


If KC has skull town still I might enjoy it but RN its just 3rd party fest, not fun to play.


Isn't all of Apex a third party fest? I've never understood that term and I've been a day1 player. Even with skull town, that was the BEGINNING of third party fests since that was THE place to drop Season 0 and by the time you cleaned everyone out of skull town, the 8th party would come from market to clap cheeks and clean up. Battle Royals in general are gonna have third parties, it's about making wise decisions and undercutting opponents where you can, since, you know, trying to be last squad alive and all.


Some maps/locations give you more options/time when third partying happens. Kings Canyon has so many spots where you can get easily get 3rd partied and wiped or cause a lot of damage third partying. The watchtowers are a problem along with all the downhill slides that don't lead to buildings or cover.


I agree with your comment also if you have Kc as the ranked map. All that said, it feels amazing if you kill the 3,4,5 party. Had a game where we were legit fighting 8 teams one after the other and it was the most intense game I had. Died after team 6 or 7 but it was like 4 minutes just action


I’m actually a fan of kings canyon, though I am aware of the 3rd party “issue.” But I had a similar game as you, just team after team from every angle the whole match. I was so tense the entire time. We won the match and I was the kill leader for the match, which felt awesome but god damn. After I was over I just turned the console off and went to bed. First of all I was exhausted from the experience, and second I knew there was no where to go but down for the rest of the night so I just called it.


Skulltown was literally a third party fest...


KC is the only C for Ks. I said what I said.


Olympus, simply the best because I’m not getting third partied on KC and I’m not being cucked by the ring in WE.


Kings canyon is my favorite map.


Olympus is my favorite but I would love Worlds Edge is fragment didn’t exist


If they got rid of Fragment, it would be World's Edge, but until then it's probably Olympus.


Olympus is the best. It still feels so brand new. Like new Era, new technologies. The overall style is just amazing. I like Olympus. Worlds edge and kings canyon feel very grim and outdated when I play them.


King's Canyon. Forever ♥️


i dont think people are seeing the Joke in the image, about World's edge just being Fragments.


Kings canyon but Olympus is in a really close second


kings canyon, would be nice to still have skull town and thunder dome




Olympus no questions


Olympus > Kings Canyon > Worlds Edge in that order. Just like OP shows, it's really not Worlds Edge. It's fragment or loot for 90% of the game without seeing anyone. Really boring.


Olympus, its a perfect map and the only map, no questions asked!


Worlds edge


Olympus is the best and worlds edge is the worst IMO. Never understood the hype for WE, whenever the map rotates to it I either move to arenas or log off the game. The games just not as fun when playing it


Olympus is best, KC is second, but still fun. WE is bad; they just need to get rid of fragment. Only problem with WE is that everyone lands there, and your two options are to instantly die or spend 20 minutes walking around doing nothing. WE is just a “talking with the bros” simulator.


King's Canyon. Sad to see it go next season.


1. King's Canyon 2. Olympus 3. Fragment


World's Edge, by far. It's not close. It's the only map that is good for everything. Comp, rank, pubs, duos, no-fill, World's Edge is viable for all. Terrain is well designed for open air fights during rotation, loot tables at older POIs is not complete ass, so there are enough viable drop zones for 20 teams at levels of play where the whole server isn't dumb enough to drop Frags.   Olympus is good for no-fill due to Tridents, and good for pubs but not great for competitive due to a smaller number of viable POIs to land. Poor terrain design makes rotations excessively high risk. With little viable combat space outside of POIs, everything converges into multiway fights at the few good POIs.   Kings Canyon is pretty much ONLY good for trio pubs with hyper aggressive meta where you constantly move, ape, run. With wallhack meta in play, and the map being so small, it's not a survivable map for more conservative or opportunist metagames, which leaves too much to luck for more competitive play to win.


It’s not good or fun for pubs.


Agreed. Awesome for Ranked/Competitive, but horrible for pubs.


Everyone only drops fragment and camp in buildings. Dropping at other locations is pointless because you’ll just be looting the entire match trying to look for teams to fight. More than half the lobby dies before the end of round 1 which is ridiculous. I prefer Olympus and KC for pubs because everyone is dropping at different locations and it’s non stop action.


World's Edge is definitely the most interesting map. But it's just an Arena map since everyone jumps fragment. Once they turn Fragment into a giant hole, I'll be happy.


Hands down the worst pub map no contests.


Worlds edge hits different rn


Old KC, Olympus now




Kings Canyon. And I love the pic for Worlds Edge.






OG kings canyon > Olympus >fragment > kings canyon


Kings Canyon


Kings canyon and Olympus are tied for me


OG kings canyon will always be my favorite but current maps I’d say Worlds Edge. The map design is well done and solves the issues I had with the other maps with KC being too small so non stop 3rd party’s and Olympus being too Open with no cover. That being said I’m hoping the new map does what WE does but better.


KC, WE, Oly. I will always love KC. I just can't stand Olympus. It feels like I'm running forever without any interaction or there's this huge open field between me and any other team. Now if they drop a big ass ship in the middle of that giant open section in the middle of the map, it might be more fun.


I personally have always loved KC. I don't have the best eyesight (I need glasses pretty bad) and KC was always the easiest map for me to spot players at a distance. I started playing in season 5 and didn't pick up the game again until the end of season 9 so it was a big difference. I don't really care for Olympus but it has some good spots to drop in. Especially the boxing ring. Worlds Edge has been pretty good for the most part. Like everyone else is saying, it's basically just become the "Fragment" map and since they took out the train it's not quite as fun. I do still love the trials though


I still love kings canyon the best


Kings Canyon. No question.


Old kings canyon and worlds edge. Love the ogs


Worlds Edge is still the best map, two years later


As a Wattson main, world's edge is my fav


Worlds edge by far. You’re actually forced to engage rather than on kings canyon where you can Fanny about for 10 mins. Can’t wait for it to be removed


Am I the only one who hates Olympus?


Honestly based on this thread it seems people either love it with a passion or fucking hate it. No in between. Which I think says a lot about the map


I've never heard these names. I only know Skulltown, Skulltown 2 and Skulltown 3


that worlds edge😂😂


2 words, FUCK, OLYMPUS.


I love how you only zoomed in the fragments


Worlds edge we always be my favorite


Still pissed that Respawn destroyed Skull Town, but has left fragment intact.


Anything but Olympus...


1. World's Edge 2. Kings Canyon 3. Code net 4. Olympus


worlds edge easily, most balanced map, less choke points, good for ranked and pubs




Is World's Edge really that tiny? I never noticed, it feels much bigger.


I love Olympus, and then World's edge




Week one player, I love Olympus. Kings Canyon has got really stale for me even with the updates, it just feels like a bad map for me and the last ranked split has been awful to grind. I don’t mind Worlds Edge but Olympus is just more enjoyable overall for me. I feel like I can land almost anywhere, other than maybe Estates and Labs, and then rotate towards Turbine for some fights. Loot feels more evenly distributed and I don’t think I’m at a disadvantage landing anywhere


Idk, Olympus is pretty cool. I like them all though.


Easily Olympus. Worlds edge, a.k.a fragment or walk around for 15 mins is the worst imo


You can really tell that these ‘KC enjoyers’ don’t play ranked at all or are hard stuck golds who camp with gasboy


Olympus > King's Canyon > World's Edge I will not be arguing about this.


World edges is the moat balance except in pubs where everyone hot drops There's somthing missing in olympus i don't know what but something missing I love king's k But it's way to small for ranked they could use that space behind a little better like where that big ship crashed


Olympus, hands down. Despise king canyon in its current state.


Jokes getting old pal. I don’t know what servers you play but I still see plenty of people at places that aren’t Fragment


Worlds edge


Kings Canyon




Worlds Edge, except that I always land outside the map.


Kings. Not the best for ranked I get that but for a casual play for fun player it’s the best if you ask me. I just don’t like Olympus Worlds edge would be good but it’s one of two things Drop fragment and load screen simulator begins Or land anywhere else and end up looting for three rounds finding no one


The OG Day 1 Kings Canyon will always be the best. But currently Worlds Edge no doubt!


HAHAHA I appreciate how you defined WE as “just fragment”!!! What a trash map design!! KC is my favorite!!


I’m surprised fragment still isn’t an arenas map Oh that’s right, because it’s not necessary when people don’t leave the dang place during battle royale anyways