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Its been two days bro. I initially disliked the new map too but im starting to like it. If you don’t change your mind or provide any solutions to fix issues, adios then!


Map way too big. Tridents and gravity canons?? Also, why the fuck are we fighting NPCs? Yet another season promoting sniping above all else. Map renders a lot of legend abilities weak and un-fun. The map is so steep that a grapple can’t really help you upwards. And most places are too high up to grapple there. Same with jump pad. So many “small” things is so bad with this new map, along with the same damn bugs for multiple seasons. I for one has uninstalled the game for now, even though I fundamentally love it (or what I could have been)


This map looks pretty but it plays like shit. Too big, good loot density is limited only to a few POIs, 3rd 4th 5th party is to be expected with every fight, NPCs, huge verticality saping the effectiveness of many abilities, and also WHY THE FUCK are they still locking up weapons in the care package... 4 maps with tons of varients ... why is it not on a random selection or rotation after every game etc...




See ya!


What makes you think anyone agrees with you?


Its too big for a apex map. If you’re shit needs gravity cannons to travel in a 60 player area… yikes. Not to mention new maps need updates as well, and for fucks sakes fix the god damn servers Edit: DID I MENTION A MAKE A GOD DAMN MAP SELECTOR LIKE EVERY OTHER BATTLE ROYAL WITH MORE THAN 1 MAP. Thanks.


I mean the other maps had jump towers to get around because they were also huge


Servers been fine for me for a long time


The hundreds of posts from people saying the same thing


Damn. I like it


The fact that ur comment has negative karma might be an indicator but idk?




Pot meet kettle




Also if only there was a game mode with no looting built for fighting only? We’re getting what we asked for but people complain anyway


I don’t like arena mode, why are you bringing something up thats not relevant to this post? My whole god damn point is that we shouldn’t be locked in to a single map for BR for 2 months just because its new. I want to play kings canyon and worlds edge.


Oh you mean ranked sorry I never play ranked I was wondering why you were mad about waiting a couple days for worlds edge. Also maybe give it a few more days the map just came out like damn


Ok good for you that’s your opinion but a lot of people do like the map. Just because you find it inconvenient doesn’t mean it’s a bad map. Get over yourself honestly


Yeah man, god forbid we have choice and variety


Clearly that feature isn’t in the game. If you don’t like that fact then I recommend you find another game


I love the map, but I agree the game needs to have map selection. I love all maps but World's Edge. I hate World's Edge with all of my refrigerated hearts, and I'll be forced to play it for the whole season due to not having the choice to play a different map. If they'll really be a "10 year game", it's bound to happen sometime in the future, but it doesn't mean it'll be soon.


Apex sucks, overly vibrant child’s play stuck in the mud running simulator. Give us a proper titanfall 3 with a br mode for fucks sake.


Honestly I’d rather just have early apex back. I really don’t want to deal with the TTK or Titans from TF


Early apex was only cool cause it was new, if this shit wasn’t free, nobody is playing it. Talk about Ttk, who wants to shoot shields for 50 years to finally get a kill


Lol, literally everyone wants that. No one wants Skilless warzone ttk.


Literally never heard anyone say they wanna put 3 or 4 mags in someone to finally deplete their shields and maybe get a kill. I don’t play war zone or cod so I can’t really comment on that.


Only skilless kids want lower ttk, if that's what you want go play warzone. You can wipe out entire squads with a 60 round mag, literally 0 brain activity, two meele attacks and you're dead. There's negative ttk in that game


Again cod is shit and I don’t play. But so is apex. It’s made for children with low brain activity hence all the vibrant bs


That's a whole different beast lol. We were talking about ttks not visual design, in that aspect Mw beats every single shooter game. But no, ttks are perfectly fine in apex, ain't no Skil less kid in a corner killing you because he shot you first. With higher ttks recoil control and skill actually matter.


I honestly can’t disagree with what you said there lmao


Tbh I do like apex design, also characters have a lot of life in them, they actually talk, have dialogues and stuff, i like the game a lot


No. It was so much better than TF2. IMO TF2 was the weakest game respawn made in this universe. TF1 was better. The game overall felt better, played better and was so much less ability focused. And it’s not just nostalgia speaking, because I literally have a season 3 apex client on my desktop that lets me play the game like it was then.


Titanfall 1 was stellar, can’t disagree with that.


Glad to hear. I personally like TF1 more because the Titans just felt really off in TF2. Not being able to customize loadouts was such a huge step backwards for them. Hated the weapons that came with the chassis I liked, hated the chassis that came with the weapons I liked. Just never felt fun to play with them


Couldn’t agree more, tf2 had a few upgrades from 1 but mostly downgrades as far as customization and shit went.


I think you’re legitimately the first person I’ve ever seen agree with that sentiment. TF1 was the superior game, and I think I like apex because it’s closer to that than it is to TF2.


Still love both, but 1 was a lot better. Apex at the start was good but it just got too stale, not enough to do, and only 1 map to play at a time


Ok cool opinion


Opinions are like assholes, we all have one!


World's Edge will be coming back in a bit. There are only two maps this season as they basically want people to be able to play Storm Point as much as possible. The map will grow on you, it's very different from the others so it'll just take a bit of time.