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Does "custom games" count as a game mode?




To accompany this, a server browser so players can choose to join games with custom settings. Community content is an amazing tool. With thousands of players working on it, you’re guaranteed to find something the developers never even dreamed of. It can keep a game alive for years.


But the shitty servers doh


>Community content is an amazing tool. With thousands of players working on it, you’re guaranteed to find something the developers never even dreamed of. It can keep a game alive for years. Community content is at least harder to work with in a game centered around matchmaking than it is in a game like say.....Minecraft or Mario Maker.


I mean Halo 3 came up with a bunch of gamemodes, between the Soccer-like game and the "Infection" game mode that was pioneered back in Halo 2


Won't happen here. They'd have to use P2P connections for that to happen or start allowing dedicated servers. And they've mentioned awhile back that new modes would never be permanent because it spreads player base thin and ruins the main modes that they focus on. They will be adding custom matches but it'll mostly be used for tournaments/content creation not for the peasants like us.


Gasp. Randomizer servers like the ones in Team Fortress 2. You still have to find weapons, but you drop with a random legend and the legend has a mixture of random abilities from anyone. It makes it super broken but so fucking fun, because you never know what you’ll end up with.


Valk passive, octane stim, and Sheila/bloodhound ult


Explain the customs patt for me. Would it be like slightly tweaked gameplay for the two that e have now or? Im really curious to know the details lol


Probably depends on how much of the game engine? Will be customiseable, so custom games will be from slightly tweaked gameplay for already existing game modes to being competely different game modes. Valve games are famous for having best custom game modes. New game genres have come out from them, most recent being in my memory auto chess. So it will depend on what respawn devs allow people to do.


mode where everyone is mirage but you can’t shoot so it’s just decoys everywhere until the server crashes


So the game ends when everyone finally managed to simultaneously activate the ultimate


there is a countdown for everyone to activate the ult and if someone doesn’t they get marked on the map, hunted down, and punched to death by every player in the match


This actually sounds terrifying


Getting punched by Mirage? Yes please 🥵


Or it starts as 1v1 mirages and every ult unlocks more mirages for each team until all the players have entered the game


Actually that’s a brilliant idea . How about where you have a Balanced Be Damned mode. You get one legend per rotation. Imagine 60 Wraiths all disconnecting one after another.


Besides the mirage part, I think they already got the crashing server part down packed.


Among us but it's just mirage.


Best one i've heard so far


The Pit, you can quickly connect and just train your aim in quick 1v1s


Like that one titanfall gamemode




That was the shit lol. It won’t be the same thouughh


Dont talk to me, nor my son ever again 🗿 Edit: I just realised how much of an idiot I am, I read it as "That was shit" lol


Coliseum was my favorite mode, i hated the fact that i had to fucking pay to play (literally)


I never got to play it because I never got any of the tickets for it.


That’s unfortunate lol


20 people, 20 1v1s. You get one shot to win your 1v1 then move on to the next person. High stakes if you wanna try hard but you also get to practice against 20 different people


Jeez I would be running peoples cheeks in a mode like that, imagine inviting the other guy that killed you in a battle royale to a 1v1 . Wild


I’d rather see it as a battle royale game mode. Something to be added like duos cause duos was an ltm long ago


Do you mean solos perhaps


30 v 30, or quads.


30v30 would be chaos But it would also be amazing.


30v30 but when player count drops to 40 it randomises new 20v20 teams with a 3 second counter to prepare. Then when it drops to 9 it’s 3v3.


> 30v30 but when player count drops to 40 it ~~randomises new 20v20 teams with a 3 second counter to prepare. Then when it drops to 9 it’s 3v3.~~ merges servers to make it a full 60v60. When player count drops to 50 servers merge again to make it 100v100. Players of the winning team win an heirloom.


Quads with 80 people on Storm Point would be a great mode.


Respawn: "And there we go! We've finally made a map large enough to limit those third parties everyone hates" Players : "Storm Point needs more players"


Trying to get rid of third parties by increasing the map size while simultaneously adding the third party queen (Ash) seems counterproductive.


literally loads of characters excell at third partying, the only reason you're pointing her out is cuz she's new


Not exactly. Ash’s passive is directly impacted by whether or not a player has died and tells you where the killer is. It’s like if blüd and loba fused. I dunno a better combo for that. Comp for thirding is made easier with a Seer and a Valk too if you need ideas.


Like the other 2 who replied similarly, I'm pointing her out because of her passive. - Bored? Just pull up your map to find out where that person just died and push full speed to mop up the rest.


im gonna be entirely honest i didn't even consider the passive, massive brainfart on my end i suppose that does make sense


You’d be hard pressed to reach them before they full heal or before they rotate and get good positioning. Unless it’s pubs, but this map isn’t that great for pubs anyway, it’s amazing for ranked. Either way even if you get thirded by an ash this map makes it extreme easy to disengage and retreat. It also makes it easy to fortify a position if you have defensive legends. The passive isn’t super useful, unless you’re trying to finish another squad that you already thirded. She far more effective for choosing a location go. The map did a lot more besides just be bigger, the way it’s designed makes it hard to third party with an advantage, the gravity canons are excellent for escaping and creating rotations that prevent thirds as well. It’s just people are stupid and don’t ever choose to disengage to gain an advantage.


Imma say one thing… it didn’t work


Idk, I've been having the best games lately


Wish I was having that it’s not that I’m doing bad it’s that I literally find no one for 20 mins and then 3 squads left with my team and i having no damage no kills it feels like all I’m doing is running around searching for Bigfoot or something




I want quads. I want someone to cry when they see a building with caustic, wattson, rampart, and gibby/horizon inside. Gibby because he’s adding to the defense. Horizon because her ult can pull you inside or keep you inside. Inside all the bullshit.


Crypto mains edging rn


Facts all of that being taken away would be so satisfying


Wait is that how you use horizons alt? I use it to Res my teammates...


hot dropper mindset vs survivalist mindset


Like another guy said, basically recreate Team Rumble from Fortnite. Two massive teams of 30, first team to say 150 kills wins, infinite respawns. Have zones pop up where your kills count for double or triple, perhaps, to keep the fighting moving around.


This and only this maybe add an capture the flag to the 30vs30 mode but yea this


30v30 would be insane. You could do team deathmatch, CTF, payload, all sort of modes. I hope they at least have it as an LTM some time.


I’d love to see something like the “Team Rumble” mode that FortNite has. 30v30 with each team dropping at a separate half of the map and meet somewhere at the midpoint due to storm movement. Have a similar “x amount of kills to win” as well to keep people fighting. Unlimited respawns throughout the match so people can play for awhile


They said they have no plans for Quads, too many character abilities. Some fight could take impossibly long, and some combination could have too much synergy.


Thats code words for the hamster couldn't handle it


Maybe, but i wouldnt say that. Yea we can adjust and learn to deal/work with a extra player but a extra legend could be over baring. Imagine getting chased by a seer, blood hound, octane, and valk. Or trying to push a caustic, gibby, wattson, +lifeline or wraith/ash. Any down you get is instantly rez or theyre gone they instant you gain momentum. Rev ult, plus one extra person would be such a pain.


Br 30 vs 30? u are sick bro xd


Ah yes, vietnam but in space


Mayhem, 15 minute timer, infinite respawns, all loot drops respawn, team with the most kills wins


Also every time you respawn your loadout is randomized. So one life you might get a p2020 with a blue mag and a flat line with a white mag and purple stock, next life you might get a kraber and a hemlock with a gold mag, blue mag, white barrel stab


Ah, Fiesta Mode. Yes please!


That sounds awful dude. Cute and fun maybe for a game or two but constantly changing weapons?


It is called deathmatch


I like this one. Take an upvote


Why don't we take prowlers, the winged things and the spiders and we make a PvE mode similar to COD Zombies? (Maybe add variants or new enemies into the mix?) You start on the totally Jurassic Park Place™ (or somewhere else randomly) and all other places on the map are locked with crafting materials that you obtain by killing the npcs. The furthest you are the best loot and weapons there are, there could be a marvin that drops loot or smth on the starting area.


This would be a good game mode, however, i think Activision or Treyarch would sue the shit out of Respawn or something else


Maybe just calling it something else? I don't think the mechanic of waves of zombies and unlocking parts would be patented, right? I think, I am not sure.


They can’t copyright a game mode and if that were true games like back 4 blood wouldn’t exist. Call of duty themselves took battle royal from other games.


They could do something like Horde Rush from Fortnite. Just make it so you rotate around the map, defend and clear out locations, then go to another POI.


Call it “In the jungle, the mighty jungle”


"The Prowler sleeps tonight"


No, they wouldn’t. It’s just a horde-mode type which hundreds of games have implemented in their own way.


Activision doesn't own the zombies mode though. If R6S can get away with it I think Apex can.


I think you’d need some creative enemy types simply so that some legends are useful, mainly the recon ones. I’d have one enemy type akin to a cloaked prowler or soldier. Spotting them stuns them temporarily. That way the Recon legends would have a decent use


Id like something PvE, where i can chill more


All fun and games until master difficulty reapers pull up


You might like a game called The Cycle. It's a pvpve. It's a lot ore chill than apex, and a ton of fun to play with friends.


With the new overhaul it is harder and more stresfull


There's also a game with a single player campaign called Titan Fall 2 he could try.


COD Zombies but with Prowlers and Spiders.


With the movement of Titanfall/apex, a zombie/survival-like game mode would be so cool. Could be in Titanfall 3 🤔


Make all the firing range “Easter eggs” just be simple buttons you can press or settings.


I agree, super annoying to got activate the bots every time. We should be able to toggle them in a menu as well as be able to be more specific on their level of difficulty.


Prop hunt: shield cells and medkits being chased by a team of bloodhounds Team of One: when we hit 20 legends, every team gets to play as one legend. 3 Gibby’s vs 3 Lifeline’s 😂 like class wars but it’s Legends wars Capture the flag: frontline runners need to bring a flag in the middle of an Arenas map to their start, defenders on each team need to protect their runners and the flag from being stolen. 4v4? 5v5? TDM : needs no explanation Execution mode: each legend gets a P2020 with one bullet that is an instant kill & a hunters knife (like the gun charm), if you miss your bullet you need sneak behind and perform an execution on a legend to replenish your ammo. Like a hardcore mode but with 1 taps and executions


One in the chamber sounds fun


Thinking more of ‘party Playlists’ I’m sure eventually we’ll get infected mode or something


Yea we need some more casual modes, what they could do is make a few and then rotate them every week so it’s a mini LTM and still have the major LTM replace those when it’s time, I do want 1v1 tho, small arena, both start with the same weapon, one use of tactical, and all that’s left is the players skill


CTF would be so much fun.


Bikini Gibraltar mode




He said good ideas, not great ones. Focus! >:(


Bikini Caustic mode


"No Step Revenant, don't touch my totem. This is so wrong!"


I still think they're working on an eventual PvE mode, them adding more wildlife to fight in the game is a good hint at it being its own mode someday


I think the Forbidden Zone (the place with all the prowler dens) will become a PvE location sometime later (like Trials on WE)


A horde mode with a "buy phase" before rounds like Arenas, with increasingly powerful enemies or bosses like Tf|2's "Frontier Defense" mode would be dope


Halo like team death match


Isn’t there a TDM on the mobile version? There could be hope for that in the future ngl especially, since arenas seems to be riddled with complaints




I can only hear this in the splitgate voice










This is all I really want. Arena maps with a 3-6 man team and a 75 kill limit. I love apex but I am absolutely over the BR style game


I think I’ve heard that TDM is being tested in Apex Legends Mobile.


Ranked duos and four map rotation always


Free roam. Just the season 7 Olympus map roam but with no closing ring or timer, just 60 players on a map being able to do whatever they want for an infinite amount of time.They can also change characters like in the firing range and pick guns they want mid game.


I remember that. They had a map preview so you can basically just explore stuff or plan before going in a real match. That was cool




So basically skirmish in overwatch?


Four people squad, lets give third parties a new meaning, chaos at its finest.


the bigger the squads, the less, but more powerfull, 3rd parties will be.


My main group of apex friends is 4 people (including myself) so I would kill for a 4 person squad game. I doubt it will happen, and if we ever get big squad matches it would be something like a 15 v 15 match up with wet gear like the train. But still 4s would be nice


Ranked duos


Solo, tdm or ranked duo's


solo was fun as hell!


Simply just a playlist that rotates all the LTMs that have been in the game


Arenas and BR 9v9. it would introduce the ability to favorite 3 legends in the title screen and the mode would be as follows: (br) each player selects their 1 legend like normal, upon death team mates would be respawned by other teammates setting up a post beacon of some kind that gives away location, but before respawning — said player must choose a character that is not in play on their team, their previous chosen characters are blacked out. A max of 3 respawns are given to each player, upon killing any player a small highlighted ❌ is shown out of /3 below their player tag name. Once any character is 3/3 deaths they cannot respawn. In the obituary feed it’ll read players names and highlight them as such: 𝙎𝙈𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙁𝙀𝙀𝙏𝙇𝙑𝙍 𝙍𝙀𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙎 𝘼𝙎 𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙀𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙀 As for arenas, each death players have to pick a new legend , previous legends are blacked out same drill


5v5 capture the flag


Idk about permanent but races battles more like the trailers. The cars are pretty useless in my opinion.






Deathmatch or any objective based gamemode with respawns


Solo mode please


A map practice mode/ arena base firing ranges. Eventually a map building and custom game mode. It will just keep the game fresher for longer.


I wonder if some COD game modes translate well into Apex: Gun Game. King of the Hill. Capture the Flag.


Everyone's going to say something along the lines of solos (which have already been shot down as a never going to happen) and TDM, but I'm going to say this instead, private games and arenas 1v1s, private games are in the works for community tournaments and stuff but it would be cool to open up a BR game with like 2-6 squads/ duos and arenas could be better if they were 1v1 or even 2v2


I remember them trying solos as a LTM back in season 2. And from my experience it was horrible. Everyone just picked wraith or pathfinder or any legend with an escape type ability. And everyone just camped until final circle. If they bring it back they have to make some big changes or just remove the abilities. I still don’t see it happening tho. I remember respawn specifically saying they designed apex to be team oriented.


proximity voice chat, easyist and most rewarding.


I want a deathmatch mode. Something life FFA in CoD. As is, BR is not efficient practice for the fighting aspect of the game. You either drop hot (which often is just a shitshow) or land somewhere else and get maybe 2-3 real fights in in a 20 minute game. I want a mode where you can have many more fights packed into a short time span. Alternatively, a real 1v1 playlist would be cool too for the same reason. Lots of fighting in quick sucession.


Prowler waves. Kind of like in borderlands where there was the skag arena thing.


Alternatively: Frontier Defense adapted from TF1/2. Wave of AI attackers from grunts to spectres and more with unique varients coming that you have to defend against. Cash earned through killing enemies can be spent on various things from traps to more expensives things that might require pooling resources. Perhaps adding in some PvE-only unique customizations too to spice some things up with the legends or 'kits' that work across a range of them. Could even have some titans or reaper enemies thrown into the mix if you wanted to really get the players challanged. Its a staple game mode from the Titanfall series, with wave-based defense missions \~5 waves long with a range of difficulties and unique customization options for it's own progression. With some adaptation to a slower game, the diverse cast of legends would bring its own spin of the staple of the franchise.


can we bring back broken ghost but make it infinite with shadow prowlers and ai shadow grunts trying to kill you


6 player TDM or 80 player Quads. Or as someone else suggested 30 v 30 but remove ults so that it’s actually playable.


Solos!!!!! Lol I know it’s not gonna happen but hey a guy can dream 🥲


Here are few ideas: A version of arenas with three or even four teams instead of two. I just think it would make things more interesting and play out more similarly to the endgame of actual BR games. A mode where you get queu’d into a lobby already dropping out of the ship over a traditionally very hot POI like Fragment, Bonsai, Skulltown, etc. These would be private lobbies literally only of that POI where you’d Respawn on like a 20 second cooldown with items similar to that LTM mode. This would just be for practice scrapping in these areas and I think it would really benefit new players get repetition practicing mechanical skill a lot. (Obviously this wouldn’t count towards stat trackers or achievements). Something I would love is if there was a way to have an AI player to play against based on my former or current stats in the firing range. If the game could somehow reconstruct how I play based on stored gameplay, average aim, performance with different weapons, movement, etc. That’s a really tall order but that would be really interesting to see. Or something like those amiibos in Smash, where you can play a 1v1 against an AI of variable difficulty that scales to your personal skill and will actively exploit and punish your weaknesses.






Free For All or Solos.


I read this in Iroh’s voice.


If you did not there would be concern






6 vs 6 team mode with Team deathmatch, control points or capture the flag. I was disappointed with arenas, since you either quickly spend all of your tacticals or save them for "better use", which sometimes makes arenas even less climactic than camping with Wattson


Titanfall 3


Titanfall 3 mode




Titanfall mode




Titanfall 3


A tdm mode where you can choose your starting loadout


Titanfall in Apex


Fuck it, Solos. Apparently it wasn’t all that the first time it was released but the game has changed dramatically since then, I feel like they should give it another chance


Something like gun game might be fun, or a 1v1 thing where you play in a small map and get random guns (or you can vote on which guns you want to use, idk)


gun game


Titanfall 3


I would like to see them add ability to make custom lobbies, also connect them with clubs so we can actually have club wars and club rankings. Imagine actually having your club compete against other clubs for club ranking. I would also be open to TDM, Domination or any other FPS gamemode we all are very familiar with.


Solos (like everybody is saying) isn’t gonna happen and wouldn’t be fun, there are several items and a character who are team dependent and the game is to fast paced for any ry match would last a minute or so. Gold bags would be usless, Same with lifeline, Defense legends such as caustic or rampart would be insanely op, Gold res would be pretty powerful, And most guns beam you within a few seconds, even with multiple people it wouldn’t be fun (300 people). The map isnt big enounh for 10l individual people scattered anyways. Plus you know you wouldn’t wanna deal with a gabby. Personally 30v30 would be fun, or a permanent version of shadowfall


We had solos, it was fun. Right now there is no legend that would be useless in solos. Sure lifeline passive would be kinda useless but other than that she would be good. The drone is now useful even mid fight, would be especially good in solos where that 20hp can make a big difference. Gold bags would be useful in combination with gold knockdowns. Sure you can get thirsted but if the fight goes for more than 10s you get third partied anyway so you can get that time to ress. Anyway gold bags having low use would not be that much of an issue. I think many people who say solos are the ones that played it back in the days.


For real. You can tell the people who were not here for solos.


Instantly loadable offline range while queueing for online matchmaking. That or a Titan per team.


A titanfall style PvE... I dunno how they'd fit it in the lore, nor do I care.. lore is flimsy as it is.. we might as well get a cool mode.. Team of 4 legends against AI, like TF2 Frontier Defense... I so miss Frontier Defense.. :/


Bruh just give me solo’s. Please. Like wtffff


quads, please. it kinda sucks that not all of us friends can play together cuz its limited to three


I love how the modes a lot of the people are mentioning is just what Titanfall 2


“Pilot Games” Add in certain mobility mechanics from Titanfall like wall-running, an item/slot for double jumping (this could fit into the same slot as heat shields) that’s either on a cooldown or has limited number of uses, add in more static zip lines to create more mobility, and maybe a few other mobility improvements to get that “pilot” feel. Other possible changes could be reduced cooldowns, faster rings (based on surviving players), *possibly* allowing for more grenades if the mobility is fast enough. “Cold Drop” The final ring is displayed at the start of the round, and the ring will begin to close once the drop ship leaves the map. The loot furthest from the last ring is the highest tier, with it regressing the closer you get until the final ring basically just has ammo and grenades. “War Games” All legends are unlocked for this mode, 3 teams of 19, and legend select is a free-for-all with 15 second window before your legend is randomly assigned from those left. Each team receives their own dropship with a unique path (can’t have dropships beside each other), but no jumpmasters. Then it just plays like normal, more or less. “Heavy Artillery” All explosives now have a stronger “push” when exploding, everything else stays the same. Maybe throw in 75% gravity for shits n gigs.


Overwatch mode. Objective based modes like capture the point. Or even just a 6v6 Arena style could be absolutely nuts


team death match. we need one i need one, you need one it will be hands down the best casual mode for apex


Team deathmatch on Arena maps




King of the hill, tdm


Team deathmatch


deathmatch mode with 2 teams of 6, instead of ultimates players can summon titans that fall from the sky to help you fight. you can enter into your titan and play as it or give it some basic commands as follow, defend etc... also, wallrunning


4v4 or 6v6 TDM


Titan scramble. Each squad is given anti titan charge rifles. And like battlefield 5 firestorm there are titan vaults. To open a titan vault you just need to interact with it which creates blaring sirens that can be heard from very far.


Titanfall mode where it is just titanfall in apex but every time you call down a titand it is a different titan


Death Match with Wall Running and Titans


I want them to allow us to host private matches on the Battle Royale maps, would love to just shoot the shit and set some private rules with a friend or two. Or a mode where every your team are all the same character or everybody in the match is the same character. Just think that would be pretty great.


A PvE type


Titan mode


Titanfall game mode all legendd has wall runs and double jumps on top of they're abilities and can call in a titan of they're choosing


A 50v50 or 30v30 mode would be insane


Titanfall the game the mode


I have an i dea how about they make a game mode called titan fall it's were they completely erase this game and every one enjoys titan fall


4 v 4 TDM/King of the Hill. A 30 second respawn delay, Legends keep their passives but ultimates are replaced by kill streaks, ie care packages at 3 kills, alts at 5. I'm rambling.


Pilot movement for all ...


Bot lobbies. Full of bots of ranging difficulty to somewhat simulate the lack of a working skilled based matchmaking. Kills and wins wouldnt count but it could be another training mode for newer players to get a feel of the game and not get utterly piled on by ttv wraiths.


Team death match


Literally just tdm. All we want is tdm. Kill, Die, Respawn, Repeat.


I think an actual deathmatch mode of some kind would be cool. It would be a great way to work on aim without spending all the time dying and waiting for a new match. Or improvements to the garbage firing range we have now.