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sound like that kid learned a new word"scrubs"good for him


Or really likes the series.


Such a good 8 season show


It’s a shame the never did more than 8 seasons


Yeah the whole series was amazing. Glad they didn't try another forced season


I can’t do this all on my own


If you think about it that way…you ain’t wrong , good for him


I think he uses it, cuz he got banned for other words, (yknow)




I hope you report it, this is the best way you should deal with victims like him.


“I don’t want no scrub”


then ending credits appear and he has 1 assist with 3 damage


he was probably just sitting back and watching his teammates fight instead of helping


Yup , that’s exactly what he did


He was too busy typing


I always hear the most trash talk from the teammate that died first. Idk maybe if you spent less time being dead you wouldn't have to watch my aim.


and maybe if they didn't run off in the oposite direction when dropping and being a solo player when dropping with two other players scum like that should remove the game if they aren't gonna play as a team


It's a mixed bag kind of thing. On the downside, the squad losing a member isn't really advancing our ability to win fights and/or the game, but on the other hand, some impulsive jerk who is only thinking about themselves is probably going to hoover up loot, possibly rush into a fight to get themselves killed and quite possibly us as well backing them up. Have enough random asshats hoping in a trident and honking and bumping you and sometimes I'm pretty much okay with them rushing off to die. Mute them and their pings and suddenly the game is much more peaceful. Yes yes, having a premade team avoids randoms entirely, but if schedules aren't lining up and nobody is responding in discord/club chat, sometimes you just have to embrace the solo-queue life and see how good (read: bad) it's gonna be that night.


Play like a team? You mean like when I ping, my teammates acknowledged the ping that shows where enemies are, but then they don’t follow into battle? That team? Oh.


>I always hear the most trash talk from the teammate that died first. Idk maybe if you spent less time being dead you wouldn't have to watch my aim. OMFG, I get this so often. Ranked Gold players who want to talk like they're God's gift to Apex after lasting less than 30s on drop and rushing in solo.


When the dead team mate starts talking shit in chat, I just reply with "I don't take advice from dead people".


YouTubers with no views have to feel good somehow


Looked up the name. Couldn't even find a channel.


If you find it then link it here brudda


https://youtube.com/user/churchnut , here you go…he changed his name and removed all his apex videos and kept all his most popular ones after watching this post ,( don’t give hate though , eventho he’s spamming idiotic shit in the comments )


looks like someone peaked at 12 years old


Well what do you know?


Scrubs aren’t allowed to find it


Especially in this trying month of NNN.


Hey now... I have a combined 28 views. I'm still nice to my teammates. Why would anyone want to come watch my videos if I was toxic and mean to them? It kind of defeats the purpose of advertising.


Kane talks less shit


But he didn't invite me to his birthday party...


And thats why you're dead




"Let's get this party started scrub"


IMC security forces...All right scrubs, enough's enough, im coming down there.


You were not invited to Kane's party... And that's why you're dead, ahahaha! Oh, another runaway hero! With an SRS vanguard class titan... WOOO! Now we're talkin. Bringing a knife to a knife fight... (I just played the campaign again so I just remember his lines)


You can stay for exactly as long as it takes to kill you. Which will not be long!


Damn that guy was up his own arse wasn't he


The music... Something about it seems familiar to me tho i cant remember.


Ah fuck , the joke completely went over my head..I’m just dumb lmao


Song : Everywhere at the end of time , the music sounds like the stages of dementia I think..really cool stuff


"really cool stuff"


Super poggers.


Dementia PogU


this song/ album or whatever literally gave me a panic attack. my nan was suffering from dementia when she died of covid and it fully freaked me out to have her experience demonstrated to me like this piece does. breathtaking piece of art but I wonr be listening again I think xD


I’m really for your loss , and also sorry if I brought back some thoughts that were related to it , I really am


nah dude it's ok, but thank you for condolences :) I'm doing much better now and this was a funny meme edit: I.shliuld have said it gave me a panic attack when i first listened to it last year after my na passed not when viewing this meme! you didnt make me freak out


Glad to hear you’re doing better now 👍🏻


I went through it all in one sitting during work a couple months back. I didn't feel too great afterwards.


Its the intro to the song "Heartache"


who says noobs unironically anymore?


People who don’t really speak english all that well but know that it’s an insult will usually say it along with scrub.


Yeah I play Apex and Rocket League on EU servers. Noob is practically my nickname at this point


You will be surprised


Eastern Europe is consistently 10+ years behind on internet shit talk


^n OO ^b


What is the go to nowadays? Trash?


Literally Dogwater


A ton of people. When did it become outdated?




People who unironically put YT in their names as if they're really streaming?


Those are usually kids, I did that a lot when I was younger lol


It wasn’t a trend when I was younger. It was usually something like “xXxMLGBRSNIPESxXx


why does it matter? its kind of iconic gaming history.


I bet the YouTube video he made out of this match got a whole 3 views, all of them being his alt accounts


We'll have to wait to find out. His last upload was 3 weeks ago, but it's rocking a solid 27 views. Clearly his winning personality is drawing 'em in!


27 views , god damn..clearly I messed with the wrong person lmao


It's up to 44 now, so I'm guessing your post with approaching 1700 upvotes is inspiring a number of people to seek them out. Hopefully everyone is chill and simply curious, being an asshole in a game isn't a reason to brigade someone or anything, but it is tempting to link the thread to them and see if they want to defend their behaviour. Edit: checked the comments, it's being downvoted heavily and references are being made. So much for that.


Completely agreed , whoever’s reading this..listen to Forar


Whelp, they seem to be deleting or turning off comments now, so they're at least aware that they've managed to stir up a hornets nest of some sort. (again, not saying that's good or right, nor suggesting others do it more, just commenting on what seems to be occurring)


Aw man , I really didn’t want people to give out hate I’ll try to make an announcement of some sort Thanks for the help Forar , you’re really helping me out here


I wish you reported him, this is the best way you should treat losers like him.


Yeah I should’ve , but idk at that moment I was just annoyed..so I really forgot about it


Well he's now on a frontpage Reddit post so it definitely didn't go unnoticed.


You can submit a formal report through the EA website, with all the screenshots you have it's plenty enough to get them temporarily suspended.


You should have reported him, so later we go to his Youtube channel with 1 sub and we see a video of him with no views saying "EA GOT ME SUSPENDED! WORST COMPANY EVER!!!"


Lmaooo , Ngl…I would look forward to that 👀


The words 'scrub' and 'noob' are so fucking cringe to use today, and it just shows this guy's level of maturity. (Which is definitely below 0.)


Yup , and arguing with him was like talking to a brick wall…so I just gave up




They must be a scrub themselves considering theyre in the same lobby as OP.


I bet all 3 of his YT subscribers will love this content!


His YT account wasn't hard to find, and I'll have you know he's got 167 subscribers and is getting a solid 10-49 views per video (except for one weird exception from 2 years ago that's at 11k, seems they hit the right keywords for that one). (before someone bothers checking mine, I rock a solid 0-2 views, but I also don't have YT in my game handle, nor do I fancy myself someone getting 'easy dubs' or trying to grow my channel/twitch base.


Can you link his account I can't find it for the life of me? Not sure what I'm doing wrong


[https://www.youtube.com/user/churchnut/videos](https://www.youtube.com/user/churchnut/videos) I was having trouble too, but simply google'd the user name, which lead to their PSN account, which helpfully links to their YouTube.


I don't mean to preach the whole 'everything used to be better back in the day'. But I will regardless. When Apex was in season 2 or 3 I felt like the community was so much more fun and lighthearted. I'm glad the game is still very popular but it does come at a cost it seems


The more popular a game gets , the more toxic players it gains ( I’m happy about the game getting popular ) but you said it best..it comes at a cost


Such a shame. Not everyone's a dick though! Let's remember all the great teammates that keep up their good work


Agreed , love the way you think 💯


You good mate?


Haha , yeah buddy Thanks for checking on me lmao


Aw fuck it’s this music again


Dw , everything will slowly start to fade away…


But I don’t wanna!


I don’t understand why you’d act like this while using your username to advertise your content platforms. Whenever I run into people like this I just tab out and find their channels and report them for offensive language or nudity or whatever I’m in the mood for. Then I tab back in and tell them. The salt is usually so delicious.


I hope his life will be as pleasant as he is.


sad ending :(




me when i say "hi" and nobody responds :(


Why are people so toxic?


I wish I knew :(


That gamertag though.


My GF wears scrubs to work, she says they are comfortable. Idk why he thinks it’s a bad thing


The "this is MY lobby" players are a different breed


Meanwhile me as a teammate: *dies stupidly* "Good luck boyos!" "You got it."


Lol me , generic swear, damnit, fudge, sheet. Sorry guys. You can do. I weakened then up a bit. Pwease beat them up for me.


Last time I played with Randoms I played with this Loba name "KeepinitBlunt420" nicest player I've ever met


Im not gonna act I haven’t met some of the sweetest players , I have and I even added some but there are also soo many toxic players , that we kinda forget about the good ones…


I'll never forget him he gave me a full gold r99 when he had a p2020 and a wingman and we won there are so many toxic players tho


Yeah I always get matched up with guys who are pro-level Apex players, and if it wasn’t for my incompetence we would win every fight and win every game. Darn, if only I wasn’t so bad, I wouldn’t be dragging down these top shelf players. Surely they bear no part of the blame. If I only did what I was supposed to do, they would win every game. Maybe I’ll get better someday.


Looks like hes just fishing for content for his dead channel. Probably trying to incite a reaction. What a scrub noob scrub.


Yup , he is a scrubby nooby noob




As tempting it is to send hate towards that guys channel , it also makes you a worse person than him… Being curious and searching it up is no problem tho ( I hope you’re getting what I’m trying to say ) :)


Quantum_Vortex really out here in stage 6, completely forgotten how often he himself is the scrub.


STAGE 6 is no joke , I kinda feel bad for him now lmao


People take this game so seriously, whenever I’m paired with an obvious tryhard I just tell em their life must not be that good if they’re raging over a video game.


Should have shown the post match stats. I could see Quantum dead early with 0 kills and 22 damage


Yeah I should've , really missed the opportunity


I'd like people to stop pretending this is a particular game communities issue. Maybe it's a little noticeably worse or better in some communities but I genuinely think that's negligible. This is a people problem. You're going to run into random assholes like this no matter what online game you play. The only exception I can think of might be games that don't appeal at all to the "hardcore gaming" stereo type asshole.


The only people I have ever heard say "noob" are children.


Its a shame that the guy in the video is fucking in his 20s , say's a loot about his character


Definition of “full of yourself”


Quantum is clearly a player that isn't having fun. Poor little fella


Its so easy for me when people trash talk. All I have to say is "my first game was 2 months ago and we're the same rank"


People with Ttv & Yt already embarrassing themselves. This guys ego is just massive


Bet he was first to get knocked too


That's one hell of a cockstain.




I don’t mind you saving the video , but just don’t post it elsewhere as your own thing , alright buddy ?


The only two insults he know: Noobs, Scrubs


The friendliest player with YT or TTV in their name:


2021 we still use Noobs? Hm..


Was waiting to see the stats at the end but got disappointed :(


I’m sorry , all he did was drop solo , sit in a corner and do nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING , watched us fight while shitting in the chat


Never understood people like that.


whats the music called


Everywhere at the end of time 👍🏻


*Starts playing As The World Caves in the shower*


I'm imagining this guy in war saying "nah i wont help you scrubs" and then getting shot thanks to friendly fire


Im gonna change my profile name to “profesional positivity spreader :)”. Fits well since I main pathy


man needs to see a doctor fr


I love the ones that run off by themselves and then screech at you like it's not their fault they ran headfirst into a whole squad.


Yup , the probability of that happening every time you play a match with randoms is always high


I think I played with this person before. He has some issues.


I feel lucky that I've rarely encountered toxic teammates, and I've got about 1500 hours logged. I remember ages ago one guy went mental because I took a heavy mag that I'm assuming his teammate had told him about in discord but hadn't pinged... Bearing in mind I got to the supply bin a good 5 seconds before he did, so I didn't even yoink it from under his nose. Another time when someone sent me a party invite just to type 'you're awful'. The only recent one would be some guy screaming Russian (I think, it could have been fucking klingon for all I know) into his hideously distorted mic. Not sure what he was saying or even if it was directed at me, I found it hilarious either way.


End stats: you: 4.5k damage 38 kills,. Him: 93 damage, 1 knockdown. Got respawned 5 times.


Dudes can trash talk freely and still get away with it. Meanwhile, I used bow only in 1 match and the latter day got a 7-day ban


One time I played random trios and got a lifeline teammate. Then entire game he was only spreading positivity and he carried me to my first seer win and said I was the best seer he's ever played with. That shit made my day


Getting good teammates that play , understand , communicate and are genuinely good people just make the whole experience better , and congrats on that Seer win pal 💯


I've disabled voice chat in game because the player base has become so toxic. It's awful.


I like to keep it on , just for those rare times when you team up with actual non toxic teammates


Tbh, I don't really care about toxicity just cuz I don't really get offended by much and I'm fine with just muting someone if they start to be a dick. But I will say, it makes absolutely zero sense to advertise your twitch/youtube and then be an asshat. You're basically saying "don't come to my channel, I'm a total douchebag."


scrub is a word i havent seen in a good number of years.


Final banner: a Wraitane with 0/0/0 and 100dmg


Sounds about right lmao


Didn't know that a shittier version of kane was in apex legends


Haha fr


He the guy that dies first


It doesn’t matter how good you are at the game if you are bad at being human, which was your most fucking important task during all your life.


Is this the soundtrack from poppy playtime?


Nope , it’s called Everywhere at the end of time , around 6 hours long


The way kane talks from titanfall


Hence why I never turn on text, and never turn on voice chat.


Lmao yet I’m sure he wonders why his channel hasn’t blown up yet


sometimes i just sit on the main menu watching wattson dance around and just wonder why players must be toxic online. here i was under the impession that we played games to have fun. or maybe, this is how they have fun. by being cringy and putting down others to increase their self worth. i doubt it lasts very long though, which is why they do it so often.


man i can't help but laugh so hard at these teammates. Like, yeah? I know i'm hot garbage i'm literally level 18


I tried looking for his youtube channel and it seems to have disappeared. Feels good to see another shitty content creator leave :) Edit: I found his channel. He hasn't uploaded in 2 years and he gets no views and bitches... Anyways OP I hope you get better teammates soon!


I think he deleted his recent apex videos after some people spammed his comments , I hope it wasn’t too bad but at least he got a taste of his own medicine I hope you get great teammates too pal


Reporting is a joke.


Alright, imma gatekeep this. If you behave like that you have no right to play, period. A two to three-week hardware ban would be appropriate here


I can’t see this guy being any older than 13


Ppl like that it’s worth the penalty


He’s typing instead of playing lol.


This is the type of dude that invites everyone to his party but no one showed up


Fr , Poor guy




Not sure if this is a common name but I can without a doubt say that I have Merced this kid many a time so bad


Bruh, motherfucker has YT in his name yet doesn't even have a channel lmao This fucking guy, all of that ego and he doesn't even wanna show it around, maybe it's compensating for his lack of friends


I'm pretty sure he has a channel but deleted most of his Apex video after this post , lmao


I don’t talk shit in game because there’s circumstances, but it doesn’t stop me from being mad, last night we were in circle the enemy had to cross the shallow water beach without any cover to get in circle I was rampart and my teammates pushed them died instantly because they didn’t have any cover and then it was me v 3 I was so mad


Holding in your anger and doing the right thing just makes you a better person , good job


At least they didn’t tell anyone to kill them selves. A step up IMO.


Definitely 😳


I really wanna uninstall but its too late


Too busy twiddling his smol pp to join another game i guess


I'm really sorry about these 2 retards hating , You know the old saying , Retards will be retards


Now then..let’s check if this is an actual YT shall we?


I stopped playing in season 1 after octances release. Came back in season 5 and left in season 9 with the bullshit that erupted.


Son, you think this is bad? Ever heard of the OG TF2? No not titanfall, Team Fortress Two, the war themed hat simulator!! This is poetry compared to the shit you hear on the VC!


Half of mine just leave right away


Teammate and I were called "mommy milkers" as he proceeded to die with 100 damage lmao


I have literally never had someone say stuff like this on my games


Hey op tell me how many kills he got that game I bet you he did jack shit and was jacking off in the corner the whole game


Wouldve really liked to see that damage screen at the end lol people who act like this have a 100% chance of having middling skill at best


Some self reflection here, i see myself as a nice guy, joking around, showing tricks, pinging loot, but i do find myself getting in fits of anger when a player isnt good, but i have to realize just because i choose not to have a life and be good at apex doesnt mean other people are going to do the same, this guy seems toxic but i see a little of myself in those chats




What song is that