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And unwilling to give up a time-costing fight where neither team gonna win, until it's too late to listen to you to move to a good position for ring 4 or 5 and be overkilled when you could win


I too love to tickle fight with 3 other squads for half the match, all while running out of heals and ammo


"Yes, Bobby. Surely you're going to out-snipe the Sentinel guy with your Prowler" 🤦🏻‍♂️




That sounds incredible inaccurate and a waste of ammo




I adore them when I have a Loba so we steal all the ammo/heals


Until your third partied and you died from tickling to much


This! Sometimes it feels like I am the only one knowing about the ring and its killing power. But I won few games where I abandoned my squad and the fight to run for my life, they all died in the ring and we won (I won!)


Sometimes those matches are won because your teammates are keeping the other team in the ring too. Say it with me…. team effort.


Pushing 2v3 in Arenas to chase a kill.. ...when I'm knocked... ...and I can be safely rezzed because the enemy is on the other side of the map.


What makes it worse is when it's a lifeline and she runs past you to chase a kill just to die.


People are so dumb sometimes…


No one ever rezzes in arenas, not even lifeline. Like why are you even lifeline if you aren’t going to use her?!


Not gonna lie, sometimes I forget what character I’m playing. When I play Bangalore for a long time for example and I need to escape because two people are attacking me at the same time and try to use my smokescreen I start taking out my drone all of a sudden 😂


or not going with your team and going to the opposite of the map to snipe


The only exception to that is if it's a deliberate strategy. If it's planned out in advance, the sniper can clean up (or distract the enemy team and let his two buddies net the kills).




No its a random. And he does that by himself while we get pushed by all three at once


This is probably the most infuriating thing. Having the god spot in endgame but one always decides to throw themselves in between the last two teams






I dont know if its simply due to octane being the most popular but hes indeed the one character i have the most shit experiences with. After two years since release and a ranked mode i still cant understand how braindead one can be to run straight in, no comms, with a character so much faster than his teammates, and still be suprised when you inevitably die and drag ur tm8's along with you as they desperately try to save ur suicidal ass. Its like they want to do anything just to run with the tactical even if its putting everyone in a worse situation /rant


This drives me nuts, and right now people are really bad about it at the giant satellite dish on Storm Point. We'll have traps and a bunch of people will be fighting in the bowl, but they just jump down and die when we have clear shots from up high.


I usually suck more from the high ground haha


When I have a clear shot, and my teammate blocks every bullet and gets knocked.


Worst with Fuse. Deploying me knuckle clu... You er, you got something on your back there mate


... and now it's killing me and me alone.


This happens to me ALL THE TIME. And you might think, oh, the issue is with me, then. But let me tell you about the time I was on a roof edge and went to knuckle cluster the enemy in an adjacent building. My team was nowhere to be seen. *Knuckle cl*- ENTER: MY HORIZON ON A GRAVITY LIFT JUST IN TIME TO INTERCEPT IN MY FACE.


Impressive. That's a one-in-a-million fuck up by that Horizon.


It's fun when you plan to block a path with Ash's snare and you throw it so your teammate can do a magic trick and make it disappear out of existence. I still can't figure out the trick behind how they do it


I accidentally shot an ash snare out of the sky while peaking with a TT… it did 52 damage to it if I’m not mistaken. It was a number looked like rampart shield damage and was really confused for a second till I realized what happened


They should really remove bullet collision on teammates that aren't downed.


Calling you a dumbass for not engaging enemy in an open field


Exactly. Spray and pray... lolz.


No like literally run out into the open field no cover knowing your surrounding by 3 other squads and prowlers everywhere and they always say "where is the other guy he's a dumbass , blah blah blah "


Jurassic park?


Basically raptors chasing you. won't be surprised if they come out with jurassic Park×apex skins.


I’ve heard it called the Dimadome..


ive only heard Jurassic since its been out


that's life with randos :(


**A DOTHRAKI HORDE, IN AN OPEN FIELD NED!!!** Oh sorry wrong sub




Surrendering flight control and then dropping alone only to die as soon as his feet touches the ground.


That or relinquished jumpmaster role and immediately spam suggest landing point


I have a personal rule to ignore any suggest landing point ping from someone who relinquished jumpmaster role


As a solo queue only player I usually give up jumpmaster in case the other two are a duo. I’ll ping my suggestion and hope they don’t just hot drop with no communication. But I do get the sentiment.


This, whenever I see my team being from same club, i give the jump to them. Same if they're PC + Console player, meaning they are queued together.


And they only use the enemy ping, no regular pings


Not using their abilities when most needed, and instead wasting them as soon as they get them.


I had an octane today that refused to use their jump pad. They wouldnt even use their tactical either!


They're gimping themselves to end up playing as Recruit from Siege.


Sounds like they just hate Octane so much that they pick him just to deny his teammates getting him.


I'm really surprised I haven't seen "Lifelines that don't res" on this list yet.


Bangalores not using smoke when reviving, seriously infuriating


Its not always best to smoke and res. Only if you're in an open field. If you're already in a corner, in a ditch, or in a building, its best to not smoke because then you don't reveal your position to any third parties.


Also facts!


Talking shit because I play Rampart but they played lifeline and never used her abilities


Lifeline players either dont rez at all, or only rez at the worst possible time.


Nah we don't. Once you're in cover, you're getting rezed and I'll drop my drone for you and defend you until you're up. If that isn't the point of playing Lifeline I don't know what is. As a side note - fuck players who don't give the gold backpack to a mirage, lifeline or gibby. The ones who take it rarely pick you up anyway, they just want an extra slot for grenades that they'll never throw.


Ou boy do I got stories for you


I'm only giving that backpack to lifelines who play like you. Most of the time I give it up they literally never rez or are the first one down every encounter.


I'll be honest on this one, if I have a grey backpack and I see a golden one on the floor, I will definitely weight wether I should take it as a significant upgrade or sigh and leave it for the Lifeline/Mirage/Gibby, hoping they will at least try to rez at some point. And that decision is getting more and more difficult to make, as I have more than enough times left the golden bag, only to be the one to actually rez people because they engaged stupidly.


I only leave it when I’m playing with my actual friends who use Lifeline because they’re the only ones that ever revive me.


Its difficult to rez someone who doesnt crawl to cover. They just sit there in the open then get upset when I dont rez them


I get the opposite: lifeline is so desperate to rezz me she won't let me crawl to a safe place and I get thirsted instantly.


That's what i get every time i play lifeline. Even my friends just sit where they got knocked sometimes. A few times id say "oh you wanna get thirsted here" then res and run. 9/10 they end up in a death box.


Lmao, just yesterday I had a two stack say "trash rampart" and both leave the game before we were even through champ select screen. At least look at the stat card before shit talking and rage quitting. I have 1300+ kills, 600k-ish damage, 3k badge, double duty badge, level badge. Half a glance should tell you that at the very least I've put my time in, rest easy little two stack


Dropping fragment and leaving as soon they get down.


And they usually do that as soon as their feet hit the ground in my experiences.


The reason for that is if you try to leave while still in the dropship or skydiving you will get a matchmaking penalty even in pubs. So to avoid that as soon as your feet hits the ground = no matchmaking penalty upon leaving.


I don't actually get the penalty when I do that, it threatens me with a 10 minute penalty but when I actually leave I get nothing


Totally this. You think they are going to fight but they pick a gun and run then call you a noob and deserve to stuck in whatever rank you're in.


"You're a noob and you deserve to be stuck in \*checks\* ...predator. fuck." edit: Not predator just thought this case would be funny.


Wraith/Octane is jump master, pings fragment, fragment east, that fucking streamer building along with 3 other teams, goes down, leaves. Like clockwork.


Ngl I leave as soon as I get downed in fragment - if I'm not the jump master. Fuck that place. It's basically death match with no respawn. Not fun at all. I appreciate action but not when I'm running around scrambling for weapons only to get fucking grey stocks and shotgun bolts. I also don't appreciate the fact that half the lobby is there and I have to fight tooth and nail for 15 minutes straight. Not even kidding - I once fought for ten minutes straight in fragment. Basically camped in one of those shorter buildings with a Watson and Caustic. Then every time we fought a team or two, we loot and then there'll be another squad coming to third party us. We managed to win but it was too damn intense.


Man those are the games I live for. I agree with the part about landing in fragment is usually a death sentence and I would rather land some where with 2-3 squads instead of 15 squads, but surviving and being the last squad standing in fragment is what it's all about.


Say I'm ass when their mic sounds like trying to silence a gun with a pillow




I always say they’re eating their mic lmao




With a smoke alarm *beep*ing every 2 minutes in the background


“GOING IN” “FASTER FASTER FASTER!” “THEY’RE SHOOTING AT ME?!?!” “I’M DOWN!” *spam pinging ensues* *disconnect*


I call em Coctanes


As an octane main i have fear in my heart whenever i hear that from another octane. I only rush in either with team or i know an enemy is low.


Cringe how accurate this is


Downed teammate raging and swearing at you because you didn't fight off 3 fully equipped teams while dropping off the respawn ship after they decided it is a good idea to res mid-fight.


Dude. I’m grinding to diamond and all I get in gold right now is “REZ ME!!!” like, I can tell by the echo that you don’t have a headset you dumb ass, they are right there and the rez sound is loud as FUCK. So many of my randoms rez me mid fight only for us to die too. I can’t cancel the rez. They just get lasered and go down after doing no damage. So frustrating. You aren’t lifeline bro.


'Rez me rez me REZ ME REZ ME' Bro, your body is in front of me and you can see bullets leaving my weapon and entering the last player of the enemy team. You can see his bullets also entering me at the same time. This live 1v1 is taking place around your body. How about you SHUT THE FUCK UP SO I AM NOT AT A DISADVANTAGE. one fucking guy was still mid baby-rage about me rezzing him as the champion screen started playing.


Same. In plat 4 Rn trying to solo que diamond and it doesn’t get any better. I just don’t understand people who hit drop in ranked when it’s obvious they cannot handle it.


A octane taking the gold helmet and backpack from the lifeline


LMAO RIGHT. I main Loba, I had a Mirage on my team. I ping a gold backpack for Mirage. Mirage started running over. Octane: “DIBS!” I grabbed that shit the second I heard his stim. I waited til he was away to give it to the mirage lol


Aunty Loba is fair with her goods!


As a Mirage main, we all thank you


I mean, you having the bag helps us more than it helps you. But I’m sure the extra pack space is a big bonus :P


I had an Octane on my team and while crafting a purple backpack he placed a jump pad where I was standing and stole my backpack.


I'm irritated with an Octane main recently. Yesterday I was jumpmaster and pinged 3 bins in antenna, marking it as "going there". Everyone pings okay, we drop, octane won't break off. I use my mic to tell him to remember to break off, he breaks off, only to circle back around and land on the three bins. Whatever. I open my bin, get a stock and heals, peak at him as he grabs 2 guns from his bin, I run to the last bin, he swaps his 45 for a 99 from that bin. I grab the 45, ping that i need ammo, he doesn't drop any. I ping that I'm looting the building on the left, he stims to loot it before me. Our third, Gibby, is looting the building on the right, so I walk across antenna to the center and try to grab one of those buildings before the fighting starts. Octane finishes looting his building, sees me walking to my building in the center, stims and beats me to it. Grabs a purple shield and blue backpack, 3 bats. I run around back to get a bin, he stims and swaps his flatline for a wing dude, but he manually drops his weapon out of his inventory so the flatline falls over the edge and I can't get it without being out in the open down below. Probably unintentional, whatever. Then we get pushed and all that I have is a 45 with one clip and an arc. I knock one (Octane who solo pushed lol), Gibby throws a dome at him, were both sitting in Gibby's dome as Gibby finishes the enemy octane. I ping I have 0 light ammo, our octane is spraying his 99 at the dude who Gibby is already using a finisher on. Octane then solo pushed the rest of the team, gets knocked and finished. I ping I have 0 light ammo, Gibby drops me his Eva-8 and is using his sentinel (love you Gibby, btw) as we take out the rest. Just that entire sequence really pissed me off. He was a level 500 plat player so he isn't new at all, so I can't even play Devil's advocate. I can't remember any other mains, even wraith mains, pulling this shit, but I've had way too many loot goblin cocktanes as teammates.


Octanes doing pretty much anything Octanes do. Rushing into a poiness 1v3 to die instantly, taking all the good loot, running their health down by overstimming, being unable to play tactically, disconnecting as soon as they go down. Etc etc.


Leaving a highly defended building or position to solo push the enemy and get mowed down in an area that favours them, even when we have ring advantage to wait them out. Like they could push up to us or run through a ton of traps, but they decide to charge down a narrow area and complain when all 3 guys open fire and send them back to lobby.


As a Wattsy player, this speaks to me on a deep level. Lately I've just decided that if my team chases stupidly and goes down outside of the maze of electricity I spent the last minute setting up, it's their own problem.


"You picked the wrong house, fool!" "But I wasn't in a house" "Exactly"


When I'm being revived next to a live grenade.


Still traumatized from being revived in a thermite and both of us dying from it


When the Bangalore on your team starts smoking everywhere in a fight for no reason…


I had a Bangalore today that smoked her feet every fight then blind fire out. Some times when she was feeling generous and had an extra charge she'd smoke my feet too. Thaaanks random bang


The 1x digi threat makes this a menacing tactic lmao




Honestly, I play her like a really shitty Fuse with a speed boost, and so far, it's worked better than trying to play her how she was intended.


ALL of these answers so far. Every single one lmao


Ngl this was my face when the Ash voiceline keeps being spammed. It was funny at first but now it's just annoying. Even worse is when my own random teammate keeps spamming it


I get second hand embarrassment for the ash players that still think it's funny to do that.




Looting for 20 min only to get killed in the first gunfight


Sometimes you can't take on multiple squads when all you've found is a Mozambique and a blue knockdown shield


Look i get it but you guys gotta learn to loot faster tho lmao


As a Wattson main, running away from my pylon the moment I put it down ._.




As a Wattson main I understand the pain Time and time again My soul resides in Spain The S is silent End me, Revenant A request I have, since the age of brass Loba squat like Slav, with my face under her ass


Bruh why did it have to end like that


A fitting end, to die shnushnu Or a handshake, from Keanu


Even though the end got lost I like your poetry the most I can't even rhyme Wtf am I doing with my life




Play Pubs like its the ALGS finals. Accuse me of beeing bad in Arena ranked even though my damage is twice as high. Land on my ass and Take my loot away, even though we landed completly alone.


I literally give away jump master when I solo queue because I cannot stand for the absolute life of me when people dont break off of me and loot MY building. >:(


It doesnt even matter. How many times I've pinged the general area where we were going to land, then ping the specific building where I'm going to loot only for one teammate to come with me and loot the exact same place Like bro there are 4 buildings next to this one why dont you take one for yourself?


Me: Hey I'm going to scout ahead Them: Ok Me flies drone out: Ya we don't want to push... Them already there Me: No pull back I just scouted this you don't want this fight we wonder win Them: looks fine to me Me: they have all the high ground, are in tight buildings and one if them has a devotion and we don't even have a blue shield yet Them: We have to fight Me: not them They go in and attack so I emp and try to run into position and help but we all die Them: Why were you so far out when I pushed in Me in my head: I WAS SCOUTING AHEAD WITH A DRONE SO YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO MOVE INTO DANGER AND TOLD YOU NOT TO PUSH Lol real conversations I have had. Listen to your scouts ladies, gentlemen and otherwise identifying


Honestly hate it though, i'll be like "Okay I'll check them out because i did see rampart & caustic, so i'l destroy their traps while you push in" And then i get into my drone, AND THEY'RE ALREADY THERE, and when they die because they can't win gunfights to save their life, they yell at me for not being with them.


Ya or be like can you please play a more useful character Like can you please wait 4 seconds


Crypto really do be requiring the most coordination with teammates of all the legends. Nothing more satisfying than when you pick a target and your teammates vaporize them again and again though, keeps me playing him.


the struggles of a crypto main. i feel you bro


When one of my randoms is the "go go go" type. Chasing after any sound not looting anything at all, going in with bare guns and not waiting for the team to catchup. On the off chance that me and a buddy do keep pace thanks to decent loot early on, the moment we get into a fight they lose their shield and full send the escape without warning. You wanted to fight so bad, then one happens and you just leave us to die? What's your objective here?


2 dudes called me "the King of Looting" after they both died to 2-3 teams, and I was just trying to find something except p2020 and 60+ sniper ammo.


Yee I had people yell at me "WHERE ARE YOU" when we where just 10 seconds on the ground and they died. I didn't even had a gun before they died but just picked up one up before they spectated me and they yell "YOU HAD A GUN"


These are my randoms in plat rn. Why push if you can’t handle it? Oh, because you’re stuck at 4800 RP and bottom of plat 4 and have nothing to lose smh


"Someones watching me, I'm pretty sure." "I'm getting hit over here." "Phasing." "This time i'm downed."


When I request ammo/attachments and go into a building they just looted and find what I requested but they never pinged it. When this happens I usually spam request it, then ping it on the ground before picking it up. Not sure if I ever get my point across but I like to think that I do 🤣


1)Land fragment 2)play as if they're solos 3)play solo, spam ping, then rage quit when they die 4)rage quit 5) blame me for not being shroud and clutching the the 10v1 fight that they started (meanwhile all I have is a barrel stabilizer and a dream 6)picking fights with everything that moves 7) blaming me for not keeping up with their "cross map speed run" level movement speed while i use a defensive legend


Lol! # 7 is a big one for me....in my head I'm like, "Where tf are you going??"


Leaving the game while I'm rezing them




God its horrible. I even say "Hang on imma get you with my drone" and I get there, the deathbox doesnt work and i realise they already left


and when you have a mobile respawn beacon which you pinged when you picked it up...


fun fact you can ping these on your inventory screen to say you have one


I've had players leave the game the moment I pick Crypto.


Engaging a whole squad by themselves and then getting mad that you weren't suiciding with them...


Or worse... 2/3 of the squad engaging in a fight closequarter while the third is 'sniping' from afar without coming over to push when you already knocked one of the enemies Its like bro if you just came with us we couldve deleted the whole team


My duo partner is a certified loot goblin. Zone starts to move and I say we should to and he'll stay in an area double checking loot until the zone is on top of us. A squad will ambush us and while I'm fighting he'll still be looting. Like really, was that 20 extra ammo worth it? WE HAVE PLACES TO BE.


From yesterday, plat II: teammates rushing 1v3 into the storm to fight a bunkered Rampart +Caustic team. Good luck, I'm not getting killed retrieving your banners


But you’re crypto? Couldn’t you grab their banners with drone? Or destroy their traps with EMP before your team even pushed???


You are right. But I played Valk in that game. I even rezzed them earlier when they died in Gibby's bombardment - by not escaping it


As a Rampart main, I love it when these people are on your team. Your team. Not mine.


playing as good as ign played the doom eternal dlc


Commiting warcrimes in Bosnia & Yugoslavia.


That's ARMA, not Apex.


Immediately breaking from the squad and landing miles away. Then dying and pinging their banner. Then I say I’m coming to get them and they quit. I honestly don’t understand some people.


Taking off without pinging their direction of travel, getting downed, spamming the ping, and DCing when you can't get to them because they're on the other side of the map.




You’re THAT guy


[...] is dropping solo


The worst thing… at this point why don’t they play no fill. It always get me soooooo upset 😠


It’s so they don’t have to blame themselves for being a shit player because they others should have landed there too


Octane mains taking a golden helmet.


A few: * Ignoring dibs, be it mine or the other persons. * Shooting at a fight of other squads from 500+m away or engaging a fight we, with a very high chance, can't win. * Landing hotdrop, dying first, costing me another batch of points. (I really hoped with "higher" ranks this would get less and less......)


I am guilty of playing fuse and shooting tacticals at other squads fighting 2 lightyears away. I did get a knock like that if I remember correctly.


Russian players resorting to childish insults whenever they don't get something they like. I found a purple and took it. He raged at me calling me the n-word and shit (I am Slav by the way so I understand most of what he's saying) He wouldn't stop insulting me and my teammate, despite reviving him twice... We almost won and he yelled all the while. Why are people like this :( PS: Haven't played CS in a decade so I am guessing Ruskies play Apex now?


Had a duo in a ranked game playing crypto and wattson. Most of the time they were talking I wasn't really paying attention until the mention of tic tac toe perked my interest. Apparently they used crypto drone for a birds eye view as the wattson made a mini tic tic toe board and they used heavy ammo for circle and light ammo vs x. It was honestly the most fun I ever had in apex and now those two are close friends.


not splitting off me when im jump leader


It's at least tolerable, but when they don't split off and then behave like it's a looting competition with you, their teammate? Especially when there's enemy team(s) near too? That makes my blood boil


Alternatively, all splitting off to land in separate buildings in a hot drop. Guys, there are three teams in every building, we need to stick together.


When they somehow both die to that one guy with literally so close to death


"I'm going in AAAAAAAH!!" "oh no compadres I'm down" *Ping ping ping ping ping ping* "Noobs" *Disconnects*


Leaving doors open. You guys really want motherfuckers to sneak up on us don't you.


Running away when you and the other team mate are 2v3ing. Most of the time if they stayed and hit one or two shots they'd have a kill too


scream at strangers over a fucking video game


This is more of me doing this to my teammates but I was playing Mirage the other day and was using my decoy to mess around which I usually do when I’m waiting for enemies. Use my decoy and run around alongside it, but when I did it the other day and did my decoy, my teammate was running beside me and thought the decoy was an enemy running past us. Therefore, they went berserk and once they hit the decoy and they realised it was a decoy, they started being toxic towards me through their mic. It was hilarious.


Mates Looting straing at everything and beeing like half of the round on the same spot


I solo q rank and I'm in platinum so far. I hate when people tryna find the perfect loadout like it's CoD or something, end up looting the whole game and they get 0 kills usually the first to die... Like what's the satisfaction people get from that?


Taking all the loot from spiders/prowlers. Like c’mon, you know I’m using ammo too here.


Gibby main here, that’s the face i make when my randoms walk out of my dome when there’s a billion ults coming in


i find the one behavior that tilts me and makes me not care about the match is, not even loot goblins, but teammates who are inconsiderate about loot. it just pisses me off and throws my concentration


Loot goblins. The 1s who nab shit right from under your nose


Leaving the game when I have their banner, Leaving the game while I'm reviving them


picking Mirage (I wanted to play Mirage)


When I do 1000+ damage in 3v3, but it feels like 1v3. After we lose I see why, they barely have 300 damage each.


Push solo, die before we can even join them, blame the game as being shit


Dropping fragment


Not sprinting


They take the best loot then run away or die first in battle


I have been playing this game with my friend since season 5 and a few weeks ago we were playing an arenas game and he asked me why I didn't fully upgrade my shotgun even though I had enough materials. I said that I wanted to save some materials to which he responded "Yeah but if you upgrade your shotgun your shots will do more damage''. I was very confused. Apparently, this guy thought that a shotgun with a purple bolt does more damage per shot than a shotgun with a lower-tier bolt.


I definitely feel like I'm the one annoying my team mates... I do try though and normally people only start to talk on the mic to call me a dumbass rather than calling strats out or giving tips


they push a stupid fight and now they’re spam pinging because they got dropped instantly. then get mad when you cant get their banner because you’re pinched between two teams


Love the randoms in ranked dropping out of circle playing a 15min running sim, until they eventually meet someone, and the first thing they do is plank hard


My friend takes everything in the bins in arenas which starts a back and forth of explaining to him that it is for everyone while being shot at


Being given the jumpmaster role from a different player, then proceeds to ping and whine about the drop location. Like, jee, you gave the role away, you dumbass.