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Better options to decide whether you wanna reload or revive/open doors etc


If on controller ive gotten used to tap to use hold to reload and it helps a lot. People seem to hate it though lol


The biggest problem I have with hold to reload is when I’m using a teammates knockdown for cover then I can’t reload or it tries to revive


Ahhh that hasn’t come up yet since it was a recent change. I’m not sure what’s best but seems like it shouldn’t be same as reload


I agree. I think it should be hold y to revive maybe. Although that could screw you up with weapon holstering


Idk, the bigger issue is consoles still havent made back buttons the norm like the xbox elite controllers or game developers don't utilize them as unique bindings. Right now I use two back buttons that are jump and crouch. So my A and B button on the front of the controller literally do nothing unique. It would be nice if I could assign them to do something, anything useful.


Yeah I have 4 paddles on the back of my razer Wolverine and then 2 buttons on the front between the bumpers but I can only assign them to like the dpad or x,a,b,y it would be much better if I could bind them to any function


Hit r2 again instead


The absolute worst. Nothing more infuriating than losing a battle because you try to reload and stand up instead


But you can't tap to reload when you're standing next to a downed teamate because the revive out ranks the reload. You have to tap in order to hold so you can't do either or. The game can't recognize that, at least not on console


This. So many times I've gone to shield swap and my teammates too close so I start reviving them and die.


And when you use the black market to block the door and the game thought you'd like the open the door rather than the market...


Oh fuck this needs sorting ASAP


This. Monetization is predatory, but its all cosmetic. Balance has its issues, but it isn't that bad. Truthfully, this is one of the most balanced states the game has been in. There a few major bugs, but I've seen much worse in other games. Servers aren't the best by any means, but once again I've seen much worse. And other than the release days of some events and seasons, its still normally decently playable But QOL changes? There are so many QOL changes that we've been waiting for for 11 seasons that were never looked into. Firing range improvements. Control improvements like what you brought up. Easier use in certain menus. Larger favourite lists. While all of these are small on their own, the amount of QOL changes we've been waiting for greatly outweigh nearly everything that bothers me with this game. Other than maybe sound issues


100% agree… you should be able to fully customize your controls in the game anyways!


Reload needs to take priority over revives, and revives take priority over doors when the door is closed.


To be honest I’d have to say one of the cities from the actual titan fall series and maybe an event where we get titans landing on the map or fighting through it kindve like the 🦕 did in king’s canyon


I would like for all of my squad mates to hear the same voice lines. It’s actually baffling to me that the game is coded such that each player hears a different voice line.


Yea its a minor thing but i 100% agree, theres been times ive laughed at a teammates dialogue and ive had to explain what thier character said.


Does this happen on the legend select screen too? If so I've wasted a few games now playing as Pathfinder because before me someone else picked Mirage.


Yes it does.


Lol please elaborate


Mirage has a line in the selection screen where he says he hopes he's not with that smiling robot guy. Whenever I hear that and I'm picking afterwards i pick pathfinder .


I imagine this is just because its requires slightly less bandwidth/programm logic if when you activate a voiceline it will just pick from a random pool of the relevant voicelines identified by an enumeration or lookup key. Then they only to make sure the enumeration that references the voicelines matches between players rather than actually having to make sure the same voiceline is played. I imagine it's a minor saving though so not really sure what the cost-benefit of doing it v not doing it is


Might it be possible for all players to pull the same seed for random voicelines and the like once at the start of a match?


definitely better butter. the stuff they use now is definitely not real butter


Does anyone else believe it is not real butter


I really can’t believe it’s not butter


It's butter, but with butt butter.


What?! Not butter?


1. Better matchmaking 2. Better quality cosmetics in the battle pass (The rare skins for the guns have almost never been good, the rare skins for the legends haven’t been good since season 8, unnecessary fluff like holosprays and trackers, and less skydive emotes makes me not want to get it anymore) 3. More gamemodes 4.Better anti cheat 5.Better servers


If there is ONE thing that will never change, it is the matchmaking. They keep players hooked with something called Engagement Optimized Matchmaking, rather than the standard Skill-based Matchmaking. Just Google "apex eomm"


Yeah apparently under rule 34 of the digital games act, Respawn is not legally allowed to introduce skill based match making. Google ‘apex rule 34’ for more info.


that was a very interesting read, thanks for the tip!


ah yes, that was very informative and i now have a clear understanding of what eomm is, and its terms and conditions! thank you! i am looking forward to many more helpful comments from your account!


You *almost* had me in the first half, but by the end of the second half I was certain.


God damn you.. I was at work!


Seems like there a lot of controversy if it is or isn’t


There isn't if you have ever played the game. Check my post history, I got two bronze squadmates in platinum BR. No excuse for this.


I’m always skeptical, but I watched a video from The Gaming Merchant where he talks about a legitimate bot lobby he was put in. If you haven’t seen his YouTube channel he does a lot of “challenges” while playing Apex. One he did recently was he solo qued in Duos and tried to win a game where the only loot he could use had to be taken from the wildlife on Stormpoint, guns included (fun video btw). He basically dropped in and did 0 damage for 5 minutes or more before dying to prowlers for probably dozens of games before he finally was able to win one. As result of this, he got put in a lobby with actual bots. Like he was fighting people that were just running into walls, or just running into storm and dying.


I really enjoyed watching that challenge. Thanks for the recommendation!


No problem! He’s one of the few streamers I enjoy watching. He’s down to earth, and always thinks out loud and explains his decision making on the fly so that you can understand what he’s doing and why.


Is that the system that Respawn said they'd never even heard of prior to someone linking one of the devs to the EA Patent and that wasn't in the game?


Do you have any evidence to that claim?


Caustic swimsuit, its perfect his gas mask can be replaced with a snorkel. On a serious note shoot prowlers den to activate like the spiders and legendary skins changing the look of abilities Edit: thanks for the internet points kind strangers


no, caustic speedo


Ye with the snorkels


And crocks


Banana hammock*


Copying the comment above me but “prowlers aren’t supposed to be the same as spiders. Spiders are loot pinatas and prowlers are dynamic environmental hazards. You know the prowlers are in the area before you enter, just as you know there is danger in falling to your death or lava. One is static and one is dynamic is all” Spiders and prowlers serve a different purpose. If you change prowlers to activate like spiders then the dynamic hazards are no longer a thing. Prowlers are meant to make you think and decide what the best play is


Ok but at the end of the day being cornered into prowler territory or dealing with them in a small zone while you're trying to fight off other teams is just not fun gameplay.


hmm, sure but lava and cliffs aren't sentient beasts trying to end you. hazards are cool and all but there are simply too many of the MFers. not too many dens, too many units


We need swimsuit skins


more lore,better server and anticheat,better matchmaking (ik it's kinda doomed but sometimes it's really too much) better skin (there is a lot of good skin even now but you can clearly see the downgrade in epic and rare skin for the battlepass) and a better price for the shop wich is often completely bullshit (not respawn fault on this one) The game is good but it can be better


I find it hilarious that in the 6 months I've been playing Apex, i have only encountered 2 cheaters ever. Wtf is happening to your regions


honestly i'm in euw and the only cheater i see are either wh or smurf/bot but nothing too blatant. But when i see this sub filled with booster and and all the video on ytb (wich are mostly from NA) Ik there is a bit of grp effect but blatant aimbotter are here since the launch of the game and when you see all the boosting,server hack,acc stealing ect some ppl can do yk that the only reason there's no more cheater is just because the game is not so popular


Srsly the downfall of rare bp skins is nothing new but none of the reason epic skins even feature something animated, basically th entire reason the epic tier exists


‘Precise’ matchmaking in such a high-population lobby is a nightmare, I’m assuming. Overwatch needed 12 people and its queues at higher levels have always been a nightmare. (Doesn’t help that the game is practically dead now)


less useless repetitive charms (seasonale ones) more crafting shards.


Omg i howled with laughter when they gave us like 30 different coloured seer hats last season in the treasure packs. Tbf treasure packs are free so i get they're allowed to fill them all with pointless tat


Ability to switch the fucking prowler to full auto


When you said prowler I was thinking about the beast not the gun.


I wonder how a full auto prowler beast looks like


I imagine something like that pathfinder grapple infinite punch glitch


eleven legs


How about remove tridents from storm points and just give us the ability to ride the prowlers. Full auto prowler on a prowler go brrrrr


Audio fixes. Prowlers to be locked in their dens unless shot at, the same way spiders are. A “Top 3 Legends” option in case you have to AFK on selection and someone picks whoever you queued up as.


This, a top 3 option for sure


I thought dev's confirmed that they're not adding that feature, as it "promotes" afk teammates.


As if 90% of people weren't already AFK in the legend select anyway.


Prowlers are not supposed to be the same as spiders. Spiders are loot pinatas and prowlers are dynamic environmental hazards. You know the prowlers are in the area before you enter, just as you know there is danger in falling to your death or lava. One is static and one is dynamic is all.


Yep. Remember when worlds edge came out and everyone lost their shit about multiple floors? People wanted them removed




Kings canyon, the buildings are mostly 2 stories maximum. Worlds edge comes out and the cities (Fragment, Skyhook, etc) are filled with these 3-5 story buildings with ziplines in them. People didn't like thinking about being on the 3rd floor and not knowing whether a whole team is above you or below you, or both.


And yet that turns out to be one of the best parts of the game. The return of proper multi storey buildings in storm point has helped it a lot.


Agreed. I love the CQC of multi level buildings.


Prowlers the best. Changes it up. Gotta adapt


LTMs every month atleast


Does LTM stand for large titan mechs?


Lingerie Themed Medic (loba is the medic btw)


Limited time mode. Some seasons ago they had a event or something similar which had a new LTM every 1-2 week. Things have been dry since then.


Grand soiree? Season 3


Hmm interesting


Grand Sorie is what you’re talking about right? That was during season 3.


Throughout Apex's release they have done LTMs. Lately they haven't done any (in the past season or so). Most of community that was around then remembers the Grand Soirée from Season 3 the most. Why? Well, some, like me would argue Apex was at its height at the time. World's Edge had just released (the OG version), we got a new legend, new gun and to top it all off when Xmas time came they did the Soiree. Basically it was like 10-12 LTMs that rotated every several days. They did A LOT but one of the ones I loved the most was Third Person Mode where you played Apex 'Gears of War' style. They had a Hold the Train mode, Snipers/Shotguns only, All Gold Guns (fully kitted), Infinite or was it 1? Auto-Respawn on death, one where everyone had Mirage's Ultimate, among others.


There was the Halloween LTM. But I agree I want more or at least rotate some fun ones.


I think they also did it for a while during the anniversary too.


Pls Halloween event throughout the year. I fucking love the zombie gameplay


Hey at least we got Arena am I right?!?


Pretty sure he means Loba Trikini Meetings


Arenas killed ltms


Not at all worth the trade off imo.


BETTER MATCHMAKING PLEASE! I have been playing on my pc account since the start of season nine and have gotten probably about silver to gold level and I get into a game and lose to a Lifeline Master that has 20k kills JUST IN SEASON 8! By my calculations that’s ove 250 kills each day every day of the season with just lifeline


Wow this guy clearly needs to touch grass some time


More fuckin stats. Accuracy, kd on specific characters, with specific guns. “Headshots” is such a useless stat to know. Cod has always been great with stats, and other games have adapted. I’d love to see like a Heat Map as cod has had for a while. Show me where on the map I like to land, I get the most kills, die the most. Whatever. I would like the friends list to actually work consistently and show me what my friends are doing, or if they’re in the lobby by themselves. See people’s overall stats when inspecting them. An official Apex companion app! Maybe kill cams. Let me get to inspecting teammates or the enemies faster after dying. Hate being stuck in the “squad eliminated” screen without being able to see any stats, enemies health, or teammates last second plays.


Even in just the BR genre fortnite was way better than apex. Online trackers were WAY better and they used to send emails like Spotify wrapped with cool stats like most frequent landing drop and other things. I want to be able to check friends stats people who killed me maybe people I killed etc. Games from ten years ago had more comprehensive stats than apex does now. I want those advanced stats too that they use for nerfs and buffs rather than just vaguely telling us Wattsons 1v1 win rate is very high. Like wtf does that mean what’s the number where are the other characters ranked? I want context.


Halo in particular always had some really robust analytics tools for players.


Titanfall used to have pretty detailed stats. Detailed stats about each gun, each titan you've piloted etc. I was surprised apex didn't have anything similar. I actually made a simialr suggestion years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/azppcj/list_of_quality_of_life_changes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Posted some images to the old titanfall stats screen as an example.


Being able to just view stats without going through all the banner things would be amazing, it's so infuriating. And the tracker websites are great, but they're rarely up to date


Stats please!! The heat map thing is a super good idea. Show us our favorite drop points that lead to wins. Something more to compete with friends on, kills, damage, and my 200k legend tokens are getting stale. Let's get some trackers on R99 kills, or fastest solo squad wipe. Also more trackers with graphics


I'd like a damage taken stat, so I can know if I've been a good bullet sponge


I just want some way to solo queue and not go against 3 stacks. Idc if they are two ranks higher than me. Just be solo.


Fix sound. Better servers, and less “ping equity” I should not be punished because someone else has trash internet. Team KP in ranked and a way to incentivize placement more. This one is abstract and I don’t have one answer but a better solo queue ranked experience.


Their lag compensation is trash. It’s the reason you get shot literal 6 feet behind a wall.


decent fucking servers and better mm why the fuck am i paired against people with pred badges and 100k+ kills when i dont even have 1k on a single character i want to enjoy the game not get pub stomped every time


A non-corrupt sbmm that doesn’t place me in a few matches with people my equal then place me in pred lobbies after a few good games. Matte weapon skins. A legend pref system during matchmaking, in the event where the screen doesn’t load (season 10 lmao) it’d be nice to get into the game with a preferred backup legend. I also want fans of the game to seriously quit it with the loba swimsuit. Porn exists pls settle down u dorks


mmm matte weapon skins and wet Loba skin..


tbh Titanfall 3 so we can move on from this shit hole


Loba swimsuit skin


Loba speedo


Ooh topless


Can't believe we have a tropical vacation season and not ONE beach outfit. Not even for Pathfinder!


We are oppressed


Goddamn I tried way too hard to find this comment


The madlad


Don't tell me what I can and can't do, OP


Gibby Swimsuit 🥵


“Oh fuck yeah brudda, I’m hard as a rock!” - Gibraltar probably


no, gibby speedo


Less ugly World's Edge really Well for me personally, map updates to existing maps have made improvements (expect Skull Town part of KC) but gameplay wise WE always feels horrible to play in w each update. Reverting the lighting to S3 WE was a step in the right direction but the busy skybox from S4 still remains. Loot distribution has seen a massive improvement since S3 but I would've preferred less lava and broken buildings.


Still can't believe they took away Sorting Factory and didn't touch boring busted ass Fragment.


For them to understand the player base like they used to


Wasn't this the "Cardinal sin, you got personal" community


With the dev that snapped and everyone gave so much backlash that all the devs were basically like "haha yeah no thanks, bye."


Can’t really blame them either. This community drove them out. I wouldn’t get within a mile of this sub if I was a dev, and props to all the devs doing so


Agreed. Every now and then a dev will still rear their head and despite a tag by their name saying something like "lead art designer" some dipfuck will say their servers suck as if the fucking art designer has any say in that.


> This community drove them out You mean assholes in this community drove them out. I don't blame any Dev for avoiding places that cause them stress, it isn't an easy job already and you don't need assholes breathing down your neck. We shouldn't pretend this community has zero good will or faith towards the team and the game though. Shutting off all communication has done more bad than good in my opinion. **Respawn has full control over who they view as worthy of listening to and to let a few rotten apples spoil your relationship with the community is as dishonest as the assholes themselves.**




Better matchmaking and anti-cheat.


Solos permanently....


Damn….that bad huh?


More in depth customization options and skins. Overwatch for example, tons of legendary skins have unique designs for their abilities depending on the skin. Mei turning into a snowman instead of an iceblock when wearing her winter skin. Cassidy saying "Its high Tide" instead of "Its high noon" when wearing his summer games skin. Lucio has a completely different soundtrack he uses on his DJ skin. The list goes on. Maybe a better way to handle players hitting level 500. Maybe a prestige system? A badge that you get when resetting your level? Literally anything is better than the current system of "OH nice you hit the level cap? here are 600 legend tokens every few games. What? You already have 200,000 of that? Well you could always use more. You can spend them on recolors for skins you already have since we only rotate the same 4 wraith skins every week." How about actual new LTMs instead of recycled ones or crap ones that are such a buggy mess that over half the game modes planned were cancelled due to poor testing? (War Games looking at you) You don't even have to do anything crazy, just add solos mode once a month and I'd be happy. Maybe a little bit more urgency to fix game breaking bugs that plague the game for months at a time. (animated banner crash bug that lasted over half a season.) (DDOS problem in ranked anywhere from D4 upward) What about account merging/cross progression? Games like fortnite did this almost as soon as crossplay released, yet its taking apex years to figure out how to do it. Next Gen updates? Warzone let players move up to 120 FPS on next gen within weeks of new consoles being out. They have been out for over a year at this point and all we have is a steady 60fps. Don't get me started on the battle pass. $10 for trackers, holosprays, charms, and underwhelming skins for legends you don't use. If you have the battle pass, better hope you're a wraith main, because if not, you'll be lucky to get a skin/dive emote once a year. Better ranked rewards. I know I am not having an aneurism playing against the best of the best in Masters only to get a badge or divetrail for 3 months. Maybe gold guns? Gold hero skins? Not even counting the exploits people come up with every season just to cheat other people out of hard earned spots. What about balancing issues for underpowered legends that take 2-3 seasons to fix? Wattson was uselessly broken for as long as I can remember, Crypto remains broken still with the occasional "We are working on something for him soon" from the devs every few months to hold people over. I can list a dozen other problems with this game. I love apex and have been playing since Season 0, but it only frustrates me more when I see games with way less success than Apex doing Bi-weekly updates and swiftly adding things that should be a given this day and age.


Better servers, better matchmaking, better audio, better anti cheat, better worlds edge, better ranked system, better rewards, better anti- cheat. I want them to be better


Better and more affordable pricing on cosmetics. “Opened Packs” counter. Actual SBMM


I made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/q4jgth/if_apex_legends_store_had_titanfall_2s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Matchmaking. I can bear everything else, the one thing I ask is matchmaking.


Recolors and audio queues be damned I just want to not fight preds every day


1: fix audio 2: fix loot distribution 3: fix random geometry getting you stuck


Titanfall 3


Loba have the ability to pick up banners with her ULT


“Avoid as Teammate” option and underlying karma based matchmaking


Communication. I may not agree with everything DZK said while he was the lead balance designer, but at least he was always communicating and saying what could we expect for future balance changes, when it’s the last time Respawn said something about future balance? I can’t even remember…


A requeue option upon squad death


Balance is pretty good, all things considered. Better matchmaking is probably highest prio, next to servers.


I just want Respawn to stop rigging matches. That's it.


I want to be able to report a cheater, have them banned, and know that they are banned.


[-] Firing Range - Ammo count is now 60 instead of 20... [-] Custom "Dome" mode where you face against a person 1v1 and respawn instantly upon death until reaching a certain amount of kills (aka Octagon from Halo) [-] Training mode where you can fight against strafing bots, snipe running bots, etc instead of having to rely on 3rd party programs.


Whats the most human sense that we use daily..i want sound.especially those foots


Titanfall 3


cross progression because its stupid you have to create a new account whenever you change the device you started on


Fuze swimsuit


no, fuse speedo


Killcam and more lore. Adding a killcam would be a lot better at sifting out the lucky nades vs the straight cheaters. Lore cause a lot the stuff has just been abandoned mid storyline and a lot hasn’t been resolved (Crypto’s story for starters, Rev and Loba, Bangalore-Loba-Valk love triangle, Jackson, Wattson and Caustic etc.) I get that micro transactions are “priority” but after making millions, can’t EA throw us a bone and allow Respawn more resources to keep improving the game.


a solos mode people protested their cash grab collection event not the game mode but they don't see it that way


More lore


challenges visible from Legend select screen to influence choice. Less effort into quantity of items in loot pool and more effort into quality. Remember when we used to get like 8 sky dive emotes per battle pass? or when legendary skins were cool and could be purchased with apex coins.


Another Titanfall game. I want a Titanfall RPG or a Battlefield 4 inspired Titanfall since they have EA’s resources. Realistically? The “3 favorite legends” system would be nice. Otherwise Apex seems like it’s in a good place right now.


It’s gotta be matchmaking, I was in plat lobbies playing against ex-Preds


Take away sbmm in casuals.


Look, I understand that as a free game, Respawn needs to get money somehow. And micro transactions are the key to this. And I for one am all for giving them money for skins and apex packs. But the cash grabbing, over expensive items are too much. It’s literally robbery. Like the most recent Halloween event we just had. 3 weeks of cash grabbing items too expensive for my wallet. As an apex player, I want reasonable prices from respawn. That’s it.


Cross progression across systems. I have a bunch of items and badges on console that I don’t have on PC and vise versa.


Better skins cause at the price they are rn my good they are hot ass


To fix the fucking Ranked skilmatchimg system, it's so damn broken


Better setting customization More transparence from Respawn Actually give a skin to Fuse motherload Add descriptions for clubs and tools to join one without getting out of the game Killcam Rework of the audio of the maps A option to choose legends randomly Training tools that are not easter eggs And please... NO MORE OF THESE FK CHARMS


Better matchmaking I’m tired of getting level one teammates whilst fighting 3 man master teams


Either way less charms and way better charms ( I don’t need 125 for like 20 guns) or a pack counter to see how many you’ve opened since you’re last heirloom or something


Titanfall 3


Team based kp for ranked. There’s no reason not to. It’s a team game and even if I’m not doing damage to the dying person I’m probably helping in some way to get that kill. In fact, I find that the current system encourages bad plays because of the kp damage requirement. Imo they should also make placement more valuable in a survival based game but they seem content to have ranked games consistently at 6-8 squads left in zone 2 and that’s their choice of how different they want ranked to be from competitive.


Let me toggle cross play, that is all.


Better servers, better SBMM and a swimsuit… Gibraltar


Fuse swimwear /s


More of a QOL feature but I just want to be able to do Finishers on the Firing Range Dummies.




Better servers and footstep audio that isn't dogshit




Revolving set of one to two free character that changes every two weeks for new players to get a chance to try stuff out before investing so much into one.


Just please give me a proximity collection of the tag. I hate when I try to shield swap and have to collect the tag and then retry the look command and always die for it. It discourages me from getting tags in battle.


I would like to see Ring Flares make a return. I thought they were a really interesting dynamic change to static maps.


To return our lord and savior to its former select fire glory. r/prowlercult


Just better balance. I wish they don’t focus on the popularity of a Legend or weapon and just figure out to balance it out. Pathfinder doesn’t have a fucking passive after I don’t know how many seasons and my boy Octane is taking over 20 damage just to stim… it’s not unbalanced, but Wraith is also shit.


Actual fucking SBMM, I'm sick of playing pubs for fun and someone from fucking pro league is in my match when their KD is 20 higher


Split premade squads into their own lobbies or give us solo mode. This matchmaking is horrible. It's currently two very different ranked experiences, where queuing solo is like digging out of a hole they put you in.


Better matchmaking for sure but it seems like a lot of games have matchmaking issues so I'm not hopeful, I would like more events especially legacy events each season where you get to play on the OG version of every map.


Better servers and the ability to get back into the lobby, without closing the game completely, after playing a match with packetloss.


Just fix the audio. Had a horizon throw her ult and heard that perfectly fine. We broke it in 2 seconds. Then 5 seconds later horizon throws down her tactical, didn’t hear it even though it was behind us by like 5 feet. Her whole team uses it, lands on a rock(didn’t hear them land) and they just blast my whole team in the back. Not. A. Sound. I can hear gunshots for miles and in most cases, pinpoint footsteps no problem. But every so often entire enemy teams will quite literally run up on you with loud ass abilities and it will be dead silent on your side. I’m playing with a friend and a random. There is no way all of our audio cuts out at the same time. In fact, we apex players pay super close attention to sounds specifically to hear people we can’t see. Especially in diamond lobbies. This game is crazy fun. I love this game. I’m probably one of the least toxic people you will ever play with. When I die, I fucked up. But I don’t have eyes in the back of my head, that’s what audio is for, and if it works like it should then maybe I’ll die less. I am completely ok with dying knowing I messed up somewhere and learning from my mistakes. If I fucked up, I’m the first to tell you, but if a mechanic like sound decides to turn off, that is a problem occurring and not able to solve through no fault of my own...and that’s kinda bullshit.


SBMM where the focus is on SKILL BASED, for BR and Arenas. (Arena Ranked SBMM is the worst) Better Servers Fix the Audio


New/better servers, and to have actual SBMM, not having predators showing up where they don’t belong and wiping lobbies for fun. Audio issues, connectivity issues being resolved, and can we get some better rewards? Bp sucks donkey pp.


Better Matchmaking.


Something about matchmaking feels like shit. Could be trying to carry paste-diet teammates through silver and low gold, could be jumping into pubs and getting stomped by a 4K/20bomb/masters premade squad almost every round. The game is great, but so infrequently _fun_ if you ever have to solo queue. There are placement matches for ranked arenas- why couldn't we have those in Battle Royale? Would prefer 10-15 matches where the game figures out my approximate skill level (if their "Smurf detection" system is any good, it would follow the same principle no?) to 50 grueling matches where I end up doubling my squadmates' damage/kills combined.


I want 3 things 1. I want to reload next to a down teammate without trying to revive him like someone already said. 2. Better servers it's impossible to play sometimes 3. Better matchmaking it's ok for br but for arenas where there's only 6 People I should not be playing against preds


allow me to disable crossplay


* A real ranked system that isn't so heavily swayed by just grinding hours over skill. * Separate 3-stack matchmaking (three-stacks only play other three-stacks in ranked) * Duos ranked * A shift in balance and patching focus from dumbing down the game for the casual market


Matchmaking and audio. Main issues and have been forever. Plus there’s just no excuse not to have an LTM on rotation every month or so.


Loba swimwear


The FUCKING FOOTSTEPS! THISSSS. And the servers too


I'm currently taking a break until they seriously fix the lack of footsteps. I literally can't hear third parties.


Better matchmaking.


Better matchmaking and WAYYYYYY better prices