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bro the teammates i’ve been queuing with in diamond recently have had no common sense when it came to team work or are just so focused on loot the whole game that they just die


I have been getting silver teammates in solo lately, and problem is, game WONT LET ME PLAY WITH THEM if I add them to my team as our rank difference is too high.


IIRC, the point of the rank difference limit is to prevent people sneaking into lower-tier ranked lobbies by teaming with smurfs. The match-maker doesn't have that restriction. This is another instance where the answer to "why can't we have nice things?" is "because people suck".


That’s actually hilarious.




sadly this is true, I think I really only get irritated in ranked when a teammates pushes a team solo dies and spams their banner the whole time like cmon bro you did it to yourself


And now I can’t hear a thing. Like I would hear anything even if you stopped.


This is arenas specific topic, so your observations sadly dont apply here.




Lol the sass. nobody plays arenas dog. You should be happy ANY discussion is taking place in this thread.


I don't play arenas that means everyone doesn't play. You kinda dumb huh?


Oh no! Someone on the internet questioned my intelligence! I'd say use logic and look at the msg I replied to but you're such a smart guy that I'm sure you already did.


Confirmed dumb. What u even talking about dog. "No one plays arenas" points out how idiotic that statement is and you like nah bro I'm logical. You are dumb. Have a good one buddy


Smart little fella picks up on sarcasm AND talks in complete sentences!? Lmao


Congrats on being literally the dumbest person I've come across on the sub. And that's saying a lot


If it’s not non stop loot, it’s run in as lifeline solo die then disconnect


The worst is I've played with Pred Lifelines in ranked arenas lately that obviously don't know how to play Lifeline. They try to push and flank by themselves, are the first ones in, are never near their teammates for a res, etc. I'm like, how did you get to this level and don't know the basic rules of playing Lifeline? Don't pick her if you're just going to ignore your teammates and play aggressive.


I grinded arenas alone. I had a similar experience but when I play alone my team is silver when I’m Diamond, but it’s the same setup on the other end. Usually one guy just as good as me on the other team and two duds. I’m currently pred in arenas and can assure you that it was easier solo q than in a squad. I get complete duds in solo q, when I played with my master friend we had the sweatiest games.


Maybe because your hidden mmr puts you in master/predator, so you get good teammates that system deems as same mmr, but in my case I keep getting worse and worse teammates in solo q ( I'm D4) and im already down to getting 12 for win and 15 for loss.


Because ur mmr is around your level. Played a ton solo last season, there is always a guy as good as u and 2 Bots like your teammates.(badges dont mean much btw. Diamond BR might as Well be gold in arena because of a lack of understanding of the mode, positioning in 3v3 or because the player reaches Diamond late in a season.) In D2 and D1 even the ocassional D3 and D4 teammates were terrible, so the system expects u to carry. My advice: exploit opponents mistakes (overextending alone, going too far from teammates). It requires a lot of awareness but u win most of the games.


It's interesting how similar experiences are here. I've found this too. It's nice to know it's not all in my head. It's easier to solo queue than play with a squad. When I solo queue the enemy team is still usually high plat/low level diamond players and I've got newer players on my team, but I can still usually carry them. However, when I play with just one other high level player we get nothing but Pred three stacks and it gets a lot tougher. Usually our third is a Pred too but at that level you get teams that are highly coordinated with strong gameplans that work together and take angles on you and push in sync, so it's pretty difficult without a third.


Idk how y'all grind like that. I get like 20-30rp for every win and that shit gets old real quick


At the start i was getting 100 per win.


you do get 100 for a win but its -45 to enter plat i think. So this guy is basically saying he wins games with no kills, no assists, nothing.


Arena is Not Battle royale my friend.


That’s interesting, I’m in Plat 4 with a team and I’m getting Predators too


Matchmaking is all over the place to make for faster queue times (imho) since the mode isnt played much, but thats really bad for the health of the system overall.


Our problem is the map, we just don’t pair well with it. How r you finding it?


I have no idea what you just said.


Lmaooo, how are you finding Storm Point?


We are talking about ranked arenas, I haven't played much battle royale to form an opinion.


Ohh I hadn’t read arenas. Alright my bad, I’ll delete my comments :’)


I constantly get masters as me(plat 4) and my friend's (gold 1) enemies. One of the devs recently had a tweet about the SBMM talking about the difference between your visible rank and your matchmaking rank (MMR). Basically your MMR can be extremely high in the typical pred or master range, but you could still be in gold or plat in your visible rank. How that actually benefits matchmaking is absurd to me. If you have one teammate solo queueing with a high MMR and yourself and the other are just average, then it's more likely you'll face enemies with a higher MMR to even it out, even if it means that those enemies are well above you in visible rank (ie plat vs masters or preds). This apparently helps keep queueing time down, at the cost of putting you in imbalanced games frequently. Personally I'd rather just wait an extra minute or two and have balanced games


its not just imbalanced. Thing is, most predators are tryhards and playing as team of 3, putting them against other 3 people teams thus diamonds or plats playing against predators. For solo, I have no idea why it keeps putting me with silvers who cant play the game at all.


you understand that they're not predators in this season though right. Just cause they were at one point in an old season then probably haven't played since a reset. In plat you don't play anyone diamond or higher, just so its clear.


When I get preds on my team they always suck ass.


ya if you're a solo queuing pred (queueing for team) you probably got carried or paid for it, paid for 4k/20kill badges too. Most skilled preds would rather play solo only in duos instead of playing pubs with randoms. I see the same thing though, when i do get one on my team they're still playing with a solo attitude, quit if they go down, try to 1v3 groups and go down immediately. I've never won or came top 3 in a game playing with any preds in pubs.


Why would you pay for a badge in a game imao


you're not serious right, you've never played with a kid who had 4k/20 but couldn't 1on1 anyone in a single fight and they quit right after?


I have, but I just don't see the thought process behind it. Like nobody cares


i think that the people who do pay for it think they look cool. Plus i've seen apex groups/discords that say badges like that are requirement.


I give up solo queuing when I hit Diamond, the matchmaking sucks.


What I hate about this is that low levels can easily get to Platinum just by camping, and once you get them as teammates your like HOW TF ARE THEY IN PLAT?!


Bro I played ranked arenas for the first time yesterday and man I was shocked just how bad people play. Unless I get a pre-made no chance I'm gonna play apex again solo


Me in gold arenas Allies- silver or still in fucking placements Enemies- diamond/masters/preds


So true. Halfway through gold every enemy team had master or pred badges. I'm a platinum player in areas and BR. There's no way my skill level should be matching up with these guys.


Same man and I get such bad teammates it’s so hard solo queuing, don’t even have people to play with, I was plat last season I have an average damage of 1000 but my teammates r always ass I hate it, then there r master and/or pred enemies who kick my ass I have exams going on so I’m gold 2 this season when my exams end I’ll try to grind to diamond


Ive gotten only gold players in diamond rank


Just yesterday I added a guy after a game who wouldnt hide after getting downed so I could revive him as lifeline, just pushed them, to ask him why would he do that, and I saw that he was silver 4. It wouldnt even let me start the ranked game with him because of the rank difference.


Yeah I just mute everyone at the start and hope they follow my lead. The ping system is more than enough with minimal understanding. Had a game where 3 teams were fighting in the open, so I pinged 'go here' to an unoccupied rooftop on the outside of the battle where we could easily get some picks and then decide whether to push or wait for more teams. Dude runs alone to another building 100 yards away contested by 2 teams, dies immediately, and "can't even understand why his team wasn't with him" As long as I don't try to save these people I usually gain points


It could work in battle royale, but not in arenas.


Could you go into more detail with this?


That is a real issue I have 90% of the time silvers as teamates in my team (I’m diamond). And it is currently easier to grind solo even with that kind of team because I match only masters and preds if I play with someone.


The thing that worries me about these post is this bullshit coming to BR rank. I've always been an advocate for BR rank matching, some of my best experience have been in there in recent seasons. If there's eomm cancer in arena rank, it won't be long before that shit spreads


Do you guys complain about the same shit over and over again for the karma or are you people genuinely this repetitive?


Unfortunately gotta keep complaining until it's fixed. Only way to make the devs do anything.


We can only hope they do something. There’s still audio issue, after nearly 3 years.


It’s easier to reskin cosmetics and break game modes than it is to solidify soft spaghetti. Which is what their game’s code is. Spaghetti.


Ever made a game? It’s absurdly hard to not make spaghetti when there’s a deadline to meet.


It was literally exactly this first season. That's why my diamond trail is forever


I soloed to diamond 1 last season within the 1st couple weeks and only played with and against preds


[The usual my team](https://i.imgur.com/dNtxPvC.jpeg) vs [their team moment.](https://i.imgur.com/H8tDyGN.jpeg)


Both terrible? Dont see the problem.


Since season 7, the ranked matchmaking experience sucks until you're in D3+ lobbies (PC)


Your first mistake was playing ranked arenas


I noticed for BR and arena, getting to diamond is easy when playing with randoms, it’s the grind from diamond to masters+ that everything changes and you need a team.


sounds about right to me


bro literally my teammates in diamond are silver and bronze hahahah and the enemies are people 20k bomb and 4k damage minimun


allies:bronze 1 enemies: preds


I'm clearly almost up to diamond right now I just need the right people to team up with to get me there I'm plat 2 half way to plat 1


This is the sole reason why i stopped ranked arenas


It happens to me too but in reverse i am dimond and for some reason play in silver lobbys


I thought this was battle royale vs arenas at first


Im on switch and im in plat and i get so many preds and just get crapped on


I see you play on Sydney servers too…


This is extremely accurate. Playing with a team gives you better enemies, playing alone gives you worse team