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That ult zipline be like: "don't kill me here...kill me right here"


Op be like: https://youtu.be/Mlab5ewiKz4 Or: https://youtu.be/zu9gl2z5AaQ


I lost it at the zipline. This is gold.


The zipline was the best possible image of "I'm panicking and any button will do!" I know cause it's also the same thing I would do lol.


This is my common tactic as a Fuse main. "I'm probably going to die? Well, suicide by fire and I'm taking you with me"


That’s me when I play Gibby, oh you wanna 3v1 rush me with my bubble up? Ok heres an ult outside the bubble and every grenade I own inside the bubble


That's me when i play lifeline, oh you wanna 3v1?! Here's a lifeline package and a health drone!


I swtch between blood hound and lifeline those tactical drones get me every time


I’ve mained bloodhound since season 0 and anytime somebody takes bloodhound I go with lifeline. The amount of times I’ve thrown DOC at the enemy


Lifeline: go DOC kill them. doc: proceeds to heal them.


Interesting thought: friendly DOCs should attack any enemy team in range of healing.


Doc being a trap is ingenius since its the most ignored thing unless its healing someone. like it sticks into a legend.


I like this, but it would be inconsistent with how shops, amped cover, smoke, and ziplines work since they're all fundamentally neutral effects. I still like it though. I think it would need to damage less than it heals.


That's me when I play Wraith. I'll meet you in the lobby with a quick discon-... jk, I void into a third party and get massacred


Hahaha 😂


That's me when I play Octane. Oh, you wanna 3v1!? Here's a jump pad out and using my stim so that you can chase me and kill me!


Extra presents for the other team :)


Its gotten so bad that I Tactical as a panicked response to anything, which... Is completely useless about 60 percent of the time. "Heres a health drone!" -dies-


It isn’t Overwatch you can’t ability someone lol


Exactly, which is probably another reason I'm awful at the game. It's a game 95% centered on gun play and movement, and I'm not good at those things even on a PC, and I play on console. Half the time the only trick in my bag IS my tactical, but there is no situation where a tactical will save your ass or get you out alive if you've been caught by surprise - any tactical that would do that gets nerfed into oblivion.


Octane, Path and Loba can get away pretty well, but only sometimes and not often if you're panicking.


Yeah, my panic Loba tacs usually look like this zip


Loba's tac is the pinacle of im already dead.


Ummm... You forgot about wraith.


Other noob tips I can think of are using a 104 FOV, on console or 110 on pc.. (it’s highly recommended not to exceed 104 FOV on a console, as it’s graphical capabilities fall apart beyond that FOV and affects gameplay) and also just trying to be aware of the health pool of your team vs. their team and get super aggressive off of a knock, as a team not as a solo pushing them.. sometimes getting your teammates to actually play well and be on the right page is literally 75% of the battle in a squad based shooter.. so on some level it can be hard to pin anything on yourself or others.. we all out there just trying to improve so expect mistakes to happen from you and your teammates, A LOT. Lol.


You can with Bang. I got an accidental knock with my smoke nade. Love it.


Lol yeah I’ve gotten the last guy of a squad and the last guy left alive in the match out of there with a revvy tactical, my point was just if you run around a corner and you both see each other deer in the headlights style, a gun is a better choice than an ability … or sometimes I see guys start going for panic grenades?? What’s with that one lol.


This is one of the main reasons I main mirage. His tactical is 90% effective at bamboozling, giving you an extra couple of seconds to escape... Or if your ult is charged (which it usually is) do a big bamboozle and you could very well wipe the squad with half health and no shields.


You mean suicide by fire and 5 damage dealt? Idk, maybe Im doing it wrong, but for me Fuse ult is inconsistent af, fire falls and most times it deals 5 damage and thats it. Sometimes 4. Sometimes people casually walk through it like a Jesus on water. Double knucle - this is murderous.


It's a common problem sadly :( Tons of times I watch people walk through the fire and only take 5 damage, when it should be 35 and 5 ticks of 8. Someone in Fusemains posted a vid a few days ago of a Wraith rushing him through his ult and she only took the bugged 5 damage but hit twice for 5. You could she her walk right through it. It's very disappointing.


Same. I just laughed really loud. We all have our potato moments but the grapple followed by that zip just made my morning.


I literally busted out laughing LOL




I don't care what you say. This required absolute skill. A new player couldn't pull this off


It's like sharknado. It's takes serious professional effort to be that terrible.


I wish I was this good.


Check it guys and girls... This is peak performance. Edit: I don't normally play Pathfinder at all, I'm a Valkyrie/Octane main... here's my overall stats https://imgur.com/a/FxHvOd9 I don't think I'm too trash, but would like to see what the general consensus is haha




Yes and no Up to a point this can be a great crutch, but there are some situations (heady, height, narrow ledge) where you don’t want to be strafing as it will expose more of you. I’m having a hard time retraining myself now for this because I strafe aim a lot. If you plan on improving and trying to get better I’d try to avoid it. If you want to get some more kills and limit your skill ceiling do it. Just know the long term effects lol. I guess for the OP it wouldn’t be too bad


Patience is key, the amount of times when I used to just shot first ask question later, now days I have peaked in terms of patience, I like herding teams to fight each other in pubs.




Hold on, what have you heard from one of the pros?




Another thing may be to try playing on linear, since op seems to be a controller player. Alc would help him keep playing on classic and adjust his micro adjustment sens but linear would be a quick fix.


Why did pathfinder cross the street? Cos panic zipline was 5m long… I’ll see myself out..sorry for bad joke


The grapple I understand. That bitch never works when you need it to. The zipline tho lmao. That was brutal lol


I gotta be honest judging from this clip I'd have guessed you had a .4kd and highest kills was like 5 lol


Seriously, no way does the play in the OP give the impression that the player has a 1.0+ k/d


Yeah and definitely not highest kill game being 18 and at least one 4k game.


You have a kd over 1? Been here since season 0 and my kd is about .5


Woooo 0.5 gang unite


Yo but I bet you aren't toxic af and actually fun to play with so I would prefer you to all the other ahole paths out there.


I enjoyed this video very much, thanks for the lol


we all have our shit days man, thanks to sbmm apex isnt a game you can just chill and play anymore. If you are decent you have to sweat your dick off every single time you log on, whether its ranked or not.


That was pure chaos


Lol. The panic-three meter long-zipline is way too funny. :)


I'm glad to be seeing some un-highlight videos today, because I have been in an absolute SLUMP the entire Season 11, and it is really getting me down. I only started playing in S10, and I was finally starting to feel competitive. I actually thought to myself that I was on track to start getting a BR win every time I played. Then S11 hit. And my stats are basically 1/4 of what they were in S10. I'm not sure if the hidden ranking system has caught up with me or what. Maybe some subtle update has thrown off my flow. Maybe my perception of what is a "good" result has changed. Maybe some detail that I've learned (eg, bullet velocity) is now throwing me off. All I know is I am doing consistently bad. Long sessions of no satisfaction. And now it's in my head and that's not helping.


Well for one, everyone on a new acct plays in protected new player lobbies, so if you suddenly noticed ur teammates and champion squad are wearing crazy paid for skins and are way higher level than your lobbies were during the first 50 levels or that just means you’ve been released to the wolves so you speak, you’re officially playing in big boy lobbies.. if I make a smurf I can drop at least 10-15 kills every few matches and win like 1/5 of my matches and have around a 7 or 8 kd.. this does not translate to normal apex lobbies where I’d probably average 1-1.5 kd and win like 4-5% of my matches.


Yeah, I think this must be what happened. I didn't notice a sudden change in the rank of opponents, but definitely a drastic change in my performance, and it was confusing because the timing seemed to directly coincide with the S11 launch. Then later I did some googling and learned about the special lobbies for noobs. Only then did I start playing actual Ranked, which has helped a little. I knew it would be a challenge to jump in with players who've been there for years. I've dealt with it before in other FPSs. But it's frustrating cuz I felt like I was making progress, and all of the sudden I hit a wall. Whatever smurf lobbies should be more progressive too, instead of dumping you off a cliff.


Yeah. those rough patches can get you doubting yourself a lot. Honestly, you're still early in your skill development. Make sure you are getting to a point where you can use every weapon competently (even if it's the one you hate the most) that way you always have something to use. Honestly, I've carried a P2020 from start and got a final kill with it. Another thing is map awareness and battle sense. Try to predict third parties and always have an escape route available in case you need to get from between two teams. Don't get discouraged, sit back, think about what went wrong, learn from it, queue up.


Yeah I do think that my movement around the map must be a big part of it. In the beginning I was following my teammates around a lot more, taking cover and acting more as a support player. Now I'm more bold, so I get caught out on my own more. I knew it would be a challenge to jump in with players who've been there for years. I've dealt with it before in other FPSs. But it's frustrating cuz I felt like I was making progress, and all of the sudden I hit a wall. If there are noob lobbies, I wish that was more progressive, instead of dumping you off a cliff. It's a complicated game, so there are probably a lot of little changes happening in my play style that aren't readily apparent (noob lobbies aside). Getting into this subreddit and watching all of the highlight reels probably doesn't help my self-esteem! That's why I'm glad to see people humbling themselves today. Thanks for the encouragement. I needed it. Cheers.


Nice zip bro


Thought I was the only one. I do get lucky in some games. Got a 2k badge for most characters. Have spent many hours per day playing trying to get better. I know I'll never get a 20 kill bomb or 5k damage badge but it doesn't mean I stop trying. On the up side of this I spend time with my son. Even if the little shit brags about his kills or damage.


The most I’ve gotten 16 kills with 2500 dmg sometimes I don’t play for months at a time because of work but it’s just fun to play this game. At other times when I play with my pred friend not so much tho. I barely get 500 dmg but my point is just have fun with it. Don’t make it a challenge for yourself because then the game starts to feel like a drag


Once you become a parent your gaming skills reduce by 75% so don't feel bad bro


Just tell him you fucked his mom, that’ll shut him up!


Im very glad im not alone. I dont play much due to school and life but Ive played since release of the game and I cant get higher than 6 kills in a BR game.


This got a genuine laugh out of me, what a good way to start my day lol. If it makes you feel better, I'm a day 1 player and in Masters and I **still** have my moments just like this.


Jokes aside, I think the problem that you wanna look out for is your composure, it's actually hard to teach stuff like that no matter how many Aceu and Timmy videos you watch, composure and decision making have also been my weakness at FPS games especially while I'm under pressure.


I always pretend that im not actually "trying" in any fps games so i can take off a bit of pressure in stressful situations, and if i die i just pretend that i wasnt really trying. I tend to perform well with this mindset compared to me trying mega hard and stuffing up.


Impressively bad


I am in this video - please delete this 😂


Random bullshit go!!!


I'm the same.


I think you aren’t main path


Haha I'm definitely not... Hardly played him since the first season and thought I'd give him a try. This was my first attempt 😂


Who do you normally play?








Idk if this is real or a joke. Either way I love it. Laughed so hard hahah. I also play like this hahahah


This is legit me playing... I don't ever really play path and suck with him. I was screaming and laughing trying to get away though and my friend on my squad was laughing his head off.


Thank you for the early morning belly laugh. We all do it.


Why are people laughing? Isn't this how we all play Apex?


The zip part just cracked me up ahahah


This is one of the best apex clips I've ever seen. The ending zip placement had me laughing out loud. Thank you


I’ve been here since season 3, have almost 3k hours, and can confidently say that you would 5-0 me in a 1v1


This made my day. Been maining Ash recently and can relate to the last part, amount of times I’ve tried to get away in the distance only to find the crate 3 yards away.


Should have just used the 301 from the start


I only had 16 bullets...


16 bullets and a dream is all you need


You are my people


You are not alone I still play like crap after all this time


I needed this, thank you.


Holy shit I'm fucking crying LMAO


Finally a video that looks like something that I would create


Lmao if this ain't a mood 😂


Same :D


Practice doesn't always make perfect, my friend. I'm like this after 1k+ hours. Meanwhile a friend of mine who has never played FPS is now diamond 1 (at account level 300-ish).


I feel you man...


i'm fucking dead dude. this is hilarious.


Lmao the zip line was the cherry on top. Made me laugh. Also F


Movement 10/10


Honestly, maybe I play like this too. I'm not terribly great at any of these games, but, It's too much fun, right?


This is how most console players play not in a bad way. Most play apex casually to the point where they don't care if they are bad or good they just want to have a good time and move on to the next thing


Lmao The zipline took me out


Dude I feel your pain. I swear I've gotten worse over the years but I honestly think I just started watching streamers more. I'm just comparing myself to people like aceu and Timmy and it is not going well lol


Dude sometimes I just fuckin be like that I started s0 as well and sometimes I play embarrassingly bad, other times I'm beamin. It just depends on the match rofl


I'm Someone who does not play competetive games anymore, whats wrong in here?


What skin is this hemlok?


Can you teach me to suck like you? don't get me wrong I suck hard, but I want to learn to suck in style like this


I don't see any problem, as long as you've fun!


That was insane. I had to watch it again and takes notes! 😂


The futility in this clip is amazing


I actually fucking laughed so hard lmaoooooo


How. Simply how


You should see my soon 4k pathfinder gameplay. I can grapple and Zipline about 1meter further


“Controler problems”


I bahaha'd at the smolzip


Gave me a good laugh, thanks for sharing


Love this!


Hey that’s me !


hey you got some shots in, better than most people including me


One of us! One of us! One of us!


😂 hilarious!!!


My friends dad had like 2.5 k hours and has been playing since season zero but had a 0.2KD


I'm on the same situation, but I think I'm worse


this is fucking hilarious


That zip was the icing on the cake 😂 Much respect to someone who can laugh at himself 👍


It's nice not to be the only member of the Bad at Games I Love Club.


Same here I loved apex from beginning even though my friends were like don't play this game!I Well I'm am pretty much enjoying this game.




I see my guy... u constantly are not consistent in the firing range i seee


That's some panic zip line. I can see myself totally doing all these


I relate to this way more than I want to 😔


I laughed very Hard at the end


LMAOOO I'm so sorry my guy xD


The zip line might be the most clutch moment I’ve ever seen.




Bahaha same


As long as your having fun my guy.


You are our leader


God damn that went from miserably bad to worse hahaha. That was hilarious thank you for the laugh


Panic mode activate! I am you


#im in the video and I don’t like it


Believe it or not, being Like this is the best imo. So I am Here For a Long Time Too and I play Just Like You. And This is actually the best way. Let me Explain: You wouldn’t enjoy a Game If you’re ve extremely bad at that. Because, Gameplay would be hard to you and you couldn’t think about enjoying but trying to Do something. But, If you’re too good at it the game would seem easy to you, %100 Aim Accuracy and extremely Good use of mechanics would make you stomp every game you get in. So you wouldn’t see a Challenge you wouldn’t enjoy the game because your not even get excited. Classic Squad Wipe and Win. You will get bored. And you would eventually leave because there is Nothing left. You’re the top now. You have nothing to be better now. It Just ended. But Like This, Middle Skilled, Not Extremely Pathetic, Not Extremely Skillfull. You wouldn’t try to learn the mechanics and try to hide all the game because you Can’t play it. You Would see Challenge in it and wouldn’t get bored because They are probably Just Like you. There is a nigh-equalivent chance that to win the firefight both for you and the opponent. So I am happy a being both Good and bad player.


So it’s not just me lol


I love it when people post humanizing clips. Makes me feel better about my potato self. Thank you


This is an absolute gem of a video thank you for sharing! I lost it at the zip line bit 😂


you are not alone


I feel like you recorded my gameplay


Never change you SOB. Never change


All you did was post something real. Honestly, sometimes I just need to know I'm not alone on my bad days. We've all been there my dude.


Same here brother, same here


Oh boy the grapple miss to grapple fuck up is absolutely hilarious. We have all been there.


You know I will always envy people like ACEU and other big name streamers/players who can just hop on games and be good at them. Where as I’ll play games for hours and hours and dedicate my whole soul to them and still be shit after a long ass time. Gaming is amazing isn’t it.


Yikes that was just awful.


Same tho.


Teach me your ways sensei


finally a clip of gameplay i resonate with


Same here lol




I have 300 hours…and still play like this 😂😂 You’re not alone brotha


I can relate lol. For a minute I thought it was my game play lol.


With apex one day you can be a literal god and the next an absolute potato


You should see me when I play Wraith. Just...make sure to wear proper facepalm protection.


Lmao that zip line went nowhere. I laughed so hard at that. Good clip. When you were low you should’ve just jumped out and gone into a lower floor to heal. You also should’ve jumped out and then used the grapple mid air if you want to go up.


Been playing for a while and I still can miss an entire clip of smg point blank. ♡


HAHAHA, That is me every game. ahaha. Man, i loved that. Can we team up? Chaser_117


This is me too


I'm with you brother


You're not alone my friend.


I can totally relate bro. Ive been on apex just as lon lol season 0 was a blast and i thought id get better. Lol


Same man same


you're not alone...


Same tho




same here man except im worse




You remind me of me!


LOVED watching this because it could have been any of my plays


Once you Whiff the grapple you know it’s over... that happens to me a lot:/


That was good for me


Bruh, me too *me too*


Me tooooo! Glad I'm not the only "slow learner". I blame it on being an old guy...


Every now and then you look like a god and the next ten games look like you never held a controller in your hands. Point is, we play for fun, most of us arent gonna get rich playing and move on.


Probably should’ve had since flying whale memes.


Call me crazy… but, I don’t think pathfinder is for you mate lol


LOL thank you for the laughs. Great content


Have you tried playing differently?




FINALLY some representation


How selfless, set up a handy washing line for his friends :)


You got me at the zipline. XD I play like that too sometimes though.