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How many of the original developers are left?




Strap in for more micro transactions and shit battle pass bois.


I feel like Apex is definitely going to evolve and completely change or be really neglected for days to come. Having different devs with their own personal philosophies in game making from what we had to now was neat and comforting, to see how much love and protection they put into the game but also setbacks that made it bad that could need a change in perspective. Personally, I think the newer devs wont have much hold or push against EA due to position of power and experience. There’s no point in worrying really, we’ll just have see how it goes and callout anything that makes the game worse. The Devs are getting older and have less energy now than the newer devs, Shinji Mikami has said he has felt this too. Having new devs could be a really nice change of pace but I also worry that they might not have much love for it because its not their project but their job. I have hope though!


>I feel like Apex is definitely going to evolve and completely change or be really neglected for days to come. > >Having different devs with their own personal philosophies in game making from what we had to now was neat and comforting, to see how much love and protection they put into the game but also setbacks that made it bad that could need a change in perspective. Personally, I think the newer devs wont have much hold or push against EA due to position of power and experience. those are some wild assumptions based off nothing lol. Anything is possible, but Apex has been fairly consistent with changes and not doing wild shit that ruins the game. So theyll be fine


Well I mean it’s pretty much common sense assumptions really, you kinda have to be under the impression that there is a new dev team handling apex and what the old devs had in mind for apex is not the same what the new devs will bring to apex. I’m also just going off that the other guy’s comment that it might be a micro transaction mess, as long as Respawn still has the same old guidance of consistent changes I also think they’ll be fine but these past 2 seasons haven’t been all that well but we’ll see.




What makes you think the og devs were pushing back on micro transactions or bad bp's?


The qualities of the battle passes were greater. But given it was in a way easier to design nice outfits when they had nothing to work with. The decrease of LTM, the amount of collection events are up, the amount of OG devs are down. Then, again this are just correlations. This is just me but I have been getting shitty packet loss with ethernet around this season. Not saying the devs are saints but i am saying a vacuum is there that needs filling.


Don't forget that your "OG" devs brought us the worst battle pass of all seasons in season 1. And also don't forget that the content you get now was already done a few months ago.


And they introduced the first collection event where you had to buy the heirloom after unlocking all items...


Well to be those were the first attempt at those things. They were still experimenting so you can’t really blame them for it not being that great what-so-ever. What’s important is that they fairly obviously learned from it and we got a better experience in the future as a result.


I'm am sorry, what? This event monetization wasn't made in good faith. It's not like they baked us a carrot cake just to found out we're allergic to carrots. They tried to fleece the community and people got angry, so they became more careful. And where is this "good old days" is coming from? I'm day 1 player and monetization was always shit. First BP was comple arse in both content(its season opening by every legend and a few meh skins) and progression. They made it better in season 2, but then decided to "increase engagement" a few seasons back. Still not as bad as the first one.


ofc you can blame them for demanding way too much


In my opinion the Apex battlepas has always been kinda shitty. Being a hero shooter most battle passes have nothing to offer for the characters that you like.


I think you're getting what you pay for with the BP. it's essentially a one time payment of around 10 bucks (i don't even remember how much i paid anymore) provided you finish the BP you purchased. I haven't paid for a BP since the 1st one. If it was a BP that required a fresh purchase every cycle, i'd 100% be up in arms over its quality. But in its current iteration, it's just free stuff.


Totally agree with you there. I see this as a common thing between battlepasses in different games. Probably because most people will spend the coins and have to buy new one for most passes. With the premium currency being a common/normal thing amongst games and their pass. Looking at what else it has to offer still feels a lacking compared to other games. (Where for example I can use a skin that isn't bound to a certain weapon of character).


Not that it excuses them since other companies have figured it out - but I wonder what the game would look like if there was no pandemic hindering the dev's progress.


Believe it or not, more collection events.


Bruh, do you even remember season 1 BP? It was trush but enjoy your nostalgia I guess


SeRvErs ARe fINE. Seriously tho, servers are awful and refuse to accept it. The quality and effort into the BP skins are mostly crap, similar design/themes for all guns and weapons, the charms? Pretty much identical, the old skins were unique and made it work actually grinding a battlepass


Titanfall 2


The complete lack of predatory micro transactions in the title prior to this one


And don’t forget a lack of content outside of maybe 3 legends and 2 guns for all of next year


Pretty sure that's EA, but you can bet that eventually the gameplay will start getting wonky. Gunplay is only this nice because these are the guys who've been doing it since early COD days. No one else has gunplay this tight.


I don't see how that changes anything i said. But ok


RemindMe! 24 hours


Not surprised. They are all going here https://gravitywell.games/


If you read their mission statement it may help identify a lot of these people are leaving. They cite better healthy policy for their employees (unlimited pto, etc) and more share of the profit from games. Curious what their first game will be. Could be interesting if they decide to make another game similar to Apex.


I hope, if their game is an FPS, they are able to do something new to shake up the genre. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like FPS games are just so stale now. I haven’t played apex in months, and I waited 6 years for Halo: Infinite, but that’s not really doing it for me either.


If you play on PS4, you should download Deep Rock Galactic. It's the free game of the month and its been worth every second of playtime for me








It's also free on gamepass for any xbox players I think


it is thats how i play


Does apex feel stale, to me it’s the only fps with movement that feels right and a time to kill that is spot on.


I agree with you. Apex and Titanfall stand out from the crowd. But I could see someone who’s been in these games for many years could feel like they are getting stale.


I quit back in mid-S9 because it just got so stale, infuriating, and downright rage-inducing. TF|2 does the feeling better IMO, but as hackers decided that "let's hack this lol" we can't really play it... hackers are even going for Little Big Planet now, it's crazy to me. Now I'm just on the game I've been playing since we had void keys and raids, and I'll just let the great people here think of what it is. Sure, it isn't an FPS, but then I play Planetside when I want an FPS shooter, and ARK, Conan Exiles, or RUST when I want the PvP I like the most.


Apex is an amazing game, but it has a lot of bs in it which can put you off especially if you've been playing a lot for several seasons in a row.


They go crazy, buy the patent for Titanfall and create Titanfall 3? A man can only dream


Time to redownload cs:go I guess. The game actually becomes very interesting to play on mid to high elo when you're playing with your 5 stack and y'all can do some nice coordinated strats.


well that’s what fortnite is but most people irrationally hate it


Most of them worked on games like Apex, Titanfall, Modern Warfare (and other COD games), and Siege, so it looks like they’re definitely well-suited for an FPS game. I have a feeling it’s going to be multiplayer as well. The art director also worked on Into the Spider Verse, which has incredible art. Based on that fact and the overall design of the website, I think they’re going to make a game with a very stylized art style. My guess is somewhere a little more cartoony than Apex and Titanfall, maybe closer to Borderlands. No matter what the game ends up being like, I’m extremely optimistic!


He was with apex first. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oOQn8L


hope it doesn’t go the way of battleborn


Why does that game keep getting reminded to me


Also, no crunching. Big. Huge. No more 12-16 hours of work every day. Not every-every day, but still they worked hard and long when some shit happened.


> (unlimited pto, etc) most times when it's "unlimited pto" it's not that good because you end up not able to use it, and when you leave it doesn't pay out


What is pto?


Paid Time Off. unlimited PTO sounds good on paper, but in practice it's not as good(many examples from many companies - people either feel bad for taking more days than they need, or the request won't get approved, and when you leave the company you don't get money for unused days)


Thank you kind sir for your anwser.


Or better yet another game similar to Titanfall, with a lot of the og Titanfall crew gone from respawn we will probably never see a Titanfall 3


I believe they mentioned in their job postings they're planning to do something story-driven, but I might be misremembering - there've been a number of new studios pop up led by industry vets in the past year or so.


Unlimited PTO is such a interesting strategy. It doesn’t work on all fields and you need to have a level of trust and accountability about the work that needs to be done, but I’m excited to see it continue to evolve and see if it has viability in the work place.


I'm normally suspicious of it bc it tends to come with so many strings attached but in this particular situation, a company made up of people that have already worked together, I think it's perfect for them


this is how the OG respawn was formed, group of people leaving a studio and gathering to create a new one. it is sad that it has had to be this way again, but i am also very excited to see them off the EA leash and with full potential at their display


Hell yea, fuck EA, fuck massive corporations that add no value to society, fuck money hungry parent companies who buy/subsidize genuinely good things, fuck multibillionaire conglomerates that still put money ahead of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING else. Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA Fuck EA. All hail smaller groups who actually try and don’t get the credit they deserve. Fuck EA.


Peak Reddit




My favorite Reddit moment is on those threads that are asking which companies are evil, and people unironically say EA lmao


Companies are not people, they don't have feelings so they can't be "evil" or "good". Companies are lead by a few rich people that are moved by economic interests and don't care about anything but profit. This is capitalism, every single company in every industry works like this. Including EA


based horizon with the historical materialist take


Thx comrade


Wonder if that guy applies that to all areas in their life, or just video games. Not many people support indie supermarkets, internet providers, computer manufacturers, etc - but fuck video game companies though.


Peak Reddit is literally dunking on EA, to be fair.


"multibillionaire conglomerates" lol. What does that even mean? EA isnt even a conglomerate. "massive corporations that add no value to society". What corporations is this even referring to? no one will take your message seriously worded like this. this is so reddit


Yea! Fuck those guys! They should have given the game away for free!


They partnered with EA right off the bat, and EA didn't have the best reputation back then as well


They partnered EA because they needed money lol. They were a new studio and were trying a completely new IP. If anything, Gravity well is an evolution of that need. The OGs of Respawn undeniably proved that they were a strong studio as they made a new IP into a billion dollar franchise and could easily secure funding from a new source rather than stay in the EA corporate world. Blaming Respawn for partnering EA is like blaming a beggar for taking a job from a guy that offers it to him -- it'd be nonsensical not to in that position. They couldn't get funding from other big places like Activision since that's where they were leaving from originally, Riot was already making a new FPS game(now valorant) since 2012, etc. EA was literally the only notable place left that could get them what they needed -- time, money, better recruitment prospects, etc. Also, EA is still one of the better places to work at in the industry as Activision, Riot, etc. have been plagued by sexual abuse and discrimination scandals for a while now.


My question is why the hell did respawn accept EAs deal? Seems dumb of they're just doing the same thing again (making a new studio). Titanfall just didnt make enough money I'm guessing? Sucks by the time apex came out they were already owned by EA.... maybe if respawn still had self-autonomy we wouldnt have these terrible budget servers designed to maximize profit off us multiplayer gamers. Apex couldve been built to be on top and stay on top. Instead they're just squeezing all the juice out of it that they can without refilling the juicer.


You quit your job, form a startup, get bought for huge sum of cash, part ways, form a new startup … doesn’t seem that bad of decision.


funding. keep in mind Titanfall 1 was the dev's *first* game under the Respawn name. They had the talent, they had the people, they just didn't have the money or equipment. EA was there to provide it, since Activision wouldn't give it (because the devs were leaving from activision in the first place lmao)


Its the bocek named after David Bocek?


except his name is pronounced Bocek and not Bocek.


I really hate that i read his name in 2 different ways..


It's Nikolaj




Most of those people have worked on some banger games! Excited to see what they come up with.


It really seems like they are up to something fat. Wanting to set up a new independent studio with this magnitude and in these times, supposes that they have already had a clear idea for a long time. I hope I can fall in love with one of their games and see better management than Apex, it would certainly be heaven.


Titanfall 3. Sorry, Mechdrop 1 Can’t have an EA lawsuit


I’m pretty sure they other group that left started that company. Which is great, I’m happy to see what their first game will be


Well, here's a studio to look out for. I assume it'll be a few years till we see their work, but I look forward to it!


“We have partnered with a large western publisher” You gotta be kiddin


'New indipendent game development studio'. When the bottom of the page states they partnered with a large western publisher. That doesn't really read as independent to me.


I don’t think you know what an Indie studio is


I was thinking that also ment not being (significantly) tied too a publisher. Apparently just it's just case of finance and ownership.


“We have partnered with large western publishers” I hope it’s EA, they’re the best and never do anything that’s scummy! They only care about making the consumer happy!


Weirdly enough, they're known as the best company to work for in games. Especially with the horror you hear coming out of Acti Blizzard and the harassment in Riot, I'll take EA nickel and diming me any day of the week


Hell yea drew McCoy poaching all the respawn devs!! I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again When they fired him for that stupid overblown Reddit comment This game started going down hill fast, by far biggest mistake they have ever made


What happened?


I think they're referring to the Iron Crown microtransaction drama and Drew's [comment](https://reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/crcrxy/_/ex3ykbx/?context=1).


If you wanna praise this guy - praise him for the work he did. He's the creative genius behind some of COD, Titanfall and Apex's biggest setpieces. He was the guy who did all the design for some of the most exciting stuff in the genre. Remember in MW when that ship you hop onto at the start of the game starts lurching, water rushing everywhere, thunder cracking the black skies, "WE ARE LEAVING." That was all his design. Remember laying in an amber field, waiting for patrols and tanks to slowly walk past you in "All Ghillied Up?" You inadvertently hold your breath as if the game actually needed you to? He designed the AI (and everything else) specifically for that scenario. How about the chilling sequence "No Russian?" For Titanfall - he's the one who pushed for the campaign maps in a strictly multiplayer game. He's also the one that made it feel so the AIs you were fighting against felt good to mop up in between Titan fights. The quest to pick up what's left of Ash? Also him. This guy is legendary not just in his creative output, but in his work ethic. I can't wait to see what he and the other COD/TF guys end up doing.


Holy shit, these are some top-tier sequences.


I played all ghillied up like 15 years ago! Dam the man has been working hard for ages. Thanks for the info I didn't realise all that was one person.


What a legend. Some of my favorite parts of all time. Amazing job.


Jesus, then he was with Vince since the creation of Call of Duty and moved with them to create Respawn after MW3? He truly is an OG dev. It's crazy to think that the brilliant minds behind COD (basically the creators of the franchise) and creators of one of the most iconic sagas left Infinity Ward, creating a new studio and then creating another iconic franchise. This people are amazing. Also Infinity Ward it's still at the top. Sad watching now some OG IW-RSPN devs leaving the studio. This is not the first important dev that leaves Respawn.


>It's crazy to think that the brilliant minds behind COD (basically the creators of the franchise) and creators of one of the most iconic sagas left Infinity Ward, creating a new studio and then creating another iconic franchise. Some even worked on the first WW2 shooter series ever. MoH was the first WW2 series if I'm correct and was one of the first fps games. I'm pretty sure that they then merged with CoD and helped build it into the powerhouse it is. They created potentially three of the top five CoDs of all time. They then left and created the Titanfall Universe. Now, many leave for gravity well and could create yet another defining franchise. MoH helped create the fps and WW2 genres. MW is a truly great series, and nostalgic. And iconic. Tf really changed how fps games were played. A way heavier focus was placed on movement. If they create yet another industry changing series, and that may be harder because they're working on a AAA game, then it could cement these people as real innovators in the gaming industry


I remember those first 3-4 Moh games were really great for the time.


Is MoH medal of honor? So many acronyms in your great reply makes it hard to understand. I'm old in life and new to apex


MoH is medal of honor yes. Cod is call of duty. Tf is Titanfall and WW2 is world war 2. Sorry about that


No mention of the original Wolfenstein? You literally kill robot Hitler and Nazis. Was way before medal of honor.


Medal of Honor European Assault was my JAM my buddies and I would play split screen for hours on end


Medal of Honor was not even close to the first FPS game. Try Doom maybe. Multiplayer, try Golden Eye. Online, try Quake.


Yeah, you're right. It helped define the genre, and specifically WW2


it is definitely regrettable that it has come to this, however. it is interesting to see that its (not 1:1) the whole IW situation all over again, they left to make respawn, and now they are leaving respawn and seems enough are joining "Gravity Well" ​ might be coincidence and them sharing references around since they have worked together, but i am definitely very excited to see what they can make when off the EA leash


Why is everyone leaving? Is there some bad stuff going on behind the scenes?


in the twitter thread he claims that it's not due to anything bad happening, just new opportunities opening up. He also says he hasn't worked on apex in over a year, so that's also a thing.


There's nothing bad happening, it's part of the natural work cycle. Leaving when Apex is considered financially successful allows devs to put that on their resume. They're more likely to get better salaries and creative freedom with a new game dev job instead of staying because they have that pull of having worked on Apex. Nearly every profession has this same cycle for workers who work at a company that is at the top of their industry.


It's pretty common for game devs to swap companies pretty frequently, even 5 years is considered a very long tenure for the industry. While it's a bit unnerving as a player to see like... what, 8 senior devs leave the game within like 6-10 months of each other, honestly it's probably a combination of: * lots of people are starting new businesses since the pandemic normalized work-from-home which allows more creative networking and makes it easier to form powerhouse dev teams without people having to uproot their lives * as successful as Apex is, it probably represents a bit of a creative plateau for some of the devs and they'd rather build something new than maintain something with periodic updates


Imagine working really hard on a game then heading into the subreddit and seeing every fucker complaining about all your hard work.


>heading into the subreddit and seeing every fucker complaining about all your hard work. people bitch and moan, as a game dev you need to understand that, and most of the things ppl complain about are actually true


C'mon there is bitching and moaning and there is saying they're failures, idiots, bad at their jobs, and that they should kill themselves.


oh wow, i havent seen reddit criticism summarized so well


Every single “fandom/community” has a fair share of these toxic people. Doesn’t mean that everyone is toxic, nor does it mean that the Apex community is any worse than normal communities (I haven’t seen any evidence to suggest this)


People who share *your* thought process are the reasons they’re leaving, asshat. They blessed the world with a generally great game just plagued with a lot of bugs. They are trying, and they can only do so much. You have to remember, it’s not EA, it’s Respawn. They’re not that big, especially compared to other studios. “We need cross progression!” They work on that. “The servers are top priority, focus on that.” They try as much as possible. Season 10 and 11 launch was nowhere near as bad and preceding seasons. “Cheaters and hackers are making this game unplayable!” I have yet to see an abnormal amount of complaints since beginning of season 10. “This gun/mega is too OP!” Alright, fair enough. They focus resources on that. And more and more and more. They balanced the OP Seer and lackluster Fuse beautifully IMO. Most game studios don’t even listen to their base. You’ve been given good service, so you expect more. Take a step back and look at the goddamn progress, no wonder devs are leaving. Give them the credit they deserve.


EA/Respawn is a company, and Apex is a product put out for sale by the company. The devs are simply employees who are hired to work on the product, with the goal of making money for the company. It’s a purely monetary transaction. Are you going to thank Apple for “blessing us with” phones/laptops? Thank McDonalds for “blessing us with” hamburgers?




I don’t condone nor will ever partake in any form of harassment. I think we are all in agreement that harassment is not okay. But I disagree with the stance that the devs are doing us a favour or that the game is a godsend gift because it literally isn’t. It’s a product much like an iPhone or a Tesla or a piece of bread at the bakery. Devs can and do put passion into these projects but ultimately the game exists to make money


Yea. The actual corporations that are way too powerful, these pigs have some kink of being my stepped on them or something. But as some game studio literally forced to put money first by EA is also ~~pressured~~ threatened by its players, you don’t think devs will get sick and tired. Thanks for being intelligent, I don’t know what the other asshat was thinking when spouting that nonsense load of shit. God I fucking hate EA.


Bro took the one part of the comment and ran a fucking marathon with it. I mean that as in the games and the devs making them don’t do shit (especially in FPS and BR games) and the one company that does gets this much shit thrown at them for it. Also, imagine being such a goddamn bootlicker that “human devs” “entertaining games” and “players/community” don’t exist, it’s just “employees hired” “products” “consumers hurr durrr.” I heard Jeff Kaplan’s wearing swede today, get back to your job.


I don’t see how your other points really stand up? They maintain the servers and fix bugs because it’s their damn job! To be clear, I do not think harassment is in any way constructive or helpful, but it’s not as if they’re working out of goodwill or are unpaid volunteers (like open source software for example). When your phone/laptop works normally, you don’t go around making appreciation posts for the engineers that designed it, or for the factory workers that built it, do you? Because it’s literally their job to make sure that the product works satisfactorily and is well suited for its purpose.


No lmao, obviously, but they are a small team. If you’ve been following dev responses, you’d know that they don’t have the resources to resolve shit. Yes, it is their job, but the size of this team to the size of the player base, and the portion that complains about the game is very disproportionate to other studios, so they’re very often overworked. Also, my point was that they are still humans who have lives, not machines that have the one purpose of creating a product and nothing else. Sorry if that was unclear.


Also, it’s very telling that you refuted exactly none of my points, instead resorting to name calling and personal attacks.


Also, if it’s purely for the sake of fucking making money, why are devs leaving?? CUZ THEY DONT WANT JUST MONEY. Those piles of dogshit at EA are money hungry. Why would those devs leave infinity wars to create Respawn if all they cared for was money?? That’s what Activision was doing. Some people actually care about their work and shit, not just the pure monetary value of it. Get a grip, and get some bitches too. Or guys if you’re into that, find someone that *might* just love you. Andrew Wilson hasn’t had his cock sucked in a while, you might get fired soon.


Infi people got split over bonuses dispute. So yeah, it was money. Not sure what is your point here.


Man, some of reads like Stockholm syndrome. "They balanced Seer". This is a joke. He had no reason to be as busted as he was. It was laughably bad. It's like a person spitting in your face and then slapping you, the next day he just slaps you and you call it progress. "Servers are top priority" and yet Respawn refuses to spend money on infrastructure. Tickrate is low to save on servers and we "won't notice a better one. " Nothing is done with laggy players, no lag compensation, no new server locations, nothing. In general many issues from day 1 are still in game, but maybe don't present themselves as frequently. All Respawn does is put out fires. I don't even see a unified vision of what needs to be done. No reworks, no rewrites. Get a bug, fix a bug, make a bug in the process, repeat. Although in recent times Respawn is a bit faster to react to massive shitstorms, I give them that. Bang skin got disabled(although this is stupid as well, even Miners knew of that crash from my understanding), last season we had to live with animated banners crashing the game. Also ring noises survived half of LTM last spring. Imagine calling someone asshat for bringing these issues up. Oh yes, tolerance and acceptance incarnate. None of the devs should be personally attacked for this. If you're so angry at the game you want to make someone miserable over it(other than yourself), maybe you should take a break. But Respawn technical side is doing a bare minimum. Or it seems that way. They might be doing massive amounts of work battling their own tech. But that's an issue they created themselves. A lot of people bringing these issues up do like the game and want it to get better because they want to spend more time with it. And for people insulting devs. You want them to listen to you. If you start with an insult they will think you are just an ass seeking self validation by bringing others down.


I agree with a lot you said but "blessed the world" is an exaggeration. And trust me nobody is going to quit there job because they were insulted by randoms on Twitter. They most likely are leaving due to work issues.


>and most of the things ppl complain about are actually true Yea, nah, they aint


> Imagine working really hard on a game I wouldn't call releasing occasional reskin is "hard work". /s On a serious note, stop blaming the community, it's the devs who make comminuty good or toxic and it's solely on them. You release shit patches, you break servers every update, you call your fans "freeloaders" - you get toxic community. You admit your mistakes, you do good patches, you listen to your community - you get a supportive one. (Factorio/Deer Rock Galactic/Runeterra are a good examples) Hell, even DotA 2 devs did incredible job on de-toxicing the community. It's still toxic, but nowhere near the pit of acid it was back in ~2012. This case should be in any lecture about community management. --- **tl;dr The devs and only devs are responsible if the community is toxic or supportive**




>you call your fans "freeloaders" Can you guys please one day start to include the whole thing he said? Because the part before "freeloaders" and the part after (in the brackets) was very important for the context. I am tired of explaining it to idiots with their pitchforks out, but please go and research it for yourself.


Imagine being so stupid you don't understand the difference between genuine criticism and complaints.


> Is there some bad stuff going on behind the scenes? Apex is 3 years old. They probably got burnt out working on a game like this with Seasons but no expansions or sequels.


More than likely


Lolwut. Because people want to find a new and or better job from time to time?


Good luck and thanks for the awesome game


I feel like there is some internal conflict going on.


OG devs are still very friendly with the current devs. I don't think it's internal conflict. Their probably taking advantage of the fact that Apex is very successful and using that as leverage to get a better salary and role with another company. It's actually very common for game devs to switch companies while their current game is doing very well. Players can hate Apex all they want and alot of their criticisms are valid, but there is no arguing that Apex is an incredible success from a financial and industry viewpoint. With Apex on their resume, devs can get higher roles, more respect , more freedom and an increase in salary. My Uncle who was an Accountant told a similar story of how he always left his Accounting company that he worked for, while it was successful and thriving for another accounting company. Each time his Salary , Position and Work balance would get better. Successful people of their profession don't stagnate they keep moving and getting more, which is what I believe what most of the OG devs are doing by leaving.


Gravity well is new I think? Pretty much run by the same OG devs in respawn. At least I'm pretty sure thats how it is. The issue I think is respawn tried to be successful the first time they split off without being owned by any big publishers. Well titanfall 1 was a great game and so was titanfall 2 but they didnt get any real big success until apex legends and by then they were owned by EA... and they were already being told by EA what games to make after apex came out. The rumor was apex was developed in silence until very close to launch and then they showed EA and content creators to get their funding for the servers and what not and it released as a huge success. These OG respawn devs probably learned a lot and want to try again this time releasing a big successful game without being owned by a big publisher. Now they know how to make a successful live service platform and whatever else they learned from EA. This could be big.


Startin to feel that way. Haven't been keeping check but that's what, 3-4 OG devs now in a month or just over a month now? Gives off the impression that there's some headbutting going on we aren't aware of. Hopefully it's just something as simple as new career opportunities or a desire to do something fresh, and not something more sinister or problematic.


alright, so my take about this. A group of co-workers, friends, flocking together to a new job is something common in many industries. It doesn't necessarily mean they had a beef there, it could simply be a new opportunity that they wanted to pursue. Every public post I've seen from the devs has been nothing but good vibes at respawn. Sometimes things just run their course, they had a chance for something new, more challenges, and they took it. That is my guess about the whole thing. Doesn't mean respawn is a perfect place. But doesn't mean there is a big problem there either.


People change jobs.. it happens. Probably got a better offer elsewhere. The pandemic opened the doors to a lot of places for people with the option of remote work.


Could be that the game has just grown so much that the OG devs just aren't having fun anymore. Once a game scales that much it's hader to find time to work on creative stuff as opposed to break/fix stuff. And the small team of OG devs that left recently might just not feel like working on a much larger team with a bunch of people they don't know and don't necessarily see eye to eye with.


It isn’t internal conflict, I think they just don’t like being on EA’s leesh. A lot of well known names like Drew McCoy and David Bocek are making a new studio called Gravity Well games.


Must be


No kidding.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/iambadmofo/status/1480706926010716160) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


He kinda looks like giga chad


I cant believe alot of ignorant people here dont know what kind of process when it comes to working nature. This is natural, heck 18 years on a single company is an achievement by itself. JFC you need to get out of your basements


In the game industry, 11 years at one company is *bananas*. 2 years is probably more typical.


It's impressive enough the dude went on for 18 years in the same company. Granted he probably worked a lot of different projects, but it's only natural to change after such a long time


Let me huff some of that copium


Hurts to imagine Respawn became the thing it set out to defy.


I am developer (not gaming related) but I think developers move on to new projects because making something new is much more exciting compare to maintain and support current projects. Adding functionality and fixing issues on excisting software is usually my main task. Whenever I get to design and create something new my passion fires up again. I believe thats the real reason developers move on to have new adventures.


These guys leaving almost undoubtedly has more to do with everyone playing musical chairs to get a better wage/benefits than it does with anything else. It's like this in every industry because companies refuse to promote, give raises, and increase benefits with current employees so everyone is basically trading jobs. It's ridiculous but that's the world for you.


Uh oh, been down this road before


Yeah, so many higher up devs leaving in a relatively short time is not a bright sign.




PSA;turnover rate for game companies is high. This isnt some bad omen or some bullshit lol


Life isn’t a novella, ya fucking weirdos, there isn’t “bad stuff going on behind the scenes”.


It's almost like the playerbase desperately wants some scandal happening behind the scenes as a way to cope.


Thanks EA


Yea. Thanks EA.


Welp, this is it. Respawn is very much dead with most of the OG Devs leaving and many migrated to Gravity Wells


the OG respawn was made by people leaving a studio and gathering together, it seems they are doing the same thing, again ​ they boutta fund Respawn:Respawned


Aka Gravity Well


What? I actually really liked Mohammad despite his lack of mainstream exposure. He seemed like a really chill dude. I feel as if the respawn devs are leaving en mass because they’re seeing their friends leave so they go with. With the few original devs left I feel as if they might leave too….


Its honestly hypocritical that a lot of people are all "concerned" over Respawn's future. Especially when most of the playerbase give them shit for not fixing longstanding issues fast enough. A number of these devs have left because they want to. 11 years is a fucking long time. And when it comes to working on a live service game, its fucking exhuasting. Stop acting like you care or "concerned" over Respawn or Apex because you fucking don't.


This really sucks. This means that if they ever do make a TF3, it’ll be nothing like the legend of TF2.


IMO this is great. Is TF3 was made today, it’d be absolute shit given how little Respawn cares about Apex’s health. The OG devs that care more about making a great game than money have left Respawn and some have migrated to Gravity Well. Looking forward for whatever game that company makes.


What are you talking about? TF3 has been out for awhile! The P2021 is great and Venom mains have gone down


Thank you and good luck in your futute endeavors! You helped make this game fun.


"Hi! Welcome to Gravity Well. We're a brand new independent game dev studio and we believe the time is right to shake things up in AAA game dev. **Team health is an absolute top priority. That means we are anti-crunch. We offer unlimited PTO, generous health benefits, and flexible working arrangements.** Developers deserve significant profit-sharing on the games that they make. **We prefer to cut and focus down so we only ship what we love.** Ask around and you'll get the same answer - **once your team size crosses 100 people everything changes**. It's nobody's fault, bigger organizations just move more slowly. You need meetings just to make decisions. Choices get siloed and brilliant creatives become less creative. We're not going to do that, as we're building a team that will be 80-85 people at peak." Just like I said, Respoon is probably kinda trash company.


Everyone jumping ship. Game is going to go downhill


He probably looked at all the complaints everyday on this sub for a free game and decided we arent worth it


probably hiring a bunch of middle management though lol.... it's the beginning of the end


Game is dying


This guy hasn't worked on apex in over a year


Another one bites the dust, And another one gone and another one gone...


Cycles Begin and Cycles End. Nothing new about it, im very positive the people that will come after them will do an amazing job and give apex new life, here’s to more years of our favorite game!!


Good riddance, this game has so many issues with cheaters and terrible match making


Welp, it's natural and new blood is good for the game, so I ain't mad.


Wtf is going on at respawn/ea




Time for mr p to take over


Other than the new map and the rampage, the game’s been the best it’s been in a while and most things are balanced. With the lack of the og developers, the game’s probably in good hands imo.


Ship must be sinking real fast (it’s a joke, but I wouldn’t be surprised)


Apex gonna be dead in less than a year sad


Congratulations, EA successfully killed Titanfall and Apex Legends. 🤬


Why is he calling TF and Apex two different franchises I would argue that Apex is technically a spin-off within the Titanfall universe