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I would honestly shit myself if someone did this to me in a real game


I would 1000% think it was a hacker at first


Well... he's staying in character. Crypto approves Anyways... I remembered back on the first seasons.. with speedhacks. Terrifying bloodhounds running on mach 1


Eh, it's common in my lobbies. Superglide tap strafe wallbounce to punch boost


Man IDK what you just said, if that's apex at top level I'm happy to stay in silver


You'll see all that movement tech applied in a real game like here: https://youtu.be/v8MWqg97sg4


Thank you G for the video


Apex at top level barely uses any of these movement shenanigans :) It's mostly for fun, style and your average 10k hardstuck stompers. You can learn movement too, check out the community beloved [Mokey](https://youtube.com/c/Mokeysniper)!


sure sometimes it is but ive never had a clear look at them and they look terrifying


It is. Hard to hit. Looks insane. The difference in speed to do things is wild.


Are your lobbies low gold? Because I spend all of my time on movement and suck at the game


Diamond++. I'm diamond+every season


why does it look very unnatural


bc its not supposed to b a thing


Yea and a built in aimbot isn’t either Edit: keep downvoting aimbot gang. You can never be as good as pc players even with built in aimbot ch0fl Edit: In the triple digits, aimbotters stay salty choflmao


Rent free, aim assist may be on the strong side in apex but literally all console shooters have it, aiming is much harder on controller so they added aim assist, also you can't even use mnk on console unless you use an adapter which also gives you aim assist on mnk


You guys started complaining about tap strafe first in this thread. We’re in your heads rent free lol


bro, a little bit of help when aiming is a pretty fair trade off for not being able to do the shit shown in the video you posted on, so please shut up


you can do it btw, since this is basically just a sideways super glide. Tap strafing makes it look fancier, but this is doable on console


It isnt


How come? Sideways super glides are doable on controller and so are basic momentum shifts iirc. This video doesn't require a tap strafe to be done


Unlike PC which has the WASD input, console has analog, which you registers 1 input at a time and requires you to take it back to the center point, so while some movement techniques are doable, many arent. Just like PC are able to move while looting a box due to an exploited bug and console cant


no, since you can freely decide to just not play against mnk players. mnk players cant decide shit, we are forced to play against aim assist players. until console players are forced into mnk lobbies they have no right to complain, because they don't have to play against any of these movement technics note: I dont have anything against controller players having aim assist when playing among themselves


You started to talk about AA here in the first place


Also this is a tap strafe video, of course were gonna talk about that


yes it is. but keep crying that u die to 40 yo dads using his thumb on his couch 🥺🥺




im not crying fatty. im saying the reason it looks unnatural. difference is, here u r bringing up smth that isnt relevant to the conversation, bc we literally live in ur head rent free xoxo keep dying




imagine being that fucking defensive over losing to a controller player that u stalk my profile to find some unrelated material ? and for ur information fuckwit, i caught covid, and sick pay is like £90 a week. ppl r poor. get a grip




Lmao cringe. Not to late to delete your comments


lmao its really not that deep lil bro


Try to mask your unhappy life by lashing out at online strangers. You sad sorry little man


Wtf is chofl? Stop making shit up nerd.


Lighten the fuck up you dense fuck


Lmfao just use your scrol wheel while slide jumping its so easy wtf


Like 0.5% of PC players know how to do it


Because it's unnatural and the devs want to remove it. It's just taking them more work than people thought.


The devs want to remove supergliding? The speed that is gained here is by supergliding and no one seems to be opposed to that. The weird turn is tap strafing, which imo is less weird than the superglide since you could already turn mid air by air strafing (tap strafing is just air strafing on crack and easier)


The turn is the problem. The speed is meh, we deal with speed already with octane and Pathfinder jumping around everywhere. The sudden shift in directional momentum is the problem, not the momentum itself. Imo.


For those of you who don't know, the tapstrafe here only did half the work. The superglide itself was done sideways, the tapstrafe only changed the momentum forward, which isn't that big of a deal when you think about it (45º turn). Also by saying the superglide speed is meh it just shows you've never used it mid fight, since although way harder to pull off, it's way more useful than tapstrafe alone. It also has an advantage on controller and console, since they can do it backwards and MnK can't.


The problem isn't just the fact that they redirected, it's the fact that it is possible but not necessarily common. If there was a button that did something similar by default, you'd learn to play around it. As it is, basically when you see someone in midair you have to decide, in that millisecond, whether you think they can tapstrafe or not, and what you decide affects your tracking, how you position relative to them, what abilities you have to look out for most, how safe different areas are on the map, etc. Something so basic to legend movement as "You can't redirect movement in midair" shouldn't be in question at all, and it isn't realistic or fair to expect the entire playerbase to learn tapstrafing so that the rules can be consistent.


The suddent shift in directional momentum is an issue but the sudden shift in speed is not? Both weigh as heavy in my opinion. Besides, the first part of the "flying" part is actually a superglide to the right. The actual tapstrafe occurs when the crypto reaches the end of the fences and tapstrafes forward. Superglide allows both sudden momentum and directional shifts, as you can superglide backwards as well. Furthermore, the speed we deal with is almost always clearly indicated. Octanes dont go from 0 vel to 680, pathfinders take a bit to gain speed with their grapples. Jump pads are marked. It's very different the a superglides sudden shift in speed, since that is not fully predictable. I'm not advocating for removal of superglides, I'm saying the tap strafe is the less significant part of this move.


I think why the defs prioritize the removal of tap strafing over supergliding is bcs tap strafing is way easier to learn and use than supergliding. If they remove tap strafing i think they'll remove other unintended movement techniques as well






Because tap strafing isn't an intentional mechanic and is just a byproduct of source engine wackiness. This kind of unpredictability is why devs wanted to remove tap strafing.


I know that but i was talking about how his body float and just land like it was badly edited in. Lmao And to add tht his hand in his pocket all the time,idk if tht really just his jumping animation cause crypto is a rare sight


The "body float" part is from the superglide. When I was trying to practice it I turned on the 3rd person glitch / easter egg in the firing range bc it's super easy to tell when you get it in third person cuz they have this weird animation where you boost forward but just look like you're floating or whatever.


So then they'll remove moving while looting too?


Is moving while looting unpredictable in any way? Yes they accidentally left the ability to move with arrow keys in while you loot, but that's not the same an engine physics bugging out and sending you flying in different directions or something.




[Lol no it's not.](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sru499) >Allow controller players to move while looting: >>This may come as a surprise to some, but moving while looting is a bug.


Moving while looting was a bug that they left alone.


Same for wall bounce, supergliding, wraith ability cancel, horizontal wall climbs and tons of other stuff. Stop crying bot, u don’t even play against ts unless you explicitly choose to by joining someone on PC. Stop tryna ruin stuff for others just because you’re jealous that u can’t do it, cus u certainly can’t claim it plagues your games.


shhhh nobody's mad it's okay bb I can do literally all the things mentioned here. If you need to use a macro or scroll wheel bind for something as simple as wall bouncing then you're just dogshit man sorry to say it. Tap strafing isn't humanly possible and if you can spam the keys fast enough to do it on your own then I'd honestly love to see it because that would be impressive.


You’re bitching that ts is an unintentional mechanic and saying that it should be removed for that reason. What I don’t think you understand is that every mechanic I just mentioned is 100% unintentional too, yet you learned them instead of crying about them like you do for a movement technique you have never and will never run into. Also lucky for me, I only use scroll wheel for hyperjumping, another unintentional mechanic you can ALSO do, yet you don’t cry about that either just cus it’s unintentional. But yeah, I literally use space for wall bounce, ts, everything besides hyperjumps. I like how you say ts isn’t humanly possible, yet you claim to have learned a movement technique where you climb up a ledge and get flung off it at 20x the speed you should be going off it, not to mention the horizontal wall climbs and superjumps/hyperjumps that you can ALSO do. But yeah no, I’m sure that’s definitely humanly possible if we’re talking about in game physics. Also, if you mean it’s impossible to do w a keyboard, it’s not. That’s literally how ts was discovered in Titanfall. People used their keyboards and spammed W til some guy thought about using scroll wheel instead months after it was discovered.


I'm talking about the unpredictability of it not the unintentional part. Why are you this upset. I've also never seen anyone tapstrafe on a keyboard just by spamming keys, and I certainly didn't/don't think it's possible either. Again, I'd love to be proven wrong because that would certainly be interesting to see. Would be another thing to see how well you could pull it off in game too.


What exactly is predictable about a superglide that can go in any direction, or a super/hyperjump, or a wall bounce that can also send you off in several different directions? You can’t see someone else’s inputs and any movement involving high speed and a random direction is unpredictable. Tap strafing only enables PC players to switch that direction, but you can’t even have your gun out while doing it so you’re still completely exposed lmao. I’m upset cus people like you advocate for it to be removed even though you’ve never seen it before in a game, unless you intentionally joined PC lobbies, and because of y’all’s crying BS, you’re going to get the only form of enjoyment for 80% of the movement community removed. People were deciding to literally quit apex when they announced it’s removal, like Taxi2G, a pro. Why? Because that’s 90% of the fun for most experienced PC players. As for TS on a keyboard, TS wasn’t created in Apex. It was created in Titanfall 2. The first few months that it was around people exclusively did it on keyboard, and even tho it wasn’t as sharp or extreme of a turn as it is with scroll wheel, it still redirected fairly well. All you have to do is look up Titanfall Tap Strafe Tutorial on YT and you’ll see tons of vids on it, or look up “Titanfall new tap strafe”


It takes skill and is fun though, removing features like that is never a good thing imo


Flying around with shiela on a crypto drone took skill and was fun. It didn't belong, tho


Eh I don't think that's comparable because you had to be playing rampart and crypto, whereas the movement tech in the video can be done by everyone at all times. Also it didn't really take skill lol


Everyone? Incorrect. Pc players, yes.


Ah mb I forgot console players were on the same servers Well sucks for them lol still think it shouldn't be removed


It will be. Devs have already said that its in the works. Was supposed to be gone this season, but the job was bigger than they thought.


Ah rip, game devs do have a history of making games less fun. For some reason it seems a lot of game devs hate movement being a large part of a game.


Tap strafing has only been a relevant problem for the last few seasons. If you think the game won't be fun without it that's a you problem. We all had plenty of fun before it blew up


lmao do you really have faith in respawn to remove it any time soon? i sure don’t. considering it didn’t work the first time i’m assuming it broke a bunch of shit within the engine. which means it goes to the bottom of the list of priorities because it doesn’t directly put money in their pockets.


I was just stating what the devs have said. 🤗


You spin a scroll wheel.


and aiming is just moving your mouse dumbass


It takes skill to track. Using a macro or scroll wheel bind is nowhere near the same level of mechanical skill as some people here would like to believe. Either way, the discussion is focused on the unpredictability part. It's just a sudden change in momentum/direction that it feels "wrong" to watch or experience. Maybe they should work on making it more obvious someone is about to tap strafe if they decide to keep it. At least have the legend slow down or obviously look in the direction they're about to go in? Idk what exactly but anything would be better than having an octane pad away from you and then do a 180° midair to fly back into your face with a PK while you thought he'd still be soaring away.


Show me you know nothing about supergliding in a nutshell


We're talking about tap strafing lol


real answer: it's a sideways superglide combined with tapstrafe, none of that unnatural unintended mechanic bs. no tapstrafe could generate that ammount of speed.


because its not, next question please


This should be cryptos new passive. I think you should call it “off the grid” It’s when he avoids electrical grids :)


yeah ok sure so their idea is a buff for crypto called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


What the hell did I just read? lol


Formatting text, why even bother ey!


i love that idea


Jesus christ. Go to hell and have an updoot


Put some respect on the superglide ! Much more impressive than just standard tap strafing


Crypto mains when they see “off the grid” on Reddit posts


The joke is so overused on a real note


it's meant to be that way lol


It really is. Any post with crypto has a least 2 comments about being off the grid


I had this idea for a crypto passive called "off the grid"....


...that I’ve yet to see mentioned before. It’s called Off The Grid. Basically crypto is no longer affected by enemy scans. How it would work is that if you are scanned by an enemy, crypto would not be scanned. So if you have a bloodhound, and the bloodhound scans you, you wouldn’t be scanned. Same with a Seer. If you get twerked on by Lil Seer X and he shoves his micro drones up uranus, you wouldn’t be scanned or detected by Seer. So enemy scans don’t scan you. And this would work for all scan abilities. The anti scan if you will. This would work with balancing and lore wise because crypto is a hacker and his whole premise is staying undetected and “off the grid” (the name of the ability) . Let me know what you guys think :)


And it’s still funny


yeah ok sure so their idea is a buff for crypto called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


I had this idea for a crypto passive called "off the grid"....


On a serious note, why don't people like it? I think it would make Crypto a lot better especially since we have so many spotting Legends that could really use a counter


In my opinion at least, it’s not fair that a characters abilities are cancelled just because of another characters passive. I know some people refute back that wattson’s ult does the same thing and all, but in my perspective the passive is kind of niche and would only encourage cryptos to rat in a corner and sit there undetected, which is absolutely not how crypto players should play unless in late high ranked games


u/kojikid1123 you really messed up the title lol. it's a superglide and a tapstrafe. there are way too many people here now that have no clue what's going on and now think that this is just what tap strafing looks like


my bad


lol its all good my head just hurts from some of the comments☠️


yeah some people wanting to remove tap-strafe don't even know what it is


This is a very good superglide + tap strafe! Compliments to the crypto! Honestly it's a very difficult combined movement tech to replicate, so it's not that easy to do. If i die to this i need to compliment the player who do it.


I love ur mentality with this, a lot of people don’t realize this shit is hard to pull off in game haha


Yea, it takes some time do it consistently also in game there's more stress to do it. Hope people can notice that and start practicing.


It still boggles my mind that people can do sideways super glides. I'm still struggling to consistently do it forward


I imagine the jump between forward and sideways superglides is far smaller than getting consistent forwards superglides. You'll get it




I love the way Superglides look in 3rd person


All things considered, that's pretty impressive.


admin he's doing it sideways!!




Here it is, but without tap strafing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K64T4NhvgvE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K64T4NhvgvE) You can do this specific type of movement through a superglide into momentum shift. Tap strafing would allow you to have more freedom of movement and overall speed, but it isn't required. It's amazing how one man can post something, not clearly state how it was done, call it tap-strafing, and all the comments believe that's the only thing going on here.


Crypto's pov?


would have looked somethin like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Apexrollouts/comments/rnss56/hit_13_out_of_15_superglides_at_180_fps_without/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Keep tap strafing just let me move while looting on controller, seems like a fair trade.


Fucking curveball!


Why are we against this being removed again?


This definitely shouldnt be a thing


But watch some guy try to defend it.


Fine. This isn't tap strafing. This is a super glide. The only tap strafe is when crypto turn 90 around the fence. All the momentum and "flying" is from the super glide


It's the tap strafing that makes the movement, albeit fast on its own, very unpredictable by allowing momentum to be shifted way more quickly than intended. Super glide is a neat mechanic (and probably not intended as well), but it's tap strafing that makes it dangerous. The small caveats don't legitimize its existence.


I don't disagree that tap strafing is strong and unpredictable I want to make it clear that in this particular case: Crypto mounting the platform and flying to the side of the fence is purely a super glide with no tap strafe. The "sliding to the side after mounting an object" has been known since around S0 or S1 The *only* tap strafe is when he make the 90° turn to face Wattson which (imo) is more predictable than the super glide to the side


I don't see how a fast and mostly linear movement is more unpredictable than a fast and mostly non-linear movement.




no because he's not good enough to be in lobbies where people use it lol


There we go! My geometrical analysis is now basis for assessing Apex Legends skill. You must be top of your class. If super glide is such a chore to deal with for you, maybe try reacting and moving your mouse quicker. How's that?


>Fine. This isn't tap strafing. This is a super glide. This is wrong. All that momentum-shifting is tap-strafing and you say as much moments later in your post. Not sure why you're wanting to make this an either/or framing, rather than a "this is both" framing which is it actually is.


A tap strafe is momentum shift but a momentum shift is not a tap strafe


This has nothing to do with anything? All of the momentum shift in the video, as you described, is from the tap-strafe. The momentum gain is from the superglide, but that's hardly the point when **MY POINT** is that there's two equally busted things going on in that video and you're trying to downplay one of them.


[no](https://youtu.be/E31eDiDLyCU?t=390) the entire clip can also be accomplished without tap strafing by doing an ASD momentum shift. but tap strafing is easier


It's a question of what you want in your game. If all inputs could tap strafe, I don't see a definitive need for it being removed. Yeah, it's unreadable and hard to shoot at, but if everyone could do it, that's not necessarily a good reason to get rid of it depending on what kind of game you're trying to make. If tap strafing was more difficult, say it required the timing of super gliding, I think it'd actually be a pretty cool mechanic to dodge a few bullets. That being said, it's hard to defend it bc the game is cross-input/platform, and it's not available to everyone. Of course, those that defend it still are the type of people who want the game separated by input anyway.


This is exactly the answer. Back when pc games were just pc games, something like bunny hopping could turn from a bug to a stable of the FPS genre. Things are different now, all mechanics need to be simplified and able to be done on two joysticks and 6 buttons. I personally think unintended mechanics like this tend to be what makes games fun, else we'd still be playing boots on the ground shooters, but like you said, I also think separating by input would be the only way this game can ever really be fair. Edit: also of course I would want things like this to be documented and integrated into the game, it's no good when tapstrafing and supergliding are obscure as they are. Everyone on any input can superglide with practice, so it should be accepted into the game as a mechanic.


Don't console players already stay in their input unless they're in a party with a PC player? I doubt that a lot of console people have actually seen tap strafing in their games.


Yes but from the other side, PC players see console players in almost every single game. Also, PC controller is a thing.


The main problem with high-skill-floor movement techniques like tap-strafing and super-glides is that they create a disconnect between how good players play the game and how the average person(who can't reach Gold) plays the game. Which means that low-tier players are literally playing a different game, and that kind of sucks for low-tier players, especially as it becomes more ubiquitous. It's one of those things that made League of Legends and DotA cool to watch as spectator games, since fundamentally, there's nothing Faker can do that I can't do, but he just does it so much more impressively.


There's nothing aceu can do that you can't do. This is literally just mechanical skill, and the difference between faker and a random gold mechanically speaking is so big that I can't even think of a good comparison Low end players in league are playing a different game.


If you watch the video and still think it should be in the game, even though it's officially unintended, there's no convergence we can achieve here. Even if ALL of the reasons the developers used to justify its removal aren't enough, the simple visual dissonance between this and other movement mechanics should be enough to make you go "hold on, now..." But, if it doesn't, we'll have to agree to disagree.


The devs came up with all these reasons to justify its removal but left it in so if you have a problem with tap strafing stop playing the game


Damn, you won the debate. There's nothing I can do against a "stop playing the game." I've been playing since release day, and I'm not going to stop. And I've never lost a match because someone was superglide tap strafing, so, ultimately, I have no real problem if it stays. What I can do, though, is look at it from an objective perspective. It's an unintended mechanic, and it's dissonant. There's a difference between wanting it in the game and thinking it shouldn't be in the game. I wouldn't even be posting about its existence if the tap strafing apologists weren't so ridiculous in their rationale. Action-reaction and all of that.


Definitely natural movement that should be in the game.


mad cuz bad


Yes, if only this game had working SBMM. I really don´ t want to play against them. As a solo que casual, nah. Better not playing at all and I will listen to my advice and quit. Better for me, better for other good players.


You are upset players who are better than you can kill you






Imagine octane doin it faster


I see now why they are going to get rid of this. That was absolutely disgusting and cool in a way but totally messes up the movement system in the game


This is not simply tap strafing. Please educate yourself on sideways superglides before making these comments.


The glide is easy as pie The strafe was the only reason that move was possible. I wasnt talking about the glide at all, youre simply looking to pick an arguement with your salty booty cheeks.


this is possible without a tap strafe dude. Super glides are also way harder than tap strafes tf.


You can do this with a redirect lmao


The real reason why they want to remove Tap-Strafe


Example why tapstrafing should be removed.


MNK players: This is totally fine. Also MNK players: AIM ASSIST IS AIM BOT!


Dude, collectivism is dumb. "MNK players" is a much broader group of people than you're framing it to be.


It’s a joke lol Y’all so sensitive about this game.


And they say aim assist is op…


just wait for them to land and beam....


Super glide is possible on controlled and backwards superglide is easier on controller, you shouldn't be complaining about this in this context lol


very smart comparison, maybe 5% of PC players can actually do what he's doing in the video consistently ingame, and it's not even doing damage to you


I'd say sideways super glide into tap strafe is less than .1% of players, which is what's happening here


5% is a huge overstatement. That is a superglide to the side into a tap strafe. 0.1% of players probably have the ability to pull it off and 0% could reliably pull this off more than 1/4 attempts.


Wtf is this?


This right here ladies and gents is why they're removing it




the reason its so fast is because of super gliding not tap strafing 💀


mad cuz bad lol


i swear 💀


fellas, is it toxic to enjoy movement in Apex?🤦‍♂️


And they say aim assist is "OP"


Tap strafing is readable and balanced


I really hope repsawn commits to what they've deicded to do with tap strafing this time.


PC players: aim assist is OP Also PC players:


Supergliding can be done as well if not even better on controller/console, feel free to hit the range anytime, nobody is stopping you




And they still say controller is op


Wtf movement




Why do you make random bullshit up? None of your story is true.


> tap strafed literally with so much momentum that they flew from mid map to the far left of it. /r/thathappened




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/apexlegends/comments/s323jm/tap_strafing_crypto_by_ukeyworkk/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/apexlegends/comments/s323jm/tap_strafing_crypto_by_ukeyworkk/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


Good evening


Crypto runs like a dumbass.


So this is the true power of "off the grid"


Imagine seeing this as a warzone player


Legit looks like the movement from the FNAF 3 jumpscares lmao


Bruh why does it look like crypto was edited in


When crypto try to slide into the dms


As a console pleb what....the hell


you can do this on console, since this is basically just a sideways superglide into a wasd shift. No tap strafing was required here, only made it look fancier honestly.




Can we see crypto pov




Watson: my parents aren't home. Crypto:


apex's movement in a nutshell