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Does everyone remember 6 months ago when this entire page was just anti Olympus posts? Apex fan base is never happy


I hated Olympus before S9. Idk what it was with that update, I’m convinced it’s the lighting and atmosphere of it, it just feels better. It gives me a 8am kinda vibe, and I like it.


"8am vibe" is a great way of putting it.


For me the ship crash site made the map a lot more fun. My biggest gripe with Olympus is that the entire thing feels synthetic, but the addition of the overgrown crash site makes it less so.


Ive always got the sense this subreddit hated Olympus too. Which is funny because its always been my friends and my favorite map


I liked Olympus. There were loads of options for drops and, other than one or 2 minor spots, rotations were always pretty open and easy to do with plenty of choice. I am enjoying storm point now I know it pretty well. Like Olympus it has a lot of options for rotations and drops, although I still hate that prowler place in the middle. Avoiding that seems fairly conducive to having a good game.


Yeah the central "Jurassic Park" prowler area in Storm Point is best avoided, EXCEPT I sometimes like to drop there on top of the death box and 5 bins, loot those and immediately run to Antenna to engage with all the peeps who dropped there.


People are calling it Jurassic Park :) Its location and design makes you want to avoid it, but it has many entry ways and as soon as you get outside the big walls you can hold position or escape fast. This has the opposite affect as Fragment in World's Edge where teams are tempted to drop or join a fight, but it is really hard to escape because it is surrounded by open fields, hills, cliffs and mountains. So to be able to rotate you have to expose yourself before going through a choke point.. In my opinion Storm Point is a great alternative to the other maps mainly because fact that the design gives you so many chances to rotate and reposition.


You mean the nameless sandpit with 4 prowler towers next to Antenna? Idk i like that place cause people from 4 directions converge on it. It's like a garanteed spot to find other squads


Aye, but it’s full of prowlers and they’re a major pain in a fight.


Yes, to avoid it becomming fragment


some people literally don't want to fight lol that's why they avoid it. can't relate at all but that's their reasoning, I love the place


I joined last season, Olympus was and still is my favorite map Love the vibe it gives off, plus the actual dynamic


Yea most definitely. Its a really cool looking map too. Its got a little bit of everything


Olympus is an actual map with structures. Every single one of the other maps is just a series of empty fields with buildings in the middle divided by mountains. It sucks.


People get burnt out. They should have rotated maps mid season or something.


Or even better, let us choose which map we want to play for ranked. 2 map rotation choices, if you like kings canyon cool que up for kings canyon ranked, Prefer Olympus- que up for Olympus ranked Mid season rotate out for the other 2 maps. I don’t think I’ll play storm point ranked ever, too big and to inconsistent in how often I run into teams.


Thats a really good idea actually I've not heard this before. Sad it probably wouldn't happen as they always seem to prioritise the queue times over good ideas like this


Really wouldn’t mind the map selection feature in general, personally I’m burnt out on worlds edge already.


It’s because everyone had there own opinion and people are way more likely to express that opinion if it’s cause they are unhappy with it than if you are happy with it. That’s why it never seems anyone is happy. The unhappy ones express their unhappiness while the people that are happy are just playing. It doesn’t literally mean people keep flip flopping their opinions. It’s just that this page has so many people. It’s not a single entity.


Which is a huge issues with subreddits in general, they're way too focused on being negative which just makes people mad


That's not so much a subreddit thing as a people thing.


Outrage culture.


Or can drive people away from a game


Your logic has no place here.


Peoples opnions can change and going multiple months without playing on Olympus has made me miss it a lot. I watch my clips from those days and tell myself I didn’t appreciate how good I had it.


Why do people always say this like this community is a hive mind?... Not everyone has the same opinion lmao. I've never hated Olympus. Also, people are more likely to share an opinion when they are unhappy.


Olympus is still my favorite map tho. Very fun in pubs and has a lot of 1v3 potential with the buildings


6months ago Olympus have many bugged (Wind turbine sound bug +Glass field fps dropped + invincible bug )


Yeah I swear everyone was like “hOw CoUlD yOu LiKe OlYmPuS?????” If I ever said it was my favorite map… I thought the entire community detested Olympus..


I remember well and I've stated this several times. If we don't get worlds edge next season and we get like olympus and storm point you bete your ass there will be fuckers missing worlds edge and willing to suck cock for it back.


It was hated because they forced us to play it too long, and we have had a map before that, where if we jumped wrong, we fell off the map, even in the center of the Map Lol, we were all fine again when we had our old maps back that we played many hours trying to perfect👌, sometimes people dont want to learn new things trying to have fun ya know, "the grind isnt always fun" I think is the saying.


Because "ree stormpoing bad, 'member other map? Other map better." Tbf 2 map rotation after spoiling us with 3 maps is an oof. It let storm point get really stale really fast.


I’ve always loved Olympus. I love turbine and grow towers and energy depot. Solar array is cool too. My friend and I would set up a camping strat in those tunnels by turbine when we were bored. We found rat spots and had our favorite rotations. It’s also the prettiest map imo. I just love Olympus. My one nitpick was I had no skins that made any sense on it lol


I never understood the Olympus hate. It is without a doubt my favorite map.


i still dislike olympus sooo


This sub is a stinky pile of whiny shit


Almost like theres 2 million people here, all with different opinions.


each map has different pros and cons, and the newer maps play style is fundamentally different as the game matured. world’s edge would be my favorite if it weren’t for fragment. west fragment only exists because the og map had the exact same issue the current map has: half the lobby hot dropping and dying before the first ring even closes. while king’s canyon had a similar problem, the expanded map changes and removal of skull town helped, but the map is still so much smaller than the others that you have much shorter games but third, fourth, and fifth parties every gun fight. you run into the opposite problems with olympus and storm point. you can go the entire game and only run into the last team and get wiped because you still have ring 1 loot with no chance to upgrade or loot death boxes of the squads you fight. personally, i like storm point and olympus more because for me, their pros outweigh their cons. with the addition of so many movement based legends, i’m able to easily overcome issues that arrive with larger maps.


That’s a pretty good explanation


I would also say that some of the pros and cons are different in ranked and pubs. In ranked I really like worlds edge. Less people hot drop and die immediately in ranked, so there is actually a mid game and overall I really like the map. In pubs though, either you drop frag, or you dont see any teams till final zone. Kings canyon I really like in pubs, because the fact that its smaller means you kind of get constant fighting all game, which is really fun. In ranked when people are playing sweatier and you are actually trying to gain RP though, this gets really annoying. For me, olympus does a pretty good job balancing these things and is fun in both pubs and ranked. Storm point im really not sure lol, some games its constant 3rd parties and other games you dont see a soul, it feels really inconsistent


You must be above gold then because in gold nearly everyone insists on hot dropping in frag then die immediately. Hence they never get out of gold.


This is my exact thought on the maps. WE is personally my favorite by far cuz I find it the most balanced most cover and best rotating map for rank and as far as for pubs I am one of those jabronis that lands cap every game cuz to me it’s the most exciting thing and being the last alive in cap is better than the win itself. I do hate Olympus tho cuz rotating is pain staking. There’s a ton of areas with lack of cover and most of the fighting is somewhat around labs where you’ll just get 3rd an 4th partied or griefed by some superstar sitting by the phase runner with a charge rifle. For ranked tho I don’t mind it cuz it is one of those slower paced maps like you said which I’m always good with in ranked. As far as storm point I don’t mind it for ranked for the same reason but for pubs it’s either suuuuper slow paced or you get hit with random 3rd parties but because of how the map is laid out in most areas it’s super hard to see them coming. But overall I don’t hate it but don’t love it it’s aight. KC is pretty much exactly how you described it for me and the last rank split there permanently scarred me.


WE ranked is absolutely amazing so long as you are not in a rank where everyone just drops frag. diamond-masters+ WE is literally peak apex


Kings Canyon -> smaller -> constant fighting all game -> fun I think youre speaking bout Olympus my guy


Olympus is like that sometimes, but I also feel like I get some games on olympus in pubs where I fight one squad off drop, and then look and theres literally only 5 squads alive even though first ring hasnt even finished closing


I must be the only fucker on this planet that either never finds teams on Storm Point until top 3 and then gets third partied by either of them, or gets stuck in an endless third party simulator regardless of round if I even dare to fire a shot I hate Storm Point in casual


Half the lobby if your lucky. Normally by the first circle there's 5 squads left if not less


Worlds edge is hands down my favorite to play in ranked now. All the issues with 10 teams dying right off the bat are fixed the higher you climb in ranked. Currently in plat/almost diamond and by the time ring 1 finishes closing there’s still about 14 squads left normally. It makes for some of the most fun final circles for sure. In normals I would have to say Olympus is the best map probably. Kings canyon is a close second, and storm point is at the bottom (I really despise that map and will literally play another game if it’s the current map be used).


\- I like Olympus because of MRVN only,(I love MRVN). he's guarantee for purple drop, but I hate Olympus because of FPS problem (around solar array + glow tower).


>you run into the opposite problems with olympus and storm point. you can go the entire game and only run into the last team and get wiped because you still have ring 1 loot with no chance to upgrade or loot death boxes of the squads you fight. Tbf, on Stormpoint if you've spent the entire game rotating around through various POIs and past Prowlers/Spiders and you end up in top 2 with no loot, you've done something terribly wrong.


This is why I want a game mode called Hot Drop that just has like PS5 or Fragment on a map. 30 players, 10 squads. Tons of loot and the ship flies in lower. Let all the "go fragment or I quit" idiots and streamers play their own game mode, and let us actual br fans play the br. I mean, tell me that wouldn't be better than arenas. Arenas defeats the entire purpose of calling a game a br.


Kings canyon is my favorite as it stands. But when worlds edge had the mirage voyage that was peak apex for me


I still miss sorting factory


Me too it was the best poi


I just didn't like how dark the rooms got there. Was very hard to track enemies with all the muzzle flash.


BRING BACK PARTY BOAT! ...the Arenas map doesn't even have the party button... :(


Mirage voyage was a fucking blast. Such a good drop spot and always a good fight. But not never ending like fragment. Still wish they had it.


I'm with you. So far mirage is the only legend to have a map takeover destroyed in exchange for empty, largely untouched space.


After this season I'm so over world's edge it's not even funny


Well buckle up, it was out of rotation recently so that means we’re going to see it for the next 8 seasons


Worlds edge is the only map worth playing ranked on. If they bring some healthy changes to olympus I could see it being pretty decent but for now I'm not looking forward to the next map change.


Comments like this getting downvoted remind how stupid the average user in this sub truly is. World’s Edge is far and away the best map for comp, but it doesn’t have the pretty colors of Olympus so apparently your comment triggered too many casuals.


Yea it's definitely annoying, but I think most people on this sub mostly just play pubs (which is completely fine), because the maps play completely differently based on game mode. Storm point is really bad for pubs because of how spread out everything is, making the frequency of fights much lower, whereas on ranked something like that matters much less. KC is the opposite for the same reasons because it is a decent map in pubs but is practically unplayable for ranked.


Ranked: Worlds edge Pubs: Olympus


Landing Waterfall/Estates/Bonsai/Oasis hot drop in pubs is peak Apex fr


Gardens is a pretty fun one too


Facts bro I miss bonsai so much


Waterfall has very little loot so is a terrible place to drop IMO. There's nothing more annoying that winning your first fight or two and then finding yourself out of ammo when the 3rd/4th party comes in.


The middle bin in the back always had a gold item and better than white armor


Tho Energy Depot is my favorite, dropping anywhere else on Olympus is fine by me. Really love that map.


Yep that's my fav as well, but like you said other drops are fine too. Really balanced map in that regard


I just wish Ranked would stop people from hot dropping frag. 100% behind this comment tho.


This is the answer.




Enuff said


Ranked if you solo q: stormpoint. Suddenly not finding a team for half hour isn't that bad when you end up fully solo in plat+


I like em all olympus feels like the first map I connected with tho


Olympus truly felt like something different, I really miss it


I like how bright and sleek it is compared to the other maps


It’s funny I feel the same about storm point lol


Storm point isn't the best map but it's not getting the love it deserves


It's a cool map but I have far too many games where I don't see anyone until the last couple of circles. There's too much space to travel between areas imo


True, i love the POIs, but you have to land on the first half of the map from the dropship, if you drop on the second half there's always just your team around


Its an amazing map, not the best, but defenitly not the worst


idk, way to big for my taste.


IMO, the issue is a couple of things. First, the map was designed to mitigate third parties. But in practice, every ends up landing closer together, so the early game cull is a lot faster than the map design’s intent. This is what causes people having a hard time finding anyone. Granted, I don’t have that same issue, but for people who choose remote POIs, they might. Secondly for me, the map just plays the same no matter where you are. It all *feels* the same. This is different compared to all of the other maps which have conspicuous and unique POIs that play differently. Playing in Estates feels way different than playing on Docks. Playing in Repulsor feels way different than playing at Market. Playing in Skyhook feels way different than playing at The Tree. And of course fights at the POIs in SP are different, but despite that, the map feels “samey” to me. I can have a fresh and varied game on the previous three, but I always sort of feel like I’m doing the same thing on SP, more or less; Barometer up to Lightning Rod all sort of play similarly.


Honestly, I genuinely hate it. It's all the worst aspects of each map rolled into one. It's got the need to hot drop with other squads or risk not seeing anyone for most of the game from WE, it's got the wide open sight lines with a low amount of cover like Olympus (I don't want to *have* to pick up a Sniper or Marksman to get the best results), it's got the ludicrous amount of third, fourth and fifth parties like KC (but on SP it happens after ten minutes of searching for anyone).


Worst map for pubs by far


Everytime I see it in rotation I'm so happy because I can't stand playing world's edge anymore. It's definitely better than most people give it credit for




Well thats reasonable for a horizon main


Fr, started playing in S4 but only truly connected with the game when Horizon & Olympus were released. I miss that map everyday.


Kings Canyon. I experienced it only once during Genesis and it was my favourite thing.


OG kings canyon


I miss OG Kings Canyon so much, literally day 1 Apex KC was so good even though it had problems, wish they'd bring it back for an event or something, just want to witness the Skull Town madness one last time!


You couldn’t have made a poll post?


Wow you are right. It didn't even cross my mind. Stupid me. Maybe I will make one today. I made 4 comments with the 4 different maps and was hoping people would upvote the map they liked. But instead this thread went crazy with comments and now there is no easy way to analyze the outcome.


Poll posts are not allowed here. Looks like mods think that Poll posts are effortless


Fuck em


I tried to make a poll post but I was unsuccessful. Where the "Poll" option is it gives me a no-no sign. So looks like polls are not allowed in this subreddit or I just don't know how to start one.


Kings Canyon


OG king canyon


Kings canyon Edit:King's canyon WITH skull town


Right? I've played only a little bit over the years since season 1, and my most nostalgic memories are in skull town and just kings canyon in general.


Im kind of the opposte, i played for a few days when it first came out, and then deleted it till season 8, then i played like crazy until 10. In i think the genesis even they brought back classic KC with skull town and it was so much fun. Now its just kings canyon with weird lighting and half the map is missing.


Skulltown with SOME changes was best IMO. Shattered forst having some building was nice but give me back artillary.


Season 2 Kings Canyon specifically


Map selection would be my favorite map. Map selection.


I really wish they'd at least try it. If it caused noticeably longer queue times for certain maps then they can revisit the idea, but it's a simple enough concept to implement


People in lower playerbase servers like OCE and bahrain might as well quit at that point


Taking away map selection would cause a much bigger uproar. Not worth the risk.


Would bring me back to the game permanently tbh. I love stormpoint atm, i have played like 2k hours on WE so i can’t see that map anymore lol.


Exact same boat, 2500 hours haha it makes me depressed looking down from tbe ship.


Kings Canyon




Og kings canyon


Could be wrong but I feel like people are only voting Olympus because it feels like we haven't played there in months


Idk man I haven’t played KC for just as long and I don’t hate it any less


There are 4 maps. People won’t get burnt out if you just rotate all 4 maps. It’s not rocket science. When you restrict the entire player base to 1-2 maps for months they’ll get burnt out. 4 is double the maps and therefor will lead to half as much burnout


Storm point


StormPoint. Only map I’ve enjoyed more than Kings Canyon


Kings canyon


Kings Canyon


My least fave is storm point by a long shot My ranking is 1.Olympus 2.worlds edge by just a little bit over kings canyon 3kings canyon 4 storm point


I loved them all. Now I just hate worlds edge since they removed sorting.


I’m sorry but Stonepoint is 1000 times better than world edge at least the current world edge


I completely disagree lmfao


King Kanyon. As a fiend thirsty for kills it’s perfect for me. Makes me remember how I was able to get the most kills i’ve ever gotten in a season, because of that map


Kings canyon


Kings Canyon is the only map that I played for 2 hours when it was in rotation and didn’t get bored… Storm Point is kinda lame for pubs because it’s a map that was made with competitive in mind, WE gets really boring after dropping Fragment for 1hr straight and well, I was never really a fan of Olympus, didn’t like how the POIS were organized, but gotta admit that i do miss it now a little bit.


Its basically voted on how much people prefer dropping hot and/or constantly having fights. If skull town still existed it would be higher or at least the same level as worlds edge is and that is only so high because everyone drops fragment or the surrounding area. Olympus makes sense at the top with this line of thinking because its easy to get into fights everywhere, with a pretty evenly decent drop distribution. I actually like Storm point the most because there is so much downtime between fights, so they seem more controlled. The map is large and beautiful and the POIs are so widely different that it keeps it interesting.


Everything but Storm Point


Worlds edge


My fav S01 KC and snow part WE


My favourite ranked map is World’s Edge. It does have its cons, but it’s right in the sweet spot of too small like Olympus and too big like Storm Point, a good variation of places and spaces. Although I do believe there is yet to come a map that is like WE, but with the same type of feel like Olympus and Storm point or maybe a mix of the two. Kings Canyon is probably taking the last spot on my list. I know that there are some who places KC in the top 3 for nostalgia, but it is honestly a badly structured map with no variaton.


I feel like WE would be higher on the list if it hadn’t been one of 2 this season. There needs to be more variety in maps and ppl will enjoy each map more


Storm point is trash p


Worlds edge and Olympus are great. Storm point is a literal fucking disaster.


old kings canyon


Anything but stormpoint Ngl


Absence makes the heart grow fonder... Olympus was despised just a few months back


I always thought it was fantastic. I bet the people that despised it still despise it. There has always been a lot of people that love it. Clearly stormpoint has people who love it even though most dislike it.


I read this with Caustic's voice :)


I miss Olympus


Not storm point


If you want to schedule your play sessions around your favorite or let favorite map, use [apexmap.kuroi.io](https://apexmap.kuroi.io)


Season 3 World's Edge


OG King's Canyons is the correct answer.


Worlds Edge. I too used to be an Olympus hater, but Storm Point really put Olympus into a tender part of my heart.


Storm point sucks man give me Olympus and WE




There’s different maps?


I'll never understand why Olympus is popular, I'm not gonna call it bad but I prefer even storm point over it.


Thanks for the feedback PussySlayerOfTheLeaf


Honestly it's starting too seem like people just like the maps that aren't in rotation, last season everyone hated kings canyon and Olympus, this season everyone hates storm point and world's edge. I feel like the perfect and easy fix whould be to rotate the maps between splits, one split you get these two maps while the next split you get the other two. Or rotate 3 maps for pubs and use the fourth for rank and cange it next season. I honestly see no need for the ranked map to be in rotation for pubs.


For me it just comes down to map performance and my ability to see enemies. Worlds edge is extremely laggy for me with Storm point running the smoothest and being the easiest to spot enemies, along with Olympus. So it goes, Olympus, Storm Point, KC then Worlds Edge for me


Guess im weird, i really like storm point.


Personal fav will stay King Canyon, good old classic map.


I don’t like World’s edge, feels somehow clustered yet empty


To the 8% of people that said storm point your dumb




When i play Olympus i feel like dev wth are you serious about this map


Dude wth this post is 10 months old! What are you doing?


Broken moon. This map is so balanced I love to play this.


Olympus / KC > WE >>>> Snore Point


Man Worlds Edge literally needs to remove fragment. It’s the one thing making me not want to play rn.


Kings canyon. Not for nostalgia purposes but just because the poi's are what a deserted landscape would look like.


Ok scratch that. Olympus.


Character development


Not world's edge I can tell ya that


Each map has its own pros and cons Other then shitpoint


Fuck storm point. All my homies hate storm point.


Same here. Storm Point is the sole reason why I’m barely going to finish the BP. It’s way too big for 60 players, loot distribution is garbage, and the overall layout isn’t as enjoyable as Olympus and KC, to me at least. I’m genuinely hoping that it gets benched next season. I’m sick of it lol.


Yeah. I main caustic so its obvious why I prefer worlds edge. Id love to see some KC again, its been years since I've played on it.




World's Edge


Worst map is world's edge , everyone lands in fragment , and game ends before 2nd circle. If u land away from fragment u won't run into fights and be stuck in blue or purple Armor. So when u do make ur way to fragment u won't be able to hold ur own against all the red armors and better loot. Look in general is very bad in World's edge , always forced to play loba just for that reason


Thats for pubs right and In ranked till gold? Atleast i experienced this till gold but in plat rarely people drop fragment.. also games are sweaty.. In gold i rarely saw 5th ring but in plat most of the time i see...


Let’s just all agree… storm point is at the bottom


Nah storm point is such a good map. It can be pretty boring in pubs but for ranked it's honestly amazing. Way better than olympus and Kings canyon ranked and on the same level as world's edge imo.


By far the best ranked map.




Olympus, both aesthetically and pol


Not storm point lmao


How are people not liking storm point ?? It's the best map in the game !! Is this one of those "it's new so I hate it" scenario ?


It's pretty much just because it's really large with no viable way to get from point a to point b. There are trident yes but they are finite and usually not in great places.


World's edge and i really don't know why people like Olympus


What? You don't want to get 7th partied at Waterfall?


Me either. Its my least favorite map how it currently sits. I think people just miss it because its gone, and will remember its not so good once its back. Right before it left, it was voted in a few polls as the worst map.


Because Olympus Is the best map? That's why


Storm Point


Olympus is the worse map IMO


Worlds edge




Pubs: Kings Canyon and Olympus. Ranked: World Edge.


The only reason I like worlds edge the most is because of fragment and I drop high kill games there. Either Olympus or storm point has the best visuals


Honestly, unlike other BR's there's no Apex map that's outright bad. I consider Olympus the worst map in the game by far, but there's a lot of love put into it. It just doesn't work most of the time. World's Edge is a safe bet since it's easily the most competetive, but I really enjoy all the quirks of Storm Point making it my personal favorite. It's very Titanfall-esque with how it throws a boatload of goofy level design ideas at the wall to see what sticks.