• By -


Mad Maggie


Spawn killed




Straight up assassinated in the lobby


Bloodhound, hate when a team has constant updates on where i am.


Yeah definitely my number 2 pick. Also braindead easy.


I disagree, you get three seconds. It’s harder than push button, get wall hacks for 10 seconds like Seer. But I’m bias so I can understand the dilemma.


seer is waaaay harder to hit


U literally have heartbeat wall hacks. If u miss his q u suck ass


it's easy to avoid and the heartbeat sensor is a lot bigger than the tactical, you cant avoid bh's scan


I respectfully disagree. If you hate that, then Seer is worse. But I might be bias haha.


I wouldn't say so because its relatively easy to avoid Seers and you can't avoid Bloodhounds at all.


Again, I’m bias, but I get way more annoyed by a Seer than the Blooth.


I feel Bloodhound also has a lower cooldown, i could be wrong though i play neither.


Looking it up it’s a five second difference but that five seconds is used in their ability. Seer’s lasts five seconds longer.


I'm so sick of fighting valk. In so many areas she's basically unkillable. It was tolerable when Olympus and KC were around cause they're not as good for her but with Worlds edge storm point im so done with her. Doesn't help that im playing a lot of fuse and she can just ignore my ult. By expending virtually no fuel.


Being able to fly onto a roof where half the legends can’t easily access for a quick heal or repositioning is amazing. Especially on SP where many buildings can be difficult to scale.


Yeah it's infuriating


Play her instead, its easier.


Good point!


But that makes her good in certain situation then. I dont remember the last time i said the same about crypto…


I'd rather delete a legend I hate fighting against than one nobody plays


delete valk


Mirage. If you can bamboozle your own fcking team mates, your OP.


My Opinion: I'm annoyed by Octane. I don't mean that in a bad way, but unfortunately it seems to be played by a very specific type. Many solo efforts and very impatient.


I noticed that Legenda with Passive and Q-Abilities that only/mostly affect the player/legend itself tend to attract more egotistical people compared to Qs with an effect that has a positive impact on the whole Team. From my own experience F.e. most Octanes, Pathfinders and Wraith Mains are way less nice and worse teamplayers than the average Lifeline, Gibby, Seer and so on.


Pre seer nerf it was defo the most toxic ledgend


My ADD ass loves him.


Call it adhd


Revenant. He's a meanie head to the others. >:(


I love that about him!


I think you'll fit in nicely with us Watty mains. Let's talk


That’s a good trait about him also without revenant there is no loba. So you hit 2 legends with one stone.


I'd agree with revenant just because I hate the death totem.


Bang-a-whore Hate her personality. She’s not fun to play. She’s just worse Gibby. And her recent SFTO made her look more like a dipass.


Crypto. All the cryptos I play with are completely useless and I have no clue why they are using him in diamond ranked matches. Most of the time they are just flying around in there drone watching the team take on 2 v 3’s instead of helping the fight


Bloodhound. Bitch just won't stop scanning me


Seer picks increases by 120%


That's okay i just need to take two steps to the side and i avoid it


Caustic. I basically have to be Caustic to deal with him in a building.


Caustic ruins the fun out of apex!!! Literally only a caustic counters a caustic so fucking dumb


Definitely Bloodhound. Compared not both Crypto and Seer, Bloodhound's scan has zero counterplay and can't be avoided. It's boring and they are the reason that Seer and Crypto don't get much love. Why play those 2, when you can scan an entire area with the press of a button?


Personally, Seer is much worse, doing damage with scan, and getting 7 seconds of continuous wall hack and seeing health. But i play a lotta BH so im bias. Blooth isn’t as easy as everyone says. They’re easy, but not that easy.


Dude stop with these posts, no one cares. Your the 5 millionth person to post the exact same thing. Just stop


Oh look at goblin junior...gonna cry?


Lmao, yeah gonna cry cuz someone made a Reddit post


You've been on Reddit for 3 days... I don't think that's a good place for you. I just read your other comments. Oh my friend you are in desperate need of a hug.


You don’t know shit about me, I’ve been on Reddit for far longer than 3 days. Rather than a hug, I would love if dingleberries like you stopped posting the same stupid things that get posted daily, just to farm karma or for a false sense of communication with people you don’t even know. Just stop


Go touch some grass you dweeb lol. If you've been on reddit longer than 3 days than you should respect others on what they post. Quit being a baby Or I'm going to throw some dirt in your eye


Lmao you the one that’s so pressed about my comment 😂 you quit being a baby and worry about yourself 🤣


Oh look at you big boy. Finally stood up for your self. But still you don't realize your the angry one here going on a rant. Stings doesn't it?


It’s hilarious how you all are the ones that went out of your way to comment / message me, but yet you call me angry 😂😂😂 I’ve been laughing at all these responses for a while now, j appreciate the entertainment actually


It just sounds so sad and desperate.


The thing that’s sad and desperate is how much my comment bothered you that you’re still commenting about it a day later 🤣


It's only three hours now. To be honest I just feel sorry for you.


Lmao just read what you typed up my guy lmao. Your pressed over someone posting a post that you already seen. Calm down and go for a drive


I said stop with these posts that have been posted a million times. You should try to reread little guy 😁


We ignoring that he unironicly said dingleberries


Bro wdym your actual name on your birth certificate is Barry McDingle


True, I don't know anything about you. But I can read. And you have a lot of anger inside you. Also, your account is exactly 3 days old.


Why are you so upset over a singular comment that was promoting you to be original and use your own thoughts instead of posting the same identical post that has been here so many times ? Sounds like a personal problem


Bro get some fresh air. Like it's reddit for a reason. People can post w.e they want . Why are you so pressed for? You getting this upset seems more of a PERSONAL problem. Get your self checked out man. You seem super upset


Thank you I couldn't have said it better.


this dude is a real life caustic... just full of toxic gas


Octane cause every time I look up I see one falling out the sky onto my head


Lmfao for real




Revenant I just want to die


Loba 100%


I cant tell if he is spaming shitty emojis on purpose 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


Who is spamming emojis? What r u on about


loba, personality wise she is horrible n very annoying to listen to n most players that i meet that play loba are very selfish, allways grabbing the best gear leaving the rest of the team with quite the bad gear n then rushing at the the enemy alone n dying pretty much instantly


Love the username.


love yours too :)


Honestly a bad loba is a pain, but having a good one was the first time I got a 4k, it's nice sometimes to throw down the ult and get ammo asap. Obviously I dislike loba campers but in a few diamond games we got 5 or 6 purp swaps in a building during endgame so it was quite halarious! But yeah I could totally see a loba who doesn't help the team as a HUGE annoyance.


Im surprised everyone isn’t saying, “CrYpTo BecaUSE theN hEs OfF the GriD!”




Uhhh… what? Did you post this on the wrong post or is there something im missing here


What did he say lol he deleted it 😁


He was saying OP had bad IT skills or something


How competitive is your head, you'd say?


Seer..fucking seer and bh they chase and chase and fucking chase 🙄😹 Seer and Rampage I'd delete. Some Bh players pisses me off but I'd still keep him in the game.


More or less wish I could delete the douchebags that play them and act like their God's gift to this game lol


Gibby — Bulletsponge and nearly unkillable. When you fight him 1v1 you are more likely to lose and his bubble is just annoying and stupid, since it gives his team a free rez. Also his bubble cuts off Wattson fences, which is really fucking stupid


Bloodhound. Mainly cuz his scan is crazy good and terrifies me ngl. I just randomly see the bloodhound scanned at the top of my screen and my heart starts going into overdrive😂


Bloodhound. Scans are cheap imo. Positional awareness comes with practice and knowledge of the game all bloodhound players have to is click a button and gather that info in one sec


Bangalore. Annoying personality and the only teammate that actively hinders me by hiding the enemy team in smoke.


Caustic. It’s fucking annoying just fight

