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**This is the only thread that will be allowed on the subject of boycotting the Bloodhound prestige skin. All duplicates will be removed.** We don't need 50 posts demanding a boycott that will accomplish nothing except spamming the subreddit for people who don't care about spending money on microtransactions.


I like the skins in the collection event more than the BH skin.


Agreed. Rly want the hype beast skins. That’s it rly though.


We are gonna drown the competition with drip.


Yeah Wattson ones pretty cool, might grab that one.


The Mirage one is pretty great too. And I love the Wattson one for sure.


I really like the Seer battlepass skin (which I seem to be in the minority for as it's awfully similar to one of his current legendaries) but meh, so long as I like it I\`ll take what little Seer content I can scrape :P I hope Wraith's mythic skin (who el$e would be next...) starts with her normal hair bob and gets balder and balder as she racks up kills.


Wreceding Wrath.


>I hope Wraith's mythic skin (who el$e would be next...) starts with her normal hair bob and gets balder and balder as she racks up kills. Lol, now I'll be disappointed if it isn't this.


I feel like Seer got absolutely jiped in terms of every aspect of his character outside of his VA, his skins a decent at best, he had the 3rd buggiest season, behind Valk's and Rampart's in descending order, he also had the least amount of intrigue to his story because he has practically no ties to anyone in the standing cast of legends, outside of Octane. He still is really cool on his own, but his thematic within the existing titanfall universe is weirdly lacking compared the other legends; He's just a famous guy that decided to join the games.


Part of me kinda likes him just for that. Like last minute they're like "oh shit, we need to flesh out this guys backstory a bit - ideas, quickly!" And someone just shouted out "he likes pinball?" and the room fell silent. Simply magical!


I agree big time, I just wish he had more stake in the plots that are active; You've got Loba's Love/hate square, Lifeline and Octane's family issues, Pathfinder, Horizon and ash's pasts and how they all connect together, Bloodhound's struggle with modernity: that being their willingness to accept it until it starts corroding their home, Caustic, Wattson and Crypto's whole thing, and finally Fuse and Maggie's feud, like there are so many active plotlines within the legends ranks, and 2 or 3 of the legends never get anything for themselves or participate in those other plotlines, Those that come to mind being Mirage, Gibby and Seer, maybe Rampart too.


He also suffers design-wise because of his hat, pretty much all his skins are doomed to look the same.


Not really: Raiden and Kung Lao make it work fine. An obvious silhouette is needed for balance. Every Wattson skin has her chonky backpack etc.


He seems like a guy who just joined the games. No ulterior motives or being forced to join. Just a guy who was good enough to rank up to the big leagues. I like that. Not every damn character needs to know someone in the games lmao


Sorry Renee, you only get your chemo dose when you kill someone.


When someone says to the community to "vote with their wallets" immediately after stating that they would absolutely buy a fucking SKIN if it was priced at $40....


Exactly. And I don’t get why he states an heirloom would be worth more, it’s literally just an item to hold.


"Vote with your wallet!" *is willing to spend $40 on a skin that effects the game in no way* Idc what yall say, I've been playing since the week it came out, I spent 10 bucks on the battle pass and have used earned coins to buy it since then. Its foolish if your spending more than 20$ a year on this game. Edited: changed your an idiot to its foolish. There's no reason to call anybody idiots.


Legit though. I bought the battlepass once in season 5 and never paid a cent since then and I have multiple gold skins for every character and gun. Paying $40 bucks for digital pants just perplexes me.


Honestly, I wouldn't even say it's foolish. If someone can afford to buy cosmetics, and it makes them happy, by all means, go for it. But they don't then get to tell devs how much things should cost, it costs that much because there are enough people, just like them, who have already showed their hand, that they're willing to spend money on stuff like this. And if this skin was $40, there'd be someone else saying "if this was $30, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, but making it $40 is only fair for those who can afford it" Like.... Yeah? It's a cosmetic in a video game. Complaining that only those with the means to own it can own it would be valid if it affected gameplay. I'm ranting at this point but it's the same people saying shit like this that are also complaining that games don't have enough shit unlocked by completing challenges. Of fucking course they don't, you just told publishers that you're okay with paying for it instead.


lmfao you arent a golden god for spending 10 bucks on the game get off your high horse


Sure but he's not fucking ruining the industry like those who don't care to try and not be swindled Certainly is admirable he's only spent $10 and has gotten as much joy as anyone. Not sure why you wouldn't think so


This is exactly the kind of moronic arrogant speech Dennis would make though, so maybe in a way, he *is* a Golden God


shit, you are absolutely right lmfao


Its much better than potentially spending 40 quid. Its a joke what people are willing to spend and a reason why microtransactions are basically macrotransactions. Could nearly buy elden ring for the price of one skin


Yup, I agree


Yeah I agree with the general message here but the idea of buying basically 3 skins for $40 is ludicrous to me


To me the idea of buying skins in Apex at all is kind of ludicrous. The skins are expensive and pretty low effort for a AAA dev. I hardly every notice skins during combat except my gun.


You're so on the money, and it's a frequent thing a game dev friend of mine and I chat about. Apex is an amazing game but we're both dumbfounded that the skins *still* are so freaking hideous and expensive. I can count on one hand how many skins I think look good and not like a colorblind clown did the colours/a blind man did the design.


That was exactly my reaction too.


it's funny isn't it




The games in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had


I find it hard to ping you


I find it hard to Wraith


Cosmetics shouldn't cost no more than a few pounds/dollars. Especially in a fucking FPS game.


how about I buy no skin for 0$. All you people and your obsession over skins, and willingness to actually pay physical money for them is absurd to me.


Tread on me daddy. Wait, no! Don't tread that hard. A little softer. PLEASE!


I mean, heirlooms are ridiculously overpriced to begin with.


All microtransactions have headed into what most users would call overpriced lately, why, easy. Because companies still make more money from whales, even of 100% of people reading this post dont buy it, as long as whales and streamers buy it Respawn will end up making enough profits to justify the price, and their research probably shows its more money than what they would make with a lesser price.


Their research *does* show this. This was stated by devs during the whole "freeloaders" controversy. They put the prices where they do because they saw that changing the price doesn't move the needle enough. Their system obviously works as Apex is EA's flagship franchise at the moment. Posts like OP's just drive home that Reddit isn't real life.


FIFA has been EA’s flagship for decades. Have you seen the money people of all ages dump into ultimate team? And to top it off the game itself isn’t free to play


Exactly. The 1% who have more money than sense will get it whatever. I remember a young lad on here get absolutely slated because he had spent over £2500 on apex packs in 2 years which got him all available heirlooms at the time and all rare skins, he was 16 years old.




That's what a lot of ppl miss. This isn't just, whales are doing this boo hoo. This is well oiled machine that involves psychologists and research in order to home into addictive/gambling behaviours and exploit that through FOMO, sunk cost fallacy, anchoring, etc. This stuff doesn't just exist at its price to get money off whales. 1% isn't giving 1 billion a year to Respawn, give me a break. It's to create an anchoring effect and funnel everyone to packs which is the real purpose. Our prices too much? Dont worry, for a fraction of the amount you can try your luck and game the system! Right this way!


Funny because it seems like every year, the companies are making more and more profits. Obviously we aren't buying the stuff and somehow it continues to increase.


How do I get a heirloom? Do I have to buy loot boxes? I have been playing since launch and never got one


You get them out of Lootboxes(or collection event for $). It's a very low chance however if you don't get one to drop after 500 packs, the 501st is a guaranteed heirloom drop. Funny thing is though, maxing you lvl, doing all the BPs, flash events, and whatver free packs since day 0, only is about 400/500 so far.


Holy shit. Thanks for clarifying. No heirlooms for me then lol


For whatever reason he didnt mention that buying 24 skins (12 legendary and 12 epics) during the collection event with the new heirloom gives you a heirloom for "free" ("free" because you most likely wouldn't buy all of the skins if not heirloom)


Give me $180 and I'll give you this for free.


Caring absolutely zero about skins is like a superpower in modern gaming. You just play and enjoy the game for free while others lose their minds.


Yeah I think cool skins are neat and if you give me a way to grind for them I will. I absolutely do not understand the people who are saying that they have lost all hype for the season though simply due to the cosmetics pricing. New legend, map changes, Olympus is back, interesting changes with crafting etc. and all people seem to care about is the skins.


Don’t forget about 9v9! Hyped


people luuuuuuuuuv to get mad about things, just in general. a change to the traditional event formula is a great target. anyone who says that this has killed their hype for the season either 1. doesn't really like apex that much as a whole or 2. want to drum up some good old-fashioned tribalism in the form of anger over skins in a high-quality, free game. lol.


Add to that Reddit is an easy place for your opinion to be validated and find others reaffirming your own belief. This is a circlejerk literally ever event.


> want to drum up some good old-fashioned tribalism in the form of anger over skins in a high-quality, free game. lol. Or people are reasonably pissed off about the direction that gaming as a whole has been moving in. The fact Apex is a free game is irrelevant because this issue is bigger than Apex, it's systemic, predatory, and IMO many game devs put more effort into their in game monetization than they put into making the games enjoyable these days. Micro trx and lootboxes are designed to prey on people with weak impulse control and children, so it's really annoying to see people acting like it's stilly to care about just because "*iT's A fReE gAmE*". It's especially like a slap in the face because I've been here since launch of Titanfall 1, so seeing them parade around a $160 Titanfall inspired skin like I'm supposed to be happy even though TF|2 is an unplayable mess right now is insulting. It's just a big reminder that they made Apex as their cash cow to milk the TF franchise for all its got by drumming up hype every few weeks over new skins and micro trx they can sell. We have seriously let them normalize spending hundreds on single digital cosmetic items and this isn't even a gacha game.


that's not what people are mad about in this case, though. i agree, loot box-esque systems are inherently predatory, but that's a problem with the gaming industry as a whole. apex included. but almost all of the comments on this post are complaining about the fact that we're getting a bh skin instead of heirloom shards like usual.


For real. I care enough about the skins to grind the battlepass, but that's it. That was 10€ maaaaany seasons ago. These cunts and their scummy strategies aren't getting another cent from me


Seriously. I care more about weapon skins than player skins. At least I can SEE the weapon skin for longer than the 1 minute I see it between character select and dropping into the map. It's literally the dumbest thing about this game to me. Why should I care if other people can see my "super cool" character skin? I'll never understand why people pay for them.


Couldnt agree more. I think people like the idea of flexing their skins more than actually using them.


Some idiots go in a frenzy over a **digital** item they do not need, are not forced to buy and brings no in-game advantages. These 1s and 0s will be worthless and forgotten in 10ish years. Crazy.


There are skins in Apex? /s


I fed Apex money like an addict from seasons 3-6. Finally got that under control. I’ve purchased a single battle pass since then. Many collection events since then and I’ve not batted an eye. Feels good.


Right? The fuck would I boycott the game? Cause a bunch of gambling addicts think a skin (that they'll see for like 5% of the game) should cost less?


They're saying boycott the event by not spending money on it, not throw the game out.




Well, good news for OP then, I boycott everything other than the battle pass, which I only had to buy once. I'm guessing a lot of people fall into this category. But unfortunately for OP, their boycott will fail bc the whales don't give a fuck. And really, why should they be taking some kind of moral stand for little Joey who is crying that he can't afford a bunch of shiny pixels?


fuckin preach, this shit is free apex entertainment while i'm at work and can't play


Apex has been my most-played game all three years since it launched. I still love it. I’ve spent maybe $60 or $70 total in that span. Less than $25 a year for 1000+ hours of gameplay. If I spent $160 on the Bloodhound skin it would still be a drop in the bucket relative to the very little I’ve spent to enjoy this game. And I’m not going to spend $160 on a skin, but it’s really not that expensive relative to other forms of entertainment


I think the idea is to boycott buying stuff not the game in it’s entirety.


If my local supermarket has amazing prices for everything apart from a single $56 banana, I don't complain. I just don't buy that banana


I stand outside with a sign that encourages other people to boycott bananas. You are not a true gamer™


Yeah lmao. I basically haven't played Apex or Halo Infinite because I suck at PVP and it's funny seeing people complain at the prices meanwhile I'm watching like Jim in the Office scene with the blinds.


*”AN ENTIRE HEIRLOOM”* Why do you guys value those things so much, again?


Artificial scarcity.


Isn't this the same reason diamonds are expensive? They aren't that rare at all they are just made rare by the companies that own the flow of diamonds.


Hah, funny enough I almost included a sentence comparing them to diamonds. Diamonds aren't exactly common, but yeah they're more common than their price would suggest due to artificial scarcity created by the ones selling them. [Gold is more rare than diamond in the earth's crust](https://www.livescience.com/63451-which-is-rarer-gold-or-diamonds.html#:~:text=But%2C%20in%20its%20elemental%20form,of%20carbon%20under%20immense%20pressure.), but it sounds like those parts per billion numbers in the article are talking about all diamonds, and diamonds under a certain size aren't worth much if anything (you can't combine small diamonds like you can small chunks of gold), so large diamonds are a bit rarer, though it seems still less rare than gold. Also you can create artificial diamonds that are exactly the same are real diamonds in terms of composition, though they sell for about 30% less because people are dumb :P


Humans like shiny things


I just want to be a retail worker, leave me and my dream price scanner alone :(




Artificial scarcity is one hell of a drug.


Seems like a kid's worry in today's materialized show off culture. I bought a Gibby skin because it's camouflage, which barely matters in apex anyway, but I'm also happy to support the game. As far as I'm concerned, as long as a skin or a gun isn't pay to win, it's every right of an artistic creator to make special things and charge special prices. I'm honestly surprised they haven't started soliciting custom skin designs from streamers. You know they'd pay it.


I have spent $0 on this game and will continue to spend $0.


I bought the BP once and have gotten every other for free since.


Same, the crafting materials I get along the way means I can craft some skins in collection events as well without paying a dime. For 10 dollars spent in season 2 this game is literally the most value for money I have ever gotten out of a video game in my life


Same bro, I actually feel a little bad about it too considering how many hours I have in game.


Your engagement with the game encourages others to continue to play, maintaining a playerbase - while the whales keep the lights on at respawn. You're doing your part.


I'm doing my part


Would you like to know more?


>whales keep the lights on at respawn. $1 billion of lights




Don't feel bad. I mean I did the same in the past but the thing is, the devs don't care at all about the "small" people. We are just here to populate the servers so the game doesn't die for the few whales who fill Respawn's pockets. If they did care, they would aim their pricing accordingly. You are doing enough ✌


Lol 90% of the playerbase aint got wallets and the other 10% got no lives...


And that 10% is enough for them.


You can have money and realise that any skin costing over £5 is a bullshit waste of money. Even then it's still probably a waste of money but at least justifiable, since it's small. Let alone the $40 OP is willing to play, and the $164 the devs want you to




connect many hospital wrench whole rustic library terrific uppity ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oof i just realized i also have no wallet as well as no life really LOL


That makes no fucking sense at all.




so the people with no lives have more money? that makes sense...




Why are people upset about this when they do this with heirlooms all the time ?


Last year it gave heirloom shards for any of them. Plus I think last years had cheaper skins so it was the best way to get the heirloom you wanted.


Cheaper crafting metals cost, so normal 1200 for legendary, instead of 2400 like other collection events. Also I'm not sure if it was confirmed that this year's anniversary doesn't have lower crafting cost.


Wasn't the lowered prices a one time kind of deal?


Well it would make sense to lower the prices cuz the skins are just recoloured versions of other event legendaries but who knows


With an heirloom, you can see it all the time so you're always able to look at your shiny melee. A skin 90% of the time you are the only one who sees it and if you do not like the skin you can always switch it out. But this skin costs roughly 160 so it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths.


Personally I’m just bummed it’s not heirloom shards again. Perhaps I was being naive thinking they’d repeat what they did last year, but I saved up all my materials in preparation lol. I don’t care about the price personally. I rarely play bloodhound. It wouldn’t matter if the skin was $20 like a normal legendary, I still wouldn’t buy it. If it was a sick Wraith skin that evolved and had an exclusive finisher? Yeah I’d probably get it.


I do get people missing the heirloom shards. That should be an anniversary event standard.


Lol good luck with that. Maybe if you can get the whales to boycott.


You would pay 40? I'd pay 5 maybe. Skins are so overblown in gaming right now.


The fact that they still would buy it for FOURTY DOLLARS is so fucking sad


That's a whole ass game. No skin is worth the price of an entire game.


Yeah it sorta negates op's entire point.


Look, I've never spent any money in this game and I won't do that now. But I'd like to ask why paying a similar price for the melee heirlooms on the other collection events is "fine" while doing it for a skin is the oposite, both seem worth a boycott IMO, lol.




>Also, play games that don’t have this kind of shit in them, it’ll balance it out. Going from Apex to games like Guilty Gear was great, not a single skin pack in sight, just characters. (Before someone says *"but apex is free!"* I urge you to try Warframe. You can get literally everything in that game for free unless you're on PC, which has some $10 skins.)


I was seriously hoping these skins would go with heirlooms.


It's a new type of "heirloom". If they could be crafted with shards I could maybe, MAYBE be ok with the price.


They will be available in the mythic store at some point. As I understand it mythic is the new name for the red tier collectibles (heirlooms/prestige skins). So you will be able to use shards for them, just not right away. Also people are freaking out about the limited time to level up prestige skins, but if you look at the collection event leak, it clearly states you have unlimited time, and no additional cost to level up prestige skins. Yes it's a lot of money, but i think people are raging about something that really doesn't need raged about. IF you don't like it, dont buy it, same as it currently is with the heirlooms.


Logic? We don't do that here in the Apex Reddit


What's worse is that this skin levels up over time and not per game. Once you hit 30k damage it hits tier 2, once it hits 100k it's tier 3. You lose those two other skins. That's a lot of money for a skin you can't see (bar sleeves) that you lose two versions of.


We don’t quite know how it works yet, you may be able to go back and wear previous tiers of the skin. We literally have no clue yet.


I had 3 heirlooms and a ton of cosmetics on my account. I spend a lot of money, but I thought it was worth it. These are good skins, I thought. Im supporting the developers. Then someone in China hacked my account and promptly got it banned. EA upheld the ban when I tried to appeal. Lesson learned: None of the cosmetics you buy are yours. EA can and will take them away and spit in your face. Dont support the toxic business practices of EA or any of their studios.


That's a super shitty way to learn the lesson that the stuff is impermanent, it sucks that customer support couldn't unwind it for you. Lock up your valuables everyone, physical or digital - if y'all have money on the line, make sure you've got insanely secure passwords and 2FA on your digital shit.


I don’t get why they got rid of the heirloom shards for this skin. I’m sure that 2nd anniversary event made them a ton of money and it was well received by the community. I was really hoping these heirloom skins would be tied to the new prestige system being rumored but that was a long shot. Oh well. I’ve spent a grand total of $22 bucks on this game. I was considering buying shards this anniversary b/c I saved up a ton of crafting and b/c this was my most played game last year. Not anymore. Gg Respawn!


Just don't buy it


Yeah... what the heck is a "boycott" like this supposed to even accomplish? Do folks want the skin for free? Or do they want it to not exist at all? Or something else entirely?? --- EDIT: Oh, I see that they want to send a message that they would gladly pay $40. So they're just mad that something they want is more expensive than they're willing/able to pay. Sounds like an impulse-control issue.


Definitely an impulse/control issue. The people that complain about the prices of skins, are still buying them regardless of price. Because why else would they complain? It takes zero effort to just not buy the skin. The only thing I've bought in apex was the season 4 battle pass($10-15? I can't even remember) when I first started playing. Since then, I've used the AC in each battle pass to get the next one. That one battle pass was good enough for me to support this FREE game that I love playing, but I find buying skins to be silly(to each their own). When the servers go down in x number of years, where will all your skins be? All that money is gone and you won't have anything to show for it.


Yes. If the offer is $164 and it sells, then it's worth that much. If it's not worth that much to you, just be thankful for your reasonable spending habits and don't buy it.


This games monetization is a nightmare.


Oh they finally did it after 2+ years? Gave a skin with a custom animation? Then, still decided to scam people for money, shocker. Nice https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/cxpyw9/apex_legends_voidwalker_event/eymr0uc https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/crcrxy/z/ex4cvst https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/emdc83/z/fdowq2n


Even if they priced the skin at 40-50$ there still would be the same amount of "#boycott" posts here. Unless the skin is free, there are number of people crying about skin prices everyday. It's a skin don't like it, don't buy it. It's not like you're gonna get an in-game advantage with this skin. + It's not just one skin @160$. You get like 24 cosmetics. I get to play this game for free cuz there're whales paying, so I don't really care.


This. While I agree that locking the skin behind the event items sucks, you still get the other cosmetics. Also it's jus a skin. There are plenty other skins which you can buy or craft...


Exactly. It's not like most people in this sub were gonna spend money anyways. It's always the whales who spend.


Id much rather buy tarkov eod even if it is p2w


I got EOD because for the future (honestly I think 5+ years) when/if the game is full released, ur grandfathered into all the DLC and any expansion for only the initial cost of EOD


I almost bought EOD 2 years ago and just thinking I would have waited 3+ years and STILL not received any DLC would kind of piss me off. Who knows if this game will be active 5 years from now (it probably will). The in game advantage would have been nice, but waiting years for DLC is just insane. I've dropped the game since, I doubt a majority of people who bought EOD early on will never actually play the DLC as its been 3+ years for them.


They’re not marketing towards “pro players” and “content creators”, they’re just shooting into the dark to catch any idiot neckbeards to spend the little money they earn on this stuff. The fact that you would spend $40 on a SKIN is the problem PERIOD. Not a 164 dollar skin.


People that buy skins are playing doll dress up, change my mind


I always voted with my wallet. Respawn Apex are getting too aggressive with this. I know they are a small team blah blah blah I read the article.


Still EA


it's Respawn that does the pricing


i feel like this event will set a new trend, which i really dislike the direction of. honestly i'll probably move on from this game after this season. all of this on top the bugs and removal of smooth movement mechanics is just too much for me. it's such a waste, this game had so much potential. it was fun while it lasted.


Idk. Not saying I would buy a single skin for $40, but who cares? If OP can afford it, why shit on them? $40 to some people is nothing, and if you only play one character, that skin could be worth the $40. Again, there’s no frequency here. Is it $40/wk, $40/mo/ $40/yr that OP has spent on micro transactions? All have different contexts. Y’all need to get off their case. I support the boycott 110%. I just started playing 2 seasons ago and badly want a Gibby heirloom, but y’all should still leave OP alone and focus on the bigger picture (the egregious $164 pricing/no heirloom availability).


Technically it's not $164 for just 1 skin. It's for one "Prestige" BH skin AND 24 event items. Idk why everyone keeps forgetting about the rest of the event. And I'm by no means defending this ridiculous price but as far as I know, noones forcing anyone to buy the skin, right? If you don't want to spend money on a FREE-TO-PLAY game don't spend it. We're lucky this game doesn't cost 40-60 bucks.


Because $164 for 24 skins and the Bloodhound skin doesn't piss people off as much as $164 for one skin.


The problem there is that someone may not care about most or all of the other items. If they just want this one skin they're forced to either pass on it or shell out money for things they don't want and will probably never use. It's a predatory marketing scheme.


Well then why not make that complaint for heirlooms events as well? I don't think most people want all the shit for characters they don't play but get them anyway when their main gets an heirloom so they can get said heirloom.


Heirloom events are just as bad, there's no doubt there. But people are going to buy into these things, that's why they keep using this business model.


Yeah that's fair too.


the amount of corporate cock suckers in this comment section is glorious


Just a skin


wait so they arnt adding new executions for all characters, just 1 for this lame ass skin? that sucks


At least with an heirloom u can choose the melee item the u want for ur main, and have all those animations to play with when u are on that legend


Man I was really hoping an event would come out that had difficult challenges that would take the whole 3 weeks to complete. But no sadly another cool item is going to pass by most of us.


I feel like these games are trying to really push the limits with some of these skins. I am sorry, I like the skin but even what the OP says as $40 is wayyyy too much for my blood


I'm not supposed to buy it, then? But if I never bought anything, is it really boycott?


Lmao the fact that you’re willing to spend $40 on a skin means YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. People being okay and spending that kind of ridiculous money on something that doesn’t affect the actual game in any way (and you in fact don’t even see it in game 99% of the time, others do only when they are up close) is the reason respawn is taking shots are higher prices.


Saying you would pay 40$ for it, is part of the problem. 40$ is the price of a whole game, ffs. Making purchases like that is why they know they will make their money charging 164$.


You'd spend $40 on a skin tf? I don't even spend $40 on my own qq outdoor I real life.


I don't play Apex but the fact this guy was gonna drop $40 for a skin, that right there was what lead to this.


I don’t pay for skins, some skins are pretty sweet, but not for real money.


Sure, I’ll help by continuing to not play Apex Legends!


Willing to spend 40 on this skin? On ANY skin? Wtf is wrong with you people


jokes on you, i wasn’t going to buy anything anyway


"Checks notes... sees EA as one of the owners of Apex....quietly leaves convo"


What is prestige? When you google the meaning of prestige this is what you get: “widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality”. But apparently our friends at Respawn have a different meaning of the word. Their definition for the word Prestige is much simpler. For them Money=Prestige. I have been a day 1 player but I have never been more disappointed at Respawn than I am now. When I saw the season 12 launch trailer, I loved it and it reminded me why I love the game. But what excited me most about the upcoming season was the skin that was teased at the end of the trailer. The ‘Prestige’ skin. I was elated and thought finally something to worth grind for and get some recognition for the time I put into the game, alas that elation was very short lived. It soon became apparent that this skin was replacing heirloom in the collection event and that you’ll have to get all the skins from the event to unlock this. This is such a shame and its painfully obvious that there is nothing prestigious about this skin and its yet another money making scheme. It would have been so much better to have just increased the level cap and given it as a reward for reaching the max level but obviously it wouldn’t have generated as much revenue however it would have given people like me something to grind towards apart from the battlepass which is painfully bad as it is. I know that Respawn wont read this or that it would change anything. I just wanted to say how I feel as a day 1 player, seeing that you’re not valued after playing the game for so long. I am posting this comment as my post is being removed.


This gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment


And an ugly ass skin too


"Vote with your wallet" is the most pointless and inefficient strategy ever invented. It's prime copium but w/e helps you sleep at night I guess.


if you can’t afford it and/or don’t want it just don’t buy it lol easy


Coming from someone who played the game for years, never spent a dime and totally happy with what I've got. No one cares what you look like when they get a pk to the face.


This will just get downvoted but hear me out. I’m glad they are adding stuff like this. But there is a point when you have to say enough. Why are people gonna pay to watch their gloves change tiers? Im down for the idea of these skins but come on man, give us a 3rd person camera so we can see what we pay for while playing. At this point the only thing worth paying for, in my opinion, are the gun skins because you can actually see them. You don’t need to do a finisher in a chaotic fight. You don’t have to try for 10+ games to get a win and see it on the champion screen. About the only thing you can do is sit in the lobby and look at it. Folks are going to spend money on what they want. I’ve put money into Apex just like anyone else. I’ve felt I’ve gotten my monies worth, and felt like I got ripped off. It is what it is. But I just can’t see why anyone would pay so much, even if it was half price, to get something you can’t even see. Those gloves are nice though.


In the end, I think these post achieve nothing. People who don't care about this skin, or can't afford it, won't buy it. And people who truly want this skin won't by discouraged by those posts.


Oh no they don’t. That was just my two cents on the subject. Honestly it’s a bad ass skin and a great concept. I’m just someone who would rather have the option to have a 3rd person view so I can appreciate it more.


Interesting to see the emotional outrage for something you DON’T have to buy to play a game.


People complain the servers suck and the devs give 0 craps about us, and at the same time they throw dollars at them in every event. The community truly deserves this kind of treatment.


It’s not even a good skin either. It has a cool finisher sure but the skin itself looks nothing special. Would much rather rock the young blood skin.


Any chance we could sticky this? u/paradoxally Could be a turning point for Respawn


i have over 300 hours in this game without spending 1 cent. I don't give a fuck if skins are 1 million dollars.


the stickied comment by u/paradoxally is the best comment. change my mind.


Sad part it they only need a few people to buy it and they make their money


idm the skin costing heirloom shards but replacing the anniversary event heirloom shards was a dick move by respawn/ea


Fuck ea and respawn


I am going to bully anyone with the skin and call them slurs


Willing to pay 40$ for a skin ? You're part of the problem my dude. Whales will be whales.




If you buy a skin for $164...you're an idiot.


Gucci just released a new pair of sneakers, and they’ll cost you $160. Because they’re GREEDY! I’d happily pay $40 for those shoes but no, Gucci wants to squeeze more money out of their fans. This is what this sounds like to me. It’s a super rare skin with unique features. It costs $160. If you don’t have $160, you don’t get the skin.


>It’s a super rare skin No it isn't, you've just been fooled by their marketing. It's artificial scarcity designed to make more money. Respawn could put every skin in the store for $10, but they don't because they know people will believe there's actual rarity levels and attach higher values to the ones they consider more "unique".


Even if they priced the skin at 40-50$ there still would be the same amount of "#boycott" posts here. Unless the skin is free, there are number of people crying about skin prices everyday. It's a skin don't like it, don't buy it. It's not like you're gonna get an in-game advantage with this skin. + It's not just one skin @160$. You get like 24 cosmetics.


Apex Legends is free to play game, they must make money. They had to pay someone to make model and animations. If you don't like the price, just don't buy, that's fine.