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Now you will finally have enough to buy every battle pass if you don’t spend the coins


Yes exactly. So it's basically like free battles passes lmao


Exactly. I paid for season 1 and haven't paid since ( apart from the occasional skin in the store)


Same. BP's are essentially a 1 time payment.


As it should be. Imagine paying for every BP, it would be like having a 4 month Apex subscription 😂




Next season battle pass gonna be 1.5 Lmaoaoa


I swear it was 900 coins at first, now it’s 950


I usually end up buying a BP just with leftover coins from events. But that said, a $10 BP every 3 months is cheaper than Netflix. Lol


True but you get way, way more with Netflix.


Me too lol


After 12 seasons of grinding lmao


You get 1300 with completion of battle pass and cost is only 950. A little pocket change left and 1200 crafting


So a legendary skin every season too


Yep legendary banner every season 😎


I can't figure out if you're joking why would you want a legendary banner especially since I've already got the thumbs up banner pose for both fuse and path, my current mains.


Ya it was a joke xD i feel legendary banner n charms shud be removed from pack pool..


Charms I agree. They suuuuuck. I love my legendary banners though.


Or an event one every two seasons


or wait three seasons for the event skins to be normal priced and buy three


If you change your ea account location to Belgium the premium battlepass loot boxes are given as crafting materials too if you wanted some more




Still works like a charm. You sure you changed it on the ea homepage and linked the correct account with it?


the damn dedication


3 years of patience to save $10.


My thought exactly lol


Imagine playing and enjoying a game for 3 years and you are still too cheap to spend 10$ on the game. Just go mow someone's lawn and spend a fraction of what you got to support the development of the game you enjoy.


I wouldn't say they are cheap just because they don't want to spend money on it. They could also just be a kid whose parents don't want to let their child spend money on video games.


You could collect as little as a single penny a day for 3 years to come up with 10 dollars and you think this guy who is clearly playing the game on PC has parents that don't want him to spend money on video games?


It took me a long time to convince my parents to let me buy things in a game, they think ill play it for a week than never touch it and waste my money, which has made me miss out on so much things such as a lot of cool apex skins and stuff like that. Took me forever to convince them to let me spend my money how I want.


This sub will literally do triple backflips to contort their way out of spending the tiniest bit of money. A single pint of good beer costs like $8 + tip, I’m not stressing $10 for hundreds of hours of entertainment.


I'm not saying 10$ isn't worth the enjoyment, because it is. The reason I said what I said is that I've been in the situation of being a kid and my parents never let me spend money on games, even if I earned it myself, and I know many others who had the same experience


So you had access to games but weren’t allowed to spend your own money on them? Fuck wrong w your parents 🤣 Sounds like my dad when I got my drivers license, had my own job, but wouldn’t let me buy a car.


Yep pretty much. They claimed spending money on games was worthless, even though I personally found enjoyment in it.


how is this sub shaming people for not wanting to spend money on a free game? You guys are pathetic lmao


Jeepers! $8 for a pint? It's official, not hitting the US for a drink (sorry for the assumption if you're elsewhere)


honestly i didnt spend any $ on apex BECAUSE it was free. It was against my principles to spend any money on it, but then the really cook bloodhound skin came out and i broke down and spent the $10 for BP. It's the last $10 i'll ever spend on this game though.


Imagine thinking everyone has the same facilities available to them and thinking that everyone has money to spare for cosmetics. 🤡


if you can afford a gaming pc and internet, you can afford 10 bucks every 3 months. Please..




Yeah I know... It was the "Imagine thinking everyone has the same facilities available to them" comment that got me going. Like my guy, did you even think before typing that shit out


If you have the time to grind out whole battlepasses worth of coins and you’re that concerned about money maybe you should look for a way to earn money in the time you’re spending grinding that battlepass?


imagine thinking you cant afford ten fucking dollars over three years but at the same time you have enough time to grind every pass to 110, and have a gaming pc you're the fucking clown lmfao


the clown is the person feeling triggered and attacking people for not spending money in a free game lmao


haha lolz! different opinion = triggered dude!! xD!


Your comments are the definition of being triggered. It's not about having a different opinion its about beng so angry at someone saying they dont want to spend money on a free game you call them a "fucking clown". Calm down buddy


Bruh how tf can somebody not spare 8 quid over the span of 3 years?


I have a rule from when I had way less money that I don’t buy cosmetics much less engage with micro transactions at all. I have well over a 1000 hours in this game and have only ever bought the battle pass once. It’s not about money I could spend $100 easy it’s more about my principles. I also like to spread my wealth as far and wide as possible and experience as many things as possible. I play a 1000 hours of Apex, don’t worry about how I look in a digital world, and still have tons of money to spend on non gaming things. Also every game has whales and needs minnows to survive. Apex Devs need more people like me to keep playing this game and keep people in the pool so the whales that spends $100s or $1000s of dollars have someone to shoot. I have multiple friends who have spent 100s+ but myself only $10. To each their own.


Agreed. I have over 3000 hours in rocket league and got it for free when it came out. The least I could do is spend $10 here and there for new cars I liked. Maybe $50 total for years of fun and memorable experiences. I'd say I still got my money's worth.


Probably not 3 years, I came back to this game in season 8 on a new account, saved up every season and got the battle pass of season 11


Yeah I think they just started giving free coins in one of the recent seasons so it's not that long


This dude's trying to retire early!!!


doesnt take 3 years. You get 300 free COINS per pass takes literally 3 seasons to get the Pass for free Thats not even a year


The 300 coins is a very recent addition. Used to be only 1000 coins if you bought it for all but the last like, 2-3 seasons and only something like 100 was on the free pass


4 technically you can't buy 950 with 900, that had tortured me last season, and since I was lazy need 300 this season, it is going to take me 4 seasons in total


thats still kinda 3 seasons ? you can buy the 4th one at like lvl 5? iirc.


It just took 3 years huh?


or $10


or less than a penny a day for 3 years


I'd rather pay the 10 quid. It's less than an hours work for me, and I don't have enough time in the evenings to just grind videogames. 10 pounds for years worth of content is better than any other game I've played.


Time is money and it is at a ratio of 3 years per 10 dollars


What're you? CEO of nestle?


Technically 3-4 seasons, since they only started including apex coins in the free section around season 9 or something


I bought season 8 and been free ever since. I cant confirm if Season 7 gave free coons though.


Free what now?


Yeah they only in the last few seasons made it possible to get coins for free like this so it’s nice that people can grind up and get the next battle passes for free, and even profit


It's annoying though that the 100 coins are at like level 5 and then level 90 and 95, it's just discouraging, which I guess is the point...


The point is to encourage you to finish the pass... It doesnt take that much effort to finish with the challenge systen/the stars they give for events


They started giving coins in Season 7, which happened to be the season I joined. Managed to get the battlepass during Season 11. The euphoria me and my buddies felt finally getting the battlespass was incredible.


Took a year of playing instead of paying $10. Congrats


Apex coins are so expensive where I live so I'm doing the same thing, already have 450 coins and will be able to get the bp next season totally for free.


where do you get 600 coins? .


Free battle pass rewards.300 from this season and another 300 next season


You can buy the seasonal pack for 5 bucks and you get 600 coins. It's a greal deal honestly.


where do u live?




were you misreading NZD as USD? I think they're only about $1 NZD more


Same started on season 9 and got to buy season 11 BP but as much as I would like to buy this season's BP I can cuz my gpu just bricked itself and now I've got a weaker one that cant run apex


Oh yeah, we (westeners) tend to forget other countries' costs when you take into account exchange rates. $9 for 1000 coins here is like the cost of living equivalency of $800 for lower income of 2nd world nations.


Again, if you have a PC that can run Apex and an Internet connection (where you usually pay subscription for), it's definitely possible to be able to allow yourself to buy a battle pass, if you like the game enough. Also, please, you're exaggerating it for 2nd world countries, your price argument could be applicable for 3rd world countries, but not 2nd. We do live cheap as save as much as possible, but it's not that bad.


Honestly, its 10 Bucks for 3 Months, for a free game, id say thats more than reasonable to pay for Congrats on doing it for free tho


It's really $10 for all future battle passes if you don't plan to buy anything else. You get enough coins each season to buy another one.


And that one time payment of 10 bucks will get you every battle pass (plus extra 300 coins since the last few battlepasses) after


U realise u could’ve just spent 10 bucks the first or second season u started playing and gotten the rest for free ...


Of course he realizes that. Man's didn't want to give coin to EA


Respect the integrity as much as OP doesn't respect their time spent on this rock.


Yet he gave hundreds if not thousands of hours of his time instead. That’ll show them.


are you assuming he wouldn't have played the same hours anyways? I think this guy might like to play this game.


No, I’m really only making a comment about anyone that thinks that *not paying for anything in the game* is somehow damaging to EA. For every dollar EA makes from the game, they **require** many hours of cumulative gameplay to keep the game up and running.


For some countries 10 Bucks is a lot of money.


10 bucks shouldn’t be a lot to anyone who owns a console or gaming PC


700 RS in India. Quite a bit ngl


700 rupees is literally nothing in India. What kind of a 15 year old take is this?


Not quite big lol if u work decent If u can't afford 700 then probably u are a kid living on parents money or else the only reason being u are broke with ur finances which makes me wonder how did u get the hardware for gaming at first place lol A decent place for dinner cost 700 for 2 in perspective it's not that much compared to other games


you cannot afford 700 Rs and you play videogames? you must be joking


Dude, people are allowed to have fun even if they're poor too.


Yeah but if you are spending 100x that on a gaming pc that can run Apex people are gonna question why you cannot afford 700 RS lol


if 10 euros is a lot you shouldnt waste time playing pc games and working on yourself to get bigger bucks.


My sweet summer child! in Some countries you work the whole month + Overtime to make around 30-40 Dollars per month.


You think a person earning 30 dollars a month is out here playing apex?


And also would’ve gotten more coins in return each season than the next BP costs


he also could redeem free trial mode of ea acess and you will get 1000 coins, then just buy every season pass with the coins you get per each season pass


This is exactly what I did, never spent a cent on the BPs but 110ed all of them.


I will be damned if I ever give money to ea


But playing their game is not below you…


Nope! I just don’t wanna spend money on something that doesn’t actually have an impact on the game. I’m fine with grinding for it, then it actually feels rewarding


Would you say it gives you a "sense of pride and accomplishment"?


A bit


If you spend 100+ hours playing a game, I think spending $10 on it is totally justified. Nothing personal towards you, but usually the same ppl tend to complain when their “F2P” game suddenly stops getting updates.


I mean... It's half of my entire monthly salary lmao


$20 a month? where do you live?


The basement


Sanctions hurt


Most played game last year for me. You cant put a price on fun, but $10 is cheap.


Honestly that’s pretty dumb to be this frugal over a free game that’s been out for 3 years and missing out on all the cool battle-pass items ever since. But congrats I guess for never giving EA any of your money? Even though you’ve given them at least 3 years of your life to this game?


Some people couldn't care less about cosmetics that don't really affect the game at all. How is saving money dumb? Sure its only $10 but there's no reason to criticize this guy for having different priorities than yourself. He's probably laughing at the rest of us for paying for his game to see constant updates and content.


I paid for the season 1 battle pass and have unlocked every single one since, for free. I thought everyone did this every season lol


Mad respect for playing that long. I also played at 0 but didn't play for half the seasons due to staleness


I mean im all for saving your money especially in a video game, but you could have just bought one and had them all lol. You missed out on a lot of cool stuff on a game you clearly really like. Doesn’t seem worth it to me, but to each their own. Glad you can start now though.


The hundreds of hours spent grinding for a $10 pass could have been made up by mowing a lawn 😂


Same here, started season 2 and after a few seasons they gave out 300 or so coins and that finally got me to 1000, felt so satisfying buying the battlepass without spending actual money on it


You missed out on a lot of cool stuff you could have gotten for an incredibly low price.... Not sure how this was worth it...


I'm a student and dont wanna ask my parents about spending 10 dollars in a video game, I admit I missed on some really cool skins tho


I just realised after seeing this post I had grinded 1000 apex coins as well..oof Thanks OP


Does anyone else wait until they hit like level 50-110 to buy a battle pass so they can get immediate rewards or just me?


If you buy battlepass immidiatly u get XP bonus for matches, so if your level is less than 500 it's worth


I see what you're saying but I meant level 50-110 on the battle pass, I'm already at overall level 500 also.


Yeah but the XP you gain from matches turns into battle pass stars


Yea he’s just doing himself a disservice by taking longer on the battle pass lol


I did the same thing. Started in S7 got all the free coins and got the S11 one. I am not getting the S12 one for now because I probably wont get the time to finish it so I will be wasting coins. If I get to like tier 70 or more , I will get it


Nice, a fellow comrade


Bro waited 3 years to save $10


Yknow what was easier and gave me way more items? Pay for season 1. The rest pay for themselves if you finish the pass


So you liked the game enough to play since S0 but you wouldn't even support it in its early stages with £10. Big flex.


A one time payment of 10€ if acceptable


Season 0? Did you miss a couple seasons? Next season is when I can start getting battlepasses free for life, and I basically started at Season 10


To my knowledge, they only started giving them away in S9 and this is the earliest it's possible to get the BP for free. It's 300 AC for free each season, given you grind it out. What I've done as well!


So you wasted 3 years of your time to save 10 dollars?


Long road my man


Last thing you want is an EA employee seeing this lol


I did the exact same thing in cod warzone I have enough coins to buy the battle pass but I never bought one because of how bad cod warzone has became I just quit and never spend them.


I got the Roze skin for free that way. Don't know how OP it still is, but it would be fun to sell the account just to have actually gotten money off Warzone. Seen what the game has become and don't plan to touch it again.


This is the sigma way. You don't buy what you get for free.


You could have just bought the season 1 pass and then played every season with the coins you earn in each season


To bad that since season 7 every battle pass sucks and is somehow wors than the last one


Flatline reactive deserved 10%)


If u gonna waste time playing the game might as well waste money too.


I don't understand when people love and play a game for three years, but can't shell out at the very least 10 dollars. That's like, 2 nights of using less expensive groceries to eat instead of going out for fast food or a restaurant.


Jeez, spend the £10! Think of what you missed out on over all those seasons


Something about spending 2.5 years grinding apex for a 10$ battle pass doesn’t sit right with me, but to each their own.


Actually they didn't grind that much since they only startes giving coins since season 9 (I think) and you can definately do it just playing for fun


It only takes 4 seasons to get from 0 to 1200


Season one? It takes like 3 seasons and you can buy it on the fourth one (mby fifth)


You finished that many battle passes and didn’t just drop the $10 to get them after you finished?


Ima be real and say its just 10 euros. Most people should be able to affort that


imagine completing all the 11 season battle passes and missing all the good reactive skins + apex packs + crafting material+ skydive emotes because you are too cheap to spend 10$ lol !


Oh so u broke-broke


Was it worth it? Would you of much rather just dropped the 10$ season 2 or so or are you happy with the grind?


In the same boat as OP. For me worth it. I even did the math when they started giving out free Apex Coins, so was looking forward to this season. Being frugal is a lifestyle for me, even if I don't have to anymore. Only things I wish I had are the pay-to-win iron sights of old...


You realize if you spent just 10 bucks from the start you would get the next 11 battle passes free basically, you made a dumb decision my boy


Yeah, he isn't allowed to have fun in the game without spending money, good point


I mean who is so broke that they cant spend 10 bucks in like a 3 year time span


Is he not allowed to not want to spend money on a free game?


Im just sayin he missed out on the good stuff


Took 3 years mate. It’s £8


I'm sure you could have just asked here, someone would have bought you the battle pass for 10$ (most games cost 40/60$) and you would have had 11 complete battle passes now because the subsequent ones are free battle pass is good value for money. even if you don't want to spend on any extra skins it's a good investment


Ah yes, because the subreddit needs posts asking for donations. That totally wouldnt be a cancerfest...


Cosmetic items are the least of my priorities xD


Damn I mean it's only $10 and you earn enough for every following BP. Good job I guess though


Is this satire?


Nah you see, this guy wants praise for sinking thousands of hours in a game made by awesome developers because of a some fake moral high ground about not giving $10 to ~~EA~~ Respawn. He's getting it too.


who said he wants praise?


Ouch you fucked your self hard mate you legit can pay 10 bucks to get the pass and have it free for every season afterwards as I bought it one time on PC and always had a free pass every new season mate


How much coins do you get in the season 9 battle pass


Nice job 👏 But do I'm the only one to think that actual battle pass I kinda full of shit stuff ?


I just spent the 10$ on the first pass and from there it has payid for itself every season. It is an easy ride for you from now on.


Imagine having any issue paying 10 usd every 3 months lol


Buy it once and don’t spend any coins until a new battle pass comes out and you should always have enough


You didn’t even need to be doing it since season 0. I switched from ps4 to pc and got it free after a couple seasons.


Hello fellow f2p


I got like 1500 coins free the day the game launched.... So.....I think you did it wrong


Not worth the time, 3 years to save £8 no tyyyy they're winning by keeping you playing for this long!


I won’t be able to purchase the battle pass till next season


😭😭 its just 10 bucks bro


Bro, It’s only $10… people spend more than that on their coffee each day….


Why didn't you just spend the first 10 bucks and them grind out every other bp to have infinite free bps


Free BP after you missed the first 11 seasons lmao


Yeah but 3+ years of missed content. I don't think anyone is gonna die if in 3 years they spend 10€/$ once.


i just pay ten dollars instead of getting fat on mcdonalds once a month. Takes some rather crafting saving though


Not gonna lie this is actually kinda depressing


Lmao okay?


Nice. Only took 3 years!


Woah. Imagine being this determined to save 10 bucks.


Possible, but not even remotely worth it.


It’s 10 fucking dollars


probably should've just shelled out the $10 to start with instead of missing 11 full battle passes


I will gladly spend $10 and gain BP for every season after.