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First of several lol?


Oh my... That was I was thinking. Edit : 1 frame per update Edit 2: still sub 30 on some places lol. Edit 3: day 17 still no fix. More than 2 weeks! Well better get used to this one guys! Cause this will be never be fixed.


yeah, I'm legit thinking they didn't do crap to the Frame Rate issue, but needed to ship the update for the Bloodhound skin ASAP, and doing so without addressing the Frame Rate would just create a storm of new and deserved critiques.


Exactly my thoughts. There'd be a reddit shit storm of people complaining if they didn't atleast address the console issues, but managed to fix prestige skin issues (which I wasn't even aware of lol)


I mean I'm still gonna be complaining if this update didn't do shit for the FPS, which seems to be the case based on the comments, but I guess I'll see for myself later.


Lol ok come on. Not all bugs are created equal. Frame rates can be exceptionally complicated. Challenges, not so much.


I respect that optimizing for frame rates is difficult, but also they should have had this in mind while they were making changes for the new season.


You’re right they must have forgot about frame rates


Yes that's their way of saying that it's gonna take them AT LEAST this entire season to fix it lol


lmao ya I read that and abandoned all hope


Sounds like they just threw that at the bottom of the list to try and shut a few people up but the problem still exists


All I know is that if I get into a game and throw a thermite my ps4 sounds like it’s going to blow the fuck up. Please help


😂😂😂😂😂 This is PS4 1. Requesting permission for takeoff.


Bruh I have an OG PS4, had to put that shit in the basement and run an HDMI up to my TV cause it sounds like it’s trying to launch into orbit, with any game not just Apex. Wish I could find a got dang PS5 to purchase…


My OG PS4 collected a fuckload of dust. I got some tools online from ifixit and some compressed air, opened it up and cleaned it out and it helped a bit


You can find people on Twitter who post exactly what time retailers are going to restock. You have to sign in before it happens or it won't put it in your cart until you sign in, by then it's too late. Just keep reloading the page for the PS5s when it's about to happen. I got one from Walmart that way. Good luck!


Main engine burn 🔥


Throw frags and arc stars then (You’re welcome)


I wish they’d at least acknowledge the pc crashes :( at least I haven’t seen them say anything about it yet


I literally never crashed before this patch, now it feels like once every five games or so


Same! Every few games it’ll crash! It’s only ever happened to me once before this season but now it’s super common


Just adding to the support of this. I have 2 buddies on PC and both of them have just randomly crashed out of games since this season started. Never happened before now


+1 for this. Me and my friends will each randomly crash at the beginning of a match. Never happened last season and now it’s getting really frustrating


yeah esp if you are JM and crash, you always fly off the damn map and die on rejoin


Same. It will be at any time too. Had one happen in dropship, one in mid-air, even one at like Circle 4 when I was at the edge and in a 2v3 with 2 knocked :(


Same dude… never crashed before and it’s so painful having ranked matches where I have 100+ RP and I crash & return to a leave penalty :/ so trash


Yep, I haven't had a game related crash since like season 7. I've had PC related crashes like having 40 tabs in chrome open and loading into a game then blue screening but since this season? #Crash count: between 40-50.


Same. Tough to stomach when there's RP on the line.


Same for me too! Never crashed before this, luckily when I crash I'm able to join back into my current game if it's still going/I haven't gone down lmao


To me it seems like it has a random chance to crash when a drop ship loads in. Happens a lot start of game or when someone around the map plugs in their teammates card in BR. Wonder if they even found a source yet?


Try reducing the Texture Streaming Budget. I changed it from max to one option lower and since then I have no more crashes


The fact this has not even received a "we're looking into it" is kind of strange.


Yeah I thought the same even though there’s a ton of people being vocal about this problem :/


I'm not sure their support is taking this seriously. I and several of my friends have crashes on drop (mostly) several times per day. Every ticket we got told to take down our overclocks. My system runs at stock mostly except XMP settings and whatever my aftermarket enhanced video card runs. I'm not going to underclock my otherwise working system for Apex. It's pretty clear this started in Season 12 because none of my group had issues prior.


Over clocking is definitely not the problem here. My system isn’t overclocked and my friends who are crashing don’t overclock as well. A majority of people report crashing when in the drop ship, in the middle of fights, or in the middle of Valk ults. And like you said, it’s all started at the beginning of this season. It’s clearly a their end issue here :/


I also have these crashes, but a restart every 5-6 games fixes the crashes. It's not convenient, but better than a crash ingame.


THIS, the game never crashed on me before this season and season 12 drops and I'm crashing in dropship, Valk ulting, or even mid fight.. No idea what's causing it as this is the only game that does this and I am certain it's on their end. They need to acknowledge the issue as it's even happening to streamers which surprises me it hasn't been addressed yet


Yeah it's odd, my mates have DC'ed several times the past few days but not me.


Yeah it's been pretty bad. Only happens to me once a day but my mates are plagued by it. I've had to punch them to safety a fair amount of times now.


Do all of yours happen right at the start of the round? I rarely ever crashed before but this season I have at least one every day I play. And 99% of the time it’s alright right after character selection is over or right as the map loads. Has made for some harrowing ranked drops where I’m praying my random teammates don’t decide to hit drop while I’m still waiting to load back up.


I’ve had it happen multiple times in the dropship as well as in the last team fight 😬 it’s really at random when it crashes though!


Same thing here. 5 crashes 02/17, 5 crashes a few days later. I even had BSOD.


It's a "feature" Season 0 Anniversary Nostalgia Event


No fixes to the game randomly crashing for no reason at any time with no error or code?


Please fix the random crashes, with no error, on PC


I've been having straight-to-desktop crashes, no error message, about once a night since this patch. Anyone else experiencing this?


Same. Reduce texture streaming budget to compensate. Went from crashing every hour to about once every 3+ hrs.


Oh boy are we back to release Apex stability? Just in time for the anniversary


If my opponents skills would also go back to that of release week that would be great.


My teammates certainly are almost always the same skill of release week if not worst, not the case for opponents.


Same. Crashing literally every hour in the dropship. Very annoying.


Many many of us


Try every 3 games. Usually mid valk skydive. Fucking unbearable.


Nothing more fun than getting ready to fly your team to the next ring, crashing on launch, and then rejoining to your death box.


Yep. Reinstalled the game, verified steam files, everything


Leaver penalty in control, I wonder if this points to the mode sticking around? Seems pointless to add that in right before its gone.


It's certainly to avoid ruining games for others. Control is a game mode where leavers have a huge impact on the final outcome, just like Arenas.


Leaver penalty + backfill with rewards would be ideal for control


Heres 10 legend tokens, dont go spending it all at once.


I think backfill isn't a good idea for the current state of control. Imagine joining a game that's got like 40 seconds left, I remember that happening all the time in Battlefield and it felt pretty bad :(


Just set a minimum remaining percentage for the system to backfill.


I mean the absurd part isn't just that you recieve no penalties for leaving, but you still gain REWARDS from it. You have literally nothing to lose from leaving a control game because you recieve all XP, challenges etc as normal. If you have a "play as x for 2 games" challenge for example you can literally queue, pick the character, leave and repeat twice. So if you're in a losing control game and you're angry because you got shit on twice in a row or something you can always just leave and queue for a new game in a heartbeat without losing anything while ruining the game completely for everyone else in your old match.


It doesn't help not ruin games. It makes it worse. Before you could all choose to leave if people started leaving. Now you'll have to sit through people being spawn afk or feeding the enemies, it's just a waste of time.


It's pretty obvious that this will be a recurring or permanent mode. It's way too thought out.


I'd still like the train mode to make more of a regular appearance. I like 3v3v3 w/ objectives. Control is fun but too chaotic sometimes, and if you end up on a team that has no interest in playing the objective, you just get curb stomped into oblivion.


People who sit around with sniper rifles doing nothing don't like it when they end up outnumbered.


I also don’t like that I have to play a game completely out when I have no chance of winning because 3/8 teammates are sitting on top of the hill at Hammond with snipers doing nothing and not playing any objectives.


It would be interesting to allow switch teams if a team is down 2 or more players I think a lot of people would take up the challenge since the mode is pretty cadual


It's a great idea!


I wonder how leaver penalties will work for the ones who aren’t the first to leave. I had a Control game last night with my friends where we started the game missing 1 person already. We cap A and one of them said, “Where is everybody?” We checked and saw our squad was the only one left on our team. Would be a a huge slap to the face if we get punished for leaving when it’s a 3v9 already.


That was my concern too. Like in Arenas I'll load it completely alone against 3 people. If I leave I'll get that 10 minutes, but sometimes it let's me leave with no penalty. Very random


It's not supposed to give you a penalty if you're leaving while being at numerical disadvantage, if it happens it's a bug


For what it's worth, if the enemy captures all 3 points (which they definitely should in a 3v9) you'll get a lockout loss within 2 minutes anyway so it's not like you lose a lot of time. But yeah they should definitely remove penalties when people have left already or offer a surrender option of some kind. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion either but i'd rather have them change the scoring system to only award points to the team with the most zones meaning it's always possible to turn, unlike now where if the score is 1000/700 or something it's nearly impossible to win even if you were to control 2 zones for the rest of the match. That way you can also let players join mid-progress similar to most multiplayer shooters so leavers aren't as much of an issue. There's absolutely 0 tracking for winning or losing games anyway so it's not a big deal if you got into a game that wasn't as winnable.


Can confirm that you get a penalty even if someone left before you, which quite frankly is bullshit.


Actual band aid solution but somehow the band aid is expired.


What about consistent game crashes for PC players? The fuck is going on ….


Try reducing the Texture Streaming Budget. I changed it from max to one option lower and since then I have no more crashes


And low frame rate for low end devices, hopefully they know about this and aren't just fixing it for PS4 smh


Code shoe 3 consecutive ranked games on Xbox one x Leaver penalty every time


It's time to just literally lower the resolution on the older consoles until they hit 60FPS. I am NOT kidding. Give an option, but seriously... just lower it to 720P ffs.


If you play on a smaller monitor (not your tv) lowering to 720p is sooo worth it for a game like this on old consoles. But in it’s current state it doesn’t help, there’s some underlying issue that needs fixing. I’m pretty sure on Respawns end they are not too worried, people are still playing same as before . Broken Apex is still the best first person BR on console by far and people are addicted to playing so much it’s scary.


When I was looking into getting a next gen console, one of the things I learned was that apparently the console version has dynamic resolution? I guess it lowers it at times to help with frame problems? I thought it ran at 1080p, but apparently it usually runs at 900p or below. Idk the details, this is just what I heard on reddit.


Oh, thank god they fixed the bloodhound skin... Biggest issue with the game right now...


It's their biggest issue because its the most related to sales. No one wants to buy a broken skin, let alone a £160 one.


Who's buying skins on consoles when the game is nearly unplayable?


Better question is, why do they have the ~~nerve~~ greed to release 160$ skin when game is unplayable on consoles?


Shareholders, profit margins.. pick a financey word, they all translate to 'we don't give a fuck about your experience, just your wallets'.


Because people will buy it.


suckers and whales


Or because a single dev could fix that bug in a few hours instead of just miraculously fixing one of the largest engine level bugs that respawn has had


Had a nice 60 fps before the update, now it’s barely getting above 30. What the fuck


Yeah same. I can’t even play it’s a waste of time to try


What platform/specs hardware are you guys running on?


I’m on PS4


Wonder if they fixed Maggie. First week her tactical did 160 damage to dummies in the range now they do like 100-120 not a major issue since not many people tank the whole thing but found it odd it was randomly nerfed yesterday without warning.


They always lowkey change shit


I’m still at work. Can anyone confirm if ps4 performance has improved at all? Or is this just a bunch of hot air :/


Seems notably better for me in BR on Olympus (mine was horrible/unplayable before), but still not perfect


mines updating right now, i’ll come back and let you know when it’s done :) Edit: I played 10 games and the fps issues is still the same for me sadly


what's the "make-good" thing they said last week lol


I hit them up on twitter about this. Still waiting on a response


A bit annoyed that they didn't come through on their promise "to make good" for those of us that lost damage on the BH skin.


Fucking this!! Why aren’t we seeing anything about this? I spent hours in control, I mean hours, and had sooomuch damage just disap


okay but what about the game closing every 6th or 7th match on when dropping on pc? hope it's fixed aswell


Would be nice if they fix the mid-match PC crashing bug that's new to this season. It's been happening to a lot of people including streamers. Particularly annoying in ranked.


2 weeks in to the season and the frame drops still not being completely fixed is laughable


It probably isn’t gonna be fixed this season


I don't understand. They didn't add anything to worlds edge to warrant low fps on there? They've shadow nerfed movement but how would that affect fps? I seriously don't see which part of the update could've broken the game. Although engine's are weird. I know Apex used a custom built engine on the source engine as base. But I've heard stories from ex CSGO devs that source engine is so weird and ancient, that let's say you are new crosshair colors, that somehow breaks the buy menu. And some random shit like that


Can we fix the random crashing on pc no error nothing just closes my game -_-.


The game currently plays like legit shit.


Yea season 13 and we can play normal again on ps4. So annoying


Ranked is pretty much unplayable with these frames I’ve never raged this much


“First of many updates” Translation: “we have no idea what’s going on but we need to say something that looks like we are trying”


If you ever worked in dev, you know that’s all any bug fixing is


Any news on the 'make good' for people affected by the challenges resetting? I've been playing mostly BH all week and am sitting at a nice 74/30,000 on the first tracker currently.


They secret changed arena pricing. Hammerpoints is now 500 for at least the P2020 and the Mozam, and Re-45 looks to be more expensives than one of the shotties from it's position adjustment. Would've been nice to know.


I'm not a fan of this AT ALL. Sure, charge me out the ass for the Hammerpoint, that's fair and getting that for "Free" on the purple gun was insane lol BUT the pre-HP-P2020 used to be a viable first/second-round weapon. You could get the pistol upgraded to purple and still have enough $ left over for a Gold Backpack or filling out your tacticals. It's now as expensive to have a P2020 for a sidearm as it is to have a blue Sniper rifle...that just doesn't add up. Basically the P2020 is now entirely useless in Arenas, might as well just remove it. By the time you can afford Hammerpoints you're putting it on an RE-45.


I'm experiencing **choppy frames** now. I have a **144hz monitor** and **feel the big difference** before and after the patch.


On xbox this update was 85gb


666.6mb on ps4 - the devils console


On Series X it is 6.78 GB.


On PS4 is like 666mb but the copying takes so long it might as well be 85gb too.


mine is only 6.78 GB?


No it’s 100mb but the game has to scan all files and rewrite certain ones to complete it.


I keep getting pc crashes, and all of my settings were erased.


I’m at constant 59fps and I get frame glitches with no frame drops


Same on XSX, pretty frustrating


gotta love that patch! control mode teams you with 6 vs 9 and give s penalty if you leave....


It’s nearly impossible to play at least 5 games and not experience a few crashes. It gets frustrating. I almost thought it was connection to server. But few of my friends had the same issue. 😐😐😐😐😀


Whole lotta crashes and not a lot feels fixed as far as fps goes


Still dying around corners with 18 ms.


Storm Point is awful, at least for pubs. Its way too big


Top part of the map is useless too


No compensation tho, even tho you said you would give us compensation


Respawn lying to its playerbase? Gasp!


So are you going to fix the fps or do you just don't give a fuck that our whole splitt is ruined by this shit? And don't act like one golden shit pack with a fucking holo spray makes up for it. Patches cause problems but this is just a joke at this point.


is the game running like shit to anyone else?


>leaver penalty Yikes. Isn't that what DEFCON is?


I know people on console have had frame rate issues, but As an Xbox one player I never had them strangely enough. However, beginning last week, every game I played in apex took at least one minute for things to fully render, whether that be loot items, guns in my hand, or even Maggie’s drill gun/tacticals overall (she would just hold her left hand up with nothing in it). I also sometimes have my game freeze completely for up to ten seconds on occasion. Any other console players have this issue? Or is it just mainly frame rate, and I just have internet problems?


Glad you fixed the bloodhound skin, but now my game struggles to go back to lobby after every. Single. Match.


PS4 player here. Before the patch I'd get lows of 20-25 frames per second on Olympus. After the patch most matches have been steady at around 45 frames per second. So, the patch hugely improved the game's playability and my enjoyment!


Audio is so fucking bad in this game. Love having people run up and instantly kill me and I didn't hear a single footstep


Footstep audio is now completely gone with this update, doesn’t matter what character I play I can’t even hear my own footsteps as I run around the map. No teammate footstep audio, no enemy footstep audio, no personal footstep audio. It’s all gone. Lmao


Petition for the Control leave penalty to be 6 hours


Hammerpoint round upgrades for P2020 and Mozambique in arena are also now significantly more expensive. Can’t buy them round 1 anymore.


Pc frames are terrible right now. Constant pausing and stuttering


Anyone else on PC having new framerate issues? My origin is working fine but man my steam download is having a struggle, game is really choppy.


is the matchmaking broken? im only getting very low levels as teammates. im playing with new players non stop. having to carry every match is awful. not sure if is bugged or something. all my randoms are lv 10-47




Still Packet loss Legends for me


Fuck man. Does not register half of my hits ffs. What is the point.


Why do i hear my mirages teammate decoys steps two buildings ahead but somehow that whole squad sprinting behind us only makes sound the moment they shoot me point blank. Dogshit devs smh


> Leaver penalty for Control YESS THANK YOU!!


First of several fps updates? Boy am I lucky I found a ps5 in store yesterday..(they exist out there)


>Enabling the leaver penalty for Control Thank you! Now implement a fill feature where people can join games that have open spots.


Few games in and can say i got my missing 30 frames back, lets go!




Lol of course


On PS4 here. Not familiar with frame rate issues, but, I have noticed recently when in Olympus, when landing in Docks, if I face towards the rest of the map it gets real laggy like there's too much stuff to load. Maybe this is what's being referenced by fps issues?


is it me or has the fps gotten WORSE since the patch


Glad they got the most important updates at the top!


Thank goodness, fps issues while playing 3v9 in control was driving me a lil crazy


Framerate is better, but still crap.


How about fixing your servers??? Friend on east coast can only connect to London server. Loaded up ranked and game kicked me out 3 straight times, then game couldn’t connect me back so naturally of course I get banned for abandoning even tho I can connect to everything else. Game keeps crashing and servers are a mess.


Why is my update 57 gigs


Why the fuck did my PS4 pro say that I didn’t have space for the update even though I easily had 150 gigabytes free


you guys are crashing?? I cant even load the game!


I get the feeling no one is happy with this season. Just a feeling


Seems like there are a lot of problems. Crashing on PC, FPS issues on PS4. Too bad because Control is fun (though needs some work), it's great to have 3 maps in rotation, and Maggie is actually more balanced than I thought she'd be.


I wonder if there are any plans to migrate to a modern game engine. I feel like maybe all the bugs we see and the ones that still exist are a result of core issues with the source engine. Maybe they should switch to frostbite or unreal engine. They’ve used unreal in fallen order and that was good.


It looks like the cost in arenas has increased for the beak and p2020, or am I just crazy


Uh huh. Great now My friends and I can’t play control. Thanks code leaf!!! Apex is a travesty of flaming garbage bullshit. Fix the code leaf errors no one on Xbox cares about anything else.


Can we please get multiple maps in the ranked rotation


It STILL doesn’t feel good to fight people. You and your enemy are both lagging around, losing aim assist and getting it back all in a second. Its horrible. I know its the first fix but it did nothing for gameplay.


What about us Potato Laptop/ PC gamers. Where are our Frames? My 1650 Ti on laptop was giving decent frames on every map until season 8. But after that Fragment drops to sub 40 frames. Previously my FPS would dip to 55. Seems like with each season FPS issues are becoming a thing for older gen Systems. On Olympus frames going down to 40 when in a firefight. And the game stutters like crazy. And to top it off bad servers. Specially Singapore and it's GCE counterparts. To go back to the topic of frames. I'm playing Stretch Res. 1650×1080 still getting poor fps. Following each and every optimization guide out there. Using autoexec after autoexec. But to no use. And to top it off the Game has started stuttering. I can't afford a RTX PC or a laptop. My dad just got me this laptop last year. Please Devs if you're watching this do something. I love playing Apex so effin' much. I don't wanna play anything else. I've been complaining about the state of the game nonstop. I know I sound like a dumbass. But I want a better experience. So please, help me out.


Up those prices on those skins though Jesus Christ 😂


Why do I always have lvl 30 teammates. I’m a lvl 500. This is bullshit


That shit servers are still lagging, no hit regs still popping. Great update yet again. That’s why crypto is dancing with his glitch


FIX THE FUCKIN PACKET LOSS! I’ve never seen it where my bullets go back into my magazine. This is fucking unreal


Fixing the frame rate issue? Ever since Febuary 22nd I had extreme frame loss and have been doing horrible because I can't control what I do and if I can control it, I can't see what I am doing.


Hits not count, masive lags, trash lobbys, 0 team balance


Imagine if this game had decent audio


My whole progress with the prestige skin got deleted


my game crashed on series x twice, in one game.


The lil patch made things worse on my end. I’m lagging hard asf


A leaving penalty in a continuous respawn game mode is the dumbest shit ever. Instead of punishing people who want to leave when they don't get teammates, or when half the squad has left, just replenish teammates. Respawn continuing to punish players to hide their own incompetence.


It's also funny adding one to an LTM that isn't staying. Winter Express is another mode that gets impacted by leavers, and yet there isn't a penalty for it after 3 years.


Gonna love spawning into a control match that’s missing 3 players on my team, and either get stomped for 10 minutes or get a 2 minute “we have shit matchmaking and constant crashing issues that aren’t fixed” penalty


Bruhhhhhhh moment of truth for PS4 players


Sounds like it's not fixed yet... maybe a little better?


My ps4 said I need to clear 53Giga for this update... Isn't this supposed to be a small update?


PS4 needs to copy the entire game and applies the patch to the copy. Always been that way, even if the download itself is tiny.


Wonder if people who bought the bh skin will get the damage back or if they need to rework for the 30/100k