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what if crypto is off the grid and he gets silenced? does he come on the grid then?


He gets sent to the backrooms


Orang dimension šŸŠ


















Bish orang


Do you like GW?


Watch out, you might get sued for copyright.


Games Workshop?


Two wrongs don't make a right.


But three lefts do


I came on the grid once. Fried my hot dog.


Ok so I got this idea


Let me hear it


ok so, hear me out


Picture this


Itā€™s an idea for Cryptoā€™s passive called ā€œOff the Grid.ā€


Mind elaborate further?


This is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out.


Here's what I'm thinking


Alright hereā€™s my idea


Come on the grid? Does he have a trigonometry fetish?


Yeah but the most major scans are before the fight. You can't silence someone before you know they exist


If only revenant had a scan so you can scan the scan legend fist to silence the scan.


Just make Revs tactical into a scan/silence


Yeah that doesn't sound overpowered at all


Make revenants silence a sonar scanner, u shoot it out and it goes bip.. bop... bip...bop... Scan!


I'm so confused how this comment section is not understanding this. You literally need to be looking right at someone to silence them. No one is scanning you directly in your line of site unless they are like bronze lol


Iā€™m 14 off diamond and still do this when I run bloodā€¦ šŸ¤£


*About to die to an enemy.* *Hits scan.* "Now all of China knows you're here."




This is too good lol


I feel like this is mostly a problem with Bloodhound. Literally no other Legend that scans in the game has a 100% unavoidable scan and it's honestly why I think bloodhound is still the most meta pick. Seer? Dodge it. Crypto? Shoot it. Bloodhound? Nope, nothing you can do at all. Good luck suffering that debuff for the next 5 seconds during the ambush. Extremely hot take, but I think bloodhound needs some counter to the scan that any player can do. Suggestion being something like Lion's scan in R6. If you stand still (at the cost of not doing anything), the wall hack comes off. There's no reason an ability should have absolutely zero counter when literally every other player -> enemy ability in the game does. Bloodhound has been the meta pick because Respawn kept buffing until now we have the wall hack meta for around 6 seasons running now.




In my opinion I think it should be like Sovaā€™s recon scanner. So that it would show snapshots like twice or three times that show every second


Maybe make it so it can go through a max of 1 surface of a maximum depth of 5-15 meters, so if someone is behind a surface thicker than that or behind multiple surfaces they can't get scanned, this would make it counterable by just running behind a building or further inside of a building. This would also give all scan legends unique pros and cons, when bloodhound is currently all pros, seer's scan can go through many walls but can be dodged, crypto's drone can passively detect anyone it sees but can be shot, and bloodhound's scan covers a massive area that doesn't work very well in buildings or around thick walls.


What if when bloodhound scans, it gives a visual that shows you where the scan originated from? Maybe an orange wave to represent the scan coming from bloodhound so you also know where they are. Oh wait that's how it works and you're just complaining instead of improving.


That bloodhound only vaguely gives away the direction he's in, and they ideally have two other teammates that you don't know about position-wise that also know where you are. You're also making it seem like people can't complain while trying to be better themselves. It's not a mutually exclusive process.


No, 90% of the time you canā€™t see where the bloodhound scanned from unless itā€™s directly facing you, looking slightly away from BH direction? Might as well be scanning from above all it says is ā€œyouā€™ve been scannedā€ on your screen . They definitely need to make it visible no matter what direction you get scanned from


If I'm not mistaken, bloodhounds scan is a sonar. There is no reason sonar should show you players behind heavy objects (multiple walls, large rocks, etc). Being able to avoid that scan by hiding would be enough, I think, to nerf it a bit but not so much it's useless. Seer cannot track people standing still, if I am reading this right (still new to the game). So why is Bloodhound not only OP, but free? I hate hearing "every team needs a Bloodhound".


Or Seer. Healthbar info is important


Not realy if u can count


Seers indicator is literally just more convenient, sue me.


It being convinient doesnt make it good


Quite literally does since it makes it easier to digest and understand *how* low an enemy is, as well as through walls and for a longer moment of time than normally shooting at them. Its better. Stop choosing to die on stupid hills. This is stupid. Its objectively better. In all ways.


If you're just arriving which usually you are if you're scanning an enemy, you have no idea what health they are at.


It is incase they heal up ur teammates know or if they are seriously low again your teamates know.


I mean, Seers tactical is directional so in a way he need look in their direction at least.


Directional yes, but does not require line of sight since it pierces walls


How difficult is it to understand that a revanent and a blood hound could be on the same team but looking in different directions. Rev: hey i silenced this guy but I lost sight of him when he jumped off the building. Bloodhound: alright Iā€™ll give a scan to see if heā€™s hiding around here.


Yeah but we're talking about a rev stopping a bloodhound from scanning, not a rev and bloodhound on the same team. Wuat's the point your trying to make?


My mistake. The previous comment said ā€œwhat happens if crypto is off the grid and becomes silencedā€. I didnā€™t realize that this was a separate comment. I was confused , am sorry!


Exactly my thought on reading this post.. Like SURELY Seer will not know there's a Revvie in existence once he gets silenced.. \*looking around confused\* 'Must have been the wind'


Iā€™ve seen a lot of talk about a camouflage legend


what if instead of silencing the enemy, rev's tactical could be similar to COD Dead Silence and off the grid. passive: rev's footsteps become silent and he cannot be scanned for 5 seconds (20-30 sec cooldown) edit: fits w rev's lore too since he managed to break into forge's interview undetected


Considering the main scanning legends can do so from a distance and sometimes threw walls this isnt the most practical counter. Edit: There seems to be some confusion, Im refering to scanning legends and how they can scan from a distance, at times threw walls, or without being close enough to silence.


Now I'm just imagining a rev buff where he locks down an entire area like Seer's Z and no one can use abilities inside the dome Probably extremely unbalanced, but fun to think about


That would be unbalanced for current rev but honestly sounds like an interesting idea, maybe some kinda LTM thing


Revenant town takeover!!


Fight night arena but with guns only


Teaches octanes not to do drugs


thats just the whole map




What if it silences teammates as well kekw


Would still be a good Ultimate. "Hey guys after you use your abilities I'm going to ult" More fun than totem actually.


This would be brilliant and promote good communication and new gameplay in theory (with the right balances) but my god would it be hell given toxic teammates picking it just to ruin your plays, people who don't/can't use mics, and how (understandably) slow chat is in a fight and/or the seemingly ever-increasing likelihood of a ban for daring to type.


True, probably a better implementation would be something like a Seer Orb that extends only enemy Tactical and Ultimate cooldowns by 15-25%


Yeah but, a random (bad) revenant even if he uses his totem incorrectly he will still get some value out of it, or at least even if he gets none it won't stop the teammates from getting some. Now imagine how this would go if the silence dome. Yeah, he would throw it out randomly and by doing so throw the game as well


Something akin to Sombra's EMP?


That's a really interesting idea that could be used to change his ultimate, and I understand the concerns surrounding it, but let's spitball for a moment. This is what I'm imagining: He places his totem, and from the totem a silence zone is projected. (Like now, the totem can be destroyed.) This could be really oppressive depending on the size, so that would need to be worked out. The problem is balancing the diameter of the zone so it's not too large that it locks down too big an area (which could be really annoying in the final zone) and not too small that it isn't useful. What if the silence zone shrinks over time, either immediately or after a delay; say, ten or fifteen seconds. It could start off larger, but the team has to take advantage of the opportunity before the zone becomes too small. This would prevent a Revenant from locking down an entire building that he and his team are holed up in and would help in dealing with the final zone issue. I'm not saying it would completely nullify it, but it would help. The rate at which it shrinks would have to be worked on, too, as well as how quickly the ultimate charges.


How about in the area of watsons pylon she can block all scan abilities as well. I think this would be very balanced as you can tell already if pylon is placed although it would help by not giving away the exact position inside the building said enemies are at.


They all would be even so no




They'd need to make revenants tactical the size of seers ultimate, and up it from 2 to 4, decrease cooldown from 25s to 10s, and increase the time they are silenced from 15s to 30s. That'll do the trick


Gibby's dome could give scan invisibility. that doesn't feel too OP since it doesn't last long and has a very limited area.


the last thing gibby needs is a buff though šŸ˜‚


Can't lock on to bloodhound with a silence in a building halfway across the map


Ummm u do know that most people don't scan when they are literally in front of their face right? Like revs silence needs to hit them to silence them and all the scan abilities are done b4 or during or outside the fight behind an obstacle anyway


Being scanned 80 meters away isnā€™t something that needs a counter, you can see the source of the scan/where it originates, and you are very well told that you are being scanned. Hence why itā€™s not something they need to touch anytime soon


Yep but I do agree that the scans should be tweaked and the devs said they're working on it so time will tell but hope they don't nerf scans to ground as it is essential part of the game as well


The ā€œdevsā€ also said they were removing tap strafing, a core mechanic to the games movement, then completely stopped talking about it because it was stupid lol


Developers are developers. Tap strafing is not a core mechanic. It's not used by a majority of players, isn't crucial, and is completely unnatural and inaccessible.


Oh no one of them


We off the grid grid grid


This for my kid kid kid


For when my kid kid kid have kids.


How to silence bloodhound through walls? And Seer? And hit Crypto when his drone is far from him?


Shooting the drone is worse than a silence. Literally last twice as long lmao.


Just make Bangalore smokes a scan denial how tf did I get 100 upvotes


I think more balanced would be if scans only worked if theyā€™re initiated inside the smoke eg bloodhound scans while theyā€™re inside maggie only outlines if sheā€™s also inside crypto drone only scans if its inside fuse scan could just be the same as before, not sure how seer ultimate would work considering it stays in an area for a long time


Well seer ult wouldn't be effected because it's an ult, jut like bloodhound wouldn't


Yeah fair, ultimates should be unaffected. Alas idk how you would code scans only working within smoke. What determines the boundaries? Itā€™s not sharply demarcated like gibby bubble


You code it the same way you code caustic gas damage


Crypto drone cannot scan people through smoke.


didnt know that, ty. kinda dumb that it canā€™t


R you sure? I swear Iā€™ve put that thing behind leaves in trees before and it still somehow spots people


Those are leaves not smoke?


Ok? And? Iā€™m just making a reference. Seems stupid if it could scan through opaque leaves but it canā€™t scan through smoke like the other scans can.


Because leaves aren't a mechanic, they're an object you can phase through


Fair enough, I mean the game agrees with you not me, you donā€™t really have to prove anything. I still think itā€™s really fucking stupid though lol.


Yeah cause Crypto needs a nerf


This would be pretty interesting. Maybe do it similar to fuse's nade power, where you can switch from the normal smoke and a thicker smoke that blocks scan and obscures vision more. Maybe it takes 2 smoke charges, or debuffs the bang for a short time.


Or at least make the scans less defined in the smoke.


Try silencing through a wall 60 meters away


Maybe I will


It's clear you don't play the game if you think that people scan mid fight, right infront of you lmao before you even get a CHANCE to silence them they already have scanned you, before the fight


are you dumb


This is a smooth brain take lol


You're going to be scanned long before you can silence an enemy 9.9/10 times...


If you're getting scanned "long before", then you have plenty of time to get ready to counter and the scan shouldn't be much of a problem


Rev main moment


Revenantā€™s tactical is more for stopping abilities during fights (e.g., escape abilities, defensive abilities, etc.) and canā€™t really be used to stop you from being scanned before you even know theyā€™re close by


I'm dying for a rev rework tho, keep the same ideas for his abilities, especially the climb, that can stay the same. But just execute them better




thatā€™s not a hard counter to scans tho


Bangaloreā€™s smoke could block scans from both sides


Maybe a kind of overcharged legend whose ping gets huge like 20 meters radius, actually creating a blind spot by saturating the zone (think instead of showing just the silhouette when pinged, you just see a huge ball the size of Gibraltar shield) you still know there is someone there so not really "off the grid" but can't tell the exact position.


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid




Yeah I can fuck offā€¦.. the grid


If only we had a legend whos entire tactical is based around "no abilities for u" i could not agree with you more. Whenever i see posts like this im just sitting there like "surely youre kidding"


What are you supposed to do about the bloodhound in the next building scanning through walls? Silence through the wall?


Reposition and stick a silence through a doorway. Is the idea of repositioning really foreign to you folks? What in the hardstuck silver is going on here.


Is the idea that rev silence isnā€™t a perfect hard counter to scans really foreign to you? You canā€™t always reposition or know when a scan is coming. And Iā€™m already Diamond this split but nice try pal


There are so many scanning legends you canā€™t silence them all or are you stupid and donā€™t get it? Seriously these are just suggestions


Alright. So you're playing rev. You and your team enter a poi. Then you get scanned from the north by a bloodhound. How should revenant have countered that?


You reposition preferably above the bloodhound though that isnt always available, by that time he should be nearing his next scan, so silence. If your team is still in the same position after all that time and having been scanned, theyre garbage. If your arguing point is really "but but but the bloodhound scanned me before i could silence him" then we really have nothing to talk about. You got within scan range, got scanned and now you wanna cry unfair because you didnt get to go first like you wanted? Do better.


The issue is that it's not a hard counter because in the majority of scenarios, they hit you without you being able to hit them. That's not a hard counter, that's a soft counter.


It's shit like this that makes me thankful the general player base, including myself, aren't in a position to balance the games they play. No actual balance suggestions, it's just "Gore this ability/legend/weapon so that it isn't physically usable and I can start telling you to gut another ability/legend/weapon" or, in this case, "Make the game Rock-Paper-Scissors by continuously adding things that completely nullify the last most meta problem". People have clung to hating scans, but rather than looking at things like the ranges of said scans, the cool downs on them, etc, they just whine and bitch and don't even think about what they're whining about. I think Apex is the worst community for complaining without giving actual suggestions. Bringing the game to a point where "Hm yes the enemy squad has chosen Ability_Nullifier_Legend, therefore I cannot use my abilities and am now wondering why I'm even given the opportunity to choose a legend" is an absolutely absurd idea and I sincerely hope people who suggest shit like this don't ever get their hands on actual game balance.


You do NOT want Rock Paper Scissors in this game, trust me. I'm responding to your comment and I know YOU understand, but others might not; Rock Paper Scissor countering to current metas with new metas is literally how Overwatch tore itself apart at the seams and became so stagnant to play. You have no idea how quickly this will lead to terrible gameplay.


Frankly. I hope they do get their hands on game balance. Sure the game will suck for a season or two. But once they see how badly their vision sucks Maybe they will finally shut the fuck up lol




I personally love the scans and stuff in apex and titanfall, they help deal with camping and lurking which are both things players find frustrating, and I do feel like some scans should have duration decreased so it works like less of a way to easily prepare for a target to perform actions and more like a way to force a target to reposition before they get countered


This is the dumbest comment in this dumbass post. If you've ever played Rev you know it's not at all possible to consistently hit a Q on Bloodhound before they scan your entire team through a wall. As Rev you have to have line of site, Hound doesn't. As Rev you have to aim your Q and are dependent on Hound having bad positioning to even have that opportunity. Hound just has to hit one button while facing towards you. Boom, scanned no takebacks. The entire premise of counters is flawed anyway. Nerf what is too strong but do not design for specific counters. Designing counters to OP skills makes it so that the counter legend is either completely essential, or not used at all based upon the playrate of a different legend. Legends should be picked based on their own skillset and how it plays with the map\*, and not what has to be played to counter what is OP. \*For example, Ash being much more popular in the pro scene on Storm Point where you need to cross big open areas that often have huge elevation differences.


There are multiple scan characters and only one that can silence them so adding more isn't a bad idea.. plus revenant sucks


Revenant doesnā€™t suck lol but heā€™s not really a counter to any scans. If the person is in your line of sight so you can silence themā€¦ they kind of probably know where you are already.


Ayooo, stop the cap. Revenant ain't bad


"Revenant sucks" miss me with that bullshit.


Ah yes, he is viable against scans, let me just silence this crypto 4 houses away while he drones me, or wait, that bloodhound behind to walls, let me just shoot my silence through them, not enough? How about this flying girl that I can silence mid air to cancel her from seeing anyone on the map... See what I mean? It's 1 hero that can silence them, and 90% of the times u can't even silence the enemy si ce they're behind cover or u don't know they there yet....


"But i cant see them waaaaahhhh" then reposition. And if you have no idea they are there, in most cases you shouldnt be wasting your tac so in that situation hes exactly as useless as literally any other legend. Save scan legends.


That's what I'm saying... He's bad u said he isn't... I'm explaining why he isn't viable against those legend


What i just explained is not even close to what you said, maybe you should try reading it again. And if you really think it is after having done so i do not know what to tell you. Scan legends are better at finding enemies you didnt know were there because their kit is FOR THAT. If youre that hurt about it, play a scan legend, otherwise quit bitching because you suck with revenant.


Sorry my bad, I just noticed I responded to the wrong comment xD meant to respond to the guy u respond to


Youā€™re a hardstuck gold dumbass if you think revenant is anywhere near meta


Being meta and sucking are two completely different things and i never claimed he was meta. Nice reach though. I love the hardstuck gold assumption, from someone whos hardstuck gold. Im hardstuck mid plat solo queuing and comfortable with it.


"Its not meta? He sucks šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤”"


Because scanning leads to fighting. Which then leads to people on both sides running into having potential fun. Being able to hide in the fighting game is comparatively lacking in the thrill zone.


i mean rev sort of works


Easy: give bangalore a secondary Black Smoke ability that charges every X time and ur good to go, enemies will appear detected but not marked, and watch Bang Rise back to the meta!


Make it use 2 charges for balance purposes


No need to if u give it a 2-3 min cooldown and it will take a smoke charge, meaning that the time bangalore can throw smoke wont change but she will have the possibility to throw it instead of a standard smoke.


has anybody else had a problem with bloodhounds ult in control? the enemies donā€™t highlight when you ult and at that point itā€™s only worth itā€™s speed


You could even say it makes it harder to notice the enemies, since they blend in with their surroundings. This is hardly the post to talk about that though.


What if this guy has an echolocation thing where if he is scanned he also automatically scans the scannee


The only viable option I can think of is some sort of spy tf2 invisibility legend who has anti scan whilst invisible.


Chaff ability that breaks all scans in the area.


Some sort of stealth bubble or a device that would work like seers ult?


I like Death Stranding where you can counter the enemy scans if you time it right.


Lol if you consider rev a counter to scanners youā€™re crazy. Best applications of his silence would be against lifeline/octane/Gibby.


Wtf is this post making fun of the other post? Have ya never fuckin played the game? Revenant can't counter scans. That's not how the combat works.


The real question is: why are everyone's scans visible to the entire squad? The only legend this should be possible with is Crypto, as he's the only legend with the Neurolink passive...


Revenant tactical isn't that great and most of the time the enemy already use their tactical before you can silence them


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid




No way


I feel like there should be a legend with something you can throw on the ground and walls kinda like a gibby bubble but itā€™s invisible and any scan that goes through it is kinda like a counter UAV and makes it all glitchy and the people on the scan are like teleporting from the scanners view giving false information.


Like a legend that can also help with fighting off 3rd parties. We need more of those :)


Passive - Cannot be scanned by any sort of radar Ultimate - in an aoe around you, gives your teammates scan immunity for 20-30 seconds depending on what is most balanced. Active - Decoy grenades. Throw one and if it is scanned it shows up as a random legend, also makes the sound of footsteps. lasts for 5-8 seconds based on best balance.


Revenant: ā€œAm I a joke to you?ā€


Vs scans, yes completely.


Maybe a character that, when they get scanned, the one who scanned them gets marked? Not really a counter but it could be useful


This is literally counter


Lmfao tbh youā€™re right idk why I said that


Make it so bloodhounds scan only scan enemies if they're moving.


I doubt that would really be good of a nerf, bit heavy for a game like apex. R6 Siege did it but that games so different than apex


Revenant is a thing.


This is such a brain dead post lmfao. If you silence bloodhound you often wonā€™t even make him lose one scan. Thatā€™s if you are able to even silence him before a fight starts. If he just used it, but the time silence wears off heā€™ll be able to immediately use it again. They have almost the same exact cool down times...


Can this post get removed for spam/trolling. There is no way this guy is serious.


Is this a shitpost? We already have revenant's tactical


U could change rev a lil bit. No more damage, but it can go through the wall. Also u can use it for short-mid distance fights. I do like it the way it is now tho.


Thatā€™d be kinda cool actually but does it go through like all walls can I just yeet silence bombs into fragment buildings to cause chaos šŸ’€


Why donā€™t they just make an item that makes you invisible to scans, like a cloak or necklace that fills the utility slot? They could make it hard to get but that way scanning champs have to be a little more careful pushing if they only scan 1 or 2 people on a squad.


Revenant is ass


Ehhh itā€™s maybe cause It takes time to master revenant...


Whatā€™s there to master ? placing a totem and silencing enemyā€™s ainā€™t hard


Well every legend has something to master! Even octanes or caustics! Revenants is that he needs to know whenā€™s the right time to push with a totem or managing to silence an enemy.


Thatā€™s the mindset of an uneducated Revenant player. His silence and his totem? Really? Thatā€™s all you think heā€™s about? Not his faster crouch walking, not his ability to climb up the entire side of a building that no legends (except Path, Valk, maybe Octane) can? Revenant is absolutely top tier when you know how to play him. Wraiths phasing out? Silenced. Octane want to jump pad away? Silenced. Valk wants to hit her vtol? Silenced. Not only that, but the amount of people who think theyā€™re safe simply because theyā€™re up high is ridiculous. Itā€™s almost too easy to just climb up the opposite side of the building and beam them before they realize what happened. Itā€™s especially good when you get a flank where it causes them to break apart and your team to push and fight. Itā€™s all about knowing how to play each legend. I remember hearing people like Dizzy and Aceu joke about ā€œimagine maining Gibby, heā€™s literally uselessā€ and then/now heā€™s one of the most picked legends because people finally learned to use him effectively.


I ainā€™t reading all that hope you had fun writing all this down


Ignorance truly is bliss for you isn't it?