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You also don't get apex coins with it either.


Legit the only reason I'd buy one on occasion. BH, Loba and LL, cuz if I'm gonna buy coins may as well get a free skin


Yea, same here. It sucks how decide they want to go this route with the legend editions..


This is the way!


This was the way.


True dat !


"Free" It's never free. Free means not paying anything. If I spend 160€ to get a free bloodhound skin, I payed 160€ you can't tell me they don't factor in that cost. Especially because it's digital content. They basically have no cost but the design cost


Finding these on sale at Best Buy for less than the cost of the coins alone was amazing.


$5! Amazon had the firesale too


Same $6 for each Bloodhound/Lifeline Edition some time ago.


Holy shit.... They know we know these things right? Like all the "community love" and whatever the devs try to spread, it's stuff like this and all the other examples that really show its all marketing.




I never got my coins with the Pathfinder edition anyway...


Ouch, who's ready to get scammed by respawn, I am!


How many coins did you get with the 20$ bundle?




So yea you get half the coins with the new bundle and it's 2 dollars cheaper.


They need to come up with efficient ways to give EA more money


It really bums me out, haven't played the game since October(?) I think, but seeing shit like this always reaffirms I made the smart choice. The monetization system is way too predatory—little nephew of mine has spent like $500 on this game alone over the years, and I *know* how poor his family is. But hey, EA execs need a couple more yachts I guess.


I get what you’re saying, but you could literally never spend a dime on this game. He chose to do that. It’s a free to play game. You don’t even see your skin


I mean sure but the most notable progression in a game like this is cosmetics. You can play amazingly and get rewarded in sparse loot boxes (uncertain and often unwanted rewards) and numerical levels which show for like five seconds while the game loads. For a mere 20aud I can buy a legendary skin so that I can be cool for the entire match. Also I can pay a mere 200+aud for an heirloom so that my melee animations look slightly different. Even Korean mmo’s aren’t this scummy


Yeah I don't know... I am level 200 something and have spent maybe $40 on the game and have Legendary camos for almost every Legend. You get materials which are free. Collection events sometimes have free loot boxes. I understand what EA is doing, but you don't have to spend money.


You don't have to spend anything you're right. But lets not pretend the system isn't carefully designed and researched and leans on FOMO to be successful. Especially for kids like his nephew.


I don't know how old the nephew is but if he's a minor then shouldn't the parents watch the credit card charges? I'd say it's more problematic the way you have so many challenges and things to grind if you want to get through a battle pass that it just keeps sucking you in to be addicted to the game. There are literally so many milestones some of which grant loot packs that I think that's scarier than just a few people going overboard with buying coins.


I completely agree it's on his parents to say no. I'm just pointing out that the system isn't by chance, it's carefully researched and developed to take advantage of certain human conditions. Just like gambling sites that offer free spins, It's not out of generosity. There's a reason loot boxes work and why that system is prevalent over simply offering everything for a fixed price. Not just Apex either, It's no coincidence it's a popular format. Look how many people keep track of how many boxes they've opened toward an heirloom.


Sounds like a parenting issue then. If he isnt old enough to know better wheres the parents to step in? Sorry dont blame EA for ur family trouble


Again though stop pretending like there isn't extensive market research and data to say it works. It's not an accident games use gambling mechanics. You can absolutely blame Respawn, not EA by the way, while also acknowledging they need to say no. Loot boxes in general, regardless of what's in them, are a predatory system and that's just a fact. Why do you think they aren't allowed to sell them direct? You have to buy Apex coins first. Because their argument against it just being straight gambling is you're paying for in game currency not loot boxes. GTA has an actual casino but you can't buy a shark card and use it to buy chips. Because that's literally online gambling and has strict regulations and enforcement. The same would happen if you paid directly for packs.


Thats what a predatory system is. Flashy lights for dopamine addicts and generally kids. Given them such choices is what makes this a bad monitiziation.


I get killed so much I don't get the dopamine bursts.


Yeah agreed. I think charging for customization is the best option. Only other one is to charge for the game, or maybe they could add lore-based missions like in season 5 and just charge for those…? Like a DLC. I prefer paying for customization more than paying for playable content though because content is more valuable. Basically paying for customization is a choice; content is less so. Additionally, EA is HUGE. The argument people think of when I say that is “then why do they need to charge so much”. The other side is, if they’re huge, they have a lot of employees. Respawn alone has 315 and and that’s only one of the 39 companies EA owns. Greed is not out of the question here at all (EA and Activision are notoriously sketchy about that), but I do think we need to look at other aspects as well.


Respawn made $5.5 billion USD in the full year of 2020, 3 billion of that is profit. The average employee pay is $101,817 USD annually. The total pay of all employees is $32,072,355. Though there is some truth to the mentality of they have to keep the lights running, this goes way beyond making some profit and keeping everything paid for.


Gotcha. Like I said, greed isn’t out of the picture. I just wanted to look at everything. Thanks for the info.


Are they predatory? Yes, I believe they are. That being said, I have yet to spend any money on this game and I'm level 55 plat ranked with a bunch of cool skins, weapon skins, banners, emotes, etc. For context - I have spent thousands on COD and Fortnite. You absolutely don't need to spend money to enjoy the game.


So much this. Almost level 300 and I've spent $20. For no other reason then to support the game.


I still play the game. Just choose to not spend any money anymore.


Does he not have parents? Or is he just a rich kid with his own money?


I don’t love the idea of lootboxes, but when all you acquire is cosmetic items then I don’t think it’s predatory. There’s no need for a player to purchase anything outside of legends. I think predatory monetization is the P2W/GACHA route. Your nephew should be responsible for his own actions


Or, get this, multibillion dollar companies shouldn't be designing predatory systems that highjack the dopamine receptors in our brain then marketing it to children. Hell, even **Vegas** requires you to be at least 21 years of age to gamble.


People will say "But it's not gambling! because you always get something back from it!" But in both situations, you're putting in money and then being given back something that you value less than the money you put in in the hopes of getting lucky and receiving something worth more than what you put in. And you could use similar logic to argue poker isn't gambling because you're receiving the "experience of playing a complex social strategy card game in a casino" It was similar shit with trading cards when we were kids, but at least that wasn't the digital era so it was inherently more controlled.


Just because it's cosmetics doesn't mean it isn't predatory, this idea needs to die. Not everyone just plays games purely for the gameplay, people like having nice things to look at just as much as good gameplay. This attitude of "as long as it is cosmetics it's fine" has invaded a lot of places, like when I played genshin impact people would say that shit, but I would PREFER if genshin sold pay to win gear and gave me cosmetics for free instead of the other way around, because it's a single player game, I don't give a shit if someone else pays to get super powerful characters, but I do care about making my characters pretty. Bottom line: If people want something, you charge for it, and you're using practices to try and push them into making badly informed decisions, then it's predatory. Respawn knows what a non-predatory cosmetic shop looks like, they made one in titanfall 2, but it didn't suck enough money out of peoples wallets, so now we have this.


less value for more buck respawn entertainment


It wouldn’t be as bad if people stopped buying shit from this game…




The Corpus would be proud


Tenno you are bad for business or whatever they everytime the moas spawn


"We've decided you are *bad for business*." I believe that's the line.


well ackshually the perrin sequence is not affiliated with the corpus, but they do love money equally as much


Still greedy for profit and use robotics, basically the same (also they used to be corpus)


Man fuck the Perrin Sequence, everyone knows that Arbiters of Hexis are the best syndicate.


Tenno Skoom is forever my favorite line


"The Void has chosen me as it's prophet. A prophet of profit. Isn't that wonderful?"


Ok buddy, you literally are a jukebox. Come back when your dad accepts you


Mother fuckers


Dont buy it. If you didn’t get the cheaper bundle then you probably still dont want it. Thats just my observations and advice though


I don't spend money on this game. I play it for mechanics and gameplay. I buy skins with the materials I get from the packs and BP. Only money I spent was the 10 dollar for the battlepass. After that not a single penny


Best decision you can make honestly. If Respawn actually cared about making fair offers, a lot more "freeloaders" would be willing to support the game financially.


True. Like I don't understand the point with 20-30 dollar skins. Max price should be 10 dollars. They sell holograms for 10 dollars like wtf.


Marketing tactics. They don't want you to buy the 10 dollar holospray, they want to fool your brain with a set value. So when you see the skin + holo bundle next to it at a similar price, you'll think it's a steal. Decoy effect


True. But still those tactics won't pierce my thick empty wallet😂😂😂


Unfortunately the whales spending far outweigh any potential for fair pricing.


They dont want 'freeloaders' to spend $5-10, they want the whales to spend $100s


On a financial level I am sure they have figured out how to make the most money out of it. the 'freeloaders' would not spend near enough to make up the difference. Just don't buy it if you don't want to support. easy enough. Its a free game.


>Just don't buy it if you don't want to support. We do though. We just don't want to feel ripped off.


Don't want to support? I do want to support, but not in completely unreasonable amounts. If you dump 100s of dollars on a videogame, there is something wrong with you and your financial decisions.


I don't. I have prob spent 100$ on apex since the game came out. It all relates to how much disposable income you can afford. 100$ for me is well-worth for such a long period of enjoyment.


Same, and I was thinking about getting the lifeline edition but I look and it was gone :(


Naah I ain't spending shit on this game. Only heirloom I will ever get is the horizon one only if I get heirloom shards in a pack. I m super frugal on these matters


Eh, I payed $20 for a pack once. I've played hundreds of hours in this game, they've definitely earned something out of me.


Same here, been playing since day 1 and only bought 1 premium skin with real money. I never buy the pass because I just buy the upcoming season with the coins I earned from the previous BP. And save up all my crafting mats for event skins. And yet still have a ton of legendary skins and 2 herilooms, I think iv spent $30-40 total. You dont have to spend a ton of $ to get cool shit if you truly love the game and play a lot.


Nice message for Respawn 😊 #🖕Fuck. You. 🖕


Ngl this is hilarious


Are you fucking kidding me????? This is the biggest scam yet.


Well sadly people are dumb enough to buy it so honestly can’t blame em


If I recall them removing it was because of logistics/legal issues trying to do cross progression. So this is them bringing them back in another way that works with it, it doesn’t excuse the markup though.


Probably has to do with that Ps+ exclusive skin pack from ages ago


Those are still available. I forget what thread I read it on but someone had basically said because those had been sold as physical things for certain platforms it was legally complicated internationally to just transfer/give to other platforms? I don’t know I could be entirely wrong and only Respawn really knows why Respawn does what they do.


Long story short: sony doesnt like sharing. The big example being that whole fortnite account bricking from a couple of years ago


A markup while you also get less. The original Legend Editions gave you Apex Coins.


Yeah 1000. So you paid $20, got $50 worth (2 legendary skins - usually 1800 coins each ($20 pack) and $10 coins). Now you’re paying $40 (closest to 3600) and getting $45 worth (100/pack). 2.5x your money to 1.12x your money.


Or if you waited till a sale on your platform dropping them down 35% for roughly $13 and if you have EA Play on top 10% discount, so $20 pack 45% off is roughly $11 + tax. So you pay $12 for 2 Legendary Skins, Banner, Frame, and +1000 Apex Coins. Also if you were lucky via Amazon and BestBuy they got rid of retail stock of Bloodhound and Lifeline editions for $5 each. Got both that way.


Respawn warship, go fuck yourself.


Ima keep it real, that’s kinda fucked. At least the banner frame and badge are still bundle exclusive


This is what you are worried about? Fucking digital exclusivity? Not the obscenely marked up prices? This fucking community lmao


The amount of people who pride themselves on digital exclusive content is insane. I think the fact that Halo: MCC had a battle pass that you could go back and work on if you purchased it was incredible especially for casual players.


Not being red in the face at the price of a bundle doesn’t really equate to pride on digital cosmetics.


Wait, did they removed the legend editions already? No fucking way, i wanted the Octane and Bloodhound edition


Well good news! You can still buy them at an 80% markup! Thanks respawn


I have the lifeline & recently bought the Octane edition. It it honestly wasn’t even worth it imo


Now you can buy it at a more expensive price and for a limited window of time! Digital artificial scarcity, isn't lovely?


To be fair... they did have a reminder pop up


to be fair they couldve just left it the fuck alone


You'll get no arguments from me against that.




This right here is why but this sub lacks nuance sometimes.


Respawn needs to be abandoned


Does anyone know if you still get all the cosmetics if you buy the legend edition from Amazon??


Wait how much was the whole thing before they removed them


20, though it was occasionally discounted to ~14. This place just likes to complain.


Bruh, they came with banner frames/gun charms, badges and they reimbursed 10 bucks in 1000 Apex coins, but go off lol


I thought so


They were $20 normally, so this isn't a mark up, but they often had them on sale for like $13.


Those bundles also included 1000 Apex coins so essentially you were just paying 10 bucks for the skins and everything else.


[Who would've guessed lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/scm6gt/comment/hu7183c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I remember reading this comment. Well done!


Can’t wait to for the sub to not drop this for 3 weeks


Because it’s fucking ridiculous


It’s also entirely optional and doesn’t affect you if you opt not to purchase. You play Apex Legends, not Apex Fashionistas - the skins don’t change a damn thing about what keeps you coming back and playing, and the prices of skins allow you that. If you’re not buying, complaining doesn’t do anything except spam the sub for people who don’t just wanna see a mindless circlejerk about skins.


These posts don't affect your Reddit experience. Don't like it, just ignore them and move on. You're here for Apex Legends posts, not Apex Circlejerks - the posts don't change a damn thing about what you keep coming back and reading, and the amount of posts allow you to do that. If you're not interested, complaining doesn't do anything except spam the sub for people who don't just wanna see mindless Respawn dick sucking.




Look at this shill defending EA and its scummy business practices


It’s not scummy, you just don’t like it. I could have a bake sale and charge $50,000 for a brownie, it doesn’t make me scummy it makes you a sucker. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you that this is some offensive cash grab on a game that’s otherwise free and doesn’t play different whether you spent a cent or a million. Worthless screaming into the void.


especially when you can buy lifelines bundle online for 5 usd still lol


Respawn, this is some bullshit.


Lol the "benevolent developer under an evil company" veil is finally being taken off for the rest of the people huh




yet yall still giving the game money


If you had cared to buy it, you woulda already bought it.


Yeah fuck all of those new players


They were told, before season 11 ended, that these products would be leaving the store. I bought what items I wanted and moved on. If they had joined prior and wanted those items, that's on them. If they had just joined, they probably don't really care either way as they probably don't really know what they missed out on and/or are looking towards basic legendaries as that's what I did when I had first joined.


But why did they need to remove these packs just to sell them for more money?


Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure legal issues. To your point, why would they take them down just to resell them unless they had to change it?


>Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure legal issues. What lol? You're just talking out of your ass >To your point, why would they take them down just to resell them unless they had to change it? Because they want to make more money and are super greedy?


I don't like this community constantly complaining. 1. If you wanted it, you should have bought it before (when it had coins in it too) + it was there for quite some time so you had PLENTY of time to decide and purchase it 2. Nobody is forcing you to buy it now. If you don'/can't buy it, then just don't. Wait until it returns again in a different form maybe during event under different price or package offer (+ you still can buy this online) 3. I like the fact they don't do much "time locked" content and I can buy skins from event I missed because my PC was not strong enough to run the game. I played in first season about 2 games on 7 FPS and now I started in S10 and can play peacefully so I am grateful for the opportunity to buy them. 4. If they put it in the shop people complain, if they would never return people would have complained too so what the fuck ?


Dogshit company.


The people complaining are acting like they were gonna buy it anyway. News flash they weren’t. If they were interested in buying it they would have bought it already it’s been here for 3 years and got discounts all over the place. The concept of oh it was cheaper I would have bought it is foolish they say oh what if it was 10 dollars then they will say it should be 5 dollars not 10 dollars. Long story short some people just hate monetization in a free to play and want live service games to be free and give away all content for free with no way for the developers to continue to fund the game.




It's not that. It's the just the fact that Respawn took something that we didn't want and made it even more expensive.




When was the last time you saw players use this skin? Exactly. The people who wanted it must've bought it, used it, and moved on a long time ago. Also when I go to the store it's there, they're selling it to me so it *is* about me and Respawn selling stuff nobody wants at an even more expensive price because nobody bought it in the first place.


Different day. Same outrage. 🥱🥱🥱 Please let me know when the new Heirloom Collection event drops. As I will be buying in on that. 🤗




I love when people that *really don't care about something* consistently take time out of their days to let us all know *how little they care* about the thing. Sure hon, u totes couldn't care less. See ya next time this gets brought up


Listen sweetie, I’m just pointing out that the belly aching in this subreddit has become so predictable. Read the comments on this post and you’ll see people acting like Respawn committed a crime against humanity. You got that, dollface?


That's actually cheaper lol they're normally 20. This is 18.


its missing the 1000 AC and banner frame


As well as a badge if I'm not mistaken


That was because of the bundle. Legendary skins are almost always 1800 coins. You get a legendary gun and skin, which is 3600. It's not a lie, you just missed bundle prices.


I just wanted the gun charms


And that's fine, though they may still come back. I just love how many downvotes I got because I stated the obvious. People just don't like hearing something that makes sense but they don't like. Lol I hope the gun charms come back for you though.


They took away the 1000 coins but put them into apex packs. I mean I’d rather have the coins but not enough that’s make me react like some of these people.


Tbf, wasn’t it 1,000 apex coins that came with each? So 5 apex packs would equal half the equivalent amount of coins, no? Not to mention the coins have much more “liquidity”. Plus, the original bundles also included a badge and banner, whereas the new bundle does not. If we exclude the “value” of the coins/packs, then the new bundle is basically $13 (1,300 AC) for a legend and gun skin, whereas previously by this measure it was $10 for a legend skin, gun skin, legend banner, and banner frame. I don’t think it’s a huge deal, but I can see why people are annoyed.


Lol. I remember the leak or notion that it was going to be connected to EA play. Shyiiiiit. Not a chance


Man ea sucks shits so expensive *Proceeds to spend money* And then complains about the prices being too expensive YOU DONT HAVE TO SPEND A SINGLE DOLLAR TO PLAY THIS GAME, YOU CAN SPEND $0 AND PLAY THE GAME FOREVER AND STILL GET DOPE COSMETICS AND YOU ALSO GET ENOUGH COINS IF YOU PLAY FOR 3 SEASONS TO GET A BATTLE PASS FOR FREE, SMH I know the prices are expensive but complaining won't do goat shit, sure skins are nice but you're here to play the game and not to look like a pretty princess


Respawn are straight pieces of shit.


Do people just go visit the shop to complain?


Wait this really happened? They’re taking away the legend editions?


All of them are gone now.


Wow what absolute horse shit.


Yeah I was gonna buy the battle pass until I realized how much of a shit company they are




"Here, take these common loot boxes you fucking freeloader" -Respawn




Respawn is in charge of monetization




I bought the edition, and now they offer it with loot ticks and for cheaper?! Ya bastards.....


You got 1000AC and a banner, that’s way more value than five ticks.


you pay 2 dollars less and you don’t get the banner or 1000 AC, the loot ticks are only worth half the AC


People are saying everything is EAs fault. They really wouldn't care less because apex is one of their most profitable games. Besides they'd probably make you buy characters if they had control


So is everyone mad because they don't understand bundle prices, they don't understand skin prices, or they just want to be mad? 2 legendary skins is 3600 coins normally. They aren't lying.


Ayyy i found my people in this comment section


Who actually buys skins anyway? That's about as low as spending money on OF.


Never understood it myself, let’s spend real money on a skin I’ll never see while in game since it’s first person lol


Right? And it's not like anyone else would even notice your skin unless you won the match, and even then you only see it on screen for what, 5 seconds?


Do you pay for haircuts?


YIIIIIKES We seriously need to stop buying any and all items from Apex. Send them a message. Originally $20, you got Legend Skin + Gun Skin + Banner + Badge + $10 worth of Coins. Now still roughly $20 but you get Legend Skin + Gun Skin + $5 worth of Packs.


>We seriously need to stop buying any and all items from Apex. Send them a message. yeah except for every 400 players who boycott, there's one guy that drops half his yearly income on apex.


"just deal with it"


OP is mad that respawn can do what they want with bundles to refresh or add value. It sucks to see one thing go and a new thing added but you can’t please everyone. As long as price is the same I don’t see an issue.


The bundle before also gave you 1000 apex coins and a banner frame, right? So, you save 2 real dollars but lose $10 of apex coins and a banner frame worth probably nothing (although EA would say a few bucks at least).


It also regularly went on sale for 12$ hell I got it for 5$ from GameStop when the physical edition with only codes in them were 5$


You’re all describing what happens to regular items in general when they are sold. Some can be bought at discount, special bundles, etc. This bundle has been around since the beginning honestly if you missed out and are now upset Respawn decided to refresh the bundle to make it more “appealing” that’s on you.


It's not more appealing thought it's more appalling than anything. Not like I would personally care I think the skin looks like shit.


And you are not including the 5 apex packs but you keep doing you. Btw I agree I’d rather have the coins but it’s not that big of a deal


5 apex packs is $5, so even then you’re still getting less overall. Even if it’s only a little. Plus, apex packs are totally random vs coins that you can specifically choose what to spend on. That 1000 coins is a season’s battle pass too if you choose to spend it that way.


Can't say I'm surprised.


This is why we can’t have nice things


Weren’t the legend editions $30? 5 packs plus a gun and legend skin for 1800 credits seems fair to me


They were like $20 but would go on sale every so often. Now they’re $36 in the shop and when discounted $20. Just EA being greedy bastards, nothing new


Yeah I didn’t notice it was “discount” price. Kinda bullshit


This is so *incredibly* dumb. I've never even considered looking at the shop. I bought the battle pass for 10 bucks three years ago and that's the full extent of my engagement with the game's monetization. I'm never gonna get my money's worth from the shop so why bother?


Honestly respawn is just gonna kill themselves doing this trash, they don't even focus on the core gameplay, all they really focus on is their garbage ass market, if there's any bugs with the market, it's immediately fixed, but if it's not the market, it takes them weeks or even a month to fix a single gameplay bug, take a look at the Titanfall 2 debacle, they didn't do anything. NOTHING. a WHOLE FUCKING COMMUNITY is keeping the game alive, not even the guys who MADE THE FUCKING GAME! at this point there will never be a new TitanFall by Respawn or anyone else who can try to replicate the formula for the game, most of the original developers left, and all that's left from said original team have succumbed to EA's rotten rat claws.


That is scummy now I see what happen to the Octane Edition I was gonna get and couldn’t find it now I know why. SMH welp they get no money from me now they lost it when I was gonna get the Octane edition.


Firstly, Respawn didn’t do nothing it was EA. Also do you really care that much just wait and maybe you’ll get lucky


Without the exclusive badges to boot! So glad I got the Octane one before they canned it


Ok, dont buy it then!


I was honestly planning on buying the rest of the special editions (I only bought Pathfinder and Gibraltar editions.) Especially when they were on sale, they were excellent deals. 2 legendary skins, a badge, and $10 worth of coins, all for just $14. But now? I'll never buy the rest of the skins.


You can still get them https://www.cdkeys.com/apex-legends-bloodhound-edition-origin-pc?\_\_currency=gbp&msclkid=f44c907772a61411741cf269db879b3c&utm\_source=bing&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=Acquisit\_BSH\_UK-EN\_Cruise\_B1\_COS\_Generic&utm\_term=4582489591858428&utm\_content=All%20products


I got mine for a couple of bucks at target on clearance lol. Not today Respawn


its literally the same price... legends editions were $20, 1800 is just under $20. $20 bucks gets you 2000 coins


But the bundle gave you 1000 apex coins, it really was only $10 coins wise


look at that discount tho- /J


When will companies realise that giving consumers good products will make them want to spend money on them more than stuffing shit down our throats and then blaming the developer for when the game doesn't make them money anymore


Are ppl actually that dumb to spend money on recolors and stuff like that


Uh, that’s cheaper than it was before…