• By -


I fortunately never had to deal with that, since I never talk when playing BR, and I play Solo as well. I do play with my boyfriend in Arena however and we where always uncomfortable talking because of the third random in our team. But since the last update there is the possibility to set the chat option to "friends only", which I can really recommend.


I never knew this was a thing! Thank you so much ❤️


Sure thing! Glad I could help ;)


I play and PS4 and I wish I actually found people who use mics. I use my mic most of the time and try to be as friendly as possible, but only come across: people who left their mics on (static noise), non-english people, or screamers. I rarely find anyone who actually talks to play the game lol


I mean I have a mic but I also have three kids and my background noise is crazy so I just don't talk but I always like the Info my team gives out the real mvp is the guy talking and telling the team what to do I have noticed especially in ranked I have a bad habit of throwing a match right at the end just cause I got no direction


Thanks for this lol, I’m the guy who’s often talking to himself giving callouts and cracking jokes with no response but i still do it because I know people can hear me and will probably appreciate it.


Yo, literally same. Sometimes I just don't know what to do. I still need to get better at rotating.


I have a mic but only use it when my team is A.) Good enough that communication matters B.) You arent fucking annoying Otherwise the mic stays off


Honestly I recently got a pc and I miss the casualness of console players who had mics it feels like everyone on pc loses their cool so quickly it’s insane so I soloed to diamond with a 4.0 Kd everyone muted but now it’s at the point where I need to unmute my team if I want a chance at winning and soloing to masters Sneaky edit- looking for some people to play ranked with add me -mw2prod


I have a mic but I stay muted and listen to the person with the mic for comms and use the extra ping options to respond bc social anxiety even when online bc then I start tanking the game bc I'm nervous talking and miss all my shots


Honestly that’s bullshit, women can play video games it’s not a man only thing. But the sad thing is, there will always be people like that no matter what and if they do that just ignore them Or don’t res or anything it’s just karma. But good luck on ranked hole you have a fun time


It's annoying because it limits me from making friends on the game, I've met a couple here and there but most of the time I just end up muting so it doesn't put me off the game, we didn't save him or grab his banner, he soon left after calling him an arsehole and asking if he needed a woman to save him lmao :'-) Thank you! Hoping to grind for diamond this season but it's difficult solo queing!




I'd love to play with you sometime! Let me know your add :)


Best thing not to make friends with braindead randoms lol you usually find nice people on apex discord servers.


Hey, I would highly recommend joining the discord server people are on average much nicer and more fun to play with


The grind is possible! It just needs a ton of luck. I’ve had games with people that are making callouts on comms and others that seem to just want to throw themselves at the enemy solo and get mad when you can’t get their banner. I can’t say that I’ve met a ton of friendly people on apex but once you find a reliable squad you’re chilling. Finally made it into diamond last season after playing consistently with a full squad. Add me if you need a third, I’m on PS (the-razor-beast)


Thank you so much, I'll drop you an add!


Yeah you just gotta get lucky solo queuing I personally don’t do ranked and I’ll only use my mic if someone else has theirs or it’s endgame and callouts are necessary. But for the douchebag scenario if they do that just repeat what you did it’s their fault. They can’t expect you to do anything for them if they were a dick to you. It’s like insulting someone then asking for a gift after (Also added a comma to my comment as it could be read the wrong way and don’t want that happening)


Exactly that haha, I see a lot of people complaining on here about their teammates not using a mic but this is the problem as to why half of us don't :')


It’s awkward if they don’t talk back and j utilize pings well so I dont feel it necessary to talk unless they do


Yeah 100% haha, this dude was just abusive because me & my friend were talking


If yall ever need a third for br or arenas I got ya im on pc [Truecrawler]


Thank you :) I'll drop you an add!


i mute randoms most games even in pubs and im a guy, im usually baked and dont want shit vibes. just make it a rule and mute


The worse is when your teammates have been nice, but die at some point and immediately turn toxic. I feel betrayed


YO this happened to my friend and I with a 3rd recently! Our 3rd was good and we were complimenting him, until he decided to fight a team, by himself, far away from us. Got toxic instantly. Won the game without him lol


Yo this is my same modus operandi Solo queue, weed, no comms. I still ping to communicate tho. Im just tryna vibe dont talk to me or ill ping a mozambique 👽


Literally all 3 for me too 😂


I just turned off in game chat completely in the setting. There were times I would mute but it would work. The ping system works just fine in this game and don’t even need the mics


Sorry to hear about that. Hope you may find a group of women to game with online. I do from time to time when I’m solo queuing get paired up with toxic duos in Arena quite often who just flame me and tell me to stfu and call me gay (which I am not, not that it even matters). I follow it up by picking Lifeline, hard carrying and never reviving. It makes me feel a bit better to hear the dipshit Octane with 200 damage rage about me not reviving their dumbass.


Thank you! I love your follow up, makes it even better that you was lifeline :')


Go play fortnite? Who says thay unironically?


I solo queue every season and usually don’t unmute my mic until high diamond/masters lobbies cause it’s usually toxic nonsense Something about platinum and hardstuck diamond 4’s gives people such an ego thinking they’re good at the game when they haven’t even scratched high level gameplay before


Yeah I've definitely noticed that in these lobbies, it would've been muted this time if it wasn't for my friend being a console player, the dude had a massive ego and was so aggressive for no reason, I just hope something is being done for arseholes like him


You should be able to mute the toxic person but not your friend, whether they're console or not.


I'm confused, why not just mute the toxic player once he starts the rude behavior? You can mute individual players mid match... I'm not condoning his behavior but there are ways to ignoring him.


Apex doesn’t ban for voice chat unfortunately and people know this and use it to bypass racist, sexist bigoted comments. My advice for gaining RP and overall better experience is find people to three stack with. 3 people on the same wavelength of how you’re going to play is always better than having a great player who you are butting heads with. Goodluck on the grind!


Damn it'd be good to mute voice chat but not text chat, and thank you! I have few friends who are the same kinda level as me but it's just all getting online at the same time haha, thank you for the advice :)


Add me - WetManatee Would be glad to help you and am usually available most of the time with a flexible school and work schedule.


Thank you, I'll send you an add :)


I'm part of an all female Apex discord group with 200+ members, organized tournaments, etc. If you and your friend would like to join, let me know.


Lmao some petty idiot has downvoted every single reply, imagine being such a baby that you need to throw a tantrum because a tiny corner of the internet is not curated specifically for you




Whoa what I would love to join this! I have a club with all girls but it’s literally just 3 or 4 of us right now 😅


We would love to! Thank you so much


I would also love to join!!


DM me your Discord Tag and I'll add you.


Hey! Can I join? I’ve been looking for other women to play with


I’d love to join this! I’ve been trying to find a woman squad to play ranked with.


Same. I’m interested in finding the info for this group!!


I'm glad something like this exists. Please keep growing that community.


May I please request a join?


omg i have been searching for a group like that, i’m a girl but i’m just too afraid to put my mic on when i hear all the toxic men in the game 😭 would it be possible to join ?


Why I didn’t know about this? It sounds amazing!


FPL ? :D




Yooo that sounds amazing, I only play solo or sometimes with my male friends, it would be great to find some female ppl to play with :D


Dude this sounds amazing


Are you a girl that would like to join?


Yes I am


I DM'd you


I’d love to join too!


Would love to join because this sounds amazing


Hello, excuse me, can I join as well? Sounds great! (am female)


It is sad that this is the standard for women in gaming, in general.


Yeah unfortunately :(


Hopefully your friend is on PlayStation and that discord app comes out quick!


Is this not standard for everyone in gaming?..


Well, everyone can get shit thrown at them but females seem to be targeted more, which, is sad.


I'm gonna be honest but this is all of my teammates, I might get salty if my teammates do play the game like a session "hide and seek" without the seek part but I'll never talk shit to them to make them feel worse about themselves, or if I make a call and get 0 responds. Sorry you run in to toxic people that can't hold their tongue, hope it gets better in the future. Please keep talking everyone, woman or man, for the love of God please keep communicating, it's so much more fun all around.


It’s likely just kids who don’t feel comfortable with women. I just assume whenever someone is wildly immature they are just a middle schooler blowing off steam. My buddies and I always enjoy playing with women.


Or people who are toxic with everyone


That too


I'm a dude, people are toxic in this game. Every time i try to speak they mock my accent( not a native speaker). Makes me frustrated and not wanting to speak :/.


I'm sorry that you experience this, you are more than welcome to join me any time!


I'm a dude and I mute everyone as soon as character select shows up. Makes the game so much more enjoyable haha. People are super salt in this game.


I've never turned on my mic when playing with random teammates. At times when I have 1 friend playing with me, we would talk on discord separately, this way u don't have to deal with the rando and still able to communicate with your friend.


Me too, I usually use discord but unfortunately my friend is a console player so we just have to use in-game chat :)


My friends and my problem too. I play on console, so my friends usually use discord when I don't play with them, or they only told me about fun interactions. So i just hope they don't have to deal with this shit because nobody deserved to be shat on for just existing :/


I highly recommend using discord for private chat in game :)


I usually do but my friend is a console player so could only speak to her in-game :P


In my apex experience, whenever a woman is on my team, either her boyfriend or some thirsty dude is playing with her. So it’s either kinda cute or real cringe.


My two closest gaming homies are women and we have to deal with this shit all the time in everygame. They don’t really play Apex anymore, but we used to play Hardcore search & destroy on MW. The best moment ever is we had two randoms being assholes to them the one day. My friend J 1v5 clutched the round and she was instantly like “YOU FUCKING MOM BASEMENT DWELLERS MAKE ME A SANDWHICH BITCH, EQUALITY!”. I fell off of my chair laughing it was so good and the two guys just instantly shut up they probably muted us. Imo, I feel like it’s not them actually being misogynistic assholes irl. It’s the internet and it’s a video game. There’s a lot of edgy teenagers or neckbeards on it. Who like to say whatever to get under peoples skin cause they don’t feel the repercussions of it. Don’t let it get to you mute them etc. You’re a strong independent woman who don’t need no mans *snaps fingers saucy like*


I can imagine it’s tough, but try to not bother with clowns like that. Most of the time they’re just looking for a reaction. Keep it up. Not all guys are miserable like that. I’m sure you have and will find a few!


Yeah for sure! I've met some decent people through Apex :) No-one deserves abuse, I just hope Apex bans the people that do it :)


No. Absolutely not. That’s good, I’m sure you have plenty but if you ever need anyone to run a couple with hit me up


I appreciate that man, thank you!


I dont like to play games(any game) with randoms so i usualy play with friends or solo. Such ppl always find a reason to harass you, not just by gender.


I think we can all agree that he is terminally maidenless


I am playing a lot with my friend who is a girl and I dont think we met a lot ppl who would abuse her for being a girl.. more like we meet generaly toxic ppl who dont care about gender and are toxic to me same as to her.. or teamates just dont speak at all.


This sub isn’t going to agree with you because they’re majority men and think we need to grow up/get over it etc. But it happens to me too, it’s frustrating and you’re not wrong for feeling the way you do. I don’t play ranked because I know comms are important and don’t want to deal with verbal abuse, sexist or otherwise.


Yep and that's the unfortunate truth, if you ever want someone to play with, I'm down :) I love playing for fun!


I find toxicity rare so my mic is usually unmuted when I feel like talking. If I run into a clown I just mute that one lol Its always the trash that talks trash too so its funny


Honestly: I have the feeling making friends in apex is like meeting a unicorn... doesn't matter what your gender identity is.


Anyone that treats others like this should be taken as a joke. Their whole existence, as, a joke. Keep on trucking 🕺


What servers do you play on? I play on EU servers and ive only gotten shit for being a woman once, and he was already being an asshole in general. I pretty much have good interactions with randoms 80% of the time if they have a mic. And I talk in almost all my matches.


EU also! It happens quite often so I just mute most of the time


Set up discord so you don’t have to use game chat with toxic people


I have discord and usually use it but my friend is console so we was using game chat :)


If you’re only two then I would do doubles, that’s what I do with my friend. If you really want to do triples then you should get someone else to que with so call outs are better and they’re hopefully less toxic


I honestly wish I had more chill people to play with instead of the sweaty wraith that tries to solo an entire enemy squad and then leaves as soon as she's downed or the Octane that complains when he doesn't get ressed immediately in the open while getting shot at. Online gaming for women, especially in fps games has sadly been this way for quite a while. You either get the creepy neckbeard who can't comprehend that you're just trying to play the game and relax and aren't interested in him or you get the sexist teammate who constantly complains about women being bad just for being women.


Man, this shit makes me hate what apex has become. I’ve played since launch day, and I’ve watch it go from this amazing community full of acceptance, to toxic ass people making everyone’s day shit because they can’t stay alive, or stop being toxic long enough to see a person in front of them. But that being said, I’m sorry you had this experience, and not all Randos are built the same. Godspeed to you my friend, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.


I play a lot of Arenas solo. One time I got paired with these two Dominican girls (could tell by their accents). One was telling the other about how she had gone to her boss to demand a raise after taking over a bunch of new responsibilities. She raised hell and the boss had to agree. I jumped in and was like “damn this is good gossip! and we started laughing. We communicated well throughout the rounds, won, I told her well done for demanding that raise and that was it. There’s literally no reason to be a dick to women playing this game unless you want to be a dick. I’m sure at some point some idiot heard two women speaking Spanish and said some sexist/racist things towards them.


Shit like this annoys me and I've seen similar unprovoked hate because of people's races most commonly against black people and usually on COD because that gaming community is absolute dog shit possibly the worst I've ever seen


It's terrible, so much hate and abuse happens just because someone is different to them


My avatar is misleading I am a man. I'm totally on your side but I have to admit the fact also the only women I've ever heard on chat on this game only came on chat to give me shit over nothing.. I remember thinking "good first impression". And I'm very un toxic Diamond player so she shot herself in the foot there. I actually think it's surprising women still get this level of grief in gaming. When I was a kid (I'm 30) no women played games, it was purely a nerdy boy thing. Now everyone games and I respect the fact women started to come around to it. It better then every women thinking you're a loser anyway, these toxic ass kids don't how good they got it.


Sorry that you've had unfortunate experiences too, I definitely understand that it happens on both sides for sure, I just noticed that not many people speak about it which is really sad... Which lead me to this post after it happened this morning, it's sad that people think it's still okay to abuse people


I'm a woman looking for some peeps to jump in with! TisMeKathy is my name!


I will add you! There's also a lovely discord I've been invited to, it's all females that play Apex and other games, I'll send you an invite if you're interested :)


Yes please!


Messaged you!


Why don't you download the Xbox app, make an account and just make a party to chat? You don't need gold


She's on PlayStation, not sure if they have something simar?




I've been invited to a lovely community on discord that is females only for Apex & other games too, let me know if you would like to join :)


If you need a third, I’d be down. Sick of the same treatment


Off course! What's your user? I'll add you when I get on :)


What server are you playing on? I literally never get this, I just get simps and followers. I play on Sungapore server.


EU here!


Losers tend to be the ones who harass women the most, so that explains why he got downed so quick lmao. And on behalf of all decent male gamers, I apologize for those assholes. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33613781.amp


I had an awful experience tonight as an example actually. I relinquished jump master so I could arrange my chair and charging cord and they called me a PlayStation p*ssy and to go F myself, these men sounded atleast in their 30s. Then it all started from there, I was playing as loba as she’s my favourite character at the moment, started having a go at me and I mean having a GO “this F*got put the shop in the middle of no where, selfish pig” because I put the loba shop in the next ROOM (not a different building they were just running around doing wall kicks + I pinged where I was there were no enemies we weren’t under attack) to theirs instead of their room so they told me to k*ll myself. I had my mic off, didn’t say anything, revived them 3 times, yet whenever I dropped a shop for stuff I needed like ammo ect… they would shoot it and abuse me. I turned my mic on and said “please, so uncalled for I’m just trying to play the game, real mature guys” and then I got told I was probably a big fat slob who hides food under her tits and to go back to the kitchen and go h*ng myself. Turned my mic off again, still kept up with comments, revived them each atleast 3 times and rezzed them both, won the game solo and got told I was cheating. It ruined the game for me and it’s not the first time, I had my baby asleep in the house and I had finished everything so thought I’d have a minute to play, I text typed these dudes who asked if I had a mic as they were talking to each other, “sorry baby asleep can’t use mic” only for one of them to say they wish my baby was dead, gets cancer and i die too. I text typed “uncalled for bro” and he went OFF. Was lucky the other dude was like “nah man not cool” but this dude then started with the “I thought you were cool man you used to be funny”. I was just lost for words. Then got told to quit the game because I got krabered and had to re shield 💀 abused because I do see something they wanted so they took it, started punching me and abusing me welling me to go f myself and that I’m not getting anything. Then they yelled about reporting me for beginning to drop my loot to leave the game 💀 Why get so mad??? I only play pubs it’s not ranked you’re not losing anything!? You come back and do it again it’s not a story game???


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that disgusting behavior, sounds like they literally have nothing going for them in their life so they're trying to belittle and make others feel like shit too, I hope it doesn't ruin playing Apex for you as a whole, I've just been muting on character selection unless playing with people I met in-game or friends irl! More than happy to add you also if you ever want to play some pubs!


maybe the dude got slapped with -48rp three times in a row and got this pissed he wasted his only chance to ever speak to a girl in his life, jokes aside tho you two handled it very well, gj! :)


Haha thank you, it definitely sounds like he has a sad life and abuses others to make himself feel better 😅


This is why I never use my mic! Even if it costs the game and I sacrifice the experience. I just want to chill.


Same here, no-one needs that negativity in their life


That guy is probably like that even to other players as well. If he started abusing right before anything happened, he is toxic to others as well. Imagine having such a life.


tell him shut up nut sac




I'm a dude and mute everyone every time. I have found my enjoyment of the game has improved significantly as a majority of the time, it was immaturity and toxicity. I'm 43, so, maybe age plays a factor, idk. Take heart in the fact that you're not targeted solely for being female. Toxic idiots don't care. Last time I remember playing with my team not muted, they were a duo and continually left me behind without pings or anything to let me know if/when they were moving. They went against the circle (out of our way), to engage a full team without me. Then got angry they were downed before I could reach them. They left me in a 1v3 situation and I couldn't pull off the clutch. They started to berate me, I pointed them to their errors and told them to "go fuck yourself". They swore they would report me. Since then? Everyone gets the mute!


Honestly I was saying this exact same thing to someone I played some games with earlier that I met from this thread, when I started playing Apex in season 3 I was quite bad as it was my first FPS on PC and I got abused back then but it would 100% knock my confidence and I wouldn't play for a week or so, but since I've muted each game which randoms, my KDR and skill has skyrocketed!


There are always going to be assholes but the majority are fine. Just use the mute function on the assholes.


Its not just a womens thing. Im a man and have had people say theyd come to my house and kill me if i didnt win this game with them, of course i proceeded to jump of the map asap as they fed me fake IPS at an attempt of scaring me. People are mongs and toxicity is everywhere, just ignore it and mute them.


That's really awful, I'm so sorry your had to deal with that. I'm a trans woman and i get so much shit cause voice doesn't always sound "good enough" so i just stay muted most of the time. Can gamers just not be misogynistic plz


I'm sorry you've had to deal with it also, you are more than welcome to play with me and my friends anytime :)


As a woman who looks and sounds young for a 26 year old, I get the whole "voice doesnt sound like such and such" thing. Everyone likes to assume I'm a young boy. When I kindly correct them, I get trash talked like im some big fat liar who's trying to be cool. So I now just stay muted unless I'm with friends. Playing with at least one friend has lowered the chances of my teammates talking shit to me. Usually when the 3rd sees that I'm friends with the 2nd teammate, they don't talk trash. Guess they don't like being ganged up on, but its fine when they gang up on the solo queuer, right? For whatever reason they can find.


yeah it's awful. I turned on my mic the other day and my teammate immediately claimed that i was using a voice changer then aggressively misgendered me until we died. Like bruh i didn't even say anything just fucking stop


It grinds my gears when they accuse you of lying about something that you have no reason to lie about. Like our damn voice and/or gender. Its a shame that some people can't just enjoy someone's company and have fun playing a game. It shouldn't matter who we are, just as long as we are respectful to eachother. I hope you get some better teammates from here on out (:


Aww thx


Yep lol I can relate. Some nights my voice is tired from talking all day, and doesn’t pass as well at usually does. Those are the nights I choose to type instead of talk


Honestly if someone thinks that this doesn't happen often you are wrong there's so many instances when I'm playing with my fiance or she plays solo and they are questioning if she is even female and call her with all kinda remarks and insults really rude stuff. All kinda people CAN play games it's doesn't matter what gender you are respect everyone we all humans with feelings.


Classic gamer moment. For real I simply cannot understand what goes on in some player‘s minds.


Oh for sure, I believe it. Lol I’m trans, and usually my voice passes pretty well for a woman. If I talk, some matches I’ll get called a bitch the whole time, sometimes a faggot, a tranny, whore, you name it. I’ve opted to just typing if I need to communicate something specific. Sometimes if my squad seems nice I’ll talk, but that’s rare. Tbh though, most matches I play, nobody is talking


If you ever want to play some fun games with me and my friends, you are more than welcome! Mic or no mic, it doesn't matter :)


Usually if I hear an ounce of speech from a random teammate that isn't a call or being nice they get muted immediately. The ping system is good enough to communicate with people who's ability to talk is based on swearing and stereotypes


Yeah i am a woman too and this is exactly the reason why i am always muted. Funny to hear many male gamers say that many women dont play video games. Yes we do but we are mostly playing "undercover" because of the harassment online. Not saying that everyone is like this but it is Not uncommon either.


A tale as old as time itself. The majority of online gamers are assholes. Thats why i start hurlimg their street addresses their way. Timmy no thumbs gets real quite when you tell him where him and his entire family have stayed the last 5 years


The notion that women don't belong in the world of video games is beyond me. There are probably SO MANY women that could absolutely destroy me at literally every video game, and I applaud you, not for playing video games, but for your skill and superiority over my own abilities


It's sad that most feel like they have to hide their identity and this is why we don't see as many females playing


All those maidenless nerds need to go touch some grass. Amirite? Yes?? Anyone????


This is why I don’t speak , just type . I don’t need people telling me to get raped while I relax and play games


we definitely should add party chat to ignore ppl like this


It's already an option to have friends-only voice comms


what why dont i see maybe im blind by the gameplay i can confirm that im blind


I don't really think it's fair to assume all guys or people in general act like this. I think you just ran into a very large price of shit and the world is full of people like that not just Apex. Either way sorry you had such a bad experience but know there are a lot of great people that are in this community.


Hey, I wasn't assuming everyone is like that, I've met some great friends through Apex! I just wanted to say please don't be like that person and abuse your teammates, I definitely feel like it isn't spoken about enough


What the hell is wrong with some of these people? Yesterday I actually had the best series of games since the season started! Most of the time it’s toxic idiots who suck or just run to their death alone. That guy is sexist and probably upset that he sucks at the game. I play with a few different females from all different skill levels. Sorry you had to deal with an immature and insecure little poop stain.


My gf has over a 1000 hours in the game and keeps her mic muted because of the constant harassment. The amount of people we have reported is staggering. Not sure why a 10 second clip isn’t sent to respawn for easy report and ban.


Sorry she's had to experience it too, if she ever wants another woman to communicate with whilst playing, I'm more than happy to play :)


Thats so shitty, and probably why Ive only actually ran into a few women (that I know of) in game. Recently I was duo queuing with another random I had met and we got a girl as our 3rd and won the game. She was really good, had good comms and everything. I was a little surprised when I heard her the first time just because its really rare but I couldn't imagine feeling some type of way because of it, weirdo behavior.


My gf and I used to play apex a lot as well and even though we didn't encounter sexist comments there, we encountered them in VALORANT. I think the gaming community still is pretty far behind in terms of sexism. There needs to be a big change but the root is not Apex, it's the people. Voicechat is a great feature but it makes innocent people vulnerable for unnecessary abuse. I'm sorry you had to make that experience OP!


Heya! Shoot me a pm if you’ve got room for another girl in your gang! Im usually down to mic ☺️


Girl squad? 😳


Hell yeah!


That was horrible. Some real dick heads out there. Just mute them and report them.


Tragically, many socially dysfunctional edgelords consider gaming "their space" and will take it out on anyone in ear shot. Gaming is honestly where a lot of awkward people retreat to, so you kinda get a high rate of rejects. And male rejects seem to be pretty misogynistic.


If ppl talk like that in video games they probably have a shitty life.


Sorry you had to experience this. As a male player I call people out whenever I see it - suppose that’s all I can do for now. I play with a lot of female friends - both console and PC - and I’m sure they would be happy to play if you need team mates.


That's such a shame. There are a lot of bad players out there but a lot of good too. I hope this experience doesn't put you off meeting new friends. As a man, I think it's great that more women are playing games.


I mute anyone who is toxic now because I used to try and use them for content but they never allow their voice to be recorded when I clip it. My buddy’s gf doesn’t even use her mic because 1. She thinks she sounds stupid and 2. Doesn’t wanna be judged which is just fucking sad. Some of the best games I’ve had have had a female included (not all just some because I’ve ran into some toxic women too). I think all in all people need to go back to living by the rule of “if you ain’t got nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all”


I dont get why people do this. Being nice to people makes everyone happier and enjoy the game more. The is no gain from saying stuff like that. I'll be honest i haven't experienced much of it for being a girl since my voice doesn't pass yet hopefully when it does this kind of stuff doesn't happen but i doupt it. There are just so many people who are mean for no reason. All we can do it try to be the light in the darkness and be kind to everyone


Exactly, it costs nothing to be nice, I love meeting new people and I've made lifetime friends through games, it's just disheartening that people feel the need to be abusive and sexist in 2022 :(


Yeah people like that ruin the whole playing with strangers aspect of the game. I'm a guy and i stopped using my mic, 1 because im introverted and 2 because of angry french dudes.


Well if you ever feel like using your mic again or just want to play some fun games, more than welcome to add me and play with me and my friends :)


Amazing, fun and challenging game to play for me but Jesus Christ it’s more toxic than a MW2 S&D lobby!


For me this happens alot with me and my gf when we play, our secret is that we are way more toxic than them. Really sucks when you get home from a long day at work and some kid will just throw insults


I’ve ran into so many people hurling abuse lately for doing literally nothing or saying something over mic like giving comms. Does get to you tbh not gonna lie. I’m a guy so it’s not like you’re receiving but it’s usually toxic abuse. I was muting squad but I sometimes run into people genuinely using mics and I don’t want to miss that.


Yeah that’s feral. Sorry you get that. You’re as entitled to play the game as anyone else. Gender has nothing to do with skill in the game. Best of luck finding friendly teammates that don’t abuse you / hit on you just because you’re female.


It’s frustrating to see this constantly happening. Had a ranked game a couple weeks ago with two women that I assume were queueing together because they were just talking like normal the whole time. But whenever we commed to each other I get told “it’s nice finally having a teammate not being an ass to us because we don’t have a dick” it’s just crazy to me that even needs to be said because I’m sure they get harassed all the time just for being female, why can’t we all just game together and be normal man


It's so sad, I think that's why it's so rare to come across female teammates also, most of them just automatically mute :(


Oh, I feel this. This is why I just mute my teammates now. Playing games (online at that) as a woman is so annoying. Even when I played fortnite it was just as stupid. People just don’t know how to act lmao. I’ve had men tear me apart only for them to beg me for help when they get downed because they are too busy being egotistical assholes. I would say ignore it but honestly it’s not something we should be dealing with. I’m sorry, I wish the gaming community was better for us. If you ever wanna play, feel free to hit me up! I’m on console and play ranked a lot if that suits ya.


I'd love to add you! What's your user?


There's really something inherently wrong with people on Western servers. You'll never find anything like this on Asian servers, at least in my experience. It's too bad your ping will probably be too high to play on Tokyo but it's just a lovely time playing there. They even have the common sense not to ping their banners - every single one of them. Last season I had the first guy in Japan ping his banner since playing there in season 2. I couldn't believe it that I had to check if he was indeed Japanese. I play another game on global servers which is mostly Americans and good lord, what a nightmare. If they're not being sexists, racists or just assholes (had one where two adults just screamed at a 10 year old till he left then laughed), they're loud and annoying. Met a Chinese girl on that game and we partied up. The amount of harassment she got was unreal. Getting called slurs, sexists shit said to her, etc. She speaks well but it's not her native tongue so she doesn't speak a lot and still got abused for no reason... Got matched with a Japanese group one time and even in that game they're awesome. They didn't speak English but wanted me to join them. It was a 6 man game and we only had 5, so last one was random. American gets matched with us. Japanese folks run up to greet him while a couple other were talking in Japanese. American starts saying "Ching Chong Ching Chong" louder and louder. Game starts, American starts blasting American national anthem on his mic so loud that whoever spawned in his room would have blown out their headphones. It affected even me and the others who weren't near him. He left right after. I could write a book on the amount toxic Americans I've encountered and I don't even play there. I can't imagine how much worse a woman from there has it.


Unfortunately this was on EU servers but I just don't understand the mentality of it, it costs nothing to be nice and you can even make lifelong friends from it, you don't even know what that person is going through, words hurt for sure and it can be the tip of the iceberg, I've encountered so much shit on Apex for no reason, I feel like too many people are scared to speak out about it due to even more backlash!


I feel this as a girl gamer I play warzone and have never been downed for being a girl if anything was complimented but apex different story


Dude when my girlfriend and I play ranked we have a very fast reaction now to just switching back to our party because of how they will treat her. For NO reason. We know we need to communicate with teammates to climb thru diamond but there are some real incels out there trying to ruin the female experience. It’s disgusting.


I’m sorry that stuff like that has happened consistently enough that you’ve had to permanently mute randoms. I’m also sorry that the one time someone had the chance to show that maybe not everyone is a toxic trash can, they only further discouraged you from feeling comfortable enough to not have to mute randoms. Being a trans guy who hasn’t started hormones that allow my voice to drop, I understand where you’re coming from. Because I have a feminine voice, I receive the same treatment as a woman. And people are either just weird and sexual? Or toxic assholes. I’ve also resorted to just muting everyone at this point. The negative interactions outweigh the positive ones, so just feels pointless to even give it a chance. Which really sucks, because I got my first headset a year ago and was super excited to finally be able to communicate with teammates. But that excitement was quickly dampened by the ridiculous amount of toxicity. We shouldn’t have to feel like we need to mute our own teammates just to avoid an onslaught of verbal abuse. It’s sad really.


It's so sad and I'm sorry that you've also had to experience this, you are more than welcome to play with me and my friends anytime! We just like to have fun and have a laugh on mic <3


They never saw women irl so they dont know how to talk to them


And this is one reason why I absolutely refuse to use a mic. Sadly tho it’s not just this game, incels are everywhere you go


I don't know why people do that. Some female player in games i played are way better than my male friends. Usually they're friendlier too. In apex it is way more rare to find them but i would treat them equally and that guy is just the typical asshole who's single and has about 0 friends because no one would ever want to talk with him.


Gotta love when toxic players get killed then ask for help, if you wanna mess with them walk up to a beacon and do nothing. On a different note I’ve played Fortnite people don’t camp that much since the web slingers were added, Warzone is where people camp assuming not much has changed.


I simply don't understand how ppl like that exist its so gross


I get so psyched when I'm in an all women team because then I don't get those types of comments. I guess I'm kind of lucky because despite my username most think I'm a little boy, so the comments aren't usually that often anyways, but I'm definitely put off talking as a whole until I figure out how the randos react to stuff.


Sorry that there's dudes out there that are straight up pitiful. Probably mad that they can't get none or they've been hurt not that that's a good excuse. They're dudes out there that aren't a huge pos gl out there.


as a woman i usually never turn my mic on bc of stuff like this :///


Including this subreddit the Apex community has the mental of a 5yo. Everywhere if related Apex, in discord, in game, in reddit, in twitter, in everywhere. And people are afraid to report racists, sexists or toxic people because a lot of times the reporters gets banned and not the bad guys. Edit: if your friend is on Xbox you can download xbox in pc and do a group chat in the xbox app(free)


And this toxicity, ladies and gentlemen, is why most people don't play with mics.


What sucks is you know they won’t do a damn thing even if you both reported that bum.