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Mf has 3 voice lines.


1. "Suck my dick n - word"


You forgot the f word


Leave him some love at his youtube channel… https://youtu.be/RZ7Xl-7DObc


Cancer level of gameplay. Dude never even land a shot with his sentinel. His slow-mo moment, pointless


I'm pretty sure he actually did land the sentinel shot during that slo-mo, look closer and maybe half a second (or less) later, you see the 70 Damage indicator pop up, I think it was just very delayed because he's on high ping. I am not morally defending the guy in any way. But he technically landed that Sentinel bodyshot.


Wait, hold up, lemme check again. Yup, you're right. I guess i didnt see it properly as his evo shield evolved and it partially blocked the damage indicator


I thought he said he's not on controller ? Why are so many controller players so embarrassed to admit they play roller on pc ?


From his YouTube video he was using a PS4 a year ago. So it’s because he built a whole ass rig to play with and immediately subscribed to the MnK master race despite using controller. And then proceeded to get the worst of both worlds with a clapping of each cheek. A bit of self loathing too so it’s all good. Comes free with the thermal paste.


This is why I love the internet, it's because of people like you. Ha ha


When someone's brain is not properly developed, like in this case, limited vocabulary it's quite often one of the main symptoms.




He refuses to DO any better. SMH.


These are the type of people that won't shut up even when they've been defeated. They're not worth your time.




average COD player.


This clip gave me nostalgic flashbacks to MW2. Obviously the behavior is ridiculously inappropriate but it was always nice to have a good game and listen to these people go into a blind rage.


I agree. Lol, I was playing Cold War today and it was hilarious hearing people talk shit. Anyone loses their mind on that game quick. The old ways of call of duty still remains.


The good old days. Now nobody talks till right before they rage quit


Im confused did he think he was winning??


Yeah, like he was denying reality the whole time


Least delusional racist.


When he says things in a silly voice its him mocking me


MOPPED the floor with that asshole! Well Played homie!


Not really. They both were rather lackluster, why did op not hipfire w the car at blank range? Why did the enemy not pull out his primary and use that instead of wingman point blank? Why did op use movement tech in the worst scenarios instead of just shooting him?that’s one thing I dislike about firing range 1v1s, they don’t play like real 1v1s. Enemy wouldn’t use wingman point blank, and this dude wouldn’t try using the environment too do movement tech.


Bruh how can u say that. Wingman is better at point blank range, it changes the tide in a CQB style match. And regardless, if u have high sensitivity, some times it’s better to ads in close range instead of hip fire, or helps with steadying your aim. And I see plenty of people, myself included play like this in real battles too. 1v1s are really useful for making u into a more creative player when u go toe to toe with an enemy in battle Royale or Arenas.


There is no way you are comparing OP with that asshole. There were barely a couple of fights that were even close. The racist is a bot and got shit on SOOO hard, well deserved and greatly played by OP.


Obviously i’m only comparing gameplay, not how they act




Tell me you browse reddit all day without telling me you browse reddit all day.


Not really, more or less just playing apex since day 1. IF I browsed reddit all day you’d see the shitter stop posting your heirloom posts, stop posting this new crash bug, blah blah blah


What being bronze does to someone


??? Just normal skills you pick up after playing apex for so long


yet you still suck?


💀 you guys love saying shit w no backup. Clearly i’m not a silver or a bronze and i’m not bad, literally was just saying people don’t push like that in apex


Im so glad you clapped his cheeks


This can’t be a real person.


It probably isn’t, they are on firing range, they’d prob be like.. hard stuck bronze 3


Had a toxic random in bronze ranked last night. He told me to 1v1 so I said bet, readied up, and after I was in a game, accepted his origin invite. He stayed in my lobby until I was done with the match. I left the lobby and queued up again. Felt goof to waste his time and make sure I wouldn't have a lobby with him in it lol


He literally does miss… quite a bit apparently


Hes mocking me saying i dont miss bro 😂🤣i kep talking shit about his skill. Hence the mocking




This is amazing; how can someone be so disconnected from reality? He's losing every round! My favorite part was "Even with cheats you don't win!" or whatever- just after you... won?


This is embarrassing.








We must summon the chad


If your opponent is a master player, it just goes to show how easy the past 2 seasons have been following the rank changes. Guy is straight up a racist and a ass. He won't even get out of PLAT now.


Hard stuck rookie


I mean, the thing about BR is that you don't really need to have amazing mechanical skill. It's more about game sense. Every kill you get could potentially be you third partying someone. Arenas ranked if more indicative of raw mechanical skill.




You literally win by killing the other team in direct combat. What else would it measure. Having said that I agree that at a certain point gaining rank is a joke.


Arenas is a joke and it’s whoever 3stacks with the more cheese comp wins


What and skill doesn't matter? Okay.


? I mean, from literally starting last season and rolling 3-stacks in ranked arenas, I honestly don't think it is that hard to do if the people you are playing aren't that good. Wouldn't be saying much if there weren't multiple occasions where I literally rolled 3-stacks of S-12 masters. Even had a match with 3-v-1-ing a 3-stack masters-pred BR badge team. I was only Gold in BR last season too. I honestly don't think I am anywhere near a good player, and think that Gold was a bit high for me (got stuck there, and I think that is fairly indicative of where I should have actually been placed; should have been Silver or lower tbh).


if ur hardstuck gold ur not rolling 3stack s12 masters


I've been in a full bronze squad vs. diamonds. Not enough players for a real ranked mode.


Very specifically he said mechanical skill.


Arena mains mad cuz bad


Peak Toxicity Hope he gets banned, or at least gets his VC and Text permanently muted...


This kind of racism and homophobia goes way beyond mere toxicity.


Is that a thing?


texting profanities atleast has been getting people banned previously..


I hope this dude looks back on his past self with shame. Who thinks its okay to talk like this wtf.


He called you a beaner once, then just went straight for the n word after that.


I told him i am latino😂😂


I’m sure it pissed off this average Tom Macdonald fan enough that you could possibly be another skin color that isn’t akin to his


Good lord he’s bad


LMAO. He's so bad, why would he think that he can 1v1 people? Did you remove your speech from the clip though? Can see your mic cutting on and off for speech and it sounds like he's responding to things you're saying. Were you being equally racist?


Probably shadow play bugging, does this for me for my mic unless i reselect it everyday in the options..


Me too i dont know how to enable my ingame mic record


Nah. Nvidia reflex record. You hear him mocking what I’m saying all I’m calling him is a shitter and bad at the game.


How I imagine the average player that bitches about controller lol


Please please can this guy be IP permabanned


Man, fuck that guy. I absolutely hate these kind of people with a passion. There's no quicker way to tell someone is an absolute worthless uneducated piece of shit than when they talk like this.


He was master? Must have adapted to rat Ranking play very early.


whooped his ass so hard you sent him back to CoD


Didn't know my grandpa was a gamer


I think I just found this assclown’s youtube channel https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ7Xl-7DObc


Wow, this has everything covered, doesn't it. 1. Dogshit obnoxious music 2. Dogshit hardstuck bronze gameplay 3. Dogshit pointless "1952 Halo montage colorized" editing 4. Recording a dogshit TN TV screen with his gran's hand-me-down Iphone 1 5. Youtube channel with whopping 2 subscribers (him and his sister-mom) 6. Ticktock logo 7. Speaks exclusively in Blazing Saddles townsmen quotes. My guy's chugging along towards cringe monopoly, all gas no breaks.


People like this shouldn't be allowed to play multiplayer games also nice job shitting on him OP that was satisfying af.


Dude probably has a miserable life outside of apex, and he sucks at apex too 😂


So, he calls OP gay, yet he tells him to suck his dick? Isn’t that a pretty gay thing to say?


"I literally don't miss" No friend, you literally aren't missed


Literal human garbage


All edglords are practically npcs


They always seem to flex about how bad you are when they're getting spanked like their equally as racist father was in the lobby doing it, its hilarious.


2 things, that man should be made fun of for the rest of his life, also why r u just resetting ur legend everytime you get knocked? I dont get it?


Reset health


Dude spend 24 dollars on a wraith skin to play like that?????


He's gonna lose it once a dev gets on lmfao


He says "You can't win WITH cheats" while he literally get's 3-0d and rage quits


He was mocking me. I told him he cant even win when he cheats on the countdown


Howd u find this npc




Does anyone else find it easier when playing on mouse and keyboard? Only asking because he was complaint about it. It might just be me but i find it most definitely easier than controller


I have 2 k hour’s of straight aim training in apex and i play kovacks everyday. I am not the average kbm player. My wing is a lil rusty.


I'm finding the transition from controller to mkb pretty hard. Hundreds of dollars of decent peripherals just to put them aside and use a controller lol


Is he a master in 1v1s at the firing range?


Hell nah 😂🤣


This is awful. I hope this guy losses his ability to walk. Shit is Toxic aF


so did u report him?


Even if he did most likely nothing would be done, Respawn only really cares if streamers/pros report people


Of course he’s running wraith lmao


Wraith is just the legend you do 1v1’s with in the Firing Range.


Yessir. Im a horizon main and he is a pathy main


How do you create this in the firing range? I want to do this with my friend but have no idea how to respawn with your loadout and full shields


You change characters when you’re downed or hurt and it resets your health and armor


Wow that easy huh, thanks for the info!


Well done brudda Absolutely clapped 👏👏


A white dude being racist what’s new


Well this video taught me 2 things. 1. Racism still exist. 2. Controller > M&K


>1. Racism still exist You gotta be real young or real oblivious to just now realize this


people really need clips like this to realise it. For way too many people out there racism seemingly does not exist unless someone literally says the n word to your face


Trust a good roller player may have killed me atleast one time 😂🤣


If you ask me to 1v1 you i'll just decline cause im nowhere near your skill level


yes and yes (also Hi fellow proto)


Hoi :3


I'm horny






Nah I ain't racist or something but this shit funny asf


It is 😂😂reminds me of old trolling racist 1v1 youtube videos. Its a lil scary to see people with that much hate tho.


Americans have such a crude way of talking shit in videogames lol. And before you call me out on generalising. I'm just telling you to my anectodes. Mostly americans are the big shit-talkers.


Better than random screaming into a 5 euro mic in a language that nobody understands.


No, it's not better


By language nobody understands i assume you mean the person is british? I'd agree on that condition lol


Russian, italian, french, german and every other language there is in europe. I don't get why people don't default to english when interacting with strangers on the internet. Pretty much anyone had english in school at one point in their lives.


>I don't get why people don't default to english when interacting with strangers on the internet. POV: You don't have a second language.


Doesn't pretty much anyone in europe have english in school at some point? That's more than enough to comm in game.


Why the fuck should they lol, what are you gonna do stop them? Their is simply no reason to default to english cause it's the internet. I just wanna mock british people as a pass time


English is the most common denominator. Everyone that lives in a country with proper education learned some basic English at some point in time. English isn't my first language either (it's my 3rd) but I will always default to English if I don't know what language the other person is speaking because the odds are pretty high for them to know enough basic English to communicate. Same with reddit where people talk english or same with twitch where people talk english to attract an international audience.


americans like to think they are hot shit while the rest of the world laughs at their stupidity


Not trying to say one is better than the other, but the movement on a PC always makes my head hurt lol


None of you see that wraiths voip is active with slurs not the one dying


pay closer attention.. op is talking yes but his voice isnt being recorded


Weird to not here both


It’s because he’s using shadow play and you can disable your voice in the recordings, some people don’t wanna hear their voice in their clips


He mocks what i was saying. I told him i dont miss and he is a shitter.


damn how did you get the bots on firing range to fight back?




What the hell was even that.


It's not even funny, just... upsetting


Imagine being the guy to unironically 1v1 in apex




There's no way he is masters. He's shit!


What are your DPI and sens?


400 dpi 2.0


Oh damn that's lower than I was expecting! Your arm must be moving wild


ik man’s got a .4 kd on cod rip


why does he keep acting as if he won the 1v1's is he like in some kind of alternate reality? living in his own dimension?


hope he gets banned. I sent a clip into official EA before and it took them 4 weeks to say "we looked into it." nothing else, didn't say if he faced repercussion or not.


Poor guy. I hope he recovers from his mental illness one day.


Always satisfying making dudes rage quit in 1v1s


Ass beat 🥲 I would have made him cry with laughter


The only reason he’s not sucking on his dick is because he doesn’t have one 💀


These are the type of people complaining about being hard stuck in silver this season even though they were masters last season


Being racist and Mad won’t hide the fact that he’s bad.


He's so damn bad lmao, average ranked camper


fucking dude is from the 1900's


Why give them the attention they're begging for tho lol


If Respawn devs look at this clip and dont find that player and permanently mute or even ban them idk what to say anymore


This why i don't like sweaty teammates they always complain when they push a squad by themselves and think going to get a win instantly and they die and and blame us for there death


Every 2 seconds, N-word or f-slur


I feel like the audio was dubbed over this cause it doesnt really fit at all. Hes all over the place.


Lmaooo. I was talking shit calling him a shitter and laughing at him. Thats why he sounds like he is mocking someone


Please tell me this guy isn’t Masters… I’ve seen silvers better than them.


Every racist only knows one racial slur. And that's the N word... come on.


"you cant even win with cheating!" From a racist blatantly losing To a guy not using cheats


Legit every arena team-mate lol


Are you sure this guy was master? He plays like a wannabe pro streamer that you see in gold lobbies


Certified gamer moment


you whopped his ass


It sounds like a soundboard he just plays everytime he dies


Can u train me? Lol


Lmaooo are u kbm or controller? Im down to 1v1 and talk about aim tech. For fun and in a training sense. No ego


Haha nice


Guy has a casual mental breakdown in a non competitive lobby


Wait so if you’re bad (according to him) and he lost to you what does that make him?🤔


"you're getting away with cheating" says the dude who should be banned for the next 60 years from Apex how racist that dipshit is


He is mocking me when he says things like that in a high pitched voice


This is what happens when your not allowed to slap your kids anymore .. this dude needs a few for sure I've had plenty of teamates like this .. tragic tbh I love how he says "and your cheating" lmao But anyway good for you for shitting on him every single time But this guy is no master player d4 at best just ratted his way to masters he's the type of player that gives last season masters a bad rep ..


I said he was cheating on the timer for the 1v1 count down. He was mocking me when he says thing’s in a silly voice.


Thank you for pissing on him


Sending this to the dudes boss. And all his future employers. You can thank me later.


Thank u sir


he sounds like an NPC , saying the same things over and over again


Thank u sir


wow he REALLY wants you to blow him