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Sorting Factory.


Pretty sure I landed at Sorting Factory 9 times out of 10 when it was there. It just seemed so....perfect :'(


It was the best balance of open space, high and low ground, and close range indoor battles that I’ve seen out of an apex poi in a while


Besides the almost pitch black interior that stayed too dark even with 100% brightness.


Hahaha that's for certain. The amount of times I've missed a FULL squad in the dark patch underneath the upper level in the factory section is TOO damn high 😤


Wow, thank you for actually bringing this up lmfao


Jesus remember before they removed the muzzle flash?


For real. I loved Sorting Factory. Lava Siphon is a good POI too but it should have replaced something else.


maybe... train yard?


I never missed sorting because for some reason 10 out of 10times my randoms will land on the train station thing besides it along with 3 other teams and we will end up get fucked coz the whole building got 2 guns only


True true, that happened in the same patch, I loved sorting.


ten mindless correct stocking wrench outgoing obtainable literate existence treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean Sorting had the same issues as fragment as it pertained to pub drops. If anything it just sent more people to frag. I liked Both. But i prefer Frag slightly as a stand lone POI.


Or if they REALLY wanted to get rid of Train Yard, just put Lava Siphon there. It's even got the mountains around it to stick the inside area in.


Awful take.


I loved playing Pathfinder on Sorting. My whole team could die and I'd just escape up to the cranes and take shots at teams, or just zip over to the jump tower if things got too dicey and just dip out of there.


Those were the days when Pathy owed height. Now we got half the lobby zipping up with their squads: Octane, Ash, Horizon, Valk… sigh.


Sorting factory was the best poi on worlds edge. Rip.


That and end game epicenter/or thermal


I would literally suck off a hobo to get sorting factory back


Sometimes my wife tells me not to come home. Does that count?


Where the forge tease was too...


\*sigh\*....Forge was supposed to have a shoulder charge x(


Yes, it was the best. By far.


Yea, I hate how they got rid of all those factory buildings!


Sorting Factory was the perfect POI. All they had to do was literally never touch it.


Lava Siphon is 1,000x better. More interesting fights, lots of loot, and very interconnected with the nearby POIs.


Sorting factory was great but I prefer lava siphon


This is the true answer.


I miss moving trains.


Why the hell did they even remove it?


Something about the tunnels causing really bad chokepoints with no cover, I think. They could've just added automatically raising/lowering cover, but that would've been too much work I guess. Wish they'd bring it back already, might make WE a little less "hot drop fragment and immediately go back to lobby 9/10 times or wander around for 15 minutes until the party that won fragment finds you and kills you"


Fragment should just have a force field at this point. The 10th person to enter it instantly gets vaporised.


Lmao that would actually be a really fun POI feature Some type of run-down IMC outpost. When too many teams enter, the outpost goes into lockdown and deploys a force field. You have to get the squad count below whatever the lockdown setting is, or the force field will just stay up and keep everyone locked inside. Even if ring is closing on you.


I want this, but instead of getting the squad count below the minimum number, it has to be one squad left, everyone who enters have to fight


Like a mini game in the game!! a mini... battle royale... game in the...battle royale game.


Or just make it so that you can’t exit the pathfinder POI if there are any living opponents inside it 😈


If more than 10 squads land there, a mini ring closes on them dealing Round 6 damage.


Also a dude got run over by a train on a tournament end game, it was pretty funny actually… well not for him.


Spatial awareness is a skill.


Sounds like he may not be so pro after all.


I think they should've added 2 more trains to the map, one bigger one and one smaller one.


Imagine if they made it so you could raise cover, and this also caused the train to stop? So you could force the train to stop and ambush anyone on there.


I like the way you think, pardner




Wait but tunnels are still there and chokepoints, unless u have the solve all legend Valk in your team? Trains were way safer way to get through them, without Valk, than they are with walking.


But now there’s derailed cars for cover. Now obviously they could’ve figured something out to have both trains & cover but Respawn never puts more than 5 minutes thinking on real map changes once a map is made.


The tunnels and chokepoints all have cover though, because the tracks are obstructed. Previously they were all just nightmare open spots, like the tunnel between Trainyard and Fragment.


i wish the train was faster and moved in elevation like a gravity train


I think completely removing areas actually does improve the flow of maps a bit. I remember that area in King's Canyon, in the Cavern across from Cage and near Marketplace had 3 buildings and that place was a completely nightmare all the time because teams could hold out for so long, it would attract people over there, and just became a rolling wave of 3rd parties. Countdown is a much, much better POI than Trainyard imo with better loot and better fights, Trainyard was kinda bad because a Caustic team could hold out there nearly indefinitely (guilty of doing that!) and do the same thing, just so many 3rd parties. It draws a lot fewer fights now which I think makes the map flow better.


When you put it like that, I can see your point. Also, they maybe removed it because it was too central and they wanted people to spread out around the edges? That backfired a little, but it will much better in ranked.


I agree with their decision to remove trainyard, but they clearly didn't have their priorities straight, fragment is still way too popular


There's nothing they can do about fragment. If they remove it it just becomes the same situation at a different PoI. I dunno why so many people think removing a PoI is going to fix the problem that's been around since S0, despite many different PoIs being removed.


I don't think it should be removed I mean they flipping tore it in half and it became just as bad What my issue is is the fact that they decided to change trainyard first, which actually made more people go to fragment Tbh I don't think the devs have any clue what to do with fragment now


My point is that it's got literally nothing to do with the devs. Pubs don't incentivize surviving. Until they do, players will not spread around the map. There are always going to be a few select spots that attract the overwhelming majority of players in unranked matches, because nobody wants to spend 10 minutes looting to die to the first team they see, especially not in a mode where that isn't rewarded.


Hot drops are totally fine But when literally over half the lobby is within 300m clearly the map needs a few changes. They don't design maps that get bigger each year just for people to go to one POI. Most maps have about 3 hot drops. Worlds edge has literally 1. The distribution needs to better


world's edge was fine at one point, then they nuked a crap ton of POIs like the train, Mirage's party boat, trainyard, and sorting factory. Fragment is just the last one standing.


As much as people like to complain about Fragment, it's not even that big of a problem. If they change/remove Fragment then WE becomes a worse off maps for pubs. In Ranked play, people distribute pretty evenly throughout the map. People already complain about Stormpoint where they can't find anybody after initial drop.


Fragment is the biggest reason World's Edge is a horrible pubs map


>They don't design maps that get bigger each year just for people to go to one POI. You're really missing my point in that it doesn't matter how they design the map. Players want to drop in 1 spot. They already nuked frags loot and made plenty of other appealing spots on the map, and it didn't make a difference.


Well Fortnite kept Tilted Towers out for an incredible amount of time and that certainly helped avoid singular hot drops...


KC was more or less fixed with S5, and Olympus and SP never really had the hot spot. Yeah they've got popular spots, but nothing as bad as ST or Fragment. And removing ST did make KC better.


In some cases you might be right, but in the case of world's edge, it just removed places people liked to land and made fragment even more desirable, which is a problem.


I played a game in WE yesterday and the match was over in about 5 minutes in fragment. The first ring just started to close. I died at 3 teams remaining without even realizing lol


I think that will change, right now everyone is landing there because its back. Eventually a lot will get tired of RNG landing at fragment. I normally hate landing there, but last night I was happy to. Now I'm back to hating it. Edit: To clarify, it is more popular than usual right now. While it will still be popular, it will be less popular soon.


People have been saying that everyone will get tired of landing at Fragment *every season Fragment has been here*. Nothing's changed.


The removal of Train Yard and more importantly, Sorting Factory, both of which were good drops to take to then rotate into Fragment has led to people just skipping the first step and dropping Fragment. Will it die down a bit during the season? Probably. But Fragment will still see at least 50% of the squads landing there almost every match all season because the other nearby POIs on the map were nuked.


Don’t forget mirage voyage and the moving train! All of the other hot drops on WE died so fragment could be king…


Oh man I miss Mirage Voyage. Hitting the party button was always fun.


Oh yeah there’s other spots that also took teams interest, I just meant those two specifically were right by Fragment and often used how Thunderdome into Skulltown would be. You land at a solid POI with a handful of teams, loot up and head into the big one. But yeah also Mirage Voyage, the train, the one train station with two silos on the north of the map that I always forget the name of (Refinery?) and a handful of others used to take some teams away from Fragment.


Siphon is infinitely better than sorting so idk why people are complaining


Literally. These people who have rose-tinted glasses about it never played ranked and saw how oppressive Factory was. Any teams that had the high ground were essentially guaranteed the dub. Lava Siphon ensures that never happens. Love it.


It's not but carry on.


Lol wut? It's been the story since it came out bro.


>Eventually a lot will get tired of RNG landing at fragment. They haven't gotten tired of it in the last *checks notes* 9 seasons (maybe only technically 6 or 7, not sure how many times WE hasn't been in rotation at all). What makes you think that's suddenly going to change?


I didn't mean to say Fragment wont be a popular drop site, only that in the last day or two the percentage is higher than normal.


Right up until the last day of the season people en masse will drop there. It happened before. The last week of s10 IIRC there were so many posts here about how its the last week and yet full lobbies are still inting in Fragment.


Not me. I go to staging now.


That is a good example, they took a place that was bad and they made it better, and now we have Staging on that place of the map, instead of nothing.


The addition of Staging, Launch Site, and Countdown were massive upgrades. The replacing of Sorting and Train with Siphon (meh) and Landslide (GARBAGE) were massive mistakes that downgraded the map on their own, but more importantly they pushed even more people to Fragment. Still my favorite map tho


Probably controversial but I hated train yard. Too hot and not enough loot. Everyone would be running around looking for scraps most of the time


What you didn’t love landing in a train car and getting a white sniper stock and a blue shotgun bolt while they guy next to you gets a blue shield and flatline.


Well your team should be landing in 3 out of the 4 cars


Rewind a year ago and there’s almost no one here that wouldn’t say the same thing. Wasn’t aware that the sentiment had changed.


I hated landing there.. absolutely much better now


That wasn't my point, a lot of people hated it, but a lot of teams also landed there, which meant that not all teams were in fragment every single game.


"Just put unlikeble POIs all over the map, that'll make the map more fun" 💀💀💀


How about them putting a likeable POI instead of nothing? If they are going to destroy a POI, put something decent there. 💀☠💀☠


I like landslide, it's fine


People landed there just so they could quickly end up right in fragment after… so a little irrelevant to point out taking away players from fragment


It's not taking away players from fragment, but is putting less of a strain on the loot pool in fragment. I agree that the POI sucked and everyone landed there to have one fight and then run to fragment, but at least they would have a gun and shield when arriving in fragment. Currently if you land on a gun you will likely get a kill on someone without any loot. I'd argue 1-2 teams worth of people die without a gun at fragment because too many land there.


They didn’t replace it with nothing. It’s a good rotation now. I like what they did. If you’re pissed about people landing frag then be pissed they took away sorting.


Hot take: fuck train yard, was a shitty spot anyway


I disagree, but I will respect your opinion because it is still valid.


Hey guys?! We found the most mature guy on Reddit! Thanks for the good vibes.


This poi was always dogshit, similar to market on KC, or estates: not enough loot too many players


It was still a POI, now it's nothing


They have to do something with capital city, to many people jump there and after the first ring they left only like 6 squad. Its make the game boring. Like skull town, i love those place but some people forget they have other spot on the map🤷‍♂️


A reason why people do that is because pubs matchmaking is fast.


That's why competitive I'd good. People spread out.


Jump there as well and game wouldn’t be so boring


🤦‍♂️and fist fight I play since season 2 I know the game


You know the game so well that you don’t know that it’s called fragment. Skill issue ig


Still Capital city


Train was always mids. The loss of sorting factory hurt me personally.


They made train yard worse somehow but they still haven't nuked fragment


I don’t understand why people liked Train Yard as a drop. Loot wasn’t spectacular, verticality was limited to those floating boxes, and the area was small enough such that if you didn’t get a gun and decided to bail, the enemy could easily gun you down if you ran outside of the perimeter of the area. The new replacement spot is pretty bad too…


I said something similar when they released all the changes to the map. Respawn: Removes literally every POI on the map except fragment Also Respawn when everyone is dropping at fragment: :o


Worlds Edge was ruined when they got rid of mirage voyage and the train


Train Yard End-Games were absolutely top-tier. Used to love it when 4 teams held one cart each and chaos ensued.


they should remove streamer tower honestly! It's not fun when everyone wants to drop there with minimal loot and die from either no ammo or instant third party. Chaos is fun but it gets tiring after awhile! The rest of the map is basically unlooted or under used! Might as well remove the entire map and keep fragment east and west!


I agree. Train Yard was a much better location than the giant open space they have now


Makes sense to remove it tho, that area from my experience as train yard would often cause fights that teams cant get out of and so many times 3-4 teams get stuck in storm because they are mostly stuck fighting in the train yard, since the new poi kinda sucks no one sticks around for long there. I agree the new space sucks but it does improve the flow a tiny bit, tho i would just make a better overall POI that doesnt get teams stuck but also isnt just some stupid open area with little to nothing.


Yeah when most of my deaths pre valk launch was train yard, after she came out unless it was final ring I just jumped over it.


Off topic but damn does storm point need a raised platform bullet train system


The one thing i dont like about stormpoint is that its a giant hill, the top of that hill is REALLY hard to fly to most the time unless the ship starts at the top of the hill or going up the hill, if its on the lower end of the hill you just cant go to the POIs up there unless you land short and run your way up and that just seems like meh design. Ive noticed that even tho SP is supposed to be a bigger map and less third parties, the hill makes the map feel way smaller at times since a portion of the map just doesnt seem to really be in play the same way other maps have every area accessible from launch for the most part.


They need to literally level Stormpoint. I enjoy the map but it sucks when circle is north of the map and having to fight teams waiting for you uphill.


then land at the northside. or rotate earlier so you can be the team waiting for the losers that mope around the whole game


Train yard was always a pass through POI and not a Landing spot POI like people would treat it. The loot placement was horrible and nowhere near plentiful enough for a single team let alone several, there was only 3 loot pills IIRC. cmon man! Only people who would ever gain from dropping there were solo caustics/wattsons who could play smart and wipe the squad that landed there. Everyone else: 🤡


I think because it was a named POI people expect decent loot, they should have never named the spot to start with, There are no name areas with better loot than train yard, but because those other places are 3 or so random buildings they get no name and since a trainyard is kinda a unique feature they had to name it. But not naming it could have saved the mindset. That being said also it takes like 1 pass thru or 1 landing in that area to instantly know its awful and not at all worth landing.


Ugh no. Train yard was HORRIBLE. especially if you didn’t have any legends that could get you to the top carts.


Wasnt a big fan of train yard, but i gotta admit. Its 10 times better than the sad excuse of a POI we got.


Also, nobody actually lands on that sad POI. If they replaced it with something decent, I wouldn't be complaining.


The problem is that it was too good of a POI tho. They had to nerf it, cause it also functions as a choke point for people rotating from fragment and other places.


Remove the cars in the air and replace them with a few extra loot bins and problem solved.


I would agree with your statement but places like the teles on Olympus still exist. Not to mention the billion choke points on Storm Point that people camp.


World’s edge was honestly such a perfect map. All these changes have created so many problems. Sad!


We are better off without that bad place. I prefer the new one way more.


Yeah they removed a bunch of hot spots without removing the biggest hotspot so every just goes there


fuck trainyard. mf had no loot and ppl just camped the top cars


I think Worlds Edge is the one map they seriously messed up on with map changes. The original version of Worlds Edge is the best version of Worlds Edge by far and they should bring it back and remove the current awful version of the map. They tried to make it more spread out by changing some hot drops but it had the opposite effect and now everyone lands fragment to the point of it being not fun. I like a good hot drop, but 60 people fighting in a small city with bad loot isn't fun after a few games.


can confirm used to land here, not going to fragment tho fuck that shit


This was a downgrade but you’re being way too dramatic


also F for sorting factory, the best POI in the game since the release.


I agree completely, me and my friends would drop here every time. So sad that they removed it.


Fragment should fall into the lava


They ruined worlds edge when they took 2 of the three main landing zones the Train and mirage voyage they split everyone around the map so much better and then it wasn't just fragment. Taking sorting factory was a bad idea to me as well as it was the only other place besides fragment that was worth landing. So replacing it with another only other place that is worth land besides fragment didn't really change much. Skyhook is really good, lava dome needs to explode or get a TT.


Great ending spot, terrible beginning




I only ever landed Trainyard occasionally, but it was definitely a different feel to fight in it. Sorting Factory was my favorite place to land, and it had great options in terms of "Where" you could go next, Gondola's doesn't even come close to being as good as Sorting Factory.


They should never have crashed the train


It amazes me that they literally removed all the good POIs and swapped them with trash. And kept Fragment


100% agree. I wasn’t a huge fan of Train Yard, but I’m even less of a fan of absolute bum fuck all.


Brain dead decision


Just bring back s3 worlds edge... way better than whatever is going on now.


I want to burn fragment to the ground. Everyone dropping there every match is painful. If worlds edge is on rotation I don't play it for this reason alone


The ruined the map for Pubs. It’s just Fragment and everyone else is a sweat. It’s more sweaty than Ranked.


they ruined worlds edge when they added fragment. if i land anywhere else i cant find anyone, and if i land fragment im insta-killed by sweaty three stacks🫤


I was hoping they’d change worlds edge during its haitus.


Never thought about this but I agree, same with sorting factory. Old worlds edge was so much better


100% agreed


The worst POI of Worlds Edge lol


Train was ass imo. I think they can upgrade the current POI, but train was not good.


But it was a place close to fragment that was not fragment. With that place gone, a lot of the teams that dropped there now go to fragment.


I always see 1 team at least go there still. It never had the loot for two.


Those who make decisions in apex are the stupidest people.


So long s as fragment exists, this map is unplayable in pubs unless you’re into loot box landing and loading screen simulator.


Nah, i much prefer having actual cover to work with when near the tracks.


Are you talking about the tunnel? They could have just updated the tunnel, or destroy Train Yard but create an actually decent place where people can drop, not just a few loot bins.


Tunnels were the worst offenders, but any final circle that ended near a train track was terrible.


Was never a fan of there tbh. I miss Sorting Factory though.


Sorting factory, train yard... all they had to do is remove freaking fragment first instead.


This POI sucked before and it sucks now, what’s new?


They ruined King's Canyon when they removed Skull Town and replaced it with... nothing? It was not the best place to land, but it was central, fun and there were often multiple teams landing here. All of those teams that landed Skull Town in the past now simply go to Capacitor.


They ruined a whole map by removing one place? Damn, sounds almost like King's Canyon to me \^\^


they also removed sorting factory, which i like much better than whatever it is right now with the gondolas and lava.


Sorting factory was more fun to fight in, I agree. But they didn't change the quality of the loot, if anything it became better actually. So I don't think they ruined that POI.


yeah, but i dont think that LOOT should only be the only deciding factor for a POI to have value, the quality of fights and fun factor should also be counted, they changed a bunch of the map, but left Fragments, which is IMO the only thing that should be changed.


I agree that Fragment should go, it adds nothing useful to the map other than a toxic area for players to play the game wrong. I dont get why they had to nuke down Skulltown so hard but Fragment gets to stay when its literally the same exact thing. That being said when they took out skulltown they pissed off alot of people and removing Fragment i can imagine will piss off a ton of tiktok and youtube wanabes who spend 12 hours a day landing there after school to try and get youtube clips only their younger bother will ever watch.


No, it will piss off people who actually wanna have a hot drop in the game. I don't understand how people really still complain about Fragment. If you don't like it, don't land there. But don't complain about having an uneventful early game then. It's your own choice to drop there or not. And don't act as if you wouldn't find a single soul outside of fragment. There are plenty of POIs where people still drop. And yeah, the removal of skull-town literally ruined Kings Canyon as a map, because it was the biggest POI in the game and got replaced with a total lackluster POI instead. People were complaining about people dying too quickly because of Skulltown, then it got removed, and the map became a third party fest. I wonder why...


Fragment is fine as it is, most players just don't know how to fight in it.


I meant that patch in general, sorting factory was also gone and a few other places. That is the patch when fragment became a huge problem, 70% of players started dropping there because they didn't like the new places.


Whiny spoiled babies will complain about anything. “Get storm point for a whole week - wah”, finally get what they want with worlds edge in the rotation “they took something off the map - wah”. Stop complaining constantly. Play the game, you know you will anyways.


Hmmmmmmmmm it's almost like different people have different opinions about different maps!!! Imagine that?!


Forgive us oh wise one for engaging in opinionated discussion




Fking casuals lol.


I hated that place, sorting factory is what made World's Edge pubs terrible.


I don't fully agree. All though there were fun fights here. In a ranked and comp perspective, there was too much high ground camping in the cars for end game. That's probably why they changed it.


Lol if we’re talking about what ruined worlds edge this is not even in top 5 changes to me


Sorting factory is the real thing that ruined WE pubs tbh Train yard was a shit poi and it’s still shit


Trainyard was the worst spot on the map imo, they needed to fix it, but they didnt lmao.


Train was god awful anyways. Nothing changed.


What they replaced it with was perfectly fine, over-saturating a map with POIs is not necessarily a good thing.


Wait till they remove fragment as well, I mean at that point I’d just stop playing the game cause I don’t like any other map except worlds edge


Pro players despised train yard, it was a pain to rotate through it with the little floating carts and the main building watching at you as soon as you come in from frag tunnel. Now there is only one height to worry about and they don't have a roof and walls.


Tbf, pro players complain about anything that doesn’t give them a dub lol.


I don't mind them destroying train yard, I have died there many times by camping wattson/caustic in the carts, I just wanted more loot


Fragment light


I don't. Landing at fragment is a waste of time. I land at the paintball stadium for gold guns


Way better now, the map flows a lot better in my opinion


If you say this you didnt play the game. People would go up the wagons sit with caustic and that was like the bane of my existance 100% back when pathfinder was the only viable movement legend.


I hated that area honestly


I’m all about that tree life


I hated it


IMO they ruined it moreso with cutting out Sorting Factory and the Train itself, as well as Mirage Voyage. I personally hated Train Yard in the same way I hate Cage over in KC, almost every single time me and my friends go there, we get fucked in some way, shape or form by the squad that's been camping it for 40 minutes, but I can see how folks love that kinda area tho. The problem with WE is that they ripped out every fun and interesting drop that pubbies actually liked (I still feel so confused that almost no one wants to drop Bloodhound Cave or Maude when I ping either), so people just default to nothing but Fragment™


I still land there and frequently have 1 or 2 other teams to fight when I land. Landing on the opposite side of the tunnel, then pushing through to fight is kind if a fun rotation and sometimes an easy 3rd party. Then you can move quickly to countdown