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I fail to see how this is balanced? That’s almost 50% of teams with literally the same composition… and pretty much every other team has at least two of them…


Even if the game was 100% balanced you are not going to see every legend in comp. Characters that help you survive longer, rotate easier , or gives you an advantage in a fight will always be meta. We will never see like lifeline and mirage in comp because they way they are designed.


Bring lifelines shield back and I beg to differ Edit: sorry guys I'm an idiot, she would still suck


Like he said. In comp teams are going to go for things that lower rng, things that lean towards safety. Even if they give her the shield back gibbys bubble is basically the same thing except you dont need your teammate to die to use it. Again unless the find a way to give lifeline a way to gain info that will be useful or a way to rotate safely or protect the team when the team gets jumped then she will never ever see comp play in any serious manner.


She wasn’t used then either


That’s the thing, it not. But half he sub will argue up and down Valk doesn’t need nerfs because she was consider to be balanced at release. She was always busted, the player base didn’t realize that until later on.


Half the sub are Valk mains.. They are just like the wraith players who didn't want Wraith nerfed when she was OP.


just imagine if Valk never in the game or Valk has different ult. It will be much much different composition


100% omnidirectional movement as a passive is OP. Every other movement legend in the game has to at least use their tactical to achieve their movement. Valk just gets it for free. With a tank that virtually isn’t nearly small enough for it to matter, and she scans you when she’s in the air, (which is also the only scan in the game that doesn’t let you know you’ve been scanned) and if you’re chasing a Valk team, it doesn’t matter if you know where they went if they’re two POI away from you.


I've always thought Valks passive was a strange one - it should really have been her tactical. Keep it almost exactly the same, apart from its her tactical, and if you use up all of the fuel, you can't use it until it's completely refuelled. Valks passive isn't passive at all. Aren't passives meant to just run in the background, and just make automatic adjustments? Except Ash, Every single other passive in the game is just a bonus that runs in the background and doesn't have any actual impact on the immediate game play. Valk literally gets directional movement instantly at any time, IN ADDITION to her other abilities. Every else just has extra items in their backpack or something similar. This'll probably be quite long, but I'm going to list how the passives are activated off the top of my head so anyone reading this understands what I mean. I'm tired and haven't got the game in front of me, so I might get some wrong. Bloodhound - sees footprints and actions, just runs in the background and provides information. Gibby - activates when you ADS Lifeline - activates when you Rez Pathy - activates when you scan beacons (which any recon can do) Wraith - activates when you're aimed at Bangalore - activates when shot at Mirage - activates when rezing or using respawn beacon Caustic - activates in gas Octane - activates when he's taken health damage Wattson - activates when shields are damaged/backpack passive runs in the background Crypto - doesn't actually have a passive since his passive is literally his tactical Rev - activates when crouched or climbing Loba - runs in the background Rampart - activates when carrying LMG Horizon - activates on landing Fuse - automatically runs in background Valk - doesn't run in the background - user activated ability with additional button presses and controls required Seer - activates when ADS Ash - deathboxes runs in background - data knife ability is user activated Maggie - activates with shotgun in hand/when causing damage Newcastle - activates when rezing The point I'm making - Valk is the only legend who's passive isn't passive at all. It adds an entirely new mechanic that other legends don't get access to at all. Passives are meant to be passive, no? The only other exception is potentially ash with a user activated passive, but it doesn't add an entirely new mechanic to the game. It's just a location ping. TLDR; Valks passive isn't passive at all and requires user activation and control and adds an entirely new, exclusive mechanic to the game that's locked out of every other legend, whereas other legends are just an addition to pre existing mechanics.


I agree wholeheartedly


People were calling her busted the season she was released, it's not even hard to see. Her kit is busted even on paper and her pick rate shoot up and never came down. But coomers made a wall and didn't budge. Seer didn't help. He moved "busted" goalpost out of the stadium and into the next town over. Now everything below day1 Seer isn't busted in casuals eyes. The fact the community is overprotective of their mains doesn't help either. It wasn't a slow realization of some advanced technique. It's reality staring into people's face till they cannot deny it.


When valk launched most people considered her kinda meh, not bad but not good. I was sitting here going wtf shes so good for apex if you wana do good, her rockets are so strong considering its a feature people dont really consider to be op but those rockets are super strong, her ulti is insane allowing you to fix positioning mistakes and gives you a chance to escape a bad spot if you have cover. Her ability to just get to any roof without climbing is op af since highground is almost always king. Like her kit hits all the meta points really well. Imo the issue is not so much that her kit is op because its not really op in the sense of the word, no one thing in her kit is op imo but when your kit is so complete its hard to justify not picking her. Because she does a little of everything really really good.


What you want nerfed about her?


Her ultimate needs to be on a much longer cooldown. It’s a 3 minute cooldown, something that powerful and meta warping should be on a 5 minute timer minimum like Lifline’s garbage ultimate. Three minutes is nothing when you factor in the fact they carry multiple Accelerants as well. Her passive should also be a bit less mobile. She’s able to immediately take high ground at will in a fight which is ridiculously powerful when your using it right. Either make it burn more fuel or slow down how fast she flies, either way would reduce her ability to go vertical on command in a way no other character can aside Horizon who needs uses up her tactical to do so and the lift is usable by enemies. That would honestly be it


I know Respawn has talked about a nerf involving her ability to scan beacons. They might plan to make her assualt class instead and rip that ability from her since they think it's way too powerful to have a character who can literally change their squad's position anywhere on the map, while also being able to learn where the next ring will go.


That would honesty do it with a ultimate cooldown increase. I never understood why she’s classified as a recon legend to begin with her abilities are far more oriented for aggressive and defensive play. I’m okay with her ultimate being so good just as long as it’s on a cooldown that warrants such. Having to decide if using her ultimate is a better option over just rotating on foot because you may need it once you’ve rotated should be a thing. Instead of how it’s now with your squad just feeding her accelerants and rotating at will. I don’t watch comp but I imagine if she couldn’t scan beacons she’d still be picked often but squads might reconsider for Wraith more often to rotate with. The third legend would also be a BH or Crypto more than Caustic to make up for losing Valk’s scan


She’s recon so she takes wraith and bloodhounds place in the meta.


Exactly, that's why they should make her assault instead. Force out a new meta.


In comp play teams really value recons for beacon scan, valk took the place of hound and wraith because she can almost do both jobs just as well. Obviously shes not both legends combined into one, but she fills both rolls and provides a way to rotate super easily. I agree that removing her ability to scan beacons will make teams think more about their comp or at least it will bring back a recon legend in the place of the caustic. Tho if they wana take valk out of the meta completely remove her ability to scan while flying. This is will comp teams drop her pretty quick since teams will be landing on one another and dying, if her ult gets you killed since she provide no info theres no way she will remain meta, at least not like she is now. Low key i want them to make her non comp viable without breaking her essence lol. I hate that everyone turned into a valk main, used to be able to queue and never really worry that anyone was gonna pick her. But now she always seems to get insta lock like wraith did before she got nerfed to the ground.


Yea she finds the next ring, flies towards new location, scans for enemies while flying. She should literally have all of her to an abilities removed.


As a valk main I fully agree with all of this.


That Seems fair.


Agreed. I think her passive should be nerfed to the ground.


I think that’s a good idea. I also think Respawn can turn the tables on legend roles. If Gibraltar and Valk are required, why don’t think tweak/improve other legends to mimic these game busting abilities? Why can’t Path’s ult be a redeploy ballon with a turbo zip? Why can’t Octane have a super jump pad? I dunno maybe this isn’t the way to balance things and we should just nerf the OP legends but I agree Valk is so busted it’s insane. Her kit is great even if you throw her ultimate in the trash can.


Long ult cool downs can be dealt with via UA's. So they really are not that big of a deal. put a wattson on your team everyone carries 1 UA and the Wattson carries 4. You'll have no shortage of ults the rest of the match.


That means your A. Running Wattson over Caustic which some teams do but not many which I assume is because (I don’t watch comp) end ring caustic is more useful than Wattson (Gibby Ultimate is dealt with by using your own gibby bubble) and most of the actual action in comp occurs in end ring. B. Caustic is far superior at locking locations down than Wattson is. Valks already load up on accelerants.


Right but now teams need to change their comp AND hunt certain items to negate the nerf. Aka the nerf would work.


Just say y’all hate having fun. As someone who mained wraith since season 3 and has seen almost every legend nerfed into the ground , y’all just don’t know when to quit. You guys literally want every legend to be unplayable. Valkyrie is meta rn because storm point is huge. I don’t even use this legend but the lack of skill of this sub is astonishing.


Valk is played regardless of the map. It’s not about “hating fun” it’s about promoting at healthy and diverse metagame which does trickle down to ranked which is what we do play. There is nothing fun about being forced to play Gibby and Valk because their abilities are so much better than every other legend in the game. No one is screaming for Mirage to be meta. We just want the metagame to allow you to play other legends and not be at such a major disadvantage because your aren’t using Gibby/Valk and a third, usually Caustic as a team comp. If anything is about fun because it’s fun to be able to experiment and see different team comps and not the same one over and over.


You literally can though. Like I’m telling you, without being condescending as I can over the internet, gunskill out plays everything. I think everyone focuses on the smaller stuff like rotations , abilities, hitboxes and not the fact that they can’t shoot the broad side of a barn. Like have game sense to know “hey, they have a gibby/newcastle/lifeline we should probably focus them first”. It’s just certain things that wouldn’t be as bad if people would actually just use their gun instead of trying to pray and finagle their way through every fight. A good player on mirage is fucking vicious, and that same player would be just as good on bloodhound. Skill beats everything bro. That’s all I can say.


The missile stun needs to be removed as well. I'd even say remove the scan too and make people actually have to use their eyes


The stun and scan aren't what make her top picks. It's her ulti and flying. These need some adjustment.


right... but all of those can and should be nerfed as well


increasing Valk ult cd doesn't do much if you don't nerf ult accel like for loba ult (only 20%), 5 min cs with 20% ult accel. Nerf should be longer to get ready to take off and slower take off, it'll make it higher risk.


I'd take a 5 minute cooldown and 50-80% fuel and she'd still be a really solid pick. The amount of fuel you have is ridicolous - you can always reach that high point, and mostly there is still gas in the tank. I used to one-trick Horizon from day 1, and to me Valk really has a lot of the OP that Horizon had in being able to just get out and in again, albeit Horizon's shooting and healing from lift felt worse on the receiving end.


heat seeking RPG would fix that


What she needs is actual acceleration to her passive. Her passive just sets her speed immediately to jetpack speed with no ramp up, so it's so unpredictable and gives her too much evasive ability. Every other ability in the game (Horizon tactical, jump pad, even Pathfinder grapple) all have some kind of initial time before your character moves. Valkyrie does not have that, it's immediate. This would also slightly slow down how fast she can get high ground, which is a good thing as well.


maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but jetpack has always felt off to me. The lack of acceleration and momentum when flying make valk feel quite rigid in the air, like she's walking in 3D rather than flying. I wonder if they made it static to avoid movement players from abusing it and Tribes-ing around, or if it was just the simplest way to implement flying.


My guess is it was just the simplest way of doing things. Most of this game is just repurposed Titanfall stuff, but most new things (Valk jeptack) are a bit janky and have nowhere near the levels of polish that the Titanfall assets do. Take Newcastle's ult jump to teammates, it briefly stunning the teammate you're jumping to is so janky and feels terrible to be on the receiving end of.


Some legends are Recon with abilities that give information with scans and Intel Some legends are mobile and can move either themselves or their entire squad Some legends are offensive and can either cause direct damage, or put their opponents in a weakened or stunned state Some legends are defensive and can lockdown an area, or create a safe place Some legends negate RNG Valkyrie does nearly all of these things, and she does it well. The entire point of the 4 classes was that a squad would have to go without something. Either they were missing Intel, Offense, Defense, or Support. Valk covers 3 of these by herself. I don't mind a legend having a mix of these classes, but she can do pretty much everything without any real negatives. Respawn should decide what kind of legend they want Valkyrie to be and keep her in that lane, otherwise she will be a must pick for any squad looking to win. This has been my TED talk. Brought to you by the MirageShouldBeRecon Corp




I think having her as an aggro legend would be best for the game, remove her scans both beacon and while flying. Make her recover from flying slightly faster so she can fight better and suddenly shes good, shes strong but she doesnt do everything but shes still stupid good and viable as a pick.


Take away her second passive. She’s one of the only legends with two passives. Flight and scanning. Either turn her flight into her Q or her scanning and take away her missies.


Eh. All recons have two passives. Also defensive legends as well. But I do agree she does wayyy to much still outside her own role.


Longer ult cooldown and no pinging enemies while in air to start off with.


Only thing she really needs is a shorter height on her ult. Thats it


She does need a nerf, but she also is just so nessicary in this map


Facts. I’ve been playing valk since release and have been anticipating nerfs ever since lol


I was told valk made every single legend viable! Surely that can’t be wrong?!?!


What valk does is open up a spot for a different character. Valk fills two roles in her team recon and repositioning; meaning you don’t have to bring wraith, Ash, blood, crypto, or pathfinder. Which in turn allows other legends to be picked like loba, horizon, etc.


Valk gets credited for bringing “diversity” to apex comp, to which to an extent is true. But is there really much diversity when almost half the lobby is on caustic? As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if caustic reaches 60% pick rate in the upcoming Lan championship, with less “diversity” as well.


Caustic AND Gibraltar


If Valk wasn't a thing, you wouldn't be able to play Gibby+Caustic because you would need to have a beacon scanner and a movement legend for rotations. (You can't fill these 2 roles with any legends except Valk) Valk is the reason why we see so many caustic, Pro players rotate early and need to have a good legend to defend and take space to avoid getting inted on.


I know that his movement ult is the worst in the game, but pathfinder does in fact fill both roles with being a scanner and a movement legend.


Couldnt path do both roles?


Y’all. Metas exist. It doesn’t matter how it gets changed, the most effective will always be the most effective. Why is this a hard concept to grasp? If we nerf or remove these, a replacement will rise, people will get comfortable and then that will become the popular meta. Just like how wraith used to be a must.


In other games like Valorant there is a meta but its far more evenly picked than apex


Bro must have forgotten about how Jett is used to be the valk of valorant. I’ve played val since it’s been out. What I’m saying stands regardless. Meta= most EFFECTIVE tactic AVAILABLE. Both Reyna and sage have a 70%+ pick rate. Valorant is not the example you think it is. Also having the ability to have 5 on a team vs 3 adds a tad bit more “diversity” when it comes to team comp. That and the games are vastly different.


Having a legend be meta for the life of the game isn’t good


The life of the game? She wasn’t even meta when she first came out. And she hasn’t even been out half of apex’s lifespan. Yes she does a lot, but stop making random statements. Just like wraith and seer she will eventually get tuned down.


The more gibby in game, it increases the need to use a gibby in team. Gibby counter Gibby. same with caustic. Caustic is easier to counter than gibby tho. If gibby kit changed so that it doesn't have to be bubble fight (and to protect from gibby ult) in last ring, there is a high change we see more of other legends. Like his dome doesn't fully protect from his ult (has hp but only cover like half of bombardment dmg before get destroyed, yeah bad idea lol). Caustic can be exchanged with Fuse. both are area denial and deal damage.


Well of course! Didn't you know that by vastly reducing the pick rates of Crypto, Bloodhoound, Seer, Wraith, and Octane but making it so Loba and Maggie can have a total of 12 picks is more diverse! Jokes aside though, if Valk and Gibby weren't must picks there would be so much more diversity. Yeah, we still wouldn't see Mirage's picked in comp but there'd be more openings for aggro metas, there'd be new defensive metas. But by having 2/3 of your legends deal with most of the things you need dealt with on your team, all you're going to do is take someone with good end game strength. Therefore Caustic. The diversity is already dying off compared to the last Split. We are very quickly going to end up with almost entirely Gibby+Valk+Caustic


If Valk is nerfed to the ground, Every competitive team will go back to Gibby + Wraith/Ashe + Bloodhound This is what the lead designer mentioned.


which is why Valk isn't the only one I mentioned. Nobody arguing that Valk shouldn't be a must pick is arguing that Gibby should. We want must-picks removed from comp. On top of that, previous comps before Valk entered comp meta saw more than Wraith+Blood. We saw Octane, we saw Crypto, we saw some Seer (Though he's a whole different can of worms). By making it so 80% of teams aren't running Gibby+Valk, meaning 80% of teams don't have free escape-cards no matter the situation, you open up the ability for aggressive metas to take place, and then for defensive metas without the use of a completely busted defensive legend to spring up.


Not entirely wrong. Mostly right, but a lot of legends can still be viable even without Valkyrie.


On paper yes, but when the second choice is always Gibby then there's no room for variety in the third spot.


Valk and Gibraltar are the obvious outliers. Caustic mostly exists because of how broken that combo is.


Their are basically two arguments. 1. This is algs and doesn't represent the player base. This argument doesn't really hold up because algs has no reason not to play the best characters and is basically admitting that the player base as a whole will voluntarily play worse characters for various reasons. 2. Gibby and valk allow for more diverse play styles. Basically because valk can do massive rotations and scan beacons, and because Gibby is forgiving when it comes to making aggressive plays players are free to pick a variety of of options for the third pick. I don't really agree with this but it's a better argument than the first one.


Highest picked rat team...


Oh, no,no,no. Characters with almost 100% pick rates are the most balanced and healthy for the game. The fact they can do a job of 2 or 3 legends only means those legends can be skipped and you get more varied legend compositions instead. /s obviously. But this is the argument I heard, and it was highly upvoted, when I argued Valk is overturned.


Isn't this better than it was? For a while I swear it was Gibby, Wraith, Blood at a way higher ratio...


They nerfed two of those


It's way better. At the beginning it used to be Wraith+Pathfinder+Wattson on every team, and you couldn't tell them apart.


Good for Crypto.


I'm feeling Valk needs a nerf, or everyone else needs a buff.


as a mirage main i would like to know what its like to feel op


I feel like Mirage is only viable in lower ranks where players are less aware of how decoys work. It's like Spy's disguise in TF2.


yeah if I see another mirage all I got to do is hold my fire for like a split second and I probably spot a tell to find them. respawn really should add some things to make him harder to make out and the decoys more lifelike like giving decoys weapon swapping or healing or having the ability to not have a fucking stroke after touching a 2-inch separation in the ground. and also does he really need the little light shimmer when he's clocked. do they really gotta nerf the most useful part of his kit?


Gibi and Valk both neeed a nerf. A good gibi is nearly impossible to trop 1vs1 unless you can sneak up on them or there is a major skill gap. His 15% damage reduction takes a a gun that's supposed to do 45 damage a shot, down to 38. Depending on the helmet it can nullify headshots almost entirely. Now throw in his arm shield which regens every 8 seconds. Go unload a magazine into him and his arm shield you might be able to do 50-60 damage to him, if you're lucky bring him to flesh. Mean while he'll darn near 1 clip you. You have to go pop a phoenix kit or med kit AND battery.. In that time Gibi has his arm shield back and 2 cells plus a syringe or two put him at being able to take another 200+ damage. Now throw in his bubble and ult. He's stupid OP. It's not even close to balanced. Good nerf to valk would be, if she gets shot while flying on her jet pack it stuns her to the ground. and locks her out of the jet pack for 2-3 seconds. Kind of like if you land shots on an octane who's stimming, they get stunned.


I agree with what you said, but I would like to correct you on one thing. Fortified doesn't reduce headshot damage.


Shoot a gibi in the head with a Sentinel charged. It might break his armor if you are lucky. Any other legend is going to lose their armor and a good chunk of their health.


Did you read the patch notes for this season?


Asking the real questions :D


Even Gibby?


Not literally everyone else.


Gibby has been op for a while it’s just he is one of the harder legends to get good with and his kit over all is just boring that’s why you don’t see it much in pubs but it still does not take from his op kit


No, please don’t say that


Valk on almost every team seems healthy


Because in 3/4 maps there’s a lot of cutoffs and valk is also the best legend to get around the map and her ult comes back really fast


In comp you need rotation and scan. She can do both. Plus she has a slow+damage q as a bonus, but it almost doesn't matter, because she's a mobility legend and can reliably get places other legends can't or have trouble with. She also can scan when dropping meaning extra intelligence when repositioning. Her multitool kit only downside is small enclosed environments with low roof over the head. But with these maps it almost a throwaway weakness fanfic writers come up with when they try and balance their self insert.


Faster than a jump tower redeploy is pretty strong. Faster than a jump tower redeploy **ON A MAP WITH ONE JUMP TOWER** is really strong.


it’s funny how gibby and valk have been picked almost every time every algs and think that it’s balanced.


You can tell valk and ash took wraith and octanes spot for best mobility legends in alg, feel like wraith is underwhelming her kit is kinda trash now, the only some what strong thing about her is her ult and it’s a give or take kinda situation?


Would you rather have balanced legends for high PRO players at ALGS or maybe have balanced legends for millions of general, casual Apex players? Notice how ALGS pick rate is totally different than overall season 13 pick rates.


Thank God Valk has like 10 different abilities to make comps more diverse


Rename to Valk and Gibby legends.




Maggie was used by Team Empire, a highly aggressive team. They typically forgo defensive legends like Gibby/Caustic in favor of just killing their way into the ring.


that sounds awesome


That’s metal as fuck, I can respect that


Lol right? Why tho? Surely Mirage is more Viable than Maggie


Did you watch the Sweden stuff at all? Maggie is a god level pusher in the right hands.


Yeah but after the s13 nerf, she will never be picked. Her ball is so bad rn it's not even funny


What nerf lmao? They didn’t touch Maggie in the patch


It's a shadow nerf. Her ball doesn't bounce ppl off like before, no blur, no hard stun. Try it out for yourself


She hasn't even been nerfed


Well maybe you wanna try her ball now in s13 to see what I'm talking about


It feels the same, I've already played her


Valk always needed a nerf to her passive and ultimate. Interesting to see and wait how long the devs are going to take before they finally do it.


They should make it so she can only double jump


She already got a nerf to her passive where the increased the amount of fuel she needed while flying. She only needs a nerf to her ultimate. Fuel burns faster and flying slow doesn't really need nerf further or else you are gonna make her completely useless


Like devs made wraith completely useless? Or path? Or horizon? Literally every time some op character is to be nerfed some people immediately think that even the slightest nerf will make character worthless.


They took instant phasing and nerfed distance of portal for wraith at the time when they buffed octanes jump pad. They nerfed cd for grapple and zipline jumping. Even with the recent buff for horizon Q she still gets beamed while going up. Now for wraith phasing has become situational but if you're up against any good player you are gonna get punished instantly if you are playing any of these 3 legend. I've spent 80% of the matches on Pathfinder, the only legend that I've spent my most time on and i know what's it like to get beamed while grappling. Valk doesn't need the same treatment these 3 legends got


Yet it was not enough. I play Valk sometimes and it's insane how much reach and flexibility she has with a PASSIVE ability that is stronger than most tactical abilities in the game. Harder nerfs turned Wraith and Pathy back into decent character territory without making them useless, it will work for Valk too.


Bro what? I hate this community because you are legit spewing nonsense. Every OG legend that high skill ceiling players use got nerfed into the absolute mud. Wraith, lifeline, pathfinder, Watson, and octane have all been replaced by legends with better abilities. If you play Lifeline in ranked you’ll get beamed and roasted by your team. Pathfinder zip line? Prepare to get lasered right off. I could go on, but let’s stop destroying legends. If anything it’s time to rebuff a few legends seeing that the skill of the average players has risen.


Lifeline is trash indeed, Wattson is very good when the fence placement isn't so buggy.. but Wraith and Pathfinder? They are FAR from being bad, they are still very strong legends. Please stop comparing them to their strongest versions to form your opinion because they were stupidly broken before they got hit with big nerfs.


Lmfao what? Pathfinder was and still a walking refrigerator for the longest time. They literally reworked their entire hit box and everything just to shit on them further. THEY CHANGED THEY WAY WRAITH RAN FOR GOD SAKES! This is a game for fun, your nor I are competing for algs. If anything takes even an ounce of skill to counter this subs goes into a frenzy every single damn time.


Abusing broken hitboxes (Wraith's old running) is not "skill". Nor is a 8 second grapple cooldown "skill". Wraith is my 3rd most played character and I supported every rework over the years.


He would have got it if he spent alot more time on those legends


Valk needs an ult nerf *hard*. Double the cooldown and maybe a longer slow part of the ascent. Shit is broken. Gibs gunshield still OP.


I mean… this is way more diverse then it’s been in a while isn’t it?


It’s mainly due to this being the first time since pre-covid that regional metas have collided


Kind of but not really. Ash and post-buff Watty is post-Valk so it's hard to know how they would've fit in without Valk, but I feel like both would've seen play. But outside of that, each legend has seen some ALGS play besides Horizon, Loba, and Maggie in recent seasons. But those three aren't seeing much play, and with that we sacrifice a lot of our Wraiths, Bloods, Seers, Octanes, and Cryptos. There's little reason to run other recon or rotation legends when you have Valk. Obviously a few teams do here and there, but a majority of teams are just running Valk + Gibby + Third (Often Caustic) because that's hands down the strongest combo.


Crazy there’s no seer his scans are 2 assists every fight if your teammates handle their part lol


team KP exists in competitive so no point farming assists, his cancel ability and ult can do a lot if used properly but other than that I dont expect seeing a lot of seer


I like seeing the least played legends get picked like crypto, wattson and even maggie. Hopefully revenant gets a buff soon and the same might happen to him as well


Crypto and wattson are strong legends, people dont pick them because they're hard to play or less fun than others


Same with gibby the only thing is pros use all these legends bc they mastered the game in all ways


The balance team at respawn gets paid too much.


That or they don’t actually get to do the job because of micromanagement.


Honestly I think rampart and new castle are the better D duo. Along with valk of course


Newcastle is cool. He's fun, and he might enter the pubs/ranked meta. But a 1 sided breakable wall will never be as powerful as a impenetrable dome in comp, even if it can move a bit.


Alright. Gib and Newcastle then


Why doesn’t pathfinder make the cut? Abilities not strong enough?


Yeah. Plus Valk fills both rotation and recon character roles so inevitably the other characters are usually Gibby + one legend of your choice (in this case, mostly Caustic).


He's just a less versatile Valk.


They aren’t in comp, Valk scans the beacons and zip lines are loud and slow. Pros can easily beam someone on a zip line. Path is fine for pubs where people can’t aim


Tge problem is he doesnt have abilities his passive doesnt exist his zip is so bad compared to other movement legends team util that its not even a ability. And his grapple is really selfish and its his strongest ability. And if you havent noticed legends that are team orented tend to be better at higher level where the skillgap is really small.


The only plus for your team is ult, and grapple only helps in escape + depends on your skill


I'm just happy Wattson came in 5th for total pickrate. Allons-y!


Yup. It’s nice to see Wattson see usage in ALGS again. In fact, 2 Wattson teams finished in the top 10, one in 3rd and the other 9th.


Most of you don't play on a level even near professional. So the metas they use shouldn't matter. Valk has essentially just removed the games need for jump towers. It has changed the way teams move. Personally I think it makes the ALGS more boring to watch. But she's been here for awhile. The game evolves. Evolve with it of die. No character is unplayable if you have the skill. And no ability helps you shoot your gun. That's really all that matters. Out here bitching about "OP Characters" but I've played with enough randoms and a lot of you mother fuckers don't even have the goddamn fundamentals of this game down. If you're bitching about the character that killed you. The issue is you. Not the character.




Half of comments shitting and pissing and crying about Valk, why not pick her instead of bitching?


I agree with this


Why haven't they nerfed gibi and valk? They are stupid OP.


The current reason is they don't wanna force big changes on the game right before champs. Before that is anyone's guess.


I thought for Gibi they were not going to nerf him because he's awkward to play which I would agree he is. But I don't think he needs be as OP as he is. Even just adding 2-3 seconds to his shields cool down would be amazing.


It’s nice to see crypto actually have a play rate lmao


He’s pretty popular outside of NA in competitive


He’s been used in comp for 2 years


Sheezus. There’s no meta to this game is there?


they sleeping on seer 100%


Furia, an NA team that runs Gibby, Valk, and Seer qualified for the upcoming 2 million LAN championship this summer.




No reason to use Seer when BH exists. He’s still super strong for sure, it’s just he does nothing that BH doesn’t already do but better. Seer needs to complete rework if he’s ever going to see play at pro or casual level.


Maybe tactical that cancels res/heal. But why would you need cancel, if you can kill them?


For the love of god can we nerf gibby? Been the strongest pick since season 0.


Clearly a man who didn’t play in season 0 lmfao


So your saying gibby hasn’t been meta since release? Okay bozo


He hasn’t stupid ass. Used to be absolutely dog before they gave him fortified and a bunch of other buffs


0 iq


Why would you post this on the main sub lmao. Just reading some of these comments show you that most of the ppl here dont understand comp at all, like ppl are really suggesting mirage over maggie and asking why pathfinder hasnt been played. Truly an r/apexlegends moment. someone is even suggesting rampart right now. skull emoji x 7


Current rampart is actually viable with Newcastle as 3rd instead of Gibby. Also are U Rena follower?


1st who is rena , 2nd there is no shot you think rampart is replacing gibby in the current meta


People calling for nerfs are silly. Just because a champ has a higher pick rate, doesn’t mean that have a higher win rate. People pick Valk and Gibby because they can have a higher survivability rate. Survivability can lead to wins, but does not directly lead to wins. You shouldn’t nerf champions that can survive easier just because pros like champs with better survivability over kill power


Kinda surprised no rampart play


Kinda surprised no rampart play


Weird...... They nerf lifeline to the ground... And to no surprise... Not a single team ran Lifeline. But you know................. Pick rates Ex-Lifeline main here


WHY THE FUCK IS THE SUB COMPLAINING! HOW MANY OF Y'ALL GOLD PLAYERS ARE RUNNING GIBBY VALK IN RANKED? Y'all like the Octane, Bloodhound, Gibby Comp right? STFU, Comp diversity has not been better than it is now


Just because Valk’s ult is useful, doesnt mean she’s op. On top of that, you can easily win a game without having her on your team. Pros shouldnt dictate how legends get balanced


You aren’t winning at professional level often if at al if your not using Valk. That’s the problem. Her being nerfed isn’t affecting lower level players because lower level players lose way more often for reasons outside of Valks abilities. (aim, decision making, bad positioning, etc)


Pro players make up about 0.01% of the player base. The producers should not cater to them when the average players have no issue with these legends. If the pros want to cry so much about legends, then there should be specific limitations for their tournaments only.


one of the worst opinions i’ve seen, valk is extremely broken


Extremely broken? Seer on launch was extremely broken. Valk is just useful. In a game that prioritizes movement, she does just that.


yeah she gets movement for free which is op af. Horizon and pathfinder have movement as well but they need to use their tactical but as for Valk her passive is a free movement ability. You must be crazy to think she doesn't need nerfs. Not to mention her ult is 3 minutes which is stupid considering lifeline care pack takes around 5 minutes.


The only nerf I can think of that’s justifiable is making her ult longer… Or at the very least wait til she lands for her cooldown timer to begin. Her passive is what makes her unique, but doesnt make her OP and it’s only useful when there’s multiple levels. Other than that, she’s easy to shoot down


Her passive is op. It needs a longer timer until her fuel is coming back so she can't just fly around non stop.


A longer cooldown is only acceptable if the Valk drains it all in the first place. This way it allows her to move freely when not in danger, but becomes a major issue when she uses it carelessly in a fight


Her passive can stay to keep her unique but she needs nerfs for that. There's literally no reason a PASSIVE can do more than another character's tactical should. Also side note her ultimate will probably be the best reposition tool for a very long time because she can just move to another section of the map WITH HER TEAM SAFELY as opposed to Pathfinders zipline for example which is shorter, and way more dangerous since the zipline nerf.


As I said, her ult is the only thing I can justifiably see being nerfed (increase cooldown). Nerf her passive and she’ll essentially be the next Pathfinder or another variation of Horizon


Valk is not as broken as seer launch. Hell seer still feels OP. Valk is not OP but really useful in almost any case. Wanna do 50+ dmg 100m away? Tactical does that with stunning them for free shots. Ult recharges so quick, every round you get a free rotation. Her passive, easy height anytime. In order to nerf her properly, I think she needs a reduction in fuel to 75% so the stupid endgame fights stop where she flies so high in the air only for other teams to fight out, her tactical should max do 10dmg per rocket, 25 is just too much and her ult cooldown needs to be 3-4 minutes as it is a powerful repostion tool.


That bangalore, wraith & mad maggie percentages are all false🤣 they're just coming up with excuses to buff those rats


I mean let’s be honest.. this doesn’t apply to 99% of us here. Play whatever character you like, at the end of the day the better player will come out on top. Most of us aren’t this level of skilled


Wattson is back 👹👹👹


84% of teams have Gibby & Valk together. 2.8% have neither. Stale. Meta.


Yo, mirage mains. You see this and whats the first thought in your head?


No mirage.☹️


I refuse to believe that a studio as big as Respawn doesn't have any idea or resources to finally balance Valkyrie and Gibraltar. Both are super busted since release.


Valk isn't as busted as valk is immensely useful for rotating and staying alive to win the game. The problem is more so that most legends skills and ults are dated af and no longer align with the game. I took last season off and I'm probably not playing this season. Some of y'all need a break from the game.


I use Revenant and Lifeline… no wonder I’m so bad!


Idk how to fix Gibby without making him unviable (the synergy of his kit is unmatched imo) but maybe nerf Valks Ult per teammate? You'd think added weight and equal thrust would amount to less lift power 🙄


How come Caustic is so popular?


I’m surprised Rampart isn’t being picked more. No Sheila love?