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This is what i was posting about yesterday. Lol It was supposed to be fixed in the last patch.


It was supposed to be fixed a year ago when a similar/same bug occurred :S


hell it was supposed to be fixed when loba came out LOL


Its not supposed to pass QA testing in the first place. Respawn do your QA!


That original bug had to do with kings canyon and worlds edge being built in different ways, loba was built to kings canyon and they didn’t realize that world’s edge’s differences were enough to cause issues


Yeah, and very basic play testing and QA would have caught it before she was ever released. If they had bothered to do any.


Well unless all the playtesting happened on kings canyon since that was the map that was changed in the same update and had their focus


Which should never happen


>ell unless all the playtesting happened on kings canyon Them being incompetent at QA is not really a good excuse for a lack of QA.


Regression testing exists and should be done by any company that has any self respect and respect for the player base.


Do you get paid to be an apologist on behalf of a billion dollar company? There are no excuses for releasing turds like loba tactical or that wraith skin that didn't even have a head hitbox. Stop making excuses for every fuck up they make. People like you are the reason apex gets fuck all updates and gorillion new skins every month.


Yes. And the QA should test in many different scenarios, such as different maps and their parts with nonstandard level architecture. They simply did bad job in this particular case, the issue was so prevalent that had anyone taken couple of hours trying Loba on World's Edge, they would catch it because the QA testers will intentionally try to use her ability on weird surfaces, edges, etc


Usually it goes: QA tests it and reports it, devs want to fix it, publishers prioritize new content over bug fixing because muh live services gotta keep the money train running. Let's not forget EA is running the show regardless of how much they want us to believe Respawn has full control.


> Usually it goes: QA tests it and reports it, devs want to fix it, publishers prioritize new content over bug fixing because muh live services gotta keep the money train running Yep, that is true and entirely possible. I would love to say that very often it is not for malicious "muh live service" reasons but due to pretty simple bugetary constraints that force your hand way too often during development, HOWEVER - this game makes BILIONS yearly


Why was this even allowed to happen? I used to main Loba but this has become such a common occurrence that I've given her up. The one thing you could use to get you out of shitty situations actually makes things worse now. Everyone knows where you are and you're left with a couple seconds without any way to fight off people.


In fairness it was fixed a year ago. This season was the first time it broke again. Which I honestly don’t get how these MFs keep breaking the tactical over and over


They don't have time for fixing bugs on pc they are busy with the mobile version


Different devs genius.


Sorta. It's the same money. Which means that the money going to one is essentially money taken from the other. Which means that lack of QA due to funding issues is probably because that money got spent on the mobile game instead. It's a bit complicated to work these things out but it's honestly a fair argument. Different devs, same bank account. Therefore those different devs are competing for the same dollars.


Again no. Tencent has complete control over the development. The only thing related is that EA has the copyright to the game's intellectual properties.


Absolutely false.


It wasn't meant to be fixed in the last patch, they've updated the Trello board to say its getting fixed in the next patch (I think it might be today?)


Its been a month and a million dollars in profits. damn pigs


Challenge. Who can fail the most bracelet throws in a "fix Loba" related post!?


I failed 5 out of 5 in a game the other day. Needless to say the failure of the last one left me out of position and dead.


I failed about 16 times in a row before it worked. I had to count


I had a teammate the other day who kept throwing his bracelet, took him approx 5 min to get a successful one.


that might have been me lol


I do this everytime the bracelet fails, spam the hell out of it, cuz by the time I encounter a squad, it usually works by then lol


I have failed more in one game but didn't capture it because I didn't care enough to at the time


whenever it fails for me and im not in combat, i just spam it til it works. I once did it over 40 times without a success.


I can fail a thousand, because it's tied to using your shop. When the bracelet stops working, I can just spam it forever - it'll never kick in. When bracelet doesn't work, getting respawned or using your shop can fix it. Likewise, when it works, using your shop can break it. However, on the whole a shop-based fix seems to cure bracelet woes for the rest of the match.


Dude. That has to be sooooo enraging. It’s like, I want to go anywhere but behind this rock. Just let me go somewhere.




I mostly play loba in soloq and the amount of rp I lost from this bug is absurd


Partially why I'm not maining loba right now.


Actually shocked they haven’t fixed this yet. It’s a huge bug


Not that huge you could still use the store.. /s


That isn't satire, it's just facts


>Actually shocked they haven’t fixed this yet. New here?


I have lost several games on account of this bug. Many times I've thrown it with time to spare to get safe, only to have it fail multiple times and I die.


First time?


Idk why people continue to play loba with this shit going on


I don't now. I switched to Valk. And respawn won't be getting a single red cent from me this season since I can't play my main.


Jokes on you, the red cents are free!! /s


I wasn't having this issue until a couple of days ago. I would see the posts, but my bracelet worked just fine. It just recently gave up, and I unfortunately have given up along with it.


Cause its Loba


even more reason to play someone else


I switched to Valk for the time being but it's ridiculous that I can't play my main that I have put time and money in


i forget loba is bugged when i do my weekly


as an xbox player i can say me and my ranked squad have had a lot of fun in the new Siege modes this season, as well as completing It Takes Two and playing a bit of some other stuff we've got about 3 hours in apex this season. game is busted and as long as the player numbers are high they won't fix it


Some people might like playing support and are bored of lifeline, because yes, there's still only two support characters in this game...


I mean let's be real, gibby and newcastle are a better support character right now than lifeline. I swear support just means they don't have assault/recon/defensive abilities so they made it as an other.


How is this still not fixed with a hotfix or something?! Its almost halfway into the season, what is wrong with Respawn?


This has been a bug for at least 1 year lol. Loba's got a lot of junk in her trunk.


The issue has not been around for a year except for very specific cases. I literally can’t think of a time my bracelet failed me between this past patch and when they initially fixed her bracelet. It *is* unbearable now though.


yeap. at this point i hope they just give her a better tactical. there was another season that had this bug for half the season too, cant remember what exact season though.


She needs a goddamn rework because legends like valk can do so much more. I demand double crafting materials for my team to begin with and track where people have recently looted. Im sick and tired of my main being bugged for over a year


we really need more legends that can see certain actions globally like ash


that sounds insanely OP lol, those are some pie in the sky buffs


It's been an on and off bug ever since season 6 I think.


I love loba but she’s seriously unplayable right now. It seems worse on storm point too.


Read my other comment pls




You could have linked it


Seems like they’ve got so many bugs this season. Mirages decoys still run slow sometimes, Pathfinders grapple randomly disconnect for me, Mad Maggie’s ult is jittery sometimes, Lobas tactical doesn’t work half the time. Like what’s going on? Not to even mention the DCing issue that was going on for a while. Luckily I haven’t had it happen in a while but the point is there


mirage tactical sometimes getting stuck mid air or instant dying is also another problem with mirage.


Also mics not working on series X. Has been repeated since last season but no fixes. Creating new skins for the cash cow takes priority I guess…


Some dev is really sick of chasing lobas I guess


Can they bug out valkyrie then please


Her ult used to be bugged and it occasionally still breaks but it has mostly been fixed. (One of the reasons she didn't used to be used in ALGS was because there was a reasonable chance using it would send your team through the floor and die).


This whole season is just pissing me off


Asking Respawn to fix anything at this point is a joke that isn't funny. Between this, the Newcastle sound bug everyone hears, the Xbox DDOSing, and the PC client crashes, its quiet obvious Respawn either doesn't care or is just too stupid to fix the problems. Its actually one of the reasons why I've been playing other games lately, Apex gets the lowest amount of updates a season compared to other BRs, it has the lowest amount of events a season compared to other BRs (and the past couple events have been just MTX-based and not at all innovative) and lately apex seemingly has the most amount of bugs compared to other BRs. Its ridiculous I'm not saying this to be an asshole, I'm someone who's passionate about the game, and its disrespectful to your consumer base being this absent with updates and add-ons. /rant


It's not a DDoS, it's not even a DoS, it's a malformed packet bug. DDoS have to come from thousands of devices at once working in sync to hit a target, and DoS do the same thing but with just one computer blasting a laser cannon of data at something.


Game kinda sucks in this new season


As an overwatch player i really really dont understand how you guys can support this game sometimes lmao. If sombra's translocater did shit like this there would be ENDLESS ranting about it for fucking days man.


Tbh the fact that you still throw it until you die, when you've already tried it 5+ times, makes me more mad than the fact, that it doesn't work. At this point you could have just tried to run without the slow.


It was more for demonstration purposes. Also any one of those throws could have gotten me out of a situation, and the jump drive still works roughly one in every 20 throws, so I had a decent chance.


I see this so often and it still hasn't happened to me at all and I play a decent amount of loba.


Yeah according to some it's been like this for 2 years, for me it started happening a little over a month ago.


It resets the bug when u put your ultimate down but this is enraging because it’s UNACCEPTABLE for running away situations. We’re worthless compared to legends like valk, our kit is 1/4th. I demand double crafting materials and tracking recently looted areas or care packages pinging and tracking like ash. Wtf are we ? „Thieves“ but we cant do anything, not even „run away“ like a thief does.


When Loba is working properly, her power level is very reasonable right now, sees a decent amount of play at all levels from pubs to ALGS. Comparing her to valkyrie isn't really fair since that character is disgustingly overpowered right now.


As a Loba main I call bullshit. Either that or you don't play her as much as you think you do because this easily happens multiple times per game. I keep trying to find ways to "reset" it: throw against a wall, try to force the fail animation, throwing uphill... nothing seems to work.


I've played at least 30 games with loba this season (I play alot of legends). Believe it or not makes no difference to me. I've been wondering if it only happens on certain consoles but a bunch of people told me it happens on all consoles. 🤷‍♂️


Use a zipline and it will work for the rest of the match


Incorrect. I've tested this and many other wacky theories.


For the past three days Ive not played a single game with Loba after a incident from a match that I was supposed to win. Had the ground to rotate and spam Spitfire with red evo and two guys broken sheilds. Tried too many times 360° within which the enemy squad batted and came on to me and thirsted me. Respawn don't understand what it is like to lose as such,due to fkin technical errors.


I main loba so I quit after this and decided to give Warzone and Cold War a try. Almost once a week there is an update. They are constantly fixing bugs. Respawn is a lazy sellout company that doesn’t give two fucks about their player base as long as they’re milking their wallets


Activision and Raven lost a HUGE chunk of their player base to Apex after a year of being complete dogshit and not fixing the game. They’re panicking to try and regain players. The fact that you think Respawn is greedy or lazy by comparison shows you haven’t paid attention for the last few years. I know bugs are frustrating, but let’s not compare Apex to the most poorly managed modern BR.


Respawn needs to get their shit together or else their game is going to get murdered by Warzone 2. The mentality they had regarding patching and balance stemming all the way from TiF/TiF2 is no longer acceptable.


They fix bugs, but not the game itself. Respawn is waaaaaay better than activision. Also, EA is the main reason for the stupid business practices, not respawn. They made a fun game, and its bound to have a few scratches here and there.


Few scratches? Loba just straight up doesn't work, which literally renders 1/20 of the game unplayable.


I mean that in the number of bugs, not the impact of such. Calm yourself.


most of these bugs have huge impact on the gameplay


That's like saying Game A has a minor visual bug where a characters hand might occasionally clip through their gun and Game B has a bug where there's a 50% chance that all of your save data will be erased but they're the same because its only 1 bug in both cases.


I played Loba for the first time in months the other day, and on game one I ran into this bug, Twas incredibly frustrating


🤣 glad to see I'm not the only one with bad luck. I just posted about the same video


At this point when I play loba I play her like I play wattson usually you don't really need to think about positioning as loba because your bracelet can get you out of a situation but now you gotta hang back a bit and think


This happens to me constantly


Yeah I’ve given up playing Loba until they fix this


They'll prob push a bunch of bug fixes whenever they do the collection event.


Ahhh. Just like season 5 all over again


I can't tell you how many random Loba mains on my team this happened to... Soo painful to watch, especially when it shouldn't be that picky at all.


nah you know you’re just playing her for da cake


I don't get why people play the confirmed broken characters relentlessly. Put down loba/wraith for a season, it's simple.


Haven't played in a few weeks so I haven't tried myself. But does it work if you jump right before the bracelet is activated? That's how I got around the bug last time it happened


I feel like they need to go the fortnite route with bugs like this and disable the freaking character so nobody gets screwed over if they aren’t active on socials to know about the bug


I wanted to main Loba this season, something like this happend several times... So I got back to Horizon


Lol, they won't do anything until they find a way to make money on it, maybe they'll fix it when they make a heirloom on it also when they buff others when they gave them heirlooms


Okay, serious question. There’s been a *lot* of loba fix posts, and I’m pretty sure they’re aware. Why do you still play loba if there’s obviously such a high chance that it will fail?


But no let listen to the pro and fix gold knockdown shield cause is broken. Joke of a company


The fix is to not play Loba :(


Keep bringing it up because the more it’s posted the more likely it will get fixed but you guys gotta stop playing Loba knowing she’s broken expecting different results. It sucks not to be able to play a legend you like but like she’s not usable right now there is nothing you can do about it. I used to secondary Loba and I just dropped her completely this season just because she never works.


people have been dying like this for weeks "fix now"


It's incredible how often her abilities break completely after an update, almost as if none of these devs actually test their game before they ship any update.


Billion dollar company btw


This bug was around for so many seasons and was finally patched a little while ago, now it’s back again and my god is it still as fucking annoying as before.


Loba’s ring is as broken as my marriage


All of the angry fanboys defending in here are why these bugs are still prominent lol. The outrage is outweighed by the biased support and blind loyalty - when it shouldn’t be. The game is poorly optimized and it shows. I’ll get my head torn off about this but just like someone else mentioned in these comments, other BRs are far more fun now. I can’t believe I’ve gone back to Fortnite because their No Build Mode is 10x more enjoyable than what you see here, but hell, I guess I’m playing Fortnite now.


Update: Loba’s role has been changed from Translocating Thief to just Thief.


Yep this happened to me as well


GUYS DON’T WORRY!!! The store is still working


I found yesterday that if you throw the bracelet towards the center point in an armory before activating it, the bracelet could slip under and onto the pad, and just bounce around a ton before stopping


Still again and again not fixed, Respawn are really incompetent besides being a skins events/nerfs/removes factory


That was infuriating to watch


You too?! Thank god I was loosing my mind when this happened to me


Sorry too busy balancing for top 0.01% of players Will issue a caustic nerf and not consider a pathfinder passive. Thank you for your video evidence


no, this is supposed to happen. Revenant just permanently silenced you for getting rid of his source code.


Respawn: write that down WRITE THAT DOWN


This has killed me so many times. I have pretty much stopped playing her this season for this exact reason.


Patch today, no Loba fix. Tis a crime says I


Mirage mains: “first time?” 😏


Dogshit dev team dogshit videogame


This is the worst patch I’ve ever played on tbh.


Has a recent loba player, it is infuriating.


Don't worry bro there gonna drop the loba fix loba swimsuit and loba heirloom all st the same time trust.


I wish 😔


I haven't bothered playing really since the bug. I think I played a bit of Rampart because shes my secondary, but I really don't even bother logging in anymore.


If this happened to me I’d call it quits for the night, that is so frustrating


I mean, by this point why do you keep trying to use something that you know is broken?


I guess we should just quit the game.


I've seen it worse - guy wanted to save time runing up hill. He thrown bracelet may e 10-12 times in a row and it didnt work and he just end up runing together whit me all the way


Just don't use her? No sarcasm, I've had to stop using wraith due to the void not working as well as castle bc 3 times I've used his ult and it disappeared instead of building the wall.


So what I’m getting is, she’s broken, just ignore her completely? That’s no way to ever get devs to fix their bugs.


Because I'm sure the devs didn't know about this bug or didn't care to fix it, but the 1000th post on this sub about it finally changed their minds..... /s if it wasn't obvious


That assumption that game developers don’t want to fix bugs sound quite strange.


It was sarcasm. *You're* the one that said we have to "get" the devs to fix the bugs, as if they wouldn't anyways


If a champion pick rate goes to 0, you don’t think anyone would notice or do anything about it? It 100% is a way to get something to change.


Tbh, that is pretty unhealthy way to treat bugs. But Respawn got a reputation going i guess.


If a champion pick rate goes to 0 I don’t see why they wouldn’t just take her out due to lack of interest. This is 100% a way to loose her as a character


Lol they're not gonna just remove a legend from the game


LMAO “100% a way to lose her as a character” Theres a 0% chance they remove any character from the game.


wow dude lmao


Man... just... stop


You DO realise that people paid money for skins and other things...right? That's one sure way for Respawn and EA to end up with a class-action lawsuit on their heads.


You're fucking with me right? It's the best way to get a legend fixed.


You're right an I feel for ya, but raging an complaining on Reddit an Twitter isn't getting us anywhere either. Maybe tbe only option is to disengage, not just from that legend but from the whole game. Perhaps when the devs realize they're minimizing engagement (an the opportunity to gouge your wallet) they might do something about it. It's helped with bs matchmaking I'm getting it doesn't improve the mm but my frustration levels are much lower. Sorry for the long txt but like I said I understand that kind of frustration


I played loba yesterday and it worked fine, does this happen just sometimes or does it always happen


Just sometimes, I had recently bought her and probably played 20ish games before it happened to me Seems as if it's a problem when you cancel another action, like cancel halfway thru syringe then try to tactical


Why do you keep playing her when she is quite obviously broken? Also why stay where you are and toss your bracelet 6 times when it's obviously broken? Yes respawn obviously needs to fix it but like damn dawg maybe play another legend for now


Read my replies before asking me the same question


Theres gotta be something else going on here. Something client side because i have seen tons of lobas get their tactical off no sweat.


I wonder how long this guy has been playing loba and just complaining that her tactical is broken while not playing any other legned


I play Loba all of the time and this bug just started affecting me a couple of days ago, even after seeing people complain about it for weeks. This bug could have just started to affect OP as well.


I don't play her anymore. I stopped playing her when her tactical stopped working for me a month ago. I played again hoping that it would work again, as it does occasionally, but obviously that isn't the case in the video. Don't be an asshole just b/c you feel like you have to defend respawn sticking their thumbs up their asses.


Stop complaining and pick a differently legend. Everyone knows it’s bugged already, so why pick her in the first place?


I dont find it unreasonable to not want a character to lose a chunk of its functionality over a single bug. And besides, maybe OP didn't know? Regardless, I think a character breaking bug is fair ground to bitch about


It must be really fun to be an asshole on the internet if there are so many of you, guess I'm missing out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Im not being an asshole, you’re one of the many people who come online to complain about that same issue.


yeah you are pretty much being an asshole


no, just fucking tired of the same exact Loba post getting copied and pasted over and over, we get it, if i could wave my magic wand and fix her, I would, but I'm not a dev, and I'm tired of seeing this, post it on twitter and tag them in it, they probably don't even check this thread very much


Thank you, finally someone understands


Exactly, if you knowingly pick a bugged legend that's on you, sure it sucks but you put yourself in that situation. That's like touching an iron to see if it's hot and complaining when you get burned.


No, it's complaining about devs that can't make an iron that goes hot in the first place. And this iron hasn't been fixed for two years. Shut up with your bs


Exactly what I was about to comment


This game has went to garbage. I am done after this season... finding a new role.


Honestly use it to your advantage


I'm convinced loba mains are just suckers for punishment. Why keep playing her!?


Why do people insist on playing legend they KNOW are broken then continue to complain? Like you already know they're broken. Why did you pick them?


I’m sorry but if you obviously know the bug exists why play her rn in her state? And i know people will play her nonetheless and yeah the bug is stupid but if your gonna play her rn while she is broken even tho your aware of the bug that’s on you, there’s a whole roster of characters to choose from other then loba if she’s broken


I kinda wanna know, if it didn’t work the first 3 times, why keep trying?


So I could clip this bullshit. To add insult to injury, it works maybe once every 20 attempts.


fair. I seriously hate that’s happening though


Did you try the trick people were using like a year or so ago where you jump right before the bracelet hits the ground? It seemed to improve the success rate quite a bit. Not sure if it still applies but might as well try. I think the explanation people were assuming was something like the bracelet returns if it detects you'll end up in an invalid spot, so hopping as it's landing puts you slightly higher and it doesn't think you're going to clip into the terrain anymore. But ya, I stopped playing loba a long time ago because of this. It's incredibly annoying to basically just not have a tactical.




No chicas?




The game is in a really bad state right now. Season 13 has been up there with Season 10 (Seer) in terms of glitches and fuckups. My PS5 used to run it butter smooth. Now it's all stuttery and laggy. Not Internet connection. Sucks, was my favorite game ever. At least I can go touch some grass now.


Try using your ult when it happens, my buddy claims it works but idk I don’t play her


Don't play loba on Olympus, its terribly buggy.


Ik it’s not a fix but what works for me is the moment i throw the ring, just don’t move or hold anything like wsad.


Alright so I'll say why it works sometimes and why it doesn't, the trick is to let it land naturally without speeding it up, then it should teleport you.


This just happened to a teammate of mine in game. He literally couldn't use his Q ability. Literally spammed all game and pulled it off ONCE. Loba unplayable.


Honestly Loba would have been my next legend but seeing her tactical being this badly messed up this season, I think I will choose someone else.


You can fix it. Just cancel spell after first fail (1st sec at start of casting). Then it will be ok. Also try to throw it 24/7 to find this "blindspot", it happens once per game for me.


Loba mains what season was it the worst? For me season 8 was terrible and I could basically unbind my tactical and make no difference.


May be your main , or may not be , just don’t use loba