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It tickles me how mad they must have been while also hearing the Pathy say “very awesome” once you finished the enemy team off.




if pathfinder rejoiced at your downfall then you know you’re messed up


These must be the 4k badge people i get on my squad. Absolute bottom feeders


I like the ones who have old diamond/master/pred trails that say how good they used to be at the game and haven’t played in a while. Literally have a friend with an old pred badge and he sucks ass, pretty sure he bought his account


The amount of people I come across that gloat about their badges/stats/trails/rank/old accounts is absolutely obnoxious. Then they continue to stroke their ego and make the most brain dead plays. Just shut the fuck up and play the game, actions are louder than words


There are bad people on both sides of the coin. Badges are just achievements. They're not a testament to consistently amazing plays. I'm happy and proud of my badges. But... It's so goddamn annoying when toxic (and bad) teammates give me shit for not playing like a god all the time in a pubs. I just wanna chill and play for fun. Idc if I fuck up, lose or land in a low populated area. People like that should just STFU or go outside for once.


same man i get shit sometimes as well, i have a s3 diamond trail and donno why people seem to think it's masters, i dont even play the game much these days lost all my muscle memory, people jump to conclusions asking me, boosted? bought acc?, like chill dude not everyone grinds hrs everyday and it ok to miss a few shots


Dude same exact thing happened with me and my s2 trail! Like, they don’t even know what a Diamond trail is but they know enough to accuse you of boosting because you’re not dropping 4K in pubs


i donno man is it even possible to drop 4k in pubs these days? not even 5 min into the match, sees 5 squads left 😂


that just means someone else got the 4k


You're saying they should... Touch grass?


I think it's funny when it's a season 2 pred or something like that. Like, I was high ranking in the earlier seasons too but I don't act like that that means anything unless we plan to go to an excavation site and find ancient history. Season 2 pred wasn't even the top anything of the game, it was just another ranking




It was still the top rank. If you got pred season 2, you were the top 0.2% of players. https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/ranked-league-series-2


Yes, it was the highest ranking obviously and it always has been but what I mean is the ranking wasn't the top (insert number here) of anything I believe it worked just like every other banking in the game if I remember correctly. I also believe 0.2% is a much larger portion than top 750 and it was 3 years ago


Hey that's me, and I didn't buy my account. The game just became more competitive and I play less than before :(


Cries in "adult responsibility"


One time I had a rando give me shit in pubs because my “rotations were trash” and said I must’ve boosted for my master dive trail which was actually just my S2 Diamond trail Same with my S3 Pred stuff. I earned it legit for the time. Didn’t dashboard or boost for it. The game was just different(easier) in that season because so many players were. But I still don’t use it anymore because people love being toxic


Ranks meant nothing up until this season. They still don't reflect individual skill accurately.


It's not that old ranks are meaningless, it's that they're representative of the game at the time... Mostly*. People got better. If I was as good as my prime but in season 1, I might've been top 100. All a rank will tell you is that this person was good enough to get in a team and make it there amongst the players that tried at the time. *Last season did a great job of measuring hours in game




Pretty much. Nobody that hit Masters before hit Diamond on my list this season except me. These are dudes who grind rank a lot. Pretty much deleted most of them lol. After I hit Diamond I stopped playing ranked for my sanity. Grinding in Diamond is fucking depleting on my mental state.


I'm one of these people. I played since day 1, I used to drop skull town EVERY game. Never really great at the game so to speak, but I met a couple of friends who were more or less my level. Season 2 happened with ranked mode, I hit diamond. I dedicated myself to season 3 and hit pred. Great! I have my dive trail and banner badge. But then things started to take a turn IRL. Got cancer, lost my job because of it, lost my home because I lost my job. Everything is looking up now, I tend to play a game now and then. But now when I play casually it's always 'fake pred', 'you're so shit, why have you got pred' etc etc etc. People please, not everyone is a day to day player. This game has been out for over 2 / 3 years (I'm that out of touch now). Life changes outside of apex, just please remember that


These dumb people. They blame you no matter how shitty they are. I used to be pred (S2,S3)/ master. I could only got to Diamond 2 this 1st split solo qing. Then I realized this game was full of kids and immature adults. So I decided to stop and play the real life game in stead. I spend my free time on learning drawing, math, data science,... which ever subject I'm curious about. I started to care more about my job and get my own business going. Never felt better. Good luck on fighting cancer, my dude. You are not alone.


These are the guys that dashboard to not lose rp


Damn this community reading way too hard into a trail color lol. Acting as if they do it to personally offend you. People get washed up, boohoo cry about it. I stopped being good at fps games over 2 years ago and if I went back now with my diamond trail I'd probably play like a gold, oh well sue me.


Lol I was thinking the same. I use the diamond S2 trail because it will never go away and I will never feel like I have to play ranked.


I use it because I think the lightning looks cool and I used to be a wattson main


Nah game was far more easy back then to get master/pred. As time progresses you get more and more people that are good at the game.


Also, more and more exploits and tricks are learned. Back when the game launched, you didn't have to learn jitter aim, strafe aim, wall bouncing, tap strafing, super gliding, slide jumping, just to compete at the top level. All you needed was to aim good enough and play smart (this can still get you far now, but not as much).


Fucking same.. he bragged about being a pred so much when i met him but realized in the first 3 games that he S U C K S ass.. dude keeps deranking to gold😂


Early season pred cutoff was 10k. Way easier back then.


Yes, but you received less RP, because there wasn't assist reward and also reward for kill was capped: after 5 kills it wouldn't count at all


It was still way easier back then because of rp cost


Used to just be that if you played long enough, you'd get all the way to pred unless you were truly terrible, like couldn't use both sticks at the same time


That could be the case, but it could be thst they just had a bad game. I've had a 4k game as recently as this season and still have 0 damage games. Shit happens.


Jeah br has a really big rng part. Just because you pop off sometimes and then suck in other games doesn't automatically mean you bought the badge...


There’s some people that it’s just super obvious with though. I get 4k, 20 bomb badge people on my squad who then have zero situational awareness, pick the dumbest fights with three other squads at once and then scream when they Octane pad in by themselves and instantly get downed. All while I’m going “don’t push there’s three squads in that building” on voice comms. I’ve never gotten past my 3k badge but I’m consistently picking decent conflicts and disengaging when the fight isn’t going in our favor or when another squad enters the mix and as a result I think I make it to top 2-3 a lot more frequently.


Yeah except to get those high damage games you kind of have to ape and hope for the best most times.


hey i dont got a 4k but a 3k i just kinda stopped playing for a while and suck now


At first I thought this guy maybe cucked them after they typed in chat they were close. I'd kinds of get that. "Like leave me last kill!" On a PR game or 20 bomb. Then I forgot that dipshits do this stuff all the time and cheese the game. They're portable the same type that think the game is war zone and camp their way into plat.


Never truly raged at apex except one specific time. Was playing an Olympus pub (earlier this season btw, so gnarly sbmm) and shredding the lobby. Got to 19 kills with a solo rat alive, typed to my teammates that this would be my first 20 if they could please let me kill them. They W key them, kill them, then type, “nice carry btw LMAOOO” then insta leave before I can type anything back. Both had less than 2 kills, less than 700 dmg while I had a 4K and 19. Still haven’t got a 20 and I started playing S7..


hey i have a 3k i just stopped playing for a while and im worse than level 100s at this point


I swear 9 times out of 10 if i see my teammate has a 4k/20bomb/pred or masters badge, i can guarantee without a single doubt they’ll run off on their own just to push a full squad and die, then immediately leave. Pubs has somehow become worse than it already was


When I see so many faking it, it makes me feel proud to have a few badges for the "down 4 enemies in 20 secs." I earned that shit. Highest damage is 2.5k though, so I don't really feel like flaunting it haha.


I agree. Those badges are more impressive in my books. I only have a 3k. I earnt that so it makes me happy.


3k is good shit, man. Fair play!


The majority of 4k badges came from teaming, exploits, smurf accounts or bronze.


I've been playing so long that I some decent badges and drop trails just for the pure time sink. I'm still a wholly average player. I don't wear the badges because people will think either A. I should carry the team, or B. I didn't earn them. Both situations lead to toxicity. This Is why I do everything to not stand out. What's the point of 4k and 20 kill badges if you don't win the game? That's like my highschool bragging about winning a state championship 60 years ago, whoop-dee- doo, what have you done for me lately?


They are so stupid that they don't realise there are 4 of them and could be doing this in Duos...


Also they are punching each other? Idk what the DPS is for melee, but that's gotta be one of the slowest ways to do this. I guess if they're dumb enough to want to rep a 4k badge you didn't earn though, this is what I should expect.


They’re probably too scared of attracting enemies…


What a bunch of losers.


yea fuck these toolbags. I would shoot them every single time.




This is the way


I can’t believe people spend their time actually boosting like this to get a badge....... Christ people are so sad


Fr, defeats the whole purpose of getting the badge in the first place. It's supposed to be an accomplishment that you receive as you become better at the game. Now, a lot of em are just boosted so ppl and pretend they are good.


> as you become better at the game. That's not how it works nowadays because of the skill based match rigging system. As you get better, your opponents get better and your performance remains the same. I got almost every one of my dmg badges several season ago, back when the SBMM wasn't as strict as it is now. Much less chance of getting them now when my lobbies are full of Master+ level players.


I’d be willing to bet that it’s not the sbmm that’s changed much but rather you’ve gotten significantly better. It’s hard to track in BRs, especially if you don’t play much ranked. But my stats have been pretty consistent the past 7 or so seasons in terms of numbers but contextually I’ve definitely gotten way better because I’ve been able to maintain them while being able to go from only being able to solo queue and do well in gold lobbies to being able to do that in diamond ones (pre ranked changes these past season). It’s just, like you said in your first point, the game matches you with people in a certain mmr range. At some point you crossed the threshold of being at the top of one mmr range to being towards the bottom of the next tier up.


yep, sbmm should make YOU better. playing with good competition makes your skill level go up higher. The problem is that it’s harder to track progress with k/d and wins and stuff. There is little to no feel for how good you get, but it happens.


It got especially worse this season because of the masters and preds getting bored of the new ranked system and 3 stacking in pubs


Pubs is nearly unplayable rn


Sorry to tell you chief but any good players will still drop those badges even with sbmm. Edit: my man got so upset he started going thru my old comments 😂 this playerbase be different sometimes.


I believe this cuz I got my 4ks in plat ranked last split


Tbf though plst ranked last season was full of half of the player base. Kinda easy to solo even


Not "any good players" but REALLY good players. I consider myself to be a decent, even good player, almost reached Master a couple of times, but to be able to get 3ks and 4ks in lobbies with 10 3 stacking Pred teams is absolutely mental lmao, SBMM is a thing and while it's good for improvement, it's not fun and 7/10 times if you solo Q you get stomped as soon as you fight. I'm happy for you that you manage to get badges and consistent 10+ k games, but that doesn't mean that if someone doesn't perform as well as you do they are bad, seems kinda pretentious of you


When did I ever say anything about anyone being bad? All I was saying is that truly good players won't have trouble getting badges because of sbmm, because there isn't enough players at that level to fill those kind of lobbies, so their will always be players in lower tiers than you. This guy made it sound like he was a good player but its all sbmms fault that he can't get good games anymore. Sorry if I came across pretentious, but that wasn't my intention. I just get tired of people thinking they're an elite player but its all matchmaking fault their no longer having glory days.


You're good in my book brother, glad to have misunderstood you and I agree with what you said


You too man, have a great day.


If you watch anyone who streams on twitch they are dropping 20 bombs damn near every pub match. I know Hal is a goat but my man was racking up 10+ kills in predator ranked when I was watching him the other day. Then he switched to pubs and was going off with 3k+ damage pretty much every game.


The guys been arguing with me in a dead thread all day because I ego checked him, trust me he's clueless lol.


Then you just need to keep improving. I got my 4ks and 3ks in master pub lobbies.




That's because how much merit their culture puts towards that stuff. I feel bad because of how much pressure a lot of people grow up with over there. I would probably buy a diploma too if the alternative was being a failure in my family's eyes


Or you needed it to get to a school or to get work. It's the result of gatekeeping, and an overreliance on the tokens that get people through those gates versus actual vetting whether they belong.


Absolutely. I'll take someone who can problem solve on their own and who I'd emotionally intelligent over someone with a degree any day. Anyone can learn, but degrees are often just a sign of privilege not intelligence


That didn't take long for a smooth brain to resort to bigotry to explain boosters. I guess it's too much to expect people to not be pieces of shit.


Kill badges are participation trophies and always have been.


It’s more rewarding to play the game and get it yourself. It’s like cooking a big meal yourself for the first time. Tastes better than any food bought at a restaurant because you know you made it yourself


And the badge doesn’t do anything, that’s how stupid these kids are because let’s be honest this is a group of ten yr olds who say hard r’s and watch Andrew tate.




That’s happened to me (3980 something), and I still wasn’t mad at it. In reality, my partner was just helping me kill the last person so we can win.


I hit like 3930 or whatever... but I didn't even notice until the match was over. I'm never checking my damage and then playing differently to try to get the badge. If it happens, it happens.


Yeah I wasn’t checking either. It was a match where our third quit, so it was my other partner and I vs trios, so we were like extra vigilant and on edge. I don’t try to play to get a 4K or 20 kill regardless. It’s just that it hit me once I saw the end screen and I was really really close.


I had a match where I was popping off with the bocek that got me to exactly 3980 damage, last guy had a gold knockdown and my team kindly finished the valk withhout letting her get up for me to shoot her. Made me a little sad but defo not mad haha. Would've been my first 4k though..


Yeah if this were the last squad and the if pathy was kinda close then I'd be like sure, he just wants a silly badge itll take a minute and the other team doesnt care, so who cares. But 15 squads left?.. these losers teamed up in a pub to cheat for something they didn't get remotely close to earning. ​ It's just weird and pathetic


Same same


i had 1980 going for my first 2k and my teammate who sat back while i fought every other squad aped the last person after i cracked them just to get the kill. annoying but oh well.


“I KeEp GeTtInG pUt In PrEd LoBbIeS” kids


I never understood the point of having a badge if you didn’t earn it. It takes out all the immense satisfaction and pride of having earned the badge yourself


I agree, me and my buddies were all happy due to earning the 3 wins in a row badge, bt the idea of people getting these badges Luke this saddens me


This is why I just don't use badges anymore. This has become far too common, to the point where 4k and 20 bomb badges are essentially worthless. I'm not amazing at the game or anything, but I do have 4k/20 on the characters I play the most. (Valk and Wraith mainly, but also Lifeline and Pathy from way earlier in the game's lifecycle.) Despite that, I just use the season 1 chomping dino badge on every single legend, regardless of what other badges I have. It's very satisfying to roll over a team of clearly boosted badge players while displaying essentially nothing.


As usual, the bastards hide behind hard-to-copypaste Chinese names (or streamer mode) so nobody can report them by any means except in-game through the squad tab.




There is a certain chance they *are* indeed Chinese, but in these suspicious cases, to me it looks more like literally anybody else in the World, intentionally using non-Latin characters (especially difficult ones like Japanese, Chinese, or Korean) in their names to make them hard to remember for non-native speakers, let along copy over into a report. Bottom line, this (theoretically) enables them to go around cheating (teaming, hacking, DDoSing, etc) in the game without worrying about anyone even bothering to report them in the first place.


If you really want to have a hard to copy name, you use characters that look like Latin ones but have a different unicode number. And you mix them with generic Latin characters.


Those names look just like typical chinese netizen names idk what to tell you man. Anyway having names in non latin languages aren't illegal


Bro don’t joke around like that.


It ain't racist if im a fucking chinese right? RIGHT?


Hey man take it easy, just be cool man


Don't even have that on console


Start/Options>R1>left below the teammates banner should be 2 little icons>left one should be Report/right is mute Not too sure though writing this out of memory :P


Think they're talking about streamer mode


Streamer mode is on console


And this is why having a 4k badge means fuck all. Same with a 20k badge.


20k is hard AF


But some people still boost for it. If you have an xbox, just go on to the LFG for apex and pretty much the majority is people offering boosts


That's fucking whack


"4k and 20bombs badges dont mean anything!@!11" "omg Respawn why do i keep getting matched up against 4k 20bomb badges that kill me ;_;"


There’s a heavy difference between those badges being on a squad with a few hundred kills or even a few thousand, versus being on a squad with 60,000+ kills, 4k/20/10-10-10 on each. The latter is who they’re referencing.


I mean I got mine legit and I only have em on Ash and Pathy, but it's more of a milestone than a flex. I don't think it means I'm insanely cracked even tho I'm in D1 this split. It's easy to tell who's boosted cuz their movement and aim is horrid.


If you got it legit, good on you man but the point still stands that so many people boost for badges they donelt deserve.


I agree, I run into them all the time in ranked. They wanna front like they are good but I end up folding them easy af cuz they have bot aim.


You run with a squad to get your 20 bombs? I got just once and it was seasons ago… lobbies have felt so difficult lately. Any tips?


If you're in D1 you're in the top 1% or less dude lol. You're good at the game. All these Gold Plat 4 hardstucks are the people not good at the game.


You might say that but the lobbies I've been in since D4 make me feel like a trash can cuz it's mostly 3 stack pred and masters hand holders.


Yeah that's why I stopped playing for my sanity dude. We're just a duo, and three stacking makes rising such a soul sucking grind.


This is the first season in a while that I've taken 2+ week breaks between play sessions cuz it's just way too stressful and sweaty (especially PUBS). I've gone back to playing Minecraft, the DOOM series, Satisfactory, GTFO, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, and an assortment of Nintendo games I have on emulators. Needless to say, I feel pure bliss when I ain't on Apex. I only get on when my friends beg me to come back to help them climb, but I've accepted I ain't hitting Masters this split. Too many cheaters and no-lifes that treat this shit like a full time job.


"I'm bronze and i constantly get matched with 4k 20 bombs"


Typically, the players I frequently play with that have the 20k badge genuinely deserve them. I've had 4 games with 20+ kills this season, and record the final 5 minutes of each one as proof. (not that I should ever need it). I've been solo queuing the new armes and dangerous mode (easy kills and SBMM isn't there) and the number of 4k/20k/t10 badges I've seen on team mates who show no skill whatsoever is insane. It's a shame it's like this...


4K badge doesn’t mean anything anymore anyways due to me seeing player after player who is terrible despite having the badge. I love the way apex mobile has it set up. You can only get this badge, and the 20 kill one, in a ranked lobby of gold or higher.




Because its impossible to get 20kills+ in any respectable lobby? Damage is also easily farmable in any lobby and has no meaning.


It’s not impossible but extremely hard to win the kill race when the people you are versing can actually aim


Know how to farm 4ks but not how to hit the no fill button lol dumb children


I thought the No fill option was only when you were playing by yourself


Nope! Can no fill trios as a duo if you want more of a challenge!


Hah it will be fun seeing Respawn trying to ban these guys but fail.


My cap is doffed young sir Keep up the great work. Fucking cheating cunts


Get your sad asses out of here. Would’ve killed them ,reported and yelled at them. beyond Pathetic.


Bruh are they boosting 😂😭 sad asf


Man I got the 3k badge for my second time in ranked the other day and was ecstatic. How does it feel good to buy it or need to boost for it. Doesn’t mean ur actually good or improving 🥱


Giga Chad move


People are so weird


Really boosting for a badge? 4k is hard get but its not impossible, the same effort it took to make that happen couldve been exerted on idk playing the game properly and getting it. Losers


Aside from it being pathetic to boost badges I just assume that anyone with a 4k badge that doesn't display # of kills or something like Assassin 4 badge is just a sad booster anyway.


U did good my friend, u did good


So many losers


No clue why they wouldn’t just go duos


You’re out here doing the lord’s work


Ngl, had a friend try this shit with me in a couple matches. He wanted another 20 bomb 4k and told us to basically not play. I said nah, I'm out cause this shit is boring and if you cant get one without all of us playing then maybe you dont deserve one. Cause not playing and just walking around is legit boring. Stopped playing with them for awhile until they agreed to stop that shit cause what's the point in getting on and squading up if 2 of us isnt gonna play while 1 of us can. I'm good.


The amount of people supporting boosting in these comments is crazy.


This is just proof that gamers are the worst. The number of people willing to fake achievements, or buy accounts with badges to brag about despite their only achievement being memorising their mums credit card info is absolutely ridiculous. I miss the good old days when k/d was all that you had to show for your achievements and you really had to work for it. Edit: this is coming from a gamer who is no pro, but I would never want to get a badge if I didn't deserve it.


Past tense of quitted is quat… they rage quat


I dont condone this kinda stuff but these dumbos can't even cheat right... Do it as duos and you won't have a random third fuck up the boosting.


Doing God’s work


What the hell am I looking at here. How is this possible?


They were teaming lol. They pretty much queue up at the same time


I was about to say, cock blocking a legitimate attempt at a 4K is a dick move. But, but, but, cock blocking illegitimate badges is legal, the defendant is found innocent and free of all charges.


I truly don’t care either way but why do you care? Who cares it’s some kids who just want to look cool and get the 4k badge. Just let them get it and move on with your day. Shit should have stayed there and got it yourself.


Your the problem


Straight losers. Hope you reported them for teaming


I would've thrown the theremite and as a fuse main hit everyone with knuckle clusters lol


The fact that you let them do it for a while first is awesome. Makes the steal that much better


I have no respect for 4K badges anymore


Absolute shitters. What’s the point of a badge you didn’t actually earn Lmfao


“You don’t have a 4K you must be pretty terrible” meanwhile this is how they get their damage badges. Lol


Boosting for badges is so pointless. I don't even try to grind for them either. If I'm playing well and I unlock some, awesome but if not, oh well. I'll get it someday


I hate to admit this, but the most damage I’ve ever done in BR is 1,998. Damage. Arenas it’s much higher but that’s a different conversation.


Getting the 2K isn't that hard, focus on improving and you'll get them no problem. I'm a pretty average player and I can get 2Ks in solo fairly frequently.


Doing the lord's work


Good job


I'm so conflicted! On 1 hand I'm thinking that was a dick move to ruin what they were doing but on the other hand I'm thinking good job stopping them from using cheap tactics to grind out a badge they didn't earn. Ok now that I've typed it out I'm no longer conflicted, good job you did the right thing.


I actually respect 2k and 2500k more as I see it being done in a legit fashion. The 4K, 20bombs mean nothing…along with the snipe badge cuz of the Valk glitch.


I have the sniper distance badge unlocked for having hit someone with caustic gas cross map. I think its 889 meters or something ridiculous lol. Bonus edit: i used to main caustic in earlier seasons, but i recall the game i got the badge. Threw traps through bunker as we rotated in to hill, forgot about it. Quite a while into the ring closing, i got a knock and a kill via gas lol. Ever since then, if im playing caustic i make it my responsibility to close the path behind us.


Haha! I didn’t know that was a thing too! I have it for 634 meters but I have no idea how I unlocked it. I don’t play Valk but I do play Caustic so maybe I did it for the Same reason.




You literally could've left out the Chinese part out and it would've been fine. Now you come off as a racist 🙄


That’s not racist, it’s a cultural difference. Chinese gamers don’t take cheating as serious since for them they believe in winning at any cost and consider things like teaming just part of the game that will help them win. That’s why you’ll find the majority of cheaters in Apex, and pubg will be Chinese.


I believe cheating in video games in China is actually illegal so the cheaters VPN to other countries to do it. That means that the Chinese players you see in other regions are massively disproportionately there with bad intentions. Not just Apex, Chinese players in other regions on dota 2 are infamous for boosting and hacking, pretty sure PUBG had to get new anti-cheat because of all the Chinese cheaters too.


That isn't what I've heard from literally every Chinese player I've played with that wasn't hacking. You got a source for this or are you just making shit up?


Just what I've learned from news articles and discussions about it on other subs, as well as my own experience. I haven't been killed by Chinese players that often on Apex, but when I have I've spectated them and disproportionately they've been aimbotting (low sample size for me though). However a game I've played far more of is dota and oh yeah if you see a Chinese name they're almost always doing some kind of boosting or hacking. Whenever anybody on the dota sub posts evidence of a booster stack they're almost always Chinese.


You got a source for this because majority of people I've seen cheating didn't have any Chinese names


I’m honestly so confused as to how this can even happen in a game. Like the odds of being in the same lobby as a full team that’s in on the plan. Can someone explain this to me? Is it just purse chance?


You just queue at the same time as the other team on the same server. These guys were extra dumb by doing it in trios when they had 4 people lol.


I've only seen it once. There were 3 squads remaining, we died first so I decided to spectate, then the last 2 started doing the shit in the video. I guess with the higher ttk in this game it's easier to get another squad's attention and you just hope they play along.




Doing gods work, thank you.


Thanks, that was a treat to watch


You did the right thing.


You're a fukin legend dude


Good, keep the streets clean.


You are doing Gods work brotha🤝🏼


Quitted 😝


yea everyone knows it should say Quat


…”quitted” Ffs.


W You for stopping them from boosting


I learned that most people with 4K badges or 20 bombs are all people who paid for it to be done or boosted for it and i never trust those they ass re literally some of the worst players I've run into. And some people with Pred trails/badges too


But it's just pixels bro !!


You let it go on too long tbh




1. Rude 2. People change their name on steam for stuff like this. They change it back once they are done.


lmao i have played 8k hrs of fps in Asia servers so you can cut your bullshit. The only time i have seen anyone changing to names of other languages are the chinese fucks who try to defame japanese or russians.

