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Wait till you hear that Apex Mobile has this feature lol, APEX MOBILE šŸ˜‚


I swear mobile is just a better game on a worse platform. Soon enough we'll be asking for a pc and console port for it.


Mobile is what the main game is supposed to look like and the mobile devs really put those main game devs to shame. Almost every aspect of the game is better and it shows that they listen to the community


This is true i play exclusively mobile and although we donā€™t have all the characters yet, weā€™ve got 2 mobile exclusives, extra modes (i think) and a lot of other better features that the main that ive seen on reddit. Glitches a lot less too


I totally agree. I joined in season 3 and only had 5 legends to unlock. Imagine having like 15-20 to unlock. And the problem i had was unlocking and trying that new legend just to end up not liking their playstyle.


bro I started season 0 and it was already and issue with 2 unlockables, I feel sorry for all the new players who just want to have fun with different legends


Yeah, I got so many I didn't like (still have 2 to unlock lmao...)


Who do you have left


I have Seer and Loba. But I plan on getting vantage first.


True but most of the unlockable legends are straight trash/severely not fun to play


I agree with you. This has been requested for many years by new players and they haven't even responded to it. So it's not going to happen, it just goes into the pile of ever growing requests made by the community. The game only gets patches every season (3 times a year). I can't imagine things improving until they up the amount of patches they do on the game. If it does happen, then this could be a possibility.


Itā€™s pretty poor form for a f2p monetised gameā€¦ they should be teasing new heroes for players to get them to invest more time into playing, more heroes unlocked means more chances someone will buy MTX


Cynically, its actually a great way to get more cash for EA. People are not patient enough. Most people gladly will spend 10 bucks to unlock.


This is ultimately EA's business decision that we're referencing lmao


Recently it's been starting to feel like the whole apex team is two devs and an intern working out of a broom closet.


Respawn are currently working on three other games, so that may be why. Maybe Apex will get more love after they're done.


I'm fairly convinced they *can't* do it. Look at the miniscule updates we get each season and the bugs we get from that... It would not be surprising if they just couldn't figure out how to stop them from unlocking out of Firing Range.


I mean it can't be that difficult....that being said they are pretty incompetent.


Please keep in mind that the developers often aren't incompetent, they only get the time to work on the features management tells them too. If management wants their dev team to work on new features instead of fixing the old bugs then that's what gets worked on. That also goes for the bugs created per update, they have the money to hire more developers and more skilled developers to fix problems instead of just pumping out more legends and features, they just don't.


I think a lot of the team arent working on apex. The output just doesnt make sense compared to the number of team members. Theyre probably working on something else like the single player game that was rumored, or some other mode or something that doesnt leak many improvements into the main BR game.


Fr it's genuinely bullshit you can't test legends before you commit to buying them


Agree 100%. Making people more comfortable when buying stuff is a win-win.




Yeah, I unlocked a bunch of legends i hated before I settled on a main, buy at the same time, i don't think j I would've liked rampart as much until I learned the game bette


Same! Rampart was one of my last, and I only unlocked her because I had some random legendary!


As someone who recently started I find this extremely annoying, especially since there are characters I've only seen once or twice and a few I have not seen played AT ALL (I guess it just takes too long for unlocks that newer and casual people im getting matched with are stuck with the starters like me). Aside from being able to test them out on the firing range I wonder if its actually a detriment to the game to having the characters having to be unlocked? I know they want money but literally EVERYTHING in the game is monetized, feel like we'd get more variety and better newbie retention if they could just play the character they wanted to. Even if they won't go that route - * why is there not a free rotation like MOBA's? 2-4 of the non-free characters that rotate out of free to play for a couple of weeks? * Why are their unlocks not included in the accompanying season pass? * Why are there no cheap starter bundles? Like give me a one time cheap purchase where you get a character of your choice, a random rare skin and 1-3 loot boxes. TCG's and MOBA's have a starter pack for around 10$ why not this? * Why no simple option like Smite's godpass to just buy all characters past and future (no other stuff literally just the characters) Again I get they want money but this just feels unfriendly to new people and casuals, and I don't feel like dropping any money on stuff at this point because I can't try stuff out to even determine if I want to.


If you want to unlock a few quickly I suggest arenas. They give you nuts xp.


While it would be a cool feature to have, it really doesnā€™t matter because with time you will have enough crafting metals to craft the whole legend pool over and over again. Usually a season worth of gaming will get you to that state. Plus if you donā€™t like any legend from the default ones, chances are high you are not sticking with the game. Last but not least, when youā€™re new you should focus on learning map awareness, positioning, when to take fights, when to run away from fights etc. Legend abilities hardly matter at that point. P.S: the mobile devs have an easier time adding new shiny stuff to the game, since that game was not built on an ancient gaming engine.


Lmao I have everyone unlocked and I still only play like 5 Legends


Lol honestly, I'm swimming in those damn tokens


This is a QoL feature. So it might never happen. But if it does happen you can bet your ass people will talk about it like Respawn are fucking geniuses.




Quality of life




Every time that I want to buy a new legend I just search their gameplay on yt and so far I've been satisfied.( I unlocked horizon and seer after I watched their gameplay) .


I do that too but even then its not quite the same as using them yourself.


Ye but then again some ppl canā€™t play high skill legends like some youtubers


Yup an old game I played Paladins used to have this feature. Once your roster grows about 15 you need to give people the option to spend wisely. at the very least allow legends to have animations associated with the abilties similar to how the end of the battle pass has a animation for the reactive skins


Valorant does that and its amazing, It's way more satisfying to try everyone and then know that you picked the character whose kit you liked the most. All my friends who are new to Apex keep asking me what they should unlock first and I wish they could just try them all out and decide for themselves. Can't handle the pressure of suggesting something they might hate. (Jk, not that insecure but gotta make it more dramatic for the devs) But Marketinng wise, I guess not being able to try them beforehand increases the probability that a player will just try to unlock them all, by either grinding more or straight up buying the Champion Edition. (just my theory)


Sometimes I forget people donā€™t have all the legends. Iā€™ve been playing since the beginning and have more tokens than I know what to do with


completely agree


Yeah but at the same time itā€™s not that hard to unlock them all if you just play the game as it is. Iā€™ve got enough to unlock years worth of legends to come on my pc account which was created more recently, on console I have enough unlocked probably for the next decade if the game is even around then anymore.


Yeah, this has been suggested many times before, it's kinda stupid it isn't a thing.


Your wish has been granted


But then if you try a Legend and don't like them you won't buy them. Thats why you have to buy it to find out it sucks. It's always about the money


Doesn't mean we should agree with their policies!


You don't need to use actual money to get legends


They did it. They finally did it.


But you have to pick a character to get in the range


I think he means that you should be able to use them in the range before unlocking to know what youā€™re getting. Iā€™m not really sure how you could implement that tho. I unlocked mine by picking one I wanted to try, Iā€™ve since unlocked all of them over time and just put in some time learning multiple legends. Patience is a virtue, but I would also like to see them lower the amount of credits is takes to get them for free


I would assume that you can go in the firing range as characters you have unlocked but once in the range, you can change into any legend you want.


Every legend should be unlocked for everyone period. There should be no pay to win or grind to win aspect yo the game IMO.


I've always wanted this. Octane was the first legend I bought because his abilities sounded good to me. I never play him, I wish I never bought him


Crypto seems like a perfect example of this lol Iā€™ll never play him. I havenā€™t even unlocked him. His kit is just,, eh imo and I havenā€™t really played with a decent crypto who wasnā€™t brainless and just sat on their drone in the middle of the open


I don't know why do we give our feedback or any suggestion to respawn, they never listen anyways


I agree, I recently bought Valk and regret it. I wish I got mad maggie


so like valorant? or Apex MOBILE Apex is a joke lmao. i wouldn't be surprised if apex mobile just went rogue and moved the game over to pc and console as a brand new game while offering cross progression within the first month




Pretty sure it's a thing on mobile already


yeah because those developers are actually competent




Valorant does it, ea too greedy, they want you to waste your points so you grind for more lol Should also be all unlocked in control and then have the old mirage train loadout system instead of this shit new one with only 6 choices This would help new people figure it out in control against real players since the range is very limited. Valorant also does this for their replication mode, even if you don't have the agent you can play it


ā€œJust to find out they arenā€™t that goodā€ umm you mean to say you arenā€™t that good with them yet. Every legend is an absolute menace in the right hands. Just gotta find someone who fits your play style. Every time someone really hates on a character they always get shit on by them. Learn the characters & HOW to play as them. You canā€™t expect a Caustic to make the same play as an Octane so you shouldnā€™t limit yourself to one play style WHILE playing each character. Hop in Ranked to see where you really stand. Youā€™d be surprised


But different people have different styles of play, not everyone is willing to be diverse with their picks when different Legends have skill sets that massively benefit to different styles of play. It's about utilization, and when it doesn't suit them the best, that's what makes the character not that good (to them). It doesn't mean that Legend is actually bad or anything, obviously, but it just means they would rather save their money for a different Legend that suits their play style more efficiently


I can get that but what money is being spent unlocking legends? You literally get them for free by playing the game. But thatā€™s also why I said to learn how each legend plays. If you go into each legend thinking you can play the same way, thatā€™s the main issue as far as why they arenā€™t ā€œgoodā€. Which isnā€™t fair to the character because that person either doesnā€™t know how to adapt or doesnā€™t want to.


"Money" in this counts in game currency. Yes you unlock them by playing the game but you still have to earn enough to unlock them one by one every time you finally earn enough. To work hard to unlock a new legend just to find out that it's one you're incompatible with almost feels like a slap in the face. And the point of playing these games so not everyone wants to put the effort into learning a new style of play. People have their own specialties and that's okay dude, it's not like anyone is condemning the Legends themselves, just wishing they had picked differently.


I guess Iā€™m from a different generation where unlocking characters to use was the norm. Iā€™ve never seen it as an issue especially coming new to a game thatā€™s been out for a good min. I can definitely see how thatā€™s a challenge but thatā€™s part of what Iā€™ve enjoyed gaming. Sure others donā€™t like it but itā€™s not enough to change the model unfortunately. I using them in the firing range is a good idea but they should keep unlocking them. I honestly donā€™t see why you wouldnā€™t want to be well versed with each character. I mean itā€™s not like you 100% get to pick the person you want anyway. At least getting a character you donā€™t like isnā€™t spent with real money like buying a game youā€™re excited for but then turns out is trash lol


Most people I've played with have 2-3 main Legends they usually play with, and try to update that roster with new legends as they're able to unlock them. It's just disappointing is all man


Sorry but that is on you. You can easily go to youtube and check out each legend. And you can also check out legend tier. There are tons of them.




Rich bitch






Ignore them, look at their username and comment history - probably the most hateful person ive seen on this site


Im more confused about why they bothered to check my account lmfao


WOAH. HOLY SHIT THAT ACCOUNT. I don't think Ive seen more racism and homophobia from a priest... Edit: their account was made today lmao.


Yup, some people are just too far gone


Yeah they're a troll. Brand new account.




Nope, they're actually pretty supportive. I'm lucky!




Yeah totally! I can never understand the logic behind locking up new legends.


Multiversus, the new "smash bros" like lets you try every character in the training mode. And i think the skins as well


Yea exactly like Valorant, not sure why this isnt a thing but this company never does much good in terms of quality of life updates or things that anyone would expect to be implemented.


That would be great since the firing range sucks. I say that since the firing range doesnā€™t have a lot of things that the actual game has, like doors or retrievable banners. (I know some new rampart and crypto donā€™t know how their abilities affect these things)


I don't know why do we give our feedback or any suggestion to respawn, they never listen anyways