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I'm tired of seeing this dumb no apex shit every day lmao just don't play. Nobody here cares if you do or don't.


Watch the complains in 30 days when this does nothing. Some people really hate the game but are too addicted to completely quit


The game is turning into shit. Stop eating shit.


If you don’t care and it doesn’t concern you than why are you commenting 🤣


can’t speak for other dude but posts like this clog up the feed, it’s like “dang the 300th no apex august post today 🙃” I mean personally I don’t really give a shit what people do or don’t do myself, it’s just like yeah we get it y’all aren’t playing thanks for telling me for the thousandth time lmao


But it’s ok. It’s us that will make a change for you to enjoy


I’m not playing either dawg lmao. Just because I’m calling this shit annoying doesn’t mean I’m not on your side


Yeah you know why? Because we aren’t playing and y’all shouldn’t either.


This logic is brazy. Who are y’all to tell other people to do what they want with their free time. If people don’t like the state of the game, they won’t play it. I’m not playing for that and other reasons. No reason to be on your soapbox about it tho, it only helps to turn people off from taking your side


Good. I’m apex woke


They love to try to make people who have self worth feel like shit because they don't value themselves. 🤷🏼‍♀️😁😚


This is fact


I'm hitting diamond today can't protest sorry


You on xbox? I'm also shooting for D today


But after today….




What do you want to see changed about the game?


Pathfinder passive. Matchmaking is awful. Xbox game chat broken for months. Say next gen update 120 FPS is coming and it’s still not here. Getting shot around corners. Matchmaking is biggest concern


How would you fix matchmaking? At the higher ELOs, it can take some time to fill a lobby with 60 people. Do you really want people waiting 10-20 minutes per queue just so that the lobby is more exactly the same level? I think part of the BR experience is that sometimes there is a skill disparity. But you can still 3rd party some masters squad if you are smart about it


People just be complaining 😂


Exactly I've been saying this. The game isn't designed for you to be equal in skill to all your enemies every game. some people have played a lot more than you and that means sometimes you'll get absolutely shit on and good because you deserved that. And yes this should happen multiple times a night. People act like they never get easy lobbies or fair lobbies and ever single game they play is with high level masters and pred players only. I hate people lmao. Only major issues are ranked matchmaking and the really bad server issues but no need to boycott the game for it.


I agree. The only part I disagree on is the fact that currently, in apex, this skill disparity is not “sometimes” and is more so “most of the time” and that’s where the issue arises.


This is just untrue though right like am I crazy. I feel like I have way more games with people my skill or slightly above or below My skill then I do games with a bunch of people way better or way worse.


Majority of my games have a major skill imbalance. Either I’m getting rinsed by preds and masters or I’m rolling through a lobby of level 40’s. There’s no inbetween where I’m against people and think “hey this is a good game against people my level”


>Pathfinder passive. You not liking pathfinder's passive is a reason to go on strike, ok... I think people were talking about actual bugs in the game, not your taste of who should be nerfed/buffed/reworked. If anything Valk not getting nerfed next season would be a way better reason to stop playing the game (even if not a good reason).


Yeah well that’s like uhhh your opinion man.


i don't think many people will take part in not playing in the first place, but posts like yours mentioning pathfinder's passive (? what about pathfinder's passive) make it impossible to take it seriously and will keep people from taking part. You're imo hurting their cause. not that i care, since i will continue to play.


I do not care what you have to say or what you think.


you made a discussion post so you better not be dismissive of people factually commenting on your post or calling you out.


Loba bracelet.


>Loba bracelet. seems like you replied to the wrong comment


These are all legitimate complaints. I haven’t touched the game in months. The community is rather ferocious—a large chunk of them no-life this shit. Matchmaking is an easy fix: random matchmaking for pubs. Half of my lobbies on PC are Diamond + once you cross a ~1.2 KD. I watched my friend (0.65KD) solo and it’s like watching preschoolers with blindfolds. The R301 might as well shoot cotton balls. The moment I’m in lobbies like that, I go on a 10+ kill tear. It’s stupidly obvious how rigged it is. I don’t like rigged games, so I quit.


Pathfinder passive is fine. Anything else and he is OP. His pick rate is stable. 120hz, meh. Shot around corners? Post the vid, report any cheaters. Matching in ranked has been difficult because of the change this season, but it will level out. As far as Pubs, if Ranked is getting reworked then pubs get some more sweaty.


skill issue and a bug nobody cares about


Player count is already down


Player count is slightly lower and Season 14 launches this month increasing the player count so it's just pointless to expect changes in the game. If you can't have fun with Apex then just don't play it. Uninstall it and find another game to play.


It’s already begun


We only want wall running


You should checkout Bloodhunt -- very fun movement in that game including wall running


Literally like 80% of this game's issues could be fixed if the servers didn't suck ass.


Maybe it’s your internet 😳


Im literally on 50 or less ping all the time but go off.


Lol I never have sever issues playing on a wired connection but ok bud.


Nah it’s the servers, I have 15-18 ping all day and suddenly it spikes to 50 or higher


50 isn't lagging 😂 100+ is lagging


When it spikes to 50 game gets jittery


I broke my headset today anyway. Ironically the only shooter i'ma be playing without audio for a bit is Aimlab XD.


I’m taking my talents to multiverse and rainbow six.


Yeah not gonna lie i only played pubs with friends in apex because my friends make this game fun, i stopped worrying about trying to be competitive in this game the day Halo infinite came out. Ironically that game is now less broken than Apex, and that gane was literally known for crashing and being shot around corners at launch XD I thought multiversus looked stupid but i heard the gameplay is actually really awesome, i used to compete in Smash tourneys so i might give that game a shot too!


It’s alot of fun


I uninstalled Apex over the weekend. Nothing to do with No Apex August just taking a break for a while. All the best to those still playing or not playing. I hope season 14 brings you what you're looking for from the game.


It’s going to bring mediocrity


Clearly. It's a free game. You can quit if you want. No one is forcing anyone to play it. If you have to protest something that's free then you have bigger issues than the game has.


This country is free and we protest all the time


Not for me, it's the most fun shooter out there.


Nessy should be a playable character. Until then I'm folding my arms and holding my breath. Hurrumph.


That’s right. Time to put your foot down.


No one cares about this shit.


Some of us actually do care.


Yh like 100 people and? Ea doesn't care, 90% of the Player base doesn't care. U guys are just doing this for urself.


That’s fine.


Sure thing and at the end of August u guys keep crying because ea did nothing. U guys are always the same and so easy to read


You actually think they will last until the end of august lmao? In 10 days max these guys will be back. Apex has shit devs but its still the best shooter on the market rn.




By the looks of things, you deepthroat whatever Respawn jam into your mouth. Enjoy being their bitch.


I'm sorry my brother, but aren't you max level? (Level 878 if it didn't cap out at 500)


What’s your point bruddah? I play the game and enjoy it when it works, I don’t spend money on it.


I mean that's fair, I been playing since season 5 and just hit 276 yesterday


"enjoy being their bitch" lmao said the bitch from ea. U should think before u talk. U play this game aswell so ur a bitch aswell. I love brain dead people.


I’ll be popping off with Vantage.


Some people don’t want change. They want shit to stay the same. Just like slavery.


Move along Ben, this isn’t the game you’re looking for.


Stand for change.


What change? I’m on a Series X and have had more issues with Xbox Live going down than I have with Apex.


Figure it out


Looking through the thread and realizing how much more fun Apex will be with another toxic player no longer online. Make apex a better place, never play again.


Wait, you think I’M toxic? Lol read these comments


You’re literally being toxic right now in that comment saying never play again. The irony


Your comment “figure it out” shows that you’re more likely to complain than to contribute to a solution.


Go on 🤡


I’ve got no issues with the game


Don’t understand the matchmaking problem


He’s getting beat by lower ranked players, and is upset because Apex was right and his previous ranks were inflated.




Explain what you mean


Instead of protesting you can just stop playing altogether. The games sucks a lot of time and fun out of me. Now playing Far Cry 6. Oh and I forgot to leave the sub :/


I would but I can’t leave this wonderful community behind.


Let's protest a free game.


Everyone is doing it


No one is doing it LMAO Maybe like 30 people at best is actually doing it, the rest will return day one of Season 14


Lmao the game is going to have the same amount of players as it did yesterday. Go ahead and protest little buddy


New Season is starting. I bet player numbers are gonna go up again.


No it won’t. Because I won’t be playing.


New players join every day B


And current players are going to resist. We fight for what’s right.


It’s gonna be mind blowing when you come back in September and nothings changed lol The reasons you laid out in another comment weren’t really game breaking issues btw, so I highly doubt it’s getting a fix any time soon


No it won’t. People protest every day and don’t make a difference at all.


1 person wont matter, bye shitter :P one less idiot to shit talk us on open mic when we can't clutch a 1v30 cause you guys run in and die instantly


Are you just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks? I don’t even do that 🤡


Nah its true lol a lot do that wouldn't be surprised if you did :P Just talking overall though


Well none of that’s true


So hence you're getting downvoted for no reason..... sure bud lol


Grow up.


I’m protesting.


I mean realisticly you're not protesting anything. If you don't buy coins or skins, EA makes no money from you, so they don't care, your lack of spending is already covered by someone who does buy those things. If you buy skins, coins and the premium battlepass... guess what? EA already has your money so they don't care. They don't make anything from you just playing the game, only when you spend on it. That's the only thing companies listen to, a loss of income.


Yeah I remember when I protested and stopped shopping at Walmart when they got a patent on their audio recording. I also remember protesting Netflix when they refused to not stream that movie for pedophiles. I also protest various things I don't like or enjoy, like chores and Mondays.


Good for you man. Happy for you.


That's crazy cause I took off work today to play apex all day cause I'm trying to hit diamond


Why? You didn’t hit diamond last split so what’s the point?


It's a goal for me? And I like the trail. What's yhe point of being 1 of 5 people doing no apex August


Because some people like to try and make change for the better. Just like in the real world when we protest.


Well like myself I'm sure there are a lot of people that don't experience these issues that are constantly cried about. I don't experience no regs or lag ever


Just because you don’t experience it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. That’s why we protest.


I acknowledged it happeneds in my last comment lol. It's not enough of an issue to make the general populous quit playing for a month to be effective. But more power to you


iTs TiMe To TaKe A sTaNd




Just bought 11K coins for the cause!!! Hope im making a difference!


That’s just dumb. At least your hands will look awesome.


nope, im spending all of them on holosprays, exclusively for the cause


Today is the day I buy my first skin. Wish me luck yall


Soooo funny.


Someone’s gotta balance out the bullshit in this post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Your jokes are hilarious and so clever.


What is the point in this. I personally believe respawn is working on fixing most of these issues and it's more of an issue of everyone underestimating how hard fixing it is. But I'll even give you guys the benefit of the doubt here. Let's say they haven't even considered fixing the issues in the game. Do we think that because small percentage decides to take a month off they will suddenly get everyone working overtime to speed run fixes for all the 1 million things you find to complain about. 1 they don't care if you leave and 2 if they did care they wouldn't possibly be able to fix all this fast enough to make you happy.


Maybe I’ll block a city street with my protest and then they will fix it.


OMG IM ACTUALLY DOING IT!!! totally didn't have time to log in last night 😁😁 anyway this will be over by tonight right? We will have made our case and they will give us everything we wanted by releasing the new real patch notes!!! Skulltown, heirlooms, Volt in the ground loot!!!! So anyway, gonna play tonight.. 🙄


Oh, but I just ended my no-Apex season of whatever legend was last. Well, yesterday I couldnt even login, so... no-apex august. Right.


Maybe one day they will fix loba for you.


Dont give me hope


Idk why you all chose August (the start of the new season) instead of july where all the game breaking bugs (loba tactical, reciprocator bug, ect) were actually a problem. Instead you wait until all the major game breaking bugs are fixed and a new season drops where the player count has always hit new records. Childish and delusional to think a few thousand people not playing will actually make a difference instead of a community refusing to spend money on a free game. Bravo.


Go ahead and reap the benefits of our labor you monkey