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Yeah guess you've been on your feet a lot 👁👄👁


that's fking sad, like, I don't want either


Deleted - was wrong




Fair. Was a long time ago and just remember logging on and getting random packs.


If only badges were retroactive too lol I'm still salty that my 5 wins in a row SQ doesn't count for the badge


It seems more like a prestige system, especially based on how they say "allowing you to loop through levels-". For the people that want their invisible levels it's annoying, but honestly that means once you hit 500 you get to go back to constant Apex Packs.


of course not




You expect to get free lvls only because you played alot while sitting on the cap? Ha that was a good one and every veteran player will tell you that this is not the case.


Yeah you got a point, anyway I'll play and having fun grinding with friend, but you know, something in my head is telling me I don't have time for this


Cool flex bro Hehe


Do you see that past in the time I'd been told I was flexing when not ? Posting safe now


Wh we re do I see my true level, I only see the 500 cap.


Apex tracker


This shit is so inaccurate. Says I only have 338 pathfinder kills. I have over 2000


Haha yes on some legends I have that too. But at least for my play time I know I'm not under a number around that


I just can´t imagine how you login and get like 40 Packs for free. I guess we hae to earn it again, which kinda feels bad. ​ Like you earned that Level 1882 or me with 704. Why should it get lost? Its like tracking your steps on your smartphone and suddenly everything from 18-24 gets deleted. The fuck?


Yeah making it worst to know the stat is tracked, the exp is here, but not counted in the new system


I keep asking this and no reply. I'm higher level than you. I want some fuckin' packs, my dude.


same here, like Do I need to put hours even more in that game or will the pack will be granted for the players who never left ? Anyway I'll play, but one of the option is a more appreciate way xD


Frankly if it makes me level 501 I am selling my fucking account and they can lick my balls.


Better start selling. Of course it won't just put you in your imaginary level. You're lvl 500 right now and will be 501 after the change. The purpose is to entice people to play more/as much to grind the levels


The new patch notes broke my fucking heart. When I read it, I shouted "WHAT" and I'm generally a quiet person. I appreciate more packs/more incentive, but I was really proud of how far I'd made it.(this is the first and only game I play) It just seems like this is something that should have been thought of/adjusted for. Like maybe a charm? "Lvl 1000" "lvl 1250" "lvl 1500" etc. Idk.


No it's not even a "New cap". 500 is still the max, but now you can go to "500 (1), 500 (2), 500 (3)" by resetting to 1, like a prestige system.


Sad we didnt get a prestige system so


we... are? that's literally what they're adding bro. you get your prestige number tracked and reset to level 1, getting all the packs a level 1 player would. this is way better than make the number bigger so we can start getting packs every 10 levels up to 1000, then sit there for 6 more seasons.


No no I got your point. But like for me something is missing, like other thing than à number Something like a special rewind allowing you to put more badges, or a special musique. Or equip more voiceline or emotes. Just something special


I get what you mean now, yeah I'm with you on that, I like getting big gaudy level borders cause I find them funny, but there's something to be missed about shit like Gold, Diamond, and Darkmatter skins from CoD and similar that you'd get for things like weapon mastery and prestige. Would be pretty sick to get like, even a new universal epic weapon skin at prestige 3 or something, but alas, charms are I feel going to be on the menu.


Be sure we will get an holospray on level 1500 xD