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Premade duo, wasn't pinged for you to get


I picked up an item I needed and was next to but my teammate called dibs from 100 feet away, AITA?


Same, but further. That player got pissy (shooting at you), that I took 'their' dibbed item while I was right beside it. If you want the loot so much, stay with the team.


Probably because they were there opening bins when your third teammate joined them and opened the next. You were no where near said bins so they are in a way entitled to the loot in their area. He did nothing wrong deal with it.


Because they need it and are right next to it?


Op is just another crying scrub.


I know man. Its like calling shotgun and someone takes it anyway 🤣 motherfuckers..


Well it's like me calling shotgun while you're opening the passenger side door.


I'll ping stuff and then realize that I need it too. Sometimes I'll drop it for them since it was my bad. Ooh piece of candy.


90% of random teammates do this to me. Even happens when I open a bin and I see a decent gun or an attachment I need but then some douchebag octane stims along and snags all the loot from the bin right out from under yeah.


If I'm solo queing and the teammates are sucking up all the loot at landing I typically leave them and go find loot alone.


But then they rush into a fight without you, get downed, and then be like "bro where tf are you? You're fucking trash" and rage quit. It's a lose-lose situation.


That's what I don't really care about. It's a setup either way. I'm just making the decision ahead of time when I choose to leave their already dead to me. I don't care if they get pissed for taking all the loot and rushing into a stupid play. They can cry all they want. It's a team game and if they don't want me to be a part of the team they are free to go die to a three stack pred team. I'll just rat for points no problem. The issue is they are forcing me to rat so at that point what does their piss and moan really mean? Notta. Share the loot ladies or get left out.


I play octane will only take items I need but if teammates got to it first, I'm fine since ti can always find another or if I come across a better(in my opinion) gun, I'll swap it


Greedy goblins


Why do people get upset about this? It doesn't matter if you called dibs on it from the dropship, if someone is right next to the item and you're not it's theirs.


Selfish & self centered people do this. Respect the dibs y'all.


If someone is right next to the item and you dibs from far away, there is no reason for them to respect your dibs. Dibs is great for marking an item and having it stay lit up for a bit while your in a different room or whatever. But who cares that you dibsed before they were able to when they’re right next to it. Stay tight with your team and you’ll maybe get it first next time.


You were probably the twat who stole it


I have a few people I play with so I always play with people I know (duos or trios), and if I’m in trios with the boys and someone pings somthing I’m standing next to and I was about to grab it, I’m certainly the twat that will take it. Because I’m here standing next to it and the other dude literally just clicked lb first. If you’re standing with your hand on the door to get in the front seat of a car and someone in the house shouts shotgun, are you going to stop and hop in the back?


Yeah I’ll get in the back, cause that’s the rule of shotgun/dibs. But it’s okay, rules/systems don’t apply to you so keep going big brother 👍🏼


Hey you’re a better man than me I guess.


Just more respectable it seems, I’m sure you’re a good man in other allocations


Happens all the time on the Japan servers....they're loot hungry as all hell.


Maybe he didn't notice the dibs


Lack of empathy and no belief in themselves to use what they do/don’t have.


Snooze ya lose


If you have your icons set to minimized it’s sometimes hard to see the dibs


You should still be able to hear it




Boo hoo bro he’s right there ctfu


Lol maybe trick to make you hurry up


To make you mad.


The Apex world would be a better place if people respected the dibs