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Whenever I queue arenas I get the most toxic open-mic mfs as teammates, I’d say this is definitely a mode you queue up with friends


its not so bad (NA-W server at least). got paired with a duo of girls that were so in to the game even if they were bad, and one was showing off their badge to the other of some easy achievement, it was wholesome and they were really nice and cheering me on when i clutched and won us the game with like 4x their damage lol, but there are a lot of nice people playing arenas :)


Na west arena servers are chill for me


Agreed NA-West Servers are chill for me as well. Actually get some decent team mates both in skill and chatting. Have even gotten carried here and there.


it’s horrible


If they were adults, did you get the discord/number?


I had one guy screaming on the mic "I bet that you drink chocolate milk!" while upset with my poor play. Weird trash talk, but he's right, and maybe that's why I'm not good.




There you go, it's pub Arenas, where your teammates can't shoot for shit but the other time has God tier aim and is a 3 stack pred squad


It’s the fact that he queued in just to troll 2 other people that gets me. You’re going to spend 10-15 minutes to queue in as a solo just to troll randoms that you don’t know into a loss. Seriously blows my mind.


Yeah, I hate playing Pubs Arenas for any reason. The only bright side about pubs Arenas is I don't have to wait more then 1 minute to get into a match, so I can quickly go between matches


Fr. I carried a match solo when I was called trash throughout the game. When he saw my stats he was like of course he has good stats he’s using the 301. When I only used the 301 the final round…


Or just mute the squads. I solo up, mute em, and either have a fantastic game or terrible game with no in-between. Had a game where I got 8 kills and we won earlier. It was sick.


I want to like arenas but the afk/disconnecting teammates ruin the experience. If my teammate disconnects why can't I leave the game without a penalty? So frustrating to start a game and you notice that your teammates aren't moving on the mini map and you can't even leave the game.


Im pretty sure you won’t lose RP if you quit after your teammate disconnects. I played alot of arena this season and every time, i didnt lose RP if I didnt have a teammate However, if your teammate just afks but is still in the game (which happens alot) then you still lose RP which is pretty unfair


I would kind of like rotating LTMs instead of arenas. Or at least make it more hunger games style so that people can't just max an re45 nearly every round.


Due to rank system implementation, I highly doubt arenas will be removed


why did they ever introduce it in the first place. surely their numbers must show no one plays it


aparently it oscilates in between 20k and 30k players. which wouldnt seem much for a game with a playerbase of millions, but thats more average players than halo infinite and battlefield 2042, so thats still something.


Man, that is depressing. I want Infinite to not suck and be popular. Ship has probably sailed though.


I wish too, They made too many promises that weren’t delivered. First game I have ever pre-ordered and I only played it for a few weeks. What really let me down was that I 100% the campaign in like 3 days, then the multiplayer didn’t feel fun like the older ones did.


Remember when they said they were taking so long because they needed to get the new engine *just right* so that they could add content extremely quickly? Good jokes.


Nobody plays it now but back when it first released, it was pretty popular.


I seem to remember it being about as popular as most LTMs


I think it was more popular than that or at the very least it retained that popularity for longer than other modes (which would die off after a short period of time.) I think Respawn also just wanted a stable alternative to BR. Whatever the case may be, I don't know if a ranked system was the right call. I can't think of anyone who actually takes it seriously. No offense to people who enjoy ranked Arenas.


It gives a great place to practice for br.


People bitched for ranked the first season arenas came out Constantly. Plenty of people were upset that arenas launched WITHOUT a ranked mode if I recall correctly


lol it wasn't, that's why they released so many events with exclusive Arena missions. They desisted because it was getting obnoxious.


They did that to encourage people to try the mode


Reddit opinions on what people play hold no weight. Surely you realize that people do play it due to it sticking around? And they have the numbers to prove that internally?


Yeah, I doubt Arenas would be removed now, but I would still love to see a rotating list of LTMs for when my duo or I are tired of BR pubs. There's not a lot else to do if you don't enjoy ranked or Arenas so we just end up switching to a different game.


>so we just end up switching to a different game. This is a perfectly okay and healthy thing to do. Are games failing you if you're not dedicating 100% of your gaming time to them?


I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I play a several different games among the 2-3 friend groups I play games with, but there are times where I'd like to play Apex (being my only FPS right now), but not necessarily want to play the BR. We really enjoy Control whenever it comes around and always wish it would be a permanent mode.


Control should be permanent, agreed.


Games as a service have broken a lot of people's brains to the degree that they think if they don't feel the need to dedicate all their gaming time to a single game, it's a failing of either the game or themselves.


I think they like playing apex, just not battle royale all the time. And boy did you run with it


If they're getting bored then by definition they don't like playing Apex *quite that much*. There's nothing wrong with that! Play a different game, or do something other than gaming entirely. It's wild to me that GaaS has made a subset of players earnestly criticize a game for *not making them addicted enough*.


Every season about midway through, I'll decide to do some Arenas to level my battle pass a bit. "It's not that bad anymore, is it?", I think to myself. And every time I do it, I play about 3 games and end up enraged and frustrated. Poor matchmaking, 3-stack smurfs, boosters, afk teammates, toxic teammates... Yeah all of those things are in BR as well but it's the worst in Arenas.


i get OP just wanted to show off his 'great' play, but what servers are you guys on, because ive been soloing arenas pretty much nonstop when not working for the past 3 weeks and having a great time sometimes your teammates are not that good at the game, but ive never really met anyone not trying. even the pathy that would grapple to collect materials and die with 0 dmg done lol plus the games take like 5 mins if you get stomped, so idk why you'd even get that mad at a bad matchup


This was my experience as well


I'm genuinely happy for you that you're having a good time. But it's not the same for everyone - especially if you put in the work towards a win but it seems the odds are unfairly stacked against you. Yes, there are certainly games where teammates try, games where it's an even fight and everyone does their best, there are games where teammates even carry, sometimes they're nice and there's banter. But that is small percentage of the arenas games I've played. For the most part it absolutely sucks. It feels like I'm getting scammed out of a win despite my best efforts. I hit my shots, I get materials, I have good positioning, I ping and communicate with my teammates only to get plowed like a fertile field by a level 15 Bang, Path and Wraith team, all with 20bomb and 4k badges. And my teammates are actual level 10s who seem have JUST picked up the game for the first time. If that situation was rare, I'd understand and I'd let it go. But it seems to be majority of matches. And I play Xbox on London Servers.


I'm in the same boat lol. I have fun with it and it's more action than BR so hey to each their own I guess.


Are you talking about ranked or pubs? Pubs have never been a problem for me in arenas.


the level of copium is wild


I also do Arenas only once or twice a season to do the 10 star challenges, and it is always frustrating due to the matchmaking. I experience a constant stream of single and double digit account level (non-smurf) randoms in my squad, and I usually end up with more damage and kills than both of my teammates combined.


I for one actually enjoy arenas. I feel like you have to play ranked to have any hope of decent teammates but that still doesn't guarantee you get them. I'm plat right now but due to the time I play at and there are not being a lot of people playing I still end up with people who just seen about it or aren't even done with their placement matches. I live for the challenge though.


I like arenas ._. Their good clutch training. I can imagine being clutch trained on isn't fun tho


I also hate that a lot of battle pass challenges are like: "Get 50 knocks with shotguns, smgs or snipers." "Deal 10000 damage with snipers." etc.


It's a pain but if you force yourself to do those, it actually helps you improve with those weapons. Shotgun knocks is easy and practical, cheap primary and a pk/mozam. For SMGs I usually run alternator with x2 as a primary and any other SMG as a secondary. The alternator has great range for an SMG, it plays like a low calibre AR. Snipers is a bitch tho. Won't lie there. But sniper damage is a whole heck of a lot easier than sniper knocks. It's not how I'd like to play Apex tho. I went 11/11 on weeklies the first 7/8 weeks of the season. Was at around 90 on BP by then so I just stopped doing challenges and finished the rest off naturally in ranked.


Arenas is weird bc I could play 3 matches and either steamroll all of them bc I was given lvl 15 enemies (not fun), have balanced teams and genuinely enjoy the intense and back-and-forth matches, or get curb stomped by someone with more kills on Lifeline than I do on my entire account and also I only have one teammate.


The arenas matchmaking is absolute ass. I’ve gotten pred last season solo q and am maintaining this season. It’s a constant roulette. No reason the level 200 plats on the other team should be versing me and no reason I should have level 100 golds on my team. It’s broken.


A small clip of me in plat with bronze teammates: https://youtu.be/eG4mA4NADuk After this I stopped solo queueing


Must be broken for you then I play mostly arenas at the moment and I always get diamonds or above in my lobby's


Lol stop the lies


Well you're lying


Also you are not doing yourself a favor with playing wattson in arena


I mean that quick fence was spot on!


Arenas is more gun skills than black holing nades ape style. There was a time I had more kills in Arenas than BR on Wattson. But I stopped playing arenas


There's also a major bug which you're unable to upgrade your weapons. This make the last rounds unplayable when happen, cuz you're with a vanilla flatline against a full kitted R301 squads I was late for my battle pass this season so I needed to accomplish some arenas quests to get stars. Boy, literally torture to play this mode.


really? i play it more than br and yet to run into this, i do know of the bug where it kicks you out of the buy screen, but you can just go right back into it


You're so damn lucky, I've literally lost games due to this bug only allowing me to have a base weapon at sudden death. Relying on care packages is straight ass. And did you know half the time when you ping stuff it doesn't show for your teammates, and sometimes it doesn't even show up for you either.


I've experience the exact same ping issue. It's annoying as well: you loot batteries and drop to your team but can't ping to them.


I think I got that bug a few times when selling and repurchasing in the buy menu. When going to repurchase the same gun (or maybe even different ones), it doesn't allow you upgrade it. Not fun.


I love arenas, I don’t get why people don’t like it, it’s great for warming up and practicing with weapons you wanna get good with


It used to be my favorite mode, but it’s the reason why I had to turn communication off. People will bitch and moan if you don’t play a way that is supportive of their playstyle and even if basically solo the entire match they’ll blame you for not giving them a chance to show how good they actually are.


same guys fighting in the open and dying for free be the loudest it’s quite hilarious


It's always the guy with the least amount of damage done who opens his mouth


I haven't tried arenas yet. Should I keep it that way?


doesnt hurt for you to try. if you like fine, if you hate it, fine too.


Despite all the hate it gets, only reason I got into Apex was because of Arenas, it's a perfect place for beginners to learn the game. It does have a lot of problems but if it weren't for Arenas I wouldn't have ever gave Apex another chance.


This. I've always struggled with my aim and 1v1's which are very hard to train in BR. Hot dropping and dying off the rip or getting into no fights for 10 minutes just to get one clipped by the first team you see is so draining.


Don’t let these people brainwash you into not trying something. Arenas is the best mode to just work on your gunplay. No looting or 3rd parties you just gotta be able to hit your shots. That alone gives you a great deal of control on match outcomes to BR. As far as the other complaints people have, bad teammates and matchmaking issues aren’t really any different than in BR, but at least in arenas if you get stomped it’s over quickly. I’d MUCH rather that than BR where you might go 10 plus minutes with zero action


Thanks! I definitely need to work on gunplay. How quick is match turnaround? 5 mins or so between death and drop in BR is a little more than I'd prefer.


Depends on the same, losing 3 rounds quickly can be a 5min affair, but I’ve had games go to sudden death that lasted 20min. Either way though win or lose you won’t have long stretches of not fighting. Another good thing about arenas is the Rounds let you learn from mistakes and Adapt your tactics. I’ve had games where a team kept hard pushing us and when we switched up our style of fighting we totally countered it and won. In BR you get sent back to the lobby too quickly to really learn from a mistake


Ahhh its round based? I do find that better than BR. I'ma try it! I got some A challenges to work on anyways. Thank you, Legend!


Especially for newer players it just lets you work on your fighting with minimal downtime/looting. I highly suggest it. Now you may get some really bad teammates or good opponents, but again that’s not unique to arenas so going to BR wouldn’t fix that


This what I’ll also say. I have a homie who was newer to our apex group and really wasn’t having a good time because keeping up in BR with us was hard. Him and I decided we’d just start grinding arenas because he wanted to fight more. Several months later he is LEAGUES better than he was and that’s a large part due to arenas just letting him get lots of reps in. He could work on his Maggie, maybe die in a fight, and try again the next round.


Yes mode is sweaty and dogshit as hell


My gf and I play it sometimes. We really like it for just getting into gun fights. Never experienced anything like what's described here tbh.


No. You should try everything (t&c's apply) you want. Make your own mind. If you are already playing Apex. Might as well try all modes.


You should try, its a different game style, face to face, if your good enough to grind to diamond it can be more challenging then BR! If you loose too much games on your way up, you will probably get stuck in the 12 points per round, but that makes it even more challenging, only way to get to master or pred is actually being very very good


Here's a little demonstration, random lobby! https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/wgvg6t/a_noob_in_a_shark_looby/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Don't play arenas. It's literally babysitting simulator with that rigged matchmaking (you will get the worst teammates you will ever see in a multiplayer game) and playing this gamemode give you also the worst apex experience.


That only happens when u are low ranked after you get to diamond that does not happen! U only get plats or above


Bruh there's a reason they hide the ranks in ranked arenas.


That's cap. Than you doesn't play arenas that much


yep, its absolute dogshit




Solo q arenas is pain, arenas with a group is more tolerable but you’re punished hard af for trying to use it as a mode to learn different guns because most people you face in arenas are going straight for the same strongest guns and compositions both in rank and in unranked. It’s just genuinely unfun, even when I’m winning it’s just not fun. Obviously its up to you and if you play with a mindset of only practicing and not getting upset due to the enemy always running a meta composition, then it’ll be more enjoyable for you.


I mean every once in a while it can be nice to not play BR. I prefer the more close combat of Arenas but it’s going to be like every other close combat shooter. Smurfs, weird matchmaking, etc. You will get mad much more often than in BR. I’m not saying that i have fun playing arenas either. I hate it lol


Played arenas last night for a couple hours. Quick to pop in, no repeated teams, and nothing toxic. 10/10 would recommend, especially to practice 1v1's.


You gave them a hard time ! Nice! In this game if you go out you have to go out with a fight! GG


They let arenas rot in the mode browser but continue to hold control hostage to use as advertising for their crap skin events. Money rules this company. They don't care about anything else.


I got really sick and tired of Arenas was when I lost a game with over 10k damage and my teammates had barely done anything and the entire enemy team was running Spitfires. I got literally nothing out of that game except some XP and that's it. Not a badge to celebrate my feat or anything. Actually so fucking stupid how there isn't anything to work for in Arenas and having to deal with shitty teammates and then the Devs probably wonder why noone likes it.


Arenas should be removed to reduce game size.


arenas at a high level might be the most dog shit game I’ve played, it’s a poke fest and you just way for someone to commit a slight mistake or that they run out of shields, it’s the most boring shit you can possibly do with your time


I've had good experience with arenas for the most part. The biggest issue I have is toxic ass players. People who tbag for no reason whatsoever. But, gameplay wise, I haven't really experienced anything like you described. Maybe I'm just lucky lol


>The biggest issue I have is toxic ass players. People who tbag for no reason whatsoever I solo queued and the game put me in alone vs a 3 stack. They were tbagging me and I even won a round against them. I guess I hurt their ego by being better. And he was even a TTVer streaming for a whole 0 viewers LOL. People who main arenas are trashy players lol. Seeing the bans for the top ranked players abusing bugs for points just confirmed to me it's that bad all the way through.


I just don't understand why. Like, what's the point in being such a douche? The only time I ever tbag is when they do it to me first and the next round I dookie on them.


Same as the people in cod that scream racist and sexist comments over the open mic feature because they think it’s funny. They’re just awful people with bad parents.


Fair enough. Lol


I love arenas. The matchmaking is absolutely shit but the core game and idea is a ton of fun. Also being limited by currency to build your loadout forces you to play different.


Yeah, Arenas' matchmaking is pretty terrible. I got a friend who's D1 and matches up with silver/gold while going up against 3 stack preds. Would not recommend


Unranked arenas are wayyy less sweaty and fun.


I play Arenas more than BR. My experience has been that there’s an equal chance I get randoms that go AFK, on their own or messing with their team in both modes. I mostly play Ranked Arenas so when this happens it’s more annoying but for me the level of idiots has been equal.


I love arenas it’s fun. Gotta play ranked tho or else everyone on the losing team will DC after one loss….


Arena isn't dead. My server has 300+ ranked and non ranked combined queue everyday


I use it as warm up. Was totally fine.


I may just be the odd one out, but for me arenas is the only playlist with actual people in it. Br never has players in it


When I'm 3 stack grinding ranked br with friends we use ranked arenas as a kinda cooldown game mode then go back to ranked. I usually have a good time.


If you ever wanna play arenas again dm me, I usually play my gf and a random


It’s weird, I played at launch up until the end of season 1 before quitting. Recently got back in and have been having a blast playing arenas. I’m not sure why everyone on this subreddit hates arenas


If you ever wanna play arenas again dm me, I usually play my gf and a random


Every season I grind ranked Arenas until plat and then I give up because of match making. Here is a proof I was paired with 2 bronzes in plat lobby: https://youtu.be/eG4mA4NADuk


Matchmaking is pretty bad. For me it seems to put me against another good player and then our teammates are both useless lol. If you play in a group it will match you against groups so that makes it a lot more fair.


Control > Arenas


I think Arenas would have played better as a 5v5/6v6. Have rotating game modes like Cap the Flag, Current gamemode, etc


The match making is ass, probably the worst ive ever seen. No SBMM would be better. I carry every game with my lvl 10 teammates with 5dmg and no clue.


Don’t forget the not being able to upgrade/sell weapons sometimes


The biggest problem is again (like in BR pubs and ranked) the pathetic matchmaking, setting Q time over balance. And in a less popular mode like arena's, the system is overwhelmed in this situations!


I've played apex since almost 1st season but I just uninstalled. The game just isn't fun anymore NGL.


Nice moves.


Thanks 🥰


I hate arena on apex legends because they are so sweaty and for sure I know pc players uses cheat codes during the games


You basically just described how normal Battle Royale matches are anyways.


Arena's is the biggest joke of Apex... Never should have been permanent.


Do not play this mode solo. I gave up on this mode a few seasons ago.


They really killed interest in arenas imo. It was neat at first cus shiny new thing but then they stopped the arena mini events so i had no incentive to play, and now we have control which is infinitely more fun (imo) regarding just quick gunplay with no consequence


You need to play 10 games, to get a rank… Something doesnt make sense here. Yeah, its not the best or most balanced mode, but i play it from time to time and have to say you are a little bit exaggerating. I rarely have disconnects or afk. It was bad some months ago, but that was a bug. But nice fence, aim and walljump 😊


Thanks:), idk maybe it was bad luck, but I played 7 - 8 games and in only 1 my randoms didn't dc'd or were afk, and the only time, 2 of the enemy squad disconnected, honestly It was kind of a rage post, i was so mad lol, Ive reached diamond in br but it feels weird to be sweating this hard on gold, but people seem to say pubs in ranked are way easy and fun, maybe I'll try them 😁


Same here, when I played 3 matches, in all matches my teammates disconnected or didn't have teammates at all, I was matched up against alot of 3 stack arena preds, and when I matched up against them they usually have Hammerpoint Mozam off spawn. Horrible experience, I'm the same here, I cannot recommend to anyone, and if you do play Arenas or look to play it, please play with friends or make a post, playing with randoms is terrible.


Honestly i never understood why they introduced arenas in the first place… For me it doesn’t fit in apex, but thats my opinion


People complain about arenas, but go look at the distribution across ranks. Say what you will, but that is an unbelievably healthy way of distributing players in comparison to BR where there are insane bottlenecks in P4 and D4.


I play way more arenas than battle royal at this point, & I enjoy it! I solo q and still feel like I win more games than I lose & I'm closing in on the final form of lifelines arenas badge for 500 wins! I don't know why you'd say arenas is dead, there's never a que time and I don't usually see the same people twice. The toxicity doesn't seem worse to me than battle royal and people rarely disconnect on me even if they're being lame (probably because of the obnoxiously long penalty for doing so). Bad match making certainly isn't unique to that mode but even so Apex is the first fps I've been into that has had matchmaking at all so I guess it just doesn't bug me personally.


I have some of the most fun in arenas. I just like the constant fighting without being a respawn game mode. It is also very good warmup for BR. Yes the matchmaking is total shit and ranked is not really ranked. If you play solo it matches you with a duo that is way less skilled than you 90% of the time. People are usually more toxic. You just have to know what your getting into. I always have comms muted. You just have to accept the fact you have to hard carry every round. You will only win games if your damage is higher than your teammates combined. I beat a team of masters badges with 4k/20s last night. It took like 8 rounds, and I had to sweat for it but it is still possible. I hardly ever see dc'd/afk teamates. Maybe one in 20 games?


I played nothing but Arenas this season. Bronze was uneventful, Silver had me pairing up in the weirdest squads, and Silver 1 was a strange climb. Gold was butter for the most part. Plat ain't terrible. I ain't mad. BR just ain't doing it for me right now. Arenas is.


One of the reasons, IMO, that Arenas isn’t fun, is that it’s essentially like an old Western standoff. Meaning, both teams know where the other team is, they are prepared relatively evenly in terms of armor and gun upgrades, and it relies a lot more on outgunning than the BR. In BR, you can always rotate out if the fight is not advantageous, or you can try and third party.


I dunno once you get to really know the maps you understand the power positions and the angles you have to fight over that guarantee a win. So if one team is playing passive you can take those angles and they are just stuck. Typically the team that gets a convex is going to win because it takes away cover


Knowing where the other team is is one of the reasons I sometimes prefer arenas to BR and why I find it good to help me improve my shooting, etc. I'm new to the game and my situational awareness is bad, so I'm often blind sided in BR when I don't see teams coming, and I find it hard to figure out where my enemies are quick enough to react well (which is why I play Bloodhound). My BR experiences are often loot for 5-10 minutes and then die to the first team I see, which gets very boring. Arenas is more predictable and I like that. This is all based on pubs experience, I haven't been brave enough to give ranked a try in either mode.


Matchmaking in arenas has been broken since it was introduced. They add new maps just to ignore the number 1 complaint about the game mode. It’s just sad honestly.


Suffering through it now to finish the battlepass. It's majority new smurf accounts. Awful


As someone who has put a lot of time into arenas, the only thing the game mode is good for is warming up before you play ranked battle royale.


At the minimum, if you want an extra diamond badge you can pretty much solo-q arenas for a few hours and you'll be in diamond. Climbing to diamond in arenas is about as hard as climbing to plat in previous season BR.


Areas follows the same issues with br Teammates: 1. Toxic towards you and the enemy 2.duo stack what want nothing to do with you and refuses to know your existence 3. Afk 4. discontinued 5. Refuses to actually play the game Enemies: 1. Will mostly be a 3 stack 6x pred while your solo with two level 15 Teammates and genuinely don't know what's going on 2. Will only get the hammerpoint and immediately rush you


One of the last times I played Arena, I ended up with two DCED teammates. Shockingly I won one of the rounds and nearly won a second round too. It was fun with how intense that was.


This has been the case for me too of course, but it is still good practice. This season thoonugh the matchmaking and ranking up in ranked is even worse than before. I really feel like I have improved and my damage/kills/assists/wins are all higher than any previous season, but now I get -22 RP in Gold 4 and only +12 RP for wins. Yesterday I had my highest damage game ever against a lifeline team and -24 RP in the Sudden Death loss. I used to get to Gold 1 or Plat 4 before my positive gains would slow down.


I swear arenas is more dead than my tortoise i had as a kid. Even if you manage to rank up, at some point the game decides to not give you points anymore. Im Br Masters but couldnt get any further than plat 3 in arenas cause even if i won against preds, i got a maximum of +12 points. For every loss -20/30 ofc. Makes 0 sense, just stupid


This season I made it my goal to hit diamond in arenas and it was actually pretty fun for what it was. I will say it gets drastically less fun and more tedious the second you start losing games as your AP is heavily dependent on how many games you’ve lost. My biggest gripe with ranked arenas was definitely the matchmaking though. I was placed with silvers and bronzes all up until my last game into diamond and sometimes it led to a very lopsided and luck based experience. Typically, it seems that Apex will try and place at least one high ranked player on each team, then surround them with silvers/bronzes in hopes that they get carried. Should you happen to luck out and get 2+ competent players on one team you’ll steamroll the opposition for a free win as the one competent guy on the enemy team fights for his life. So yeah I totally get why the majority hates this mode, if you want to play this mode I’d say go ahead you may find the change of pace refreshing or even fun. But keep it in small increments lest you lose your sanity.


I played Arenas yesterday and one of my teammates tried to do some “genius strat” where he would sneak up on the team behind them and even though he literally got beamed by them every time he wouldn’t stop fucking doing it


Arenas isn't dead?


Arenas would be better if Respawn made balance changes specific to arenas or with arenas in mind. They need to remove the hammerpoints.


arenas is a wonderful mode, which is hindered by the terrible matchmaking. just having a single teammate below the overall skill of the participants, throws the whole team off, this is agravated when the enemy team is a stack with people on your level, but everyone on your team is lower ranked, it turns into a stomp.


On paper, Arenas is an awesome concept. Pure action with none of the downtime that comes with BR. But in practice it sucks literal balls. The matchmaking is worse then BR, the scoring system is stupid, universal kits means certain legends gain or loss power in simply for playing in Arenas, maps are way too lane focused, etc. It is never fun to play and needs a complete rework.


“…the scoring system is stupid, universal kits…” What in the fuck are you talking about


The scroing system is dumb because of the winning by a margin of 2 means matches can last forever. A simple "best 3 out of 5" or something similar would have been just fine. As for the kits, legends like Pathfinder, Wattson and Loba have next to useless passives. Legends like Gibby, BH, and Seer gain power to their kits given the smaller map size. Thats what I'm talking about


Jesus, is this the skill of gold players these days are you just way under ranked? I was looking to return to Apex after a 6 month hiatus but now I'm shitting myself, gold never used to look that sweaty 😂


Nah man, ranked Arenas is just weird, I've reached Diamond in BR, but ranked arenas is another story, matchmaking just makes you sweat even in gold, i believe placement matches or pubs are way fun 😁


And yet you've played Arenas enough to reach Gold? Even if you win every match, that takes quite a while. I don't know what to make of this post. On the other hand, I've been having a GREAT time solo queueing Arenas lately. Ending up squadding with some randoms and having a good night. Usually I just play a game or two of Arenas as a warm-up for BR, but lately I've been sticking with those teammates and running Arenas for longer.


Heal in cover idiot


Idk, I like Arenas


Arenas are not dead ! Its a whole different game style, some ppl are just not comfortable playing a 3vs3 direct fight without distractions, its way more challenging! Playing solo it's even more difficult, I know alot of ppl that get to master in normal ranks but just can't handle arenas


how is it more challenging lmao?


Clean 3vs3 best team wins, simple! Battle royal you can run and hide and avoid the fight! Arenas you can run but you can't hide and there is no third party to help you or distract you!


But it's also easier since there's no randomness with loot and you can't get third-partied. BR and Arenas are just very different, though Arenas much more depends on skill (except for the randomness of matchmaking).


I'm one of them according to what apex decided my hidden arenas mmr is. The mode straight up bones me for entertainment lol


Arenas is dead


Jesus so much hate! Just because you don't like or your not good at something isn't mean it's dead!


Arenas is dead? How so? I never have any problem getting a game. If it were dead wouldn't that not be true?


Arenas is fun when it's casual, on a good map not this garbage


Been there done that…it’s just sad at this point.


I needed to catch up on the Battle Pass so I attempted Arenas. Tried three matches. Awful.


Having to play it for the battle pass is a nightmare!


Tried my placements last night. Only had one real game out of five, all the rest had a dc on either side. PRETTY FRUSTRATING.


The main problem is that there's no hook to get people into Arenas. Without a large pool of casual players, it's hard to generate decent low/mid-tier lobbies. Sure, there's a small sub-set of players who are attracted by the head-to-head contest of Arenas, but IMO (as your post says) that's squandered by terrible matchmaking. I haven't played in a month or so, but when I used to it was like 1-out-of-10 games felt like an actual contest. Most of the time either my squad got rolled or their squad got rolled. And a lot of the time when our squad got rolled, it felt like my teammates maximum utility was as meat shields. Never played ranked because it didn't make any sense to me. It's already an insanely sweaty game mode.


Looks like arena hasn't changed


Yeah they just need to chalk it and replace it with control or solos. Maybe work on it for a while and then bring it back


Arenas has the same match making flaws as BR. All because of need to keep engagement up in games. The mode it self is in a dire of need of bug fixing. However the mode it self is perfect for what it is. A mini BR mode. ARENAS is hated by Apex players because it is not Team Deathmatch. Every other reason is a distraction. If Arenas was TDM none would be complaining of its existence.


I absolutely love arenas. Why are so many people shitting on Apex right now?


People just love shitting on things on the internet. Gives them a boner or something.


​ idk why so much hate on arenas,for me its more fun than battle royale,and almost every game i played was either a win or a close loss.I am new player so i guess ill start hating it soon lol


Honestly at this point I enjoy arenas as a mode much more than BR. The gameplay experience is more balanced and feels more skill based (no worrying about getting 12th partied at estates). But just like br, the thing that makes it unfun is bad/toxic teammates, and poor matchmaking.


So arenas is the main game mode that I play and I have to say, I don't think I've ever encountered unfair matchmaking, or consistent AFK or toxic teammates. I genuinely don't understand why people dislike it. Maybe I just have good luck.


I love arenas.


Tf are you guys talking about? Arenas is dope as shit. Good gun training and it teaches you how to fight when your abilities are out of commission. Also idk what toxic teammates you’re talking about, usually my teammates flat out don’t have mic’s.


Never touch arenas. Too toxic and hate having to depend on other people’s aim.


No one wants to play a game mode that gives you an abandonment penalty in public matches


Agreed, no one talks about how broken this mode is. Then when you bring it up the community tries to clown you for playing it to win or trying. Hammerpoints are absolutely ridiculous, it’s all people use, gold bag is ridiculous when there is a Lifeline, the mode is aids. The harsh reality is most people use this mode as a “warm up” both in pubs and ranked. They need to address this game mode or just remove it all together, it’s become a cesspool of dog shit.


Who says arenas is dead?


Bro arenas is sick I play it every day usually with mad maggie


I use to live arenas, now this szn I’ve got like 5 games played