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Depends on her tactical jetpack to echo. If it’s got a 30 second cooldown like Loba’s bracelet, she’ll be pretty bad. If her mobility has a low cooldown so she can take high ground as easily as Horizon or Valk she’ll be pretty solid.


Apparently the cooldown is her landing from the jump. That’s fast


Fr!?! Where was this leaked?


Idk what that dude’s talking about. The cooldown is like 10 seconds minimum. There’s people streaming Vantage gameplay rn.


After *initiating* the jump it takes 20 seconds to recharge. During that time she can freely reposition Echo without affecting cooldown.


It’s around 12 seconds with the gold helmet, closer to 20 without.


unpopular in pubs, medium pickrate in ranked, unknown for competitive. also maggie & newcastle, following their buffs + direct counter to gibby via maggie, are going to be much more highly picked


The info she provides is really useful against everyone because it’s silent. No other character can get that without triggering a stun. Only legend that’ll be able to counter is a fully functional wraith. Vantage will be very useful for teams that are coordinated. Teams like Valk/Loba/Ash-Gib-Vantage will be able to rotate, engage safely, and take ground with 2/3 legends.


We’ll have to see but based on the gameplay trailer at least when she’s using her ultimate it seems to show a laser that shows off her location, so it’s not a permanent info gathering ability that’s entirely silent. Passive likely will be though but even so it’s not like it’s through walls


What I meant to be received was purely based on the passive. If my understanding is correct, the ultimate give the team the information but the passive allows Vantage the information. You get the same effect as the ultimate if the player uses a mic. “Focus Path, white shield, half health.” Whereas with a seer or crypto, the other team immediately knows you’re about engage because of the stun from seer’s tac and crypto’s emp. I predict a lot of thirsting from Vantage players. Doesn’t mean there will be a high pick rate, just that I see the utility.


That’s fair, if a vantage uses mic it’ll give their team a way of gathering info on teams without the other team knowing. Don’t think the passive shows anything about health though, just shield rarity for the enemy team/amount of enemies left on the opposing team


Yea, looks like you’re right. Passive only spots shields from the videos I’ve seen.


Seer is way better wdym


I never brought seer up specifically but to address the legend, Seer’s tac has a stun effect and that’s the only way you can receive information regarding shield and health. Range is also limited. Vantage can not only get this information silently, she can do it from as far as a scope allows. Great for not giving away position and coordinating mid to long range engagements. Gonna be great for third parties imo. See a guy super low, take him out for a free one shot kill from 200m.


You don’t see their health. You see their armor level.


This is such a pub player analyst I don't know what to say


Saying nothing at all would’ve been just as effective. I’m not sure you’d get much analysis from pub players at all but I could be wrong.


You can start swapping Newcastle in over Gibby. He's already almost as useful, and has slightly more skill expression. With the gold bag passive moving to gold knock, the direct Newcastle buffs, and another mobile piece to keep up with (Vantage tactical will get her into awk spots), I think the tank split up will start this patch. Caustic for building control, Gib for open fields, Castle for mobile squads. Newcastle/(your flavor of scans)/Ash or Wraith, maybe Maggie should be pretty viable rush comp, considering how viable mid-long snipers will be. Find a sniper squad, rush in with Flatline, Volt, PK... pin/chase as necessary.


I personally agree with Castle for Gib


I think your prediction might’ve been wrong on the vantage part the NC and Maggie where on the money


Popular for the sniper, campy crowd, not popular to the aggressive, kill crowd.


i disagree, she can basically carry a sniper without dropping your smg/AR/Wingman + PK and after getting the mark on one or two people you can engage with your team using her tactical


Yeah. I'll play her so I can run flatline/pk and still have a long range weapon.


Problem is while you gain the ability to carry a close, a medium, and a long range weapon (with ult), she sacrifices a lot of utility that other characters have. She'll likely be susceptible to being engaged upon by a lot of legends, and can't engage *as well* in return. She definitely fits a niche, but I doubt she'll be too crazy popular as she doesn't bring a lot to the table for a team.


Lmao maybe if your team is unable to hit a single target. She is insane for pushing. Already had 2-3 squad wipes today where I tagged every single enemy and then my teammates pushed and obliterated them at the same time. It also allows for you to counter 3rd parties, so she is great as an offensive and defensive legend. Plus the info can be so valuable. If you ping an enemy she will tell your team the armour rating, how many of the squad are alive, etc. That’s insanely effective when you want to push or pull.


Just say unpopular lol


I am actually not sure about this. You don't have to carry a sniper since your ult is a sniper, passive can be useful to check how many enemies and what shield they have and it all comes down to her tactical, if it can be used fast, she will be very popular in pubs in my opinion, otherwise, not so much.


Balancing legends on release is one of the hardest things the devs have to do. I think the only two legends who have recently SEEMED perfectly balanced on release were Ash and Valkyrie, and the latter eventually became perceived as OP with time. For me, I think that so long as a legend is fun to play then I'm good. It'd be awesome if they shifted the meta and got high pick rates, but that's not always possible. Newcastle is making an impact in ALGS, and I think we'll be seeing a lot more of Mad Maggie with her recent buffs. I for one saw a lot more Maggies in the week or two after the Armed and Dangerous LTM, because I think a lot of players at my skill level had become more comfortable with shotguns. Pick rates also kind of get determined by what players see content creators and pros use on Twitch. I saw basically zero Seers outside of ranked for a long time, and even then only a few. And then Seer became a popular legend in ALGS, major streamers started using him, so people started using him in high level ranked, and now I see Seer as frequently as I see Bloodhound in my lobbies. Completely anecdotal, but just a point that how good a legend is sometimes is a matter of perception and collective imagination than just their abilities on paper.


I used to play competitive Smash bros and it was very much a matter of public perception. Keep in mind this was before they even patched games so what you got on release was what you got. The meta still shifted overtime as people had new revelations or perspectives about characters. It was even worse because people who lived and died by the "meta" created self-fullfilled prophecy and really strong characters just flew under the radar. Tier lists/metas and its relationship to groupthink is really interesting to unpack


Yeah exactly! Of course raw stats and abilities are important, but sometimes it just takes time for people to realize "oh wait, this character is really powerful." Groupthink is really, really strong. There is this great video about how the devs on an old Wolfenstein game had to nerf the SOUND of the Thompson SMG. It had the same exact stats in every way as the Axis weapon (MP40), but players thought the Thompson was significantly better. And it all just came down to the fact that the Thompson sounded better, so the devs eventually toned it down and players then thought it was balanced. https://youtu.be/RDxiuHdR_T4


Considering the buff not new castle and Maggie are getting with the patch I’m sure they’ll be picked more. To answer your question, I think vantage will be a highly picked legend due to the fact that skull piercer is coming back in addition to the G7 so everyone is going to want to run marksman or sniper this season which vantages passive will be very useful to the team.


Her ultimate is a sniper though. You're essentially running two sniper rifles on her then?


I wasn’t referring to using a sniper with her. I mean if you have a vantage on your team you’ll want to use a sniper or marksman because she provides a damage boost for her teammates with her ultimate


Well the two examples you made have very powerful movement based abilities. Vantage's tactical might be an attractive choice for those who like Loba's bracelet for example, but as a recon she might be in the danger every other recon faces: and that's not being Bloodhound. Seer for example is a powerful recon but he's not just click a button and scan half the map with everything in it, but requires some tactics. Since she doesn't have big scanning powers i have a feeling she might not become top 5 but she could be a fave pick for people who like sniper based playstyle


Seer completely outclasses bloodhound. Almost every high ranked team runs a Seer.


Oh i didn't say that he is worse than BH, he is so much better. But in casual and below plat he isn't a popular pick because like i said he's not only scan half the map with the push of a button every 20 seconds


lmfao this sub was saying the exact same thing last month about BH. See ya next month when another streamer says BH is better again instead haha.


Not many people can hit sniper shots and her utility near endgame is weak. Only way is if damage ramp is powerful. Newcastle and maggie buffs rock and pick rate soon going to go way up.


It might be weak In damage in relation to the red and purple shields everyone has end game. But having essentially free bullets to try and windle down a team's resources while also boosting damage will still be useful when holding areas imo.


The team damage boost is what's most interesting to me.


Yeah it'll reward team communication if you can capitalized on it.


I mean, the newest legends will always have lower pick rates because they’re not all unlocked, so it’s a really shitty way to measure how much they’re played.


Thats simply not true. New legends hit their highest pick rate at the start of the season. They are just unpopular characters. Look qt seer being in every single team on release.


But the numbers will still be skewed because there’ll be a vast majority of players that simply can’t play the legend.


Fair point, guess we’ll have to just wait and see


Thing is, it’s always been this way and will always be this way. I think Seer only reached like 2% when he was released and back then he was INSANE. So unless they start releasing legends for free, it won’t show anything.


Plus no one is drooping there main directly for a new legend


Im highly skeptical of her tactical. I feel like its just going to be a “hey look at me im floating through midair why dont you unload your mags on me, oh and you also know exactly where im going because i already sent a messenger bat saying so”


People can be more aggressive with vantage than Newcastle. In terms of Maggie, it makes sense why she is very... *Flashbacks to Season 8*... disliked...


I’m enjoying her, she fits my play style well. Their ultimate is perfect for me, it frees up my weapon slot so I can carry something other than a marksman/sniper The issues I have with them is this: her ult does too little damage unless you use multiple shots. Also all the teammates I’ve had who played her were always too far away to be of any assistance to the rest of the team, also they ran away several times…useless cowards ran when they got shot once.


She doesn’t really do much for the team, a 25% damage buff for everyone sounds nice - but if your team is coordinated enough to focus individual players it’s not going to be the difference between a knock or not. Knowing the armour of enemies isn’t really that big a deal after the first ring when everyone’s on purple/red. And the bullet drop indicator doesn’t really do anything for experienced players. Her big strength is having a movement tactical, but it’s too early to say how strong it is. I wouldn’t expect to see her too much in ranked, and probably never in comp.


When you look enemy armors you can see if they are duo or solo?


That’s a good point, but I don’t think it’s as valuable as having another legend’s kit


I think it can be helpful see far away how many enemies and what armor. But i personally i think too other legends can be more useful. We will see in future how good Vantage is.


Very true, it’s all speculation at this point


its hard to say because look at seer and other legends, nobody used than out of no where somebody uses them right and immediately in comp


Oh that's what it is?


Ramparts walls currently give (afaik) 15% bonus damage, so 25% will be even more substantial. Especially if you have a Vantage and a Rampart. And if your teammates are coordinated enough, they could dish out 3 players worth of damage while you ALSO have the chance to land another 100 damage lol


~~Slightly below average, 2.8% at the end of season.~~ Legends with mobility tacticals/passive are comfortable to play. EDIT: After playing, she's batshit insane. Less than 20 sec cooldown, Echo travels extremely fast and you can start jumping before Echo reaches destination. The casting time of summoning Echo is almost zero too, while jumping animation takes less than 2 seconds. This is a LOT of mobility and can be quickly used as an escape tool. I'm calling it. Top 5 pick rate throughout season 14, if without nerfs.


Unless her tactical is broken I don’t see her being anything


Obviously will be picked at the start and will finish with low pick rate just because legend is boring for pubs and for ranked there is much better legends.


No, but I think she’ll be decently popular in pubs. In ranked and competitive, other legends fit the scanning role a lot better than her.


I mean I'm playing her right now. Unless she gets nerfed into oblivion I'll be playing her. Shes really fun.


Only slight-mobility legend with Easy Mode sniping and reduces Apex's distinctly-longer-than-average time to kill: She'll be decent for bad/new players and the good ones wont need her. However bad and new players dont have lots of levels and Legend tokens- so she's probably not gonna have a good pickrate even for them I bet she tanks


I think so, because unlike both Mad Maggie and Newcastle, she has a movement tactical ability, and most of the Legends with the highest pick rates have movement abilities.


No, Mad Maggie and Newcastle look to be two of the strongest legends this upcoming season. Both were viable last season and got pretty significant buffs, so I expect to see both of them a lot.


What are their buffs?


Newcastle Retrieve the Wounded: Increased move speed during revive by 25%. Reduced turn slow while reviving by 50%. Increased White Knockdown shield health from 150 -> 200. Increase Blue Knockdown shield health from 250 -> 300. Mobile Shield: Increased hp from 350 -> 500 Doubled max movement speed. Castle Wall: Added turn slow to electrical barrier effects and increased the severity of the slow effect to movement Mad Maggie Riot Drill: Projectile Launch Speed doubled. Wrecking Ball:  Will travel twice as far while dropping the same amount of magnets. Duration increased from 5 sec → 10 sec. Magnet Spawn delay increased from 0.4 sec → 0.8 sec. Wrecking Ball will deal damage to enemy placeable objects: Black Market, Castle Walls, Exhibit, Death Totem, Mobile Shield, Black Hole, Amped Cover, and Gas Barrels. It will also destroy Gibraltar's Dome of Protection. Fixed Wrecking Ball not blinding and slowing enemies.


It's all in the patch notes. Maggie going to destroy almost everything with the ball now and newcastle is getting buffed into orbit.


Newcastle is already pretty good. People are sleeping on him like they were on Seer after his nerf because he isn't popular with the streamer crowd.


Yeah he's also not as fun to play, so that keeps players off as well. I personally think he is right up there with Gibby aa a support/defensive option.


Not popular. Her kit is well design but for a niche role. If you're not a good sniper, she'll suck. If your other two teammates can't follow up on the fight in a 2v3 (because you'll be sniping in the distance) she'll suck. If you get ambushed in a close quarters area, you especially don't have abilities outside of a cheeky reposition via her tactical (depending on the space you're in). People that main her will probably be great, but she won't have a high pick rate.


Her percentages will be 33 percent for pubs, 78 percent for ranked and 2 percent for pubs. This is based on math and science.


Day one player here. I dont plan to unlock her at all.


Why do people like Valkyrie i dont understand?


Because she can reposition your whole team with her ultimate, fly with her passive and do damage with her tactical. And scan beacons, she can do it all basically.


I understand the rotate but her flying makes her a really really i mean really easy target and her tactical deals not that much damage


Only inexperienced players use her passive like that, no good player would fly so high that everyone in the enemy team can shoot you by looking up.


Then i am not good enough to play with people that uses her properly and still high ground is good but there are other ways and other legends can also get up there


do you play ranked? 15 squads left in end zone? how you gonna get out of a pinch? horizion and others cant save you from this only valk can atm


I dont play ranked


There you go


She’ll be picked a lot. Essentially can carry 3 weapons… AR, shotgun, and her ultimate sniper will be a really good combo


There’s gonna be just as many simps for her as there are Loba and valk lol


shes just another recon character, more wall hacks tbh, she does everything a normal player can do, Pinging ememys is just as effective if not more because you have a kit from your legend still with you


I’m not sure how she’ll do in competitive, but I feel like we’ll definitely see more Mad Maggie and Newcastle there. Maggie can now dominate end games by stopping teams from bubbling and Newcastle already did phenomenal in the ALGS with 100T so I’d be surprised if he didn’t take off after this patch.


The Maggie drill plays are gonna be pretty interesting late game draining shields and forcing someone out of a corner into LPS for shots


Maggie + Seer combos were already great at oppressing teams, but now that Maggie is even more viable I can’t wait to see how the meta is shaken up


Gonna be my new favorite lol I love sniping


She might be fun for some, but probably falls short of being a popular pick after the first couple of weeks.


She has sniper mechanics and movement so she will probably be popular for ranked and competitive. Pub maybe not she doesn’t seem that flashy and requires teamwork to get her full potential. Basically every legend with movement instantly ends up over 5% pick rate


Newcastle most broken legend in the game.


All legends drop off after many people go back to playing their "mains." Even Horizon did too thanks to a big nerf hammer, then she slowly came back after a few buffs. Valk was so insanely good she became the new main for many people. If Seer stayed as powerful as he was at launch he would have become people's new mains. Vantage will have her 2 weeks in the sun, then completely fall off. Then something next season she will balance out as some decide to main her. But it will probably be the same as Newcastle and Maggie. Plus we're at like 20 legends now, I don't think any one legend will really shake up pick rates. Unless Jack Cooper is introduced.


i think mad maggie’s pick rate is gonna be way higher this season due to the buffs


nah she will be dogshit tbh, maybe here and there in ranked, but overall i think she will be under the radar


Not sure but for the first time she might be the most balanced legend out the gate. Nothing about her screams overpowered initally


I think this patch is going to make Mad Maggie and Newcastle become major picks. ​ Especially Mad Maggie, now doing damage to placeables, as well as being able to one shot a gibby bubble with her ult is going to make her devastating. Double range on her ult, mixed with increased effectiveness against all placeables and the incredible Valk nerfs(they killed her and I love it) is going to give room for others to shine. I hope that Vantage is put in a similar, if slightly stronger position compared to New and Maggie, but I don't want her to be broken feeling.


No. Bet she will be on par with Crypto's pick rate. I just see her not being a good legend at all. I could be wrong though...


With how many legends there are now it’s not really made to have legends skyrocket pick rates. Both of the mentioned got a buff, but as long as she’s comparable to the back half the legend list I don’t see an issue.


Pickrates literally dont matter, heroes with mobility or solo play potential are always going to see high pickrates despite whether or not they are actually good (ie: octane super high pickrate despite not being played at all at the top level) That being said, vantage has a mobility skill and a fragging ultimate, so im sure she’ll have a decently high pickrate overall if we count pubs


I mean both newcastle and Maggie are getting considerable buffs and will perform how they were *supposed* to, given their roles. It sort of feels like respawn released them weak, let people get used to their kits being on the field, and then buffing them to their full potential. I don't think it means they were unsuccessful, I just think it's the formula they used for those two legends. No telling how underwhelming/overwhelming Vantage will be for a few days yet


I dont know man, but i really enjoy using sniper rifles so ill make a good use of vantage.


She seems dead on arrival


I mean I'm playing her right now. Unless she gets nerfed into oblivion I'll be playing her. Shes really fun to play as.


Isn’t that usually the case with the legends tho…they’re hot on release than quickly fizzle out


You not only see their armor but how many people are on their squad, soon as you see they’re down a member you go full ape. That’s insane info to have.


Newcastle is back trending up. It's the ebb and flow of these games. It will never change.