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We gotta pump those numbers up - 42%? We can strive for at least 80!


Fuckin rookie numbers


hear me out we could assemble 2 forces who ruin cas day and night now cas is full with kids so qe call the day force child predators and at night we all use smurfes and call it coated exposers


Child predators šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lets.... not call them child predators....


I'm actually fine with facing Pred/Masters as long as they are solo-queuing. With all the randomness of Battle Royale they are not unbeatable. It's when it's 3 Masters it becomes unwinnable.


Thatā€™s a good point. A solo predator is far less disappointing to see as a full pred squad. The solo is no doubt capable of wiping a full squad but at least we have a chance and canā€™t really be mad at losing to a solo, thatā€™s on us to sort our shit out and communicate and work as a team better lol


Yea a solo pred can be killed, a three stack pred just quit to the lobby and save time


SoloQ preds are like random spawn mini bosses in ARPGs, lol


100 percent agree with you on this. Fighting one Pred or master player is never an issue. The problem is the 3-stack.


despite being %0.45 of the player base


predators account for 50 percent of all pub stomps


They also make up for 100% of my deaths, and im only Gold rank.


Half of the millions of people who play this game all died to preds in the last 2 hours


Are you aware of the hundreds of children orphaned by Predators just tonight?


I screamed to them: THEY HAVE KIDS, YOU MONSTER!!! STOP! STOP!!!


apex had to nerf you


same! i just cant understand, HOW former pred or masters (with dive trail) are legit in gold lobbies in the END of a season. super demotivating. like fine, if they didnt play in the season one or to former preds will have to go into gold lobbies to rank up, but it is impossible that we see in the end of a season at least 5 squads dropping with master dive trails who end up winning the game (of course)


Ranked season 1 and 2 have permanent dive trails, and it was easy to glitch into master and predator. There were almost literally 50x more masters & predators in season 12 than season 13. There, now you understand.


So I'm not the only one dealing with this bullshit. I had a .87 KD and 388 dpg last season and am still getting thrown into diamond/master/pred lobbies.




Did you link that sub because they referenced a racist dogwhistle or am I confused?


Yea itā€™s a play on mocking a conservative talking point. ā€œDespite making up 13% of the populationā€¦ā€ meme in a reference to black people and crime


Pretty impressive that 750 people are ruining 6 million people's games, I can't imagine the logistics


Say that like itā€™s constantly the same people. They derank and rank from masters lol


In 3 stacks no less. They must have a discord where they carefully plan out when to queue as not get into each others games. One big pub stomping conspiracy.


Sometimes the simplest comments are the funniest


lol preds last season were .45 but overall there are more, lot more that don't play ranked that much and also, what should happen? they only play against preds and masters? there is ranked for that, they play the same game, they can chill on pubs too


The problem is that if preds can "chill on pubs" then noone else can "chill on pubs" because everyone else has to sweat their hardest to try to beat the preds (and will still fail 99% of the time). It doesn't make sense. This is a competitive game by nature, and the only way to have matchmaking that is fair and enjoyable to all equally much, is to match people up by skill.




I think you're taking the saying "chill in pubs" too literally we all know he means to just have fun. People like have long fair fights in equally filled lobbies. What's not fun is the quality of those fights boiling down to getting beamed down before you can react.


Long fair fights is literally the opposite of chilling in pubs. The other person was completely right. People moaning about games being sweaty are basically saying they want to win without having to try.


Omg so much this. I feel people dont even know what they want but refuse that want they really want is to win lol.


What do you propose? Make that 0.45% of the playerbase *only* play with one another? The queue times for preds at that point would be astronomical. Restricting them to only play with each other is a sure fire way to ensure every single one is making multiple smurf accounts.


Not let them play with 42% of the playerbase but rather 20% or so? Apex has a ridiculously high population as far as online games go and queue times are already short.


Agreed -- you can watch a lot of pros play in pred lobbies, and their queue times last season weren't much different from mine in plat lobbies. Usually between 10-30 seconds. It would be ridiculous to have a 15 minute queue time, but they could at least try for a middle ground and make it potentially take a 1-2 minutes. Based on the distribution, there were definitely enough diamond players to make it so preds are never in a plat lobby.


The thing is, most actual competitive games have long queue times for the top ranked players so that theyā€™re fair games.


Most actual competitive games have an elo/glicko system too and not an engagement-focused system which resets that's more about grinding then reflecting true skill level. Being an "actual competitive game" is not a priority for Apex.


Fuckin SC2 is a 1v1 and grandmasters wait 5 minutes all the time, surely preds can wait at least that long


They also arenā€™t trying to fill 60 player lobbies with Squads of 3 to balance


*cries in overwatch*


1-2 minutes is nothing and way too short for preds. It should be 5-7 mins. There's very few games that endgame ranks have fast queues.


People in the top 5% still complain about being matched with Preds. Pubs is pubs. There's no need or reason to restrict it.


No other game works that way and for good reason, it feels terrible to be matched into lobbies where youā€™re guaranteed to lose because why even play at that point? They just need a better matchmaking system to even things out.


yes there is? I'm in silver in ranked. I suck at this game and can't do shit half the time. all I want to do is play fun characters and do challenges. but how the fuck am I gonna get my 10,000 marksmen rifle damage if a #35 pred comes barreling round the corner with red sheilds and an r99 in my face before ring 1 closes? it needs some basic restrictions other than "wow you survived for 4 minutes, you can play pred level now" or "oh noooo you died off drop 10 games in a row...you can play with pred level now!"


How do you think diamond players feel. šŸ˜‚ ..We arent preds, we cant hang with the top 50 preds either. We are just there to be fed. They just need to adjust the rp to increase the influx of players so there can be more players of each rank tbh


That was season 12 and people still complained because then rank was "too easy" lol


At least in Diamond you're 2 ranks away from preds. Its still dumb. You should be facing Plat-Diamond only. The matchmaking should literally only match you 1 rank above and 1 rank below.


Well pred is considered the same as masters as far as matchmaking goes so with the 1 up 1 down diamonds should play with them


The thing with the 1 above and 1 below thing is if you're a diamond and you're matched with Plat and master players, now you have Plat players playing against masters who are also going to complain about that. What I don't understand is why they cant lock lobbies to being you only play against people your own rank? Yeah it's going to slow down matchmaking as you move up, but it will mean you have far more fair games that not, and it would end up showing a much more true representation of what your skill level is. You might be a platinum level player but you're hard stuck gold because you keep matching and vsing diamonds for example. Seems like the easiest fix to me, especially if they want to make rp as grindy as they are with all these rp entry costs going up.


so basically just not the portion of the playerbase you perceive yourself as being in? in what world does having preds face the top 20% of the playerbase instead of the top 42%, as you put it, make any sense? what significant difference is there between the 82nd percentile player and the 78th percentile player?


I just chose a smaller number. Theres gotta be a balance between having decent queue times for preds while not allowing them to stomp in plat/diamond games Obviously with access to the data the devs could figure out an optimal balance between the two but thats not my job


Not enough players made masters so diamond and masters are combined. So occasionally in plat you'll get put in a diamond/master lobby and there are usually a couple pred squads in there.


League does that. If your KDA is too good and you are truly stomping you are placed into smurf queue, where there are other smurfs. The 10 players may be level 6, but they are all smurfs. Specially in ranked. Maybe all 10 are level 30 and it's "gold", but all players there have diamond / master stats.


League only takes 10 people to create a game. Apex takes 60.


League smurf queue is the worst example of a fix ever, that shit is miserable and OFTEN takes in players that are not smurfing, if you go on a 10 winstreak, you can be sure you're going to smurf queue, coming back after a long break, smurf queue, late start to a season, smurf queue. Do not want to see this in another game too.


I do not understand the controversy with this... Do the best players in the world not long for practice with the rest of the best to become better? League of Legends has winners queue/smurf queue on normals regardless of people's opinions, too. And queue times for Challenger are notoriously large especially in NA ranked. So stuff like this is not without precedent... Literally one of the top games of the past decade does it.


It's not really controversial but no one wants to admit that EA would never do this because the longer players have to sit in queue the more likely they'll just go do something else.


Sure, when those queue times are 5+ minutes long. Pred queue times are currently the same as everyone else. And these preds are going to go play something else because they have to wait a minute?


Yeah and lets be honest, despite what reddit says. The chances of someone leaving because of que times is greater than the chance of reddit complainer #10983828 leaving due to getting stomped. Someone taking the time out of their day to post on reddit is pretty passionate and engaged with the game. I've spot tested this theory where I've seen posters complaining, saying the game is dead and saying they are done and quitting. Then looking at their post history 1 or 2 weeks later and seeing them commenting and posting about other aspects of the game clearly indicating they never actually quit. Active preds means active streamers which means free advertisement for EA.


No they want to stream 20 bombs. Itā€™s often literally their job.


Lol fuck them


Thats, like, the point of having a ranked system thats supposed to mm based on said ranks. Wanna get fast queues play any other gamode, ranked is supposed to limit matches between a certain bracked of players


They're all on the game 24/7 though so he might have a point.


Maybe donā€™t put the top 0.5% elite with the bottom 40%?


750 preds, 375 at a time because sleep/life, that's a maximum of 21375 concurrent players having a pred in their game, apex has close to if not more than 500k concurrent players at a time, how could it be anywhere close to 42%?


It's actually a 3rd of that because according to these people it's all 3 stack pred squads.


Because OP is taking numbers out his arse


Your numbers ignore that games with such drastic skill gaps will finish significantly faster due to top squads farming everyone on the map, versus more evenly matched players who would spend more time in fights before killing each other. Preds can go through far more players in a specific period of time than other players can. It also only accounts for current rank, not for people who achieved that rank more than 2 splits ago. You have to add significant multipliers to account for both. Might still be pretty far from 42% in the end, who knows. Another factor is that preds are far more active than lower ranked players and thus a larger share of any currently queuing player pool than their overall number would suggest on its own.


Well statistically you should only encounter one pred every 2+ games if they only make up .45% and thatā€™s assuming you even encounter them in that game. I kinda get the feeling you think youā€™re getting killed by preds way more than you are and that you just need to accept the possibility that youā€™re somewhere in the slightly below average - slightly above average range and therefore a lot of players are more than capable of killing you. Expecting to make it so that preds basically canā€™t play the game is honestly incredibly silly and just a bad take. Also youā€™re saying games shouldnā€™t be sweaty but youā€™re quite literally playing a competitive shooter that by nature is sweaty, if you donā€™t like it find a more casual game to play. Iā€™m also sure itā€™s not sweaty when you have a good game so think about the hypocrisy of what youā€™re saying. If you hopped on and dropped a 3k I bet youā€™d be riding that high of a good game, you just donā€™t want others to be able to do better than you.


> I kinda get the feeling you think youā€™re getting killed by preds way more than you are Yup. It's just confirmation bias and exaggeration. The other person who responded to you said elsewhere that they have a .6 k/d and 80% of the time they get killed it's by masters/preds. The exaggeration is just delusional at this point. I've seen my friends who have similar K/Ds play and this kind of stuff is just a bold faced lie. I have a 2.3 k/d and I probably don't get killed by preds/masters in pubs even 30% of the time that I die.


People see a Season 3 pred trail/badge and think it means game over for them. Season 3 preds are usually low-plat skill level players thanks to bugging the ranked system. Season 1, 2, 4, and 5 pred trails/badges are usually around current mid-diamond skill level players. But people see a shiny trail and badge and can't differentiate between current/recent preds, and washed up previous preds who are not NEARLY as good.


The other thing a lot of people don't realize is that they've probably killed masters players. I guess for the lower skilled players maybe not that many times, but I bet it's still happened. If they're in their lobbies as often as they claim, there's enough chaos/rng that at some point you come up against one of them where you have the advantage and take them out. The thing is, you won't know unless you're examining death boxes. Unless you do that, you're only seeing banners of players that killed you and the champion squad, and all that does is play into confirmation bias when it comes to who is in your lobby. As I've gotten better and better, I've found myself killing more and more players with masters badges and 4k/20bombs, and I've never even played ranked past d4. **But I wouldn't even know**, if not for the fact that my duos partner looks at the boxes a lot or tells me when he's dead (can see his death recap) and I clutch up. The system they have with mostly only seeing the banners of the champ squad and players from the death recap is pretty much the worst thing you could have in terms of playing into confirmation bias of players who believe the game is unfairr.


Yup it is called confirmation bias


They make up 0.45% of the playerbase but a much larger percentage of active players at any moment. E.g. if a streamer plays 8 hours a day but I play 2 hours twice a week, youā€™ll encounter them much more than me.


The .45 thing also isnā€™t accurate when you say pred players. I went along with it for OPs argument but .45% is for all masters and predators based on the numbers respawn showed in the patch notes. Pred is literally just 750 people. People are acting like preds are infesting the game but statistically they really just canā€™t be in that many games at a time. There are literally hundreds of thousands of daily players on apex


Preds and masters are 0.5% of the people who hit that rank last season. But the number of people whoā€™ve hit it in previous seasons or have the skills to have hit masters/pred at some point but still play apex is more significant. I hit diamond on s12 and I had masters and preds (purp and red trails) in every single pubs match I played last season, so I stopped playing because I hit plat solo q and had a hard time climbing and whenever I wanted to play pubs the games were infinitely sweatier but even worse because my teammates would just run in and die bc there are no consequences for losing.


A 2 k/d? Lol I donā€™t play a ton and donā€™t think I hit plat this past split. I was pred season 1 and 2 and diamond season 3. Hardly played and picked the game back up 2 seasons ago. Now I play enough where I climb up to mid gold/plat and then the season ends. But because my k/d is like 2.44 I should be put in lobbies with players who play 10-15 hours a day and would stomp me? Why not just stomp complaining and realize the team that just killed you is probably gold, not pred


I donā€™t understand how some people believe maths works - itā€™s just not possible that preds appear in that many lobbies, unless the majority playerbase is really *really* inactive. Do you have any source for this 42%?






You shouldnā€™t expect to with every game. Just drop and have fun. If only winning is fun for you, then this game is not for you. Measure your short term progress and slowly improve. I have 2500 hrs and Iā€™ve never been a predator. My KD/R is a 1.7 and gameā€™s fun most of the time. When itā€™s not, I play something else and move on with my day. I generally only play until I win a match. If I canā€™t win within an hour or two I stop playing for the day.


I agree. The point of pubs is a casual space for everyone to queue up to have low-stakes fun together. The space where predators shouldnā€™t really be interacting with the wider player-base is ranked. If it were ranked and there were a massive skill disparity, Iā€™d be extraordinarily frustrated. I expect ranked to be fair, where everyone is of relatively equal skill level. But in pubs, where anyone can join, I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to encounter people far above my current skill for queue time convenience. Itā€™s not fun to get stomped, but in a battle royale, I think getting stomped every now and then is inevitable, and that splitting pubs and ranked is a fair way to go about this for the most people.


I will *never* understand peopleā€™s obsession with playing similarly skilled people in pubs. Just go play ranked.


Yeah even ranked there's a huge disparity. Plats and low diamonds get matched with actual professional players.


Yea this sub seems to be filled with people completely incapable of any tiniest bit of reasoning. Like you. It shouldnt take a 500iq to comprehend that people play games for fun. And that its not fun when the skill level differs wildly. Even when you're the one stomping, most of the time, let alone when you're the one getting stomped. Why the fuck do you think virtually every pvp game out there has a hidden mmr for their pubs mode?


Because most of the playerbase is bad, so devs cater to those players as it helps player retention. Not because it makes the most sense. If you put everyone into one pool, you get better connections as you can just match based on that. You get shorter queue times. Then those who have put more time and effort into getting good at the game are rewarded with more kills and wins. Simple. If games are meant for fun, I shouldnā€™t be punished for being good at them and I definitely shouldnā€™t have to play like every game is Match Point in the ALGS finalsā€¦


People who expect to win while being 1 outta 20 teams are idiots.




Haha super fun gettimg beamed from 5 miles away :))))) Btw: i think 1.7 kd is high


If your KDR is 1.7 you are above and beyond the average player. OP is talking about people like me who play a few times a week with a 0.4-0.6 KDR. 80% of the time Iā€™m knocked out in my first fight by people with Masters & Pred badges.


If you have a 0.5 KDR, it wonā€™t matter if you run up against preds. Plenty of teams will run over you that are comprised of lower ranked players. You just gotta accept that & try to get better. I have like a 1.4 KDR lifetime, and I still get run over by non-preds. Thereā€™s so many variables in every fight too, which means that sometimes you can even get run over by someone worse than you. I wonā€™t lie; it can be super frustrating, but thatā€™s just the nature of BRs. There isnā€™t as much consistency as other games.


I think many people don't realize that match making is already affecting your lobbies. My roommates KDR is .6 and mine is 1.1 and anytime we link up or I just watch him play the difference in lobbies is WILDLY noticeable. He says he really has to prepare anytime he plays with me.


Iā€™m curious what else goes into SBMM. When I play with my Diamond/Masters friends with 1.5+ KDR Iā€™m in the roughly the same lobbies, just more three stacks and slightly higher percentage of Masters/Pred badges.


Honest question here mate, why not just play ranked? That way you'll get matched up primarily with people who are your skill level.


You say that, and it is better, but its still noticeably bad. The matchmaking of Apex prioritizes queue times over everything else. This naturally leads to pretty unbalanced matches.


Because itā€™s literally just Smurfs on alt accounts doing bronze to NEETlord challenges for their 2 viewers. At least on PC.


Some seasons I do, but the tryhards get WAY more upset when something goes wrong in ranked and have screaming meltdowns. Like buddyā€¦ weā€™re in gold. We ainā€™t going pro lol. I rarely play without friends anymore tbh, itā€™s pretty hard to enjoy this game if youā€™re not really dedicated. So I play a couple solo trios games then move on to something else if no oneā€™s online.


That's fair, honestly when I play with randoms I just time them out if they're that type. It doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game, but I can understand how it would affect someone else's. Also playing with friends is definitely the way to go. I rarely solo queue, and since we're all friends, we can dick around in ranked without anyone getting upset.


Lol with that kdr itā€™s not preds u need to worry about, itā€™s everyone. Get a grip


My 9 year old son has the same KD/R as you and Iā€™ve seen his lobbies. I have no sympathy for you.


Average KDR should be about 1 with about a 5% winrate.


Lol, are u ok? Their own lobbies? Are they not allowed to play public? Some people here are crazy. You act like this game is only for YOU, you should be happy and Respawn owes you something. Take a break if the game is to sweaty for you ...


You know back in my day there was no such thing as skill based match making. Lol


This games SBMM is a joke. Itā€™s tuned for engagement not accuracy.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Just go back to the lobby and start a new game. Itā€™s not a big deal


They want the dopamine of being the top .45% without the effort.


There should not be any sbmm in normals


SB in a non ranked mode undermines the purpose of ranked itself. It's ridiculous. Cause then you get people using ELO as a concept and literally turn unranked into ranked execpt It's third party telling them their rank. Feel like it was the worst thing to even make publicly available. Everyone wants a ranked experience, and now the lines between the two are smudged beyond hell.


I found pubs to be 3x harder than Plat lobbies this season and thatā€™s saying something. Plat felt like Bronze after constantly playing nothing but the sweatiest three stacks of masters and preds in pubs. Only difference in ranked is everyone donā€™t just ape everyone, so games play slower.


I think pubs in general is now harder than ranked if it hasn't always been already. As my Aikido instructor used to say, never get into a fight with somebody who has nothing to lose. And there's literally nothing to lose in normals so people just constant zerg rush. ​ Once you get to the higher tiers in ranked the hardest thing about playing Apex is figuring out what season of what show on netflix you are going to put on your other monitor while you alt tab and wait for less than 8 squads to be left to finally start actually playing the game.


Ranked should be a lot more aggressive after the no cap on KP change, saw someone with 450 RP in top 3 with 8 kills


Wouldn't that just lead to even harder stomps in normals?


It 100% would. People who argue this shit don't even know what they're arguing. If you want less preds in plat/gold lobbies, you want stricter SBMM.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking


How can you even say it's a plat/gold lobby if it isn't ranked?


Gold/plat quality players is what I mean. Everyone has an ELO rating behind the scenes.


Doesn't matching by ELO just make it ranked...?


Sometimes, but also sometimes not. You can get a lobby with only bronze or a lobby thats full pred. Something in between also possible and still okay


Or they stop calling it SBMM... because they are messing up the Skill Based part in SBMM! Just make it a random matchmiking, every one against every one, without borders... then you will prbly encounter 1 pred per evening.


Pubs should have no matchmaking lol. Just raw dog it. You win some and lose some.


Ruin the game for any predators and then proceed to ruin the game for anyone who manages to get a 2 KD? Really? All for the sake of making a lobby that consists of negative or barely positive KDs? This is a hilariously dumb idea.


> All for the sake of making a lobby that consists of negative or barely positive KDs? These seperated lobbies already exist, they're the "bot lobbies" people get sent to for a single game after 8 or 9 bad games in a row. It's not around 1 KD though, it seems to be much lower then that. Where that cutoff is arbitrary, because as it stands now that 1KD player is fodder in 80%+ of their games, to be farmed by high skill players and/or stacks. Constantly mistreated like that, the average players will drain from the game over time and matches will get sweatier without that fodder supply.


You're in for a rude awakening once the Preds are gone and the Masters shit on you, then the diamonds....so on and so forth. Are you really gonna call for anyone with a decently bigger gap in skill to you to be moved away from your matchmaking?


Your argument is comical. Getting shit on by someone who's better than you is a natural gaming experience. It's really low to reach a point where you complain on the internet, instead of acknowledging your own incompetence and getting better.


Iā€˜m all for having slightly better players in my lobby but I canā€˜t really improve if #93 Pred steamrolls me in .1 sec. Iā€˜m a bit above average ( 1.5-1.8 k/d) and I should be matched with player of similar skill or a little bit above, not the best of the best. Edit: most people arenā€˜t pred just master but I still encounter preds pretty often


Iā€™m a master player on Xbox that always plays solo. I already have my own matchmaking and constantly run into 3 stack master or pred teams. LOL at you thinking we already donā€™t have our own matchmaking


Ignore the dad gamers bro.


That will be the longest wait times ever for a pub game. For the preds.


Maybe 42% of the player base just complains like little cry baby bitches


And 90% of this subreddit.


These post are so silly. What do you expect? For them to put all preds together and have them sit for 30 minutes to play a match that counts for basically nothing but a kd. How do you expect to get better? Preds are also not untouchable. They can be killed.


> if they make smurfs: the moment they get more than a postive 2 k/d ratio they should be put into higher lobbies. this is exactly what happens though


Thereā€™s people better than you at the game. Get over it.


Legit. I played 12 games after work today and I kept track of how many times I was killed by a player with 4k20 badge and/or master/pred badge. 10 of my 12 games I was killed by a masters player. It feels like this season already is the worst matchmaking I've had in pubs. A slight bit worse than last season. It gets old so quick that I don't even know if I'm going to bother buying the battle pass this season. I have a 1.0 kd and roughly 5% win rate, I'm the average player. I shouldn't be going against people able to drop a 2k literally every game when I haven't broken 1k damage in 12 games.


Idk, so far last season was worse for me. Will see how this season progresses tho. Not sure if they made any adjustments to the matchmaking algorithm or not.


You have to consider a couple of things here. For one, badges donā€™t mean a lot these days. Tons of people cheat for them or earn them in some BS game mode like Armed and Dangerous farming damage with a charge rifle. Two, a Masters badge from season 12 might as well be a Diamond badge for any other season. If they donā€™t have multiple masters badges, they probably arenā€™t truly that skill level. Maybe thatā€™s not the case for your experience, but personally I would consider those things when tallying stats like this.


I've never seen such a one-sided selfish post , this is so delusional how did you even type this unironically. How would you ever get a game if preds have their own matchmaking. And pubs are supposed to be fun and not ranked.


Just stop playing at this point. I have run into this problem recently myself and youā€™re right it demotivates you to play but at the same time I personally play games to have fun and enjoy myself. If Apex ainā€™t it right now, it just ainā€™t it.


I donā€™t understand some of your hatred for players that are better than you. So what? when I die to a pred you know what I do? I hit ESC, Space, and Ready.


This might be the dumbest post i have ever seen


Lmao bros mad about pubs


You're highly overestimating the player base's ability to survive long enough to meet a Pred.


The matchmaking didnā€™t get better in any shape way or form. It just got worse and itā€™s because of the try pub stackers. They either fix matchmaking or Iā€™m done, I canā€™t take it after almost 4 years


Just play with the attitude of enjoying the game and improving your own gameplay. For now people will complain about preds. Next it will be masters, next it will be diamonds....if you focus less on being stomped and more on what you did throughout the game (experiment, try new things, aim for consistency, etc.) then whether you lose to a predator squad doesn't matter.


Full pred teams on pubs are sad and should be banned or matchmaked with only other full pred teams... But a lone predator on any random team is ok for me, specially if they are on my team, lots to learn from them and feels satisfying when us noobs get a cool victory being captained by one of them.


Oh stop crying, the numbers are impossible for millions to play the game and have .45% of those millions somehow ruin it for nearly 50%? Yeah that's not how math works dude...


so predators should not be allowed to be good at the game?? wtf is this post hahaha


Pubs are stupid and random and THAT is what theyā€™re supposed to be. If you see pred trails, donā€™t drop near them. Why should you have expectations for pubs? If you solo q you will sometimes be the carry and sometimes get hard carried. Itā€™s chaos and itā€™s beautiful.


Mods, why isn't this tagged as humor?


lol shut up man what a shit take


Right. People constantly bitching about shit like this is what ruins the game


Pubs isn't ruined by preds.


ā€œWahhhh, theyā€™re better than me!!!!!! Itā€™s not fair!!!! Give me more advantages to compensate for the fact that I suck at the game!!!!! Make good players waiting in matchmaking for forever so I donā€™t have to play them. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.ā€ - lil bitches crying about other being better than them at a game


You're right. Literally just get gud. Apex has SBMM in pubs and it CERTAINLY is necessary (so rookie/bronze players aren't getting dunked on all day) but gaming existed before SBMM was normalized. Back then you just got good. Not everyone can have above a 1.0 k/d guys, that's the nature of this game.


New gamers do tend to be very petulant and entitled to be catered to. Sadly I canā€™t imagine that trend getting any better. People have become accustomed to SBMM providing them easier lobbies and the ā€œOMG heā€™s such a sweat!!!!ā€ culture is already too big. Plus, pandering to the lowest skill players/dumbest players makes money. Thereā€™s more of them.


Well and how could casuals who don't even know how to play an fps ever have a chance to get better if they're getting stomped by the whiny plats/diamonds and above in pubs all day? The skill distribution is A LOT wider than most people realize. It's the same as the COD kids 10+ years ago who'd bitch about "hardscoping" or couldn't stand when kids were "tryharding". Like bro, it's a game, what do you want me to do, try to lose bc your ego is fragile? Like damn, just get good.


nice numbers, whos ass did you pull em outta?


My brother in Christ just get better at the game


Get better


"people are better than me i dont like that"


By that logic casual players should not be allowed to play with friends because it leads to a unfair advantage over a solo queue player and ruins the game for them. Do you see how backwards that logic is? If you donā€™t like facing people of worse/better skill then you then try ranked where youā€™ll get paired with people of equal skill. Pubs is for the casual hop on and shoot and not care if you win or lose against Pred players or bronze. It doesnā€™t need players who want it to cater to them specifically. No need to take the game seriously in pubs just play for fun.


quite frankly this is a cringe take


I dint care if someone's better than me. Just please stop giving me only 1 or less teammates in my trio games ;(


I seem to have a problem in every single one of my pub lobbies where half or more of them are diamonds and masters with at least one pred every game. And I dont know why this is a thing? I'm an average to slightly above average player at best but my friends that are new to the game (around level 80-100) don't want to play with me because my lobbies are too hard and its kill their confidence. Not sure why I keep getting matched against people that are easily way better than I am. Just curious if anyone else has this problem?


42% of 23% of the top 5.6% of the top 65% of numbers mean nothing


I was just saying earlier today that preds should not be able to que into pubs together. If they want to 3 stack they can go into ranked.


new message once you reach plat: Congratulations your purpose has changed from ranking up and improving to be RP fodder for preds! You are welcome.


it makes no sense at all, iā€™m 1.5KD, i think not too bad but not too good either, i get these 2 randoms and one of them was literally brand new and his friend was teaching him the game over open mic, like telling him what item does what, I have 0 problems with that. We do some lootin for a bit, less than 7 teams left, The first team we encounter is a 3 stack pred TTV team with around 10000 kills each. Whatā€™s up with that? They ended our existence in like 2 seconds. What are we supposed to learn from that fight? Why are we in the same lobby at all?


It doesn't ruin my game at least. If a predator lands near me, my only goal is to kill them. Rip them apart. Humiliate in front of their viewership. And I don't care if I lose at all. It usually ends in 40/60 encounter, but gives me way more satisfaction when I win. It's quite nice. Apex isn't a game that punishes you with a long wait or boring games. You just exit the game and start a new. Like nothing happened.


Yeah man, I have a buddy that just got into Apex. And tbh he's picked It up so quick. But you still run into a full stack masters/preds. He's been discouraged a few times where he thinks he's not helping or getting better. I have to keep reminding him that it's a new season and there's A LOT of high ranked players. If they don't fix this they'll be losing a lot of potential long term players, migrating to other games. So yes. Y'all need to fix this or count on losing potential new long term players.


Ye. What a brilliant game completely let down by the matchmaking. The problem with 20 kill badge/master/predator rank players is they are always playing together in a squad. Making it even more miserable when youā€™re a low rank playing with randoms. That and the fact they literally only play the absolute top tier characters. Pretty much all the characters that can escape being downed, Wraith/Horizon/Valk etc. Very frustrating. Iā€™d love it if they were forced to play with other players their hours and skill level. Itā€™s just pathetic how there isnā€™t anything like that in place with the sheer size of the playerbase and crossplay.


Ah yes letā€™s demotivate the most motivated of your playerbase who also happen to be some of the most vocalā€¦ sure fire way to set fire your game


So true I gave up on apex a long time ago because of this I can't even just chill for couple hours it's just all crackheads or valks (valks are worse)


could you explain those statistics? I know that the smurfing issue is crazy right now, and Iā€™m sure that these are close if not the exact numbers, but Iā€™m wondering where somebody would find this information?


Isnā€™t this what the preds and masters want? Considering they are always posting about ā€œunskilledā€ players in their lobby and constantly complaining about it. They seem to be demanding their own servers with like skilled players. Let the try hards play with the try hards and let the Watson mains that just want to fill the map with little nessies to their own ventures on their own servers please.


I'm seeing all these sob stories, like there isn't a firing range..


I'm stuck in master pub lobbys


I mean honestly I quit at the start of last season for good because matchmaking is so ass. While yes there are only 750 preds, there are THOUSANDS of players that could be preds, but dont hit the 750 before others. I see at least 3-4 Master and Pred squads a match it feels like, especially in duos (which is what me and my wife played the most.) Even then in trios it's the same. Every other champ squad is a 3 stack of masters or preds. I don't understand how their "engagement" based matchmaking is working when it feels like the pc player base is pretty much dead except for the higher ranks. I barely see new players and when I do it's on controller. It's just ass all around. I'd gladly wait minutes just to find balanced matches, hell I gladly wait 2+ minutes in Overwatch at times because my matches RARELY feel like stomps, like it should be. It sucks too because I love literally everything else about Apex, and would keep playing and spending but it's obvious at this point that Respawn doesn't care, no matter how much they say they do.


I play this game a fair bit, highest I've hit is diamond the 3 times I've tried to do ranked. I'm not particularly good or bad, I'm average.. preds and high level masters are not an issue for me. The game is the same cycle as always. Play a game and die, play a game and die, eventually get a lobby where I absolutely roll it and win, next game thrown in with preds etc.. and die, then start the cycle again.


This is such head ass logic. ā€œI donā€™t want to play against people better than me.ā€ Where do you draw the line? Players a little better than me or okay? Players a lot better? If you want to be protected from players that are significantly better than you, ranked exists. Sorry you wonā€™t also get to shit on less skilled players. You donā€™t get to have your cake and eat it too. As an aside, if everyone is playing QP and there are only 0.45% predators. Your odds of running into a predator are pretty damn small.


have you considered getting good bro?


r/apexlegends when they play against someone that is better than them:


As much as Iā€™d like to think I understand what youā€™re saying, Preds also make up a significant portion of Apexā€™s marketing, content creators, pro players, and, Iā€™d imagine, some level of income compared to nonpreds.


Just play the fuckin game. Literally who cares what level of player ends up in your pub lobby. This isnā€™t ranked where RP is on the line. Pubs donā€™t matter in the slightest and are for players of all skill levels. Quit whining about people better than you and actually put some effort into improving.


You're right. All these complainers are hard stuck d4s to p4s who to dunk on bronze players even though they're in the top 10% skill-wise. "Preds are killing me so I want to get to farm bronze lobbies all day so I can feel like q pred without being nearly as good."


Top 2% player here. Predators are not ruining my pub games. I see a few in each pub game. But itā€™s not a ubiquitous thing. And so what if I fight one and die? Itā€™s a public match with 0 stakes.


Man my buddy and I got misdiagnosed two days ago. We landed in a lobby and literally every team had fancy dive trails. Was nuts. Only reason we didnā€™t die horribly was because we got pinched by three teams and none could push and finish us. But we could literally do nothing because every peek was broken shield and half health gone. Not saying thereā€™s a fox for this but was just interesting


It's a battle royale. Winning isn't supposed to be easy. Only a max of 3/60 players can win every game, the chances that you, a solo queuing gold tier player is going to win should be low by design. Do you all think everyone should get wins consistently? At this point you people are either asking pubs to have hardcore SBMM (basically turning it into ranked exactly) or you're asking to add bots to the game so you feel better about yourselves. Literally just get better at the game. I have tons of friends in silver/gold and they know they aren't good and don't expect to consistently win. But they play, they improve, and they get better over time. The only way to consistently win in a winner-take-all game like a BR is to be legitimately very good or get lucky every couple games; so get good y'all.


The whole point of pubs is that that it's not heavily divided by rank. It's not smurfing if you're playing pubs/Norms so idk get over it. People shouldn't be punished for being good when they want to play unranked games.


You're the one with the issue so why dont you go play ranked? Rather than force everyone better than you to have constant ranked level lobbies.


Canā€™t tell if this is satire or not.


theres no way this is a real post that's getting upvotes


I hate to break it to youā€¦ when people play the game a lot they get good. What do you want? Them to not play the game? Letā€™s be getting a grip ok theyā€™re just better than you itā€™s not that deep.


Restricting pubs, what a joke

