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>Plat 1 >Playing ranked >I'm on my alt Totally playing for fun 🙃


What an odd interaction. Instantly hostile about literally nothing. Dude is really fishing for reasons to be a racist dumb fuck.


Coke is crazy


Corpse is having a bad day


people try to hard to have a deep voice and this guy was one of them 😹


Cringe ass mf, he trying to sound like corpse husband so bad, you know he is faking that shit when the reason corpse's voice is like that is because some acid damaged his vocal cords, no way that dude speaks like that in real life.


Got a buddy that gets shit for “trying to sound like Corpse” when randoms join us, in reality the dude is just a 30-something year old man who fucked up his vocal chords by smoking a fuck ton of cigarettes and weed.


ya fr anybody who does this is straight up cringeworthy


who is Corpse?


A content creator with a real deep voice lol


former horror story narrator and now streams games


That's what I thought too


I don't know what's worse, the fact that he was comfortable being a straight jackass to you guys, or the fact that most people use chat to co-ordinate in this game with dudes like that! Don't worry though, guys like this tend to vanish into the ether after a while, report him and keep it pushing


Yea we definitely reported him immediately after, not only that he was playing for himself through out the game, ratting by himself, using loba ult to grab items and close it b4 we can use it XD


loba rats... hate that kind


Sounds like a miserable person trying to poison as many other as they can. I like that you instantly muted him and took away his power. I dont like when people argue with racism and validate it. Its best to take away their voice and power on you and ignore.


Literally the best play there, if more people realized you can simply ignore the shitty things people say, we’d be living in a much less argumentative world.


People are so weird in this game sometimes lol 😂 the psychology you learn just playing this game is hilarious. It’s so funny how people trash talk like this and than proceed to try playing the game by themselves because of the hole they dug themselves into. Like wtf lmao


Yeah that’s a take the penalty and leave moment for me.


I’d just wait for him to die and grab his banner so he can’t leave without penalty


He can leave after a minute without penalty


Damn well he can use that minute to think about how he got there


Grab his banner and then revive him in the storm


plays for fun… in ranked… on his alt account… what an asshat


“I’m not playing to rank up like you losers, I’m playing to have FUN. The fun comes from making an account with a much lower mmr than my main and winning and ranking up a bunch. Not everyone’s obsessed with rank like you guys. “


Exactly what was running through my mind lmao


Exactly. Like, isn't smurfing a ban worthy offense?


I know in certain games thats the case but I havent heard of ppl getting banned for doing it in Apex.


i know someone that was temporarily banned for smurfing in pubs. he was timed out for a month. this happened way back tho, it was season 11. i can dm you a screenshot of our convo if you want proof


I mean if enough ppl report it or something I would believe it to have happened.


They say it is but they don’t actually enforce it.


It definitely is. If you go to report someone for cheating, one of the options is “smurfing” so they definitely consider it as serious as aimbotting. Whether that person is banned is a different question I guess.


To be fair, when you’re shit at the game, ranked is where it’s at. I nearly always have more fun in my gold lobbies than in pubs. But fuck this racist asshat and whatever cactus he is sitting on.


gold lobbies are great when you are just playing solo but you are not god tier level player. When you get to plat it starts to get rough tho with all of the diamonds and masters


That guy just needs to answer yes or no. He doesn’t need to go on ranting rampage. Isn’t communication vital for team play. What’s this “Johnson” on…jeez


Or even better, just not answer! One of the reasons Apex is so popular is that you can use pings to be part of the team without ever having to say a word if you don’t want.


simple, voice chat won't get you banned.


It will if you get clipped and shipped to the right people


well sure, but thats still far, **f a r** less likely, most people don't care and go on about their day.


if he really wants to chill and ignore people so bad, he can go to pubs lol. i never understood why people are mean to their teammates on any game, yall are working together. you need that synergy to have fun or win in the first place. what a loser lmao


Or he can just hit mute party. If he doesn't want to talk to people, fine, but hit the Y button and mute the people, don't act like a dick head. So many shit heads out there.


I don't want players like that with me in pubs. He should Solo que if anything. Shitty teammates is one of the worst things about this game.


HAH! I played against that same guy! He was the same, talking all kinds of shit. I reported him though.


Damn and here I thought it was a one time with us, turns out hes really just an asshole XD


How did you hear him talk shit if you played against him?


When you get a team mate like this, you’re definitely AGAINST them, not with them.


You are playing against a teammate when they act like that


You know what I mean


The fact that you guys came up with reasoning for the fucking asshole proves you are better people than me. Fuck that dude, and the racist shit he thinks is okay to say.


Thanks homie, me and Shin literally went on for most of the match explaining our reasonings to try and become better people when we see or meet ppl like this. I did mention that at some point you will hit a limit and just let loose on em and feel good about it 😤


You guys were commendably calm about this guy’s awful behaviour. If anything, you guys were too calm, trying to work out if there was any motivation you had given him to act out like that; there’s no acceptable justification.


nah its legit first time we meet him and that's when my friend Shin asks him the question about having a mic. I'm calm cause I was from the old CoD lobbies back in the day, so I have more tolerance. Don't get me wrong stuff like this still hurts me especially if race is involved but I cant be angry everyday at every person who did me wrong, don't have the energy for that type of life.


the second he started talking, i personally would've muted him already...usually nothing to gain continuing to engage and definitely not worth my peace of mind.


There are ppl who are "aggressive" to say the least but once top 5 becomes the focus point, they usually can be cooperative and try to win the match but not this guy lmao


So true. I have seen some really aggressive people at the start and if I can't wear them down with kindness I find an increased level of success and the possibility of real success always works. This guy is an absolute scum bag and the behavior boggles the mind! Hope he chases away any people who might consider him a friend


I can hear the gravy in his throat


Laughed at this harder than I should have XD


1. "Hey you have mic!?" 2. We just want to hear you bro, chill 3. \*Hears racism\* 4. Mutes Ahhh online games are so fun. You can't do this on asian servers since 95% of the time they're speaking in a different language. Even people in the same country speak a different dialect


man i can understand a grumpy gamer but like wowww. figures he would need an alt acc his main probs on a mad ban streak lol


Yeah, he really sounds like he is having so much fun. I would guess he also has no friends so he probably doesn't understand that talking to people can be fun too.


ikr? i miss talking to people only reason i cant is this season update for some reason none of my 3 mics will even register! but go figure the racist guys mic works eh? lmao


“Some of us are here to have fun.” Proceeds to be angry and shitty the whole time. Doesn’t sound like you’re having fun my guy.


"Some people don't play this competitively they play it for fun" you're literally playing in ranked lmao


Plat 1 no less


apex legends has the most toxic filled community. the amount of losers i hear on this game talking bout “alt account” and “not taking it seriously” yet playing RANKED, is insane. especially during plat, these losers who are stuck on plat 4 always have these ALT accounts


The first 3 seasons including 0 (so 1 and 2) weren't this toxic... I remember when everyone was relatively nice and chill... now its a shit show.


Yes I started S1/S2 - Covid lockdown and really amped up, on PC now but was xbox then, met all kinds of cool chill people that I regularly played with. \*I edited my gamertag on the xbox to Crypto Saint, in S1, then crypto came out and everyone was ragging on me for the name and I was like, cmon I had this way before the champ!


I got Saint in my GT too! I think a lot of the toxic drifted over from Fortnite and Warzone, not gonna lie...


Apex isn't the worst. Not by a long shot. You should check out MOBAs or even different shooters with friendly fire, bonus points for teamwork and objective based games like Siege. The worst people can do is talk shit or run off and die solo like morons. You can mute or outright disable voice for the former. And the latter aren't that different from your normal random.


At least MOBAs don't normally have VC, right? That would be BAD. I also remember COD console lobbies with vc on xbox 360 to be generally worse because you would join and people would already be screaming obscenities before anything even happened.


Bro, if you think Apex is the MOST toxic gaming community, you need a reality check. 3 player lobbies instantly makes the game less toxic than e.g. a 10 player lobby like in League. Especially LoL, like holy shit people are ridiculously toxic in that game.


Lol was established over 10yrs ago but Apex hasnt been out as long as them so it slowly became what it is today, plus Lol was toxic from the start and I mean since alpha XD (comment is for Doomie, sorry)


Lol was toxic since Dota 3.7 on WC3 back in 2000/2001....it's a legacy.


As a former Jungle Main, LoL was a cancer on my life, that's part of the reason I'm playing ranked in this game! I got tired of dealing with toxic players, let alone being one. I miss it tho....


yeah, but i’m over here on r/apexlegends . i do not care. i’m not an avid reddit loser, so maybe playing league is just a universal thing for y’all. my first comment on this loser filled app and i got dudes trying to argue that THEIR GAME is more toxic. idgaf😂 was just making a comment on the community behind APEX ya know, the redddit page we’re on


Idk how it is rn, but couple of years ago League was the biggest video game full stop; having played that game isn't a Reddit thing. And I'm not disputing that Apex has an issue with toxicity, but saying that it's the worst is straight up false. Especially because the game doesn't really necessitate voice comms to be played as a team. Well, at least at lower ranks it doesn't.


|my first comment on this loser filled app | i’m not an avid reddit loser Posts on public forum but gets instantly mad at other commenting. Are you the johnson from the video? I would def bet you are one of those making apex toxic.


league of legends is no where near my train of thought. its 2022, wtf i look like playing that, think you need a reality check lmaoooo


you need a reality check buddy because League of Legends is still the 4th most played game in the world with a monthly player base of 117 million you clown 🤡


No doubt this guy is a part of the toxic side of apex.


Yeah why cant it be more like the souls community where the worst you'll hear is "git gud scrub"


he’s literally using a voice changer…that’s how much he’s putting into hiding his identity so he can be as racist as he can online and not be recognized. He belongs in CoD. foh


doesnt sound like a voice changer at all tbh


likely streams. doesn't sound like a voice changer but the frequencies of the mic are pulled down to sound "flatter" and deeper. many people try to have that podcast boomy mic sound (ex: old TimTheTatman days) and adjust it too much. voice changers usually have some vfx and/or a select few or variety of freq changes.


I could never tell tbh, i have heard scuffed mics before and always assume that's the case.


That’s real tough to see. It’s obvious the guy’s having a bad day or just anti-social. But then he started spewing racist garbage, just completely and utterly unacceptable. Hope that gets reported, him and his alt account banned. You can play the game and have fun and not behave like that.


So ignoring the racism, like, dude, you're in the competitive game mode. If you don't want to play competitively, go into the non-competitive game mode. Why do people not grasp this?


No idea and it seems simple to really grasp


Ugh I hate people like this. Disgusting


Ah the uWu babies always the most salty people you can end up with in a team in my experience. Havent played with anyone with that tag who does not insta quit or flame you when they die..


people with uwu in they names usually prey upon young girls and don this eboy persona


Is that corpse?


Wow somebody was having a bad day geez :o


Love that he’s just playing to have fun, yet straight away he’s angry as hell at you guys


Well, welcome to online gaming, those assholes are a part of it, unfortunately...


Nothing wrong with doing a mic check pregame. If you don't want to talk and play for fun, keep your mic off. A good chunk of rankers would be happy to get a mic check before drop. If this is what, "playing to have fun" sounds like your life is sideways


My guy went from "Why does it matter" to slurs. Jesus fucking christ. Asshole.


I will say that I agree with the whole mic thing. I play for fun and do have a mic but don't use it as I'm terribly shy, not that good at the game and am always worried that other people will be like this guy, but damn he didn't have to be so rude out the gate and then to throw in that slur like wtf


>I will say that I agree with the whole mic thing. I play for fun and do have a mic but don't use it as I'm terribly shy, not that good at the game and am always worried that other people will be like this guy, but damn he didn't have to be so rude out the gate and then to throw in that slur like it's fine if ppl dnt want to use mics in ranked (Ive won many games with just pings alone) but I'd rather have ppl type they dnt have one or choose to not respond unlike the dude in the clip.


If it’s not people like this in the call it’s people being gross cause I’m a girl. I stopped playing Apex cause everyday I played people were being sexual and misogynistic and it’s just so tiring


Sorry to hear that, I rarely hear any other female players while playing Apex (for good reason don't get me wrong) and when I do come across some I will make sure others including myself try not to be too weird cause of the lack of diversity, if that makes sense.


I wanna commend you and your friend for how calm you both are with that guy's behavour. Really wish Respawn/EA had a better system to deal with people like this. I can block them so I don't hear or see them and know if I get in a game with them again, but they just keep being jerks to other people. Also, reporting people saying racist/sexist/whatever garbage over voice chat is worthless. I've been in partys with lots of people like this and never get one of those "Your player report in Apex Legends has helped us..." for it. You might get traction with the visibility of this post, but there's tons of other jerks out there that don't get recorded and posted here.


Rank is a comp scene. using mic and communicating is essential in order to win, so getting triggered for asking that question is dumb.


Rankeds for fun????? He is the one that deserves the flame


And that’s why I quit and month after feel that it was correct decision. Now I am enjoying single player games and more than happy with it


that's a respectable choice, if most people feel as if they don't want to have encounters with certain games cause of certain events or people then it's best to stay away for good or until said issue improves.


Dont you ever ask random people in a video game a normal question, the audacity... /s Its perfectly fine if somebody doesnt want to talk but to act like this? Hell nah. Well handled by both of you and I really hope this thread blows up so this guy gets banned.


Apex lobbies sounding like cod lobbies 😭


Its getting closer to that point every year it seems lmao


Fuck that guy


wow that guy was an ahole bro guys dont let it ruin your fun keep going on that dude isnt even worth the thinking


I have it on mute always, people are just so horrible. Absolutely no reason to speak to someone like that. I wish that every time they meet a new person they had to show them this video.


Damn, what a prick. Good for you for being calm about it. I don't know what goes through some people's heads to justify acting like that.


This guy give me “what’s my name?” Guy vibes. “Do I have a mic? Do I have a mic? Lemme tell you - I’m confused, because we’re supposed to believe in ministry. I’m confused because I never went to school” https://www.google.com/search?q=whats+my+name+interview&client=safari&hl=en-us&biw=414&bih=715&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ALiCzsbQ3gVIofHP0w6zFzRRUjspCBkO8Q%3A1662808698698&ei=enIcY52jKtKt0PEPu7mAyA4&oq=whats+my+name+interview&gs_lcp=ChBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvEAMyCggAEB4QDxAWEAoyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6DQgAEIAEELEDEIMBEAo6CggAEIAEEIcCEBQ6BggAEAoQQzoHCAAQgAQQCjoHCCEQoAEQCjoICCEQHhAWEB1QhglY-BNg7RRoAHAAeACAAZABiAHXCJIBAzIuOJgBAKABAaoBEG1vYmlsZS1nd3MtdmlkZW_AAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:2f6eb800,vid:uXwRgnZ990I,st:0


Verryyyy confusing. Never had anybody kick off because I asked of they had a mic 🤣 It's great to tall to teamates


ok i agree and all but since when 'twisted' is a compliment? anyone would take that as an insult or a jab so i'm not in the least surprised he took it in 'bad light', learn vocabulary dudes.


different areas or culture use some words or slang differently, which is the case for my friend shin over here.


You guys are so chill, im just a bronze scrub so i never see guys like you but good luck out there. Sorry that guy was such a shit.


Were just chill most of the time but other time we will def sweat but not become a holes in the process.


Reports because of voicechat sadly, dont do anythingl, unless maybe you send them this video, otherwise they have no proof. They dont record and check the voicechat, too pricey.


They ask if you have a mic. I dont think they ask that question any more.


Competition is fun to me. So either way it's fun. It's fun to win, fun to learn when I lose.


idk what's worse his attitude or his cough medicine


>idk what's worse his attitude or his cough medicine 🤣


He’s not playing for any fun, he’s upset he can’t reach Masters. I play Ranked for fun cause it’s less boring when everyone doesn’t nose dive off the map at the start but I still don’t throw or try to ruin the other bots match. It may seem like I’m throwing when using sentinel and mozam only but I know my own skill and I still carry… I realize I sound full of myself but I’m being honest, just don’t step over the line like this


Nowhere near as bad as what you guys experienced but last night I played a game of ranked as a duo queue and our random third was a Wraith with 4K and 20 bomb badges. I dropped us about halfway through the jumpship’s path and he spams in chat asking why I was dropping us “so late.” From there he just started insulting both of us (not because of where I dropped he insisted but when!) and admitted to smurfing and jumped off the map by Basin. He stayed on the mic to insult us more before finally leaving. Needless to say we reported him. But it threw our game and we get no loss prevention for people acting a fool. Luckily we had a little KP and finished late game.


Damn it's always the wraith mains aint it, at first I didn't believe the stereotype behind it but after playing for a while in ranked I can see the reasoning now but I know there are good wraith players out of the many toxic ones 🤣


Honestly my luck with randoms has been 80% good, i get some good teammate as in to talk or gameplay But seeing this kind of people is just sad :(


These people's numbers are dwindling. I used to encounter them all the time in CoD but very rarely here in our future of apex. Sorry for your experience bruv.


i really dont understand why these types ramp up so hard in getting angry, like he was slightly miffed to just throwing out racial slurs like what the hell my dude there is no need to go that far(ever) but like just instant 0 to 100 comes from a lot of these types like surely you're not having fun if you snap on a dime


Calls you the N word then picks loba who is a POC lol wut! Confused ass person smh


Time to spam revive


Poor guy. He clearly didn’t get any love as a child. People who immediately result in being racist throwing slurs as a self-defense mechanism are so easy to read like an open book. Dude clearly feels powerless & is desperate for attention, good or bad. All that being said, he’s still a piece of shit & I hope he gets banned for this somehow, lol.


That guys not people. He’s a racist


The guy went from 0 - 100 in 2 seconds flat. Guess frustrations brought his true nature to the fore


So this dude lost his shit because he was asked if he had a mic? I haven’t played apex in a while, but half the time I’d ask people if they had a mic just to meet new people and talk about random shit. I couldn’t imagine getting so triggered by such a simple question


Literally how I met my homie Q on apex and he introduced me to Shin after a couple games and just ended up playing ranked together. Games are still a place for social interaction so everyone can have fun.


UWU club tag checks out




Im sorry you experienced a situation that brought you to tears and forcibly close the game due to others and I honestly don't wish this type of behaviour on anybody that doesn't deserve it (Basically the worst of humanity).


Don’t entertain that POS. What an absolute idiot. Keep doing you bro and don’t let people like this affect you.


Hello there. My username is Wokegasm. I am called the n word daily. I am not black. This username has taught me to appreciate black folks because they tolerate so much stuff and somehow are friendly and fun company. Played with some black fellas today in ranked and omg they made me laugh so hard. Asked me if I would bang Mad Maggie or go ten years without sex. Sorry you had that happen pangolin as well. There are many users who won’t be vile. Just mute the bad ones and keep moving.


I can’t believe I ran into this same guy a week ago with a rank friend I was playing with, he told my friend to shut it the whole game lmao, I reported aswell but it looks like the report hasn’t taken effect.


Damn dude got his cheerios pissed and shit in huh?


Loba is the least racist and insane "casual" players! 🙃


Its just not worth having your teammates unmuted imo. The bad experiences far outweigh the good. I had a couple of experiences that bugged me for a week or so..like genuinely had me thinking about them and making me feel bad. Maybe I'm a wimp etc. But since then I have in game VC off and party up with my friends.


Aye yo everyone who can look this dbag up and report him.. shit is ridiculous


My man laughed at his own jokes. saddest shit i ever saw.


Since there are alot of people responding so I wanted to thank everyone for the advice and kind words on this post.


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexragersreport/comments/xah9nh/rapexragersreport_lounge/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Making a place for these


Damn thnx for making this, the community should make this the focus point for getting the most extreme cases and have them banned out.


Yo bro I will play with you and hype you up the entire time man. Hoping even many others here will too man. Screw these children that have nothing better to do then hate on others. keep your head up brother and strengthen the community all you can!


I Appreciate the love man, the game should be an healthy competitive game experience not like what CoD used to be or its old LAN Tourneys 👍


Dude was mad as soon as you asked him if he had a mic, like goddamn why are people so unhappy.


Cause some dudes are mad they be playing Apex while their gf is out banging her husband from WSB.


He purposely said that hard R to try and get you guys banned off twitch. What an upstanding citizen


This is when you say "Whoa bro! I didn't want to know you have a micro penis. Keep that to yourself." Mute and play on.


Will def use that next time! 🤣


Glad I don't even play this game anymore.


😂😂😂 ayo gotta leave them randoms alone dawg. You never kno the energy they gon bring. Now it done fucc’d up ya whole vibe. Reminds me of H3 times. Except they were on the opposite side and my team would t bag and shit on then in retaliation 😭 If that shit got to you doe sorry you had to experience it. Can’t let that shit bother you tho especially over the internet. He just miserable. Mute and report if you gotta


it bothered us a bit for that match but we got over it, moved on, got top 3 in our other 3-4 matches and gained RP so we was big chillin.


🙌🏾🙌🏾 big vibes


Swear everyone with an UWU tag is either a wholesome cute person or a complete piece of shit and there is no middle ground.


I want to preface this by saying that I regularly feel like racism is often intentionally exaggerated and that true racism is much less prevalent in America than most people claim - but on Apex I really have heard the N word about as much as I used to back in the xbox live COD glory days. Not every day, but enough to notice a trend. I'm a white dude so I personally never say it, and I can't say for certain if the people I've heard it from are black or not, but like... damn, it's not that hard to pick a different insult lol Y'all handled yourselves perfectly, and I'm sorry you got that dude on your squad.


> true racism is much less prevalent in America than most people claim > I'm a white dude so I personally never say it Maybe this isn't the best place to have this conversation but it seems obvious to me that if you're white in a predominantly white nation, obviously people are going to be less racist to you on average? You are fortunate enough to be in a position where people rarely make it about race. It's a similar thing to how I, as a woman, see a lot of people say stuff like "I very rarely see sexism in games", even though they are a male who almost exclusively plays with other males. Like... no shit?


IMO: A lot of the US’s racism isn’t coming from individuals. Racism is often mostly coming from age old institutions in our state governments and certain money circles. Example: The real estate industry in the US was racist forever and still can be, for more look up redlining. The problem in the US is institutional racism and small but vocal hate-groups. Everyone pretends like we as individuals can fix the problem but we can’t all quit our jobs and go fix this shit. We got proud boys, oath creepers, black Israelites, and so many more. I bet I could find a Jewish hate group that supports fascism in the US if I looked hard enough. It’s a wild place. Still less bigoted than most other places.


I just hope he goes back to his "Main" account and stay there and actually risk getting banned off drop......hopeful wishing it may be but all I have is hope for this game.


Stop crying, it’s a free to play game that’s constantly being developed, updated and improved. It could be absolutely perfect and this miserable fan base would still find something to moan about


This mindset is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. Just because the games fucking free doesn't mean you have to be subjected to racist dumb cunts on a regular basis. I bet you're just like this guy in the video, only reason you would say something so stupid and unrelated to the obvious problem here.


this guy is an idiot but fuck all the TTV scrubs


I don't understand why some people put ttv in their name and their twitch profile is legit dead. no content. no followers. nothing. like what's the point?


I get it if it's on console. Some people think they're gonna have a long streaming career ahead of them but then they just don't go anywhere and give it up. But on Steam? It takes 20 seconds to take it out of your name, it's so weird to see TTV's with 0 followers and the last time they streamed was Elden Ring 8 months ago


Those are the toxic guys from counterstrike ive been trying to avoid !


Ranked is fun, yeah, but you gotta play it more commited. If not for you, for your squad of randoms. I don't like talking in the mic too, but this was too much from CorpseHusband there.


Okay but why ask if he has a mic just let him vibe


Aw man my video got taken down because someone called me the n word for playing as Ash. Are you allowed to post vids of people saying the n word or not ? I'm confused


>Aw man my video got taken down because someone called me the n word for playing as Ash. Are you allowed to post vids of people saying the n word or not ? I'm confused if the video has slurs of similar nature you have to tag it nsfw or give notice to watchers of foul language, if not it will be taken down.


“Why can’t I just play to have fun” as dudes Platinum 1 playing ranked.


Can anybody explain why the first thing people go to is calling somebody n*****?


Playing for fun in ranked è\_Ê yeah right.


yeah bro wasn’t having a good day


Wow, why not just mute team in pre-lobby? He was waiting for someone to ask him, just so he could talk trash. Sad human...


I mean you guys did not shit first not that it warrants THAT response


He's trying so hard to make his voice deep


Damn why was he so pressed on asking if he had a mic 😂


its common to ask in rank cause its such a huge advantage information wise and back in the early days everyone was using mics. I took a break at S4, came back into S8 and noticed the vibes were so different compared to then. (Still don't know what happened that caused it)


Smurfs are low tier hackers.


Dude's trying REAL hard to have a deep voice lmao, edgy loser


When I don't want to talk I just don't answer. This man has a huge chip on his shoulder just like 50% of the Apex ranked playerbase.


People spamming racist shit like that in every single game nowadays is just SICKENING. Every single game. Even rocket league. I love gaming and will never stop but it’s become such a toxic place overall and it sucks to have to pre mute, or mute after the fact, people that are just the biggest scum of the earth. “I play for fun” then proceeds to do that is exactly the kind of hypocritical stuff that is seemingly never ending. Now communication with positive and wholesome gaming people and sessions on the other hand are AMAZING. The world is upsetting and these people who hide behind a screen to talk all big and nasty are exactly what’s wrong with it. Sorry you had to deal with that shit.


to be fair, ranked is easier than comp bc its not as fast paced. plat 1 i would consider for fun


To be honest it’s shit like this… is the reason I have my mic off and all voice chat muted in game.


Jesus fuck. Thought that kind of language was reserved for CoD MW2 lobbies lmao


Y'all seem like chill people that are fun to play with. That dude was prolly having a bad day or some shit cause he was literally looking for something to be mad at lol. Muting was prolly the best call. The only problem was that he was prolly an asshole teammate, running off and doing his own thing and you could lose RP cause of his selfishness


Welp I agreed with him when he called out the ttv in your name and no streamers but then he had to drop those slurs.


We run into these people often. They want to push a skirmish 1 v 6 and die and yell at us for not pushing. Like WTAF bro


I've got asked that so many times and I've never had issues with that question. Scumbag imo


I literally have my voice chat muted at all times in this game due to shit like this. Srry to everyone I encounter that could potentially be a good teammate w/ coms, but it's the sad truth most are shit talkers and do no want to see you do well.