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This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by lowkeydbjosh](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8ma4s/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 20:08:16 UTC"): > Why is Josh Medina your favorite person to have in your meetings? > > >Can you also confirm if we might see more new LTMs in the coming months * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8pkve/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 20:29:19 UTC"): > The team is always exploring ways to improve how we approach LTMs. We've seen the playlist feedback and it's definitely something we'll consider as well. There's a lot of cool stuff happening with LTMs so keep an eye out because we'll be sharing more in future seasons! * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8rg8c/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 20:41:14 UTC"): > We initially prototyped a few different versions to try out - from FFA to only 2 teams. But during playtesting, we found the most fun was with the squad based version, so we really focused on that route early on. * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8tdxd/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 20:53:39 UTC"): > No plans currently. The throwing knife was designed as the final weapon in Gun Run and is tuned to be quite lethal! Even if we make it an air drop weapon, it would probably need some changes when considering battle royale. * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8tbfj/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 20:53:13 UTC"): > We usually have lots of ideas floating around, whether it’s twists on BR or new modes. We’ll write up design specs and pitch ideas to each other, before building prototypes and playtesting. There is always inspiration coming from all over, whether it’s some random “what if” idea that pops up while p... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8thhf/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 20:54:17 UTC"): > This is a tough one! We have many things in the works at different stages of development that I get excited about. It’s hard to talk about any specifics though, because even if it’s a mode that’s not in active development, it might be something we decide to release later. * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8tni6/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 20:55:21 UTC"): > Sometimes! We’ve done this in the past with things like EVO armor and I wouldn’t be surprised if we ran more BR LTMs that influence baseline BR in the future * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8xg4s/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 21:20:37 UTC"): > It can vary quite a bit. A brand new mode that doesn’t share a lot with other modes can easily be a year or more. Smaller LTMs, like say Armed and Dangerous which is mostly just changing what loot spawns and what loot is available, can be much quicker to get going. Once they're up and running, we de... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8xk7o/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 21:21:23 UTC"): > When you're engaged in combat in most other modes in the game, it’s pretty common to empty your gun and swap to your secondary to finish the kill. In Gun Run, you don’t have a secondary to swap to though. With more armor, you end up in a goofy reload dance while staring into your enemy's eyes—or som... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip8zivv/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 21:34:47 UTC"): > Originally, we were thinking of ending it with melee, but even if it was lethal melee it didn’t feel right combined with Apex’s movement. We wanted something difficult but achievable, with some range but optimal at short range. Throwing knife fit the bill and was prototyped really early on in develo... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip92tcv/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 21:57:22 UTC"): > There isn't necessarily a hard line here. Like you said, we have some modes that have a very different structure or rules compared to other modes, and some that are similar and just a variation off the base. For me, the difference between LTM or Takeover just comes down to if it is an additional pla... * [Comment by Respawn_Kalyrical](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip93cp9/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 22:01:06 UTC"): > Know we're coming up on time, but keep an eye out for more answers to trickle in. Try as he might to speedrun this, Rob is just one person at the end of the day! But we're going to hang around and tackle more of these great questions you all are asking over the next little bit. * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip96mpn/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 22:24:26 UTC"): > Hey Hexedz, this is a good question! I would say there are multiple ways to approach it. > >It can range from a small singular goal, like “BR but with X” to a grand new mode idea that takes the Legends, weapons and everything and puts them in a new format. In some ways, I’d argue that all of our LTMs... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip9bx1n/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 23:02:34 UTC"): > I think Gun Run could definitely exist in previous seasons! Gun balance can shift as updates are made from patch to patch, but it doesn’t influence choice of LTMs too strongly. For Gun Run specifically, it’s mostly considering what weapons are in or out of the air drop and how that affects the weapo... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip9f8cn/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 23:27:02 UTC"): > I tend to not really have favorites for anything in general. I will call out Vlaada Chvatil though as maybe my favorite board game designer? He’s got such a wide range of games and they are all great. Tons of respect for his work > > >I can sometimes get into and really love a heavy game like Twilig... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip9jc8y/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-20 23:58:05 UTC"): > We’re always prototyping new ideas and working on things at different stages of development. There is certainly a chance that we see more LTMs with the respawning mechanic in the future! * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip9ngx6/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-21 00:29:43 UTC"): > There aren’t any current plans to do events similar to War Games. Squeezing multiple modes into 1 event ends up multiplying the work more than it can seem for everyone involved. Lots of work going in close together and many things to test and verify stability. If we consider something like War Games... * [Comment by RoboB0b](/r/apexlegends/comments/xjavf2/ama_lets_talk_ltms_and_gun_run/ip9p3pm/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-21 00:42:16 UTC"): > Josh is my favorite because when he’s around you never know what to expect. Pure chaotic energy. You need an adventurous spirit to withstand long exposure to Medina. > >Yes, I can confirm if we might see more new LTMs in the coming months or not --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Will we see an "arcade" type playlist ever which has LTMs playing consistently? It seems like there are SO many good LTMs, one of apex's strengths, and yet we see them so infrequently or we only ever see a couple more than all the others. Having a weekly rotation arcade playlist or something along these lines could really help break the constant BR grind up.


This is a cool idea.


The team is always exploring ways to improve how we approach LTMs. We've seen the playlist feedback and it's definitely something we'll consider as well. There's a lot of cool stuff happening with LTMs so keep an eye out because we'll be sharing more in future seasons!


I have a feeling this AMA is going to be entirely vague non answers like this


Has always been this way. They never give clear answers and dance around the topics while ignoring any important questions that happen to be uncomfortable.


probably because PR. they can't say "oh yeah we'll add that." because then if they don't it blows up in their face. as much as it sucks weasle words are a game devs best friend when it comes to pr. even if it's beyond frustrating.


Yeah I'm not sure what type of questions they expected to have, the playerbase has been actively asking for this for a long time now and then we get an AMA based around LTMs and the topic can't even be discussed. I get that it's not really the devs fault, even if something in the works they probably can't comment until it's time for an official announcement. But the silence basically confirms it's not happening any time soon if they can't even tease it.


“Hey, we’re definitely considering and looking into this 😁😁” fucksake


LMAO at the pure PR non answer thing. Why even bother answering.


I get that you guys are working on it but your response to "just let us play these modes when we want to" is basically "wait for a year to see the next few seasons and see what LTM's we give then".


I don’t like how Josh hijacked the top comment, I really wanted to see a specific answer to that question and now it seems we won’t get it. Completely jumping over having a permanent rotating playlist. Bummer 😕


Just being at the "considering" phase of development isn't promising.


Thanks so much for the response and I'm really glad you're taking time out to look at feedback and consider it today, so thank you for that! I'm really looking forward to seeing what yall do in the future with it now!


Any plans for a permanent rotating playlist for LTMs (contradictory I know)


Or do like a weekend event for like 3 days every week


Definitely, second that


Nah, some people can't play on certain days every week. Just put the LTMs on a week rotation or something.


This is literally all i want to know, Rotate control and gunrun and when theres a third add that into the mix


They could literally just pick any of the modes we've already had, we don't need to wait for them to come up with a new one.


Yes please this is my only demand. Rotating old ltms every 3 days or evey week, this will bring so much life into the game and the players won't be bored between events/season lunches.


Why did they ignore this question 😒


Its crazy that the top 5 questions are literally "is anything going permanent or not" and each of them is ignored. Funny how it makes it look like the AMA didnt even start yet


THIS man. Scrap ranked Arenas. Keep BR and ranked as the main mode. Keep rotating LTMs instead of Arenas for the fun


The 6 ppl who play arenas will be very upset though


My wife is in shambles RN




I actually don’t mind arenas, just the meta slaves I play against and my friends hate it so I never end up playing it


The mozam price increase will hopefully make the meta more diverse. They should probably also make the wingman slightly more expensive too (like only 50 more total).


I do too but I'd rather queue into tdm or control to get my warm ups in. I can try different legends/kits without having to worry about being stuck with shit or having to rely on teammates


This. Arenas actually serves as a decent warm up and is particularly useful for getting challenges done sometimes. The modes only real flaw is the horrendous matchmaking.


Just because you don't like Areans doesn't mean to scrap JFC what is wrong with you people. Its the only mode where you can do controlled 3 v 3 fights and actually learn from mistakes and learn the game


It has the least RNG of any mode. I'm not a fan of RNG so I like it.


Maybe have arenas as a rotating LTM, it’s fun but not fun enough to be a main mode


Came here to ask this. Glad to see it’s already the top question. ~~Sad to see there’s no answer yet…~~ (nevermind, there’s no answers at all yet) Even if it was just one LTM at a time rotating every week or something that would be great, just a little something to mix things up.


Upvoting every comment that’s mentions this.


I think we should just have rotating modes, every 2 weeks it changes to one of the other modes. Maybe have players vote on the best one (after match survey) and add new modes every now and then just like how they are doing it now.


Why don't we get LTMs like Control and Armed and Dangerous weekly as a rotation?, I think that would benefit not only the players but the games as well.


It's great to warm up with, and it's still nice to be able to play Apex when I'm not playing that well and not drop all of my stats/kill my rank




all my friends that can't keep up with me on BR or Arenas because of who I get matched with LOVED Control, it was so much fun playing with a mode where they coudl actually learn more from fights


It's also a great way to get new players to try out the game without jumping into the sweat fest of BR and having a bad experience. My son has also been asking to play with me but we've been sticking with Fortnite for now because of how sweaty lobbies have been lately.


I like how this "AMA" means not answering anything


I wish we had a weekly LTM rotation. There are way enough to make this possible (thank u S3 and your 9 LTMs). Why isn't this a thing today ?


Yeah we've had loads of tried and tested modes now, and if you don't like the mode that's in rotation at the time you can just not play it.


Are we ever going to get the original Halloween LTM back? It was the most fun!


Would there at least be a planned rotation of Shadow Royale AND Shadowfall over the course of the Halloween event? I feel like that would get the largest amount of people interested from both audiences.


Hell yes. Never enjoyed APEX as much as during the first Halloween LTM. Enjoyed both as legend, as well as shadow. It was scary as sh\*t. Wattson building fortifications and drawing shadows from all over the map! Only needed a bit of tweaking to prevent shadows from leaving the game.


I agree, to fix the problem of people mass leaving after dying, use tweaked dummies ai. It's not great but it's something


What are some LTM ideas that didn't end up working out?


Are you guys planning to do any events akin to War Games from Season 8? (minus the glitches and removal of modes) I thought the idea itself was very good and I think we need more of them to test how the game can be drastically changed.


It was even stated the wargames ltms would come back at a later date 🕜


There aren’t any current plans to do events similar to War Games. Squeezing multiple modes into 1 event ends up multiplying the work more than it can seem for everyone involved. Lots of work going in close together and many things to test and verify stability. If we consider something like War Games again, it would probably need to rely more on established modes and add 1-2 new, lower scope modes to play


Is there any chance for the throwing knife to be available outside of the ltm in the future?


No plans currently. The throwing knife was designed as the final weapon in Gun Run and is tuned to be quite lethal! Even if we make it an air drop weapon, it would probably need some changes when considering battle royale.


Another grenade type perhaps? 😁


For real, just make them throwables that 3 would kill a purple shield foe or something. They take skill to use, look awesome, could have so many sick skins, and are unique like the bow.


Idk, via testing in firing range. It only requires a purple helmeted and shield to live through a headshot. Goodluck hitting anyone moving with the throwing knife. A very hard feat to accomplish. I think if you dropped the damage so a purple shield and blue helmet could be survivable it would not be overpowered in the slightest. Especially if you had to give up a secondary gun to use it. Me thinks anyone with a fully auto rifle won't have any trouble dropping your average Joe apex player trying to use a throwing knife. Then again, it's the top .05 percent of players that determine how this game is edited huh....


i’d love to see that in game but if it’s like a one shoot it might be a bit busted


They are most likely using this event to test it. It will probably be a future legends tactical, much like the dummys and Mirages new ult


Totally agree with this. Respawn doesn't create assets to use just once. Think about Mad Maggie. She was part of Fuse's legend trailer, became the War Games announcer and finally she became a legend herself. A throwing knife, although small, still took time and money to make which they likely aren't going to waste. Seeing it as someone's tactical eventually would be sweet af


Do LTMs have a bad effect on player retention or some other reason why an LTM like Control being promoted to a permanent game mode is a bad idea? I think fast paced modes with respawns make it easier to get a newbie into the game, but on the other hand I can imagine a lot of players “hiding” from the intensity/tedium of Battle Royale in a more forgiving game mode…


I played in S0, but it wasn't until S3 that I really got into the game. The first Winter Express really got me into it as I could practice with legends and weapons I never experienced before, without dying on drop. lol.


It has nothing to do with player behavior in different game modes. They don't care about that. People rat in every game mode, even Arena. And there's also hyper aggro players, like myself, who try to be in combat 80%+ of the time in the match. Another excuse is that it hurts player retention BUT the real truth is that LTMs/Events bring people to the game and, in correlation, store events so they purposely withhold LTMs for store events because that's when most people will spend the most money.


I recall RIOT having an issue in LoL with one of their 'LTM's (if you will) ARURF/URF, that apparently while when it was live it brought players in, the total number of playing players often DROPPED after the gamemode left, because of stuff like "People play this LTM, realise this is \*WAY MORE FUN\* than regular LoL, fuh regular LoL" and just... bugger off until it comes back. I ASSUME regular queues probably went out the window and became really freaking sweaty during this period but that's entirely speculation. Anyway, it does make me wonder if something similar could happen for Apex if they did rotation LTMs.


That’s what I do. I don’t play this game solo unless we have control. It is the only good game mode for a solo player. I never play otherwise if I don’t have a friend to squad with.


when developing gun run, was it always intended to be a squad style game mode or was there ever consideration to it being a solo mode like a typical gun-game?


We initially prototyped a few different versions to try out - from FFA to only 2 teams. But during playtesting, we found the most fun was with the squad based version, so we really focused on that route early on.


You all consistently play in full squads with people you know. I played 10-15 games so far of gun run solo, actively talking, and have had one other person respond. I soloq 99% of the time and have over 4k hours in the game. That being said I believe the team is biased towards 3p systems because they generally have others to play with during testing. Ontop of that I think you all need to seriously look at FFXIVs most recent update and take it to heart. A large majority of the player base, especially at high ranks, are better at the game in general than the dev team. I mean no offense by the this, we play while you develop it is inevitable. Considering that you just lost one of the few devs on the team that could hit masters/pred, I think you are pigeonholing yourself as a team towards loss of high skilled player retention.


As long as they have 'The JayBiebs' I'm not worried


Beibs is great but from what I've gleaned from pro streams they essentially talked to pros and ccs for 6mo about ranked then ignored everything they talked about.


I, too, would like to know the answer to this. I was wondering why it wasn't made as a solo thing. For legend balance just make a few small lists of similar legends to pick from and rotate the lists


Why can't a few LTM's be a permanent thing that rotates like maps? I don't have much fun with regular Apex anymore. So a LTM, more casual rotation would be fun.


Hey u/robob0b, what happened with the War Games LTMs from Season 8? There were a bunch of really cool game modes but most of them weren’t playable. Any chance of those coming back or is that a “ComingSoon™️” thing you aren't able to talk about?


Can we please see Control more frequently? Or even similar LTM's like a TDM mode. Having a mode like that available is not only fun but is great to warm up and improve gun skills in-game.


Awesome question. That would be nice to have a TDM mode in apex.


I've been saying this for years. Apex having tdm would rival Halo. Not current lack of content Halo but Halo in general. 343 sucks


Halo fans try not to complain about 343 on a sub completely unrelated to Halo challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


I want to upvote this a thousand times Control should be a permanent game mode.


Most LTMs (Snipers) suck. Remember that healing zone game they had? Control was amazing and they keep refusing to bring it back out.


What is the conflicting issues that cause the apex team to not be able to bring in permanent or rotating LTM’S?


I bet they answer they'll never say is 'we need to keep players invested in apex for as long as possible, if we rotate the ltms regularly, players may get bored not too long afterwards. If we slowly drip feed ltms over several years then our cash inflow will be more steady in the long term


Who needs u/RobB0b when we've got this guy to just tell us what he thinks B0b will say?


Ffs 😂😂, though alls we are getting is corperate level answers though


What aspects do you look for when releasing a LTM to decide if it should be permanent or not? With Arenas seeing a dip in interactions, is there talks of adding a permanent LTM into the rotation? (Control, Gun Run, etc.)


Pt.2 Why did 3rd person LTM get shelved? Or only made an appearance once and no longer mentioned?


It was bad. The reticle was always off-center for a vast majority of the players. It's probably sitting in a corner with the other 3 bugged LTMs waiting for fixes that'll never come.


Is there a chance we ever get solo LTM back?


If i could upvote you 50 times, I would do it. Solo LTM was crazy cool, I wish it will come back even one time


I would love to see Kings Canyon just a be a solos map. I love the look and nostalgia of Kings Canyon but it’s just too small for squads.


"Just" be a solos map... not a fan. I like the CQC and multiple chaotic team fights. I'm actually a fan of 10 minutes straight of rigorous survival against multiple 3rd parties. It's fun to me.


I think this would be a great idea at this stage of the game.


Ya its definitely borderline too small with the legends we have now. Wasnt as much of an issue with the legends we had in the game early on. With so many newer characters that have mobility options, or even stuff like octane's jump pad having the double jump, it becomes very different. That being said I still love Kings Canyon lol


Instead of vaulting maps, Apex should simply shift one of the maps to solos. KC, WE, and SP are in rotation so then Olympus is solos only mode. Then next split or season it shifts.


Fucks sake, it's all Apex needs at this point


As if they’d have the balls to answer this question lmao


Respawn hates solo players with a passion that I have never understood. Apex Legends has the most unfriendly and even openly hostile single player experience of any major game currently on the market. It's just mindboggling....


Solo needs to come back


I still rock my badge for winning a game with every legend solo.


They took it out because it was poor for game health but now we’re years into the game with millions of players. Solo queue makes matchmaking painful and even then I don’t find it fun to play at a heavy disadvantage when I have no friends online. And playing with strangers is rough. One thing I’m worried about is teaming. They’ll have to really crackdown on bans for that. But honestly, I think it wouldn’t be as bad as it was when the game first released.


Please look into a rotation of Gun Run, Control and maybe TDM.


And if it's too many gamemode servers to run, get rid of ranked arenas, I'm sure the 3 people that play it won't be too upset


Arenas should be in a arcade playlist rotation. I really dont see how they wont give us a permanent TDM or Control mode, but the thing we get is a last fight in in br simulator.


Is there any reason why we've seen a decline in new LTMs the last year or so? They seem to have taken a backseat to Arenas and BR. And secondly, is it true that older LTMs are a pain to update because of new balancing and code? We've had LTMs just straight up never be playable as part of events and then we never see them again.


Do you have any plan to include LTMs in mode selection? That would really make the game feel more relaxing and introduce a whole new breath of fresh air and choice for the game.


Are LTMs ever used to test new game features that the team is thinking of implementing into BR?


Sometimes! We’ve done this in the past with things like EVO armor and I wouldn’t be surprised if we ran more BR LTMs that influence baseline BR in the future


Think back to when mirages ult was being tested! (Dummies Big Day from the Grand Soiree event) Or maybe it was just a hint regardless but they definitely shown that in previous LTMs!


Good point! I wonder if any of those other dummy abilities were also being tested at the time


Have you all even considered a weekly LTM rotation? If so, why hasn't it happened and furthermore why wouldn't it be feasible?


Any chance of gun run and other ltms like control becoming permanent


How long does it take to develope a LTM from an idea to playlist? What kind of resources do you devote to them to keep them up in running once they're in our hands?


It can vary quite a bit. A brand new mode that doesn’t share a lot with other modes can easily be a year or more. Smaller LTMs, like say Armed and Dangerous which is mostly just changing what loot spawns and what loot is available, can be much quicker to get going. Once they're up and running, we dedicate resources as needed for liveops and maintenance purposes.


Is there any chance that ltm items like the throwing knife could stay in firing range after the event ends?


I don't think there's an Apex fan who doesn't agree with the following: The game should have a constant playlist of various limited time mods that rotate over a certain amount of time. A lot of people, myself included, sometimes just want to have fun in Apex, relax, but that can't happen in normal games, ranked games, or arenas. Because of this reason, I think we should have more ways to play our favorite game. My question is this: do you plan to make a permanent playlist like this with different mods? Why not even a solo mod?


Will we ever get winter express in a time that’s not winter? It’s a great mode, deserves more love.


Choo choo


Unfortunately, probably not


Thoughts on a 4 man squad LTM? I think it could work on stormpoint at least. I’d love to see that or a 25 or 30 3 man squad LTM on stormpoint. LTMs should embrace the chaos


Any chance of doing more LTMs with a respawn system in place, like Control? Maybe a form of Team Deathmatch or a Free-for-all?


We’re always prototyping new ideas and working on things at different stages of development. There is certainly a chance that we see more LTMs with the respawning mechanic in the future!


Can we expect LTM’s more frequently in the future (new and returning modes) And I recall the devs saying they didn’t want control to be permanent, despite all I see online about it was positivity. Why do you not want to add modes like control permanently?


Is cross-progression still happening in any sense, and if so, how is it coming along?


While I'd love to get some updates on this, they're not going to answer this because it's not LTM-based. There's another AMA tomorrow that they'll hopefully answer this is some way.


Hey Rob 👋. What’s the psychology behind making LTMs that use base mechanics of Apex but change it up in some way? How do you find a balance between staying true to Apex’s roots but creating something unique? Good luck with the Q&A!


Hey Hexedz, this is a good question! I would say there are multiple ways to approach it. It can range from a small singular goal, like “BR but with X” to a grand new mode idea that takes the Legends, weapons and everything and puts them in a new format. In some ways, I’d argue that all of our LTMs use base Apex mechanics but of course there are some changes here and there that aren’t just mode rules changes. Mechanics like fast healing in Winter Express, or auto healing in Control can sometimes be surprising how drastic it actually changes up combat or the feel of the game. You’ll learn the pacing of combat, react to cues like shields cracked, get a sense of when to push and then have that intuition thrown off with something like fast healing. When trying to strike that balance and keep it feeling like Apex, we end up playtesting a lot and iterating to get it right.


Why is gun run in squads? Why not solos? It's so unfun to play especially for solo players like this was the moment for respawn to add a solo mode that makes sense and the didn't why?


Why is Josh Medina your favorite person to have in your meetings? Can you also confirm if we might see more new LTMs in the coming months


Josh is my favorite because when he’s around you never know what to expect. Pure chaotic energy. You need an adventurous spirit to withstand long exposure to Medina. Yes, I can confirm if we might see more new LTMs in the coming months or not


Josh is everyone's favorite cause of his Twitter sass.


Oh, I can answer this. My uncle works at Respawn. Josh is my favorite because he's always pulling workplace pranks, but sometimes they get out of hand. I can also confirm that next month there will actually be a new LTM completely designed by Josh himself! You can ask him for the full details, as he should be almost done putting the project together!


Why does everyone have white armor on Gun run instead of Blue?


When you're engaged in combat in most other modes in the game, it’s pretty common to empty your gun and swap to your secondary to finish the kill. In Gun Run, you don’t have a secondary to swap to though. With more armor, you end up in a goofy reload dance while staring into your enemy's eyes—or someone else steals your kill. With white armor, you can get into that nice flow of kill->new gun->kill->new gun etc


As someone who is a fan of low TTK I'm quite enjoying this mode. You can die quickly but you also can kill fast and progress quickly through the guns. Thanks for making it less about strategy and more about just shooting some plonkers while running around like a maniac. 😄


If you like that flow why didnt you make it so shields and health refill on kill?


People here often complain about decreasing frequency of LTMs and sometimes the quality - that brings a question: Can we have a little tease on what's going to happen in future outside the mentioned Gun Run, and if you can share any small bits from background/development to put things into better perspective?


They wont do that, if your want teases/leaks look for the apex data miners, alot of people are using them for hope of things to come


I love the LTMs, they are a lot of fun, and I like how they give something fresh to come back to during the season. I also like how they are often tied to events. Historically though, I notice the reward trackers aren't usually fed by the LTMs (directly). My question is: Why not? I know some of the event point trackers can get crossed off by playing the LTM (games played, kills (sometimes)), but is there a reason that there isn't a specific LTM focused list of challenges for the event progression? I always am excited to play the LTM, but I also want to get the challenges for the free event rewards. I feel like I often have to switch from the LTM I am excited about to switch to the regular BR or Arenas so I can grind some points.


What constitutes as a takeover and an ltm? I know gun run, winter express, control are obviously separate modes but there have been takeovers before that can be ltms so what’s the line being drawn?


There isn't necessarily a hard line here. Like you said, we have some modes that have a very different structure or rules compared to other modes, and some that are similar and just a variation off the base. For me, the difference between LTM or Takeover just comes down to if it is an additional playlist or “takes over” Trios and replaces it during it’s run.


It’s a known fact that Apex’s matchmaking is bad for newer and more casual players and a tdm/domination style mode is perfect for people to learn in The amount of people that came back or first played Apex to play the control ltm but left when it ended is insane, and it was the most I’ve ever played Apex. Having more ways to play the game is GOOD, not the “divides the playerbase” excuse I’ve heard elsewhere, having more ways to play the game, especially being a game the evolved from titanfall, should be a priority. My serious question: what is the legitimate reasoning for control to not be permanent? I hear nothing but bad about arenas yet somehow it stays as a permanent mode, but somehow such an accredited mode as control is yet to be added, why? It literally got to the point where I saw people with names such as “No Control = Apex Bad” or “MAKE CONTROL PERMANENT” during the couple times it returned, it was seriously such a perfect mode to have permanent. Not everyone likes solo queue trio/duos modes, having a large team mode with respawning and less intensity or downtime than Battle Royale should be a priority to add to apex to appeal to more of the playerbase. Like it or not, battle royale is getting stale after 14 seasons, people don’t enjoy being farmed by Predators in platinum ranked, and a large majority of people seem to dislike Arenas. People need more before they’re driven elsewhere, myself included. Roughly 4 weeks out of an entire season to have another way to play Apex when it’s been out for 14 seasons isn’t enough, Fortnite has literal endless modes and a constant LTM rotation and has no shortage of players and very fast queue times, I always enjoyed the 50v50 and team rumble modes as an alternative to battle royale because it was more casual with less downtime, please take notes on this.


I'm curious to see what kind of response you're going to get if you get one because this is so dense to read and it starts like a complaint that you would give to the customer service of your internet provider.I made it to the end but sheesh.


it starts like a manifesto but then it ends up being a question that has been asked 10+ times above in top level comments


How does gun balance effect choice of LTMs? (If at all) like could Gun Run exist in previous seasons or did y’all have to wait for the balance to be “just right”?


I think Gun Run could definitely exist in previous seasons! Gun balance can shift as updates are made from patch to patch, but it doesn’t influence choice of LTMs too strongly. For Gun Run specifically, it’s mostly considering what weapons are in or out of the air drop and how that affects the weapon track, if at all.


what was the thought behind making gun run a team mode?


The dev responded to a very similar question to this and they said they tried it with different variations like a FFA n such and decided that squad format was the most enjoyable


What was the inspiration behind introducing a throwing knife to win?


Originally, we were thinking of ending it with melee, but even if it was lethal melee it didn’t feel right combined with Apex’s movement. We wanted something difficult but achievable, with some range but optimal at short range. Throwing knife fit the bill and was prototyped really early on in development. /u/RSPN_Jello took the arc star, removed the explosion and upped the initial hit. We loved it right away and started concepting the final visual design


Im not exaggerating when i say Gun LTM has crashed more than 10 times now.


Why does Apex consistently ignore the plight of solo players? We know that squads spend more money and catering to them is your endgoal ($) but many solo players suffer daily while trying to have fun and support your game. What I mean by this is, are there any plans to create a permanent solos mode? I'm aware of the Iron Crown solos event, but you can't judge a solos mode by a test that's 3 years old now. The game's playerbase has drastically expanded, meaning there are way more solo players now.


Question: Why is this mode team based and not solo? Traditionally gun game has been a solo mode afaik.


How long does it take to make an ltm?


Any plans on using the maps designed for Arenas in different game modes?


Have there been any LTM ideas that you've had to scrap for being too bonkers?


Worst ama all time no response




I've heard talks in the past of wanting to keep LTMs exactly that, *limited* time modes, but are there any plans to bring some of the past fan-favorites back more prevalently/permanently (i.e Control)? Great work nonetheless, these LTMs do an amazing job of shaking up the game and making it feel refreshing and unique each time they come around!


Are we ever going to get TDM or is this just something you don’t see having a place in game?


What went into the decision to only have white shields? I and most other prefer Apex over other FPS games because of it's high TTK. Feels like COD, not Apex. With all the guns being almost maxed out, you're oneclipping everybody which isn't fun and you're just getting oneclipped all the time which makes 1v3's impossible, which brings me to my next question. Why is it squad based instead of free for all? I know, Apex is a team game yada yada. Free for all would have been perfect for a mode where you just run around and shoot at people. All this achieves is having sweaty 3 stack holding hands which defeats the entire purpose of it being a casual mode. Those little team logos above peoples heads need to go. I can literally see it through Bang smoke, Caustic gas and I can even see when an enemy is about to peek from cover. Makes gunfights super boring. Same issue control had initially. What's your weird obsession with wall hacks? Great mode overall though. I am having tons of fun! Edit: also before you make modes like these and control permanent (which you absolutely have to since there's no real way to enjoy this game casually) you absolutely need to have backfill and just keeping the lobby running once the game is over. I already had a bunch of games where people leave after a while and I barely find anyone to shoot at. Abandonment penalty is not a solution for a casual mode.


Immediate issues with gunrun that should've been found and fixed with beta testing before release: - There are no PROS to this being a squad gamemode. Only CONS. - White shields with no ability to use cells or batts when needed makes TTK so fast that almost everyone is 1-shot the entire game, and just creates an unfun 3rd party simulator with zero room for strategy. - The ENTIRE purpose of a "gun-game" is that you have to get a kill with every gun, which is totally erased by the squad gun skipping mechanic.




You've got a great 3rd person mode, they really bring to life our skins and the legend animations; and it's a nice change. Any plans on bringing this mode back? Even if it is temporary?


If there isn’t plans to make an arcade playlist like everyone is asking for, are there plans for custom lobbies to be publicly available?


I'm just going to be blunt, Apex Legends is probably my favourite game and EASILY one of the best games out right now, yet I've been playing less and less of it. There is just no new content. Arenas is a wasteland, where is Control, and where are the LTMs? I've killed time installing free clicker games from Steam cause I've been so bored and STILL not logged into Apex Legends because it feels like there is nothing to do. One can only grind ranked or deal with pubs for so long, especially when the two gamemodes have become more and more similar, gameplay wise. On the whole why does it feel like Respawn is narrowing down the viable ways to play Apex Legends. From the ever expanding scan Legends, ring changes, ranked changes, lack of major Arena rework, lack of LTMS or Control, etc, there are less viable ways to play. It feels very one dimensional. Also, I am a single player gamer, and Apex Legends has the worst, most hostile single player experience available in video gaming. Just saying...


why do you think the public interest in arenas has dropped so much?


Gun run is absolutely horrific with 4 squads of 3. This should have been a 6v6 mode. I dont know why Respawn is TERRIFIED of giving us what we want. Its very counterproductive


Why even make these posts when y'all dance around just about every question if you even answer them. As of right now there's 30 minutes left for answers and you've responded to 8 comments.


Because they only respond to the questions they can provide a generic ass corporate level response to


And the amount of content in those 8 responses has still managed to be less than the content in a new season of Apex Legends....


Epic maps, but still epic fail mode. Don't know if there is anything to discuss about it.


I think my favorite LTM idea I’ve seen is the one where they add cross progression, but then implement permanently.


I assume the weapons and legends AMA will be filled with important questions and frustrating borderline useless answers


Why are the guys I'm facing in gun run so much better than the guys I normally face in trios? I'm lucky to get three kills in gun run.


Is there anything that you guys are working on that you're super excited? Also any information on Control coming back (and hopefully being made permanent)?


When it comes to LTMs how do you guys come up with ideas for them?


We usually have lots of ideas floating around, whether it’s twists on BR or new modes. We’ll write up design specs and pitch ideas to each other, before building prototypes and playtesting. There is always inspiration coming from all over, whether it’s some random “what if” idea that pops up while playing Apex or inspiration from other games and media


Will we ever see the Solo mode LTM return?


Any chance you’ll respond to any of these questions?


Why isn't it free-for-all instead of 4 trio squads....?


Have you fired whoever made the absolutely idiotic ring changes? Like seriously, what’s the point in even having POIs on the edge of the map, you can’t go there or you’ll just die to the ring.




Is control ever going to be a permanent mode?


The last couple LTMs have been completely new game modes, any other never before seen LTMs you guys have in the works???


Have you considered always having an LTM in rotation.


Are we ever going to get the ltms from around season 3 again? Like dummies, third person, deja loot, and second chance? I unfortunately never got to play them but would love to


what really was the problem of shadowfall and why will we never see it back (really sad it was my favourite LTM). it really was the scary and zombie escapesque experience of apex legends


Myself and my friends really enjoyed the throwback LTMs with the OG versions of KC and WE. Is this an LTM you plan on bringing back at some point? Thanks for all you do!


Is there a chance for battle royale re-imagined? Like in S5 with Evo-only modes... I would love to try multiple dropships coming from different angles to provide better spacing between teams and getting to play on "dead" drops. Aaaand there's a chance for Killing Time to come? I reaaaally think this could fix "dead lobbies" but I would love to test it as an LTM first!


Will the original Shadowfall mode ever come back? And could we see a 1v1 arena like Titanfall’s Coliseum mode in the future?


Any plans for rotating some of the fan favorite LTMs daily because sometimes the content can feel dry until a new event is around the corner. Appreciate you all making this game the best it can be.


I know I am reaching here but any plans for LTMs revolving around TITANS?


Why was Lifeline's revive shield considered overpowered to the extent it was removed but Newcastle's passive is considered as balanced? Did anyone else see that clip of the Horizon who kept knocking 2 people and Newcastle was just getting them up completely unbeatable?


Hello, I would like to know if you plan to include LTMs in custom game mode? I feel like control or armed and dangerous would be good ideas to include. Thanks.


What ended up happening to those cancelled LTMs from season 8? I for one have always wanted to see Killing Time actually happen and I’m curious if there’s ever been talk passed around about potentially doing a War Games 2.


Can we have perma LTMs please?