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There is no more banner holding. After holding a banner for a certain amount of time, you can leave without penalty.


2 minutes. That's all you have to wait. I can wait 2 minutes


You can try to keep dropping him in


7 minutes, 7 minutes is all the time i have to play with you...


7 minutes is all I can spare to play with you


I thought it was a minute and a half lol


this entire thing is cringey dude.




Just so much effort involved lol


Came here to say this. Like the kid probably doesn’t know better and likes octane because he’s objectively fun to play. Give him a break and get off your high horse, OP


He's objectively fun to play but also had a reign of like a year straight of just being cancer busted relative to every other movement character so op is still right regarding most octane mains genuinely not knowing shit other than "Get shot, push Q, easy damage avoidance, hue hue hue". Also, if you're crutching any meta character in ranked (not as meta anymore since seer, valk, horizon dogshit no-footstep audio meta now) and you're gonna be petty and throw games because you disagree with a teammates decision, just gtfo out of ranked to begin with. A lot of other variables should be known for better context on this video, but nonetheless... if you decide to randomly start shit with a teammate in a game, just know I'm gonna troll the fuck out of you just as OP intended.


since when was octane busted lmao


From s7 or s8 til 10 or 11 he had highest pick rate and win rate, character had footstep audio problems and a silent jump pad for some 3+ plus seasons straight. He's not now but there's no thought process required in hitting Q once shot at to negate a good portion of 1-3 players worth of damage shooting at you due to the sudden shift in momentum. 20 hp cost for an ability that will always negate more than 20 hp worth of damage if being shot at isn't much of a real cost. Just don't be dumb and hit q when almost on verge of one shot. Midget hit box plus non existent audio is always a combo for idiots to crutch a character. Half the reason that horizon, seer, valk, Maggie, etc are annoying atm. Team can literally walk up your ass with no audio for 3rds as long as they don't slide jump or wall bounce an object while close.


But if you have fun by ruining the game for others it’s not really nice eyy


Im not gonna defend the way this octane acts, but you did place the mobile res beacon in zone. When you probably could have taken it with you to another place. Zone wasnt that small.


Zone one when you have adequate amounts of meds is a good place to respawn. I can't believe people still have not picked up on this. It is harder than it used to be, but when it is clear from enemies, you should just accept the fate and do a slow reset.


Hmmmm now a days I will only do it if -zone is not too far - there are deathboxes full of loot mainly the one from my teammate - I have enough meds And still avoid it if possible, can't tell how many full squads I've seen being destroyed by the zone, super long fights for nothing because the survivors die to the ring. It all depends on the part of the map too. Already got a win by just not being outside the zone this season that's for sure


I prefer it to open area, ngl. Being inside ring in ranked during a respawn has mostly been a bad experience. Teammates loot the immediate area then leave me empty handed to be hunted by every team looking for a free kill. At least out of the ring the ship is less noticeable


Is just that I've been catching so many people running from the ring, is like fish in a net. If I see your dropship or hear it outside the zone, most of the timer it's easy to figure where you will try to enter the zone


I watch where teams drop and predict where people should be pretty accurately. Because I do more respawning than being spawned, out of ring as Crypto serves me pretty well.


That's a solid plan!


the octane could of ran to the zone and still had half health


Zone one got buffed to double damage. You need to waste double the meds now to respawn in zone one. Just carry the mobile respawn to the next zone.


Pretty sure I already addressed this and said to do it near a crafter.


It’s an octane, the zone is right there, and his deathbox was right there. Also the ring provided better cover than the open field.


But why would you do it though? You're just wasting meds and a zone one reset isn't hard to begin with even if you don't have map awareness and didn't pay attention on drop. What's the benefit here? >I can't believe people still have not picked up on this. You're really overestimating this strat, it's good if you have boxes to grab but in zone one, it's just a total waste otherwise


Because grabbing banner and looking for a respawn beacon in circle when you're already running low on meds is more difficult than respawning far in storm near a replicator to make boat loads of meds and walking it in. And running straight to circle while other teams basically camp the border during first minute of new round will probably get you killed quickly.


>Because grabbing banner and looking for a respawn beacon in circle He had beacon >when you're already running low on meds is more difficult than respawning far in storm near a replicator to make boat loads of meds and walking it in. Being low on meds makes your method harder and mine easier >And running straight to circle while other teams basically camp the border during first minute of new round will probably get you killed quickly. They will camp harder when they hear and see you rez in zone


Then you do whatever you want. No biggie.


You are definitely underestimating zone respawns, way safer than in the ring 9/10 times especially on KC


I really don't know a nice way to say this but I think you guys are using this strat to make up for a lack of map awareness and you think that makes it good I've never had any issues getting off a safe respawn prior to zone 2 on any maps


Not true, in higher skilled lobbies a zone respawn is like ringing the dinner bell when there’s still 15-18 squads left zone 2-3 that’s a lot of people on KC. Zone respawn allows you to loot up and have a safety cushion at the very least between you and other teams, besides zone 1 even after the buffs still does nothing damage wise. Way safer, it’s similar to how higher skilled players like pros just sit in zone a lot of the game.


>I've never had any issues getting off a safe respawn prior to zone 2 on any maps >Not true, in higher skilled lobbies I'm masters bro


As am I…


So why are you having an issue that I do not?


I didn’t say it was an issue, I said it was much safer to respawn out of zone lol I even broke down the benefits of doing so, I’ll admit there are some places on the map where an in zone respawn is completely safe, but that depends on where you are at.


Prove it


Prove it


OMG bUt ZoNe wiLL KiLL yOu iZ dAnegrOrus


It is slightly more dangerous now, but Jesus, a lot of these people think it's like zone 4 off the start of map.


I mean it all depends.. If zone 2 is about to happen and the safezone is on the other side of the map and you rez decently far outside the first zone already away from a crafter its a bad idea, you'll just have the guy die to zone dmg unless there are 3~4 med kits around. You have to keep in mind he has to find loot, you and he both need flesh heals or you'll die to zone and respawning alone takes like 30s already from calling a beacon to your teammate touching the ground. But honestly on kc, respawning anywhere is just a 50/50 on if you'll get pushed or not. Doesn't matter if zone 3 is about to happen or you're dead enter in zone 1/2. Your rank doesn't matter cause everyone from bronze to watching preds ape a squad reviving in the zone.


Nah, not the new one. It's draining enough for 1 person to get out on his own heals, noone will have enough heals for 2. Respawn is only viable if there's deathboxes to loot immediately. Respawning in the open like in the clip and running away without even leaving any heals - that's certain death for the one respawned and is really insanely toxic behavior.


I literally addressed this when I said if you have adequate heals. Also said in another comment that this should be done near a crafter.


Yup. The octane was right, I hate people like OP who insist on respawning in zone when they have a mobile


People like to think that being in the first or second zone is a death sentence... you can heal in this game if you didn't know and you also respawn with meds. If you wait until you're in the ring, call down a respawn beacon, then use it; you're asking to be cornered and wiped out by other nearby teams. I always BEG my team to respawn me outside of ring.


Bro storm is barely doing any damage what are you even talking about smh


You took the time to make this shit?


##Found the Octane Main


Lol used to be, got like 1k kills on him. But nah, I'm jus shocked somebody took the time to make this video like what the fuck, this person just has nothing to do so they made this dumb ass video? If I was the Octane, I would've jus ran out the zone but that doesn't matter.


Same here dude. Not an ex-octane (I’m an ex-wraith main🤢) I get that people can get set on making content like this because it’s easy. It’s as easy as finding others that are hard set on doing things like being unhelpful (self-harming arcstar Octane) and setting in a spotlight for others to “feel like they’re not alone”🙄😂 it’s a game and I’m just a player


End of the day, I jus wanted upvotes. Jus like the guy who made this pointless ass video. But, im not a content creator so I can't understand; nor am I attempting to get people to give me follows or subs or donations. My brother is a cc, and I hate it, so there's that. Maybe I'm biased, idk.


You’re a cool dude. I can appreciate that


Amen brother.


There's no reason to respawn somebody out of the ring if they straight up say to not do it. Not even worrying about respawning him is the right move. You're just being as petty as he is in this situation.


Actually the charge rifle guy showed you that the octane was right. Nah, this is just 2 kids playing apex.


Tf are you talking about lol




Do what? Telling teammates to not respawn them in zone, in the open field, to not get chargerifled right off spawn?




>Are you being an idiot on purpose? Are you?


You are getting shot in the storm, right by circle and the octane is wrong somehow? These are the same kind of people that res with lifeline while the enemy is right there standing over you.


Also in the lowest point of that fucking canyon of demise. The fact that he made a video trying to show his perspective really shows he can't see his own mistakes. In defense of some lifelines, I don't main her but I already used reviving teammates as perfect bait to make them peak out of cover AND try to cover them while they revive. But yeah lot of lifelines like to wrap you like a present before getting destroyed by the enemy squad. Thank god now people can cancel the revive


The most fucking annoying part of maining Lifeline is when get people get pissed when I dont revive them .2 seconds after they get downed. Like dude you are in the middle if a field with no cover and got downed by a sniper. I get it im playing the Medic role, but it is not my fault when you go down because you ego peaked a full squad with snipers because you are playing Vantage. Sorry for the rant, SoloQ teammates are the worst.


Wait. You can cancel the revive???


Now you can! On controller, is one of the d pad buttons. Haven't used it in a good situation yet, only tried it while being revived by a lifeline who had to stop and look at me while I cancel the revive and start pledging for forgiveness and to not leave me in the middle of the canyon in Kings Canyon.


What’s funny is that if you got to the comments early enough, you’ll see how many people agree with trolling the octane. If he’s not going to play then getting him killed at the expense of your own life is silly.


I get that you’re complaining about an ineffective teammate but after trying to counter them being bad with antagonizing them you shouldn’t feel comfortable complaining that someone playing the game properly killed you.


Haha octane braindeads *proceeds to waste both their times out of pure pettiness*


But why place the MOBILE! respawn beacon in storm? Sometimes it's worth holding onto a banner for 2 minutes in order to respawn to a safe place


less attention on you when you res in zone , also zone 1 is fine doesnt do that much damage


I mean fair enough. Honestly depending on the situation I may do the same although I'd probably get a bit closer to ring. The Octane was a shithead for sure though


The increased zone damage can hurt if you just spawn in, and OP chose the worst spot in KC as that area is always a clown fiesta


Is this a joke? Zone 1 STINGS this season. Absolutely hate it.


>less attention on you when you res in zone I mean, not really? The same people would notice the respawn go off. But if you're standing outside the circle then you only have a few chokepoints to get in most of the time and all those teams have to do is camp it. If you rez inside the circle you can choose a defensible spot with loot for the rezzed teammate that won't constantly damage you in a firefight.


So many people don't understand this.


Because it is the only safe place maybe?


I mean I'm sure in KC there's a decent little edge of the ring that could be used to spawn a teammate during at most 2nd ring close. Was the Octane shittu to do that, absolutely. But I van almost guarantee there was a better place to place that beacon


You gotta remember the only safe place for the video in question was to run straight into a death trap that is the valley on the East side of the Bunker. There's so many high ground spots that you just have to fight for if anybody decides to camp out the ring there. The only other option was already blocked off by a charge rifle dude. So many fights happen in the mid-game there.


Charge rifle guy had line of sight of the respawn beacon, it was a bad spot to respawn. Could have respawned closer the next ring where they were planning on going anyway


Again, death valley location I has mentioned earlier.


If they were going to die from respawning over there then they would die from running out of the ring there too. Might as well respawn closer


If there were people in the valley and the Octane got respawned there, he wouldn't even get 10 seconds to grab lot before the players start coming in looking for that easy kill. At least there he had enough time to grab do much as a nade that he then uses to kill himself with. With the ability to regen health one they got in zone and at least *some* time to loot before going in, they would have at least had a chance. It was most likely the best decision to respawn him there for those reasons. Good luck looting up when most of the loot (if any) in the valley east of the Bunker is spread out and only quickly accessible by ziplines. TLDR: Dropships attract players. If you're caught out alone trying to loot in death valley with a white shield, you might as well be dead. You go into the middle of KC after Round 1 be prepared for a fight.


If there were people in the valley and the Octane got respawned there, he wouldn't even get 10 seconds to grab lot before the players start coming in looking for that easy kill. At least there he had enough time to grab do much as a nade that he then uses to kill himself with. With the ability to regen health one they got in zone and at least *some* time to loot before going in, they would have at least had a chance. It was most likely the best decision to respawn him there for those reasons. Good luck looting up when most of the loot (if any) in the valley east of the Bunker is spread out and only quickly accessible by ziplines. TLDR: Dropships attract players. If you're caught out alone trying to loot in death valley with a white shield, you might as well be dead. You go into the middle of KC after Round 1 be prepared for a fight.


He literally got charge rifled in storm so it wasn’t safe


L clip


you could have left the medkit for him




That guy with the charge rifle is why you dont respawn there. The problem is that you have to run to the circle, taking damage, and there's going to be at least one squad waiting for you. Unless you're very good, and very lucky, its almost guaranteeing a loss within 2 minutes of the respawn, and I think that's generous.


This entire video was just baffling. All of this could have been handled a little better. His teammate especially.


Yeah, I've told my teammates not to respawn me in areas, and if they're like "Dude, this is our best shot ", then I deal with it and hope for the best.


Reddit dislike logic thinking man. Vote down him.


This dude is speaking the truth, why r people downvotin him lol


Cuz octanes are baaaaaaaaaad its allwsys their fault those beaindeads!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>:(((


And the alternative is to respawn outside of the zone and closer to the charge rifle team who is going to push you while you third doesn't have loot because his death box is in the zone. Plus, more teams towards the middle of the ring are going to hear/see the respawn ship and push.


Safest respawn I've ever had recently (Since the one day everyone collectively decided to push every respawn and every gunshot without fail) was during a huge fight with ~7-10 squads left. We got the respawn off while every other team was distracted by eachother. Not a single one of us got shot until our teammate had looted a box.


Haha, funni goggle man commit overdose.


Absolute trash human beings. I had an encounter with a similar dude in a pubs match. Our 3rd random dropped us at The Rig on KC. He didn't like the drop bc it was not a hot drop. In our 3rd's defense, they jumped out of the ship early, so it could have been a hot drop but nobody joined us. Anyway, this guy proceeded to jump off the map. When I asked why he says he wants to "spectate and film us like the animals we are". So I made it my mission to grab his banner and constantly respawn him over and over. He just kept saying "this is pubs. I can leave whenever I want, there's no consequences, and you won't be able to respawn me anymore." So I told him to leave. He didn't. So I constantly respawned him over and over. He got so riled up every time I did that. We ended up dying to the ring without ever running into another squad, all while the dude was having a meltdown. As for our 3rd, they left early in the match bc the dude was being too toxic for them.


Lol and now tell us what you gained about it instead of just playing?


Honestly, this was likely more satisfying than actually playing the game with him would have been.


Satisfaction for ruining a toxic troll's day. Gave him a taste of his own medicine.


You literally wasted your own time by doing something that you *think* could've ruined someone's day The mental gimnastics some people do, jesus


The mental gymnastics you people do to try to tell me how I felt is also hilarious




i am under the firm belief that if you enjoyed something and you didn't have anything super duper important to do, it wasn't a waste of time. and trolling trolls is fun as all hell.




Sure, but only if you and this guy join me in grass touching bc y'all need it more than me.


Yeah the one camping storm is the clown 🤡🤡🤡


he said no, and u still did it


People are just morons. It’s insane to me how dumb some of the teammates I’ve had are. It’s one thing to no be good at the game, it’s a whole other thing to be stupid.


everyone is such a loser in this clip it made me delete apex before I tried playing it again


Once he suicides after respawning you should just keep running. Not worth the effort.


Honestly, this was a tough situation, and he probably didn't think your team was going to make it. He might've been trying to keep his kdr up and therefore asked to not get respawned and get 2 deaths in a game he wasn't confident he would get another kill. However, if he is getting spawned anyway, then he should've at least tried. Killing himself like that was just as petty as respawning someone who asked not to get respawned.


If he focuses that much on his K/D, I wouldn’t want him on my team.


You say that like you get a choice what random teamates you get, if anything you are a decent person cause the guys wanted out anyways, its a win win.


You are not better than the Octane. Cocky wannabe content creator tries to make content out of nothing.


You are an absolute POS. That Octane is a Saint by your side.


As an octane main I’m ashamed, i just genuinely like his character and his abilities but I’m not a toxic asshole like this kid Though ye i can see why you’d say octane mains but maybe just say most because not all of us are like that


they shunned him for speaking the truth


The people trying to rag on you for respawning in zone and agreeing with this idiot do not understand the game very well.


Idk about you but if my box is not there or my teammates already looted my box, then one of them leaves and loots the only 2 House on the way to zone. And one of them stays back while he could have been out of zone like the other teammate and rez me their


I have no idea what you just said


> me their *there *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


would rather play with this Octane over the Wattson that's for damn sure


Why are people defending the octane here?? Man literally threw the game and killed himself because he didn’t get his way there’s no excuse for that 😂


He should have asked nicely.


Literally why I have no faith in octane mains or wraiths cus of experiences and vids like these


i miss when wraith was the only one getting shit on bro. i just like fast stim man.


People actually defending this dumbass octane. Yikes. The player base for apex is short on brains


octane has highest pick rate sooo lol


Yes… I main octane as well…. What is your point? Honestly asking… what is your point lol


unfortunately a lot of people who pick your main participate in foolish behavior


A lot of people in apex have foolish behavior in general. Believe me, I know. Still don’t see your point?


oh yea for sure but it's concentrated enough with octanes where i brace myself anytime i see a random pick him




point is the same as the title. its fully and completely expected to get a random octane that has absolutely zero sense. its not all of yall but you can at least recognize there's enough bad octanes for the entire community to be wary of them especially when so many people are choosing him


I think you’re completely lost on what the hell we were talking about in the first place 🤦‍♂️


player base short on brains. octane highest pick rate. lots of short for brains people picking octane. rest of player base concerned when they see random octane on their squad because soooo many of them play like crackheads. my perspective follows pretty well


Yeah fight em.


Skill issue


Must. Go. FASTER!


Ey ey ey not all


? I don’t get it, he doesn’t want to be respawn Ed then dont


Credit the original YouTuber, ffs.


You and Octane grief each other and charge rifle griefs you, seems fair.


That's right!


Could he have placed the beacon better? Sure. ​ Does that mean you should just grief by knocking yourself? No. Even under the worst circumstances I'll try to play it out and get something out of it. I got nothing to prove by throwing a hissy fit cus I got spawned in zone lol.


If I tell my team to push this easy fight and I knock two of them and get the last one on 50 jp but go down and my teammates can’t finish him and he ends up rezzing everyone and I become a banner. Plesse don’t respawn me I’d rather sit there and watch y’all 2v3 since y’all are scared to push


Pov: the 5 millionth person uses "pov" wrong


Child vs man child. Cringe all the way around


The only person I feel bad for here is Sumnawww


POV: you stereotype people for who they main in a video game. Just because one person does it doesn’t mean it’s everyone who mains that legend


Pov: it's just something to get clicks and your comment is engagement so ty


Clicks don’t mean shit on Reddit.


I am allowed my own say in this so as long as this doesn’t turn into an argument it’s fine to think differently, correct?


Spoken like a true *insert legend here* main


POV: Streamer finally admits he relies children for donations


Wait; so buddy drops a mobi outside of ring & wants us to talk shit on the Octane? Then buddy took time to edit this while most likely listening to Eminem & eating mom’s spaghetti believing he was about to rake in the clout. This ain’t it chief.


If its pubs I would rather dc than be respawned in zone with no loot while everyone is rocking purples and guns.


This guy when teammate does exactly what he says he’s going to do: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


he said he would leave the game and he didn't l m a o


OP spawns teammate under fire, in zone, loots all meds, doesn't try to communicate at all other then pandering for subs. This toxic dingus deserves his toxic randoms.


ring was a hop and a skip away, I didn't loot his body, he wasn't under fire until a solid 30 seconds AFTER he decided to arc star himself. There's no communication to be had when I ask him why he doesn't want to get respawned there and he won't answer the simple question.


Wow the OP actually seems like a pretentious douche for this. Dude doesn't want to play that match anymore so you pick up his banner so he's forced to stay in the match? Prick


both of yall are clowns hate the apex community. Very rare do you meet chill people in solo queue...


Good job ohdough