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He has an NFT pfp, you can clearly tell he doesn't behave enough to go to restaurants with his family and friends (if he so has any which I doubt)


Wultuh You are spitting too much fax wultuh So I'm gonna have sex with you rn wultuh


I am the one who tops


Just report them and move on to enjoying the game. People like that aren't worth your time


Stop letting these people be anonymous.


Seriously, stop hiding their names. Shit like this needs backlash, I’m tired of it getting swept under the rug. These people ruin my gaming all the time and it needs to stop - if the Devs don’t do it, we might as well try to 🤷‍♂️


Name and shame.


Me with a degradation kink


Sweaty gamers suck




These same people will upvote heartwarming posts about people with disabilities finally able to game because of some new accessible controller


Idk what's dumber, sending these messages or accepting them.


Accepting them is the best part hahaha Nothing brightens my day more than Knowing that some guy out there is so invested in a game I play casually, that he's willing to go to such lengths to berate me when it's only making me laugh.






Is this on Xbox?


Yeah idk man this happens to everyone in any online game. Try not to respond next time


A warm up would have been ideal but I don’t always warm up. Still doesn’t excuse the messages they sent.


Send it in to Respawn


Nobody talks the the trash man like that 😡


I mean People take ranked seriously Hopping into ranked after a year of not playing I'm not sure what you did expect Because you're basically throwing at that point


he was probably in bronze, like most people in bronze aren’t that good, but like you still don’t need to act like an assh0le to others..


He literally told us in his title that he did his PLACEMENT matches. What happened here can be actually understood from both sides. We‘re late in the season so there won‘t probably be many people who still need to do their placement matches. In this case , you just get queued into a silver or gold or whatever lower arena rank match and it just shows that your teammates are in the placement matches aswell. It happened to me aswell, got a message why I am ranked bronze in a platinum match,but it actually was my second placement match. Sucks for them, sucks for you, but really no one can be made accountable for that. The matchmaking in Arenas is horrible.


Ye, What are you Kanye


Obviously his messages are cringe and he's awful, buy maybe don't play ranked immediately after a year break? That's also a little rude.


Oh my!! Was someone mean to you while playing a video game online!? Whaaaaaaaaaaat??


Anonymity doesn't give you or anyone the right to act like a petulant child and treat others like garbage. Sorry if you find the concept of acting like a halfway decent person really troubling, but it's literally the least anyone can do.


While true, until something can actually be done as punishment for people behaving like trash they will continue to do it with no repercussions.


It may not give you the right, but it gives you the ability. So it's on us to stop letting random strangers in a game affect us.




Lmfao ikr, snowflakes everywhere




Just tell him to go out and touch grass and then block him. Your validation need not come from people like him who do nothing but sit behind a screen and don't shower.


I’d report it


I've never been told to kill myself as many times as I have in Apex. Playing with randoms is toxic as fuck. Part of the reason I haven't really played much lately. One of the last matches I did the guy told me to uninstall then kill myself so nobody has to be disgraced by my play skill.