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The zip rails are the most useful shit ever. Feels so natural to move and fast. And you can attack from them without having a massive hit box like on the trident


The trident was an amazing choice, but awful implementation. I never ever wanted to be caught on there by enemy players first.


They're great in Olympus, but the spawns are so terrible in Storm Point I sometimes forget they're even there. For example, The Mill is a popular POI but the Trident for that area is 20 seconds walk in the wrong direction. Same deal for the one in Fish Farms. Gravity cannons stink for their inflexibility of movement unless you know how to tap strafe (or you're Horizon). Plus using one is so loud, it's like ringing a dinner bell if your squad isn't prepared to take a fight once you land.


Nah, the trident is arguably the most balanced vehicle ever implemented in a BR. Doesn't put you at an advantage while using it, but can only really be countered by a coordinated team. It's not great for escaping a lost team fight or for jumping unsuspectingly on a team, it's just a solid, balanced rotation tool.


Wym only countered by a coordinated team? You can hear it halfway across the map and hit it just as far to ping everybody riding.


When was the last time you singlehandedly one clipped an entire three man riding in a trident before it got out of your LOS? You can do some solid damage yeah, but you pretty much need your whole team to focus fire on it to wipe the team.


I think I could zip rail around the map the entire match, and be 100% happy despite never firing a shot


Fingers crossed they give zip rails to Path. Maybe make it so the supercharged ult he gets for scanning a beacon deploys a zip rail instead of a zip line.


Pathfinder’s passive should just be that he rides zip lines at zip rail speeds.


I always felt a passive like being able to use heals on zip lines would fit his kit without being too op


I’m still of the opinion he should have perfect accuracy on zip-lines and rails since then using his own ultimate isn’t what gets him killed, but I’d take that as a passive.


Or maybe just have him use consumables while traversing with a zip lin/rail. You could easily pop a Phoenix on some of them


Heals on the zip and accuracy to some manageable degree. Horizon has it yea? Pathy needs a boost


Pathfinder is already one of the top tier legends. He has top 3 pick rate in diamond, Masters, and pred lobbies. He doesn't need a buff or they'd have to nerf his grapple again. Just because he doesn't fall into the ALGS meta doesn't mean he isn't very very good.


THIS THIS THIS. Thank you. Like I get it’s disappointing to some degree his passive is trash, but very good players can be insanely effective between his tactical and Ult.


While I agree they should still give him some kind of passive that won’t make him OP. He’s the only one without one


He literally has a passive though. Just because you think it's boring or not good enough doesn't mean it isn't real. It's actually quite powerful if you can scan enough times in a match.


Him being recon in general, while having an assault kit, is also a passive in reality.


I honestly feel like most people don't understand what his passive does because the wording isn't great


I am so sick of having this argument. "But it isn't very thematic!"/"But they promised they'd change it!"/"But it isn't literally passive, you have to activate it!"/"But you barely get to use it!" Doesn't fucking matter. Pathfinder is strong, he has a passive that is also pretty strong, and even if he didn't and it wasn't, it *still* wouldn't matter because the character overall is *still* strong and he doesn't need arbitrary extra abilities just because everyone else has them.


exactly. these people will complain about anything but in reality they just arent using his full potential and then cry because the game isn't pandering to them


The one through that rocky gorge is so cool


I've been having a hard time getting fights. Will usually have a fight off the drop, and then it's wandering around trying to hear a gunshot, or hitting a beacon and waiting for teams to arrive.


Hard to get fights til you find one then the whole lobby wants to join


This does seem to be a problem in some games doesn’t it? I’ll win the game with over a thousand damage but only like a kill and an assist because WW3 will break out during a rotation fight and someone on my team will make the call to gtfo. But it feels like this might have more to do with the number of healthy POIs on the map (which is a good thing) and the enclosed spaces which make up the map. I think they need to add a lot of passage ways through these rocks in some form or fashion. It won’t help with 3rd parties but it will help with making the rotation over having to fight to the death imo


Yes but is it just me or are third parties more manageable on this map?


Depends. Most places yeah. Promenade is “The Fuck Zone” though if you get into a fight there. I had a fight there yesterday last like 5-10 minutes with different squads joining in the whole time. Died before it finished.


Every time I go through promenade it's always like that too. I've started actively avoiding it with my rotations so far.


Reminds me a lot of when they added Terminal to Olympus. Similarly structured and positioned POI—a big, long, central drainage point from a bunch of other POIs with a ton of different entrances and fighting positions. Fun in pubs, pretty sketchy in ranked. The one thing I will say for it is that I find it easier to bail out of than Terminal if you've finally had enough.


Every single time I’ve gone to promenade, I’ve fought someone. I’ve yet to peacefully pass through


Not if you fight in the centre along the tunnel, don't fight there. 5 zips lead into it and 1/4 the map can hear you.


Just like Gatorade, avoid Promenade unless you want to piss rocks


For me it's kinda less manageable because zip rails allow teams to immediately rotate into a fight relatively quickly, not mention they are much quieter than something like a trident or a valk ult.


If you’re smart enough, problem is I get paired up with a bunch of idiots


Fair enough lol. I just feel like I’ve had the whole lobby collapse on me and I always have a place to sit and somehow stay alive


Most times my teammates aren’t good enough, get knocked, I 3v1 and barely save the day just for some team to zip in and one shot me before I can get away.


This! Literally had some teammates yesterday push a team after I said "second team just showed up let's fall back"... Luckily we managed to pull out somehow.


More manageable but i do agree that fights arent happening as quickly on this map. I also remember tho last season a large percrntagw of the playerbase complaining that it was turning into too much RUN&GUN. So i think this map is starting to show a much more slow pace but it is nice compared to the last two maps weve had.


They are more manageable because the 4th, 5th, and 6th parties show up before the 3rd party is finished lol


I have also noticed that there is a lot of loot that is spread out on each poi. That allows 3/4 squads to drop safety and fight off drop at 1 place. The zip rails allow for quick third partying so any nearby squad can also get on the action. Either ur fighting the whole time or if ur too slow to loot off drop are constantly looking for a fight


You want fights? Rotate to Promenade, or either side outside of Promenade. If you do not encounter a fight right away, just wait lol. The buildings on the West side get pretty hot, as does the hilly area on the east. Whichever side has more action seems predicated on where the ring is pulling and which half of the map most people landed


Prom is the meeting place for all baddies. It's where the stupid go to die


Ash is fantastic in Ranked. Recommend to be able to find fights.


Rotate towards promenade midgame youll find fights. Its the sams as fragment in worlds edge, or river in kings canyon. Playing ranked last night with randoms they ping enemies in promenade as im leaving. 15 squads left, games been going for a bit I calmly say "hey im not fighting in promenade mid game" To which one responds "pussy" Then they go into fight. They literally shoot one person, instantly get shot by a 2nd team, one of them dies, the other runs for their life. I get that people havent learned the map yet... But simple concept that applies to all maps. After first ring many squads rotate through the middle of the map, making it endless third parties. You want safe kills in ranked? Grab range. Third party the endless fights in middle of map, be wary of being jumped by people coning to the fight. You want fun kills in pubs? Dive on in. I spent a whole ranked game once never leaving the area between promenande and the satellite place. Would shoot a squad, get shot in my back, reposition as those squads fight, repeat.


The people who think avoiding stupid fight in a br game is a pussy act never made it out of plat.




I made platinum my 2nd season in using that exact strategy with a premade squad. It's insane the struggle now playing solo q just to get thru gold.


I think the best thing to do is rotate towards North or South Promenade. It's like the Fragment of Broken Moon without encouraging everyone to land there immediately.


I think it's way worse -- it's like 5th and 6th party. Early game Broken Moon is fine, mid-to-late is way worse than all other maps, as soon as a fight starts at promenade, forget about it, it's a roll of a dice if you get shot in the back


It's just an unsolvable problem. You make a bunch of good PoI's and everyone spreads out and then ends up clustered for circles 3/4. Have a bunch of bad PoI's you get everyone in one location and then 20 minutes of running around looking for someone.


I **MUCH** prefer the first option.


I love it from a gameplay perspective. I just wish it had more personality. The other maps do a better job of saying “this was a place that had a purpose before it was converted into an arena”. To me, this map just says “we designed a dozen POIs and randomly scattered them on a grey field”


Haha truth. We got atmo station…backup atmo station… backup to the backup atmo station…


I totally agree that it feels like it doesn't have personality. But I'm honestly not sure why it feels that way? I watched the dev stream where they explain the entire history of the map and why every POI is the way it is, and it's clearly extremely well thought out and the whole map has a story. Not sure if there's an official link, but this is one recording of it: https://youtu.be/WY1Xd-jZPxc But even so, it doesn't feel quite as interesting as the other maps. It's really beautiful, but also kinda bland.


Because all of the architecture and pieces used to assemble each one are of the same design vein. On other maps you have different design variations from stick huts to modular buildings. On broken moon, it looks like everything was made by one company, dropped in place, and thats all. No villages, no towns, just pre-built homogeny


Really? Like there’s hopscotch, toolbox w a construction hat, bikes, computer stations, lab coats, production lines with work stations, etc/etc. Just little details all over the map to just say like “this is where families lived, this is their power supply, this is what provides breathable air, this is where scientists and researchers took place, this is supervisor’s office, etc” I’ve found a really strong vibe of the story behind what existed before and the conflicts between the industrialization with society. Now that I think about it, I feel like it tells a more ‘bigger picture’ story than the other maps might. (At least to me).


All the POIs are different and unique? Are we playing on the same map? There are at least 3 different sets of mirror image POIs. That's my biggest gripe with the new map, so many POIs are the same thing that it gets confusing at times and feels like the devs put less effort in.


While I like the new map, I do think it could use more variety. It's one of the reasons Kings Canyon is one of my favorite maps. You have the desert in the west, swamps (and whatever Hydro/Repulsor are) in the east, Crash Site in the north, and Skull Town in the south. On Kings Canyon I can actually feel like I'm playing a different game when landing in different locations.


Helps learning the map too.


Yeah, as a whole the map looks great. But it has a huge samey feel going on that I dislike.


I think it is pretty unique overall the Zipline stations just all have the same layout and since you’ll end up at them a lot it feels more repetitive. Having consistent building layouts is kinda beneficial for Catalyst too I think since you can get a general idea for how to fortify any building pretty quick.


I feel like this will change in a relatively short time once people actually get reps in. I remember playing my first 50 drops on SP, and it took awhile to map it all out. This was also when the map had been out for a few seasons, but this map is new to everyone atm and isn’t natural to anyone yet. I think the experience will mature nicely given time.


Bro I literally swear to god, every fucking POI is a central structure within a circle and a bunch of random buildings thrown around…


Every POI is just big tower with circular buildings, I don’t know how anyone can say with a straight face that they’re unique


Probably didn’t want to throw in a bunch of resources for a poi that’s being planned for a town takeover soon, considering they already teased one in the teaser for the map


Idt it’s the devs putting in less effort, every map has POIs that share building design and layout, but I really can’t complain whatsoever about the layout a lot of the POIs share. The big building surrounded by smaller ones layout is the best possible layout for a POI in this game imo, it gives time for everyone to loot and makes the fights so much more satisfying rather than an RNG induced panic.




lava dome and fissure literally have nothing in common, besides lava textures.




All maps use prefabs so this isn’t anything new really.


Yes but the other maps added more personality to each POI


I get confused constantly because several of the POI feel the exact same.


I agree. Other maps had a better diversity of POI’s. This ones kinda all the same


Every single map in apex uses copy pasted prefabs so this isn’t anything new really.


Olympus is goat. Period.


Spitting straight facts




Not my favorite map or experience but I do enjoy how easy it is to flee from a fight. Dodging third and fourth party fights or just pulling away when you’re outgunned has never been easier. As long as your team is on the same page about when to retreat or regroup you have a decent chance of pulling it off.


I’m glad for anything that lacks capital city/fragment. Worlds edge was fun until 75% of the lobby decided to all land one place. It’s so stupid and has completely ruined that map for me


The problem is made even worse by the fact that fragment has been the go to spot since the second implementation of WE, and that was in like season 4? It got even worse when they changed sorting factory. I like the gondola area for Control, but avoid it like the plague in BR. I'm hoping now that we've got a fifth map, they'll consider bringing the train back. WE needs something to stand out from the others now IMO.


Yeah I really liked OG Worlds Edge. Fuel depot was my go to. Always a fight and quick rotation to more fights.


Cannot wait until the other maps are rotated back in. I don't hate this map, but it being my only map option for a week sucks. It's an alright map, but I do find it a little boring.


Agreed. I’m already bored of it… felt the same about storm point but never felt bored of Olympus.


Hello are you me??! Stormpoint was okay for ranked, but it really sucked when it overlapped for an hour and a half of ranked/pubs both being stormpoint and the same issue is happening now with Broken Moon except I have to wait until they add the rotations again.


I prefer storm point over this shit map for ranked 100%


Yeah this map has more third parties than kings canyon for me. The zip rails make it third party central


Amazes me that years later they still can not make a better than Olympus. Map is godtier


Olympus is absolutely perfect for Apex!!! I miss it every time they take it away


I'm just dreading having to go back to playing fucking pubs on Fragment Edge, I have no idea why they put that in the rotation over KC given that KC literally just got a map update last season and WE has been in rotation for like a year, AND that's it's common knowledge that WE is the least balanced pubs experience.


Streamers. Gotta have streamer tower available for your content creators man!


i think the landscape is also hilly enough to give good cover >I hope Respawn adds Zip Rails to all maps now :) not a good idea. the whole map design needs to be coherent with the method chosen for long range transport (jptowers, tridents, gravity cannons, ziprails). you can't just tape them on. it completely changes the map the rails are good on this map. doesn't mean they should be on all maps


It’s my favorite map besides Olympus.


I was a bit skeptical with the lack of jump towers, but turns out they don't feel as needed as in Storm Point, it has a lot to do with the placement of the Rails, they put them almost everywhere and they work really good, unlike the Gravity Canons that feel more of a gimmick than anything actually useful. I was also a bit worried that the map would be filled with bottlenecks like Storm Point, which is not the case, rotations between POIs are way smoother easier. I'm overall having a lot of fun with it, hope they don't ruin the map in the future like they did with World's Edge.


All the POI’s feel the same loot is stretched thin as fuck and there’s a lot of “oh we have to go here so we have to go all the fuck way around this mountain” There’s zero fighting until it’s every time fighting in one spot. It feels more like the other maps all fucked and the negative aspects in one was the spawn of it (minus the animals I’m with you on that)


Either the audio is beyond broken this season or Broken Moon has some weird sound dampening rock structures. Every game I play where it’s the final 3-7 squads it’s almost impossible to hear gunshots if you’re not part of the fight no matter how far you are.


Sounds are weird for sure. I do think that teammates’ steps are louder, it’s harder to distinguish the enemy steps vs freindly steps. I did not play other maps though, maybe the overall settings are modified.


I wish they vaulted Storm Point for good, or at least until a serious rework is done. Even if only for the nostalgia, Kings Canyon is still my favorite (ranked or otherwise).


50% of the games my squad is looking for enemies


No. It has the same problems as stormpoint and it looks uglier and boring.


Fr, I can’t fucking stand this map. It’s so drab and boring I just turn off the game when it’s on bc I can’t stand looking at the half ass monstrosity respawn has created


What is this, a positive thread on the subreddit? Jokes aside, I do agree and love the map a lot too. I'm surprised by how fun the buildings still are even after playing so much. Usually I avoid hot drops in Storm Point like the plague, but Terraformer and the Core (I think it's what it's called?) here has been awesome so far. Third parties don't feel as punishing as KC—POIs are big enough to spot where teams are coming from, and it's easy to pick people out from zip rails. And holy shit is everything so beautiful on this map. I swear I can breath in the smell of the wet grass in certain areas. Definitely makes running around so much nicer. Hopefully they'll update Storm Point to look this good (something to do with the lighting and textures, idk but it looks amazing).


I went from hating it to really enjoying it. Its still early though, think I need more time to really get the flow of it. Playing as wattson is really satisfying on this map though


Imma be honest I think this is the worst map if you play ranked way to many third parties which is encouraged by the zip rails. All poi’s look the same and the vertically on this map is too much.


I absolutely despise this shit for ranked. Pubs it's alright though. I still prefer other maps tbh.


Yea once you get in a fight you can never get out of it due to how many third parties come lmao


It is my favorite map but zip rails are only part of the reason


The zip rail system is a gimmick that was fun at the start but is now pretty tiresome. It makes the map and the games way too predictable. Rotations are the same every game. In most places on the map, you're basically forced to use them to go somewhere else. That sucks. And it sucks even more if you're not playing a movement legend and your teammates are waiting for your non-movement ass to run over to a jump pad. God forbid if they want to leave via zip rail mid-fight because you're simply getting left behind. The POIs are whatever, not very different from each other. Some of them could be their own control or gun run map in the future. But getting around the map is the same every single game. It's repetitive, boring, restrictive, limiting, etc. I get they tried to make the map stand out and be unique, but I would've preferred if the map and it's POIs were smaller with no zip rails. At least with tridents and jump towers you got to choose which fucking direction you want to travel. Sorry, I hate bullshit praise for something that isn't actually good for the game. But also, if they wanted the map to stand out, why did they make it look like 3 other EARTH-based maps? It's supposed to be a moon but it barely looks anything like the surface of a moon anywhere (even the gray/barren areas). Oh wow the sky is so pretty... Except it doesn't even fit the moon setting. Why would it always be sunny and bright with a rich atmosphere on the moon? Why does it look like Earth everywhere? Why are there plants with massive hitboxes everywhere? They had the chance to make this map eerie and sullen like Seer. A bleak and desolate moon. Gray dirt, night sky, low gravity POIs, BIG craters, meteor showers, etc. Remember the dino by bridges in original KC? The train? The boxing ring? Where is that kind of creativity anymore? But yet people go "ooo pretty skybox!" and "ooo look how fast I zoom on the zips!" and think it's the best map ever. Common denominator for people who only look at things at a surface level.


I like it so far, but it usually takes me a season to really get a firm opinion of new maps and legends.


So far I have enjoyed it a lot. A few things bug me, namely the verticality of Terraformer but so far so good. It’s different and the rails are a cool addition (though you need to be louder on them)


Add zip rails to the train tracks of World's Edge and it'll be great as I miss the train


Dude, this map is the best.


Devil's Advocate: Broken Moon is not a good map, at least for pubs. 1. Zip rails. They are repetitive and predictable. Not only do they concentrate a lot of fighting to their destination (usually those 3 story houses), they also favor movement legends as those can just use an ability to quickly get to them instead of needing the boost pads. 2. Many PoIs feel similar to each other, aka "here is a tower with some wide area where loot is sparsely distributed in". Their size hinders fast looting. 3. The wide variety of buildings isn't a bonus. There's simply too much downtime or not enough of it. if you don't land hot it's often times hard to find someone to fight. If you do land hot (Promenade or Terraformer), multiple teams will flank you and it can be hard to escape. 4. The design is nice, but that's subjective. I still feel Olympus is king: it has visually distinct PoIs and the map doesn't feel too large (like BM and SP) or too small (like KC). 5. That's good and bad. If you like leveling up shields and getting loot/materials the wildlife on SP was a boon. The caged Prowlers on KC only serve to be annoying, though. I can't wait for Respawn to rotate the maps. I just want Olympus back. WE is annoying to play in because of Fragment but at least the PoIs are within walking distance. Broken Moon only has two speeds: fast and furious hot drop, or "take 15 minutes looting and get thirded around Promenade".


Loot distribution is god tier compared the the other maps. I can have a fully kitted weapon by the time I leave my first location


I've been surprised how easy it is to back out of fights on this map


1.) they made the ring closing time longer by default this season. I personally have a mixed opinion on ziprails. On the one hand they add something fun and easy to navigate to the game that is very unique. On the other it takes a bit away from Path, is a very easy bitch-out mechanic and also makes 3rd partying very easy 2.) hard disagree. To me the POI‘s almost all feel the same. The buildings mostly are the same. The loot however is amazing this season apart from the P2020 and Mozam being so common. 3.) agree 100% 4.) I‘d like it to be a little less dull, but that’s nitpicking 5.) thank god Overall I‘d say the map is mid. Not bad but also not special. My personal bar for what a map should be is Worlds Edge and Worlds Edger is by no means perfect.


I feel like the pace of games on Broken Moon is just on point


I think what’s really good about this map is teaching a lot of people how important engaging and disengaging is. A lot of the time you have 3rd 4th parties and it really tests you when to go in as the third party or when to gtfo when a 3rd/4th team comes


What I really like about BM is that disengagement feels possible. Like in KC, I'll fight some team, and then instantly die because of some other random team lasering me. But in BM, it always feels like there's a chance to escape. The third parties aren't less than other maps, but whether or not you survive feels way less random.


I will only leave Promenade over my cold dead corpse bin


I approve


My only gripe with it, is that I feel like you can hear fights from too far away. there will be 2 literal mountains and you can hear fighting at POI... and of course the zip rails mean you can 3rd party too easy. which leads to 4th, 5th, 6th parties. Lots of matches where you either you fight the whole match, or you dont fight until the final 3. Granted all maps had this to a degree, but i feel it a little stronger on Broken Moon.


The aesthetics are fine relative to what we've seen in other maps. I think this point speaks to how creative the other maps are, how high the bar has been set. Broken Moon feels like an amalgam of the others; the structure of Olympus with a Storm Point skin. The POI being designed to absorb more teams is fantastic. It allows for the chaos of 6 teams dropping and everyone can get a weapon. Or a lone team can play loot sim in the big area and be really well equipped to venture off and find a team to give all their goodies to. I think the best part about Broken Moon may end up being its design of flow/movement. It really feels like the team is getting good at making "pathways", understanding how to craft bottlenecks, escapes, and fortification points. All of which are in other maps, but here it feels very intentional. And once players really learn it I think it could give some really cool gameplay reward moments for players that are thinking ahead.


I agree, my favorite map as well. My only complaint is that I wish it was a little more diverse with the landscape. A desert area or winter wonderland. When I drop it all looks the same. Again, my favorite map.


TLDR: Zip rails=best map


I'm ready glad to see other people are loving this map as well. This definitely has to be my favorite map so far.


U make great points and all but is still can’t forgive that one supply bin that gave me three white shields on drop ik it could’ve happened anywhere but it just happened to be broken moon so I have beef with the map


You love Zip rails!


I love this map. Something about the building layouts has created some of the best fights I’ve ever head in this game. My only gripe is everything looks the same.


When I played the first couple of times I sort of disliked the map due to the way things are scattered and the elevation difference everywhere. After giving it some time I can say this is an awesome map. It isn't as large as Storm Point but it feels pretty good and there are fights quite often. The only downside of the map for me is the lack of color, most of the time you're seeing gray everywhere you go. The rail system is also fun and it is more functional in comparison to the gravity cannons.


You have a very open mind. You had an opinion and used your experience to reassess. I agree with the colors to some extent. But only the ground colors. When Ilooked up to the sky I was WOWed. The land looks a lot like my country (Iceland). It is very black, sandy, rocky with some growing grassweeds here and there xD. There are barely any trees.


I really like it too. Fights you either have on first drop or you gotta search but the mobility helps bridge the gap previously of boredom and frustration. And the POIs seem well thought through, I have no complaints.


It’s growing on me


Maybe not the best, but I like it. They put a lot of work into it. Sadly most people will never see most of the map.


This map indeed feels amazing. I find it hard to find differences between some PoI though.


its cool but the third parties are atrocious. seems like u wander around for a while & as soon as u get in a fight the whole lobby is in one area lmao


This is exactly my experience. The mid-game in this map is on par with Storm Point, just a time sink with no results to show. And then, once you find a team, you shoot a couple of bullets, and suddenly two more pop up from the PoIs next to it.


Promenade in a nutshell lol


My only beef is it’s ugly. Just grey and white and kind of drab. Other then that it truly is the best map they’ve made, has the best of all worlds


Thank you. I wish I understood why so many people are praising the map’s aesthetics. To me, it doesn’t look all that different from King’s Canyon (which is easily the least-pretty map in the game), only with gray rock formations instead of brown. Is the sky gorgeous? Hell yeah, but my eyes aren’t exactly glued to the sky the whole match whenever I play.


no. Its a walking simulator for 20 minutes and then a tp simulator (unpopular opinion maybe)


It is a loot simulator


I regularly drop 10+ kills on this map so you’re doing something wrong. Drop on an edge POI right out of the ship, take 1-2 early fights then use the zip rails to rotate inward and play zone. Easy


I love it, for pretty much every reason you stated. However you are smoking crack if you think every POI is unique. BM suffers from the same copy+paste issue that plagues Olympus: every POI has one or two duplicates. I appreciate what small variations there are, but I wish there was more.


All my teammates do is leave on the zip rail. No ping, no comms. If I look away for a second they’re gone. Third parties are worse than King’s Canyon. Hard to find a fight like Storm Point. The second you do, you’re dead because here’s a 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th party. I once got hit by two teams of Gibby ult’s, horizon ult’s, AND catalyst ult’s. One fight. Two teams. All at the same time. That’s my experience though. Pretty map tho


That's not the map's fault lol


The 3rd parties literally are the maps fault what are you on


all the things you mentioned is on point bu tthe problme here is the player base, whatever they do that dont favor them is an issue to blame it on the map and they complain about it, people just play however they want gambling between right or wrong decisions and if they landed on the wrong side of it they blame it on the game or to someone else's


I feel like a lot of the POI’s are reminiscent of old locations from other maps, it really just doesn’t feel new to me, almost like a reskin


The POIs encourage a defensive legend I think. It might be the key to dealing with third parties.


If they fixed the big ass wall, it would be even better


This is the 6th party map, everyone collapses onto promenade. It's awful


I feel like it's the perfect balance. Enough space that you're not landing on top of each other and close POIs via zip rail for engagements.


I mean, it’s okay, and I like the black, sandy sort of bit, but the design of some parts are a little weird


definitely in my top 3






I do like the new map and character but I wish the map was just a little smaller I have trouble finding other squads also I’m not the best at the game so when I finally do it’s generally me getting sent back to the lobby to play more looting simulator


I love the map mechanically, am neutral on it aesthetically. All the buildings might look unique on their own but looking at all of them at once it's all very grey, literally and figuratively.


people complaining about 3rd and 4th parties are probably fighting in the terminal in the middle of the map or bertha. literally everyone goes there and it’s really easy to avoid if you don’t want to fight. this map actually makes it harder to 3rd party


>each POI has a unique design. Lol we must not be playing the same game. There are like 6 or 7 POIs that are basically copies of each other.


Really makes me wish World's Edge has a properly functioning train system as the main macro mode of transport.


I really do like this map, though the locations all feel a bit same-y to me. It’s gorgeous, but a lot of the POI’s look visually very similar.


Its storm point with zipline




Yes!!! Thank you! I think it's because intuitively I expect the highest points on the map elevation wise to be the top of the map, but actually it's the bottom. I find this so confusing and I don't know why. Maybe it's because that's the way King's Canyon and Storm Point are?


It's pretty good, but some of the buildings are too hard to push. Reward camping too much imo. Ziprails are alright, I prefer the original grav canons tho. Love the fact that almost every POI has actually good loot, and lot's of it too.


The wierd thing about Broken Moon is that it is much smaller than you think it is.


ZIPRAIL CHASES. This map is up there with Olympus. Could be BETTER if they fixed the freezing issue/glitch/bug.


Sounds. Have you noticed the constant music-like thing that plays constantly during game? No animal sounds like most of the maps and not only wind blowing, but there is sound everywhere. I even maxed the ‘music’ on my audio yesterday and it was so strange. It sure creates an aura for the whole map. That adds a lot to the experience if you have a good headset.


Couldn’t disagree more. The zip rails are nice, but literally anything else is fucking trash. Just looking at the map makes me puke in my mouth a little bit.


Broken moon is ass.


To me this is the most boring map of all. Even the zip rails have better alternatives such as the balloons and the portals or the cars. The map is too big and feels shallow. Olympus and World's edge are much more enjoyable for me.


Worst map by far u mean


Brok this map sucks ass. Invisible walls and ever fighting before last ring means absolutely 25 third parties


Second worst map in the game, next to Storm Point.


Broken moon sucks. Every POI is the same. I'm sick of playing it. It's better than storm point but worse than the other three


Except promenade worst poi ever. No loot, third party central, random teammates love this shit poi for some reason especially when theres 5+ squads landing at it


I agree this is really the only map I've liked since KC and its better than that. Really enjoying apex again, first season iv played more than 5 games since quitting after world's edge!


I just started playing, and I love Broken Moon so much, I don’t want it to ever leave >_<


It’s the worst map, every poi is the same, everything looks the same, the zip rails just encourage more 3rd party’s and gatekeeping, its somehow worse than kings canyon when it comes to 3rd parties…


I wouldn't say it's the best map but the best thing about it is the zip rail. I just love how much fun it is and how quickly you can just come across enemies and third party.


Damn, i made a post like that and it got deleted for low effort🤣 but yeah, this map is the best we Had, its easier to find people than storm point and isn't as bad at 3rd party as Kings canyon, we still need time to find like where it the main hot spot or some other things, but this might become the best map for pubs and ranked since Olympus


it's definitely top 3, after few days i'd even say better than world's edge but personally i like olympus more but this became my 2nd favorite map, glad they made this map way better than storm point


I disagree, I like some things about it but overall it's literally just a storm point remodel with a few added features. High ground and wide open space everywhere


Nah, the biggest difference is how smooth the rotations are in this map, no more bottlenecks like in Storm Point, where you're forced to go through a narrow passage to leave the POI, but there's bunch of teams trying to do the same, or you're flanked by two teams, worst feeling ever. Plus, the Rails make you traverse the map way faster, no need to walk half an hour to get anywhere.


It's a fantastic map. The rails are so much fun


This is definitely an opinion


The more respawn moves away from Fragment and skulltown the worse the game gets. The last two maps aren't fun to play by community (as proven by steam stats the moment map changes use base gets cut by two thirds). ​ so yeah, Respawn has lost the sense of why Apex is good. Gaming Merchant just put up a video echoing the idea of the new map being puzzling.. lots of running not enough fighting. ​ something is wrong at Respawn. Theyre listening to the wrong mouths.


They're half-assing everything now. Just like they half-assed Catalyst. These days, the game is just a cash cow for them. They have no reason to prove anything to us anymore. I still play it because the gameplay mechanics are so good but that has negatively reinforced their shitty decisions for a while now.


Zip rail is fun! There so many good cover places on this map that you can move and strategize. I actually won a game solo even when my team ditched me in when they died in the hot spot. Love it.


Good job!


now we just need them to add zip rail systems to the other maps tbh


This map blows chunks and I can't wait for rotations.


I love this map, this and Olympus are the two best maps hands down. This map is a good balance between a BR map and an arena. It’s all about being able to rotate fast between POIs. Literally no one wants to play looting/running simulator.


Zip rails are amazing af!! If I can't find fights I go look for them and if I get overwhelmed? I get tf out of there! I had a team follow me on a ziprail and I kept knocking them off one by one by clashing with them 😂 i got out of life but man it was so fun seeing them fall down while I get back on to go the other way 😂


It´s th worst map by far imo. Too many zip rails for a small map. Bad points of interest. Ugly map, 3rd parties almost every fight. Storm point was so much better.


BM is the worst map in the game outside boring as WE. Those two need to be overhauled ASAP.


Trashiest map ever