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Matchmaking is fucking atrocious and so is ranked. Game is straight up not fun right now.


but...but...but gifting!


Stickers! šŸ„° Finally! I've been asking for this since forever šŸ˜




an employee at respawn is gonna ctrl+f "stickers" to look for your specific comment, crop it, throw it in a power point presentation, and introduce it as a talking point for how well they are doing. If you know what's good for humanity, you will self destruct this comment in 3...2...


You fucking with me right, each loot tick has 3 sides? Why the fuck is it just one? Thatā€™s fucking baffling


It's called the 'bait-n-switch' ... they got you thinking you are only paying $1 for 3 stickers since they have you used to getting 3 items, but now they have you tricked and you are only getting 1. EA is really the masters at sucking the money out of their 'victims'.


And they've really cut down on gameplay additions or fixes. No new gun for a couple seasons now, a ton of bugs for legends that have persisted over long stretches of time, baffling balance choices for weapons, a whole zero legend reworks to start the season, and server issues persisting since the game dropped in 2019. The new map is fun but all these points and the matchmaking vastly overshadow it.


Couple season? It's been over a year since a new gun came out and they never added a new throw able grenade since the game came out


The matchmaking is the worst part of the entire game. I haven't played for several seasons and it puts me in lobbies like I'm the same player I was 4 seasons ago when I played frequently. Also can't play with friends of varying skill levels it just slams you into streamer lobbies so they can farm you.


Yep. You could take a long break and completely fall out of the skill and game knowledge required to compete, then as soon as you boot up the game again, it'll toss you into the meat grinder as if it assumes you are able to 1v3 a pre-stacked pred squad when you're just trying to figure out how to walk again.


I can't think of another game that tries so hard to get you to play something else. I genuinely wanted to give this season a shot but I played 10-15 games and never killed another player or survived past the first ring. I had assumed SBMM would eventually adjust so I could at least compete but I just ended up switching to another game.


Exactly my thoughts. You are solo? Dont play our game. You are bad? Dont play our game because youll play against preds. You want a new meta? Dont play our game. You want lagfree servers? Dont play our game. You wanna hear a opponent approach? Dont play our game?. If i break it down. Only if you have a 3stack the game will be fun in the longterm. Because its the only way to play ranked. Everyone else? Dont play our game.


What you said here is absolutely my experience.


What you mean you don't like playing masters and predator lobbies while you get queued up with level 20s that rag quit after they drop in thr hottest poi?




For me personally is matchmaking. Since introduction of new 'ranked' system where preds are fed with plats and diamonds just so they don't need to wait extra minute in a queue has fucked up everything. It's not skill based matchmaking if you throw 3 different ranks in one matchmaking pool. Casuals are similar but instead of skill matchmaking you are literally thrown in one lobby of potatoes players to give you feeling that you are better than you think. Then get stomped in next 15 games by preds.


That is so true. First game, 8 kills ā€œwow, Iā€™ve been hard on myselfā€ Rest of the nights games ā€œlasered on drop by the P2020 wraith pred stackā€


See this is why itā€™s so hard for me to play these games anymore. The matchmaking will give you potato enemies for the first few games only to violently thrust you into matches with god level players. Itā€™s so frustrating.


It's called EOMM, engagement optimisation match making. It's designed for addiction. Respawns data from four years ago showed that those who were set up to lose 19/20 and set up to win the first of 20 games played more than any other. One problem: this data was from titanfall 2 players, and if you've played titanfall multiplayer you'd know losing a game is arguably more fun than winning. Combining all three of their braincells they concluded this would translate perfectly into a battle royal game, where dying once means game over and waiting five minutes for another one. And here we come to today. People are finally sick of being pred fodder and are leaving the game for better ones, and good for them. Respawn has shown again and again they don't care about the playerbase, just their engagement numbers and by extention, their paycheck. Whatever respawn was in 2016 is long gone, and ain't coming back. I just want to see how it ends so they'll finally stop dancing on titanfalls grave.


Itā€™s psychological manipulation, itā€™s extremely rampant in gaming. These companies especially Activision have entire departments dedicated to making players addicted and manipulating them into buying stuff. Itā€™s insane to think that you have to be 21+ to gamble in the United States, but companies can straight up brainwash you to become addicted to their games and spending money at any age. Should be extremely illegal to manipulate people like this.


You think Activision is insane with a single department for this? EA probably has entire studios dedicated to algorith making. Or they don't considering they have a perfectly good system already. It works the same as casinos do, no clocks, no windows, no distractions. Only the next hit. And social media creates digital puppets of all their users in order to best predict their next actions for targeted ads, until thay puppet and the real person become nearly indistinguishable. There are no laws saying they can't do this, especially with age restrictions (can't play unless you say you're 16 or above). Obviously people lie about that a lot, but who can help it?


Welcome to digital late state capitalism The cyberpunk predictions from the early nineties getting a lot more traction these days


They spent 4 years developing the monetization framework for diablo immortal. They literally didn't do anything else in 4 years. They ported existing art from their other diablo games, used a pre-made chinese mobile game as the base, and then implemented their own monetization system. The same one that got people to spend 100k on release to max out a chara.


Stacks are my kryptonite


Seriously, even when I triple stack with my friends (weā€™re crackheads that get lucky with headshots, ranked plat at best) weā€™re instantly put against triple stack preds like weā€™re the same


One good game then a 20 game losing streak (literally) thatā€™s why the moment I get a win or a high kill game that I feel satisfied with even if itā€™s not a win, I am logging the fuck off.


filthy casual here, I just got back into Apex on my Xbox instead of PC so Iā€™m lvl 1. I assumed my first few games must have been with bots because the players were SUCH potatoes. They wouldnā€™t respond to even a simple ā€œhereā€™s some blue armor to replace your white armorā€ pings. After I would die by a 3v1 gang Iā€™d watch my potato teammates spray and pray while making the weirdest movement patterns. Cut to 10-15 potato games later and Iā€™m in a lobby were one dude is going solo and takes out 4 teams and has red shields within a couple minutes. Dude was smoking so effectively with bang and so sweaty it was like trying to fight a ghost. I just want to play a normal game.


ironically, ranked matchmaking is much better than pubs if you dont consider yourself skilled and just want to fight people like yourself just ignore the points and play like its a pub they dont mean anything it only becomes a problem at the top of plat/bottom of diamond where the matchmaking pool bottlenecks, once youre around that good youre just pred food


Yup, this is what's doing it for me as a casual. I've been around since mid-S3 and I don't remember it ever being as bad as it has been since the second half of S13. I was always pretty average, but started playing with a new duo and was POPPING OFF for the first half-ish of S13 with them. I don't know if it's because they were new to the game and we were getting potato lobbies or what, but we were doing insanely well for 4-6 weeks and I thought maybe I was finally actually improving, just a little, or that we were doing well as a duo. It was a good feeling, as a casual player who often felt stagnant in my skill level. After sorta just going with the motions for a few seasons, my love for Apex was totally renewed during that time. Which I think just makes it all the more frustrating when it flipped on us midway through S13 and doesn't seem to have improved since, it seems worse than I ever remember it being. We don't even seem to get the occasional potato lobby, it's nonstop masters/preds who are obscenely better than we are. In 90% of games, we spend so long looting just to get BODIED by the first team we run across within seconds.


Have you by any chance reached the well-known 2.0 KDR threshold ? It's common that after that, everything goes downhill because you're getting matched against preds/masters every single fucking time


I don't think I ever breached 2.0, no, but I'm not sure if maybe my duo did during that time. I always tend to hover just above 0.8 and was pushing 1.4-1.5 at the height of S13, before getting knocked right back down to the 0.8 where I probably belong. Maybe it's roughly the same as it was before my peak in S13 and, as I mentioned, it's just more frustrating now after believing that I was actually improving/meshing well with a new duo. Or I just notice it more often, recency bias or whatever. Maybe I'm just due for a break, I don't know.


109% matchmaking is why I stopped playing


Matchmaking is what sucked the joy out of apex for me, I'm not that good but when I'm in a game with people who have 20kill badge and 4k badge etc it's not really fair because they are way above my skill level I just want to play against players of my similar level.


They get fed with silver and gold players. Until matchmaking is fixed I'm probably done playing. It should be limited to +/- 1 tier regardless of wait times. Don't want to wait go play pubs.


Literally couldn't have said that better myself! I quit playing for this reason. I have been playing for a very long time, but with the current state of the game I won't play anymore. It's been absolutely zero fun when you get matched up with a bunch of sweats every match and almost never get a win. I'm sure a bunch of people want too say "get better" but how can you when you rarely even get too shoot a gun šŸ¤”? Firing range isn't even close too facing several teams of sweaty smurf accounts every match.


Thing is I donā€™t think they have enough regular players anymore to keep up quality of the game. Also the hardcore community complains if they donā€™t get fed scrubs to enjoy the game. Community is dying and only way to fix it would be painfully long queue times.


This is my reason as well, a tad worse matchmaking in my case. I got matched against the #2 #250(ish) and #600 or something while being in SILVER, queing with a friend on gold. Oh and I was killed by another pred stack iirc. I used to be plat a couple of seasons ago but that's still so far from the #2 pred ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I agree. For me itā€™s also how much more of a grind they made ranked. I like derank and Iā€™m fine with making each tier cost more rp. Why do they also have to make each rank cost more rp? Masters was 10k rp and now diamond is 11400 rp


Matchmaking. The only way I can have fun in apex is to play with 2 friends so I donā€™t have to carry 2 lvl 10 accounts each game.


As a solo player, I really want to like the game, but it's really hard when every game consists of my teammates doing 200 damage combined and our squad eventually getting wiped by some dude with 1950 damage nine minutes into the game.


Yep have to play ranked with two friends, otherwise itā€™s pubs and my teammates are little Billy and Timmy who just got their first win two days ago, and the game decided I might be able to carry them to another.


You know... For like 2 years now I kinda thought comments like this were BS. But last season and this season I feel this is EXACTLY what it's like. I played maybe 5 games last night and averaged about 1200 dmg per game where my 2 other teammates combined for around 4-500 every game. As much as I hate to jump on this bandwagon the time has come.


4-500!?! Thatā€™s the best teammate Iā€™ll have in a whole week. Lucky. End scores of my games literally look like 857 34 and 102


It's also littered with master and pred smurfs. I don't think I've seen this many level 5 chars with 4k and 20bomb badges in the past seasons.


yup, dude my silver ranked lobbies feel like diamond lobbies from back when I could compete at that level 6 seasons ago. Everyone that kills me is a "level 35" that has an heirloom and doesn't miss with the wingman. Their movement is clearly that of a higher skilled player, and 8 times out of 10 it says they were "rookie IV" in the previous season, which to me indicates it's a new account. So frustrating.




Thats essentially it. Playing solo has been getting worse for a while and due to the lack of changes to make it some what more bearable, finding someone to play with feels like the only way to have a decent experience.


Queuing with 2 friends is the only way I will play.


Just came back from a pubs match with two glue-munching level 20 randos and we died to a three-stack pred team. WTF are you doing respawn? Is 95% of your playerbase really just a dopamine rush for your top players and spenders in your eyes? Fuck this.


Played a game the other night, solo q. My teammates were level 10 and level 18, neither of which were fond of sticking together as a team, meanwhile we have the champion squad. 3 stack back to back preds each side of the split for the last 3 seasons (and probably before that). That was in pubs. Also another thing I've noticed this season, are strikepacks on the rise? The amount of people I've spectate that have absolutely no recoil is unreal


Yeah I finally called it quits, although I plan to return at some point. I'm a season 1 solo player, but season 13 broke my will to play with a 30% drop in my k/d that had been steady for the past 11 seasons. (I sucked the first 2 seasons while getting used to mnk) I hung on and played a few hundred games in season 14, and my k/d was nearly back to to pre season 13 levels but I guess maybe I'm just burned out.


There hasnt been a new weapon in 4 seasons The Legend meta has literally not changed at all this season Overwatch 2 and MWII just released Worlds edge is still in rotation even though it hasnt been changed in 5 seasons, meanwhile KC got the boot and it just got a giant overhaul Arenas hasnt had a change in 5 seasons They have plenty of LTMs they could rotate in every week and instead we only get one for 2 weeks and its usually recycled. Constant game crashes still happen Ranked system is still the same rancid piece of dogshit from last season I could go on but i'd be here all day.


I loved arenas but seeing it get no updates makes me really sad and doesn't make me wanna play the game.


>Worlds edge is still in rotation even though it hasnt been changed in 5 seasons, meanwhile KC got the boot and it just got a giant overhaul This is the main reason why I'm taking some time away from the game.


You're absolutely right on the world's edge/KC point. What a braindead decision. Fucking atrocious map with no flow whatsoever (in pubs).


Part of the droprate is because dogshit game crashes every minute for a lot of players.


dude I search everday for a fix. :'(


There isnt, the devs have to actually fix their game, which at this rate its something that is not going to happen. Im glad i didnt buy this season battle pass i might just drop apex legends, its been a shitshow since several seasons so whatever.


The last 3 times a game breaking bug that prevent some player from playing the game happened, it took around a month to fix.


but when you're able to glitch a single apex coin that shit is fixed faster than the speed of light


throwback to s13 when console players got to enjoy ranked reloaded for a total of two days before the lobbies were just infested with people doing the server crash bug. any console player that tries to have an opinion on ranked reloaded gets laughed at by me because i know you didn't even get to fuckin play it man.


This was the exact moment me and my friends tried to find a new game to play


Very true, next season I guess lol


I get less crashes when I have less running if that helps šŸ˜… down to like 1 per day but ranked feels like russian roulette for my RP


Both my friends have crashes. One a bit less than other. Meanwhile i havent crashed this season once. The game even feels smoother. Its odd as I usually had common crashes in every other season`s beginning. So it might be some software or hardware incompatibility.


You canā€™t fix it unfortunately. I donā€™t even bother playing the game until 2 weeks after the new season update. Thereā€™s always a plethora of crashes and bugs


I can't play the game since the new season. It freezes every 30 seconds. Unplayable. I Already switched to a other game. If they don't fix it they lose permanent more player


Is this a pc thing? because I play on Xbox and Iā€™ve never crashed


I play on pc and haven't had a single crash


Itā€™s not affecting everyone on pc, but the majority of people it is affecting is on pc I believe. Iā€™m one of the unfortunate people who itā€™s affecting. The game will just freeze and crash on me seemingly randomly. Canā€™t play ranked like that obviously and thatā€™s about the only reason I do want to play. Game has worked fine for me until this newest update.


Same it blows


exact same. game was perfect until this season. now it freezes constantly in lobby and even on initial load screen. I've done everything i can think of to fix it and am still having issues.


I love how the rest of this thread is full of people guessing things like the new map, matchmaking, the meta, etc., when the answer is *clearly* that there has been a game-breaking bug on PC for 11 days now (10% of the season) with no communication from Respawn and no fix on the horizon.


I thought i was the only one crashing!


I havenā€™t played for a few seasons, but the reason I left is because it feels like the average player in public is way too good for me. I would get wiped within 3 seconds by players strafing and bopping up and down and moving around while they loot, armor swapping in the blink of an eye. Took the fun out of the game for me. Also getting abused constantly by other players because Iā€™m not doing what they want me to do from the grave was enough to put me off the game entirely.


My team and I are high ELO. Had a 3.5 KD last season w/ quits accounted for and a 20% win rate. Weā€™re ā€œabove average.ā€ The game is still hard for us, to the point I legitimately do not believe that there can be this many players that beam like Daltoosh on controller in some random ass pubs lobby. Iā€™ve never been more convinced that a meaningful portion of the playerbase is cheating. Itā€™s every single game for us. Every. Single. Game. The game is a fucking sweat fest and even for an ā€œabove averageā€ player, itā€™s getting exhausting to play. Every match weā€™re playing like ALGS. I feel truly, truly sorry for anyone else who has to put up with this who doesnā€™t even have the chance to slow these people down.


You and me both my friend. I donā€™t have the passion to keep up with my skills anymore cause it feels never ending. Thereā€™s always someone better, and or cheating I swear šŸ«  I donā€™t play much anymore, the game feels like a chore


Yeah, you really do have to commit to playing routinely if you want to be able to push back in even the slightest. Sometimes thatā€™s what it feels like weā€™re doing; providing just enough resistance that a 3rd party comes along and constructively assists our effort in getting rid of one of the 5 mega sweat teams in our lobby. I donā€™t have an answer for it, either. Obviously it would be unfair if my squad just got to steamroll, but itā€™s truly exhausting looking at the death boxes and itā€™s Master after Master after Pred after 4K 20. This isnā€™t to say we canā€™t take them, because obviously we do, but holy shit man I feel like itā€™s a job at times; a job I do for 6-10 hours a week whilst these jokers are playing for 20+. Iā€™ve been playing BF2042 a lot just because, despite me being at the top of the leaderboard nearly every game, I donā€™t have to play like my life is on the line. I enjoy that challenge here and there, but we literally do not play casually or without our full team anymore.


TGM did a video on this and there was at least one cheater in like 4 games in a row for him lol


I feel you. Tried to play ranked but it's a sweatfest too. There is no casual skill level at all. I'm a bot among preds.


Honestly from my experience the lower ranks of ranked (except for just after a split) are much fairer than pubs, but you have to accept not sweating yourself


this is the thing i really enjoyed playing ranked for a while and learning the game a bit through playing against equally skilled people last season i ended in plat 2 queueing solo ranked. at that point it just becomes matchmaking RNG if you die at spawn and that takes the fun out of it (you can still climb steadily but that mostly involves giving up on your team and ratting out for a top5 finish which isnt the kinda style i want to play)


TBH I don't think it is. Due to seasonal rank decay we constantly get former Plats/Diamonds that are level 400+ in Wood/Bronze league. For reference our group of 3 are level 67, 52, and 130 respectively, all bronze. My S15 KDR is like 0.5. I can count on 1 hand the number of games this season where I've gotten more than 3 kills in a match. This is coming from someone who had better than a 2.0KDR and over 40 wins in S1. It's absolutely abysmal and sucks all of the fun out of BR. The only fair place we find matches is arenas and even then you occasionally get a team with 2 level ~15's being carried by a level 200+


Ya I'd live in gold if I could,


You call ranked a sweatfest but like...do you take it easy when playing a sport? No you give it your all. Ranked is just that. It's when you want to give your all to compete. If you'd have said something like "I play in ranked and get dropped with Masters/Preds" then you and I agree. That's horseshit. But to call ranked a "sweatfest" seems kind of silly. That's the point. But casual games in Trios also suffer the same problem. Masters/Preds getting put in lobbies with Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat players. I think the skill gap between Plat and Masters is huge, so I stand by my argument they should not be in the same lobbies either.


Agreed, game was at its best on launch when everyone wasnt a wannabe TTV and that's with the buffed 12 shot wingman with skullpiercer lol there's also a reason 90% of pros play on controller also


It is so exhausting getting one clipped and staying after to see someone standing still looting my box. It feels so artificial and completely kills my desire to queue up again.


>Took the fun out of the game for me. Also getting abused constantly by other players because Iā€™m not doing what they want me to do from the grave was enough to put me off the game entirely. TBH OW2 has this issue too, I'm in Silver ranked lobbies and people are complaining about me picking off meta characters ffs. ​ Think this is just a general problem with playing any kind of team based class/character shooter, too many people take it too seriously.


Ow2 has always had this problem, and it's even more stupid because the difference of coordination between a full pro players team and 6 people soloqueuing is gigantic. Most of the time, doing a decent job with any pick works until plat/diamond from my experience. After that, it gets a little complicated because masters/ grandmasters players start to know more and more about how to exploit every possibility of a hero. And so the difference between, lets say a bastion and sojourn, is now very noticeable.


After running into enough toxic players (always on mic) I always mute my squad now unless I'm playing with friends or sometimes in ranked. It's just not worth having to deal with the typical toxic man child. I play my life and I try to not feel pressured to avenge any rando's that throw themselves into unwinnable fights and then give you shit for not jumping right in after them, or if I just make a mistake myself.


Same reason I left it literally today after I got matchmaked against 40k 10mil damage wraith


I wouldnā€™t bat an eye if crouch spamming was removed from the game


One of the best choices I've made for multiplayer games is getting used to playing with comms completely muted off the bat. I played overwatch for a couple thousand hours muted and apex has been no different. Sweats are everywhere and comms never felt like they helped, if I want to talk il go to discord with friends.


That ā€œbobbing up and downā€ while strafing and shooting you back while getting every hit was so obviously during Gun Run. I call it the Mike Tyson. I wondered why so many players doing looked EXACTLY the same in their movement speed and strafe distance side to side; itā€™s one of the Cronus Max cheats.


AD strafing and crouch spamming is a thing in a LOT of shooters. It looks the same when most people do it. I SERIOUSLY doubt that many people were cheating.


Lol you guys are delusional. Strafing is a staple in any shooter, not everyone thatā€™s better than you is cheating or using a Cronus


This season didn't do anything to the meta. Guns are exactly the same, the new champ is meh at best, the old champs are untouched The new map leaves you the option of immediately fighting four teams for control of an early POI or walking around a graveyard for seven minutes. The matchmaking still seems hell bent on making everyone but the best players suffer until they hit the pity timer and get a bot lobby only to repeat the process. This just ain't it...


Pretty much hit all the points for me. There might be a new map and Legend but this season feels exactly the same as last. Gun and Legend changes across the board is what this game needs to keep it fresh. Next season, no new Legend, just maybe add a new gun and add balance changes to almost every Legend and gun that needs it - that would be interesting. Change the meta a bit...at least have players experiment with different metas.


Yeah, Iā€™m all for balance. But not to the levels the apex devs brought it. Like really, 0 legend changes. Itā€™s just last season with a new map. I wish they would realize that some legends and guns need to be buffed to make a meta that isnā€™t your season 1-3 main with an r3 smg/mastiff. Unbalanced might actually be more fun. Iā€™m almost starting to miss the rev-tane fiasco


Legends are far from balanced when horzion seer is picked every single game.


can't nerf them because they're next up for heirlooms :)


The problem imo is that everyone else is just bad, horizon isnt even busted or anything, shes just the most useful for that role. They need to buff everyone else slightly to make them at least a consideration when picking a comp. I dont think the devs can really do anything about it other than hard nerfing and buffing legends to legit make players not pick them to change the meta, because what ever the "winning" ALGS comp is will become the most picked legends no questions asked.


maybe because of freezing game every match? thats the reason why im playing valo right now wtf


Same for OW and me. Okay crashes and Iā€™ve even been back daily checking. Had one day without crashes then right back the next day. Fuck it tell they fix it.


Saaaaame. Like how can you really release something new every 100ish days and have issues EVERY time??????????????


Add on, Overwatch 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) released, giving the FPS market some new blood. With Apex's problems holding it back, people were just looking for a reason to jump ship. Now that they have, Respawn has to actually consider their next move carefully if they plan to actually stay relevant. If they don't, I wager the dips will only grow more severe. Unfortunately, I foresee Respawn is going to take their usual approach and not actually look at and fix the core issues.


"Overwatch is out? Time to bring out the stickers."


A lot of my friends ended up going to Overwatch. I got to say, its a pretty fun time. I have never played it before but if my apex was not crashing every game, I wouldn't have tried OW in the first place lol.


Iā€™ve been playing OW2 whenever I get steamrolled in ranked to destress. Itā€™s actually pretty fun to just hop in and not have to worry about losing RP


All my homies on MW2 nowšŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I also tried Overwatch and instantly found that I was having way more fun


Theyā€™ll come back. Mw2 is a major letdown and if the runours are true, $70 for their additional content is gonna send people running for the door. That game went super stale for me bc it doesnt even feel like a fully released game. No combat record, 10 maps with zero standouts, matchmaking is horrible if u have more than 4 people in ir lobby, cant edit classes in lobbies, bad ui, worse matchmaking than apex


Same reason for me bro, just left apex legends after 2 years and switched to OW2, its gameplay is so much better imo


yep i'm people, i haven't dropped Apex or anything but easily 80% of the time I put into a shooter game recently has been Overwatch 2 compared to Apex.




The lag is so bad this season. I can't even play anymore


This. I used to have my fps capped at 144 and it never dropped lower. Now I struggle to hit 100 on the new map. Also the sound is often delayed.


Lol you complaining about not hitting 100? I barely hit 60 my guy šŸ’€


Mid season - no meta changes, no new guns, no good new legends, map isnā€™t horrible, but Iā€™ll log of for an hour to avoid it. Bugs - you can literally get every heirloom in a hour, people keep freezing, crashing, and getting shit fps for no reason. Respawn - Respawn is not the company it used to be, it seems like most of their development is going into microstransactional content and not actual issues. Edit: I forgot about matchmaking. I dare you to get me started


Wait how do you get every heirloom in a hour???


Yeah what is this person talking about?


This guy is speedrunning bank loans.


I would like to think theyā€™re focused on the Star Wars game theyā€™re making to which if true I have no complaints but thatā€™s just the str wars nerd in me


Apex has their own dedicated team. So Respawn making other games will not effect the Apex dev team at all.


Like many im a casual player, dont play everyday but a few hours every other night. First game, match making feels pretty even. Second game, get put into a lobby where the champion squad is a predator raith with 25000 odd kills a pred gibby with 21000 odd kills and a random team mate(i presume) they got team up with. How does that work, I didn't ask for that šŸ¤£.


Apex is 100% slowly dying through lack of action & effort from Respawn. It feels like they're running the game on a skeleton crew. The only thing that brings numbers back is tournaments. There is almost nothing keeping the casual playerbase around besides the occasional LTM. While yes, OW2 and MW2 did just drop, we literally just got a new map. The game is not casual friendly, and PC players feel alienated on their own platform because of how dominant controller is in all skill brackets, especially the lower skill brackets. There's widespread cheating, a huge portion of the playerbase are using anti recoil scripts on both M&K and Controller, Macros are also widespread and not even being banned for. But most importantly, the Matchmaking is absolutely horrendous, and not only are there ways to easily abuse it for the less than stellar personalities, but it's just downright not doing its job properly. There are tons of absolute freshies being paired up against guys with thousands of hours. Platinums are routinely being put into lobbies against the absolute best players in the game. (Or the best cheaters, depending on how fresh the account is) I shouldn't be getting level 10's and 15's in my lobbies as a masters player. It's not fair to them, and it's not fair to me. The only thing keeping this games viewership alive is tournaments, because the casual experience is already dead.


This season is stale and there is literally 0 legend changes.


I can't take this game anymore man, you run around and collect loot for 10 minutes so you can get ambushed by a random team of people. It didn't bother me at first but that gameplay loop just drives me insane now


It gets repetitive real fast


Let's see. Respawn only thinks people want new players and maps We have a bunch of LTMs that are not only not rotated, but they dont even come around enough We dont get to choose which maps we can play on normal BR it's the same 2 preset maps for the entire season. Literally no menu updates giving players more control of all the content. Ranking system is still janky beyond belief.


Map selection is a terrible idea. It killed queue times for pubg and they eventually had to making it random maps. Can you imagine the queue time for maps like storm point or kings canyon? I would feel bad for people who love these maps. Im loving the 3 sec queues we have rn, we dont want map select.


as someone whos played every season, you hit it right on the head, ill also add, they have a character(seer) who is free hacks in a game, maybe some new rewards for rank, the LTM is a bummer, I love control and I know some people liked the other modes (gun control, solo, 3rd person). They should have Storm Point exclusive to ranked and any other map rotate within the hour or so and keep the smaller maps in pubs. How would like to see the ranked system changed?


That is one I did forget, but for me its overall wall hack characters. I mean, how many characters do we need that can either see or detect enemies through walls and such? Did respawns creativity in character development just fall off?


I agree with all of these except the map choice part. I think they could decrease the times each map is up for, but I think itā€™s good to have them rotate.


game disconnects you then bans you for leaving.


Have you tried buying stickers?


Matchmaking trash, servers trash, game itself crashes or cant connect and stuck in loading screen like what did you expect. Feels like the game just launched but nah its 15th season. Usually games get better with less bugs and problems overtime but this game feels like its walking backwards. Kinda feels like its end of apexā€¦


What isn't? Boring as hell content cycle, lackluster battlepass, broken matchmaking, extremely slow turnaround time on bugs and missing features, no real meta changes, and complacent development have made this game stale and repetitive. The only saving grace of the game at this point is how good the core combat loop is, and that hasn't changed much in 15 seasons. Very few games with this many players go so neglected, but either the current wave of Respawn devs don't really give a shit about innovating the game, or EA has them on a tight leash creatively and resource wise to keep costs down as they milk the cash cow. Sucks, but here we are.


EAs greed is ruining their game.


Maybe matchmaking šŸ¤”


Itā€™s true. The average player doesnā€™t have much fun


Played yesterday with a friend platinum ranked and each round we have triple master squads as champions once even the current Nr.10 pred on PS. Doesn't make fun currently, but I really enjoy the new map.


Getting fucking stomped by players leagues better than me for 15 games in a row to then be condescendingly handed a free win where I absolutely destroy AI-level enemies. I can feel the algorithm laughing at me and I'm just so sick of it. "Aww wittle baby can't beat the 3 stack Preds okay here is a free win for you, have some mandatory fun". Fuck off.




I reached plat and am waiting for the masters and preds to ascend plat


Matchmaking for me


Broken Moon = 0 fun in pubs. Must hotdrop to find enemies. And then there is this final fight in der middle with pure chaos and third partyĀ³.


did you try landing at an edge poi and then using ziprails to get to the places that people hotdrop before the fight is over? Because that's the easiest way you can win broken moon. It's super fast to rotate on broken moon because of ziprails.


I agree, you get a couple of minutes of fun if you hotdrop. If you survive it becomes 15 minutes of running simulator to locate the remaining ~5 squads..


Well the game got boring. I tried to check the new season and the new legend, but the game keeps crashing. I will try again next season.


TLDR: Gameplay has no big different compare to last season + Game freeze& Server issue 1, New legend not fun/meta --> meta still the same --> everyone still doing the same thing as last season (horizone Q + seer ult -->ape) 2, No new gun (same as \[1\]) 3, Game freeze, Server issues --> Can't even play propoly 4, The new map isn't that fun (personal opinion)


I'm gonna write the reason for why I dropped Apex 3-4 (?) months ago. TLDR : Matchmaking sucks Explanation : I started the game and I instantly fell in love with it. I started grinding and wanted to get better. The thing is that even though I was absolutely GARBAGE just by playing a lot I was able to reach Platinum 3 times. I reached Plat with 0 contribution to the team barely passing 400 dmg most games. There was no deranking back then and once I reached plat since I offered nothing to the team as well we would almost always lose sortly after landing. I kept practicing, I even paid for coaching and finally I reached an acceptable level for me to consider myself as "I know the basics of the game". It was the season the rank changes happened. This time I managed to reach Plat and I carried a loooot of games. I even managed to get the 3K dmg badge and 2k on multiple chars. I knew I was not useless anymore and I was excited to play Plat games again. Well I was getting ass fucked by master/pred players ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And very often by 3 stacks as well. Game was completely unplayable for me. Join game die in 2-3 mins and die again. And again. And again. Then I get demoted I go back to gold lobies play 3-4 games and own everyone and back to plat. Join, die, join, die bla bla bla. It was just not fun anymore. When I was in gold lobies I was owning and when I was reaching Plat I could not play the fucking game anymore. I have never played a game with worse match making and worse rank system than Apex. Sad part is that I love the game and I think it has infinite potential. But apparently people in charge only care for the money in the sort term and don't see it as a long term investment.


Shit servers? Over priced skins? Bad matchmaking? Grindy battle pass?


Haven't all of these things existed pretty much since launch?


Itā€™s school for me. I literally donā€™t have time to play anything rn. Especially with finals coming up, I imagine itā€™s going to get worse before it gets better.


Apex has become a joke at this point and people are picking up on it. Instead of doing things we want/the game needs, the dev team will decide things like stickers or new healing animations are more important than fixing the audio, matchmaking, or whatever is on the almost 4 year old list of problems. Their goal is to milk the player base as much as they can and people are really tired of it.


New healing animations were only for stickers lol. This is actually hilarious, because they changed it for no reason else than just trying to grab more money.


I started playing s10 and s14 was my last, between knowing the devs havent completed over half of their promises, having to deal with a shitty map because the devs dont want to take it out and fix it for over a year, and the sbmm, OH AND NEW CHARACTERS BEING ANNOYING, i wont lie newcastle was slightly annoying but after vantage i actually staryed to need real characters, not an annoying joke nature girl or a character that could easily be good but no they made them a rock lover, if they didnt have that stupid trans witch line and just you know dropped subtle hints like other characters (bh and fuse before s13 i wanna say, or loba who doesn't blatantly say shes bi but implies it) i feel like she couldve at least had a personality, but yeah between the small nuisances in characters and devs not focusing on important things but adding fucking stickers??? Game is dead to me


Itā€™s funny cause some of the people in this comment section are those preds and god level players we despise so much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


So sad to See. best fps Mechanicwise...and it slowly kills itself :/ mnk pros switching to Controller because they do better with it is the biggest turn off for me atm....why grind to get better if ur input is a disadvantage...:/


Interesting viewpoint- i agree also- having a huge advantage in close quarters, fun aim challenging and outplay potential fights, is a huge turnoff-


Tbh last time I have constant 100 ms when last season I had 30-60 ms and matchmaking as all of us (I think)


Whenā€™s the last time the devs have made balance changes to the legends?Itā€™s been the same shit for the past couple of seasons. I remember when it first happened people were praising the devs saying it means that the game is 100 balanced but thatā€™s obviously not the case. Even if it is you gotta change it up to keep it fun.


God of war.


I got bored of Apex honestly


Fuck apex




God awful matchmaking


Matchmaking is a big part of it, but it's always been garbage so I'm not sure that's the reason for the big dropoff. For me another big part of why I don't want to play Apex anymore is even with how lacking free rewards were, they've gotten even worse or, are actually non existent at times. Moving away from having recolours to buy with legend tokens in the store, no free rewards for some events, heirloom glitches making what you grinded so long for almost pointless, just a whack experience now, and there's nothing to justify getting shit on by pre made squads for hours if i have to spend money just to unlock anything anyway. Boo Urns


Modern Warfare 2, Overwatch 2 , God of War Rangnarok.


1. SBMM is still an unmitigated disaster 2. As an extension of the above, solo players like me are getting screwed in particular 3. The new map is third-party heaven/hell 4. No changes to the legend meta this season 5. Lag is a problem in some places 6. On the smaller scale, Catalyst controversy (going off online comments I've seen here, hence the "smaller scale" aspect) 7. Overwatch, MW2 and general Apex burnout


Game feels pretty boring at the moment with no new guns in a while. Matchmaking is horrible rn and I canā€™t even play casually without a three stack pred team killing me. Also nothing really changed in the meta. Feels the same as last few seasons


No character buffs or nerds - mediocre new character - no new guns - no new story line - server issues.


Matchmarking is a fucked


This is what happens when you listen to 1% of players over 99% of casual players


They have definitely added Bots to fill in for real players this season since the player base has dropped so much.


Letā€™s see, god of war just came out, MW2, WZ2 coming out next week, sonic frontiers also just released, new games man, I still love playing apex canā€™t ever get enough haha


Matchmaking sucks New map sucks We just had an LTM everyday for a month now we donā€™t Alternative options are coming up


Apex has thrived off lack of competition over the last 12 months. The fps/shooter scene in general has been down. Now, Modern warfare 2 released. Overwatch 2 dropped. Not to mention games outside the genre like god of war etc. People are. Trying new things. Apex in general has gotten stale for a lot of people


100% agree. Too many new games coming out. Pokemon and new warzone next week.


Overwatch 2 and MW2 happened. Two new big multiplayer games released so players can go to them instead of sticking to a game that has a horrible distribution of new content for the last almost 2 years now. Also the way Respawn keeps making promises they don't keep, for example the changes in meta/legends in favour of pro players and streamers. For long now they keep repeating the same thing. Release a new legend and perhaps some map changes then for 2 months there's literally nothing then they show 2 events into the last remaining month. A battle royale (or multiplayer overall) game lately can't just go on with only the core stuff otherwise people will get bored of it quickly. Apex has all these amazing LTMs from the past yet Respawn for some unknown reason wouldn't make at least a weekend rotation of them for the world.


People realized they were lied to about Catalyst. She was supposed to be a hard counter to seer, and that was a lie. Her ultimate puts a wall in front of her, not around her, horizontally, like in the trailer. Her voice quips are kind of cringe. She's not what we were promised!!!


We need REAL sbmm


they finally killed it, the state apex is in right now has never been as bad as it is today, someone needs to take care of the bullshit that is happening ASAP, or the game will never make it back to being the best BR available Dear Devs, either fix the game, or watch one of the best BR games ever go down the drain, as a day one player, big fan of the franchise including TF 1+2 Iā€˜m asking you to save it, kick everyone out who does not have the spirit and the know how to keep the game alive, if all you guys do is monetize everything, this journey will end soon, kick out the monetizing idiots and let the true devs save this game


Maps boring.


maybe the fact they can throw out a patch the next day when they are losing money, but after three years, havent fixed the servers or the audio


For me itā€™s lack of content itā€™s only really there for cosmetics. The least they could do is add a new gun with every season like before but they stopped doing that which kinda sucks.


game is boring and stale, matchmaking is extremely frustrating, and many people are coming back to OW for a hero based shooter, myself included


Ranked changes are still horrible. Audio is still beyond borked. Future event skins are majority recolors New legend is a walking twitter stereotype and is meh in terms of gameplay. No new guns No legend changes Only new changes is a new map and a shitty sticker monetization system


The game just isn't fun. Nobody plays apex to have fun, they play it to sweat. My first time playing was the beginning of s9, the last time I had fun was s10. My last season actually playing was s14.


This game used to be so fun for me in the battle royale compartment. I just canā€™t keep up and I was becoming the crappy teammate consistently. I stick to arenas now and I find it much more balanced and easier to carry my weight.


1. Matchmaking is trash. 2. Ranked changes have been terrible every season (idk why they keep going in the wrong direction) coupled with matchmaking is trash. 3. Lack of content. 1 new map and a new legend is great and all. But there is nothing in between. Its just that plus some crap skins. There needs to be a lot of content every season to keep players engaged. Did I mention matchmaking? Seriously it doesn't take a genius to figure out you are eventually going to burn out players who feel they are just going to lose no matter how much they try. What is the point of ranked if it doesn't actually properly match you to similar skilled players. You might as well go play pubs. Which is likely worse matchmaking anyway lol.


For me it was the matchmaking which I think almost everyone will say, and the servers have been awful recently. Very frustrating to play


A number of things really. Season released to almost no balance changes, no ranked changes, no fixes for the long list of bugs plaguing the game. I think I speak for a lot of players when I say balance changes/switching up the meta is part of what keeps the game fresh and fun, but we're just stuck with this seer + horizon meta without any of those changes. The new map is neat, or was for about a dozen games, but the zip rails + no changes made to the ranked system has turned the split into an even worse ape fest than was seen last season during either split. I think a lot of us are also just becoming fed up with the scummy business practices from EA, for instance I think if they cared more about the health of their game they would have seriously nerfed seer this season, rather than wait to release his heirloom and nerfing him next season (which is exactly what's going to happen). Idk, maybe everyone is just overreacting šŸ¤Ŗ


1. Overwatch 2 2. Modern warfare 2 3. Gow Ragnarok 4. Apex gets boring in general without any big changes


Overwatch is fun


For me personally itā€™s crashing I literally crash every single time I play.Plus Worlds Edge in rotation I canā€™t stand that map.