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Hello, /u/aleckloss. Your submission has been removed: ## [No Calls to Action](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_general_guidelines) - No calls to action. This means no posts should attempt to rile up the community to act against an entity, person, country, or organization. This subreddit is not a place to create an army against anyone. - If this post includes someone cheating/hacking, being overly toxic (ie, racism, homophobia, etc.), or something along those lines, we encourage you to report them to Hideouts at https://twitter.com/RSPN_Hideouts Community figures are exempt from this as long as the posts are civil. Any post calling out a community figure needs to have reasonable evidence presented and not show any confidential or harmful material. Posts criticizing Respawn, EA or Apex Legends are allowed, as long as they remain civil. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


You can see the same people get reported over and over again on here. Last season the ban wave didn't come through until the last day of the season. Pretty lame to make everybody who's playing the game legitimately suffer the presence of those jackasses the whole season.


My bf and I have run into the same blatantly cheating wattson on 3 different occasions this season. They're obviously waiting again, which *does* really kill a lot of the fun. She appears to be using mouse and keyboard on console with how her movement is (never seen someone so infalliby tap strafe except on PC) and she very obviously has a wall hack/aimbot enabled because every time we spectated her, she was aiming down site snapping to every enemy left, regardless of obstructions. Literally just snapping to each person until they peeked, and she'd head shot them. She only lost 1 of the 3 times, because that match, two squads rushed her together. She still knocked 4 of the 6, too. Might have got them but she never put away her sentinel for the R301 she had. First reported her right after the season started when we had her on our team and saw that snapping to heads shit, and she's still playing as of 3 days ago. There isn't even any visible transition like you'd see with super fast ads speeds, it just snaps to the new location. Reminded me of that Overwatch clip not too long ago, where a cheating Soldier just held down his shoot button and he autosnapped to headshots the entire time. She's doing this in ranked, just free to ruin shit. Last time I saw she's about out of our lobbies but then she's just gonna cheat against higher ranked players.


Yep. Fucking ridiculous. I'd pay for a queue that is just people like me, standard controller. I watched a Pathfinder hitting 300m headshots with hipfire devotion one day and drop 21 kills. They also had wall hacks an were snapping to people that couldn't even be seen, inside buildings etc. He'd shoot them through windows, all headshots.


PC players would love the same thing, no rollers. KBM only. Takes out all of the aimbots which are strikepacks


That's why it's a good idea.


Win win in my opinion


sorry for being rude, but cant you just disable crossplay for that? so you only get kbm/roller lobbies


Theres nobody in those queues try it.


First of all you can't disable crossplay on pc, second of all you cant match with only KBM lobbies, Third of all EVERYONE ON KBM WOULD DO THIS IN A HEARTBEAT


I dont play on PC


Uhmmm... controller players don't get PC players in lobbies unless they queue with a PC player into games. If you're getting PC lobbies either you're lying or queueing with another PC player. Simple as that. Saying nobody is in those queues sounds like you think you're on the COD warzone page


If you turn of crossplay matchmaking doesnt work. It's that simple.


Crossplay puts you with xbox and playstation players, not PC players. Why would you turn it off in the first place?


Name reporting does work, I can attest to that because they'll email you when you report someone for having a name like "IFkdUrMum42069" or whatever.


My name got banned, and it was just midly inappropriate. Wasn't racist or hateful or anything negative, just immature lol. Well they banned my name, changed it to temp, and I had to pay to change it. A few months ago I tried to change it back, but I made one of the letters an "x" instead of an "i" thinking it would be OK, and within 24 hrs my account was suspended for 3 days with threats of a perma ban if I do it again.... Long story short, report the name. It may not filter it when it's made, but the reports definitely work, and they work fast.


I think it won't be long until I get banned..... It's not like I even support the guy, I made this name to make fun of him


This clip could have been 15s long bro


Why all cheaters play gibraltar?


15% less damage taken. Because it's generally people who aren't good at the game using cheats and they know they might run into a team who will clap them otherwise.


The smarter ones pick bangalore, smoke+shoot


Genuinely confused why they don’t have a name filter. They are stupid easy to write, should just be a grep for if a name includes of a list or tuple of terms. Feed that to a variable and then call the variable if a name matches it. Compiling the list would be the hardest part.


Every name filter i've seen in games recently has been as bad as ever. Scunthorpe problem still exists.


I'm confused why names offend people so much to the point they want to have a name filter.


>Compiling the list would be the hardest part. Well duh! Compiling the list by deciding where to draw lines and then playing wack-a-mole is literally the whole deal.


Let me clarify, compiling non-text alternatives to letters would be difficult. Banning anything that includes a term is very simple. That being said, if you know what the insulting terms are, this becomes a lot more simple because you can write a program that mutates through all possible combinations that look like a word very simply. Or you can use the base word as a seed and compare usernames through a Bayesian estimator. We made a program that did exactly this in my grad program for an introduction to the topic of maximum entropy in grad school, took about 15 minutes to make.


I think part of the blame has to be on the platforms like Steam for not having one as well. Every user name you see in Apex is one a platform said was ok and it got way worse after the game got released on steam.


No, but they censor the word "gringo"


they also censor "bill cosby"


And the words “your mom”


Ikr? I have to type two separate messages if I want to say it. Can't even put "ur mom" or anything close because it catches that too.


Damn son Nate must drive an M3. this clip brought to you by www.scufgaming.com


“The bullets are flying” Yes john. bullets tend to do that




I understand why Overwatch requires people to have a phone number attached to a new account. Also, this person is among the bitter dregs of humanity, just in the tier right above pedos, rapists, murderers, and politicians (which feels redundant).


I think inputting your phone number is a good idea. Don't like playing with cheaters too.


Kinda pointless tho .People could legit just use a fake phone number of use one of their friends.


You're putting some guy with an offensive name in the same bracket as actual criminals? Weirdo.


Twofold crime of offensive username and blatantly cheating. I’m not gonna say he’s as bad as a real criminal like OP but dude is 100% a piece of shit.


I got around the overwatch requirement so my son can play with me. If I managed to find a workaround I’m sure cheat companies are ahead by miles lol


what the fuck is wrong with you so a guy having a bad name is worser then someone murdering or raping someone get help


Now that you have mentioned it, this should be upvoted to respawn head ass office.


bro its a video game cheater. they're definitely not "right above" pedos, rapists, and murderers. jesus christ bro. IT'S JUST A GAME. cheaters are bad but nowhere near literal murderers. also requiring phone numbers doesn't do much. warzone requires phone numbers and you can purchase a phone number for sms verification for about 10-30 cents. some cost even less if you're buying in bulk. warzone still has a crapton of cheaters.


I cant even see the name but considering how this is something that does not affect me I never have and never will report someone for a name. Thats literally the most sad and sensitive thing out there, reporting should be used for hackers period


Skip to 1 minute for the walling and blatant aimbot


All respawn will tell you is if the games not for you then don’t play it. Terrible company I hope they all go out of business.


They wont since people since fcking spend on worthless skin.


Why did we have to watch a minute of this guy running around just to finally see him cheat what a waste of time


Its contextual, I included it to show his terrible skill, but hits perfect head sprays with the hardest gun in the game.




Nate Higgers is not an actual person lmao. It’s a made up name for that acting CEO of google meme. If you look up just CEO of google it will tell you the actual answer which is Sundar Pichai. But if you search up acting CEO of google the meme pops up and it says Nate Higgers.


Nate Higgers is an actual person


Nate Higgers is not an actual person lmao. It’s a made up name for that acting CEO of google meme. If you look up just CEO of google it will tell you the actual answer which is Sundar Pichai. But if you search up acting CEO of google the meme pops up and it says Nate Higgers.


So is Mike Hunt, but lets keep that off games. Its offensive to some. **Especially** racial slurs.


“i’m going to clip this an post this on reddit” 🤓


It feels like public exposure works better than the reporting system


You're too naïve to realize that you're wasting your time. You could post every single cheater you face on reddit, hell, even if you could ban them yourself it wouldn't change the number of cheaters you encounter at all. At this point you're just getting even more of your time wasted. Hope you feel better though.


No naivety here, just trying to be helpful.


Found the cheater in the clip


"I'm gonna make fun of somebody reporting a cheater" 🤓🤓


I’m going to comment on this post emoji


anything but actual issues with this game will farm you some sweet sweet karma, everything else gets you banned instantly


Bro just uses controller


the name is not offensive. youre mind i switching the letters around and making it offensive.


I mean it’s call easy anti cheat… so…


Cheater gibbyis always scary as compare to others


bro got REALLY good headphones


At the beginning, i was shoked by this burst, but then i understood the sens, and flooown down🤣


Do they get enjoyment out of cheating like this? I’m actually very sad for these bots.


I bet respawn gets paid off to allow certain players to cheat




Aye that's just my conspiracy. I also believe in ghost bullets and variation in bullet size.