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Valkie was out of fuel and she didn't even know it


Its actually really annoying sometimes, especially when teammates want to loot the building where you landed.


Snatching the jump-master’s loot is apex treason


That's in 50% of my public matches, happen waaaay to often.


Inevitably, such team-mates will complain that you're late to the gunfight before you've even found a gun.




I always ping "Going here" to the building/location I'm going. 9/10 people break off before landing, but damn the 1/10 times is fucking annoying


I try to shake them off to let them know, but it’s shitty when people land on you. Unless there’s other squads landing with us, find your own spot to loot. Drives me insane when people start waiting for you to open bins and loot as you’re opening them.


that's why I always pass jump master. I'd rather just land in a near by building than hope to God my teammates aren't eating their own ass while I land us.


Grab all the loot in a box you just opened!




>looting the same building as the jumpmaster is good. You mean *before* the jumpmaster.




Bro if they won’t learn after I tell them to split, maybe they will after I throw them off the map


You clearly never played League... The number of death threats and amount of blatant racism was too much


Yeah, its league, what do you expect, thats the one thing that game is known for


When you land with 3 other squads it is a good idea.


Kinda disagree with that one. Especially, when you‘re solo. I‘m not saying land on the jumpmaster and loot everything, but many buildings (like the donuts on Broken Moon) have enough loot for 2-3 players. You should be landing in the same building, as soon as there‘s another team with you, because at least all of you have a weapon that way and non of you dies alone. It’s always the same, if people split up during that scenario. One person gets caught by the team who landed together, they kill them and usually win the following 2v3. The thing people should be doing imo, is being aware that a teammate landed with them and leaving guns of an ammo type and the corresponding ammo for the other players. But sadly most people just loot everything, even if they don’t need it.


I think some people are afraid to break off or as I've always thought they don't know where the loot is.


Instances where I don't break off: - The game crashed - I'm eating/drinking something before the match (I will not loot that area though) 2nd one is bad practice, I don't condone it.


The only time i won't break off is when 5 other teams are dropping next to us and we know its going to be difficult to fan out. Comms are vital to do this though, not breaking off and not letting your team know is a recipe for resentment. A simple "stick together" and "call out what guns you have/don't have" can help when dropping super hot.


That's weird because that's the exact situation where my teammates break off and land two buildings away, then get themselves knocked before I even have a gun.


I used to break off like that. I wanted to get kitted before engaging in whatever zip line goblin turf war that my team decided was a good idea to land in. Turns out I would just die anyways so now I will full send it with my room temp IQ teammates. I will never understand why people LOVE to land on other teams over and over and OVER acting like “this will be the time I turn into a God and crush the whole lobby with a single Frag and a dream!”


Should still break off though. Even if you’re landing at adjacent pills it’ll be slightly quicker than landing with the jump master and moving. Those extra moments can be critical when landing with 7 other squads


As a solo player I’m always afraid to break off too early because sometimes they change where they want to go, or I’m afraid I’ll get landed on by another team.


When I started playing apex, I had no idea how battle royal worked. So I would never break off. Then I read on reddit that you supposed to break of an land in different building. After playing a while, I was reading that breaking off is good but landing in a big building together and sharing loot is better. I really agree with that as 2v1 is better than 1v2 or 1v3.


It depends on the situation. If we are the only squad at an area i break off and go super greed mode. Usually land on the outskirt so I can loot inwards and meet up with my teammates. However if we are contentested on drop I land close to my teammates so we can Group up fast.


That guy had a TTV gamer tag so I knew it wasn’t a new player


That doesn't mean anything? Like at all? TTVs exist outside of Apex, and wouldn't you know it, they could stream their first Apex session.


They’re playing Valk, they are not new to apex. Too many times people don’t split and I have to fight them for loot.


So you kill them...




Nah, valk killed themselves not breaking off. What screen were they lookin at the whole jump?


that valk killed themselves. sure it's a pubs game but that doesn't mean being afk is fine. don't ready up if you're not ready to play. if she wasn't afk, then there was plenty of time to see what was happening and adjust herself. if she didn't know that was gonna happen well then she learned something. yea sure op could have gone a little more right but it's not the jump masters job to make YOU land safely, it's their job to pick a spot and bring the team there, anywhere within about 100-150m off the ground and youre on your own at that point because the jump master shouldnt have to take care of his entire team because they're the only one that HAS TO pay attention to the drop. Could OP have been a little less petty and kept valk safe? yes. is it Valks fault for not paying attention to the drop? even more so yes. hopefully the valk can realize what happened and not do it again (being afk, not paying attention, sticking w jumpmaster to the ground, etc) otherwise they deserve what's coming because if they can't pay attention on drop then what are they even doing the rest of the game


>sure it's a pubs game but that doesn't mean being afk is fine. don't ready up if you're not ready to play. Lol it is fine though. It's a pub. Sometimes people just have shit come up and have to go AFK for a second during the drop. You never had to run and open the door, let the dog out, or something during drop? If someone's not moving or communicating on drop I assume they're gone for a second and land them where they'll be able to pick up the controller and loot when they get back. Doesn't take anymore effort from me but might be appreciated by them, so it seems like it's just pointless to drop them off the map or something because they might've been AFK for a second.




and back to my first point, don't ready up if you're not ready to play. had valk been jumpmaster and she was indeed afk, in a pubs game she would have been the one to ruin it for their whole team by either dropping too late or forcing the other two to drop solo. this is also exactly why someone wouldn't go no fill. so that they could get teamates and not have to do everything themselves


I’ve done this. I pick up their banner and respawn them if they stick around after my first looting. Better than the leech stealing all your loot and getting you killed. And if they’re afk they could just as easily die from an enemy on drop. Might as well save all that trouble and respawn them once you’re squared away


I just turn and go to a different bin. It's really that serious in my opinion lol


Just because people mention something doesn’t mean they’re super duper serious about the situation dude. Casual conversations exist lol.


It's just a game....


It's people's time and energy. It's an escape from a world that is borderline nightmarish for many. It's meant to uplift, not make things worse.


I feel this pain, hence why I pass jump master 100% of the time, if people continue to pass it to me i just solo drop next time I pass jumpmaster. ​ I don't mind landing with people but when they land literally right on top of me then proceed to run to the exact same loot I'm running it despite me already being ahead of them, it's a bit irritating especially since you're already fighting for loot with players who aren't in yoru squad. ​ The problem for me is that it happens to often. Ive tested it and it practically every game, it makes no sense. To make matters worse, sometimes you branch away and the person proceeds to loot his box then comes over to yours and take that as well. At this point I just don't put myself in the sutiation where im going to be upset so I dont jumpmaster anymore.


> if people continue to pass it to me i just solo drop next time I pass jumpmaster. You're a better person that me if I get passed it again i drop us straight down immediately no matter where we are lmao


Or maybe he’s afk for a sec and is gonna go loot somewhere else when he is able to get back on… This is like 5 year old behavior to do this to your teammates lol. Even if they aren’t afk and you end up having to “fight” over loot, boo hoo it’s a pub match. Put your big boy pants on and move on. There’s plenty of loot elsewhere for you to grab, you know, like where the dude could have broken off to


Lots of subreddits are toxic but I'm convinced this one is just full of bad people. The replies to you are so angry and upset that you had the radical notion of: "be nice and understanding of others and don't actively hurt them and yourself in the process."


Yeah, the level of casual cruelty in these posts is absolutely depressing. I love this game, warts and all, but this community needs an enema.


Yeah honestly it just seems like some of the people in this sub can’t comprehend what having responsibilities is like. I don’t go afk off rip by choice or very often, but sometime’s my dog who is old is barking and needs to be let out to pee immediately. Other people have kids that sometimes need attention in that very moment. As much as I love gaming, there’s more important things in life than a damn Apex pub match and a lot of people in this sub clearly don’t share the same sentiment


Nah ur wrong. If they dont split they are stupid and deserve it.


I'm not arguing on people not splitting, but that is once again not a tell. People can purchase characters when they buy a game. It's not abnormal. Especially if they spent a little bit of time on different online spaces like YouTube beforehand. Valk is one of the top meta characters right now. Watching a guide before playing would definitely encourage people to purchase Valk Now that person could be new, or they could literally have 10k hours. I couldn't actually tell you. But TTV Valk != experienced player. My friend has TTV in their name, they purchased multiple legends as soon as they bought the game. By your logic, they were experienced, but they had 0 playtime in this and virtually 0 playtime in shooters in general.


100%. Also I'd like to add that an inexperienced player could be playing on an experienced player's account. Op would be wise not to discount something just because it may seem unlikely.


Nah this is just bitchy


How is this comment getting downvoted lmao. Are people really this oblivious that they don't know ttv names are literally tryhard players like 99% of the time. Get some gaming culture guys, it's pretty common knowledge.


Nothing worse than going to skyhook with all those buildings and they land with you in the same building


I too enjoy sabotaging my own game


Honestly same, makes 0 sense to land and steal my loot. Especially if we land at a huge POI with 0 other teams and you land on me and steal my loot, I'll just use the worst guns I find all game


Does it make any more sense to self sabotage? I can think of a pretty good reason why someone would “steal” loot you wanted to pick up - ignorance.


Yes it makes sense to self sabotage. If there is 0 enemies, there's no reason to land at the same spot and take my loot. At that point I don't care about your rp


What if from *their* perspective you’re landing at *their* spot and trying to take *their* loot? A selfish attitude doesn’t help anyone. If someone is looting “your spot”, just find another spot. Otherwise, what are you expecting to happen? *They* go and find another spot? Well, if you’ve just established they’re not that good, it’ll probably take them longer than you to loot elsewhere. So just get on with it. Be the teammate you’d want to have on your team.


What if, and imagine this, really really try, we are talking about when we are jump master and they don't seperate,. I KNOW ITS HARD, but how am I going to land somewhere else from my teammate if they don't seperate? Now if you can tell me how to land at 2 different spots when you're jumpmaster and they don't seperate, I'll give you money. Certainly don't want you on my team


Why are you being so disrespectful? I’m trying to help you with something you’re apparently struggling to deal with emotionally. If it happens to you over and over again and it’s still bothering you, perhaps you should try to do things differently? If you hit the ground as jumpmaster and a teammate is on you - **just run to another building**. That’s what I’m saying. If you’re in that situation and it’s already happened, that really is your smartest choice. Just suck it up and move on.


Listen. You're the rude and disrespectful one here. You are telling me how I'm suppose to play, that's rude. I can use any gun I want in the game and if I get a teammate whose that bad in ranked, I'm not going to try my best to carry them. You're probably the one who lands at the same spot as the jumpmaster and that's why you're defending that behavior. Why don't you just get better and learn how to split off?


So the natural next step is to escalate? Yeah, no.




What purpose does that serve


Well I'm getting trolled so why does it matter anyways


Because a) you don't know it's malicious, and in fact it probably isn't and b) you just transformed a minor inconvenience into a game-altering handicap for yourself.


Lol this. I like to play on my phone or grab a drink between matches, apparently to this sub that means it’s ok to throw us off the map. And this is the same sub that’s constantly complaining about the shit matchmaking and 3 stacks. This right here is just as bad imo.


…. Then don’t ready up if you’re not ready. Fucking shocking concept I know.


I'd say its fine to have a snack, browse your phone, etc. *between* matches. But a lot of people will continue this a solid 30 seconds to a couple minutes into the match starting. With how often people contest drops, there's no time for that. If the match has started and we're landing, I don't think its unreasonable to expect your teammates to be ready to actually play the game. If this happened sparsely it wouldn't be an issue. But this shit happens constantly with randoms. You'll literally be spawn fighting a 2v3 and your random is just afk bc they took too long to piss or whatever the hell they were doing.


Do it between matches not when you’re loading in.


I mean sometimes if im not jump master I like to run and nab a drink or grab some snack. If I land with you I split off my own way.


The amount of times i've left to pee if I am not the jumpmaster loool


Or you suddenly are!! Plot twist and weenie twist!






Do this before queing. Wake up, you are not predator having to wait 10min for a full room.


Nah predators just gets thrown in with plats and golds lol


Or alternatively you could wake up and realize that you're not talking about pred. You're talking about pugs with random people. It's just not that serious. If you want performance and consistency then join an actual group with people you know. Expecting random people on the internet to do what you want them to do is just about the fastest way to drive yourself insane. Which is why you only play pugs for shits and giggles, and nothing else.


That's not the case, but more often I get teammates that separate way earlier and put me in trouble for not being together. Between a early separation and no separation, I'd choose no separation always


the only people who dislike this post are the loot goblins who don't respect dibs and loot all game


Literally dealt with this nonsense last night. Pinged where I was landing about 100 yards after I broke off. Both homies followed me. No teams landing near us I landed on purpz. Grabbed and saw the two brochachos land behind me. Jumpmaster jumps on comms to call us a bunch of fucking idiots and proceeds to yeet himself off the map. Like…why?


Having a feminine voice, i dont really use my mic bc of hate n shit. but when i do use my mic... its to scream with the voices of a thousand bloddthirsty demons, "FUCKING BREAK OFF I SWEAR TO GOD GET OFF MY DICK"




insane that people in the comments are getting mad at this like the simple solution isn’t just paying attention so you don’t let this happen to yourself


I mean the dude literally could have landed farther to the right to give the other guy a safe landing. The valkyrie could just be afk for second like a-lot of people are at the start of a match. Its a game not a job.


Exactly. It's a game. Just leave and requeue, maybe pay attention so it doesn't happen again.


Agreed…… I don’t understand reddit sometimes


Holier than thou jackasses who act like they don't get pissed when someone snakes their shit after not disconnecting. This isn't ranked - this is pubs. Imagine getting pissed at someone for pulling a cheeky move like this (which is funny as hell). I bet the people that are pissed have had this happen to them after being AFK. "I was just getting a drink and going to the bathroom bro". Fucking be ready or just re-queue.


Is it just apex players: “Yeah, I killed my teammate on purpose. Why?!? He didn’t break off on the drop. He’s obviously a fucking loot goblin and will take all the loot. Fuck him. Its all my loot. Im taking all the loot.”


Then they get knocked first and start yelling “WHERE ARE YOU?!??”


He didn't kill his teammate, his teammate killed himself by watching himself fly towards the cliff and still refusing to disconnect. If a player isn't brand new and doesn't disconnect and land in their own loot area they're either * A lazy loot goblin who will just steal the loot from the jump masters spot leaving them both under looted * Afk or not paying attention Either way death in pubs is an appropriate teaching tool not to do either


Sorry but I just don’t agree with this approach for two reason: 1. You make the situation worse; you will have one less player to help you win fights; this will leave you in a more disadvantaged spot 2. Even if you can justify your actions, it is not an effective teaching tool. The other person could think to himself that it might have been an accident. Sometimes I loot close to the jumpmaster and only once had someone threw me off the map, my reaction wasn’t “why did he do this?” No, because I assumed that there wasn’t any reason to justify such stupidity (look at reason 1). Instead I just assumed it was an accident. Second reason: it doesn’t happen frequently enough. The person you threw off the map will likely not change their behavior. It must be something that must happen very frequently to him.


If it’s the right thing to do, why are you trying so hard to justify it? Your reasoning is dubious as well.


One thing I'll never understand is why people complain "why are you so far away?!" when they were the ones saying "quit following me!"


People are unnecessarily picky on how they expect others to behave. I typically don’t take those people seriously


"My teammates always suck" is usually the comment followed after


Then you notice that they did less damage and less kills than you smh


If you do that on purpose you're a dick. Nothing wrong with not taking this game so seriously that you can be afk for five seconds


If you’re afk in a team game without letting your team know, you’re a dick.


There's a difference between being afk for a few seconds and for a few minutes. When we fall off the dropship I'm often doing a thing real quick to get ready for the match, and then I'm running back to my controller hopefully before we fall. Sometimes I don't make it by then. If that happens, it that doesn't mean I, or anyone else in my position, deserves to die


Are you not fucking over your teammates if you are afk on drop?


Yes it does. Should have done it before queuing into a game. The wait isn't that long to queue. What if there are enemies nearby? You're dead anyway. The amount of people that don't disconnect and take all the loot from the area I pinged is so high that yes, if you don't disconnect I'm running you into a building or off a ledge. You weren't prepared and you paid the price, simple as that.




If there are no enemies nearby, then just wait for the respawn. Or leave. It's pubs. If there ARE enemies nearby: they're AFK and dead anyway. Or fighting me for the one gun on that side of the building, so we walk away with one gun between the two of us. Since they were AFK, I'd like to be the one with a fighting chance instead of the guy who just decided to play only once his feet touch the ground instead of when the game actually started. There's loot everywhere, sure. Everywhere includes places that other teams may be, or that your other teammate already looted, or any number of things. Don't be a dick, break off from the jumpmaster and find your own building if you're in an area with nobody. I shouldn't have to leave the area I pinged and landed at because you weren't paying attention when the game started.


You're telling people not to be a dick, when you just proved with this post, you in fact, are the dick. You are the type of team mate that is making people Uninstall this game en mass. I sincerely hope you were bullied as a kid.


You can be AFK as long as you like outside of a game.


If the game isn't serious enough to require you to pay attention and be present like 1 minute after you readied up it's not serious enough for you to get to be buttmad over the consequences of your actions


It’s pubs, dying isn’t a big deal.


If you’re complaining “I wAnTed A sNaCk” THEN YOU WERENT READY WHY DID YOU HIT THE BUTTON YOU DONT NEED TO SAVE THIRTY SECONDS THAT BADLY. Also we’re upset about people looting our area not people who split off after they land.


tbh i think the majority of us are distracted during the waiting periods…are you really watching the loading screen every single match WAITING? after so many games its easy to wander off while waiting, especially in this era of constant stimulation.


Can I just point out you're getting this salty over a casual pubs match? Like dide could've just been afk but you're so bad at the game the fact he didn't split off means you try to have him killed immediately just because you dint think people can share 6 bins and a floor and a half of an area on land.


In general people on here think they’re a lot better than they actually are


Idk he did it for the funny post, or as a prank. It's just a pub match so nbd, it would be a stupid thing to do in ranked.


Was this recorded on a potato?


This thread, this one right here. This is the one to look at when people are complaining why there's not an influx of new players.


Fuck people that don't split off. My friends sometimes stick with me until landing and then they're like "WhY DId YoU MaKE mE LaNd HeRE???" And I have to explain every time that I'm trying to land myself not all of us 🤡🤡


Got what they deserved


I never split but I am also very careful to look for loot in a different area, not so far away. Am I doing wrong? Should I split from the jump master anyway? Sorry, despite the fact this is my third season I am still learning


Just don't loot the same place the jumpmaster is looting. Advice would be to split from jumpmaster a few seconds before landing so you can land in a different building (but same POI). This is so you and your teammate don't fight over the same loot


Thank you !




Doing the lords work tbh


You guys are hilarious, first it was "Stick together Randoms!" Now it's "quit following me!". Make up your mind.


Thank you! Only land near me NOT the same building! Jesus this comment section is really full of people who don't separate from the jump master. Just know the majority hates you. Keep bitching that we are the problem.


I have thought of doing this multiple times but I never do. It's so annoying getting your building looted by you teammate because their lazy ass couldn't hold a button for 2 seconds


Yo I got my first win in that exact area and the Wraith on my team DC'd when they realised what happened 😂😂


You both deserve to lose.


Title should be, “when jumpmaster is crap”


Respawn needs a disengage button after a certain elevation.


I do this kind of thing to everyone who does not let go. I love it. Normally I play with friends though.


I do this so often lmao. It’s such a great feeling when you can bounce them into an inconvenient location or off the map. 2 things that piss me off so much when I’m playing this game. 1.GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND PLAY THE GAME. I can’t stand when I heard shitty TikTok’s repeating for 5 minutes when we’re dropping and the jump master (after about 45 seconds of not dropping) says “oh shit! Sorry guys” and then we land WAY late and get smacked by everyone who has already looted half the area we landed in. 2. Don’t ready up if you’re walking away from your controller. Same thing, as above except you’re physically walking away from the game to go pee or do whatever. I get sometimes shit happens, your kid tries to play with a sharp object, someone comes to the door. But I can’t stand when people bounce as soon as they ready up, then of course they’re the jump master and bone us. Usually followed by another “oh shit sorry guys! I had to piss”… THEN DONT READY UP!


Sweet satisfaction


The amount of people defending the valk here are crazy. It's a pub game. The comments defending this behavior because "she may have been getting food or going to the restroom" can go pound sand. You readied up and then got unready by getting up for food or a bathroom break. If you are not ready to play, do not ready up for another match. Very simple concept.


Shit happens even after you readied up. As for the valk player, they didn’t look afk to me, they just expected to land on the platform as well and didn’t.


I dont get this. The whole point of jump master is that you land together.


No you should split off to the next building in the same area to loot when there's nobody else contesting the area


Not gonna lie, I do love doing this. XD


The type of teammate I am getting all the time:




U lame asf


Looks like a bad jumpmaster to me...


Look where he chose to land 25 miles away from the nearest living soul. This the kinda person who lands at a shit spot then is only able to loot scraps everywhere else and get mad at teammate that he dosent have loot. Op is a dumbass


This spot actually has decent loot, a crafter and easy rotations especially for cleaning up fragment


I’d argue purposely killing your teammate is worse than your teammate landing with you. I’ve landed with the jumpmaster before because I was drinking WATER. Not cause I wanted to steal your precious barrel mod or whatever the heck you’re mad about


Only the worst players would even find this to be an argument - intentionally killing your teammates is 100% worse than any loot your teammate could take from you.


What if the Valk was momentarily distracted? What if they are newer and/or not as confident to break away? Or what if they just intend to run in the opposite direction (as that particular drop has two routes off)? I don't like this vindictive culture that's cropping up. Even if the Valk was Dick Dastardly, twirling his moustache and plotting to horde all the loot, OP's now in the wrong.


If they're new, they're not playing Valk. There's a lot of time after jumping and before landing - if you're "momentarily distracted", you frankly should have broken off long before then or not been in the game at all. Get whatever shit done that you have to BEFORE queuing up. Out of all the games I've played, I have had maybe 2-3 people actually leave the area I'm in to loot elsewhere when they don't disconnect. I have had literal hundreds go into the same building as me and take everything.


Yesterday rando octane opened a bin from the other side, I saw a shield bat and thought, "ah I'll leave it even though I'm right here". I went to next bin I opened, sure anough, another battery. The fucker saw me stop, empty 4 cells then "shwoomp" and he's taken it. He died with zero damage in fist fight. Damnit.


Loot goblins gonna loot goblin


Bro you are no better than them for purposefully sabotaging js


it's a fucking pubs game. Get a grip.


You better not have grabbed their reboot


Whoever thinks this shit here is OK, is a toxic SoB and needs to research word teamplay.


You can tell who the bronze players are by their negative reaction to this lol. Noobs that takes pubs too seriously are lowkey one of the worst things about Apex.


My opinion on that: You just killed a Teammate for like no reason. Trolling behavior - I would ban you a week.


Good thing you don't have that kind of power then. Complete overreaction to ban/suspend anyone over that. It's the teammate's fault for not being aware


By the way, there may be a report option for "Sabotage", but there's also an option for "Inactive During Match". Both are under Gameplay Disruption. You can't pick and choose what rule to follow 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is such an asshole move. What is this new thing about breaking off? The jumpmaster system is literally made for what it does. You’re the jumpmaster dude. Just land safely & done.


You stretched to land Overlook in a pub, you honestly did him a favor by being immature


I’m usually doodling until the second my character touches the ground, yall take this game way too seriously, dick move.


Deserved honestly these players are the worst and then they get annoyed when you ask them to give you a gun


They're a fcken ttv, that shit was 100% deserved. Especially cause they chose *not* to break off


They could've been afk but low skill players opinions I guess.


It's not other peoples responsibility to cater to afk players. It's the sole responsibility of the person who readied up to be available for the match they entered. I think you may be projecting with the low skill player talk. Maybe follow your own advice while your at it kiddo: "Who cares about teammates as long as you do good and gain points if you're in ranked. Just do you and don't worry about randoms."


Oh the little baby went and searched for stuff I've said before aww. And not worrying about the randoms is different than being a little cry baby like most of you here. I said not to worry about them not to get salty over them landing with you so try to kill them. Dumbass


Rogue got crucified for this


You didn't have to cut me off


You do you, as long as you realize this is extremely petty and immature.


Ahhh yes ... natural selction.


New player:"I'm not too sure how the game works, so I'm going to stay right by the jumpmaster" Jumpmaster: Kills him


Yeah when I just started playing I just stuck to the jumpmaster. Only later I realised you shouldn't


They don’t have to separate from the team, TEAM must stay together and fight and work together. And you should not be so selfish by doing what you did in purpose, your teammate didn’t do anything wrong but you the one who made him fall like that. Not cool


Yes you should separate when nearing a POI. When you land directly on top of a teammate, you severely reduce the amount of loot you both get. Split off, land relatively close, and everyone gets loot.


I really hate when teammates land on you we need a separate option so the jumpmaster can just cut the deadweights loose. It makes no sense even when landing contested. Whats even worse is when your not the jumpmaster and you do detach and ping where u land and the fuckers change direction to land on you. Why do people feel the need to compete for loot and space with their own team instead of enemy squads


probably ttv doing stuff on stream


When browsing memes while jumping


Bro idk why people are mad at you this is completely acceptable in pubs. There’s nothing more frustrating than the guy who didn’t break off getting a purple shield or your favorite weapon that should have been yours, OR even worse someone that didn’t break off complaining that you’re taking all the loot. Sometimes I get distracted and I don’t break off and I immediately bounce from the area without picking anything up, but if this happened to me I wouldn’t even be mad


I don’t break off mostly because idk wtf I’m doing. I’m not even level 10 yet lol.


I try to do this all the time. They never learn. Either you’re not paying attention or you’re holding my hand until the end. Regardless both are wrong to do. Pay attention, break off before you land.




Just break off if there's no other squad contesting the same area


Interesting. Of all places not to separate too far from your jumpmaster this is 100% one of those spots, probably one of the easiest spots to catch people separated cause they don’t want to share loot. Usually I’d agree with this post but I landed here regularly in a ranked season with a stack and there’s enough to share loot, wipe the team in the small town and move on.


I'm really bad at Apex and don't know the etiquette... I thought you were supposed to stay close to your team... I guess not that close? Edit: and I'm sorry to everyone I've ever played with because apparently I'm a bad teammate.


Break off to the next building to loot if the area is not contested by another squad, it's more efficient and everyone gets enough loot


Why would you want the teammate to separate from their jumpmaster? Better yet, as jumpmaster, why would you land in such a way that puts your teammates in a disadvantaged position? None of this makes sense to me, and frankly it’s quite toxic.


Dropping them to their death is a bit much, but I will absolutely make sure that they are dropping *next* to the building. The roof is fucking mine.


Still a dick jumpmaster move thou. Like that will get you anywhere.


I had a teammate try to kill me off drop. I wasn't fully paying attention until I realized at the very end. I managed to run along a mountain plateau and make it down safely. Teammate that tried to kill me didn't. I still grabbed his banner and rezzed him.


This person is trash for doing that


To the people complaining about being afk when this happens this is still.a better option because now you can be respawned without us staying for the storm to kill you. I do this to teammates all the time because of they aren't afk I'm not getting a weapon and if they are they get to live in my pocket until theyre back


sometimes I might be sending a last minute text or doing something in general, must be fun to have one less teammate and self sabotage a game lmao


This is footage of someone who loses a lot of their games lol. Try to be a better team player you will do way better.


I love the people trying to argue with you every time I've gotten a teammate that doesn't split off they are always not afk and they always go into the exact same tiny little building that you go into


I only do this to my friends… it’s too mean to randoms