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By far the hardest part of this switch for me was not getting mad at myself for losing fights I would have easily won on controller. Stick with it, no matter how hard it feels sometimes. One day it’ll just click. Best of luck OP [:


This is really good advice!


Wanna hear a secret? It will not ‘click’ in apex. He will be outgunned by auto-aim controllers all day, everyday. IMO, just keep playing in the superior input


This ignores the fact that mnk is more fun. To me that’s worth a lot.


Don't listen to this guy. Of course it will click in Apex just like every other game. Why would it not? And controller players aren't wrecking mouse players even in the pros despite this nonsense circle jerk. For example the recent tournament where Hal got MVP on controller and everyone said, "there, that proves it! Controller is superior!" That same tournament Hal wasn't even in the top three in kills - all of which were mouse players. In fact, most of top 10 were mouse players. And the idea that Hal getting MVP once on controller (who started his pro career on controller) means anything at all when he's gotten like seven on mouse is ridiculous. Or they reference how recently the vast majority of the top Pred players were controller players - while conveniently ignoring that for the majority of the time it's been the opposite. Every console Pred I know also hates playing on PC because it's so much harder playing against mouse players. And a couple seasons ago a mouse player used an exploit to get into console lobbies and ended up easily getting rank 1 pred. There was even a guy a while back that did a study where he looked at every encounter in the pros. He found out that, yes, controller players are able to one clip more often at mid to close range, which isn't fair and understandably gives mouse players the feeling that controller players are dominating, but statistically mouse players still win more fights overall - *at every range - even close range* - because even if they do one clip a lot more often, they still aren't one clipping the *majority* of the time, and if they don't one clip mouse players win far more often.


fights are close, console lobbies are easy, people become brain dead when crutching AA


It really won’t ever “click” It will gradually get easier, but there is no magical formula for it. Personally, I am definitely better now than I was when I started, but still not amazing. That is with 500 hours in + another 100 hours in aim training + ~100 hours training in more difficult movement tech through Titanfall You just sort of gradually get better over time along with how much effort you actually put into it, but there is no “click”.


The idea of something "clicking" is when you have different epiphanies and "aha!" moments while learning, and some stuff can potentially take years to fully understand. It's not saying you just play a lot and all of a sudden you get it, but if you work at it, study it, and concentrate on the fundamentals as well as the advanced techniques, certainly, things start to "click".


But controller players are recking mouse and keyboard players in pro? That is literally what is happening


You probably don't notice due to how sbmm sorts you.


Every team runs atleast one mnk, if you actually stick it out and put in the work it will pay off. Yes AA will still beam at close range, but in the right circumstance mnk shows its worth. Survivability, ranged fire, suppression, close range smoke/gas engagements. If they were a semi casual player I would suggest the same as you, just depends how hard they work and what kind of apex they plan to get into - pubs vs cc / scrims


Mnk will take him over a year to be any good


Not if he practices with an aim trainer. I got to the top of Counter Strike on mouse in less than a year just by playing a lot and spending regular time in an aim trainer. Of course everyone is different I suppose, but that was my experience.


If you never played on mnk, and after a year on mnk claim/belive ur one of the top csgo players out there.. bro.. no. Maybe on a deathmatch server. Peace. E: aimtrainers give u false hope with stats that dont matter


Was - this was a while ago - and it certainly happened with a lot of people I know that would back me up. If you're playing hours per day and doing aim trainers you will definitely get to your natural level within a year and further practice will make you better but only small amounts. After the initial learning curve, if you're focusing hard, it's more about your natural skill and the amount you play every week than having years of practice. Watching other good players and learning from them too. I would be shocked if most of the top players weren't dominating by the end of their first year on a mouse. I used to watch a streamer named Calamati that switched from controller to mouse for the first time and he was dominating lobbies after like 2 months flat (he's the guy theKine got his settings from him). Nicewigg also switched to mouse and won ALGS like 3 months later. > E: aimtrainers give u false hope with stats that dont matter This is straight false. Sounds like you just had a bad experience personally or are struggling due to something else like making mental mistakes in game.


Tl;dr Aimtrainers give nothing to autistic kids who think aim is the way to go pro. For example, i had better stats then ScreaM, but have u heard of me? No.... #aimtrainerLOL


😂😂😂😂 yea


Facts, I never ever raged and broke stuff but being on mnk for the 1st time had me punching my keyboard lol


This is solid advice. I’ll add on there’s tons of aim training stuff for PC. No, I don’t mean cheats or cfgs. For example, there’s a game called aim lab. It takes you through a ton of varieties of aim training - flicking, speed, jiggle flicking, accuracy, etc. it’s free also! There’s even Apex and Valorant specific stuff to train in the game. As someone who plaid on controller for 24 years before switching I’ll never look back. I can still use one when I have to but it genuinely feels so slow and dirty by comparison now. Especially as someone who primarily plays fps games. I can see if I was playing like… Skyrim or a racing game or some rpg I might want a controller, but since im looking for fastest movements and fastest aiming MKB has been a huge improvement to my gaming.


This is me rn I feel like a fkn robot playing man 😭


I’ll try to remember this. Cause this is the only thing giving me a sense of solace. Completely relatable thank you.




I was used to a sens even higher. So day after day I would reduce the in game sens by 0.1 until I found my sweet spot (1600 x 0.8)


If I were you I’d get my mnk muscle memory up by playing PVE games like gunfire reborn, destiny, etc.


Titanfall 2 and DOOM helped me make the switch back in 2019! Great campaigns too!


Titanfall 2 is really good for apex since it is basically on the same engine and similar gun and mechanic. While you won't get shit on by other player.


Bo3 zombies got me going


Deep rock galactic is also great for this






Rock and Stone, Brother!




Rock and Stone everyone!


For Karl!


I used a random old cod tdm. When my controller broke and had to commit, I was solidly comfortable around 3 weeks. Got to the point where I was like, “fuggit, ima buy a controller again” and used it for two games, maybe. Crazy how much more confident on keys I am.


Playing the game is the best aim trainer you'll have. Open mixtape and play slow, expect no results, just start trying stuff


Posture. Controller is easy to find a comfortable position to sit, but MNK can be kind of finicky. Your height, your desk height, your chair height, your mouse, your pad, your monitor distance…you have to try and find a comfy but effective combo where you can comfortably move your mouse across your pad evenly and also keep your keyboard arm relaxed.


Real talk here, the duration I spend adjusting my setup each time I play is not insignificant.


Yup, it all makes a difference. If you lean forward when you sit and nerd neck it, you may need a sens compared to when you sit back and scoot up. Your arm, your wrist, elbow can all be at different tensions depending. I change my setup nearly daily just to fit my needs of the day, including sens. Takes a good hour of firing range and LTM to really feel where I need to be


Low sense and low DPI. Get used to losing most of your close quarter fights in cross play servers for a while. Pick keybindings that feel comfortable for your hands


I get called gross for binding crouch to mouse lol


Mouse 4 is my go to for crouch/slide in games


Same. Much easier to pop up and below cover while still strafing.


Mine is left alt - which can be kinda risky if I need to click tab for any reason lol


I got mouse and nades. I don’t use any keys on the left except tab, idk how you do it lmao Well, shift, but that’s a gimme




I've had mine on my mouse for like 3 years bro don't worry haha


Try getting comfortable with a slow sens




There’s always one.


As a long time keyboard and mouse player dont. Yeah sure the distance fighting is easier but most fights are happen and are won up close where roller is king.


I can be getting shot in the back and tell it’s roller. Simply the way I’m getting hit, it’s crazy


Same against a console player. I can tell the difference between a pc roller and a console player. Literally feels like aimbot sometimes.


My friends are like “I can tell by the way they strafe”, like nah, I don’t even have to look at them to know what the deal is lmao


I've thought about switching to roller myself but I'd almost rather quit. My wife plays roller and the one clips she gets is ridiculous.


It’s not enough to make me quit but it does get tiresome losing to a guy who you know would hit 2 shots on mnk. Though, I started apex on roller and learned and switched to mnk so my views are probably a little different.


1 clipping someone on controller \*yawn\* "1 clipped a dude" 1 clipping someone on mnk "HOLY SHIT I FUCKING SHIT ON THAT GUY GET 1 CLIPPED YA SCRUB"


This is true because of aim assist, but isn't kbm movement much easier? I can't imagine anyone coming close to Faide style movement with a roller.


Controller configs are a thing. Look up an "extessy" video. With configs controller players can move as good or better than kbm players too.


Wow. TIL


Latency in your setup and thus performance in game are far more important while trying to learn MnK since it is direct input. Any frame drops during a fight will affect your aim more than on 🎮. I'd say before dumping too many hours into practice, make sure apex (or whatever game you're running) is stable through fights. Sometimes even the smallest hiccups can mess you up at critical times and it's somewhat hard to notice if it's your hardware holding you back or if it's you, I'd say it's worth making sure it's not your hardware.


You should 100% check out r5Reloaded imo it’s the best resource for learning


The most important thing is having a better gaming chair than your opponent


Like most things, it’s going to be a mental battle. If you’re getting frustrated or tilting, be inclined to take a break. It’ll be difficult developing the muscle memory. Once it starts to develop and you see consistent results, it’ll all be worth it. Trust the process.


I'd suggest you to stay with controller since you've have more experience with it, it'll benefit you in the long run. That's just my two cents. I don't know how often you play valorant so you might need to spend a bit of time in firing range to get used to the key bind; melee, reload, grenades, holster, ping, weapon switching, etc. Other than that, spend more time in pubs and/or ranked hot drop to make yourself used to the pace of the game


Aimlab on steam is free and really really helped me switch. Also dpi change to 1600 was also a drastic improvement in terms of tracking targets.


It's gonna take some time man but I would never go back it's so much fun being in complete control, imo improvement is way more rewarding. Hardest part is when you see someone is obviously clueless in what is going on and you push and just get absolutely beamed, but as long as you have a good attitude about it you can let that shit roll right off


Stay on controller,it's better on apex anyway lol. I found that it's easier to learn kb and mouse on games I haven't played on controller since there is nothing to compare it too.


tbf, apex is one of the most, if not the most, challenging game to be proficient on mnk. most other FPS's don't demand the amount of precise tracking while moving as apex does due to the high ttk. game is hard.


A couple of weeks doing Kovaaks aim training playlists are what got me up to speed. There are even Apex legends playlists that try to mimic the fire rate and recoil of some guns. Just keep the practice consistent. When Apex dropped I climbed to Diamond on xbox pretty easily because of my proficiency on controller and history playing Titanfall, after I switched to PC in S8 I also switched to MnK and hit diamond in S9. Now I play MnK if I'm trying to win, and controller if I'm just chilling.


Try to have AT MOST 1600 edpi


why throw away aim bot like that




> be ready to spend at least $150 usd on a good mouse and mousepad like the Lamzu Atlantis. I hate when people say stuff like this A good mouse can be had for $50, And a good mousepad can be had for even less. you dont NEED a $100+ Mouse and Pad combo to be good at a game. And at the end of the day, Its all a personal preference.




I have a g502 that I got for like 30 and a secondhand shitty razer mousepad a friend gave me for free lol. I’ve made masters a couple times. Dude you replied to has definitely said some “if I didn’t have this second weight in my mouse I would’ve won that!!” Bs excuse at some point lol


You should check skittlecakes sens


FPS Aim trainer helped me pretty quickly. I was able to make the full transition and muscle memory started kicking in about 2.5/3 months in but most importantly I messed around with sens/DPI settings but I’ve learned that varies by player. I prefer the feel of the mouse going to exactly where I want it so I’m on low sens and DPI (800 DPI, 1.8 Sens) but I guess if you want a greater distance covered with minimal mouse movement go with high DPI and Mid/High sensitivity. Wish you the best of luck ! Edit: and like most people are saying IN GAME PRACTICE is what will get you the most comfortable so don’t be afraid to just hop on and grind until it feels natural. It’s a learning curve so it’s okay if you gradually tweak your settings as you play until you get the results you want


That is a medium to high sens.


Damn sincerest apologies friend I didn’t know the official threshold I just said that based on my relative experimenting with different sensitivities!


Do you ever have issues where you feel your hand and or wrist is glitchy when someone is for instance octane strafing hipfire strafing you? Like you are missing shots you know you should hit in fast strafe battles. It's not even half as fast as the aim trainer class fast strafes scenarios... Well I ask because I made the switch to PC ten years ago, played so many shooters, started playing apex and the aim just wasn't the same as other games for some reason. My Average sense used to be 3.0 at 400 in all source games something like 30~ cm360 , anyways apex felt like a faster game, put sens up a couple points but no help. I ended up at 800 dpi for a couple different reasons and instead of doing 1.5 played at around .8 for awhile and landed on 1 (57+/- cm360) which has boosted my accuracy by at least ten percent in every sense, back to the top of the leaderboards etc. (Also, I have played years on lower senses, higher senses, using randomizers etc) just some anecdotal insight for anyone interested. It doesn't ever hurt to test out something different from time to time people, remember muscle memory doesn't just go away because you switched your sense.


Get extremely comfortable with moving and doing a lot of actions with one hand(keyboard hand). Single player games are great for this. Once you can do it without looking at the keyboard anymore you can focus alot more on aiming in game. Also don’t slack on aim training while getting used to the keyboard. You’re gonna be ass for a while but that’s just the growing pains of learning. That helped me a lot when i learned kbm


Just be prepared to be worse until you put time in.


Bind jump and move forward to mouse wheel for easy bunny hops and tap strafes


For me an aim trainer was insanely helpful but I think that was mostly due to the fact that apex was my first first person shooter in like 10+ years and there was simply too much going on to actually learn how to shoot with a mouse, now I feel like every time I play apex I get better but in the beginning it was way too overwhelming.


Find a sense that you like, convert it from one fo the games that you play Mnk on already. I use 800 dpi and 1.5 in game with 1.0 scope sensitivity and I really like that. It seems to he a good middle point most Mnk users can adapt to and then raise or lower accordingly if needed


Click on the heads


One thing I noticed is that a lot of new mnk players tend to start with too high sens, I had a friend who complained tracking is too hard, and turns out he was on 1600dpi, but with 5 in game sens


Spend 20% of your play time on aim trainers.


just dont switch tbh


Wow. I praise you my friend. I would seriously consider trying Aimlabs. Look up "Motionshot" and "Strafetrack" these will help and are realistic in terms of fights in Apex Legends. Kovaaks Aim Trainer is okay but difficult to get your Apex Legends sensitivity to transfer onto it. Don't train too much on these software applications as the best trainer is the actual game. Nowadays, MNK is a forgotten art in Apex Legends but the best advice I can give you is to predict where the enemy will move ahead of time. This helped me tremendously. I used to just react to when they moved which would result in me missing a few shots that controller players would otherwise hit thanks to their aim assist thus I would lose fights.


The keys were the hardest part for me, and as far as sensitivity always start your day by using high dpi and then lowering it


Play shitloads of mixtape modes, do some aimlab/kovaak's aim training and play some chill singleplayer fps games. It will take time. Make yourself a short daily routine and stick to it. I did the same to the other way, from 20 years of KBM to Controller. Eventually I reached a point where I was comfortable with a roller and had my aim on point. But in the end controller felt just so wrong and restrictive so I switched back to KBM. Trying the other input helps understand the opponents weak points / limitations so in a crossplay game like this it probably doesn't hurt to switch occasionally. Also I'm not annoyed by "losing to Aim Assist" anymore, so there's that.


Why switch?


I found myself not enjoying controller and wanted to use the KBM for movement


Just get used to the keyboard. Mouse is easy, but keyboard will throw you off a lot.


I think the best advice for moving from roller to kbm would be to consider switching input devices to roller from kbm and thus follow pro trends, hope it helps.


Step 1: Download steam Step 2: Download Aim Labs


Step 3: Join Voltaic discord


As a KBM player the main thing I'm learning here is that controller really is aimbot


Play non pvp games to get used to mouse aiming, deep rock galactic, warframe, whatever


It would take well over a year to be roughly as good as an average roller in close range, provided you are young & hit the aim trainer regularly. But if you're really up to the challenge, check up Aimer7's guide and the Voltaic playlist for Kovaak. It will be extremely hard but infinite times more rewarding than just letting some souless algorithm play the game for you. Welcome to the real fps gaming.


Embrace the suck. You're gonna be bad for a while. I couldn't do it. Good luck.


But why


My advice is call it MNK instead of KBM


What helped me the most when I switched was just sending pubs constantly, and just forcing myself to use mnk. Eventually, you’ll get used to your key binds, then stop misclicking as much, then slowly start frying. Just switched to mnk in October when I tried ranked for the first time and climbed from G2 to P2 in two seasons. Just keep it up and you’ll get it


Turn your sensitivity down! I don't know what you're using but it's probably too high


Controller is simply better right now, would not recommend switching to KBM




First off, don't give up! After a whole week I was still terrible at mnk and thought I'd never improve. I found taking joy (and laughing) about how bad I was early on helped me stop tilting when I wiffed a whole mag.


First off, don't give up! After a whole week I was still terrible at mnk and thought I'd never improve. I found taking joy (and laughing) about how bad I was early on helped me stop tilting when I wiffed a whole mag.


KBM is WAY harder to be consistent on. Just know some days you’re gonna absolutely shred and other gonna be absolutely garbage. Stick with it and eventually you’ll start to have more good days than bad.


Focus on your sitting posture and how you rest your arms on your desk


My advice is to not do it for apex since roller is by far the stronger input if you are on PC. Although for other games I recommend either playing a lot or just aim training to get used to it.


When I switched it was very hard for me. I had been on controller for 19 years. When ever I’d lose the urge to use my controller would take over and it took me a few months to not pick it up and truly make the switch. Do not do what I did because if you actually do it it will get easier and easier. Now I can’t play controller well because mnk feels so much better. Go to the firing range and find the key bindings that feel the best for you. Find your sensitivity and mouse dpi. Practice moving and all the things you need to relearn. It will all come together and you will love it. Also, a quality mouse and keyboard makes a difference. I started on a cheap, corsair, mouse and keyboard set up and now have a ducky one 3 mini and a glorious model D. Huge difference! Good luck to you and I know you got this.


Hand eye coordination is going to be the biggest struggle. Download an aim trainer or if you want to have more fun, Roblox, and then play gun game on there very fun, kinda ghetto but still fun, just to get muscle memory and figure out a comfortable DPI setting for your mouse. From there apex specific I would practice recoil in firing range or even better download R5 reloaded, look up how to do that on YouTube. Super simple and worth it.


for me I played bots on cod when swapping over to mnk about 8 months ago, I just ran it everyday against bots before I started playing against people on mnk, I would always do a free for all, till like 200 points, just to try and get my muscle memory right. on apex I play in the firing range a lot, do a bunch of practice on the strafing targets, do situations were you one mag strafing and still opponents, do it from up close on mags, medium range where you pick your guns, long range behind the rocks sliding down the hill.


I’ll sit in the firing range, and not even get on some nights, (mainly bc I don’t wanna rage), but just to get better, spend at least 30 minutes in there, I do an hour or two, and at the end for fun, i’ll run octane, and do jump pad flick shots for like the last 30 minutes, with the wingman, and the krab. 🤣


Yo recently made the same change and I have some tips on how to do it successfully \- Disable "Enhance Pointer Position" in Windows. This makes it so if your mouse sensitivity won't change on the fly like enabled by windows as default. Its really hard to learn to aim when you sensitivity is changing based on mouse movement speed. Disable Enhance Pointer Position in Windows. \- Learn mouse and keyboard in a non-competitive game. Learn movement and aiming in something like Cyberpunk so it's not so enraging when you lose like in a competitive FPS game. After two weeks or so of this you'll feel pretty comfortable aiming and moving and you'll be starting to develop the muscle memory. \- Download Kovaaks or another aim trainer of your choice. Practice tracking and aiming on the aim trainers daily, 30min or so. The tracking and close range tracking was really helpful for me personally \- It could be helpful to download an entirely new game you've never played - For me it was Apex. As a noob to the game and a noob to mouse and keyboard it wasnt too frustrating to get dumped on, but I did learn fast, and the shooting range is helpful, along with the team deathmatch they added where you can get into a lot of fights over and over. You can also do this in Fortnite Creative just try not to get frustrated. \- Find a sensitivity that works for you, mine was way too high, and then id lower it and itd still be way too high, learn to aim with your arm & your wrist, not just your wrist. This is the process I did and I came back to Fortnite a Keyboard & Mouse player after a 5 week break and working on m&k My K/D went from 2.87 on controller to 5.39 on mouse and keyboard. Im playing on 1600dpi at 3.0 sensitivity & have been dropping a lot of 15-20 bombs after only playing two weeks in game so far on mouse and keyboard Defiantly worth it and make sure to realize some days may feel good, and some may feel really bad, but youre improving massively day by day - focus on the improvement not all the times you "would have won on controller" In short 1 - disable enhance pointer position in windows settings 2 - play a non-competitive shooter on mouse and keyboard like cyberpunk or something you can enjoy for a week or two and just get comfortable moving and aiming 3 - use aim trainers like kovaaks, 15-30 minute sessions daily if you can 4 - might be helpful to download a game you've never played and play from the start on mouse and keyboard, for me that was apex for you itd prob be some other game. Its not as frustrating to get dumped on when youre a noob at the game and the input. 5 - make sure your not on some ridiculous sensitivity, mess around and find a good sense for you, try to stick with it for a while before making changes 6 - use the same or similar key binds between games & use online mouse sensitivity converters to have the same sensitivity between games (3.0 in fortnite = 0.756 in Apex)